(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

ahyo.. my normal pee test ok leh. but the last pee test i went, the result v bad. I m not sure if it's the super sweet teh tarik i sipped before going for the check-up. But i ask doc if i needed to control my diet, she say it's ok. But ask me to do the glucose test next week .....zzzzz

Hi fat jo
Please update : mine is also baby girl!

Going for checkup on 4th dec .
catmomo: me to, my last pee test v bad....dunno also if it's because of the milo i drank before going fot the checkup. but, they didn't mention any glucose test for my next visit...hmmm...
joanne(yesbaby), I am a big eater, expecting a gal (i think so too, gal like smaller), pregnancy is worrying for me thruout cause i have premature labors before at 23 weeks and 27 weeks before. Worrying everyday, even if I am over 30 weeks, think i will worry about baby safe and healthy or not inside, whether she is kicking well etc. I think I just worry worry worry until i really see my baby healthy and safe.

lonerunner, i understand fully. I really admire those preggy and working mummies. I sit for a while in the chair waiting for gynae already feel so tired, I dunno how u all tarhan!

i envy you all can start getting things for your babies. You know I have premature labors before, and even lost a baby before, so my mum kept telling me dun get anything until baby is born!!

But I actually still get some nice clothes i saw on internet liao...haha. cannot resist leh. I gotten some 2nd hand stuff too like baby gym cause really cheap. Not going to have anymore kids liao, so I dun really buy new things now, I rather get 2nd hand to save costs. hee. 1 boy 1 girl is a perfect family for me!! My dream and I really hope my little gal will be born safely and healthy to complete my family! counting each day as a blessing!
me getting quite addicted to shopping for baby! almost hitting the malls everyday! i already asked my hubby to stop me from buying soooo much!
can understand ur feeling.. i also tend to become more worried now (Trimester 3). Like today Baby a little less active.. worry...abit pain here, pain there.. worry...go pee more often, also worry! discover my feet like abit swollen... worry.... though i noe all these are quite normal during pregnancy. But as much as i can, just be positive. Today's friday!!! and I m going for a buffet feast later!!!! Yippee!!!
hey, just know from my colleague, this thing called Fenugreek help to boost breast milk production. U call can go find out more. Quite interesting. She say GNC got sell.

What i just read from internet:
What is fenugreek? - Fenugreek is one of the world's oldest medicinal herbs. It has a variety of uses, including increasing breastmilk production.
i also leh.. until i took out Baby's clothes to prepare for washing 2 days ago. Realised that I actually bought quite alot of clothes for my little boy le. Almost forgot what I have bought too. =p So I told myself stop buying now. Will shop for him again when he's older. Cos they outgrow their newborn size v soon.
catmomo: ya, i know that babies really outgrow their clothes v fast...but can't help myself coz the little clothes are v cute!!! haha!!!

btw, any of the experienced mummies can recommend good bath soap and shampoo for our coming little ones?
gt one brand call motherlove gt products called more milk plus and goat's rue.. i got buy b4, think got a bit of help.. can search thru the forum for more more reviews.. or see motherlove.com for more information..
juz calculated.. for ameda, amazon still cheaper but for medela, the pumps are cheaper at babycenter.. those who wan to order medela pumps can consider.. babycentre is quite reliable rite? those who wan to order medela pumps b4 this sunday can pm me.. i think can hold the order den ship together as long as it does not exceed 14 days..

dont worry too much about your GTT..2 weeks ago i failed my first non-fasting 1 hour GTT...cos i took a bowl of oatmeal with milo and went straight for the test..turns out i failed and i had to go for a second confirmatory 3 hour fasting GTT...turns out im fine!!! but after that episode, i got scared so tried cutting down on my sugar intake
ur pee stick test shld most probably be due to the teh terik


im not experienced but i bought Lactacyd baby bath (blue colour)
Hi folks!

SO SORRY to barge in. Wondering if anyone will be interested in a BRAND NEW unopened Pigeon Newborn Starter Kit.

Includes the following.

1) silicone pacifier with hood, 1 piece
2) wide neck feeding bottle 200ml, 2 pieces
3) wide neck feeding bottle 300ml, 1 piece
4) bottle and nipple brush, 1 piece
5) milk powder container (revolving), 1 piece

Please PM me if interested.

Take good care folks and have a smooth delivery!! =]

I use QV Wash and for shampoo I highly recommend Mustela Foam Shampoo for Newborns. It's really good, it prevented cradle cap for my #2. My #1 had bad cradle cap.
hi girls, think there's something wrong with the forum. Unable to post anything yday and today. The threads disappear from the main page. Luckily i had this page locked in my browser.

I also heard Mustela shampoo is good. I bot the J&J Top to toe. Guess i shall buy mustela when there's offer. I bot the nursing cream. Just 1 tube to try.

I'm also addicted to buying things for my bb! Now one of my spare room is filled with things lying on the floor. I took out the clothes that I intend to wash and realise I have alot of clothes for him too! Various sizes but decide to wash all at one time.
yea the thread is gone, a few mummies have reported to moderator but nothing done.

this thread always missing one..
i got it back from the history.
sorry for the late reply. havent been logging in cos bz at work. anyway, my hubby prefer to buy the breastpump from SG cos there'd be warranty.
Hi mommies... For baby wash, I bought Avent Gely Champi, as recommended durg the antenatal class. Its quite ex though, but its for both body n hair.
hi mummies...thanks for the suggestions on the shampoo and soap for babies =) i will check them out. hopefully they will also be available in the Philippines as we will be giving birth there. =)
Hi ladies,
i am currently 27 weeks pregnant and having some painless tightening at the front tummy area that last for about 10 to 20 seconds each time. The tummy will "raised up" and become very hard. Sometimes is 1 side of the tummy and sometimes is the whole front tummy. i have that 2 to 3 times a day at no fixed timing. Is that normal? I am so worry about pre-mature contractions.
no wonder i have not received any email updates on everybody's posts. was thinking how come over the weekend so quiet. hope everyone comes back to post!
mummies, do you know the prices for mustela shampoo for babies? do they have like a baby shampoo and soap in one?

where can i get mustela products the cheapest?
ya, can't find the link over the wkend.

I think i will just use the J&J. Easily available and reasonable price. Unless my baby's skin is sensitive, which i hope he's not...
i guess tat's braxton hicks contractions. i also experience it. shldnt not be a prob if it's not that frequent and painful. Tell ur gynae if u are really worried and see what they say.
i personally like the smell of milk bath (white color). Use it for myself too. But I think the Head to toe wash will be useful for newborns.
mustela now selling in watsons n guardian. heard the brand " california baby" is also not bad - organic. not sure about the price.
hmmm, anyone getting cordlife? There is a referral scheme till end dec 08. As a referror, for each referral(minimum 3 referrals), referror get $100. As for the referee, get $50. But we can share the total cost saving of $450, so each save $112.50 (=$450/4 pple)

yah, all e threads went missing! gd thing i always keep tis thread open... e site was oso down for e whole of yesterday!

was gonna recommend california baby too, but yeah, it's ex... so think a lot of mummies get fr overseas sprees...
Yeah, duno what technical issues they are facing. Want to come up and read the forum also cannot. I tot it was my internet that gives problem again.

Been suffering from upset stomach since friday and on top of it, my morning sickness officially returned this morning. So have to take off today. There goes the last of my Annual Leave for this year. *sob sob* Duno isit becos the little one has been exercising and dancing inside very merrily for the entire day tats why her mummy felt so sick. Think my lunch is going to waste soon. Nvm lah, as long as my girl is healthy, I will continue endure for another 2mths+.

Btw mummies, is it true that in singapore, during the labour process, it is compulsory to make a cut on the virginal area to allow delivery of bb? Forgot wat is the spelling for this procedure. I know it starts with an "E". Can opt out of it? Sounds painful leh

Yeah, as wat catmomo says, that sounds like braxton hicks contractions. 2-3 times a day is ok. As long as with no spottings or very painful, it is normal. It's how our body prepares for labour. If it worries you, just give your gynae a call.
Hi ladies,

California baby: I heard the aloe vera cream or something along that line, is good. But its expensive. About $30 over in Spore. And its a small small bottle. Didnt hear much about the shampoo though.

J&J: we have been using this since we were young kids. If we dont have problems while using their products, i think there shouldnt be any problems for our bb right?

My thoughts are that we should use the generic brands UNLESS if our bb skin super sensitive.
searched for california baby products and it seems v expensive! so maybe will try J&J products first and see if baby is ok with it. hoepfully she won't have sensitive skin =)
huh.. ur MS came back ar... *sweat* I hope I dun...
horrible feeling..
But i do realised tat i get full easily now. And got this dun feel-like-eating feeling these days.

Ya, i heard in most cases, episotomy (the manual cut) is performed during labor. I heard that it can be better than letting it tear on it's own, cos sometimes it may tear excessively. What I heard from my fren is, the labor pain is so pain that u wun feel anything when the doc cut u... eeewee... sounds grouse too :p

There's this California Baby BP going on, those interested can take a look.
same thoughts here. i juz hope my BB wun be "high class" baby. Everything must use those expensive brands. Times are bad, Daddys and Mummys wallet is shrinking!
ohya hor! forgot tat on my To-Buy list! thanks for reminding.. :p

erm.. bought for SIL last time, is those ready packed form from chinese medical halls. I think it's called 大风草, or something...

think of the bathing part, really sian. Was thinking of bathing everyday. but my mum say we got to use cooked water.... imagine the hassle she need to go thru to prepare for my 1 bath...haiz... but i really cannot imaging myself not bathing.. i can tahan not washing hair for a few days lah... but not bathing, when u are breastfeeding and having menses....eeewwweee...... sian....
my hubby oso said shd use j&j 1st... no prob last time, no prob now... but tis mummy a bit more anxious lah... anyway, bought e sebamed at ppl's park... so big bottle, can last very long... never mind lor...
yah, tat's e 1! must use ah?

i oso must bathe lah! think i'll juz go ahead and bathe... need to boil water mah? cannot juz on heater and bathe ah? not juz menses and breastfeeding, if got jamu wrap worse rite?!
do u remember how much e mustela shampoo is selling for? since u said it's gd, maybe i'll buy it too... use it 1st for e 1st few mths, after e cradle cap period... then can continue wif e sebamed i bought... anyway, how long can it last?

do u remember how much e mustela shampoo is selling for? since u said it's gd, maybe i'll buy it too... use it 1st for e 1st few mths, after e cradle cap period... then can continue wif e sebamed i bought... anyway, how long can it last?
