(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Wah... all of you seems to be very ready for bb's arrival le... Joanne, why did u choose 28 Jan? Is it for auspicious reasons or under doc's advise?

I just hope I won;t pop on Valentine's Day... any other day is fine for me, as long as bb comes out healthy, happy and pretty.

DJ Mama
why not Valentine's Day?
So that hubby will give you 2 pressies instead of 1?
Or so that hubby will celebrate v-day and bb bday separately instead of just baby's bday?
Hi Jas,
Hahaha... actually I dun celebrate V-Day... but I think quite sad to have birthday on V-Day leh...every year I notice the whole world is outside on V Day... want to have a nice quiet dinner also tough... then everything becomes super expensive too... so ya, to have birthday on such "holiday" not too good la...
hi jas.

cos my low placenta n big BB. so she say wk 38th lor.. probabaly on 28 jan ..
aga, aga..
will see how nearer the date
Hi all mummies,

just want to ask if any of you experience stretch marks on breasts? I do not have any on my stomach at all, although my baby is on the heavier side and i did not put on much weight. but since abt 2 weeks ago, i realised that my breasts began to itch, at first i thought it was because of bra (even though I am wearing bigger sizes now), but am noticing lines at the bottom of breasts.. so upset! should i apply moisturiser or stretchmark cream on breasts??

Also, almost everyone i met commented that my stomach is small for a 7-month baby. i thought it is very rude of those people who come up to me, touch my stomach (without asking) and then say it is small. esply when im not even "close" to them. Do you ladies have the same experience? Or am i just too paranoid? i am of a bigger built and my husband says perhaps it is because my interior has more space to accomodate baby (since i use to gain and lose weight easily), and compared to the petite mummies, i will naturally not look huge. is it true??
hi gracie
dont be worried about the size of your tummy. Important thing is baby is growing well and of good weight. I am pretty short and abit big bone, so pple cant tell much in the beginning too. As compare to other pple, mine seems relatively smaller too. Your hubby is right loh..

As for pple touching, i just let them be.. i guess they just care for u so comment abit without thinking.

oh ya my breast also got stretch marks.. but nvm lah... we wont need to show off to public =P tummy more important, so can wear bikini.

me already full of stretchmarks all over =P cant be bothered much now. I not so pretty also good, so hubby will feel more secure. hahaha
Hi gracie,
Ya, I also dun like it when ppl just touch my tummy and make comments on the size. Usually I tell them its private property!
Think I read somewhere that breasts wil also get stretchmarks...think u can apply stretchmark cream there and try not to scratch anymore but refrain from applying at the nipples area.
As to whether our tummies are big or small, there is no reason for us to explain la... some of us just hv small tums, some of us hv big tums lor... dun think abt what ppl say and just be yourself is the best!
hi ladies,

dun hv stretchmarks on breasts/ tummy
but hv green veins on breasts..
and me now using 3 bra extenders ...

so far no one come to touch my tummy.
only ppl asking me how many mths only
i gt some stretch marks on my breast as well cos i used to be very very fat.. i think you should try applying moisturiser or stretchmark cream since it just appear..

Ya, dun care when ppl comment about your tummy as long as baby is growing well.. I think normally people with bigger built or a bit plump, tummy won't be so obvious..
hey mummies, anynbody shppoed at www.bbshop.com.sg? they deliver and they also have a shop at bishan.

i am actually looking for the kiddopotamus snuzzler and their shop is the only i can find that has it...so want to know if they are reliable.
thanks everyone. i feel better 'letting it out' and sharing with you ladies.. i also believe that most imptly baby must be healthy and since he is heavy, it cant be that he is small so i must have a lot of space inside. and it is true that stretchmarks on breasts better than on stomach.. only husband see anyways.. haha.
Stretchmarks: nothing visible yet but i'm just crossing my fingers. Heard from some mummies that their stretchmarks appear like 30+ weeks later. So better keep my mouth shut.

I dont use msn at work and its just too distracting. So i just rather post here. Erm.. those that are on msn, try to peek in here once in a while ok? Our thread super low profile as compared to others.
I went to kidzloft today. Spent like $180 there. Actually if you ask what specifically did i buy, i really dunno! Ha ha!
I got a bolster from cheekybonbon and they are clearing some old designs at 50%. the other items are storewide 30%. Might want to go there again with my hubby. Weekdays are better (of cos) since most ppl are on leave. THere are latex mattresses on sale (someone was asking about this) The thinner one is $69 and thicker one is at $129. I also bot some socks and a snuggle pillow for myself. Supposed to be good for pregnant women. Also from cheekybonbon, $19.95 after 50%. This place is at Tagore lane, quite inacessible if you dont have a car.
Oh i bot swimming "trunks" for my bb too! ha its so cute and only $4! My friend said she paid $20 over for one piece. So its quite a steal. Not too many left though.

Anyone else went for this sale?
I saw the "Safety First" ear thermometer at this kidzloft. Its $105 less 30%. Does anyone know if this brand is good? I know that Braun thermometer is good but its ex leh. $149 at stores. My friend bot hers at the spree for $89.
anybody know where to purchase the kiddopotamus snuzzler (it's the head and body support used in prams, carrier, carseats)?
Oh no! Mummies going away to MSN again! Agree with PeachMoMo, mummies who are on msn try to come back once in a while to chat leh! This thread will become quieter liao! Will miss you gals!

Me planning to take 1-2 weeks MC prior to my due date on 17th Feb to rest at home. My gyane is ok to give MC, so most prob I'll take MC instead of AL. AL can keep for next year :p

My tummy has been touched by numerous ppl. I'm ok with them touching so far, with and without asking me, as long as they dun tickle me! But I feel mummies who dun feel comfortable with ppl touching shld tell them directly that you are not comfortable with it. Otherwise they will not know and will keep touching. Somehow the next comment after touching my tummy will be "Ur tummy isnt really big for 6.5mth leh." Then I'll answer back "Tummy small good wat! Lesser backache!" Healthy bb more impt lah.
i hv been quietly reading n i enjoyed all yr postings.
hubby outstationed in states n i cried for 2 nites despite i telling bb daddy will be back soon.ironical i no.
i staying with inlaws n i had been on bad terms with his single aunt as i asked mil to ask her move back her own hse so bb can hv a rm. then world war 3 started n we declared war on each other. i no longer cared if her siblings say i rude n heartless but then i feel hey this is t 1st grandchild n she not a mother she wont understd how mother feel.
do u feel bb seem like getting bigger n their movements stronger. bb will give me kicks like asking me to bed n am wake up call. haha
oh yes mummies do come back here n chat as i dont use msn in office 2.
gracie, i got stretchmarks on my boobs too.. it is only only at the bottom but at the top too!! so i cant wear very low cut.. so sad.. but nvm, normal nvr show boobs around also.. got very very dark veins also.. disfigured liao.. surprising my tummy also dont have..

they are saying for stretchmarks, if have then have, dont have then dont have,but i wonder why stomach expand so big dont have, boobs also not very big mah, why have..
yeah man.. my stretchmarks are like railway track and seem to extend everyday...

For it to disappear is no way, hopefully it can get lighten after delivery.
Treat it as a "trademark" for giving birth bah...
joannelim: yah lor, we have the same EDD.
i also suspect mine may be earlier, cos the baby's progress is like 15 Feb.

DK: havent get to call GlenE for the hospital tour yet. keep forgetting

strechmarks: it is like everywhere, even thigh also have.
too lazy to put on the cream. and veins too... on breast... looks disgusting.

as for leave, thinking of leaving it to as late as possible, so that can spend more time with baby.

maternity wear: saw spring maternity on sales, some items going on 50% discount, so tempted to buy, but in the end convince myself got only 3 months only, so dont buy... save money mode on. :p

my msn: [email protected]
Mibebe, I paid cash upon delivery. They accept cash/cheque upon delivery or bank fund transfer.

Peachmomo, you are right, during my 1st pregnancy, I also initially thought I dun have stretchmarks, mine developed during end of my 3rd tri and under my tummy which I cannot see and keep thinking I dun have. Currently, I am using the Braun thermometer.

Catmomo, stretchmarks will lighten and 'go away' after delivery, but of cos it will take months and for some years.
hi ladies,

stretchmarks. . i heard they can appear nearer to term so we might still have a chance to get them.

wedtobe, hope u r feeling better
u must be missing ur hb. press on, he'll be back soon.

mibebe, r u going back to deliver or staying in spore? if u r coming back, theres some online buying for kiddopotamus stuff. if im not wrong, i also saw the snuzzler thingy. let me know if u r interested.
morning mommies,

Long time no post liao, shall try to be more active

Just wanna ask, do u mommies here have tight stomach... mine seems to get tight n tummy is hard hard.. Just wondering if anything to worry about... n i am getting breathless... sometimes doing nothing ! Issit bb pressing on something ?

Added Grace to my msn !

i am contemplating to go Kidzloft, its worth checking our right ? Im looking for a mattress too. Is the quality good ?

Hallo Saro queenie,
I also get tight stomach and its kinda hard sometimes...but I noticed that when it happens, my tummy actually grew bigger... so i think its our tummy and bb growing inside...

I'm also easily breathless, sometimes sitting down also will happen... my doc say becos as our tummy grow bigger, our organs dun hv much space left, so we find it harder to breath, especially when the tummy is also expanding upwards, then the lungs get abit squashed...
saro queenie, DJ Mama,
same here. I realised quite a difference from last wk to this wk as i proceed into 3rd trimester. I get breathless by sitting down, not doing anything. I read that it's quite normal as more blood move away from the heart to our cater to our growing womb. But do take note if u get really breathless all the time as it may mean u are anaemic.

I do get tightening too.. esp when bloated, which occurs more often now. Also realised my Baby hor, sometimes like dun move for quite a long time. Like last nite, when i lie down in bed, he will usually kick for awhile, but yday he didnt move for quite sometime since late afternoon. (Or maybe i didnt realised). But I was really worried.. until this morning he kick again. Cos we are supposed to monitor fetal movts, so i rather he kick and kick than keep quiet....

I realised my 1st trimester mood swings and being paranoid is somehow back again.....
yday went to KKH for my 1st appt for the referal gynae. Quite impressed with KKH leh. Not as bad as i tot. I think they have improved over the years. Got mini shopping mall there, many shops. Good, Hubby wont be so bored if he really have to wait for me in labour..hahhaha
Baby is 1.2kg at 27+wks!! So happy to see him again. Saw his abdomen, look very round and big! hahaha... amazing.....
hi all,

i went to the kidzloft sales too. storewide 30% off. some stuff 50%
bot 12 items for S$137 ++
includes annaku cloth diapers, bb caps, bb changing mat, water thermometer, sleep positioner, blankets & nail clipper ..
Hows lunch mommies ?

u mommies are so tempting me to go Kidzloft ! Think i must make my way there this weekend liao, hope still got things for me to buy ....

2 more days before the weekend is here...

Catmomo, thats a good weight !
Wonder wat is my bb weight now....
It's so nice to know your bb's weights... my gynae only say estimated weight...never really measure... so I also dunno what is my bb's weight...doc only say she is normal sized.

I went Kidzloft before, I think last month, there was not much stuff to see and they did not even have latex matttresses... my hubby works near the area, maybe I shd ask him to look-see for me first before going... the way you girls describe, like quite happening there now! Hahaha...
DJ Mama,
my gynae also estimate one. I saw her referring to a chart after measuring the head and abdomen. That's y i wonder how come just by scanning they can tell us the weight...so they referred to a chart one.

Ya, also need to get a mattress for the cot, also looking ard. Tempted to go down, but abit far...
Sodesune... my gyane told me when i went for DS at 25 weeks that BB should be 600gms... but he did not say if she is 600gms... haha...

I am intending to buy the Vanille Cot from Baby Meadows... it comes with mattress, bedding set and free delivery if you order online. Spoke to a couple of ladies and they said that latex may not necessarily be good, because its softer than foam...and foam seems more popular too...so hubby and I decided to just use the foam mattress they provide and buy a latex one if baby doesn't like foam...

usually the U/S machine of the gynae has a formula for calculating weight ..so after the gynae take the measurements, the machine will automatically compute using the formula then give the estimated weight and percentile...maybe some machines doesnt have this function so they refer to the chart ba...

DJ mama,

i saw from the website of kidzloft that they have latex mattress: http://www.kidzloft.com/index.php?cPath=4&manufacturers_id=&page=4
they have 2 sizes to choose from and its 3 inches thick...but i personally prefer foam so i bought a good foam mattress that is 4 inches thick...
Hi Mommies!

Been outta action, and missed all of you!! :D Been so busy at work, and then tired by the time i reach home, so no time to post here. But I've been hopping in to read your updates occasionally though... ;p

Glad to hear that all of you have been well!
Updates: went to see gynae last Sat, and baby's measuring at 1.1kg so far. My gynae predicts that bb gonna be big! hmm...but by the scales updated here so far, my lil boi seems average i think

GraceChua: Was at Gleneagles last Sat, wanted to check out the hosp tour, but as I was in a hurry, i didnt manage to. Hmm..perhaps lets call them! Will update u if i manage to find out. btw, have you started on the antenatal class yet? I've decided not to sign up, cos only avail on weekends, given i work late some evenings. And weekends are too precious for me...shopping, resting, etc
can mc for so long ah?
my mc entitlement for the year only 14 days and i think i going to reach the max already.. haha..

my first son when in my tummy nv kick much but come out le so super active loh..
current baby very active in my tummy, wonder will she be as active when she comes out.. i think i also kind of emotional these few days..

DJ Mama,
i think normally when my gynae scan, den can see from the machine baby's estimate weight one leh.. Normally he tell me when he is scanning, taking all the measurements and such..
On mattresses: anyone considering to get safety mattress instead? Advantages i know so far are: 1) cooling, 2) breathing space for baby. I heard foam mattress is the basic...

Breastpump: anyone considering Ameda instead? Came across this model over the weekend, i heard its a good alternative to Medela PIS in terms of function. Price-wise, almost half

Cordblood banking: anyone planning to sign up for this? Spke with reps from both companies, it seems that the services are similar, except on storage. But my concern is more on the advantages and future use for the cordblood banking. Any comments to share?

Hehe... seems like i've lots to say after the MIA for 1+ wk....
i just ask hb on cordblood banking 2 days ago and i think we will just donate baby's cord blood to the public bank.. rather than just waste it rite? my first boy we did not donate or store it at any private bank.
Princessdella: so you not planning to go into pte bank for cordblook? care to share your rationale? agree that its good to bank with public bank if not keen to go on pte bank though... as you said, dont waste it
me will be delivering at mt A too
already signed up with stemcord

thinkg of buying Ameda breastpump too ..but will decide after i complete my antenatal class
i got no rationale lah..
#1 - Cost of private banks
#2 - No family history of diseases (that can be saved using cord blood) Although i know there are more to be explore
#3 - If our baby cord blood can be use to save another person, why not? The thing is we are not sure whether we are going to use it a not
my hubby also thinking of donating to public bank.
I read from the book, have to monitor abt 10movements in a span of 4hrs. If baby never move for a long time, must take note...
hmm... so far, gynae never mention weight....but he is pretty detailed, will measure head and body etc and show me the organs... so I trust that all is ok bah...

Wah, seems like most of you are delivering at Mt A or TMC...

Hubby & I also decided to bank our baby cord blood with public banks... think its better...
princessdella, me delivering at Mt A too. i think you better go for 2-bedder. My friend who delivered there recently was quite traumatised by the 2-bd (not to mention 4-bd) as she had a neighbour of a diff race and the whole family was making so much noise, on tv very loud, and didnt leave till late. the lady also snored very loudly. so by midnight, my friend had no choice but to upgrade to a single-bd room. it really depends on your luck i guess.

ON kidzloft, they are only open for so few hours and not on sunday. guess it is a little inconvenient, esply when i work and attend church service on sats.. but it sure sounds very interesting!

on cord banking, my friend told me there is actually introduce-a-friend scheme if i am not wrong. i know for sure at least Cordlife or Stemcord has it. so as long as you quote someone else's name and details at the point of sign up, you both get discount for subsequent years of fees. so can partner up!
yes, gracie_gal, stemcord has the referral program.

n me goin for single bed inmt A cos expecting to hv many visitors. cos own family already big.
and dun want to share toilet with other ppl..

anyway, not gona deliver many times. so spend a little more so can relax/ recover more before goin home. anyway can claim part from medisave

I have a Ameda which i used for my first pregnancy..
I would say its quite a good pump and definitely cheaper than Medela and Avent..
Though i will be buying another avent manual pump as well..
Cos if going out, i think have a manual pump will be easier, no need to bring the whole electric pump, dun need batteries..

when i'm expecting my son i also worried loh.. But nv care so much cos everytime go check up gynae say everything is good.. I think i'm lucky also cos my pregnancies all very smooth and no complications.. And gynae always say "plenty of water (refers to amiotic fluid" when scanning

DJ Mama,
i think as long as gynae say everything is fine den should be ok..
