(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

By the way, anyone heard of this PD, Dr Ong Eng Keow? At TMC, level 5? Dr Chang recommended him for my bb. He asked if i know of any that I like, but i have no clue.

i bought the ocean wonders cot mobile, got lights that can shine on the ceiling with 5 lullabies i think... how much did u spend in all ? Happy hor...shopping
princessdella & lonerunner

Thanks for your concern and advice. Today I feel slightly better cos I didn't talk
Whenever I need to shout after my 2 naughty boys then my throat hurts and cough gets worse.

I remember my son's PD told me before that things like cough and flu virus, you body has to fight the bug itself. The medicine only serves to relieve the symptoms, not the bug so i try not to take any unnecessary medicine.

I've been avoiding cold stuff.

I also pee a lot one. Now 3rd tri is worse. Like you, I also never buy anything much for this little one. And strangely enough, no desire to shop for baby cos already got everything that I need.
peachmomo, wher u get ur infant car seat?any gd recmdation?

btw i got most of the stuffs ready liao big to small..but none for myslf yet, as in the nursing bra haven get..
btw y we mus get pyjamas?hospic dun hav meh?
yeah very excited abt bb's arrival! I hadnt get any recommandations from my gynae abt PD yet. Maybe I'll check with him on monday when I go for my 30th week review.

steady steady ... prepare a list of stuff that you need to get and then go about it. We still got some time before going into labour. At the most get from places like Robinson only. I would like to go to Hypermart and Baby Kingdom to take a look too, but it is abit far for me so din go abt it.

yeah actually it is better for our body to produce antibodies to fight the virus. This way we get protection against the same type of virus next time. Cough medicine etc are just suspressers. Not really going to aid much. Just have to drink more water than. Hope that your 2 older boys dun disturb and irriate mummy so that her throat can rest!

heee ... think we 2 can change position leh. I hate shopping so I try not to go out much, especially I suffer from motion sickness easily since I got pregnant. Nice that you can get 1 bed leh. My hubby already told me to pay on my own if I'm getting 1 bed. poor me!

hey bb got nice weight! Actually natural labour also got its advantage lah. Maybe u wan to read up on hyprobirthing to see how it can help to reduce labour pain?
thx peachmomo and lonerunner, hopefully can get everything done b4 2009..

peachMoMo, i've been reading on hypobirthing.. there are many books available in national library in this ara.. wad i'm reading is from morgan and even provide CD too.. so u can check it out... by the way which spa u go for your massage... me having terrible backache and every morning my feet abit water retention..

facial, i alway request to go toilet first b4 then put on the mask.. hee.. i also caanot sleep and relax like last time.. alway have to change side... hee..

Some advice on carseats. Best to go somewhere they let you fix the car seat into your car to try out cos some cars the seat belts are very short and some infant car seats can't fit properly.

My husband has a small car and the only one which could fit us was the peg perego viaggio. The maxi cosi our seat belt not long enough.
initially i dont want to go facial one.. but the person kept telling me its safe. Cos mine got diamond peel and some machine type. I felt its torturing instead of "pampering" loh.. cos lie there few hours cant move and really really so hot with the blankets covered and mask on me. Nearly perspire in an air con room.

not sure for other hospital, but TMC they will require u to bring own PJ with buttons in the middle type, so easier for u to breastfeed. I think other hospital also like that ba.. cos when i visited my friends in other hospital, they all wearing own PJ.

mattel sales is until 14 dec. I might go, since so near to my house.

For PD i think i will stick to Dr Ang Ai Tin from TMC second floor. She is quite okay lah.. but the queue really long sometimes.

this two days sleep less than 3 hours woke up cos of the pain in the bladder. Can faint when i see the clock, so early woke up cos bladder is full and causing a pain. Got to wake up and pee to release the pain. Then u know lah, cant sleep already.
wow i hv not gone facial ever since i no me pregnant except 3 haircuts. mine @ angel sky. anyone also with them n i still hv quite no of sessions with them as their salesperson damn gd at selling. do u guys find hard to go salon n hv them wash hair as u hv to lie down at their basin?
sleeping wise, i hv total 5 pillows. yes damn ks as i recently got this seahorse one rather high n thick n i sleep better
I need to go back to the Mattel sale again today. Bot the rainforest (older season) mobile and tested it last night. Its not working properly! Sigh. very sad and gotta run back again to change or get a refund. SO MA FAN! The animals dont move and the lights seemed too dim. The music sounds horrible too.

What's hyprobirthing? I must read up on that. Thanks ladies!
iceblue: I bot the maxi cosi cabrio fix. Its highly recommended by the sales guy. intiially my hubby was looking at the Preprego one but the sales guy said its more ex and the design not as good as cabrio. Anyway I read online that cabrio is really very good.
Joannelim, i find facial torturing always!! haha. So I resorted to home facial nowadays.

Wow peachmomo, envy leh 32 weeks liao!! and baby so good weight.

me still in 29 weeks only leh.

lonerunner, i hate going out too nowadays, as I will need to find toilet halfway if too far. very stress. haha.

mummyo, you have two children before, so nothing much to buy liao, somemore it's a boy again like what you wish for. really can save $.

Going see gynae in noon time, hope baby is of good weight.
hi ladies, sorry to interrupt, would like to find out the address of the mattel sale and is it worth going? are prices really cheap? tks
Yah. My house is full of everything a little boy needs from age 0-5. hehe

I'm sure your baby girl is doing fine and of good weight. Don't worry too much.

I've never gone since I got pregnant. So far is ok, no breakouts yet with this pregnancy.

Today I was looking at my 2 little boys sleep and can't get over how cute they are. I can't wait for their little brother to join them.

Unfortunately, my boys has caught on to my cough so now the whole family is coughing, with the exception of Daddy.

Hope we will all heal in time for Christmas goodies.
I've booked with them together w their herb package. I've booked Fen Jie recommended by other mummies who had used her but most importantly, my primary school class mate friend recently engaged Aunt Kum (4 mths back)from Bliss too and had very positive opinion and impression abt their CLs and agent Clare.

We found tat the Herb Package they had is very complete, useful and convenient, herbs being delivered along w the CL on the very first day I discharge from hospital... that I need not worry if i need stock up early (in case bb decides not to pop too soon) or rush when bb's suddenly decide to be delivered...

Hope this information helps....
yeah, my little gal is 1.4kg at week 29.
quite happy liao. aiming 2kg, not far. but I have gained 20kgs! how how how??? terrible plus horrible!!!!
wow kkf
20kgs ok la since u are of smaller frame. Last visit around 2 and half week ago, i gained in total 6.5kg. I think next week when i go to gynae again, i believe i have gained much much more. I am targetting 11kg the most.
btw your home facial, meaning u do on your own? or someone goes to your house?

i used to have a package with angelsky too. I signed up cos they really out to get me loh. I paid 300+ and never return. =P kinda waste of money, but might just change to something else. They set me up u see. Left me there wearing their robe and kinda cold and asked me to sign up. Kept persisting and refuse to continue the facial until i say yes to them. Quite pissed so never return.
well everytime i sign up is bec either i was down or got my bonus so decide to pamper myself. so far i dont blame them as i had outbreaks since teenage so hate to see a pimple face me till i tried dr secret pdt which did help but i realise rather strong so i stopped. now they r back n i realise me not only put on weight, i hate my hair since i cant colour n white hair popping out n some outbreaks tat dont seem 1 go away.
wow everybody seem to no their bb weight. me cant wait next fri n my hubby also look 4ward to t visit n i made him talk to my stomach daily to bond with our gal.
christmas coming, i m still short of getting some presents. i hate myself always last min buy n luckily i did buy on n off n keep for christmas.
well i had my cough since my 2nd mth so i really hope it will go off after i deliver. yes i agreed we cant depend on cough mixture n neither take strong ones but only our body immune sy can fight..
Finally TGIF tomr!
just got back from my facial and hair treatment.
all ready for tom's D&D. :)
luckily went for hair treatment today, else really cannot make it, jian bu de ren for tom's party.
haiz....... have to tahan this awful look for the next 3months!!!!
even my hairdresser laughed at me when i stepped into the salon.
she went "OMG! what happened to your hair??"
and laughed and laughed! *roll eyes*
Me also cant sleep well recently. Kept having this feeling that must go toilet or pressure in bladder. End up by today I was really panda eyed. So tired! Tail bone and back aching like mad too. Bb growing bigger now, I guessed. Then hor, whenever I turn to my left side to sleep, bb will 'complain' her mummy as bb is 'forced' to move to left side of mummy's tummy to sleep. Then she'll kick and kick until her mummy cant sleep so mummy has to flip over to her right. Then bb is happy and will settle down. haiz.

Hubby is still continuing his routine to physo bb to pls come out in Jan 09 nightly before he sleeps. Cannot tahan him :p Then in morning, he'll sayang my tummy and tell bb to be good and listens to mummy before he left for work! I think hubby'll miss bb lots when he leaves for biz trip this sunday nite. Mummy and bb sure will miss him for sure!

wow!! my girl is only 1.14kg at 28 weeks! Your girl's weight is quite good leh! You must be really happy! Steady! This time you'll carry to full term! You can relax more already! Must have faith in bb. She is a strong little one. Worry abt weight loss after the labour lah. Breastfeed more to lose weight faster?

oh my goodness! What happened to your hair previously? That reminds me to get a hair trim soon before confinement!
i have natural curl, so i have to rebond every 6months and do touchups in between.
on top of that, i coloured my hair.
so you can imagine the state my hair is in now, 7months w/o rebonding and colouring.
the curls are out and top half black bottom half coloured.
haiz............ so awful!!!
Hmm..was the site down again this PM? tried to post message but kept being rejected.

Mattel Sale:
Is it really worthwhile to go down? Quite far away and not too convenient to go, pondering still if I shld make a trip down. By the sound of things, it seems like mommies are already buying toys for the lil one huh?!
I've not bought any yet

Massage Lady:
Anyone booked their massage lady alrdy? Any recommendation? When do we ususally start the massage? 2nd month onwards?

BB's weight:
My last visit to gynae at 30wks, baby weighing at 1.8kg. He grew 0.6kg since the last visit! Whee!! Go baby go!!
ahhhhh ... I think I can imagine that :p Quite normal for pregnant mothers :p No choice lor. Wat to do? I know someone who is in the same situation as u. She also complaining abt this :p
oh yes... sleeping position, has anyone experienced body aches when you wake up from sleep? I do...lots of time. Not sure if its because I constantly adjust myself to sleep on my side... so not relaxed...

Is it really impt to sleep on left?
I get body aches and tummy aches after I wake up :p bb needs time to roll into new position when mummy wakes up mah :p Not really need to sleep on left, but is recommanded becos left side dun have those air supply stuff to bring more oxygen to our brains. For me, I just sleep whichever position I'm comfortable in :p Most impt is to get some sleep :p Maybe tats why after one long nite on my back (mostly) I get backaches :p I will go for malay massage/wrap but when I duno. see if I have a natural or c-section lor. But I know within 1mth have to do in order to get best effect out of it. Already called the lady to check. She told me after I deliver then give her a call. So I'll do that lor.
lonerunner, last time my boy when borned 27 weeks, nearly 28, also 1.14kg leh, think by 29 weeks, your baby shd weigh ard 1.4 or more like mine.

DK, wow, hope by week 30, my baby will be 1.8 too.

Joannelim, yup, i ask beautician to come my house for facial, more comfy leh, want to go toilet also easier...haha.

I am up at 4 plus am, not again! haha. Woken by my boy who kept squeezing me (he slept wif us). sigh...

Btw, mummies, do u find yourself getting more breathless and easily tired nowadays? I dunno, baby seems to be bigger now, and my oxygen level like dropping at times ha. Sometimes just feel a bit breathless, and like tired...normal?

I really wonder if I have the stamina to give birth...
Hi mummies,

I have been a silent reader ever since I lost one of my twins during the very early stage of my pregnancy. Right now, I am going into my wk 30.

I have a question... did you all buy breast pump? If yes, what brand did you get?

I intend to breastfeed until BB is around 7months old...
haha kkf
i should have thought of u just now. I dozed off at 11+ then woke up at 2 am , sian... then cannot sleep until 6am. Woke up at 9am. *pengz*

as for breathlessness, yea i experience it. wed went shopping with hubby in ntuc, half way i felt so breathless, have to kept squating down or stand somewhere to regulate my breathing. Even now just washing some dishes makes me tired. Really dont know why first pregnancy never experience one, this pregnancy i experience all. I guess age really catching up.
thks mummyo, joanne lim.who buy car seat also not a simple task.. but dept stores lik OG etc think hard to get them ask me try ba..dunno go wher c.
hehe PJ i knw wat i can use liao..keke the one tt i wear the nite b4 wedg!hee save $.

me last nite jus wen kkh. for observation. ystd was hell for me..haiz damn shuay kena food poisonin. GP doesnt works so go kkh donate $, they observe my baby..lucky evryth is fine wif baby.tdy on MC
joannelim, haha, we are at this stage again! sigh...

somebody was asking about decorating baby's room right? can buy those wall stickers from amazon. I just saw this elmo one, quite cute, I ordered it from overseas amazon spree.

iceblue you ok now, i remembered last time my friend nearly went into premature labor due to food poisoning, but gynae managed to stop it.
yah yah joannelim, for my 1st 2 pregnancies, I feel so energetic. But this pregnancy...I feel so weak...think really due to age. sigh.

Hope I have the strength to give birth naturally.
sandy: oh you know batangas!
and yes, we already have a gynae there. went home last july for a quick vacation and already looked for gynae and visited her as well

breathlessness: me too, experiencing this most of the time esp when walking out and it's hot. not too much when i'm shopping though (as my hubby noticed!) hehehe! :D
hi emily.. i jus met up with agent and CL Kum last nite. She was here on assignment and suppose to return home today. Hence we managed to see her yesterday. Generally me n hubby r still ok with her. Probably we gonna confirm her by next week.

Thks for ur info. So co incident that Kum was used by ur friends b4. Adds to my comfort level liao.
Oh, how lucky! U get to book her.

Don't worry... I've seen Kum when my classmate was celebrating her bb's first month. She's very well versed in infant handling and give us tips on pregnancy food intake... generally v friendly and a few of us felt comfortable w her around.

I've generally ask Bliss if Kum can do for me, but at the point of booking, the agent mentioned she's still undecided if she wanted to work during Feb.. but I'm ok with Fen Jie aft seeing & chatting w her. That's y I've cfm her instead.
oh is ur baby due early feb? She mention she got an offer but din realli wan cos its within 10 days of CNY. I think she is buddist or something.. cos i rem MIL says that only after 10th day then can help out in confinement.
hey mummies,

long time never post, but been following e thread! glad to noe everyone is doing well... esp kkf, ur gal's weight is gd!

think i've bought most of e things needed liao, only waiting for isetan pte sale to buy stroller and car seat... went to hypermart and kingdom once, but din like their service... so most likely wun be going there...

as for mattel, it's so far away! not very convenient for me, so too bad... anyway, not buying toys yet either... will wait till my gal is older then see how...

think most of u oreidi packed ur hospital bag and washed e baby stuff... i'm still procrastinating! haha... shd be washing in e coming week, hopefully weather will be gd and dun keep raining...

okie, catch up again soon then!
yaya, waiting to wash the balance inventory of baby's clothes and cribsheets,etc.
Have packed the hospital bag also. This wkend going to get the balance stuffs like pads,undies, etc. Can't imagine what it's like 9 wks later. Seem so fast now!!

Tonight got a wedding dinner. Actually v excited, but I really got nothing to wear! And I dun look good in anything now... zzz
we're almost finish with our shopping for the baby...only thing missing is the cot/playpen and the pillow/sheets for it. but, i haven't bought anything for myself yet! is it necessary to buy nursing pads (or is it breastpads?! not sure what's the difference!), maternity pads (what's it for?), nursing bras and breast pump? so confused and overwhelmed! :p

breast pads - in case ur breastmilk "overflow", u can put it btw ur breast and bra to absorb it and wun stain ur bra and blouse. can be quite embarrassing esp if u are outside.
i got some stk. quite readily available. so wun get unless i run out of it.

maternity pads - for ur menses right after delivery. heard it's VOLUMNOUS (ultra heavy flow). there's this thicker types specially for after delivery.

nursing bra - convenience, cos it's easier to take it off. esp in the middle of the nite for breastfeeding. But i guess if u are not tat concern, normal bras shld be fine. just pull out lor..
