(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

i usually get from Unity Pharmacy. I think it's about $13- 16 but can last very long. i use for both my kids, only buy once every 6 mths if i not wrong.

It's called an Episotomy. I was cut for my first and for my second i just teared naturally. It's so painful during labour that you won't feel the pain. in fact i was glad i was cut cos baby just slid out after that. But after my second when i teared naturally. i realised it's better to let it tear naturally, not so painful and i healed up a lot faster. Also, on thinking back, i thought it was quite dangerous to make a cut so close to baby's head! Scary.

i bathed everyday direct from the shower for my last 2 babies. i've no aches and pains whatsoever so to me these old wives tales are pure nonsense. i also can't tahan not bathing and i NEED to wash my hair everyday cos I'm the sweaty type. i think mummies who can tahan bathing with the dry shampoo are mad. To me, that is just plain gross.

anyone getting the herbs for tonic soups during confinement? any advice where to buy from?any good and reputable medical halls?
do u remember how much e mustela shampoo is selling for? since u said it's gd, maybe i'll buy it too... use it 1st for e 1st few mths, after e cradle cap period... then can continue wif e sebamed i bought... anyway, how long can it last?
I take a look at the littledreamers post-partum pdts. Some of them looks not bad! But... their pdts trustworthy?
on the bathing part hor, I will definately need at least a daily bathe during confinement. Imagine with the 2 weeks plus heavy period, hot weather, bb feedings/throw ups, oily hair ... eeerkss!! Terrible! Wait my bb dun wan to come near her mummy! My health is not so good, so I'll prefer to buy those chinese herbs to use for bathing to aid tune my body back to health. Tot of getting these stuff ready by early Jan just in case the chinese medical shops are full/closed becos of CNY and if I happen to deliver early during CNY period. Duno it it abit kiasu or not :p hehehe ...

Hadnt book yet becos the hospital guideline said 30 weeks and above then they will offer the package to sign up. So on my next visit on my 30th week think they will ask me to book already. I hadnt decide if I want to get 4bedded or 1bedded. headache. I know if I want a good rest, I better get single bed. But it is abit ex on pocket leh. haiz.

I intend to get the herbs from my chinese gynae. I'll check with her what are the stuff to get and how to use them.

Oh ya. tats the word! Thx! Given the pro and cons, would you recommand to go for an Episotomy if given the choice? How the gynae perform the cut ah? Just take a scissor, insert and cut like that? When is this cut administrated? Early in labour or when crowning? How does the labour pain feels like at its worst ah?

no choice leh if MS comes back. Hope other mummies wont get it! Really had a terrible day today trying to keep food down. Luckily I was home so can throw up comfortably in toilet before crawling back to the dear old bed to rest. hehehe ...
my gynae clinic already book for me le.. when i was in 29 weeks..

i booked 4 bedded first.. if wan to upgrade later, can upgrade again.. if u book 1bedded now, den cant downgrade le.. plus next year economy bad.. better save up more..
haha, u sound quite funny. hee hee..
I also want to bathe leh. I guess for this part, it's whether u "garang" enough to take the risk anot. My body before pregnancy, also quite weak. I want to plan for #2, so dun hope tat by not observing the rules, my body deteoriates... haiz..
The warming body wash from Little Dreamers seem good.. maybe will try :p A little pamper during the confinement month..

On episotomy, according to my colleagues, at that point of time, u will be so painful to think abt anything. U juz want to get it over and done with.

iceblue...Ya, my gynae clinic also booked for me when I was 26weeks. Maybe u can check wif your gynae clinic?

Peachmomo.....Ya, my fren jus told me last nite that the California Baby canlendula cream is good. Can apply when baby has rashes..The u know wat my hubby say? He say if baby got rashes, why not apply the nappy rash cream?
But I think the BP link that catmono gave is good
Think will get one from there.

Jas...In EL, it's call Baby Body & Hair Wash. 400ml at $20.20....very ex hor
So thinking of using this first, then maybe change to cheaper one later. If you interested, can go to the Robinsons sale or Taka sales. I saw in Taka that they are selling it as a bundle together with the Baby Bottom Balm, calculated, about 20% discount. The Baby Bottom Balm is like a barrier cream used when changing diapers. I also bought that.
Talking about delivery packages I'm a bit depressed.

Was actually planning to have a home birth but now realised it will cost me $4k and up to engage doulas and midwives to be on standby. Worse still. All this cannot claim from Medisave so might have to canned the idea and go hospital to give birth.

I'm not going for the standard package. I only plan to stay one night and hopefully won't need the delivery suite for more than 2-4 hours (this is if I even make it in time to the hospital to deliver my baby cos I didn't the last time!) so I'm looking to book everything separately.

So I'm still looking into it. I shudder to think I need to stay in the hospital again. I hate the hospital. But no choice, only can claim from Medisave if you stay for at least 1 night.

I was so sad I couldn't have a home birth that I was crying last night cos i was so looking forward to having this baby at home.
dear mummies, i went to kidzloft today and was disappointed by their services. I took a pack of socks which contains 6 pairs of baby socks. i rem clearly seeing online at 50% off. But when i check with the lady at the cashier, she said 15%. i had to argue with her that the website says 50% off. eventually she checked with another lady and confirmed its realli 50% off. They didnt state the prices / discount clearly for each item. i dare not buy too many and when i reached home, i quickly checked the prices of my purchases online. So whoever is going there, pls be careful.
lonerunner, me also haven, haha waiting for my clinic to tel me. tt time they got tel me they wil let me knw wen i nd to tak up the packag, me jus curious who has alrdy booked.

blueb, princessdella, tts fast gd for u one thg off mind. nd pay deposit first rite?

mummyo, any special reason u 1 ur baby delivered at hm?
its really ex leh deliver at hm
If you mean delivery package = what type of room, then yes I booked it. I booked a Single bed room. I want to have my hubby with me, so just went with that. I dont think the cost can differ that much right? Cant remember what are the costs liao.

Ha.. I have been buying so much things for bb. So I decided to pamper myself. Hubby's aunt going to Paris, so got her to buy me a bag. Hopefully she can get it cos its sold out in Asia. I think I can buy alot of things for BB with those money. But then again, I NEED TO PAMPER MYSELF!

You guys really read up about birthing huh? I saw the video on birthing and I cried at the antenatal class. Super no guts la. Sigh..
Last week my class was about breastfeeding and bathing. Quite interesting to know about the goodness of breastfeeding and some of the techniques too. Hope i can remember what to do when actual breastfeeding happens.
Hi iceblue.... When the clinic booked for me, I didnt pay any deposit at all. After they booked, I just received an sms from the hospital saying that I have made the booking with them, then they also mail me some brochures and a what-to-pack list. Never mention about deposit. I will be delivering at Mt Alvernia. What about u? =)

Hi PeachMomo....Wow, getting a bag from Paris! LV I suppose? hehe....I was estimating yesterday on how much I need to spend on baby BEFORE he arrives...And the bill adds up to about $2.5k!!! This excludes the recurrent cost of diapers...haha

Oh by the way , my frens recommended this brand of diapers for newborn. Good and cheap for newborn, but not so good when they are older and start to be active...Can get both the Newborn and S sizes. NTUC sells, but not the small sizes, they only have the larger ones.
I will be ordering from them for my baby.
oh nepia, my neighbours also strongly recommand this brand. Heard it quite good!

aiyo, that is sad! You have been looking so much forward to have delivery at home! But yeah, $4k cash is really expensive. Otherwise it is really good to experience a different birthing process.

blueb, princessdella:
wah! ur package so fast booked already! Thats good.

Thanks for the link! It's really good info! Yeah, the bad economy is another reason why I am really pondering between 1 or 4 beds. hmmm .... nvm, I still got 2 weeks to think abt it ..

how does the video on birthing process is like ah? My antenatal class didnt show it leh, or maybe hadnt show it yet. I started wondering abt the labour process after my antenatal class last sat. I had volunteered as a model for the lecturer to demo how a delivery position is like, and realised that I have to sit up with feet in stirrups and hands pulling both legs wide open at the knees while pushing. *It is a really ugly position to be in but no choice lah* Then I started visualising how the process is like, how would I be feeling while going thru it, and if halfway my labour got stuck what are the alternatives, how would it feel if I really get an episotomy etc etc ... Need to get mentally prepared and put all that breathing techniques into use. Then again, I told my hubby that maybe once the pain started ah, I will most prob forget everything! hahhaaa ....

Actually to my upmost surprise, my hubby was very keen to learn how to be a support person and abt the breathing techniques so that he could help me during the labour process. I was really touched. Previously he kept trying to find excuses not to the classes! Think he is just trying to irritate me, tats all.
Episotomy is done with a scarpel. It's done when baby is almost about to come out. For me it's the building up of the contractions that is the worst pain. If it's your first time, it's the wave and wave of contraction while waiting for your cervix to dilate that is the worst! This can take up to 12 hours or more if it's your first time. When it comes time to push, it's very easy for me. You just go with the flow when baby is bearing down and once baby slides out, it's a huge relief and then the pain stops.

Putting your legs in stir-ups and lying on your back is the worst position to give birth! But unfortunately, that is how all hospitals EXPECT you to give birth. The easiest position is to squat or to be on your knees on the floor with your upper body slumped over an exercise ball or a bench. That way, gravity helps you and you won't tear as much.

I had horrible backache for a year from giving birth on my back during my first delivery. That time I was first time mummy so everything also blur, whatever my gynae told me to do i did. i realised how horrible she is after I started seeing Paul Tseng for my #2 and I hated that birth experience and what she made me go through til this day.

For mummies who attend ante-natal classes and they tell you to give birth on your back, please rethink your classes. You can write up a birth plan and get it approved by your gynae and one of your conditions could state that you would like to birth in any position you desire and feel most comfortable with.

After I was very bullied during my first delivery and then my super easy birth in the car of my #2 on the way to hospital. I realised I have a phobia of giving birth in the hospital. However, I don't think I will be willing to fork out over 4k for a home-birth this time round. I'm lucky cos Paul Tseng will definitely discharge me after one day if I so wishes to do so and he is very pro-natural so he will definitely approve my birth plan and Thomson Medical is very supportive of this as well so I'm sure I can still get my way and birth in whatever position I choose to should I deliver there.
no need to pay deposit 1st..
some hospital will require u to pay deposit 1st when u admit for labour..

oh ya.. u reminded me.. i haven faxed in the pre-admission form.. hehe..
i also delivering at Mt A.. they also gt send me an sms to confirm my booking..

i also watched the video b4 during my antenatal class previously.. kind of scary.. but when u r in labour u wun see such things lah cos its down there.. and u will be in pain, wun care to see the whole process.. will concentrate on pushing only.. hehe..

the whole process for my 1st labour took about 15 hrs from waterbag burst till delivery.. i think if gynae nv put drip for me, it might have took longer..
My #1 was induced. Went into delivery suite at 6am. Baby came out at 2pm so it was about 8 hours for me.

My #2 was all natural. From the time my waterbag burst at home til baby was delivered in the car was only an hour and 15min. It was soooooo different from being strapped down and on the drip for my #1 so I really advise all mummies to just wait patiently for baby to be ready. You labour will be much shorter if you let it happen naturally.
hello all mummies!

I'm back after my computer kena virus (got a very huge headache)no choice but to rebooted and install everything again. how's everyone?
hi ashleigh (bb_ashleigh) ,

i share your sentiments.. the folks at kidzloft pretty blur.

i bought 3 pkts of Anakku cloth diapers with 3 diff prices tagged. one is $30+, one is $19.90 and the other $12+.

then they gals found out :
S$30+ -- wrong price tag
S$19.90 -- correct price (same as web)
$12+ -- also correct price cos they re-package the diapers when they got it from dept store --so not assured of the cleanliness
Hi princessdella.....hehe...I also never fax in, my fren say no need, so I also lazy to do so. =)

Hi mummyo.... Wow, I havent really think about what position I want to give birth in! hm....isnt squatting or kneeling going to be uncomfy? Since the contractions already killing u? U intend to do epidural? Will Dr Paul give advice on positions and things like that? I am seeing him for my next appt this coming sat.
I've never asked Paul Tseng about birthing positions cos I'm the kind who likes to do things my way so I usually research myself on the kind of birth that I want and then give him instructions. LOL

I'm definitely NOT taking epidural or any drugs for this birth.

Basically, when the contractions are killing you, you have to keep changing positions to keep your mind off the pain or take a walk. The worst is lie down and wallow in the pain cos then you will end up fighting the pain which will tense up your body, thus a surefire way to make sure that dilation will not be fast. It's best to relax and go with the pain so it helps if you can walk around, get into different positions. The squat and kneeling down position is just my personal preference. Some people prefer to sit in a birthing chair to birth.

For me the worst position to push is lying down cos all the weight is on your tailbone (probably why my back ached for a year after my 1st delivery) and you are working against gravity.

It's like, do you lie down on your back to pee/shit? No right? It's just un-natural.

Just my two cents worth.

I'm just sharing my opinion that what is common practice (lie on back with legs in the air birthing position) might not be the best way. Just cos everybody else is doing it does not make it right
FOX warehouse sale @ Wing Tai Retail Factory outlet (105 Tampines Rd)
From S$1 onward (min 5 pcs)
Date: 2 to 14 Dec
Time: 12pm to 7pm
Coupon needed for S$5 off when u purchase $60

Happy shopping
Hi ashleigh,

found this info at http://www.blissconfinement.page.tl/Baby-h-s-preparation-list.htm

Hope it helps...

Checklist for first-time mums

Checklist of Purchases
Baby’s Room
Baby Cot
Musical mobiles/ Merry-go-round
Mattress (3" or 4")
Beansprout husk pillow
Pillow/bolster case
Mattress protector
Changing table (optional)
Cupboard/Chest of Drawers

Clothes for baby
Mittens/Bootees x 4
Cloth Diapers (Can also be use to wrap baby) x 1 pack
Nappy liners x 1 pack
Blouse/shirts - long and short sleeves x 4
Suits - pants and long shirts x 4
Rompers x 4
Handkerchiefs (get plenty of them) x 2 dozen
Face towels x 1 dozen
PILCHERS (pants worn over nappies) x 2

Baby bathing
** Baby wipes x 2 (pack of 3)
Bath tub (optional- TMC/Mt Alvernia will give u when discharge)
Anti-slip mat x 1
Changing mat x 1
Bath towel x 3
Bath sponge (optional) small cotton x 1 box or handkerchief
Baby soap/bath lotion
Baby shampoo x 1
Baby oil (optional)
Cotton buds x 1 box
Baby powder box with puff x 1

Laundry for Baby Clothes
Basket for baby laundry Nappy/clothes detergent/softener
Clothes hanger for drying mittens/booties/handkerchiefs
Feeding Baby
Milk bottles (big+small) + teats
Bottle scrub brush
Warmer cum carrier bag
Thermometer (to use when baby is unwell)
Large pan/pot (for sterilising)
Tongs (to handle hot bottles)
Electric Steam Steriliser (Pigeon/Avent)
Milk containers
Bags/milk bottles to store expressed breastmilk

Safety pins
Thermometer (Check room temperature)
Nail clippers
Anti-nappy rash cream (Drapolene)
Oil for wind (Ru Yi or ‘White Tree Oil’)
Ziplock bags for checkups and outings.
Woodward’s Gripe Water
Sterile thermoplastic tray with swabs & swabsticks
Polythene bag for soiled diapers
Dish/ container (to wash baby’s face)
Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump
Sterile swab applicators
Sterile cotton swabs
Sterile container for cord spirit
Cord spirit

** Playpen
** Stair/door gates (If you want to separate your baby & pets)
** Rubber protectors for bedroom doors
** Highchair
** Walker
** Bouncer
** Stroller/Pram
** Baby carrier
** Baby Car seats

Toys & Playstuff
** Baby gym

Mummy Care
Maternity Dress/top/bottom
Pyjamas with front opening for breast feeding
Breast pump
Anti Stretchmark creams
Nursing bras
Maternity bras
Nipple cream for crack nipples
Nursing pads
Disposible panties
Cotton panties (larger size when reach later stage of pregnancy)
Sanitary pads
Panty liners
Bedroom slippers
Painkillers (with doctors prescription only)

Other optional items
Plastic bowl/ container, 10-12 inch diameter for both baby and mother
Electrical HotFlask (autoboil), quick access to boiling water for formula milk
Thermoflask without autoboil, for mum’s drinking water
Claypot or double boil claypot for mum’s confinement soup
Claypot or earthenware for cooking pig’s trotters in ginger and black vinegar
2 pails for mum’s bathing and face cleansing.

** Some items can be bought at later stage. E.g. Third trimester
thanks emily!!

doing my checklist now.. found that i have tendency to get clothings for 3-6mths and M sizes.. and i don think my bb is gonna is big..

I am an existing client of CordLife. Both the referrer and referee get 1 time $50 off respectively :>
If u need me as referral to get the $50 discount on top of the current promotion,u can pm or email me
my email:[email protected]
oh, ashleigh... no problem at all. besides i was browsing bliss confinement's website thinking of getting one from that agency.

bb's gonna grow bigger and bigger... you are on the right track, should buy bigger sizes. that's why friends or relatives passes around those infant clothings...
any mummies has any thumbs up recommendation for full month cake? Any comments on on full month package from sweetest moments? Emicake etc?

Hi mummies,
Me back to work today. Still feeling terrible from morning sickness but no more AL already so gotta drag myself to work. The moment I stepped into office, I found myself face to face with my CTO. He is quite direct to let me know that he is not too pleased that I'm not well yesterday. "Are you sure you're still having MS in your 7th mth?!" "And then in Feb 09 you are going on leave again?" Of course. As if he doesnt know my bb is due in Feb 09 since he'd asked so many times in the past. And we need time to nurse our bb wat. Best of all, he ended with, "You know you have a project to do right?" Wah kao! Really felt like going straight to market and buy a chicken head to put on his table after that. Just becos I din take off previously for MS doesnt mean that I dun have on-off MS wat. As if I wan to be sick like that. If he think having MS is fun, he can have it! Think next he is going to ask me go back office after a mth or 2 to continue working. Crazy. Stomach still full of anger until now. When I worked tirelessly until 10pm on most nite he din say. When I take 1 day off to rest, he gave warning. What is this, man?!

Thanks very much for the info! Actually I also dun agree with putting legs into stirrups or giving birth lying down too becos logically speaking it will be easier to give birth using gravity as our aid. That day the lecturer told us that gynae in general dun like mothers to be in bending over position or squatting etc becos this means that they have to bend down and look up to deliver bb. The lecturer also told us that after we are strapped with the monitoring kit for the contractions and drip, we are to stay in bed and cannot move around anymore. I went "What!!" becos if in pain and we cannot change position will be very 'xin ku'. Think I'll go and talk to my gynae to find out more abt his views on labour. If need to, I will draw up my own birth plan.

hee ... think I'll most prob throw a full month buffet instead. Full mth cake very troublesome and also diff ppl have diff perference for flavour etc.

Wow! Virus! nvm ... you are back again!
blueb, me also at mount A. clinic haven make booking for me, i shall check with them on boxing day! wen i go for my next check up
Hi mummyo

Thanks for ur sharing! Wow, it sounds logical now that you mention that we dont lie down to shit...haha... But, I am really thinking of getting epidural cos my pain threshold is not very high. So if I were to do that, not sure if still can have diff positions. Will have to check with Dr Paul... My fren was telling me how painful it is when the midwife/nurse puts her hands in to check for dilation...and once epdi is on, she dun feel a thing!

Hey, ur CTO sounds really terrible!!! Is he married? Does he have kids? And u r working til 10pm? Not good for baby u know....Need to get more rest and also proper nutrition.
Hi lonerunner,

Is like that lah. My company also just kena appraisal review for this year. Guess what? my boss told me that I am getting too much MC this year, on the national average each person should not be more than 2.3 per year. And I was told to take care of my health since I had already took 12 MC for this whole year even though I have total of 28 entitlement for a year.

I am quite piss off too, all they care abt is work work work due to my nature of work I still need to travel to construction site during my 6th month only when I nearly have a fall during one occasion then I told my boss I cannot go anymore only then he ask me to check with my other colleague see who can help me? :{ angry angry angry....who want to be sick in the first place????? And true enough my morning sickness also came back during the third trimester weird leh.....
Hi All,

Sorry to intride and disturb. I am an Oct 08 mummy and I have a Medela PIS to sell.

My Medela PIS is the Medela PIS Metro Bag 2008. Its sold at $799 in Spore. Its inclusive of the following :-
- Messanger Bag with adjustable strap
- Removable motor unit in its own case
- Battery Pack (Batteries not included)
- Removable cooler bag
- 4 collection containers and lids
- 2 SoftFit Breastshields
- 2 valves
- 4 membranes
- Removable work surface
- Mesh storage bags

As the PIS was bought from US, the adapter is not compatible for use in Spore. I had to purchase the adapter in Spore at $75. Willing to sell them at $575. Used it only once. In brand new condition.

The price is really the best I can quote. If not, please suggest a price and we can discuss further.
lonerunner & Drizzlestars
My heart goes out to you. That's the reason why I can't stand working for others anymore! I told my husband, in this lifetime, I'm not going to work for anybody else anymore so you just make sure you make enough money and I'll raise the kids. LOL.

These pple have no idea how hard it is to be pregnant and feeling sick. Like I'm having a cough these few days cos really not been eating or resting well with both my naughty boys running wild at home. Plus my belly getting bigger and heavier and less mobile. NOT FUN! Plus heartburn and all these aches and pains from the weight of the baby have started...if you ask me, i'm MORE THAN READY to birth this baby NOW but unfortunately, baby is not ready yet!

if it's your first time, I do suggest epidural. The pain is really like nothing you can imagine (how to imagine when you've never experienced before?) plus first time labour usually can take quite long. Yah, usually the midwive/nurse will check dilation but you can put it down in your birth plan to Paul Tseng that you don't want to be checked more than twice for dilation and once he approves the birth plan (which he will, trust me!) then you can complain when you feel the nurses have crossed the line.

For my first I didn't want any epidural too but the nurses kept asking me why I want to suffer all that pain, got epidural what. I was so bullied into a birth experience that in the end was totally out of my control. I'm allergic to most painkillers and after the epidural went into me, I had like shivering type convulsions and was shaking uncontrollably. Now thinking back, it's still scary for me so I'm glad I had a good #2 experience. If not, I wouldn't be having this #3.
hi mummies, for those of you who are interested in mustela products...found out (after calling most of the dept stores) that takashimaya has actually has the lowest price! =)
hi.. im new here... hope its not too late to join this forum..
anyone can help to update ?

Mummy: tomyum
Gynae: Dr Heng Tung Lan
Hospital: East Shore Hospital
Baby #: 2
Baby's Gender: Girl
EDD: 8 Feb 09
Gestation: 25 weeks at 864 gm
ei the forum seemed quite quiet today!

Welcome aboard!

haiz. Really envy you leh! Dun think my hubby can afford to let me stay home. It will be hard to depend on 1px income for us. Otherwise I'll be glad to say bye bye to these crazy ppl. Really admire you for being able to cope with 2 kids with another 1 on the way!

btw is there a reason why nurses like to bully mummies into taking epidural? Lots of ppl feedback the same thing too! Isit that they dun wan to be on standby and monitor frequently? Is frequent check for dilation necessary? How frequent is frequent?

Drizzlestars :
Nvm. Let us 'tong' for awhile more, and fire these companies after our maternity leave and when the economy gets better! Yeah!! Ur boss really dun bother if u will fall down or get hurt at construction site! Terrible! My boss at least make sure I take my meals and he will drive me home if we worked late. Just that CTO is the crazy one driving us nuts. Haiz, actually I tot MS sure gone by 3rd trim, but it just came back for no reason! Goodness!

catmomo/ blueb:
Haiz, no choice. Just have to bear with these crazy ppl. Me working till 7.30pm this week liao. Slowly reducing my hours :p hehehehehe ... Better take care of bb. No point work my heart out for this type of ppl becos all they care is how well we can do the job so that their apprasial is good. My CTO just got married but not yet have kids. Maybe tats why he duno but likes to put on font to show everyone he is very concern abt my welfare but when facing one to one ..... well, it is a diff story liao.
thanks for telling me tat! juz went today to buy e foam shampoo, got extra 10% for taka memebers some more! so quite happy lah...

i guess most of us chatting on msn that's y forum is quiet.. hehe.. anyway for me, i did not experience any nurses asking me to take epidural leh.. i'm the one who requested for it when i knew i cant take it anymore.. for me, dilation check not very frequent lah.. maybe every 2 hrs or so..
wow emily, your list is very detailed!!! I havent start any purchases yet and now i am already taking long long MC to rest at home...

lonerunner, drizzlestars, ignore your bosses.. dont let them affect your mood. This kind of boss is simply unprofessional, no leadership and not made for bigger things in life. So, that is why their eyes n hearts are so small to pick on little things like MC,Annual Leave and work. All they can do is to use bonus la, pay increment lah to threaten u. Lousy bosses are like that one. Anyway, you will not be working there for life...
Dont waste $ go buy chicken head.. haha..

Lonerunner, ur MS came back? So poor thing..Must be feeling horrible.. Ask gynae if there is any cure?

Welcome KwoLi.. Yup, princessdella is right.. We chat on msn most of the days.. That is why u see Feb mummies have the least threads.. You can join us on MSN too..

Hey Mummy, I added checkbox to Emily's list so that you all can check the items.. If there are anything else that you all think we need to buy, just add on to the list and attached here...

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Checklist on things to buy for Mummies
Checklist.doc (47.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
