(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi spicegal,
Wah... okie, I better bring my own then... cuz also dunno how much will actually be used during the short stay there...

DJ Mama
you're going to wear your own PJ at Mt E ah?
for my #1, they have this one-piece gown which can open on both sides for BFing, so i didn't bring along any PJs at all, not sure abt now.

and for baby wrapping blanket, during the stay there, they'll use the hosp wrapping blanket to wrap baby leh, so you only need to bring along one for going home.
then again, that was last yr, not sure abt next yr....

as for breastpads, good to bring along so that you can put when you're discharged.
during your stay there, i dun think you need it, at least not for me, cos of the engorgement, it'll be painful to wear bra to put the breastpads.

you opting for single bedded or 2-bedded?
oh about PJs, i bot this brand Karmy (from USA) pyjamas. Very comfy cotton that has buttons in front. I bot 4 pieces already. You can find them at John Little or this Triumph shop in Square 2 (near to Mama Bakery). $23.90 per piece.
haha.. i bought my PJ from bugis area...
2 for $16 only.. cute cute one, quite comfy cos it's cotton. Anyway wun wear after confinment le.. :p
hi mommies,

i also planning to start packing hospital bag liao... Need to buy disposable panties,heavy flow pads...

Maybe next month can start washing bb clothes ! So exciting ! small tiny clothes on hanger... so cute.. hehe
Peachmomo, yah Karmy brand PJ is good. OG also have.

My fren even bring a box of tissue paper in case the one at hospital run out. If you take from hospital, they will charge to your bill, and its more exp then outside, so better to bring.
Hi Jas,
Yup, I will be wearing my own pjs... cuz I am terribly afraid of cold, was hospitalised twice during my first tri and i practically froze my socks off. So bought long sleeve pjs to wear when I am there...

I am going for single bed... cuz I dun dare to sleep alone, need hubby to be with me... I took a 4 bedder when i was hospitalised and then end up the 3 beds arond me empty and hubby cannot stay with me... end up with a huge panic attack... my gynae had to discharge me inthe middle of the night... so I think better get single bedded so I dun inconvenience anyone!

Plus of course I can control room temperature, then wun freeze liaoz... haha wad about you?
DK: Just called GlenE, they have hospital tour every Tues at 12pm and Thurs 4pm.

What about 18 Dec at 4pm?
It will take less than 1 hr and for each session they will take 7 couples.
If ok, we can start to book liao.
No: 64737222

I started my antenatal with TMC Mrs Wong on Tues.
Very informative, but no notes, so got to jot my own notes.

what is PP???

faith ong,

when u use machine to wash bb clothes, did u spin dry or place them in a laundry bag to wash???? the clothes are so tiny and i wonder if the machine will spoil the clothes.....
Washing baby clothing are so cute.. all so little tiny.. i had wash some.. & keep in cupboard.. happy looking at the clothing.. nice smell too.. kodomo really like new born baby's smell. ha

I am not very sure the sale items.. as i haven't go & take a look. Maybe you can call to check? John little phone no: 67348168

May i know where is kidzloft warehouse?
DJ Mama
i also dun dare to sleep alone.
hubby wanted me to take single bedded, but he doesn't want to stay over with me.
so i'm going for 2-bedded.
for my #1, i took 2-bedded and had the whole room to myself.
i panicked too, and had the room door opened all the time.
but it's not so bad as the counter is just outside and there're nurses on duty.
so when they wanted to close the room door, i stopped them!
keke.......... 2nd and 3rd nite got neighbour liao.

oh i had fever on the 1st nite, and had the aircon on full blast, to the lowest temp, but still felt hot.
2nd and 3rd nite i was feeling better, so adjusted the temp to a more moderate temp, else my neighbour will freeze! LOL
I put all the baby clothing items in laundry bags. Yes, did spin dry in machine n the clothes are ok (not out of shape).

Yes, with all the little cute baby clothing n items hanging on the poles, it really look very interesting. Ha...ha...my husband even took pics of the cute bb clothes hanging on the poles. My PIL are feel happy when they saw the scene. Hee..hee...everyone have the same remark "Cute"
sounds so exciting getting ready for our little one!!!

anyone got any recommendations for baby crib and cot bumper set?
Kidzloft have good lobang? Most prob going down this sat... hope can get some good catch.
I will be hand washing the bb clothes next month after I'd bought my bb station/closet from IKEA. Tot of doing something for the bb before she is born. Duno why :p

Btw mummies, for Medela pumps, heard from a friend that the bb shop on 5th floor @ Paragon sells much cheaper than Taka, Robinson etc even with their sale on-going. Reason being is that the shop does parallel import. Maybe can check it out.

Kamy PJ having 20% off for card members at John Little now. Bought my PJs at Robinson 2 days earlier before I realised my mistake. Wasted 3 x 20%. heartpain.

Hadnt start packing my hospital bag yet. Think maybe I'll do that towards late Dec.

haiz. I understand. I was nearly in same situation as you now earlier on. My prob is with my sister in law. She is relent to let my MIL take care of my bb and insisted that she has to take care of my niece and in Apr her bb instead, although this was pre-arranged much much earlier. If I'd stayed near my parents, my parents will only be too happy to take care of my bb. Luckily all sorted out liao.
hee i also have washed most of baby clothes, but stil got other items haven wash.. aft wash al pack in ziplog bag. oops bt i nvr use special detergent.. hee futur mus use
Hi Mommies to be...
I am from the April 2008 thread... Looking to sell my infant car seat as my baby will be moving on to a front facing one.

Maxi Cosi Cabrio Car Seat (Black) - In almost brand new condition. Bought for $358.... willing to accept any offers of $200 - $250. Can pass to you in late Jan. (I actually regret not buying a 2nd hand one as baby only uses it for a few months)

I do not accept PM so kindly email me at [email protected]
thanks and have a good weekend.
Due to many clients frm SMH forum emails we received requests ( 2009 MTB ) Our Postnatal Jamu Retreat Promotions will be extended to end February 2009. Complementary of telon oil, pradasari milk scrub, cloth binder and ginger slimming creams for all package. Visit our website malaypostnatal.blogspot.com or SMH BIZ THREAD for more info about the promotion. Tks and wish all MTB could have an easy delivery.
Hey everyone! Had a good night's rest? Was quite tired last night, dozed off at the sofa. ha ha!

I have this persistent backache since last Friday. So annoying! When I wake up, i can feel the muscle pulling. I think i might want to start going for antenatal massage liao.
morning mommies

slept ok only last night.. moment wake up, bb kicks liao... hehe..i also ALWAYS doze off at sofa then proceed to room to continue zZZZzzz...

I most prob gg to Kidzloft tom ! Seeya mommies there for those gg..
good morning ladies,

peachmomo...hope u feel better today....also feeling achy when sleeping so wasnt the best sleep i need..

do u swim? i find that swimming helps curb the backaches ...even waddling in the pool helps..
Hi Jas,
Wow... if i were u, sure cry and cry... i m really v chicken abt sleeping alone.... nv once in my life I had to sleep alone becos I come from a family with alot of siblings and cousins...

But first nite u had fever quite jialart leh... how did that happen?

Btw, will be going on company trip and back Monday....wishing all mtbs a good weekend!
*Tollyjoy sale: 21-23Nov @ 29 Changi South St.1
*Johnson&Johnson's sale: 02-04Dec 10am-7pm @ International Business Park (Jurong East), The Atrium #01-10
hi ladies...

so happy to see my baby today...she's well behaved and just sucking her hands all through the scan and kicking a bit =) when the doctor did his measurements of the baby's body, the machine calculated as per the measurement that the baby's size is for a 35 week one...and i'm only in my 28th week!!! she's very chubby and cute...hehe! now hubby calling her "chubbs"...haha! =) our doctor also did a 3d scan for us for free so we were able to take home some 3d pics! =)
i've not started to wash anything yet leh! neither have i packed my hospital bag! wah, some of u mummies are really fast!

my fren was telling me not to wash e baby clothing yet, since it'll still be a while before i need them... so maybe i'll wash end dec or early jan... but guess if put into ziplock bag, they'll stay clean until e baby arrives...

i bought pigeon liquid laundry detergent, again under my recommendation! she said only a few drops needed each time, so think wat i bought can last a long long time...

my cot oso not in yet... my hubby asked me to get them to send soon, so we can gauge e space in our room and buy e relevant drawers or cupboard for our little gal's stuff... rite now, they are juz piling up in a corner of our living room!

yeah, me going for e tollyjoy warehouse sale tomolo... need to get towels for e little one! but not too sure abt e hrs... will juz go in e afternoon, shd be quite safe...

as for prenatal massage, my therapist was not too willing to massage me harder leh... so while it helps a little to soothe e backache, it's not as shiok as before!

yeah, think swimming is really very gd... at least according to my husband... he said there was tis nite after i swam tat i snored so loudly, i woke him up in e middle of e nite! mind u, i dun usually snore...
Hey all, I just came back from the tollyjoy sale.
Actually, its so-so only la. cos the clothes on sale are those "samples" that you see at dept stores and some have yellowish stains.
But i bot a lot of wet wipes though. Went with a friend so she said this kind is worth buying. $14 for 2 packs (which has 3 packets each packaging). Hence I bot the whole carton (8 packs inside).

I bot liquid detergent. The powdered detergent costs $7.90 (usual $8.90). Since i bot pigeon's, so i didnt get it.
Ok a short list of what i bot. Maybe you girls can judge if worth going. This place is far too. Without car, its quite inconvenient.

1) Wet wipes (3 packets) 2 packs for $14
2) Liquid detergent (refill packs) 2 for $8.50 each
3) Food and vegetable wash 2 for $11.50 each (i think)
4) Toys (those that you pull a string and some music will be played) - 3 for $5 cos there are some defects in some.
5) Cotton wool (those huge roll type)

That's all! Please share what you bot if you went to the sale too ok?
Supposed to go to loreal sale at expo. in the end too tired and too hungry. So decided to skip it. I spent almost $180 at Tollyjoy too. Sigh my bb is sucking my money! Haha
DJ Mama
gynae told me some pple will develop fever after c-sec op, so there i had it lor.

nurses made me pop paracetamol every few hours...

enjoy your trip!
I havent been swimming for 2 weeks. usually will try to swim at least once a week. Maybe I will go tonight. But the sky seems dark. Sigh..

By the way, Tollyjoy takes cash or nets only!
mibebe: Cute hor? Suck thumb? So guai your bb. She's huge for 28 weeks then? Did the doc says if she will come out earlier? Im worried if my bb is too big. Scared the pain of giving birth. Is your belly big? Sigh last night before shower i was staring at my belly. IT LOOKS HUGE SUDDENLY! I started wailing again. sigh..
how come u all alwaz get to see ur bb suck thumb one... my fren also... so good!!

everytime i go for scan, the doc go round and round, so fast, i dun even noe what is what...
morever they are too huge to "squeeze" into 1 screenshot now...
Thanks RickoVeron & Olivia =) Will go check out the John Little sale cos tmr going marina sq anyway. As for the Tollyjoy sale, I dun think I going, too far away. If any of you going, I also heard from my fren taht good to buy the wet wipes.

I already set on buying kodomo detergent, so waiting for discounts!
peachmomo: yeah, so cute! doctor said she's really big for 28 weeks but he didn't mention if she will come out earlier. me too, got worried that i will go c-sec if she grows big big!! i wanna do normal birth but now very scared of the pain =( my belly already big and heavy so i get tired very easy. my total weight gain is around 10kg!
mibebe, your baby is at week 35 of growth when only 28 weeks! she's growing very fast! my boy was at 28 weeks of devt when i scanned him at 26 weeks, doc already said he was 'growing too well' so i was a bit scared. im also afraid will end up with C-delivery because I want to do natural birth. But it may mean have to do episotomy.. doubly painful..

looks like i will check out the John Little and Taka sales tomorrow before I go Baby Kingdom to buy all the stuff this weekend!
gracie_gal: baby growing very fast indeed, hopefully she won't get too fat or else i can't imagine the pain on giving birth!

btw, the taka sales, how many % discount? only baby items on sale or everything?
hi ladies,

had my gynae visit today. gynae say baby is super big.
at 27th week, bb is 1.6kg.
i hv to really watch my diet.. no milk/ sweet drinks

me went to marina sq john little. things that i hv purchased with 20% discount :
receiving blanket- pk of 2 @$9.90
pigeon liquid cleanser 700ml $14.70
pigeon pacifier $4.90
pigeon powder 250gm $2.90
karmy sleepwear $23.90

other stuff bought wihout the 20% discount
carlson wetwipes 80s $5.50
pigeon diaper detergent 1kg $6.90
pigeon breastpads 36+free 6 $8.90
pigeon bb foam shampoo 350ml $12.90
pigeon bb foam soap 500ml $13.90
tollyjoy bb liners 100s $11.90
tollyjoy cotton balls 100pcs $2.80
morning ladies..

there will be a xmas charity at ngee ann city for the under priviledge children today until 6pm. Do come down with your families and give ur support! :D

seems like tollyjoy sale not realli worth going hur?

some of u got pacifiers? For me, i am totally against 2 baby items, pacifiers and baby walkers. I think its a bad habit to suck pacifiers and also hygiene problem, esp when it drops and bb pick it up himself and put back to mouth. For walkers, i think it will affect the growth of their legs. My 5 yr old nephew survive without both items thru out his baby years.
catmomo: I havent use it yet cos I need to wash the cover of the pillow. but i would think its useful cos its long like a bolster but its already shaped properly. Now my bolster is sticking out and hitting either my belly or my husband. Its cheap anyway la. $19.95 after discount. Hee..

babywiz: ya got botties and mittens. Those "i love mummy or i love daddy" type. $1 for 1 pair. They are not in the packaging so you can choose.

Oh ya I also bot milk bottles $1 each. I bot 4 so i can store the breast milk in future. My friend said so. And I also bot some clothes. Clothes i spent $25 on it. Forgot to mention.
I guess the wipes costs me more?

Can go to the tollyjoy sale IF you have time, have car and live nearby. No harm searching around cos its just my opinion that the stuff are abit old. You have to be careful when the cashier starts ringing in your items cos they can be quite blur and charge you more than you should be paying. Thats what happened to my friend so she had to run back to get her money.
If anyone have news on kodomo warehouse sale (if they have), please post it here ok? share the news! Everything seems to be so expensive now. If can save even a bit, its good!
For bb laundry detergent, I got the chemical free ones from NTUC at Thomson. They got good range of organic products there. Have not started washing, tot will wash early Jan... Have not packed hospital bag oso.. prob end dec bah keke..

Kidzloft: Not too bad, eveything 30% off. They only sell latex mattress (with holes). Safety First products. According to the lady, you can still order online with discount and if above $250 is free delivery. Sale ends 30th Nov.

Tollyjoy: Nothing much. Pretty old stuff. Most woth to get are the wipes. I got wipes, cotton balls and nappy liners. And a pack of nappies.

Robinson's: That night was a 1 night special only. 20% off storwide, but not much BB stuff anyway. More for xmas shopping and household items.

Am going for a talk at Mount A today. On breastfeeding and infant care. Oso hospital tour. They really popular cos phamplet put 10am-2pm. When I called it was fully booked. Apparently there's another session 2-5pm. Shoould be fully booked by now.

My bb at 28w4d was 1.5kg....doc oso said he's pretty big :p but doc happy abt my weight gain and din ask me cut down. So still not so bad keke. So far my total weight gain is 10kg. Past 2 weeks no weight gain...
back from tollyjoy... yup, nothing much... only bought 2 towels wif hood... never buy any wipes cos oreidi bought 6 big pkts of pigeon 1s a while back...
went to Kidzloft today too, spent $120 on 11 items. not too bad lah hor? Bought alot of Cheeky BonBon pdts. Good tat now they have 30% sale. But tat place, no car, really quite inaccessible and quite small place actually.
Bought mainly Baby's bedding stuffs like Cot bumper, crib sheet, sleep positioning pillow, pillow covers. Also bought 1 pkt of nappy cloth and the liners, cotton wool and bath mat.
Wanted to get the latex mattress, but the price before disc is the same as BabySafe. So i think i wld rather buy BabySafe, feel it's a better brand.
But i realised that my hands were "black" after coming out from there, very dusty. Luckily their the things are all packaged in plastic bags....

Went to KKH for a Talk on "Nurturing Your Child". Very interesting. Free lunch + some goodie bag! Haha.. cover financial, Vaccinations and the last part abt Fathering and bonding with child. The speaker quite humorous, at 1 point even laugh until i tear.. =p
Gave me a different perspective abt Daddys. I think also help me to better understand wat my hubby gone thru during my pregnancy and what I can do to help him and us to anticipate the arrival and caring for our new baby.
