(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

i dont know him i think. haha cos i saw that he is from my school as well. I was scrolling through my school alumni, then saw this name with 1 mutual friend. then i click n saw your name and realise he is your hubby loh.

u mean u got HFMD? anyway Dr Han from KKH is very good. My first pregnancy up to 28week is with him until we dread the distance so switch to Dr kee from tmc who has a clinic 15 min away from my house.

Hi Mommies,
The thread been going missing every now and then, huh? wonder whats happening here?

Anyway, good to see all of you active online so often. Envious cos i cant log in while working.

Anyway, how's everybody doing? We should all be well into our 3rd trimester now ya... Go mummies go!!!
hi all,

i think my MS just came back, these few days almost vomitted in the morning again.. such a horrible feeling..

yes these few days i could feel my boy suddenly 'trembling' (like vibrations) after he rolled around for a while. Yesterday, he did the same and i got a fright, so i patted stomach and asked if he is ok, then he stopped. I also wonder what is happening inside..

I realised that my boy has a sweet tooth! he gets excited when i eat chocs, donuts or drink milo. he must be putting on so much weight liao. haha.

Anyway, i seem to have done so much shopping but when i put everything together, they look so little! I think I better start packing proper and decorating baby's room this month before Im too heavy to move much anymore. Tomorrow is my gynae appt, can't wait to see baby again! After that, we will have to see gynae every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks? and in Jan 09, we have to go every week liao.. so exciting!
hello mummies, finally in 3rd trimester!!! 28 weeks, so happy. Last two pregnancies no chance of getting into 3rd trimester.

Tomorrow going to celebrate at furma riverfront hotel with hubby and son (actually is to celebrate hubby's birthday, haha, but can lar, celebrate together).

So from now, again, each day is a blessing. Hope can at least carry till 32 weeks like wat my gynae said.

I hope no morning sickness please...so scary seems like it will come back in 3rd trimester?

But mummies do you worry about labor? I dunno, I am starting to fear labor...sigh. Although been thru twice labors, but I m still afraid. I am afraid not able to noe contractions (both times my contractions were different), I am afraid I may not get hospital in time, I m afraid of not able to withstand the pains (cause last time it was really tooooo painful!), and blar blar blar...pre labor blues I think. haha. Then i also worry about my baby's safety as well as my own (cause I feel that for this pregnancy, my body really weakens a lot). I really dunno why so many worries!
Hi gals, sales at Baby Hyperstore.

Baby’s Hyperstore will be having its Warehouse Sales on 6th & 7th Dec from 10:00am – 12:00 midnight & 8th of Dec from 10:00am – 7:00pm. We will be giving discounts of up to 70% percent on all International brands.

69 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1
Shun Li Industrial Park
Singapore 417947

Tel: +65 6844 1188
Fax: +65 6844 1189

Opening Hours
11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Sun and Public Holiday:
11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m
Kkf: Im glad you and your bb are hanging in there strong! But a word of caution (or rather a word of pantang), when you celebrate, just take it that you are celebrating for your hubby's birthday. Dont celebrate about your bb passing 3rd trimester. Some old ppl says dont celebrate anyhow cos it might have adverse effect. This is what i always hear la. Thats why tell u. But if you are not pantang, then its ok la!
does anyone take mrt to work? this week i m having training at bugis, so took mrt in the morning. i realise that in the morning, most ppl just sleep and didn't give up seat to pregnant lady. now tummy heavier, so its kinda tired to stand thru the trip. wonder how you all cope with travelling to work?
oh peachmomo, thanks! actually i book the hotel with intention to celebrate my hubby's birthday actually...ok must keep thinking that.
kkf & baby:
well done! keep a happy heart!

bad new is, i m just diagnosed with diabetes... lucky only abt 10 more wks to go. But I will miss all the CNY goodies..... anyone got GD here too???
So long never post in here...:p But have been following the thread

My tummy is geting bigger (now almost 32 wks). More difficult to move around. Can't go shopping much now though I'm a SAHM. Having backache. But thank God for me that MS didn't return in this final trimester

Hi kkf, Congral that you have entered into 3rd trimester! It's a victory for U & ur baby. So happy for you.

Always remember to look/face towards the sun so that the shadow(= ur fear/worries) will be behind you. Jia You!!
how u confirm GD? Everytime i go checkup, my urine is always very high sugar. Then my gynae did a blood test to check my sugar level in blood, and its ok. However, my urine sugar still high. Is the blood test for checking GD?
my usual urine test also no prob. Until I went to KKH, and my routine test result indicated my sugar level high. (I just changed to KKH due to some reason). So my gynae scheduled a Oral Glucose test and did a blood test. Result out yday and i m told quite high. So got to got for nutrition class next week, and i was told, more blood tests on tat day!

congrats to u for entering the third trimester!! strive on and keep thinking positive; baby can feel it


ur OGT (oral glucose test), did u do a fasting test? how many blood extractions did u do for that OGT?? for my case, i did OGT 2 times. (1) non-fasting; only took 1 blood at 1 hour after taking the 50grams glucose drink. (2) fasting; took 4 tubes of blood. take first tube of blood, then drink 100g glucose drink, then took next tube of blood after every hour.

i had to do 2 OGT because i failed the first test. gynae said the first OGT was a screening. if failed, need to do the confirmatory test, which is test 2. test 2 yielded 3 readings and if u fail 2 readings, u have GD, if fail 1, its glucose intolerance. fortunately i pass all three readings for the second test. maybe u can check in detail with ur gynae on this.
Hi joanne,

Glad to hear one assurance. Just came back from Ann Tan's clinic and had cfm my pregnancy is a smooth one and everything is normal. But we are changing gynae (we told her). She just accepted gracefully and show understanding....

As for HFMD (Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease), I didn't took any medication except for during Redoxanne (the orange sizzling tablet). Hope it helps in my immune system. Gosh, the pain is really excrutiating, just like exposed wound touching salt whenever I drink liquid and not to mention, I'm even having difficulty in taking in congee...

Just can't wait to see the chart with mummies babies delivered soon....
Oh, just an update, CL, I've engaged from Bliss Confinement w agent May (the CL is Fen Jie) the same one as introduced by light2spark in the confinement threads...and also taken their Herbs Package (now on offer, comes along with 2 bottles of Hong Zao Jiu). Hope every mummies had their arrangement on confinement done with????
went taka sale during lunchtime, was a mad rush.
- pigeon sterilizer
- pigeon hand and mouth wipes
- pigeon milk bottle cleanser

then got hubby to bring it back home.
Hi Sandy,
mine was just 1 test. Fasted from midnite. Took 1 tube b4 test, take glucose drink, and take another tube 2hrs later. The nurse just told me my reading for sugar level is quite high.
So glucose intolerance is not equals to GD?
Anyway, i m made to go for the nutrition class, which they will conduct some pricking blood tests again. Abt $300+ for 1 day leh! But medisave deductable la.
In the meantime, i guess i just have to watch my diet, to play safe, and for my darling's sake. Suddenly the urge to eat cakes, chocolates and all those goodies just come... duhzz...

Heard got Metro members' sale. Saw OG also got sale. Looks like this is the time to get whatever we need to get!
Hi catmomo,

glucose intolerance is not equals to GD...its a pre-diabetic stage...if uncontrolled might also lead to GD??? anyways its also good for u and bb's health to watch the diet....and its only 10 weeks more to go so gambate!!!
I have been eating quite a lot of cakes and sweet drinks too...makes me worry now...

thanks emilyxiu. I dunno leh, maybe will switch to kkh too, but too lazy.

thanks to all for your encouragements. wow time flies leh, we are now counting down to our third trimester...it seems like just yesterday we talking about gender, detailed scan etc.
hi sandy:
thanks for enlightening. Hmm.. i will check with dr and nurse again on my condition.
somehow, i dun seem to be full today. Ate 1 whole plate of brown rice with extra toppings, just gobbled up 6 oatmeal biscuits. And i still feel hungry!!! >_<
yr darling must lv mummy so she is obedient. praise her n ask her cont stay put in yr stomach till time up.
yes cough is so hard to recover n i hv this ongoing cough since i no i m preg to make up no vomitness. hope it will go off after i deliver (console myself)
just to share, i ask my cousins who went kl n help me get some bb stffs n mine, those diaper nakins n nakin liner r so cheap after converted to sing$. abt half price. i realise if they r made in msia really a gd deal if u can drive up msia n sweep those bb stuffs back.
do u guys realise our bb seem 2 hv regular wake up time n their kicks/movement stronger. knowing tat makes all our temp sufferings worthwhile.
me looking 4wrd going gynae visit in 2 wks time!
yes! i agree with u, baby has some sort of a routine now. my boy kicks after breakfast, afternoon when i m at work, dinner, and at night, when he hear his daddy. And also, alot of kicking when i lie on bed to get ready to sleep. So we always have to tell him, it's sleeping time. Be good, and go sleep. Seem to understand. Kekkeke... I love it when he kick and move, creating "waves" on my tummy and vibrating my tummy when he kicks really hard! HAHA!
dear mums,
i was reading one thread in Matters of the Heart about a mother who gave birth at TMC and the PD failed to detect that her baby has cleft palate.

I am wondering, immediately after our birth, the PD will take over and check on the baby's well being isit? Do we choose the PD or hospital will assign one to us?
dear ashleigh,

Yes, the PD will take over once our baby is born and we didn't get to choose the PD. My elder one was not properly handled and was dignosed w "liquid in lung" and was warded in ICU. When we later found out, it was human error or rather the PD's fault that my boy's lung had liquid, it was due to their inefficiency. They got a lecture from my hubby and the hospital apologise and the ICU costs &amp; fees were FOC and FYI, it's also TMC. That's why i'm not choosing TMC for my upcoming delivery...
Hi all
can i check anyone has used nipple shield before? Which brand is gd?
Went Kiddy palace and Mothercare at Causeway yesterday and today and start to prepare my 'emergency' bag...i know it is a bit kiasu to pack for the hospital but i just dun have to rush everything at the last min..

I hope to breast feed my baby this time but i am not sure will it be painful or will my milk supply be enough or not. I heard taking fenegreek helps but not sure how true. Anyone can help?
hi mummies,

went for our checkup this afternoon. doc said that baby has changed position...now in breech position =( hopefully she'll move to the normal head first position soon!

wasn't able to take home any 3d pics today coz baby won't cooperate and show her face!
the gynae's nurse will ask if you have any recommended PD in mind, if not, they will assign you one.

when i gave birth last yr, i just made a remark to my gynae that i wondered if i got enough milk.
then she gave me this medication "motilium" (if i didn't spell wrongly) to boost my supply.
by 2nd day, i told the hosp nurses that i dun want that anymore, cos i had so much milk that i can't seem to empty it.
and i had to borrow the hosp breast pump to pump it out.
maybe you can ask your gynae abt "motilium"?
Hi mummies,

I'm back at last! Duno why these few nite this site prevents me from posting! Site maintenance time?

For mummies who are sick now, hope that everyone recovers fast! Weather abit crazy these days so it is very easy to fall sick.

My morning sickness seemed getting abit better now in the daytime. But morning is super jialak. Still throwing up in office. Goodness! MS back in 3rd trim! Poor us!

No doubts there will be ppl who are nasty to us at workplace or outside. I believe in retribution. As Roxanne wrote, these ppl are simply not made for bigger things in life. This type of upper mgmt doesnt deserve our effort in serving the company. Who in the working world doesnt work for a living? If companies are treating us like shit becos we are pregnant, then maybe it is a good thing that we know now, becos when the economy gets better, we'll be one of the 1st in line to change new jobs. If I'm ever a boss next time, I will remember to treat my pregnant staff very very nice.

Regarding diapers, my hubby is stocking up on Pampers NB whenever he sees a sale now. Heard that newborn bb poopoo up to 8 times a day! But we might be switching over to Nepiar if bb is ok with it. Pampers bit ex :p

Oh that same supervisor answered my complain email a few weeks back too! No wonder the style of writing is soooooo familiar! Really suay to meet these type of ppl at Robinson. Most staff I'd encountered previously are quite nice one. Maybe these are told staff. Newer ones maybe need more training?

Yeah my bb got "shuddering" at times too. I think she has became abit overly active for the past few days :p

My boss jokes abt me walking like a penguin sometimes back. Actually I agree with him outrite as I consider it a compliment :p Hey, we only walk like penguin only if we are carrying a bb! Other ppl wan to imitate us also cannot leh! hehehehe ...

I wont rule the screaming and cursing part out as why nurses like to offer epidural :p I might just do that during my delivery :p

The article is sooo sad! I was in tears after reading it. How could a stomachache became fatal? It reminded me of the other sad story on the singapore hostage that was killed in mumbai. She was so young and just got married!

I'll stand near the priority seats and ask for seat. Think our tummies are big and visible enough :p

See, this bb is strong! So her mummy must have faith and stay optimistic! Jia you!! I'm also starting to worry abt labour process now. But I guessed worry too much also no use, becos the time will eventually come and we will eventually face and overcome it. We just have to take it easy and prepare ourselves mentally for the d-day.

huh? u meant bb will still move position after going into the inverted position? Oh, I din realise that! I tot once they have turned, they will stay like that! hmm .. this also means that your bb will still turn downwards anytime! Dun worry too much then! Maybe on the scan day your bb decided that head up is more comfortable, and tats why she turned upwards again!

i also thought that my bb will stay in the head first position but then yesterday's scan proved me wrong. so i went ahead and researched and there are some exercise that can be done i think arnd 32-35 weeks to "help" baby move in another position before birth. will discuss this with my gynae in due time coz there will be a higher risk for me and my bb if i'll give birth and she's in breech presentation.
my last checkup also shows baby in breech position, and gynae told me it's ok, still have time to turn head down.
but i told her it's ok, cos i'm going for c-sec.
Just came back from parentcraft program. Today's topic was on labour process. Finally saw the labour video today. I was in tears when I saw the part where bb's head was crowning after a long labour process. I duno how to describe the "wow" feeling but it's really a miracle to see a new life being born. Could tell that the pain was terrible for both mummies! Think I'll need to start research on hyprobirthing soon. I will try for a medication free labour if I can tahan. Otherwise I'll go for a c-section with GA (to avoid the epidural!). I will start physco bb starting from today to pls come out fast! Dun let mummy suffer for too long!

Checked with the midwife today. She said if bb's in breech position, the gynae can do some massage to try turn bb downwards. But as we still got some time before our labour, it should be quite alrite. Hope that the exercises that you'd read up will help to turn bb to downwards position soon!

Hey you'd decided to go for c-section? What made you decide on c-section over natural?
counting down to 10wks... suddenly feel like damn nervous!!!
Now consolidating the To bring things, To do things, and To buy things!
oh sure tody my collg just pass on some bb stuff like bath tub with stand, bb rocking seat, play gym etc. seeing these makes my heart excited but real fear of labor pain. oh abt bb in breech position? must ask my gynae in next visit which seem like so long.
i realise she also got hiccups.
anyone start to buy bb diapers? only saw dryers wee wee dry for NB at shop n save so grab 1 packet.
waiting for post christmas sale on playpen to buy
i'm choosing c-sec this time round cos my #1 also by c-sec.
another reason is i dun wish to go thru the labour pains and contractions.
c-sec is just 20min and i'll see baby already.
hi ladies, ''
i went to the make up class for the antenatal class by TMC.
The class was not conducted by mrs wong...
the instructor is very lousy. she speaks very softly and even thou we were sitting right in front, we can hardly hear her. and she speaks rite from the slides and mumbling at times and also no eye contact with audience..

now i know why ppl say mrs wong's class is very good.. cos this instructor is really no good..

anyone gone to the baby's hyperstore sale? any good stuff for grabs?
hi mummies, its the long weekend, time to do lots of shopping and packing up!

kkf, congrats to you! must continue to talk to your darling. i talk to my boy everyday, ask him to be a good and healthy boy and stay warm inside until ready for delivery.

i went for gynae checkup yday, everything is going very well, baby has grown by another 500g... and my weight is still maintained (lucky it didnt shoot up after i enter into 3rd trim).

fatjo, please help to update when you are free okies:
EDD: 11 Feb
Baby's weight at 31 weeks: 1.875kg

Gynae says baby is growing very well, has turned around (he was previously in the breech position for several months). Now is the best position to be delivered (cos his head is down and facing back), hopefully he will maintain at this position for another 9 weeks.. it's going to happen so soon!

i also went to Kidzloft yday, such a disappointment. it isnt even half of Baby Kingdom, and so dusty and cramped. Although the website says 30% discount, the sales ladies there said it was actually for Nov promotion. in the end, i only bought one foldable bathtub for baby cos not much variety and price difference.

I still havnt bought my baby monitor, food/bottle warmer, breast pumps etc!! Panick liao. but must settle my christmas tree and decor first..

the last time u were wondering if the mustela and california baby products will be available in phillippines.....they are available in Rustans Shangri-la...J&amp;J top to toe is available in SM baby and Company..do let me know if you would like to do a price comparison.
hi joanne, i went to hyperstore yesterday. Pretty crowded. Everyone is looking at prams. I only got the play mat at $18. i guess its a good deal bah.. they r selling baby cot at $198 also.
Hi Mummies
Anyone has any comments on the PD from MAH for our feb babies? I will be delivering at MAH but not sure which PD to choose...any comments?

Hi mummies

Just went to see gynae this morning! Baby has grown and turned to head down! Very happy....He is now 30 weeks @ 1.6kg! But, bad news is that this month, I had put on almost 4kg! Twice of the recommended 2kg per month....Must cut down carbo already ah!!

And my fren shared with me that there is a toys warehouse sale at 1 Lok Yang Way til 9Dec. She was told by her forum-mates that this sale is good for baby toys. So if anyone interested, can go down take a look.

Catmomo...I totally understand ur feeling! Last nite, I suddenly felt very panicky...Last time c gynae every one month, now is every 2 weeks! And before u know it, it is time to deliver the baby already!!! Quite worried about the delivery and how to take care of baby after that etc..Whether I will be able to breastfeed, whether I can cope and all....And of course, these few days, my hubby and I have been packing the house to get ready for baby's arrival! Clearing storeroom, buying all the baby stuff. Last time was go shopping for clothes. Now, we just head to the baby's section!

Mummyo...Thanks for all ur sharing! Didnt ask Dr Paul about brith plan stuff yesterday cos he was already late for all his appointments. He had to do a delivery that morning and I waited 1hr before my turn! But he did say that 30hr labour is common for first time mummies!!! I also need to ask him if I do epidural, can I still do the non-conventional positions like kneeling/squatting.
Yeah! Finally finished my japanese exams today! Now can take a good break! In my next pregnancy, I'll remember not to "kiang" and take exams, 2nd trimester or no. So tiring! Brain doesnt work well too! Think I'll most prob fail this round but what the heck, I'd done my best! Think I'm the only pregnant lady around in the exam location! Feels abit out of place. hehehee ....

My SIL also tot the same way as you! But I'm quite afraid of needles so I tot I'll better take the non medication way out! If it is to be c-section for me, I'll take with full GA. I dun think I can manage seeing the gynae opening me and delivering my bb with me fully awake! I'll faint man! hehehehe ...

gracie_gal / blueb:
ur bb has good weight man! Dun worry abt ur weight gain unless advised otherwise by gynae. I wished my bb will have your bb's weight too!

you wun be able to see gynae operating on you.
there'll be a screen on your waist there, so you'll only hear the baby's cries when he's out.
but though you can't feel any pain due to epidural, you can still feel the pulling and tuggings.
