(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

haha, tat dark side only appears to ppl who noe her... when outside, she usually behaves better though...

but still, we mummies got so much to "do" to mould their characters... e experts will say ignore e behaviour, but it's hard to do tat sometimes... then if say no, sometimes they'll deliberately do it more... so quite tough now, esp when ppl ard react to her differently oso...

i was "making fun" of my fren, whose daughter juz turned 2... cos a bit naughty oso, so i said "wah, really e beginning of e terrible 2 ah"... who noes, e same thing is happening to me liao...

aiyo, the forum's finally up!

thx to my little inspector, this mummy finally found her long lost single FM container today. apparently either one of the bb in the hse has hidden it away in a box. It only re-emerged when this inspector took the box out for "internal inspection" this morning before sharing it with her 2mths younger cousin.

naughty tods:
think daddy's technique finally started to pay off. Tonite this inspector was throwing tantrums when she caught the stern look from daddy's face. She immediately sat back obediently and quietly with her head bowed. daddy exchanged a proud "See?
" look with mummy before the both of us adjusted our expressions back to "black face" again to fit into the situation appropriately. haha! ok lah. at least she is scared of one of us.

haahaa ... I like the term "That dark side"! :p
actually when I bring chi mun out, I also tend to worry if she touches anything that might make her fall sick. So this KS mummy will make sure that she dun put her hands into her mouth. At interval I will wipe her hands with wet tissue, esp after touching things like bar handles in mrt. I will rather be KS a little than to risk having her falling sick becos that will also mean I wont be able to have my sleep too!

I also duno if having a high tolerance for pain is good or not. my girl also same as cas. tat time when she fell onto the rough floor and got bad scratches on her chin/leg/hands/elbows etc, she forgot all abt them after crying. they looked quite bad to me, but looking at how she behaved, it's like they dun hurt at all!

really envy u leh! naomi's such a darling! if only chi mun has a little of her genes ah, I would have a much easier time! haha!

hahaa I simply loved ur mum's "See how smart you are" comment when you tried telling her to avoid giving mer the TV!! Really win liao lor!
Morning mummies!

Yes, finally the forum seems stable... and I can read your posts....

Lonerunner, my mum hor, if she were in our generation, I think can go and be some lawyer or mp de la... cannot outtalk her... and if you try, she talk faster and louder. Until you forgot the point you wanted to make anyway... sighz.... I only remember watching Sesame street during kindergarten years and some night time news with my grandpa before bedtime. And TV was banned in the household when we started primary school lor... I remember that very well...cuz my classmates would be discussing abt tv shows and I wud know nothing! So, my mum hor, really har, jialart de la.

But I did subtly frighten her... I had been smacking Mer a fair bit recently.... and in front of her, then I told my sis to tell her that Mer shd not watch so much tv becos she is getting v uncooperative and I am really tired of hvg a baby cry to bed every nite after a long day at work. Then few days back, as I went to pick Mer home, I just loudly told Mer in front of my mum that if she dun behave, I am sending her to fulll time childcare.

I think that put my mum on alert. So hopefully it will keep her on her toes for abit! LOL.

Been a busy and happening week for me.... so glad its finally Friday!!! But this weekend also no rest, going out both Sat & Sun. Sigh... Mer is going for her MMR tml, and Kindermusik trial on Sun.... hopefully she wun feel under the weather on Sun.... we had waitlisted for a slot for sometime....

but overall, v happy with this week! Had nice dinner with friends for my belated bday.... managed to watch a late night movie...shopped till I dropped on Wed.... and got to buy more than just a few dresses! Hahahaha.... sweet sweet week for me!

Here's to a great awesome weekend for all lovely mummies and gorgeous babies!

Ya, cannot prevent la... but I just let things be... sometimes ignorance is bliss lor... and then we cannot keep our kids in a sterile environment either. It will damage their immune system.

My mum will take wipes and keep wiping her... but I pretty much just let her go doodle all over the shop until we finish whatever we were doing and bring her to the toilet to wash her hands and face. I mean, if I were to be spending my time wiping her every 10 minutes or each time she lays her hands somewhere, I will nv get anything done. Then might as well keep her home. dirty of course wipe but I am not excessive bah. Probably also becos I am not exactly hardworking either. so sometimes going out with my mum can get a tad tiring for me. I will be trying to eat and before I place the spoon in my mouth she goes: Wipe her hands, wipe her mouth! Take water, take tissue! Catch her, grab her!" Wah lau eh, v tiring lor. I normally ignore or just go: Wait Wait wait la. LOL.

My dad will also get tired and tell her to lay off. Then she will sulk then she will start to wipe herself or make my sis do it. My sis listens and is patient so she will do her bidding lor.

If my mum sees how I usually feed Mer, she will roll over and faint. Haha... I am one of the world's grossiest mummy. I let Mer eat and dirty herself to her delight since she likes to pinch some rice and observe and feel the texture... sometimes she will smear stuff on her face and hair... I just let her be... when we r done eating, I remove her and we go bathe.

My mum hor, will feed one mouth, wipe hands and mouth, and continue this process until the bowl of porr is finished. By then the mouth also raw from rubbing liao la.

But then , she does it out of love la. For me, I just think that its abit too much. Next time Mer become some mega diva I die. Hahaha...


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Earlier I was browsing and reading an article from babycenter.com that says "At about 16 months, your toddler understands that he is his own person, but that he can use you as an extension of himself. For instance, if he sees a toy that he wants but can't reach, he'll push you toward it and gesture until you know he wants you to hand it to him"

I cant helped but laughed. No wonder that day when we went Goat farm in Lim Chu Kang, this little inspector actually took daddy's hand and signal that she wanted daddy to help her pat the goat ... never mind that the nearest goat is abt 2m away from the fence where we all were! Maybe it is a good thing that visitors are not allowed to feed goats anymore. This little inspector will sure try to sayang any goat she can get her little hands on!

I think it's wonderful to be with a 16mth old tod. They are getting quite fun to play with now! Like on Friday, this little inspector was very adamant trying to take the small Dryper pack belonging to her 14mth old cousin out from her bedroom to the living room despite that the pack is almost her size! Her cousin had a bad day LS and the domestic helper was going to clean him up again so this little one tot she might need some diapers to do this. By the time the little one reached the hall, she slam the Drypers pack down and lie on top of the pack panting hard! confirmed bengsan liao, but mission well accomplished :p We all laughed until our tummy hurts! Wat a girl! She actually went thru all the trouble simply becos she still hasnt figure out how to take a diaper out from a unopened Drypers pack yet but is very eager to chip in any ways possible :p
Hi mummies,

Just wondering for those of ur Tods who have had molars, how long did it take to erupt?
Think my gal molar coming thru. At same time she has mild gastric flu n fever, haven't been eating much the whole week n rejecting all her usual food.. Plus she just had her last upper incisor tooth which cut thru during mid week which I think it somewhat caused her to hv mild diarrhea from beg of the week. but it didn't improve which led to fever on Thursday till now so doc suspect it is gastric flu. Haiz very sian, hope she can at least eat something. Stress time again
hi ginn,

naomi's molar took quite awhile..when the molars first cut through, she also had fever and even when everything went back to normal, only 2 peaks came through..it took about another 2 weeks for the entire tooth to erupt...its non stop teething for her but glad that there isnt any discomfort..
naughty tods:
aiyah... i just experienced it again today.

han was like taking his own sweet time to finish his dinner, so i told him, if he can finish it soon, will bring him downstairs for a stroll. and he really finished soon and brought his shoes to me.

after one round of walking, this lazy mummy brought him home. normally grandparents / daddy will bring him to long long stroll, so he "buay song" yet and started to whine. i bo chap him, and he started to get cranky and even tears were rolling down his cheek. so my mil heartache his bao bei crying and started to put on his shoes for him. guess what... he turned from crying to smile almost immediately.
Hi mummies,
any tods here restarted to have tons of saliva dripping all over again like when they were young and just begun to grow their teeth? I need to keep changing my girl's top cos it's always wet from her saliva. She refused to put on a bib either. I din see any tooth coming out yet leh ...

sometimes I am quite amused at the speed our tods can change their emotions from crying to smiling within a snap of fingers! :p

chi mun should be teething already..usually the saliva starts to run days before the tooth erupt (at least for my case)
can take a few days and tada, u'll be surprise with new little tooth buds

grace, elderlies spoil market! my in laws always give in!!
sandy, thanks... yes my gal's molar peak had cut thru when i saw yesterday. And there are another 2 red swollen canines area also seems to be coming out! aiyo... all parts of the gums is cutting teeth, no wonder dun want to eat at all! She used to be ok with bread when she rejects rice but now dont want anything except for her Heinz farley rusks, corn flakes (eaten plain without milk) haiz, no choice gotta feed her more milk frequently, altho i dont like the idea cos scared she'll only want milk when she gets well. No idea what else she wants to eat!

lonerunner, my gal was also drooling before teeth eruption. Her drooling was weeks before the eruption.

haha agree grandparents always spoil market.
Last nite we finally got the little inspector her very 1st official toy - a push car! We spent nearly an hr in carrefour suntec pondering over which car to get. After getting it down from the shelf, we placed it into the trolley and let chi mun sat on it while we pushed the trolley around.

After walking down a few corridoor, suddenly this little inspector held up the steering wheel itself for me! Goodness! The steering wheel has completely detached itself from the car! I pushed it back and it seemed to stay there for good. I then turned my attention back the the display shelves again. After a few steps, suddenly this inspector stood up. In her hands, not only she was holding out the steering wheel for me, but she was also holding the body of the car! The front wheels were there on the floor of the trolley!

I was totally shocked! This car didnt passed her QA inspection before we were out of carrefour!! I immediately called out to hb for help. Hb took one look at it and concluded must be the bolt and screw got loose and dropped off to have made the parts fell apart like that. We made a trip back to the sales person who was very helpful to help us screw back the push car into 1 piece again.

The inspector was very happy to have the new toy after all. She sat happily on it while we pushed her all the way from carrefour to G2000 storefront before we took a bus home. This morning she din even wan to go mil hse without it! We told her she can play with it tonite when she's home but she KO before she can do that tonite. So it'll gotta wait until tmw morning!

oh really? thanks thanks! Was abt to call up PD liao! Good to see new tooth coming up! I tot they have forgotten to grow already!
Mummies help...very busy at work!!!

Haha, just finished having breakfast!! Can you believe it, and it is already 12.55pm. Gonna run for a mtg now. Wanna read more about chimun hehe
Mummies help...very busy at work!!!

Haha, just finished having breakfast!! Can you believe it, and it is already 12.55pm. Gonna run for a mtg now. Wanna read more about chimun hehe
aiyo ... was reading the news abt the widow of that guy who fell from hilton hotel after the wedding. Very sad story. She never recovered from her hb's death. Imagine one moment was the happiest day of her life, and a few hours later, her hb was dead. It's really an emotional rollercoaster. Now she is gone too. haiz.

whoa ... how come u need to work until the last minute??! wahahahaha! Good leh. Now u are a SAHM officially! :p

hehehe ... I tot my breakfast was already quite late at 10.30am when I finally found a chance to escape from desk to grab a bite but urs is even later! :p
whitegalz: congrats! i hope i can be a SAHTT(Stay At Home Tai Tai) soon. :p

lonerunner: yah lor, the little one change mood easily, but i guess that's good too, then we can make them happy again.

sandy: as usual. for han, the in-laws and hubby spoil market until i lost liao... now he wants in-laws and hubby much much much more than me. :p

ginn: han's molar is erupting... now LS until siao.
that day bum red until he kept crying. but now luckily better liao.

starbright: haha, i almost never miss my breakfast. makan is 1st priority. :p

Chimun is really full of something leh haha...so cute and so helpful....clever girl la hehe...

Bryston sigh...nw i think trying to talk but cannot express alot so scream lo when he angry,tired or simi also scream la...sigh major notes.... but i try to lun lun lun....calm him down...else hor smeday i go crazy back on him la LOL

Think he is memorizing his A to Z LOL....
Hi Whitegalz,

Congrats....mi so envy.....I wanted to SAHM....but my hubby told mi to move back to MIL hse if I dun want to work...cos there will no income frm me...n my hubby is NOT earning a lot...
justviv: as in then u will rent out your place?
if that happens, rem to look for me for housing things hor. :p buy, sell, rent, sublet...

i'm so happy, just close a deal last friday!
much earlier than expected, thanks to my fantastic team.
Whitegal, congrats congrats congrats! You were working until past 11pm on your last day? I only have 1 word, Dedicated! Hopefully your good traits and skills will be recognised by your next future employer! Meanwhile, enjoy your time as home with Ky ok!

Lonerunner, yes, that day I saw it on the papers and kept thinking abt it. Its really sad. I mean I think she had no chance de. To plunge into such despair out of her own will at her happiest moment in life, she already lost the battle. Her family must have really tried their hardest to keep the suicide watch on her until then.
Just hope that their families will soon heal and be able to move on. Such trauma is not easy to get past.

Lili: A to Z?! Wah... I think my Mer is really farrrr behind all our kids here. Until now only know how to say she is mei mei (pretty), dance and sing songs and play, eat and sleep. Hahaha... nothing more liao.

Grace: Poor Han... maybe you can try the Earth's Baby Soothing Bottom Balm or AngelMama Baby Bottom Balm... both have very high concentration of moisturisers and are denser in moist than Desitin. Mer had a serious bout of LS when she first teethed last yr remember? And she also LS until her bum was really cham. I remember applying desitin like kaya on her and still no use. Until my PD prescribed the bottom balm... did not work wonders but it healed in a few days. So you can try that. There is a shop at Suntec, next to the florist which is diagonally in front of Chateu de Sable on the 3rd floor, where toysrus is, which sells this.

Teething: I have no idea where are the molars or canines but Mer seems to have quite a few teeth now. Lately she seems to be teething also... drooling more than usual and suddenly crying out int he middle of the night holding her mouth or poking at somewhere inside her mouth. So I think must be some painful teeth coming out. Hopefully our babies will faster finish growing their teeth and not hv to go thru such pain again!

Grace, i also cannot miss my breakfast. Haha... no breakfast, no work. If really have to do something during my usual breakfast time then I will eat in the car or gobble something at home first. Hahaha...

Overload, have not seen you posting online for a while leh! How is your girl and your little one inside? Must update us ok!
lonerunner, yeah that's really sad story. It must be really tough for her during the past few months.

Grace, is Han eating well while his molar cutting thru? My gal still refuses to eat her main proper meals.. dunno how.. she's already feeling better, think not as pain already but still rejecting her meals.
same here lah. when chi mun is at my mil's hse, she sure bo chap mummy and daddy one ... everything also her grandma number 1 .... UNTIL the moment we are leaving for home then she'll remember to give her mummy and daddy some attention.

oh yes. SAHTT is much better!!

chi mun's vocab is limited only to "mum-mum" (eat), "ma-am" (mummy or her grandma), "zai-zai" (her cousin) and "die-die" (her dad. duno why daddy becomes "diedie"). So she'll just point here point there or nod/shake head to express her wants/needs. Definately not interested in learning her ABCs but is very interested to take things out for inspection. duno how she is going to study next time. hahaa! But one thing I noticed that she learns by observing ppl. So maybe I'll put her in school so that when she sees ppl studying, she'll auto want to study too. hehehehehee ....!

yalor. I also think it's just a matter of time for her. Hope that her family's emotional wounds will heal soon. very very sad case. I dun think it is the black wedding decor that sealed the fate.
Hi Djmama,

haha aiyer nvm de someday he song song tell me letter by letter in ascending but will smetime miss a word LOL.... each child diff mah...like sometime he dun express too well only jus scream...then i have to act smart abit lo decipher....like yesterday nite he slp so early like 7plus aft bathe he keep screaming,whining and crying...so i guess he tired le lo...then let him drink milk early then let him slp lo...smetime they are simply too cranky to express wat they wan...

grace chua,

wa seh lotsa sideline hor LOL...smelling millionaire soon bo hehe... ;P


not to worry...ya i find that chimun very curious next time mayb into sme serious job hehe scientist?? hehe
Congrats on closing your 1st deal! Hope there's many more to come!!

Wow.. that's so fast! This lazy mum didn't make an effort to expose him to any alphabet until recently I read from a book that must not teach the kid how to read the alphabet, but pronunce the alphabet. Like A is for 'ah'.. this is so confusing... I doln't remember my teacher teaching me phonics.. haha.. so I will still not expose him to the alphabet.. whaha.. my life will be easier!!

Embrace your new life ya? Lotsa of fun! Though can be quite bored = routine at time. It's definately more rewarding than working!

Ya.. I think not easy for that lady to endure till now. I think I will do the same too.. =(

It seems like our little tot teething issue goes on and on. Wonder when will the day of drooling, rejecting food, etc, be over. It's like almost a year and they are still teething.. Am very much await for the teething phase to be over.
SAHTT: yah lor, it's definitely better.
cos i dont see myself full-time taking care of han. think i will love him lesser if i'm with him the whole 24 hrs. haha.

already imagined / dream of the scenario: me and han zzz until we happy then wake up. play with him until noon.
then PIL came to fetch him, then it is my TT time. go spa, meet friends, do some business that self run / collect rental.
think already v happy. haha.

first deal: thanks everyone! yah lor, v fun de. bring the clients to visit all the projects and at the same time see which one i like. :p
and my previous experience in buying and selling hdb and condo for my own actually helped!
also before this i like to go around visiting projects and collect their brouchers. initially it was just for fun, then it actually came into good use.
if anyone of u have any brouchers want to dispose, let me know hor. :p

oh yah, can poke me if your housing is due for re-financing also. cos just contacted most of the banks and compare their rates.
so can give u good deals as well.

the_simz: yes, hoping for many more deals. must depend on all the support from people i know and my team.
haha, think my side-line boss's strategy is quite good, looking forward to 2nd deal liao.

lili: no lah, not millionaire lah, just asking for SAHTT.
hehe, so gotta work harder now, else it wont come true... or i have to wait for my turn to be toto sole winner. :p
wah bry is good, can tell u all the letters liao. han still super not motivated to learn to speak yet.

red bum: DJ, thanks for the tips.
Luckily my MIL super on, make sure he apply some lotion and nag until we also let him go without diaper for few days.
think the circulation is much better than it recovers v fast.

ginn: han's still eating well, but during that few days, he also doesnt want his porridge, so i go back to oat and cereal. then he's happily eating liao.

lonerunner: at my PIL place, han is surrounded by grandparents, uncles and aunties. so many people to play with him until he really bo chap me.
then i was teaching him to hug me when i'm home. he super "giat" purposely hug everyone except me. i so sian.

chi mun's curiosity is really good, i like curious kids, then they get to learn more. be prepared with all the why this, why that, in time to come!
Simz, totally agree, really sian during the teething phase and rejecting food phase. I see some 3/4yo sometimes v fussy abt food too.. i think it'll take a few more years to get pass all this stage!

Grace, u into property full time? Sounds like u enjoy ur job which is good... It's always good to do something u enjoy. Good luck!

my gal is also not speaking much yet leh, talking so much to her, asking her open ended questions but she'll rather point or do sign language.. otherwise only say the same fave words she know.
Hi mummies,

My gal is oso born in Feb. She now only have 8 teeth, upper 4 n lower 4. But she got 2 extra bud teeth just behind the upper front 2 teeth. Now the bud is growing bigger n bigger till it gg to join the front 2 teeth.
Hi babypop, maybe u wanna bring ur gal to dentist to hv a look to check if u're concern?
I had extra tooth behind my upper front teeth when i was 12/13yr old too, nothing major, just that i felt like a monster and anyway since i was doing braces had to extract teeth anyway, so gotten it extracted then. But they're so young now, prob will leave it if there's no major issues....

:D thanks for remembering me :D hahaha
I have no maid now. Very shocked that I have to do everything by myself (i know it sounds like i am a bimbo) but I haven't really get used to the new routine. sigh...

ur TT story makes me imagine ALSO VERY HAPPY!!! hahaha...

my friend visited d other day and her son also has an extra tooth. She said she has brought him to dentist but decided not to extract (pity mah), even d dentist also say nothing need to be done at this point. but like Ginn says, may b it's a good idea to go to dentist urself since they r d expert.

ur Brys is sooo smart!! I haven't started teaching ABC lo... aiyah recently I really can't get anything done... cannot b kiasu n check out what kids can do on d net anymore, must lower down my standard hahaha...
aiyo tonite this girl decided that she will climb down from her dining chair herself while my back's turned. So as expected lor, she landed butt first onto the floor and began to cry. I rushed back into the dining area and grab her up to see where she got hurt. But but ... she is not interested in letting me see/know where she's hurting ... she's more interested to get her feeding bowl down from her chair from where she has left it when she fell off! Goodness! Really got no words to describe her. Her new toy is more impt than her sore butt.

actually hor, until today I duno really know phonics leh :p Duno how am i going to teach the inspector next time. :p

wah ... if that is the life of a SAHTT ah, I definately wont mind leh! Got so much ME time! heheheheee!

bryson is good! Can tell u ABC liao!

maybe one day our girls will be talking so much until we want to put on ear plugs to mute them out! :p

yeah, agree with ginn. Maybe bring to see dentist will be good.

rest more for now. Not easy having #2 with #1 so active leh. They will pick things up slowly in time to come.
For mummies here who are following the World Cup happenings. Here is an interesting extract from asiaone regarding Paul, the octopus who has predicted correctly all 6 match results of Germany's :-

"The art of football predicting has become a dangerous job for the English-born clairvoyant cephalopod with some bitter German fans threatening to turn him into sushi after he predicted a semi-final defeat for the Mannschaft."

poor octopus ....! :p
Hi Overload, what happened to your maid? I contemplating now whether to take a maid as I thinking of trying for number 2. Once pregnant, my mum says cannot carry my boy already, he will be so sad and I will too! So, I thinking of getting one again but the thought of all the problems they create really puts me off.

Can u cope with #1 and #2 inside? Are u working?
The worst scenario for me is to continue staying at my mum's house and #1 looked after by her, and we get a part-time maid to do the cleaning of floor and toilets (which are more siong) if we dun want to get a full-time maid. The rest like washing clothes still manageable.
Dilemma dilemma.
ginn: hopefully full-time soon.
but my current job has v good medical benefits / nice colleagues and bosses, so makes me not so willing to leave my job yet.
yap, it's always good to do something we like.

TT life: definitely happy! haha... this is my motivation now.

so gotta work hard to get there.
going for some more viewings tomorrow.

overload: better take care leh. dont tired yrself out.

lonerunner: me too dont know phoenics...
last time never teach such things one leh.
i only know "bo, po, mo, fo, de, te, ne, le...." :p
and hor the octopus is so "kiang". i think i should get it to draw the 6 numbers for me, then i can reach my target immediately!

Liting: my motto is when the time comes, things will turn out fine.
"chuan2 dao4 qiao2 tao2 zi4 ran2 zhi2"
Hi Grace Chua, thanks, ya, hope the bridge will turn straight when I reach it. All the best to your property biz! Wah, salute you, so much energy, and u take bus to view property? Will that take up too much time? Then what about Han? Who takes care of him when u go viewing? Can share how u manage your time? Everytime I will be so exhausted after 'war time' with my boy until all my work is left behind as when he falls asleep, I will have no more energy left to do work.
Overload, good to hear from you! Take it easy ah... I think if I also have a number 2 inside like you, also will just lower standards abit lor... now dun hv I also lower standards... wahahaha...

Any mummies here sending baby to playgroup in the west area near clementi ah? Am looking for one but dunno which is good leh... this Mer is so active and learning now, really dunw ant her to spend time watching tv with my parents in the day...
liting: no lah, i drive to go for viewing. normally i borrow car from my hubby or my clients drive me. haha. nice clients hor.

need to find the buses / mrt cos normally it is good to inform clients the accessibility of the property.

viewing is quite short ones, each property is like 15min to 30min (max), so with a car, things are easier.
normally my viewing time are lunch time, evenings or weekends.
evenings, hubby or my in-laws will help to look after him. If weekends, still have my sis-in-laws, bro-in-laws, etc. so han is kept entertained when i go for viewing.
plus i have my team to help out with viewings when i'm not available, cos we help each other. so easily managed.
Haha.. so I am not the only one!! Yaya.. Phonics is really chim. I don't even know what grace knows, "bo, po, mo, fo, de, te, ne, le...."
Accidentally bought a dinosaurs book. Boy, literally, I am skipping all the names of the dinosaurs when I read to him!

Talking about war time. Does your little one snatch the spoon from you during meal time? How to encourage them to learn to eat, yet not making a mess? I think they are playing with food more than eating!

Hope you are doing well in your current situation! Like what DJ said, lower standard should be able to survive this ordeal without maid! CLOSE BOTH EYES!

Seems like you are enjoying your new biz ah! Haha.. next year when I am back to sg, I know who can I look for!

The below menu is for you, contributed by the mother in the forum!!

Rice Apple Pudding
Grind the half cup rice up to the size of barley. Use a medium saucepan and add 1/4 cup
diced apples, 2 cups water with grounded rice. Cook for about 30 minutes over medium heat.
Add 60ml milk, stir. Heat for another 20 minutes, making sure that the mixture remains soupy,
not pasty.

Chicken & potato pie
Mash potato, with milk and butter. Mince chicken cook with carrots, then puree.
Mixed all and ready to eat.

Carrots, Broccoli & Cheese
Mash potatoes, pureed carrots, pureed broccoli with milk and cheddar cheese.

Cheesy Pasta
Heat the butter in a pan, sauté chopped tomatoes and stir in the cheese until melted.
Meanwhile cook the pasta. Mix pureed carrots with tomato cheese and stir in the cooked pasta.

Fish Pie
Mash potato, with milk and butter. Cook fish in milk for 10 minutes, then stir in the cheese
until melted. Bake at 180C for about 15 minutes.

Bolognese sauce
Heat the butter in a pan with onion, then add garlic and pureed carrot and sauté for 4 minutes.
Add minced beef and fry until browned. Pour pureed tomatoes, cover and cook over a low heat for
about 12 minutes. Remove from the pan and pulse for a second or two in a blender to make a
smoother texture.

You can choose to add any type of ingredient broccoli, carrots, califlower, potatoes,tofu,
egg salmon or beef

+ 2 table spoon of Oats or rice(cooked)

+ Miso base abit to taste

boil the ingredient till cook add in the oats or rice cook for another 3mins & u are ready
to serve.

FYI, I do light puree to his food most importantly he can't be choosy all mix together its
like a thick & rough paste he gets to chew & its easy to feed no messy and he is able to scoop
& self feed.

You can use the same ingredient w/o miso puree add in lots of cheese and u get thick healthy
veg cream soup. Can soak in some bread if u want to give him carbo.

Some time lazy I use UHT milk + Oat + his favourite banana or pumkin puree cook & ready in 5mins.
He loves this.

Pan fried salmon

u nid salmon,1/4cup orange juicem2tbsp canola oil,2tbsp white vinegar,1tsp ground ginger,saltn pepper,10cups spinach,1 15oz cannellini beans rinsed n drained,1/2cup walnuts
if u dun wan beans also can la u c wat bean u can find in can those type.
so u pan fry the salmon
whisk orange juice,oil,vinegar n ginger
season with salt n ppper
Denise, thanks ah.. The recipes are all so delicious! No wonder my gal has always been rejecting my food.. I think I am a lousy cook..

u know what i always do? I will put in alot of ingredients into her porridge, i think the taste not good la, cos she always reject after a few mouth.. Cereal, oats are worse.. She will not open her mouth no matter what.. Haha..

Today, I cooked plain porridge and steamed a small piece of fish (put abit of oyster sauce) and she loves it so much.. Dinner, I steamed minced pork (this time added vegetable n teriyaki sauce).. She also eat alot.. I try not to put too much sauces cos very saltish..

Now I know simple is good, last time I thought put alot alot of ingredients, she will surely love it.. But I am wrong..

My gal has her likes and dislikes, I didnt even realise.. She likes saltish food,dislike sweet foods (exclude fruits).. She likes the apple flavour yakult, dont really like orange and grape (same like me!), she likes original cod liver oil, dont like the orange one (also like me!)....

Today I fed her with quite a bit of rice.. Hope later she will not wake up for milk.. I will start to wean off her night feeds, hope I can succeed!

I finally put her in her own room and own bed..Now, I can have peaceful sleep.. When she cried/made noise for 1-2 times in a row, I will ignore her. previously i attended to her when she made just 1 cry/sound.. by the time i rushed to her room, she was sleeping soundly.. now, Only real cries (longer than 3 times) then I will wake up..

My life is getting better! No work stress and have a better night sleep..
are there classes for parents to pick up Phonics ah? or maybe we just have to learn along with our toddlers :p After that we also have to tackle HanYuPingYin. Duno isit our toddlers are going for classes or we parents are going for classes. hehehehe ..!

I think having a weekend maid coming over on weekly basis is still better than hiring a maid if can help it lah. at least if the part time maid is no good, it is easier to sack her and find another one as compared to full time maid. Then you'll have more privacy too. I'm intending to do this first when my #2 comes along. If really cannot then hire a full time domestic helper lor.
Actually old ppl are afraid that young kids might anyhow kick and cause miscarriage unintentionally. But when my sil was pregnant with my nephew, my niece was rushing for her mum to be carried everyday. So I think it shld be fine to a certain extend bah?

good for u (and bb!). my bb is still dripping saliva nonstop and LS at least 4times a day. duno when the stupid teeth will come out. her butt is still quite red. my parents din noticed she has pooed on sat and left her in the soiled diapers. by the time they finally understood her signals, too late already. Been applying tons of bottom balm since sat nite and let her walked abt without diapers. But at least today her bottom dun hurt her as much already. haiz .... My beauty nap has resulted in her sore butt. Still felt a bit guilty over it.

hahahaa ... I cant pronounce the long names of dinosaurs too! :p
my girl snatches everything from me during meal time. I gave her a little food on her bowl and let her attempt to self feed. It's messy lah, but I cant think of any other methods to distract her while she's eating. :p
oh thanks for the recipes! :p

really envy u leh! I wished I can spend all my time with my girl too!
how abt dropping a teaspoon of cereals into porridge to cook?
i agree lo... dunno who is learning, us or baby?.. Like when I wanna teach baby sign language also learn fr scratch, then I told my hb, I learn a new language to teach... hahaha... previously i plan to brush up my chinese to teach baby.. but if situation is like this, may b i just ask her to study by herself hahahaha... her dad complain all the time when i "read" her in chinese, my yin are all wrong, so i assign the task to him hehehe... oh back to phonics... really scratch head... besides youtube i have no idea where to learn, any idea?

u geng lo!!! i dunno bo po mo fo also... die la...

ya ya CLOSE BOTH EYES hahaha... now i have new motto "EVERYTHING but baby can wait"... laundry like mountain, never mind... floor dirty, aiyah only hair la, not real dirt!! haha PENG!! luckily my hb only fussy on cleanliness not tidiness or else i dunno how...

I think having maid has pros n cons like everything else. I like d privacy I have now and I enjoy being able to serve my family fully. Simple things like folding my hb's clothes n preparing baby's food makes me VERY happy. Having a peace of mind that baby's clothes r not washed with my undies or something... u know what i mean?

But I hate not being able to play with baby all the time, now she adapted to the fact that I need to fold clothes while she is playing/"reading" or to eat while i wash d dishes... I really notice the difference in her "studies" also. Altho I was not discipline to show her flash cards everyday, she used to read 10 new words a week before my maid went back. She was v consistent so it breaks my heart that she only know 20 more words a month now that d maid is gone. However, I am consoled by the fact that she learns other things tho. I realised there are other things that we can teach when we r busy. Like she picked up colours and counting cos I only need to talk talk talk... hehe... unlike flash cards... need both hands, eye contact n full concentration.

If u n ur family really cannot cope, it is good to get a maid n concentrate on baby alone. But if ur concern is finding a good maid...like lonerunner said, u might wanna try part time cleaner first at least they dun stay with us so less headache. There is no right or wrong in this case, u just have to follow your heart. Worst scenario like Grace said, d bridge n the ship... everything will fall into place :D

Any mummies face tis problem? My gal will look for tit-bits after 2hrs of eating porridge(1 bowl) or drinking her milk(8oz of formula). She will cry or throw temper if we dun give her biscuits/fruits/bread.

She is full after her usual meal/milk, but yet she still want to eat a bit of other stuffs. Any mummies can advise me for such behaviour?
