(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

dj: take care. ask yr hubby to skype with u, can see mer online. super conveninent one. if not, msn can also teleconf then at least u get to see mer's laughter... will make your day better. :p that's what i do now, biow han's video when work is getting tough.

ramy: glad that thooyan has recovered.

it must be hard on u to have all down with diarrhea. but rem to check with doc if the medication should stop when the diarrhea stop, cos the other time when han has it, it turn out to be constipation after that.

lonerunner: auntie visit pain pain for me too.
hehe... have been lazy and din go for gynae visits for 2 cycles liao, due to CNY, gynae not around, then din see him till now. :p

this morning my mil officially crashed with me liao. blackface told me to take back my EBM "cos it's so troublesome to give!" when I put my EBM in the fridge. Then is my turn to turn blackface. I took back my EBM and stormed out of hse. Now EBM in the office's fridge. Suddenly feel like taking leave to take care of my girl.

Oh great, just great. Now is an official declaration of war. I better hint my hb to see if he can do anything abt this. Until now I hadnt have my breakfast yet. Full from anger liao.

Does anyone know if staff at Child Care/ infant centres are ok to prepare BM for bb to drink? Or only give FM?

yalor. very xinku and fustrating one.

hehehe .. jiayou jiayou!
I used to travel a lot and (not as cham as u la) but woke up early n sleep late used to give me sore throat too. My magic weapon is vitamin c. At least if i dun eat right, it'll boost my antibody lo. If u could get hold of some, pop some... hope it helps.. (cannot help u with ur heartache tho :D heheh) but i think Grace's suggestion is good... Webcam!!! haha

Glad to hear u n Xavier r so much better. U must have heard by applying vitamin E cream on scar will help its recovery? My SIL swears on Vit E lo.. Poor u!! if it really bothers u ho, u shd visit a dermatologist lo.. dun be too upset, these days we have laser treatment etc, at least we have hope...

Re: Menses Pain
one of my frens told me after delivery most people dun have menses cramp anymore. I can see it's not true...
calm down!! calm down!!! Angry also one day, Happy also one day... might as well use the angry energy to think how to convince her...
actually ho, is giving FM really easier? IMO, Have to bring hot water, the powder, n also d bottle... might as well pop d bottle full of EBM into d insulated bag then can go out liao... so easy... cannot do that with FM cos its life span is shorter, right?

Worst to worst.. really need to ask ur hubby to tell her it's HIS decision too...

Calm down . Your stress will affect your bm supply . Eat on time . Do not waste your time on people who don't understand u and spoil your health . Talk to your hubbub clearly . Your decision to continue bm is 100% right . Go on girl . Bm is very healthy for baby and any cereal or porridge cannot replace bm . Convince your mil or ask. Your hubby to do it . Go on strong. This is baby health , you have the right to decide . My boy pooped this morning and no longer diarrhea . Yeyeye. Am happy

Thanks for enquiring . He is great now

You are right about meds . But fortunately he pooped well and Is doing great now . all of us are fine

Hope you and your family is getting better!

Don't worry about looks, it will be smooth and white soon!!! So you are back to work already? Or still on MC? I had wish for chickenpox since I am in pri sch so that I can have 2 weeks MC.. till now, prayer not answered. Haha..

Don't get so upset. Hope your hubby will talk to his mum soon. Everything will be resolved soon! Stay happy!!!

Hope you are recovering now! Yup.. Grace is right.. somehow taking vit C does helps! Keep yourself warm and hydrated!

Hugs... dont be upset, hope u had a decent lunch liao... sighz... i also cant picture why she is so agst u giving bm, since the hard work lies on u and yet her granddaughter is the beneficiary, she has weird mentality lah....
but but no point crashing hard with her, get your hubby to do the job since u said that he support u too right?


Thanks, I bought the Vit E capsules and will be diligently applying, also thinking to pay a visit to the dermologist, but recently so busy that I hardly have much time... sighs, but ugly la!


Glad to hear that you guys are all recovering, good news indeed


Hello!!! are u still in sg? so sad i did not get to see u before u left due to the chicken pox episode... miss your laughters leh

choy! i tell u, u better dont kenna chicken pox, because hor, its really very very very xinku.... painful and itchy like hell! cant eat, cant sleep, miss xavier, ugly, pox face and many many more, very er xin leh... it was so painful for me that i had to pop the post delivery painkillers then i could sleep... ppl say the older u get pox, the more painful it gets and i cant agree more with this statement now.

go take the jab if u havent already done so yah!
Read this somewhere and hope it'll cheer u mommies up (especially u, Lonerunner) :D

Five Benefits of Mothers Milk

A young medical student is given his final examination on human reproduction.

After reading Question 1; "Give five reasons why a mother's milk is better than a cows milk for a newborn baby?"; he recalled four and quickly wrote them down in his exam book.

1. A mother's milk is more nutritious; it contains better balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins for the newborn;

2. A mothers milk contains a mix of vitamins that more closely aligns to a human baby's needs.

3. A mothers milk contains immunological agents that will help the newborn fight bacteria, viruses and other infections.

4. Breast feeding is more nurturing and better developmentally for the child. Stumped, frustrated and running out of time, he searched his mind for a fifth reason. After pondering the question for an agonizing five minutes, he quickly scribbled a fifth response:

5. The milk is delivered in a warm and "really cute" cup.

He got an "A" on the exam.

Glad that things are getting better!


You really miss me so much?? You can meet me when you are free!! HEe.. I am still in Singapore cos the flight was cancelled. Next available flight is in May. I can meet you any time..

Now am stranded in Singapore, cos I rent out my flat.. haiz.. homeless....
thanks mummies for ur kind concerns! thx for all the sms and msn too! I'd cooled down considerably now. formating my plan to convince mil tmw. But am looking out for infant care at the same time. Just in case. Btw CC and infant care do allow parents to provide BM to their child.

mil thinks it's very troublesome to bring EBM out. have to lurge here and there. if give FM, at the most just prepare thermal flask with water @ rite temperature. when need, just pour FM and water, mix, then give liao. to a certain extent I must agree with her lah, but dun throw my EBM out like that wat.
mil has a sharp change of mentality after a day of gathering with the rest of the aunties. hb and I suspected someone must have influenced her to think this way suddenly. hb told me to talk to mil again. he dun wan to interfere. ok lor. I'm now compiling all information. tmw MUST talk to her again. cannot be like that. just becos other aunties' daughters or my sil dun give BM doesnt mean I must follow also mah.
And, hahahahaahaa, the 5th point really made my day!! :p

yeah I know must eat on time. But I really have no appitite to eat anything today. I had to force myself to eat lunch too. really too angry liao. and as u said, today's supply really reduced lots. haiz.

I dun mind having 2 weeks MC at home too like happy leh! (minus off the pain aspect) heehehehe!
ei, where u flying to?

Tik my mil wants to go out but hampered by lugging of BM around. anyway, I'll need to talk to her tmw again to hear whats her actual reasons for reacting this way. she cant continue to stay like this. At least she shld give me a decent explaination for her sudden change in mentality!
lonerunner: yes, infant care does allow parents to provide BM for kid. just bring the right number of "servings" and they will warm and serve. now han's infantcare also provide porridge, oat, fruits, etc. so quite ok.
just that kids at infant care tends to fall sick easier.
Ramy: Glad to hear both of u r better

Happy: It can't be that bad la... it will heal.. b patient :D

Lonerunner: I think everybody is entitled to their own opinion so may b ur MIL is the type easily convinced by her auntie-frens. Hopefully will be convinced by u also lo... hehe.. Actually some people try so hard also dun have milk. I consider myself very lucky to be able to provide milk to baby and not only that: save money lay!!... especially cos i am a SAHM i take savings as my duty. But ho my hubby dun agree, he always joke my FM money r transformed into toys no savings at all hahaha... may b u could play this point also.. say u save hb's money may b she'll b more understanding...

Re: Thread so quiet
I just realised this thread is REALLY VERY QUIET LO!!!! I think we need something exciting like a BP or something to make it lively. Still remember during those days when everybody wanna buy Sophie??? What a difference?????
overload, you are back! lol..i guess most mommies are busy ..including myself...i find myself more busy during my summer break because most of my time and attention is on Naomi..bringing her out, running after her, playing with her and doing stuff together. only after 9pm when shes asleep, i have more time..actually you can tell you hb, with or without BM, there will still be toys..so let him choose lor FM $ plus toys $ vs BM free + toys $...haha hope you know what i mean

ramy, good to here that thooyan, yourself and ur hb have recovered
take care

lonerunner, jiayou!! i think not only Naomi is addicted to BF, i think i will cry if i need to wean her lol...you are doing a great job!
hi mummies,
spoke to my mil today. we had a good chat to find out why she is so against me providing BM to the terror. end up it's becos she scare that I'll be tired out cos it's not easy to handle a toddler now and still BF on top of my hetic workload (I worked OT quite frequently these days until abt 8 or 9pm+).

So I told her, PDs say kids of her age still must drink milk one. And since she's ok on BM, I might as well continue since I still got BM and have a place to express in my current office. And it saves FM money too. after I move to new office next mth I may not have the same priviledge anymore and will be tougher for me to find a nursing room.

mil a bit paisei, but she finally understood and will support my stand to continue BF as long as I can. So ... ok lor! Mission achieved! wahhahahahaa!

hey, any ideas to hot up this thread? quite quiet these days as compared to previously leh. tik many mummies are busy and remain as silent readers!

hahaha .... I remembered while that sophie time was a real exciting time, it was a big headache for the organisers leh. just ask sheepish. she waved white flag liao! hahahaa! :p too many opinions, ppl questioning how much profit was earned from this etc. Not easy to organise such a big spee! :p

heehee ... I will try tahan as long as I can to express. *beng san*
hello mummies,

lonerunner, good to hear u solved the issue with ur mil... i can imagine how tough it is to find time to pump whilst working... good on u!!
i still dunno when shld finally stop expressing. But i'm trying to adjust to 2pumps per day.

Haha sandy, i think i'll probably be very sad too if i finally stop pumping... hahaha... but then again, think to face reality and plan when to stop so that body can adjust back to normal self and body to be healthier and then think of planning for 2nd bb though not so soon but all these takes time. All of u all mentioned menses haywire after months of menses whilst i havent even have mense yet... hmmm

overload, good that ur gal naps well now. U know wat, i have the same problem with my gal now, she doesnt want to nap for the past wk! she has always been napping ard the same time but now she can just go into sleep but wake up 10min later. i dunno what's her problem... is it too excited exploring, walking ard, learning to talk etc etc.. .... and on top of it, she is not eating well for the past wk, which may be teething again. wah really so frustrating!

ramy, good that all of u recovered!

happy, i applied vit e cream when i recovered from chic pox last time too... effective! keke
i think u are quite a patient person leh... can actually sit down and tok nicely to ur mil, pei fu... i'm more impatient kinda person... if i hear things i dun like, i juz switch off liao... so gd tat all is well now!

hotting up e thread
let me try...

any mummies wanna bring ur tots to polliwogs next tue or wed? following tue of wed oso can! i'm looking at abt 2.30pm to 4.30pm... mummies can juz come between e timing... myself, i shd be reaching at abt 3pm... if enuff interest, i'll put up an outing list!
count me in!! I'm so free and bored. No toys or Anything for zac cos all his things were shipped out. I am using HP to surf web. Daddy still have to report to work.. We are so bored!
outing to polliwogs!
location: it's @ ecp, behind waraku restaurant

charges: if we combine entry for all and buy some card, it's $6+ per bb... if we dun, it's $8 per bb... each bb can be accompanied by 2 adults... and yes, wkday is per entry...

reminder: must bring socks for both bb and adults... (i din noe e last time, so had to buy a pair from them @ $3...)

tentative date: 5th may (wed) - pls post if u prefer any other dates!

okie, seems like it's working a little... come on mummies, let's heat up e thread!
yeah i am BACK hehehe... I haven't bring baby for a swim cos i am very lazy haha.. brought her to d zoo last weekend... that girl super happy lo!! I always told hb toys are not optional but he said i am addicted to toys. (I really don't la) He wanted to print my pictures and tell toysrus "do not let this lady in" LOL my silly hb...

My baby is back n v much interested in my boobies too but i think she sucks for comfort and my boobies shrink down 2 cups to early preg's size oredi.

Woah U really cool lo... Glad that everything is fine now..

Good move!!!!!

Re: baby's update
My baby is now ard 11kg. Last Dr's appt, she refused to be weigh so we dunno for sure but she doesn't seem to put on more weight.

She eats mostly Rice + Fish + Veges now
She likes fish so much... no fish dun wanna eat.
She also try to feed herself: making mess that I have to take deep breath and calm myself down at least 5times each meal. After every meal, must wash, change clothes n mop d floor... can u imagine?
Hi Sheepish and mummies!

Count me in if going polliwog! Havent been there with baby b4!

heat up the thread! Jia you jia you! keke


my boy doesnt seem to like fish leh... take up to 1 hour to feed him... really test my patience ya... oh yes! and there's the mega mess too! all over his face and the eating area!!!

Glad to hear all sorted out, actually your mil still quite considerate towards u leh


I finally see some light as you endorse that it is useful, how many times u apply per day?
outing to polliwogs!
location: it's @ ecp, behind waraku restaurant

charges: if we combine entry for all and buy some card, it's $6+ per bb... if we dun, it's $8 per bb... each bb can be accompanied by 2 adults... and yes, wkday is per entry...

reminder: must bring socks for both bb and adults... (i din noe e last time, so had to buy a pair from them @ $3...)

tentative date: 28th apr/5th may (wed) - we see how e dates preference go... the_simz, at most i go wif u on 28th too!

mummies keen so far: me, the_simz (28th), bbyang (5th), hsaoj
i oso juz brought my gal to e zoo! e tue juz past... she oso enjoyed herself very much, din even need to sleep until we were on our way home after dinner! some more drink milk drink much more, usually 180ml but drank 240ml tat day and still not enuff!

yah, my gal now oso tries to snatch e spoon from me to feed herself... i only let her try 1 or 2 times each meal, cos too much work to wash up and mop floor after every meal!
hey sheepish n mummies,

just to share if u wanna get training spoon n fork set (those with a loop) u can get it from toys R us! datz what my son uses when he goes to school!
hi mummies

cas got runny nose and a bit of cold. are there any natural remedies or food that we can give them that'll help them get better soon? i don't want to visit her pedia yet as i don't want to give her medicine just yet.
Daddy's working today so it's a home alone time for bb and me! Thinking of taking her out later to play. See how things go.

outing to polliwogs:
Good move! This shld heat up this thread! hahaa!
Cant join u ladies this outing. Dun think my boss would allow me to take half day leave within this hot period. I got no backups leh. Enjoy!

oh thx! I am thinking of getting 1 set of those training spoon n fork set. will check it out at toysRus later.

I got no choice leh. if I cant convince and continue be angry at mil, my girl will be the one at the losing end eventually. for her sake, I must try everything I can.
But confirm hor, I dun have patience or time to keep mopping up floor after every feed! hahahaa! pei fu pei fu!

yeah I'll be sad to give up BF when the time eventually comes. I still hadnt come to a satisfactory plan when to go abt stopping BF, enjoy for awhile, tune up health, get my sleep, then go on med to try seriously for #2. Let see how things go as we go along.

no sure abt natural food. maybe lotta greens for Vitamin-C?
polliwogs - wow i wish i can go.. but cannot confrim.. now work is so so busy... almost cannot breath... let me know when the date is confrim.. then i shall see how i can arrange.. hee...

U are a very patient person . I am really happy to note that things have been resolved with your mil . Great going man

I have weaned of my baby a long time ago since I got no milk. But I have put on a lot of weight . I know u guys have lost weight but I put on too much . Feel like crying . Am working out for one hour a day and five days a week . Am an Indian and a vegetarian . Any suggestions for weight reduction .pls advice me
How everyone? It has been awhile since I have last posted.

Maybe just some update of BB Sarah
can walk pretty well. No more crawling.
Can kick and throw balls
cant really talk. no mummy/daddy. just mum mum (food)
Guess she is a just an average happy bb...keke

Btw, recently, I keep on headache. I have been having headache last time but wasnt so regular. Is it the weather? Most of the times, headache comes with neck ache. Guess is tension headache/magraine etc but eating anarex / panadol shouldnt be for the long run. eeeks. M i dying? haha.

You are amazing. I salute u on still bf-ing till now!

You see if you could get saline drop which is not a medicine but its those water solution which will loosen any muscus thru the nose passage.even no block nose can also use so that the nose will not be dry.

Also wat i do is apply baby vicks vapor rub on the chest,back,neck and on the base of their foot then wear sock. It helps.

3 hip hip hooray for you man....Yeah.... finally you work your way out to wat u wan....so nice to be still breastfeeding hor....haha for me i sian liao at 11mth LOL....to me toddler milk powder cheaper and beside they dun need to drink that much milk le and i also offer fresh milk for one of the milk feed.... hehe...

Maybe i might work harder if i have a no 2 lol...


Take care hor....


Glad to hear that you and family are all well...Hmm seems like your are not lackin of excercise...but weight not dropping still?? Maybe the amount of food should not be alot??? Cos the way you are excecising everyday and healthy eating shld help to reduce in weight....


Welcome back....nice to hear that yr girl is sleeping well.... oh on the meal mess have you tot of getting those mess mat i think it will help to reduce the chores u have to do everytime she eat?? Should be able to get it at toyrus bah
hehehe... It's really funny i suddenly think that we all here kinda take turn to headache over baby's problem... nap problem la, eating problem la, later poo problem la... always got a little bit of problem.. haha

now my problem is my baby likes to boss us around.. uhmm like what ho?? well, like she keep on eg. pat on d chair n say "Daddy, Daddy!" incessantly until he sit on it. One second later, she'll pat on another chair and do the same thing, we have to listen to her or else she'll keep on calling while increasing her volume... well, come to think about it, it's really cute until she calls after me or ask me to do something impossible like give her a scissors... pengsan

hi five! i usually give her one spoon and i use another. she wants to swap sometimes n i let her. Your daughter can feed herself if u scoop for her oredi right? Mine still cannot le, when d spoon goes into her mouth it's upside down. Guess where all d food r??? hahaha

what type of spoon n fork r u talking about? will help with the mess? Will help them spoon feed? *excited*

Oh the no mess one like d one Sandy recommended before isit? I saw it somewhere but decided not to get cos extra expenses. Lucky I have maid so just let her mop lo. I admit having headache every time she made these mess. But i try to let it go... I keep on telling myself it's better to let baby have fun n learn.. i convince myself that if she can't master this skill sooner, i will have to deal with this for a longer period of time, make sense? hahaha...
outing to polliwogs:
wah... weekday one need to arrange leh. u all decide the date and keep me posted. will see that day can take leave or not.
next week is a short week for me at work. monday on course, friday on leave. :p

self-feeding: han also tried to self feed, but cannot aim properly. end up food on his cheek, etc. but he is doing fine for the yoghurt.
hi gals, there will be a baby expo next weekend, 30 apr, 1 may, 2 may at Singapore Expo hall 4A 11am to 9pm.


As some of you are aware, I'm into a program that can generate good payouts with an affordable minimal capital. The company is running a road-show at this coming baby expo.

If you happen to be at the expo, do look for me at the exhibition from 4pm onwards.

Or PM me if you are interested to find out more.

At this momemnt, I dont have much details on who will be at the baby expo yet, but can update after I'm at the roadshow next friday.

Also help me to pass the word around to whoever has kids and going for the expo anyway. Rem to look for me!
overload, tell me about it...naomi is also bossing me around..if she wants me to carry her somewhere, she say come come come and if she want to go somewhere, she will say go go go..wants the light on, she say pen (for open)...i feel like her maid, commanding me here and there, on top of clearing the mess she made lol
sandy: hahaha ya ho, i never thought of it being a maid but she always give me very impossible tasks for sure. my baby says num-num for carry (in dialect) n "chu" when she wants out...Naomi is so cute lo... come come come n go go go hahaha... it sure sounds more bossy to me haha... does Naomi commands u what to let her eat too? choose what shoes and shirt to wear? n which book to read? hehehe
overload, i display her shoes on a rack and she just take and come to me to wear it for her and then say go go..as for books, she will just go to her book crate and pick one and bring it to me...so again, she call the shots lor..i just need to follow haha..for food she doesnt choose. she eats whatever i give her. the only thing she ask for is cheese, soup and water haha.
Sandy, at least Naomi give command. My zac will scream to indicate his dislike. Any way to communicate to them screaming and shuting is not a favourable behaviour?

I think I need a GPS to help me locate missing things. Today the pacifier that had gone missing for the past 3 weeks finally emerged itself from a corner. Then I found the plastic bottle that belonged to my nephew behind the kitchen's bathroom door. the new broom went missing and finally found parked away in bb's bedroom. No prizes for guessing who is the little mastermind behind all these.

And a magic wand like the one Harry Potter has will come in useful as well to fold away the mountainous little tops and bottoms. luckily the little terror slp at 8.45pm tonite so mummy finally got time to finish off hsehold chores and etc before retiring for the nite. Tik she beng san liao after a fun weekend. hahaha!

Oh. auntie finally visited after 37 days. the cycle really haywire liao. haiz ....

ah ... only at the outlet in forum ah? ok, that have to wait till next weekend! heheeh!

got see doc for ur headache? or maybe you try to rest whenever you can. most of the time lotta rest helps!
ok lah. there are also other mummies still BF-ing lah. *paisei paisei!* Doesnt matter if still BF or not. Most impt is that our little one is eating and growing well!

my EBM amt not alot so I must express more times to make up for it. hahahaa .... actually with 1 toddler on my hand I already very bo eng. Duno if I can even BF at all if there is a number 2. hahaha! lets see how things go. maybe I must physo hb harder to let me be a SAHM for a couple of year :p

wah ... 1hr of exercise per day and you are still putting on weight? hmmm ... what are the exercises that you are doing?

hahaha ... ur COO is making her presence felt this weekend ah? wahahahahaaa!! I also ganna 'commanded' to play the High5 DVD for her. Then I'll act blur and distract her so that I will not need to go and turn on the TV. lazy mum.
Oh ya, how come bb tend to overturn their spoon when it's near their mouth ah? my girl also does that. luckily I got put a plastic bib for her else mummy gotta wash her clothes again.

wow ... it'll be a busy weekend for u next week!

A tooth for a tooth - scream back at Zac? *juz joking juz joking!*
