(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


thats great news..no need to be panda anymore

yes its true that most of the babies starts shouting ..they are at the same time experimenting with their vocal cords..dont stop her because shes expressing herself ..the frequency of shouting will decrease as she grasp the concept of talking...this is what happened to my girl..i used to be embarassed when she "talks loudly" aka shouting in a restaurant but i realised she no longer shouts after she was able to "talk" like normal conversation volume..sometimes she even "talks" to her toys and books. she'll also raise her voice when angry, push away or throw aside if she doesnt want that object or item. i guess its pretty universal the way our babies react ..ur girl will be conversing with you in no time so let her shout happily

regarding tcm, my mom is also a strong believer of tcm so when my brother was young, she gave him herbs to bu qi...and yes, he was less than 1 yo and more than 6 mths he started taking huai san..so he takes herbs quite often for good health..but she realised she made a mistake for doing that because a tcm doctor told her that children cannot eat bu or anyhow bu too early because 1) may stunt growth, and 2) may over bu, cause too heaty..my brother seemed to fall in both cases..he started having daily nose bleed since he was a young boy and till now he's 18yo, still has nose bleed although the frequency decreased...he saw many doctors..western doctors couldnt find any problem or causes..chinese doctors say too heaty..and my mom realised it was the herbs he ate since young. he's also not tall for a boy and is stick thin..he just stopped growing after awhile..so maybe like what lonerunner say, before we give any herbs to our babies, even for supplement, we should consult the TCM specialist (not a medical hall sales assistant as they will want to sell their products) because what may make adults strong might not be for our babies. just my 2 cents worth

hi mummies, happy new year! it's been a long while since I logged in. been too busy and tired without a maid and this busy festive season. I am sourcing for photoshoot for my boy and noticed in the studioloft thread, looks like a lot of feb mummies asking for her. Probably we shld gather and ask for a good pricing from her. What's the price she quoted?
Hi iceblue, sorry I am blur. U saw my boy?

Sandy, Naomi is so clever, can respond to command!

dee dee, my mum also a firm believer in TCM, I had TCM throughout my pregnancy from the physician, I had been having TCM since young. Although there are pple who says too much TCM is no gd, but it does help me in certain ways, but harm me in others - I was hospitalised at 12 yrs old, I almost died from wrong prescription from the wrong doctor who did not know I cannot take certain chinese herbs, and I ended up taking 1 mth of antibiotics and from then on, I had asthma quite frequently until 20 yrs old, my asthma was triggered by the wrong chinese medicine. But this is not to scare u, in my opinion, we shld only take chinese herbs when we are sure it will not have side effects. They are known to treat the "root" of the illness, but for emergency cases, we still need to see western doctor, that's y now there are some western doctors learning TCM, hoping to complement TCM with Western medicine. I think for babies, we must take precaution first before using it. But my boy did take a very small amount of TCM (prescribed) to stop jaundice when just a few days after coming back from hospital. But I took a risk, luckily the medicine was successful in curing him with the jaundice. But I cannot determine 100% if it was entirely due to the medicine though.
after I read abt sandy's bro and liting's experience, I was reminded of my own encounter with TCM med too. My body system is those "xu bu shou bu" (weak, but cannot tune) type. Meaning ah, even the mildest herb can make me very heaty, and the mildest 'liang' med can make me very weak in no time. My mum took me to countless TCM doc but end up I was worse than I had begun with cos either the doc duno or dun bother to find out my body system well enough and so gave herbs that are not suitable. I will end up with either sore throat or a super painful monthly cycle until have to take counter pain med for 1st couple of days sometimes. Needless to say - I dread each girlfriend visit! This continued until I met my current TCM doc and gynae. Finally my health improved until I can even say bye-bye to the monthly pain! It was a very great improvement. I even got pregnant and kept my bb by taking TCM herbs despite threaten miscarriages during 1st trim.

hahaha ...! saw ur post in studioloft liao. one feb mummy will be taking the photo this weekend ah? But there is a walk in on 18th, 21st and 22nd this mth at I think $50. u might wan to give this a try see if u like their style or not
Been long since i posted after i start the journey of SAHM.. Indeed a tiring job with nt much time of my own.. But so far, i am enjoying.. The bond is greater between me n BB.. Before i becum SAHM, she aldy rather superglue, nw even more... Esp nw she can express her Feelings, Wants and Dislike more.. Talking abt shouting, yes, she shout rather frequent, blabber a lot when she is playing or to me.. She still cant walk unsupported but very well with me holding to 1 hand. Sometimes i jus hold her hands with her walking frm hm to lift and to downstairs to train her to walk and she likes it.. She also can feed herself if i place the spoon to her hand and she brings it to her mouth herself to eat... Will update more in her diaryblog soon..

1st Yr Gatherin
Planni on 1 in Gymboree in Mar after our BBs turns 1. Will be abt $20 per BB with food n play.. As i am plannin for No.2 after Mar, i hope to bring Irisa out more before i am preg.. Anyone keen to help, pls PM me.. Meanwhile i haf Wing79, Lonerunner & BBSnow help.. More help welcome... :D
deedee, gerly: thanks! really hope han gets well soon.
he has been coughly so badly and non-stop.
super jialet.

then today i down with food poisoning, ls x 3, vomit x 4. worse than when i am pregnant.
Good morning mummies,

Anyone engage birthday party decorations services before? I.e. they will deco the place for your party with balloons, banners and all?

Any recommendations? Many thanks!
One more question, as I am engaging Neo Garden for the first time, can someone advise if I should order just nice portion or more or less? If I got 33 pax, should I order 30 or 35? Thanks hor keke, as some told me their portion very little...
hello lonerunner, fyi the bukit merah view blk 115 market stall sell rejected branded bb clothings mostly $2 per pc very nice my hb went last sun n bought plenty nice clothings u might wan go checkout since u stay near by

hello grace do get some rest u see doctor?
happy, i ordered from neo garden before, portion big leh... i think 30 pax shld be enough cos i presume not all will eat a lot...

wow 1st yr gathering.. where is gymboree located ah?
Cannot stand some of the mummies here. Some like to keep bragging about their babies, it is like trying to compare whose child is smarter. Please spare a thought for those whose baby is not showing some of the "talents" your baby has been showing lah. It can be demoralising for those you know.
Hi mummies!
Not sure if anyone rem me!? I came into the thread months ago during my maternity leave and then MIA till now coz v v v v busy as a working mum!

Juz dropping by to say HELLO & HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Ermmm....Monday blue.
I dun tink is right for u to bulge in like that n post such remarks at the mummies here.

If u dun like the things discussed here, u may choose not to read them rite?
haahaa! Think I also need to go create a new account and post here too! The post message will be "I would like to say a big thank you to all nice mummies here. This thread has been a wonderful support group becos there are so many nice mummies giving each other support thru motherhood ups and downs!"

hey welcome back! really long time no hear from you!
just drop by as and when you are free to do so ok?

And ya, agree with you. Any negative remarks will just make us bond and grow closer to each other

ya NeoGarden portion no need to order too much. 30px for 30px portion will be good. Also have to depend if you are expecting guests to eat first before going to the buffet or not

birthday party decorations services - never engage one before so not sure!
Why cannot? This is a discussion forum. I've a right to share my thought here. And did I name anyone here? I'm just sharing my views and I believe being a singaporean, I'm entitled to freedom of speech. Frankly speakly, I'm in the Feb thread and because of the relationships with the mummies here, I chose a new identity hoping not to strain relationship.
no worries lah. last time my mum ordered too much for my sister's tea ceremony 2mths back cos she scared portion not enough. End up have tabao the food! else waste food no good leh ...

sorry just realised tat I missed ur post! okok will go there to check it out this weekend! 115 is very near my hse! Thanks!!

faster go and rest while bb is not at home lor!!
take care ah ...

I usually grab during sales for clothings! Our babies have grown one size bigger hehe, means need new clothes again! I think Fox and Gap material quite good and can get really cheap during sales, like 30-50% off, on top of that if u pay by some credit card additional 10-15% off, those will be the time that cheapos like me go grab wahahahahhaha I will buy bigger sizes and keep...
I went forum last weekend, Guess kids having sales, at first I didnt want to go in as expensive mah, who knows I went in for fun and end up bought a very nice sweatshirt at $16.80! Go check it out hehe =P
Hallo Mummies...

DJ Mama has been through a traumatic New 2010.... so only now then log in...

1st Jan - Laptop went kaput... now using hubby's to come online...

2nd Jan - HP went bonkers.... hv to bring to service centre this week....

3rd Jan - Lost my wallet. All my cards, credit, atm, nric all gone...plus 500 bucks in cash... the wallet just disappeared.... dun even know how I lost it... SIGH...

4 Jan - Down with flu...and just last week I had high fever... today still feeling woozy....

So, VERY sian beginning.... my hb says this can only mean I will have a great 2010....cuz all the bad luck has come and gone. I sure hope this is the case!

I haven't done anything for Mer's 1 yr old bash... I bought CNY clothes for her though... from my trip to Vietnam previously...but my Dad thinks she is not going to fit into them by CNY liao....sigh...so silly...shd hv bought 1 size bigger...

Thinking of bringing Mer to a play gym for the day then have a dinner with family and cut cake... but then I am fickle minded, so maybe will change my mind again... LOL...

Chalets are out of question since all fully booked. We dun wanna cater buffet at home cuz DJ Mama is really not keen on entertaining loads of relatives....plus, catering home party means Mer will miss her nap times, means cranky baby on her first birthday.... sound like a very bad combi to me... :p

I think need to bath with flower water to get rid of all the bad luck... think of it this way, its not new year yet (as in chinese new year), hence next year will be better!
my gal can't do many things either, but i dun feel demoralised... juz take it in a positive light and be happy for those mummies who babies are progressing wonderfully along... but if any of e babies, like mine, are unable to do those things, e mummy juz has to noe tat babies develop at their own pace... by sharing, we roughly noe how our babies are coming along in their development tat's all...

oso, u said u din wanna spoil r/s tat's why u create a new nick... but isn't it better tat u identify urself and send a pm to e mummy who has offended u instead of hiding behind a new identity? juz my tots, dun shoot me hor...
wah kao!! Gee ... wat a nice start to 2010! The good aspect is ... things will only get better after all these!!! After all, you cant be any worse than now rite? :p
harlow mommies...

so sorry to hear ur misfortune... ur husband might be right :D haha.... i didn't have a very good beginning too last year but the whole year was really great...
let d past b past and enjoy d great future :D

Confessions Mommies...
I really feel guilty!!! Most mommies here r planning birthday party for babies. plus.. Yesterday I saw my friend's blog (haven't visited for a long time, her baby's birthday was in April i think) and saw d celebration... WAHHHLIEWW... i cannot stand.... like wedding lo....

We do not plan any celebration in a big scale just may be simple dinner with d closest family members. I wonder whether baby would blame me in d future... We also did not celebrate her 1st moon le... i know baby would not remember this event but still cant help feeling bad... cos as a mother, i think we always wanna give the best to our child... sigh...
me so sian...
don worry lah... u not alone...cos i also super suay recently...super sianz now....

is up to individual regarding parties
so don blame yourself for not having one big one for your kid. most imptly both you and bb and your family are happy

Erm, which means to say, that u are the demoralised mummy ?

You dun have to change your nick for fear of straining any relationship, some mummies here are just proud (in a happy sense) that their babies have reached the next milestone and many of us being first time mummy would like to share with fellow mummies our babies developement, (which is what a forum is for, to share, where else to find babies born almost the same time n same year ?) (which we have been doing). Maybe u might find that Haolian which makes you feel demoralised. You dun have to you know, cos we all know babies grow differently.

Sheepish, i share your sentiments, my boy also cannot accomplish the "stunts" the rest of the babies here can but im not demoralised, just more encouraged to spend more time to cultivate him.

Cheers and Happy New Year to all mummies, have been MIA for sometime
getting preggie:
we want to have a boy for 2nd one and we're planning to have it this year :D need help on how to achieve this! some say have to do it on a specific "day"...

first day of mens: dec 25
next period will probably come after 28-30 days

so when can we do it? i'm quite blur blur on these things!
Do not feel demoralised. Every baby r different. If I was not mistaken, Einstein did not even speak a word before he is 3 years old. I am quite sure his mom was worried too if she compared him to a normal 3 yrs old :D she might not believe her son is gonna be a household name.

We should not try to compare our baby to another negatively. There are a lot of things my baby cannot do too compared to the babies here, a lot of little things about her that makes me worried...

but I try to only focus on d things she can. and if all failed, I thank God that she is healthy
I think that is the most important thing.
Hallo mummies... hehe....yes...Lonerunner, I sure hope the rest of the year will be awesome ok! Hahaha...

Overload, really ah... ok ok...then I will look forward to rest of 2010 man... you are not alone la... I haven't done anything at all for Mer's birthday...and I love her alot lor... really alot de....hehehe....but most important now for me is to find a new job la.... so I can give her much much more!

mondayblues, agree with Sheepish and Saro... all our babies develop differently and some achieve thing faster than others but some speak first, or some walk first.... then some of us, maybe our babies grow teeth first...then suddenly stop at the first few teeth while the rest catch up and grow more... my Mer was one of the late bloomers....when everyone was flipping happily, she was still throwing her hands n feet out busily.... then when they crawl, she only know how to sit up on her own.... and I think most of our babies can clap...bt my darling thinks hitting me on the face is more fun...

So, different babies, different things... if all develop evenly hor...where's the fun? We might as well all go and read textbooks mah...so dun take things too personally. End of the day, you will only end up hurting your heart and subconsciously exerting undue pressure on your baby, which is what everyone dun want to have happen right?
hi mibebe,

hope u had a nice trip back here..anyways, i was taught before that if you want to increase the chance of having a boy, you do it on the day of ovulation (if possible) if not the day before. the reason for this is because the sperm carrying the male chromosome swims faster than the female, but also dies faster so if u do it on ovulation day, the male sperms will swim ahead of the females to reach your egg. if u do it days before ovulation, male sperm will reach egg but egg isnt there yet but by the time female sperm reaches the destination, the egg is there. if u really hope for a boy, can try using ovulation predictor kit to increase your chance. heh heh..this is just a tip, no guarrantee ok..just to increase chances
any mummies here has got quick home remedy to cure running nose? think i'm getting it, having a bit of sore throat too. sigh dont wanna spread to bb again....
Thanks for sharing your exp and advice abt TCM. I am quite a neutral person. If that doesn’t work (western medicines) then I will go for other option (TCM). Btw Sandy, I dun tik guy shld ‘bu’ coz guy is more ‘yang’ where gals are ‘yin’. there are certain herbs guys should avoid.

Sandy, no wonder my gal shouts like nobody biz…. Haha… I’m not concern abt the embarrassment lah. I thought she misbehaved and it became a habit so must ‘discipline’ her.
wow wow wow, the topic now is how to make a baby BOY??? i was googling oso few days ago. u know wat?? some said in order for sperms to swim faster the girl must be in doggy post? haha..

btw, i used ovulation kit last time and 'do' when it was on the peak. not true leh!

the food we eat also count and the lifestyle.
everything will be fine! dun tik too much! i had a very 'suay' mth in Dec too! cut my finger, car door slam on my thumb nail, down with mild bronchitis, bb sick for almost 1 mth, sick cant take MC cos boss in town, my birthday stayed at home cos sick, bb din sleep the whole nite, get illegal u-turn summon, etc.....
dun feel guilty. i din have celebration for my gal's 1st mth oso. her 1yo old bd celebration will be a simple one - close family members lunch buffet at tung lok and a specially made cake. that's it!

most importantly is the 'ai xin' you giv to ur gal.
hi mummies.

how are u celebrating ur bb's 1st yr old birthday?
me looking for more ideas -- other than the usual eat at home party
hahaha ya, i also love her a lot a lot... like a lot a lot!!! hehehe i am like u, also lazy to entertain ppl... i dun like many groups of different ppl eg. relatives 1 group, friends 1 group, unimates 1 group... to b in d same room.... i am super duper lazy plus i really need sleep!!!!

i changed my mind a few times oredi. intended to do a big one (my dad insisted it's tradition) then small one (cos d most important are family members), then nothing at all.... my sis wanna bake a cake for her tho, she said my baby is very ke lian... hahahahahha first moon, her dad was not even home...

Re: Trying To Conceive
Baby dusts to all mommies who wanna have #2!!!!!!

if i was not wrong, ur aunty also have not visit, right? i read about a type of herb that will aid ovulation... but i dun dare to try cos we still BF le... i guess we can only pray....
anyway i forgot d name... hahahhahaha
OUCH!!!! i slammed my car door on cousin's middle finger once and it haunted me forever.... i dun read archives anymore cos baby wants attention all d time, never read ur finger's incident..... hope it's much better now..

oh ya how's ur baby's na zha's hairstyle? hahahah mine has not grown much... she still gets "hi didi!!!" by strangers...

well, i have decided not to feel bad... it makes me feel better "coming here" n read all d nice mommies' reassurance... thanks...
i din tell everyone here abt my thumbnail lah.. got bruise lor and sooner or later the nail will come out.. ugly!

wow, u still remember my gal's na zha hairstyle???? hahahah... now her hairs almost can tie up liao.. no more ppl call her 'didi'.

HB and I enjoy 'simple'... jus like our wedding held in a private function room in a hotel.
Hello Mummies,

Happy New Year.. been sometimes never log in... hope everyone are great!
Mummies any recommendation on bb b'day cake?
happy- to me neo garden very little, my hubby think tt way too, Haha we dun lik neo but in laws side lik so we often get to eat. If talkin abt thgs lik rice, noodle yes its big, but ingredients is just nice only. 1 for each person only esp thgs lik eclair. 2nd baby-Haha seems lik alot mummie plannin liao. Good luck. Djmama- not to worry hee cos u had more than 3Shuay thgs liao in chinese they usually say Wun more than tt de,but since got 4 Shuay thgs confirm al good thgs queueing up your way! Good luck!
DJ: aiyo...
but old one no go, new one no come.

for wallet, i guess u know that have to report lost. and can wait for a while before going for nric replacement, sometime the person whom pick up the wallet will return it.
i was v lucky that lost wallet 2 times previoulsy and the person whom pick it returned my nric.
haha, i'm the forgetful one, so come to this, got more to share... haha...

overload: yap, so long as u all enjoyed the celebration method, it is good enough!
i sort of organise the celebration mainly for my in-laws, since han's their 1st grandson.
and they have been v nice, so this is just small thing that i can do. :p

i am also encouraged by the progress of the babies development shared here
being first time mummy, i dont know when baby can do what / ready to do what
so learnt a lot from the sharing of other mummies
thanks to all mummies!

mibebe: errmmm... think the basal temperature monitoring is more accurate
by norm, the ovalation is middle of the duration, but each has differences

lonerunner: haha thanks! realy had a good nap of 2.5 hrs. shiok!

deedee: din know u had a bad dec. but sure things will be better.
