(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


PM-ed you my Facebook thingy. tried google-ing it but can't find too... The brand is "Especially For Babies"


If you want, i can buy it for you first coz i'm at Forum on Tues & Thurs. =)

hahaha they r all at this funny stage ho?? hahaha.. for my baby, we dun let her shoes within her reach cos u know la, at this stage they like their shoes so much that they keep touching it etc n we scared it has some germs or something (well i told u about my hb oredi)

For food: she is a picky eater, unlike Naomi. She usually shakes her head for no or spit them out (and again guess where d food goes?). She do asks for fish, meat, biscuit, her fave is water and of course... MORE hahaha.. luckily she doesn't know many words in this category.. Luckily, i didn't teach her many signs hahaha cos i need to learn first n i am lazy haha...

but yeah, for books n d rest like Naomi, she is d boss!!! HAHAHA

I laughed so hard at ur little inspector cum treasure keeper... she is testing u!!! hide n seek! hahah... Hey Lucky ur Chimun wants d plastic bibs. Nowadays my baby dun wan any bibs anymore, i should have kept letting her using bibs when she was at d stage of eating bread alone... now she knows she doesn't have to wear one anymore... sian! hey my aunty's cycle this month more than 50days liao... i dun think i wanna keep on counting.

the simz:
altho she can tell us a few things but they're limited so in d end my girl also scream n scream or saying things that may b ur zac n other babies here can understand... hehehe this is d stage lo i think... seriously how ho??? very embarrassing out side right?

ok will check later...
Hi mummies!

Long time never come in...hope everyone and their babies are doing great! =)

Raphael is already 14.5 months...Seeing him grow up day by day, being more interative, more inquisitive and learning about the world, is making me think whether to take no-pay leave for a year to be with him...But if I were to take leave, it means lesser income for the family and I wont be able to buy lots of things for him. Every purchase has to be thought of carefully before buyin...

What do u gals think? Would like to hear views from both working mummies and SAHM....

blueb, i think children they dun need much things.. is adult who spoit them by buying so many toys.. t my boy got boxes of toys.. but he acutally one play with that few only.. everytime a new toy he just play awhile then go back to play his old toy.. and what is his fave toy? Mummy.. just a simple block lego.. with some creativity.. the 2 of us can play the whole day... i believe even without toy the TLC from parent is more than enouugh.. if i got the chance to take long leave to accompany my boy.. i sure go ahead... now everytime when i say bye bye to him.. can hear him cry.. break my heart.. and when i'm back home.. he will pat my back when i carry him and put his cheek on mine and call mummy mummy.. really can melt.. can feel how much he misses me.. hee...
Hello mummies, long time never come into this thread. been busy, also dunno busy with what.

lonerunner, glad everything settled with your mil. You are such a good DIL. if I were you, I will totally ignore or quarrel with her liao.In fact, my MIL made comments on how we never let our boy try a lot of food, my hb told her to leave it to me and dont get involved. haha else I will be totally piss off.you know, my PIL no longer come to my house to see my boy (they used to come over when he is younger) cos he made a comment that we are too fussy. wahaha, I told my hb i am totally fine with it...in fact happy.

Happy, how are you doing?

My boy stool was pretty hard the past few days and I put apples into his porridge. It seems to loosen his stools. he doesnt like to drink water now. i dont know how to encourage him.

hey mummies, I used to have painful menses cramp before and surprising after delivery, I no longer have this pain...*touchwood*

btw, what can our kiddos do in polliwog? May I know if all your kids walking now? Jovan still can't really walk unspported, he needs us to hold on to him.

oh my boy loves to watch TV so much. he always wants us to on the TV for him by getting the remote control and insisting us to on for him. If we dont, he will make such a big fuss.
bossy babies:
cas also like that now...she "knows" what she wants and if she doesn't get it...all hell breaks lose! like yesterday, we were going out and i put on her red dress and sandals...but she doesn't want the dress! keeps pulling it up and doing a fake cry!!! so no choice but to change her. i let her pick and she choose her fave leggings, shirt and shoes!! ^_^
yes, cas can walk unsupported since she was 11mos. we always encourage her to be independent. just try and encourage jovan...maybe he's just taking his time. don't worry that much.
hi blueb,

from the point of view of a SAHM, i totally support you to take 1 year leave lol..thats taken into account that with 1 salary plus savings, your basic expenses like instalments, basic expenses are well taken care off. as for extra expenses like toys and luxury for raph, i agree with elicia that they are not a need but a want by the parents. i dont buy much toys for naomi because i can be there with her to play and be with her..she dont need toys to accompany her..if we do play, we play using real objects like bottles, hide under blanket, plastic plates and cups, etc. the time spent nurturing ur boy will be more worth it than anything. so if ur financial situation permits, maybe u can take a break from work...my point of view
hi mummies,

my gal is now choosing what she wants to eat leh, she doesnt like bland food now.. i think she only eats when the food is tasty like our table food... haiz..

She likes to pretend cry too then try to squeeze tears out of her eyes.. funny lor.. haha.

blueb, i think pros and cons, yes more time spent with ur little one which i dont think u'll ever regret actually... maybe take a shorter break and see how it goes first?

haha lonerunner, my gal likes to "hide" things in between little spaces she can find. Like under my sofa, in between the cushions of the sofa or little gaps or holes... lucky i see her put the stuff at the places if not i also cant find.. hahah
yeah, agree with sandy. I spent last weekend with my girl using all sorts of stuff in the hse we can get our hands on to play. tats why things went missing lah. We dun need to spend lotta money to make them happy. Even a trip to playground can bring lotta smiles on the little one's face. It's just our expectations.
if there is a chance, I also wan to be SAHM. And also, being in IT field, it's harder to rejoin (with same pay) cos technology moves very fast. I did not check with my new boss abt taking no pay for 1yr or doing part time becos company isnt' doing well. all other mummies who had been doing part time all threw letter one after another becos of pressure. Company frown on such practises now. Maybe if one day I strike toto top prize and sole winner, I'll give 24hr notice immediately. hehehe!

hahaha .. u really knows ur girl pretty well to seek out her hiding spots! I'm no good at it. the missing pacifier was in a bag with her other toys at a corner for a good 3 weeks before I found it last nite. haiz.

hahaha ... I got no choice. I grew up in an environment where parents and grandparents dun meet eye to eye with everything and it wasnt easy for kids like me cos either party will speak ill of the other party. So I am very determined that this culture will end at my generation (with me, at least). I want to show bb how to recon difference and work things out.
dun worry. jovan will walk at his own pace and time to come. my nephew still cant even crawl properly yet at 12mth plus, let alone to walk, whereas my girl is already walking at that age. my sil is quite happy that her son isnt walking yet. cos she wont need to chase after him for now. hahaha!

hahaha ... my girl really very kpo hor? itchy fingers. my girl bites her shoes. maybe I shld follow ur style and keep her shoes out of her sight instead. hehehe ...

oh thx for offering! No worries. I tot that I'll just pop by at forum this weekend for some shopping so I'll check it out then. thanksss!

Woww .... cas wants to choose her own dress now! hmmm ... maybe I shld buy my girl identical clothes so she wont be able to choose when the time comes. wahahahahaa! *just joking!*
ur baby funny...squeeze tears! haha! cas also pretends to cry if she doesn't get what she wants...she will even cover her face for the effect! hahaha!

it's a bit of a headache coz sometimes her dress doesn't match the shoes that she wants! fashion police! hahaha!
haha mibebe, i think she find it fun to have the tears flowing out... she can really be actress, first she'll start to pretend cry, then her eyes and nose starts to turn red then can see her eyes a bit wet then she'll start to squeeze it out... aiyo hahaha... all our little ones are drama queens...

i wonder how boys react to getting things - scream and shout while girls pretend cry?? haha interesting
mwahahaha! u got a little drama queen in the making there! can send to drama class when a bit older to hone her talent! lol
my gal oso cannot feed herself wif spoon yet... i will guide her hand, but there will still be food remaining on e spoon... then she likes to throw her spoon too... so even though she seems keen to feed herself, i'm not so keen on e cleaning up!
i noe wat u mean when it comes to e elderly... think i'm like u, sure cannot take their comments wan... my pils oso dun come my place now, cos i'm fussy too! haha... my mum oso not very happy, but she got no choice... if wanna see her darling, then better follow my rules... gd thing our hbs are on our side!
lonerunner: I also need the GPS to locate my things... getting much forgetful.
and han is worse... he everything also throws into the dustbin, cos we clapped after he threw rubbish into the dustbin.
then he thot everything throw into dustbin is correct.

food: han used to take all things i give him. now he learnt that he can 'pui' out what he doesnt like.
small small already 'pui' the vege... how huh?

blueb: if you can afford to be SAHM, it will be great!
what could be more valuable than having mummy's time when they needed it most?
:p haha... logically i can like that say, but i cant do it yet...
haha sheepish, yes we are the same. I always quarrel with my mum too. but we will be fine the next day cos she's my mum. I told my mum that if she is my mil, I wont even talk to her now.thank god my hb always side me. he even ask me not to be angry with my mum wahaha.
I realised my temper getting worse these days. not sure its bcos ppl make me angry or it's me. I concluded that I cant be a SAHM, else everyday sure get pek chey.
I had just become a sahm. Other then my bank balance meter goes down, all the rest of e fun meter goes up. The exp will generally go down.. No need to buy cosmetic or clothes. Most importantly is I can communicate with zac better. He behaves well, other then his scream. It's a fun time with them now. I am enjoying every min! I will still want to go back to the work force next yr.

your gal so cute!! Bet she can cry and laugh all at e same time!!
hey ginn!

yes! probably datz the difference between boys and girls: boys yell/ shout while girls squeeze the tears out? keke datz wat my boy does! and he's quite firm with his shout for wat he wantz! persistent some-more!


i've been staying home since the beginning of this year. I must say it is indeed rewarding where bonding and teaching my boy is concerned. BUT! it is definitely not a bed of roses coz we, as ladies have our moods, and so do our little babies! there are upz and downs... sometimes, i really dunno wat to do with my boy coz i seem to have so much time with him. Yet when i m at work, it is the exact opposite coz i have no time to even bathe him (coz i bring work home to do). And like The_Simz said, the bank balance is also another factor. So do have a good chat/ discussion with your hubby 1st and come to a mutual decision! =)
Thank u mummies for all ur replies! I feel so much more encouraged!

Elicia... Oh my, even I also feel very touched when hearing u say that ur boy will lean his cheeks against urs and pat u and call u....I will definitely melt if my boy does it! For him, he will just run towards me call me, and cling onto me when I carry him. Or if he is in a playing mood, he will run towards me, halfway stop and point at something to show me...

Sandy...Thanks for ur support! Whenever I thnk back at my childhood days, it was always the feeling of safe...cos I know my mum is waitg for me when I reach home from school. Though Raphael is not schooling yet, I already want him to have this feeling that mummy is always with him and there for him.
Expenses-wise...havent really discussed with hubby.
But, somehow, hubby is expecting me to come up with smth systematic to teach him at home! Seems like he is going to track my "performance" based on how well Raphael learns!! And I think it will be quite stressful for me as there are expectations attached to this 1/2 yr or 1yr of leave.
For me, I am not sure how to teach Raphael systematically. Though I can read up on established methodologies....but I cant guarantee I will be able to "deliver" at the end of the day.
In fact, I just want to be able to do more activities with him, be with him more, hopefully he learns more that way. Maybe I am being very selfish by wanting to spend time with him during these initial yrs when he can be by my side, and put the burden of being the sole bread-winner on my hubby's shoulders...

Lonerunner...Yes, IT line very hard to rejoin. I have considered part time...but I believe the load will be more than just part time. Besides, my job nature will require me to also work at home...Plus meetings, I dont think will justify the pay-cut.

Simz/hsaoj....Wow, sounds great! Makes me want to do this even more! But I dunno if I will be stressed or not,....Yes, and the bank account issue. We still have maid at home to pay for. Dont think we will ask her to go cos with this help at home, I will be able to spend all my time with Raphael. Besides, I am hoping that she continue to help me when #2 comes... So its an extra cost factor to consider too.
Ginn...Yes, one way is to consider taking 1/2 yr til end of this yr first, then decide if going to continue longer. In fact, if in the end I proceed with this plan, I will take 1/2 yr to try out first...
Hihi Mummies~!
DJ is back home at last!!!

Reached SGP last nite... so happy... I was all ready to go when the plane was landing lor... the words Welcome home to Singapore never sounded sweeter...LOL...

Still sick tho... spitting out clumps of phlegm with blood streaks... and the nose is so stuffy... other than that, seeing Mer takes all my aches away!

I managed to buy the super big teddy back for her... she loved it when she saw it... haha... its about 1m or taller and nice, fat n plush... hahaha... she kept kissing the teddy last nite and today...

Also bought a truckload of chinese board books and flashcard box sets... those were really cheap and the quality is also good... so I bought alot... and found this set of wooden building blocks like the ones I used to play when I was a kid and got her that...

So generally, v happy that I managed to get all these in the half day free time I had from this long and tiring trip!

Seems like our mummies are talking about staying home? I did not catch up on archives so am assuming Blueb wants to stay home ah? I think if finances permit and if you have the patience, it is actually a really good idea.

I tried it for 2 months... haha... and then I just took up the next best offer liao... lol... still prefer to work and then come home to spend quality hours with Mer...much as I miss her when I am at work, I also recognise that I need to be myself too. Having that balance as a mother, working citizen in this country and a wife is very important to me.

Mer also went thru a phase where she wanted the spoon to self feed during mealtimes... but I came to realise it was more out of boredom than anything. She was simply bored because she had to sit in the high chair to eat. When I let her roam around when I feed her, she has no such problem. Of course I don't follow her around the house but I get her to come back to me each time she finishes what's in her mouth. Takes me about 10 minutes to get her to finish one bowl of rice with soup and fish and then I can go have my dinner.

But I am not the v hardworking mummy la... prefer to let everything happen naturally and in their own time. Afterall, we all grew up somehow someway rite? Just have to make sure I dun compromise on the fundamentals and then I pretty much leave things to happen on their own. hahaha...

Just applied for 1 week leave... hoping it will be approved! Going to check my email and then go rest... nite mummies!
hahaha ... my mil today just complained that she found her purse in the dustbin! :p luckily she checked the bin after observing bb coming out of the kitchen with a "up to no good" cheeky look on her face. then when bb realised that she has been caught, she went "oh! oh!" then act blur and faster run away. last week I found her pacifier in the bin too.

tik it's the stress n tiredness lah. sometimes after chasing my girl for entire day without a break or after a bad day in office, I also snapped at ppl. just need time to cool down and we'll be ok soon after.

yeah if u can, go for half a year first, then see how things go from there. Dun worry abt deliverables. our toddlers are now absorbing things up like a sponge. they pick things up very fast. For me, hb expects me to still chip in with the monthly expenses even when I'm not working. So if I be a SAHM, it's on my own expenses. Definately not depending on hb to be the sole breadwinner cos I'm paying for my own keep. So when that happens, the japanese lunch/dinner treats will go straight out of window.

oh dear. ur cough is still jialak leh. better see a doc if still not recovering lor.

thanks for remembering me, i am fine

talking abt ppl getting on our nerves, i also very pek chek recently, keep snapping at ppl...


I have never tried out SAHM life but if you consider 2 weeks staying at home with your baby without interference from work as a trial period, then I can say I have tried that before, 2 long weeks with him and maid only at home, no need to bother about work... Well, I think I miss dressing up gg to work and taking nice bags etc, having decent lunch break and talking to colleagues and shop shop after work... I think I am a bad mummy, if I knock off early, I wont fly home to see xavier, instead i will run off to shopping centers for some ME time, so bad right? But overall, I enjoy gg to work and then playing with xavier in the evening time after I get home, I find my life more balanced in this way, but its just me lah... haha cuz i am bad mummy =P

my hb told me after my 2 weeks break that i look much happier when i returned to work, like not so pek chek, though i didnt told him how the little terror is such a toughnut to handle and how i yearned to go back to work... but then again, at work I miss him lots and want to be with him all the time, so strange right?

You ask me my ideal? I did say I want 2 maids, 1 to do housework, 1 to run after him, myself? My role will be to just play with him and educate him, no need to do the tedious part of the job, lol, what a bad mummy! but that is impossible with single income, so thats just a dream!

hmmmmm I think I am a bad mummy who needs a lot of ME time, and then spend some time playing with xavier and being around him for a while and then back to ME time and the cycle goes on, so I dont think I can ever be a SAHM, :p
Hi Mummies

Regaring SAHM: Hmmm... kudos to SAHM, i also think i can't achieve that, 4 months of maternity leave and from the 4th month onwards, a bit tired out... and now the toddler is 14 mths plus, its more draining, running after him, cos need to keep a lookout cos climbing the sofa, tip-toeing to get his hands on the interesting stuffs on the table, putting virtually everything into the mouths,scattering the toys all over and yearning for our continuous attention...

Not that im complaining but our dear babies are going through discovery stage and with the new found freedom, every single "achievement" (climb up sofa,chairs,managing to grab something from the table) satisfies this little one... they need to be supervised 24-7, hmmm only when they sleeping and napping do we really have a break !

So SAHM would mean we virtually work all the waking hours of our babies !! haha... much more stressful than 9-5job...

Anyhows, im taking my boy on a road trip this weekend, keeping fingers crossed that this toddler can keep still during the 3-4hr journey, hopefully he sleeps at least 1/2 the time, otherwise, i might be tired our before we reach entertaining him !!! Any survival tips from mummies who have brought them on road trips ??

DJmama....Yes, i rem congratualing u on becoming SAHM last time! Glad that u tried it, and have now found a suitable balanced lifestyle for urself!

Happy...NO!!! dont say u are bad mummy. SAHM is NOT for everyone. Initially, after materinity leave, I also told myself SAHM is NOT for me and I was soo happy to get back to work! Even now, I sometimes go shopping after work too. So dont feel bad. As long as u spend time with xavier, he is happy, u r happy, thats the most impt.
We all need ME time, and COUPLE time is impt too. So sometimes hubby and I will leave Raphael at my mum's place and go watch movie or have lunch.
Now I feel it is a more suitable age for me to stay at home with him cos he needs more attention and I want to interact more with him. LIke Elicia said, she feels that communication has improved.

hsaoj....Good guess! Though we have early days, but mine are getting fewer and I am going home later everyday. Dont forget the lesson prep and marking and all other misc stuff. Have not been taking much home to do since Jan, but its getting more frequent now... Just realized another problem. My sch may not let me take leave next term! cos may be too short notice...
( Hows ur sch policy like? Wat subj u teaching?
i brought my boy to genting.. prepared alot of snack for him to eat.. and also toys and books... iphone come in very useful also.. i preload with baby songs and video clip.. so he can quietly sit and watch... i even stop half way to get him new toys as all other failed.. hee.. nice exprience.. but very tiring for me cos my maid got bad motion sickness.. and noel refuse to sit in carseat.. so i just let me crawl up and down at the rear seats..
mrs lim,

Thanks for the tips !

snacks,hmmm.. my boy dun snack one leh, interested in the wrapping and box only...Only very rare occasion he will take a biscuit or 2, puffs kena reject until and i gave away my 2 btls of happy baby puffs liao.. b4 they expire, haiz, gerber puffs bought more than 6 mths ago still there... mummy gotta eat it liao...

toys and books,
this one shd work, but 4 hrs, so hopefully bring his few favourites to rotate.

iphone, i dun have one leh... haha

carseat, my biggest worry that his backside cant sit still cos its dangerous to remove them from carseat and let them crawl up and down leh. headache. pray that he sleeps for 2 hrs so at least left 2 hrs to keep him still.
mummies, do u remember wad is the name of the slanted cup we got last year in bulk.. i just dun remember the name... any idea where got sell... i'm thinking of buying another 1 or 2 more. noel now dun like drink from his sippy cup/straw bottle.. only wan to drink from that cup... tried giving him other type of cup.. but alway end up very messy.. that one is just nice and dun block his nose..
saro, u got portable dvd player? that help too.. my noel is horrible.. he not only climb up and down.. he jump jump jump.. even try to open the car door... faintz...give him eat till he full liao end up playign with the food.. that why have to stop and buy a new toy for him.. why not u buy a new toy/book for him.. give it to him id everything else he dun wan.. he may be excited to play/read it.. anyway i remember joel is such a good boy.. shouldn't be that difficult to handle...
Hello everyone!

been v buzy with works no time to chat in forum. i was in states last wk only came bk on sat. managed to survie those 'terrible' days without my gal. missed her terribly!! spent whole day with my gal yday to compensate the time loss....

a qucik qn. mummies with maid, can u share with me your house rules for maid? pls PM me. thks. my maid is coming a wk later.. i have one fr my frez but seems v 'strict' rules to me... sleep at 10pm? every morning see sir/madam must greet good morning?! actually, im still a bit hesitant having a maid. worry the maid cant make it then i lose a good bbsitter.

i dun tik i can be a sahm... but looks like i have no choice alrdy...my hb mostly likely will be posted to nyc for at least 3 yrs. he told me to get ready?!! he said is a good opportunity for me to be a sahm.
GPS to locate stuff:
hahaha... so funny! i tik our tots r quite in the similar devt stage. my bbsittter family din watch tv on weekend coz they couldnt locate the remote control. finally, her daughter found the remote control on sun evening in her school bag!!! hahaha... mus be my notti gal.
happy: we also need ME time lah. sometimes i on leave, i also never go and fetch bb from ifc.
then i can catch some z or go for a swim. ;)
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude...
im a June09 mummy and i haf a problem, hope i can get advice from you all..

my coming 11month old boy has been rejecting ebm and fm... tried btl, cup, spoon, syringe, all dun wan. now worse, he's starting to reject ebm as well! he still latch on. however, im gg back to workforce soon and i cant afford to latch him all day.

any mummies can advise me? btl , cup, spoon all dun wan. dun wan fm, dun wan ebm.

how ar?

pls PM me with advice as i dun check this thread.

saro, i had a few roadtrips with naomi and 1 thing you really need to prepare is joel's favortite songs and music...the ones that can lull him to sleep better still..other things elicia already mentioned like his toys, books and any objects that can keep him occupied for awhile (eg. house keys, sun glasses). if he likes wrapper or packaging of snacks can also bring along..if he eats the snacks, its a bonus. they usually will become restless towards the end of the drive..maybe last 1-1 and a half hours or so. What time are u setting off? if possible delay his nap time or bring him to a nearby park to let him enjoy himself, have good mood and tire himself out so when u set off, he can have a full blown nap then wake up with a good mood
hope this helps

elicia, can noel drink well from doidy? if he can, u can also try normal open rim cup liao then no need to buy
now i no longer use doidy cos she graduated to normal open rim cup
hahaha .. survival tips :p wat a term!
actually I hadnt been able to think of an efficient plan to keep my bb occupied for 3hrs. otherwise I would have gone for a tour with my girl lor! haahaa!

hmmm ... how exactly to qualify the defination of a good and bad mum? one who spend 24hrs at day at home but ignore kids, and one who spend lotta hours at work but come home to spend quality time with kids nvm that it is for only 30min or 1hr? as long as we give our best, it's more than enough. quantity doesnt matter. actually it is good to have abit of ME time to unwind and take a break. helps us relax a little and recharge for the tasks ahead!

ei good leh! u can shop all you like in nyc! good place to be posted to. haahaa!
Wow wow.. I need advice on air trip. Please share with me how to survive with bb on board for 13hrs starting at the middle of the night, without being cursed by the commuters sitting around us!
Hi mummies, looks like sahm is hot topic now. I had a bad day at work. But luckily I wind out with a great dinner with friends whom I Havent met for so long. Find myself dragging my feet to work now. Meaningless and absurd work. I m looking for new directions. But dunno where to start. Sahm is out cos I m not staying in own house now. And I have a self imposed self-esteem. Dun want to be seen not working and 'free loading' at home. I really hate to go thru the job search process. No energy no motivation. Feel so down now.
Caleb just got 2 new teeth, total 8now. Thank God for his good appetite and love for water. My mum thinks that he cant stop eating. I let him eat whatever tat's ez for him to swallow. He still drooling alot. Dripping, in fact. Dunno why. And perspire very easily. Simply cannot sit or stay still. It's challenging on my energy. Pms now, worse. Every month machiam like a preggy woman. Feel super tired and moody. My colleague ask me if I really strike liao.
Sorry for all the ranting. But I really have a bad day.
Oh ya, my boy dun like to watch tv lei. Which I m quite surprised. He's with My nephew at mum's Place every day. My nephew can watch tv for whole day yet my boy also not interested. Just continue to be busy walking around the house. It's quite hard for my mum sometimes cos it's hard to distract him to steal some time to cook or do housework. I wonder is it also because he dun really watch cartoons or programs tat's why he's still not vocalising any words.
hang in there! it'll get better soon

cas also keeps eating and drinking water *she loves her water* non-stop! she can eat 2 slices of gardenia bread at one seating! she watches tv once in a while but cannot for a long time coz she loves to just play and walk around.

words that cas can say now: mommy, daddy, dede (for milk), shish (shoes), dog, ball, lola, ma-mam (water), lala (from teletubbies), baby, bye-bye, hi, elo (hello), one, two, twee (three)...and some other gibberish which i have yet to understand! hahaha! :D
hey mummies

whenever u bring bb out for dinner/lunch, do you prepare rice/porridge out or simply let them eat our food?

Also, Sarah has been having LS for last 3 days. Like once a day. izzit due to teething? Since is only like once a day, i havent bring her see doc. hmmmm
Hi mummies,

I am a silent reader of this thread and like to get some advice from you mummies. I have a 14 months twins and they are taking 2 naps now. One around 10am and ther other around 2.30pm. I will like to check with you how many naps are your baby taking now?

The problem is, I am thinking of letting them attend some classes but the timing either clashes with their nap time or meal time. Can I just let them have 1 nap when they are having classes? When can we reduce their naps from 2 naps to 1 naps?

Any advice from mummies?
