(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

if u are worried, then juz do e blood test for peace of mind... so u noe for sure nothing's wrong, which i believe is e case!

hmm, my gal oso bites off bits of e straw... think it's okie lah, bpa-free rite? anyway, she's been biting a lot of things off... she luvs bottles - any kind of bottles, so e stickers on e bottles got bitten off by her and swallowed into her stomach... yesterday best, she was biting on e bottle of kodomo shampoo... then my mum din noe tat have to watch her... when she came back from wat she was doing, then realised e bottle had been flicked opened by my gal's teeth... so dunno if she's swallowed any shampoo, haha...

anyway, my pd said nothing can be done to stop them from biting... only distraction... so try give him other things tat u allow to bite on, see if it helps...
polliwogs on 6th jul (tue)!
any mummies keen? bk u all 1st, hehe... let's go a morn outing, abt 10.30-11am?

gracie_gal, ag_gal, deedee, grace - on not?
Happy, mmr don't cause hives... Might only cause red dot rash like measles. BUT my hb says Some MMR vaccine is cultivated using duck egg so u gotta check with pd what is the fluid the mmr vaccine uses ( med term is the vehicle of the vaccine). Chances r Xavier is allergic to these agents rather than a reaction to the virus. In fact he is suggesting that Xavier do a workup for auto immune disease bcos more than 3 weeks is chronic. Auto immune disease can be a form of blood disorder but not all types of autoimmune diseases r blood disorders; it depends on the type. I think do blood workup soon will be better since his hives r chronic.
hehe .. my girl has just learnt how to do a "fake" injury like those footballers do when trying to get a penalty or delay time. She knocked her right knee while closing the main door. Then she started crying (note: without tears). mil ran into the living room and asked her where she knocked herself. Guessed how this girl reacted? She pointed to her LEFT knee instead and continued to wail while trying to get mil carry her. her uncles and aunties all witnessed the scene and all cannot stand her bad acting skills. Her 2nd uncle even asked her "ei, you hurt your left or right knee?" Suddenly this girl dare not cry anymore and acted blur :p

my collegue's girl went to appletree in AMK. http://www.appletree.com.sg/playgroup/reg.php?id=20&name=Ang%20Mo%20Kio. He is quite happy with her going there

ya agree with whitegalz. might be due to food. try give more water and honey (those good qualty ones). Go for a blood test to find out wat exactly cause it.

my girl's not even growing her 7th tooth yet! duno where her teeth went to! maybe forget to grow. only 6 teeth now. try give wet towel for him to bite on

haha ... like tat also can call "our" alumni ah? ok lah :p

take ur time to source and consider lah. there is still some mths to go before Aug when our tods will turn 18 mths old!

I think like wat sheepish Say, distraction is the only way. My girl's molars took about 3 weeks to fully erupt but the discomfort N appetite lost only lasted for 1week. Canines no discomfort but only biting fingers of 3 days. I did not do anything but just distract. My hb doesn't support use of detinox cos it's a sedative n so distraction so far worked best for us.
Thanks for the replies mummies... Sigh very worried that it's autoimmune disease
pd say if it's food allergy, blood test typically not useful..

Sandy, his red like rashes don look like his normal hives but i can't tell whether it's hives or rashes, how to diff? Btw, when would the rash breakout post mmr?
I think his mmr jab contains egg content according to the pd...
Anyway, pd says to do blood test if not well by mon, fingers crossed, feeling really upset! So tough to be a mummy...

my pd told me 1 week later but she said it's quite rare. Non of the babies she vaccinated get any rash. I guess getting a blood test is best to put ur mind at ease. Xavier's environment is quite clean right? I read that It can happen if he wasn't exposed to too much germs since young so never build enough immunity against allergens.

thanks, yah maybe if by Monday still not ok then blood test, don't want him to go thru blood test...

yah so far his environment quite clean, hope my loving him did not result in him not building enough immunity for himself lo sigh sigh
munchkin straws are harder than the magmag ones. maybe you can try that and see if ur baby can still bite it?

maybe ur girl will grow up to be an actress someday! invest in drama classes so she'll get better review from her aunts and uncles! hahaha!
cas' new pasttimes:
- reading books to mummy (she's imitating me when i'm reading her books!) using all these garbled words which i am yet to understand
- trying on mummy and daddy's slippers. although she likes her daddy's slippers better coz it's bigger!
- feeding mummy with "chicken", "sausage" and "egg" from her kitchen toys
- making coffee for daddy using her toy cups and kettle
thx goodness it's weekend! the workload in office is horrible! nowadays I can only go for lunch at 1.30pm or 3pm! milk supply getting lesser too. haiz. nvm lah. got how much then feed bb how much lor. wat to do.

hmmm ... good Q. I think except for veg, she can chew the other food type like fish, noodles, biscults. Cos if today I feed her 1 50cents size piece of veg, I can see the lump of veg in her next poo. But I din see any biscuits or lump pieces of meat. maybe it is cos she likes to sink her teeth on anything. she's an inspector lah. must bite the item, check it, then bite again before putting things back.

yeah I think she needs to attend drama classes. acting skills really cannot make it. haha! All for the sake of wanting attention from my mil. Cas' really cute leh! can imitate well!

50% off? Thanks for the info!!

so far the lucky bb mug's straw passed my girl's biting. But maybe she's a girl so more gentle in biting? u might want to buy one to try too
lonerunner, r u still pumping 4x? Really salute u if so.. keke.. i'm stopping already. After i've reduced to 2pumps abt 2months ago, supply dipped a lot, then now in process of stopping. But thing is i dunno how the milk will go off, i'm already pumping once in 48 hrs, i still got abt 70ml left, i dont feel engorged at all, so i'm not sure shld i pump it out or leave it.. hahahaha.. any mummies can help with my query?
juz leave it... dun feel engorged even better... tat time for me, i stopped completely for 2-3 days liao... then suddenly engorged... was advised by my cousin-in-law to leave it... really, after a while no more engorgement liao...
actually what will happen to those leftover breastmilk when we stop BF ah? will it turn clots or? how it is going to diappear?

yeah, I'm still on 4x a day. morning, lunch, dinner, before sleep. But total amt is only good for 2-3 feeds. Now the FM tin uses up faster than before :p

wah lucky u dun feel engorgement! better to leave it otherwise the milk ducts will think that must continue produce milk. if really need to, then express a little out.
I still got the engorgement feeling once I hit the 7-8th hour! then I'll need to rush to express otherwise I'll be very cranky and feel that I cant breathe at all! actually I abit "bu she de" to stop thats why still continuing. hahahaa! I'm even toying with the idea of doing tandem nursing now. I must be real mad! I hadnt sleep well for ages! Think next time when I finally want to stop BF, I must take those med to stop engorgement feeling. otherwise I think will die :p

tats great! more convenient for u this way! u might wan to check out the school when classes resume on monday

i spot a little actress hor..hehe wan sme attention lo hor...hehe bryston smetime slf inflict pain arh then hor say ooo...then touch the pain area n wan u yang o him buey tahan....

eh actually hor once u stop arh the milk will slowly diminish,wun turn to clots but have to clean nipple daily cos hor sme dries up de will stay on the nipple...actually till nw if i press my nipple hor eh...have abit of liquid still LOL....well mother nature la hor...this is hw they build us hehe...Moooooo

Wa nw pri sch topic i even stress lol...faint lo...i haven even think of where to put bryston when i;m back but i might have rough ideas la...maybe myfirstskool cos i heard that the ntuc cirriculum is getting not too bad...i email eh littleskool but hor they never reply leh sad wan lo....wat they dun wanna entertain me arh
Zac had fever on the 7th day after the MMR jab, followed by rashes. I think the rashes he had is not bothering him. (not itchy or anything) Hives is more like mosquito bite? The more you scratch on the rash, the bigger rash it will become. As for blood test, it's just a prick on the finger? Just distract him during the process to make you and him feel better. Remember his to bring his favourite toy or food along!

Haha.. cas is so entertaining now. Good to have imaginery play! I wish my zac can do that, so that I can rest and relax a bit. Now am cracking my brain what to do with him during his awake hour. He napped so short hour now!

Your little inspector so cute! I think your mil must really dote her a lot!
tat was my qn too... think our bodies will juz get rid of it eventually... but dun ask me how... i did not have any milk clots after e engorgement stopped... then my breasts started shrinking, now like a bit smaller than before preggie...
lonerunner, yes i can understand bu she de to stop feeling. I was on 4x pumps for few months too, i did have engorgement feeling at that time, then i gradually extend hours to 3pumps then finally 2 pumps then naturally the milk ss dropped a lot until a point not enough for one feed then i decide to stop... since it's a gradual process so not so heartpain..

Sheepish, haha good that u mentioned to leave it otherwise i just continue pumping dunno till when and yes breast is in shrinking process now.
today my faithful avent pump finally decided to wave white flag after 16mths in operation. the old manual pump's suction is so bad until my usual yield fell like mad. Phillips' online contact person advised they dun do repair so better get a new one cos my waranty had expired. the technical support person who answered my phone advised me to bring down on monday so that they can look at it but have to leave the pump there for as long as 2 weeks. they dun offer a loan set as well. oh my goodness! i started a frantic search for a temp pump. luckily one of the very kind mummies here loan me a set to tide over this period.
I think my next pump set will be medela for sure. at least they provide a loanset service. and it's lighter and less bulky than Avent!

huh?! our breast will become smaller after stop BF ah? aiyo ... I am still admiring my new burstline after giving birth leh. I can finally wear V-necked tops nicely now. sob.

think they are in the attention seeking phase now. haha! but too bad, we saw thru their act.

hehe ... my mil cant tahan her at times too :p
hi mummies, Jovan had high fever and fits last Wednesday. by the time I reached home after work, he was 39.6. then we rushed down to the clinic and he hit 40 degrees. While in the clinic, he had fits and we called for ambulance. luckily we were in the clinic else I wouldnt know what to do. We stayed in hosipital for 3 nights. now he has recovered and started to drink milk and eat yday. This was such a scare for me. from this experience, I think we mummies do really need to know the basic first aid so we know how to handle during emergency. any ideas if there is a class we can go to?
Hi Happy, my boy's small-dot-like rashes started on the 10th day, 2 days after his fever started. His fever started on the 8th day after MMR. Better do a blood test just to make sure. I thought if allergic to certain food will have pinkish or reddish jelly-like stools as well? My col once said that when our boys were about 6mths plus, but I am not sure whether at this age now, will they still have this symptom if they have allergies. Take care and hope your bb gets well soon.
gosh Amy,

Glade that Jovan is recovering, staying in for 3 nites sounds very serious.

Did Dr explain wat causes fits, can visualise e experience is so dramatic & scary.

Btw what's the hospital bill size for staying in 3nites very ex huh.

Take care, I think u need to spend yr 2wk off beef up Jovan he must have lost alot of weight.

2wk ago JX was teething, he also rejected food for 1wk+ was very worried too, glade that it was over & was eatting well again.
haha he ate so much on Sat & Sun till he poo poo 4x in a day.

Can do a survey, if your child poo poo will they tell u or fussed? My son dont fussed by the time we found out it like more than 30min & his groin area become red. Was suppecting maybe in IFC teacher also did not changed immediately so he got used to it.

How to encourage them to tell?
gosh Amy,

Glade that Jovan is recovering, staying in for 3 nites sounds very serious.

Did Dr explain wat causes fits, can visualise e experience is so dramatic & scary.

Btw what's the hospital bill size for staying in 3nites very ex huh.

Take care, I think u need to spend yr 2wk off beef up Jovan he must have lost alot of weight.

2wk ago JX was teething, he also rejected food for 1wk+ was very worried too, glade that it was over & was eatting well again.
haha he ate so much on Sat & Sun till he poo poo 4x in a day.

Can do a survey, if your child poo poo will they tell u or fussed? My son dont fussed by the time we found out it like more than 30min & his groin area become red. Was suppecting maybe in IFC teacher also did not changed immediately so he got used to it.

How to encourage them to tell?
Amy, it must be an ordeal for you and Jovan. Glad that he is fine now. Do take good care of urself too.

Bbyang, high fever (40 and above) can cause fits and I guess that's what happened to Jovan. Convulsive fever and can happen to any baby who are normally healthy. As for pooping, when Naomi will tell me when she pooped or she will do the "hmm" smelly sound. She learnt from me becos when I wash her up I will go "hmm" smelly poo poo. Maybe u can start associating a word or sound with poo poo so after he learns, he can signal out to you. But then again IFC might not pick up his signal and he might not get the habit to tell u. U can try still.
smaller breasts after stop breastfeeding
hmm, my mum says it'll slowly go back to pre-preggie size... so dun worry, it's only temporary! :p

guess when #2 comes, e breasts will become bigger again! but after tat is another story... solution: either stay perpetually pregnant or dun stop breastfeeding! kidding...
my gal will squat down when she poos and i can tell from her face, so no issue on not knowing... but she does not tell us... i have to ask her if she "ng ng" and she'll nod sometimes... sometimes, i'll wave my hand in front of my nose and say "smelly poo poo" too... sometimes, she'll do tat when i do tat... dunno if it's a signal?
oh my goodness! luckily jovan's ok now. tat's terrible!

maybe breast cup will grow from Cup A to Cup C again? reverse physology :p
my girl can tell us if she poopoo. mil encourage her to express "hmm-hmm" sound when going to potty then we will know if she got poo or not(that is if the smell was well hidden lah). But now that she has grown older, she got another trick to tell us if she poo or not. Like some times in the early morning she poos but cant wake her dad up from his deep sleep to change her diaper no matter how much she kicks daddy (mummy had trained her to find daddy for diaper changes. daddy is easier to be awaken than mummy in instances like this :p). So she just sat/stand near her daddy's face, making sure that his nose points direct at her soiled diaper). This trick works everytime it is applied :p

haha ..u are so funny! perpetually pregnant! :p
HAHAHAHHA ROFL at inspector sitting near her dad's nose... u so smart lo!!! I also try to ignore mine when she is awake in d morn so that she get used to get her dad bring her out to play while i can cont sleeping :p hahahaha v bad mom!!

What an experience... Lucky he is better now. I think i will cry straight away if i were u... so scary sia..

my breast is now smaller than before i was preg, weird ho? i think my bm not so much now... wah this breast size issue so controversial hahaha...
Hi AG Gal, hope all is well and good with you and your boy now. What a harrowing incident!

Ytd I was at West Coast Plaza with my family and we saw some water pillows on sale at the atrium where Japan House was having some bazaar. I bought 2. Apparently, my colleague says it is good to have such pillows handy when our babies get fever, helps to keep them cool without wetting them. Maybe mummies can also buy one to keep at home in case? I bought 2 so my mum also has one. Was quite cheap at $2.80. Think Watsons and Guardian also ever sell. Not sure about now.

Want to share something horrid with you mummies. Ytd Mer was playing around at West Coast Plaza, near the big area outside of Cold Storage and she saw a young boy with his mummy. Being the social chick, she faster went up to the boy and wanted to hug him. The mum pulled her boy away so I told her its ok, she just wants to make friends. To my horror, she faster scooped him up and said: He has HFMD!

OMG. I tell you, my brain just froze over and in a split second I grabbed Mer and went the other way. WAH LAU EH. If her boy has HFMD, why are they still out? Together with her hubby somemore. There cannot be an errand so impot they need to bring their boy out mah. SIGH.

Later I spotted the boy at a nearby bakery with his hands all over the display case. Really jialart, cannot imagine some unsuspecting kid go over to touch the same display case will kena anot. V upsetting. We left the place soon after. Makes me shudder to think if Mer ever get sick becos of such people!

Want to ask if any of our mummies here are experiencing notti babies? Mer is getting really out of hand and hard to manage, especially when we are out. Since last week, she has started to throw massive tantrums, refuse to listen to us when we tell her not to do something or wait, scream and cry in public if she does not get her way and refuse to hold our hands in crowded malls. She also struggled free from her 5 point harness stroller whilst it was moving and stood up with the unsuspecting daddy still pushing it.

I actually lost my cool with her on 2 occassions ans smacked her v hard a few times. She ended up just crying until she was tired and hicupping. Really at my wits end!

Any mummies have such terrorising experience with the babies? Can share any tips to instil discipline or logic without causing them bodily harm or injuring their esteem? SIGH.
That was some irresponsible parents! Why did they let their boy out when they know that he has HFMD! Now I'll be more paranoid when we are out coz Cas also likes to hug and play with other kids. Need to be more cautious!

Cas is also getting naughtier these days esp when she don't get what she wants. She would sometimes even hit whoever is nearest to her when she's angry or frustrated! But if I am very displeased I would raise my voice and show my "angry" face to her...this would get her attention. Then I would shut up but with still the black face. By then Cas would be in the verge of crying and would want to hug mummy already. Hehe! Although this doesn't work all the time! And would still want some advice from other mummies how they handle their todds!
haha .. forgot one part of my pump so rushed home to express milk. It's really more comfortable to express at home than in office! :p

aiyo ... HFMD still bring the boy out?? They din know is transmitable meh?? so irresponsible! duno wat these parents are thinking!
Usually when my girl does that in public places, I'll just let her cry - hicupping and all, until she has quieten down. then I'll give her a hug to tell her that her behaviour is incorrect. It's really a test of will between us and the bb now! Ppl can look all they want I dun care. I'm disciplining my child.

no choice woah. tats the only way we can steal more sleep. it's nice to slp late in the morning! :p
Hi mummies...wah, smh got problem again, I tried to come in but kept getting error msg... sighz...

Yes, it is plain and simple irresponsible. Sigh. Really headache de leh. I mean that mummy also no brains de... imagine if her boy caught it in public becos of other irrepsonsible parents? Wah lau eh. Really can die.

Lonerunner, ya, I also do that but hor, Mer longest running tantrum is 1hr. Cry until roll around on the floor. So I hv no blinking idea at what point she will stop. When I was young myself, my mum and grandma said I would cry until I vomit and get a fever. So, sigh, its in the genes la hor? CHAM only.

So much for not wanting to let Mer wathc TV. My mum has been letting her watch Hi % and some program called Odelia on OKTO. Calle din the afternoon and she was watching the idiot box again. I tell my mum too much tv is no good, she says I practically grew up on tv and see how smart I am. SHEESH. If I din watch that much TV, maybe now become TV presenter liao lor, instead of slogging it out for medium rate salary on a desk. FAINT.

I also wish I can sleep in leh... sigh... this morning really dun feel like getting up lor... but my biological clock was calling Mama liao... lol.

Tml on leave to do shopping! So at least got something to look forward to bah.
DJ, tell me about it...even the usually well-behaved naomi is trying to be funny with me and testing her limits. when we are out shopping, she's usually ok..can sit in her stroller but once she's showing signs of restlessness, i quickly bring her to the atrium or a place where she can move around on her feet and let her roam around..i never wait until she starts whining or throwing tantrums but quickly let her down on her feet and after a few rounds of running, shes happy and goes back to the stroller. the key is look for signs and not to let them reach the stage of tantrums. when she does something nice or behave well, i will praise the behavior and thank her for it (e.g. thank you naomi for sitting nicely in your stroller. its very good that you behaved well). when she did something wrong, i will tell her in an assertive voice to stop doing it. i will tell her that it is a bad behavior and it does not make mommy and daddy happy. then she will smile and look at me with goo goo eyes wave and say HI to get her way out of it then everything returns to normal and no more bad behavior. its not easy and it really takes alot of time and patience to get them to listen..just try your best
encourage good behavior by praising and thanking them for that good behavior, and discouraged bad behavior by tell them that is wrong and not a good behavior. can also try to prevent tantrums by attending to that need before tantrums come (although this is seriously difficult but ive been using this since she was young and i guess its the best way)


naomi also did a few times, when she got frustrated, hit the person next to her or bang the table...what i do is tell her "ouch naomi, that is painful. u are hurting (so and so)...this is not nice and please dont do it again" if she bang the table she will say ouch and i will say yup, thats right, it is painful right. do you want to do it again? try it. then she will stop lol.
the prob with that is cas has a very high pain tolerance so it takes a lot of pain for her to really feel it!

just the other day, we were all out walking/jogging around the neighborhood and she fell, she didn't cry so i thought that it's ok. when we got home, i gently cleaned her leg using cotton with alcohol and she didn't flinch. then yesterday night when i went home from work and inspected her leg, there were some scrapes in it (to my horror!) which is drying for a bit already! and this little girl doesn't mind it one bit! *faint*
finally, e forum is up!

ur gal is full of funny antics! :D

tat's weird... if u still breastfeeding, e size shd be abt there... how come so fast shrink liao?

tat's so terrible of e parents! tat's why my mind always runs wild when my gal touches things outside... i will always think, has it been contaminated by anyone who's sick, is it clean? but hor, live like tat oso very sum foo (cantonese)... so keep trying to tell myself, i can't ensure tat my gal doesn't come into contact wif any germs and viruses at all... so juz do wat i can, e rest gotta leave to God lor... be it protection from falling sick or healing if it does happen... sometimes, i oso will play e blaming game... esp if someone is sick and still comes near my gal... but hor, i was reading tat colds are contagious even before symptoms show up in a person leh... so how to prevent?

naughty tods
my gal oso very naughty now! she'll break into tears when she doesn't get wat she wans, esp when daddy is ard... she keeps whining too to get her way, again esp when daddy is ard... think she noes tat daddy will give in to her, while i dun...

she juz recovered from viral infection, quite bad tis time round... cos she was coughing wif a lot of phlegm, then cried till vomit thrice... so we were quite afraid to let her cry... think she noes tat, so was even more naughty... but once she recovered, it's back to routine again for her... so had to persevere even if she did cry... gd thing she din cry till vomit after tat...

then if she's angry, she'll sweep watever is in front of her away... when we tell her she can't touch something, she'll throw tat thing away in anger! argh... i oso dunno how!

Wow! I thought dew was an angel!! That was when i saw her 2 months back? Our tots really grow faster than we can comprehend. Before we fully understand their current phase, they had already progressed to e next phase!
Zac now will get into his notti action when we go out. Like what sandy had mentioned, I will look out for signs before he turn wild. What I usually do is count to 3 then ran off without him. Then this little fellow will chase after me.
