(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Wow... Feels like quite abit of mummies planning on photoshoot or aldy went.. I feel like doin 1 too but hesistating cos of cost.. If good n budgetwise OK, i dun mind goin too.. But tough to find a pro & good one with cheaper pricin.. Was thinking of waiting for #2 then spend 1 shot... Hahaha......
Mummies, if u haf went, mind sharing exp n cost??

thanks for the link, muacks

I think I cannot finish so many leh lol
I think we paid like 5.90 per canister only for the happybaby puffs the other time... Xavier loves the puffs too... Funnily he gets excited whenever he sees the happybaby or gerbers container, even in ntuc when he saw the graduate puff, the expression on his face machiam dio 4d or toto lol, then I wonder how bb recognize this container ah? Pringles also similar longish container, why he see Liao no feeling? Lol just curious only... Hmmmm
hahahahaa .. I love the way u desc Xavier when he saw the puffs! HEEHEEHEHEHEE!!! his full time job to recognise his tibits mah. of course he must learn to recognise them! :p
duno if it is possible for us to buy direct from happy bellies or not, like the way we buy from HealthyTimes. hmmm ....

I gave up on the idea of taking photoshoots. my hb and my dad talked me out of it :p after calculating, still ex lah. a couple of hundred dollars I can save up and spend on food or holiday. so ok lor. no go for now :p
altho ugly by d time nail is off will not b so painful right? i am more scared of pain, not ugliness... hehehe

ya, it's nice to organise one for d elders. luckily my dad can b brainwashed and my in laws r very understanding so i can get away with it hehehe but ho actually i dun mind d planning etc... i am just too drained lately dun feel like entertaining ppl... btw my bb also 1st, one n only fr both side

hehehe i repeat ur story to my sisters n mil... they also laughed v hard... good entertainment lo... hahaha... babies r like sponge, right? of course ur xavier recognise the container la!! if we could, they would b better, their memory is still blank, u know?? ours full of junk and CPU also "old model" oredi (mine hangs most of d time)... hehehe afterall they're our improved version so they must be smarter than us....

hey hey i somehow imagine ur son, eating puff while fanning himself, with neatly combed hair... hahahahahhaha can u see it???

ok ok stop laughing n go to sleep... nite mommies!!!
happy, i know that face haha..its cute isnt it..the babies are smart..he recognises not the shape of the container but the details on it. although they cant read or understand the words, they recognise the canister by images, colors and associate it with the pleasant taste. you usually give straight from the canister itself right? and ur xavier is so cute, can comb hair and fan himself..my girl cant do that lor haha
sandy, can i ask u sth? (i guess u have become our official consultant : )
i forgot what u were studying and what doctor ur husband was. but maybe u can help me.
my girl has this habit of playing with hair, especially when she wants to sleep. at first she used to play with my hair with one hand while her other hand thumb is in her mouth. i managed to stop her from doing that by putting her to sleep on my lap rather than carrying her in my arms. but now she started to play with her hair
and she likes to play with yarns, the laces on her clothes, anything which looks like a thread.. how can i stop her from sucking her thumb and playing with her hair. i tried holding her arms. but she doesnt give up the habit. the next sleep, she again reaches out for her hair, and wants to put the thumb in her mouth. is this a very bad habit?
any advice from you or other mummies here?
hi gamze, my thoughts are that ur baby has found a security item, i.e. Ur hair. I guess almost every baby has one security item can be pillow, stuff toy, in this case the hair. Has she been carried the way that she gets access to ur hair and successfully fallen asleep, and since young? If yes then she may hav cultivated this association and needs it to fall asleep cos this is the way she feels secure. Just like some babies need a specific pillow, specific bolster or specific doll to sleep with. Now that she has noticed her hair, or anything that resembles it, she recognises it as her security item n take a liking towards it. Does ur baby use the pacifier? Becos sucking is a natural instinct n provides comfort so finger sucking is also a natural habit. Some parents offer pacifier so that its easier to break the habit. It is not a bad habit now becos she is still a baby but u can start weaning her off the thumb by telling her daily becos they can now understand what we say. It will take time and wont happen overnight, u can try telling her while removing her thumb repeatedly so that she learns not to do it. To me, it is not a bad habit playing with her hair but if u r concern, u may try introducing another object for her to be attached to. I think babies like textile stuff thats why there r taggies, cloth books, laces etc. U can explore n see what she likes. Just my point of view. Other mommies may hav better ideas
morning mummies!

haa...i know how that face looks too! my boy also super love the puffs!

i also have one question..can i ask u? recently when my boy is drinking his milk, he will keep pressing his head...is it just a habit or he got headache?? last time he used to knock his head whenever he drinks his milk...but he has kicked that habit...
sigh...worrying...he keep doing something to his head...

Full time job to recognise their titbits!!! wahahahahhahahaha but dont think happybellies will entertain us unless we can buy in bulk right? seems like many babies here like the puffy puffy, should be easy to do BP here hehehehe


Glad that he provided some entertainment to your mil and sisters hahahahaha =P
Hey, your post made me laughed so hard, good way to start the morning on a rainy day
i can imagine that! neatly comb hair with a fan on one hand, and puff on the other... hmmmm unfortunately, he cant comb his hair neatly, he can only help to mess up his hair and he cant self feed with the puffs leh... when we have time, we should video his comb hair and fanning moments and post it on FB, so that everyone else can have a good laugh wahahhahahahhahahha okok, will do that after his bday celebrations this sun ;)


Yes, I will open the canister in front of him and pour into a bowl then feed him lol, then the moment he sees that canister, woah, really happy de lor hahahahhaha.. so i was thinking is he recognising the images or the shape or what hahahhaha

tell u all sth funny... the other night we went to NTUC and he saw the puffs, so we had to buy that canister as he refused to let go of it haha, then in the end, he hug the canister to sleep, OMG!!!!
haha the excited face is it with both hand stretched out and then they do the mmmmmm sound? That's wat my gal do when she is excited lor hahaha

yeah i tot the last BP for the puffs is cheaper too though i didnt buy.
haha Ginn, when he see the puffs, his excited look is that he kept waving his hands in excitement, then he will chuckle loudly and laugh and then show a mischievous look with his eyes hahahahhaa, then he would go "AH, AH AH" wahahhahaha
my gal has a bad habit recently too, esp wen cms to her cereal, milk smtimes also lik tt. she make a big mess push the cereal out frm her mouth wif her tongue, as for milk she let it flow out frm side of her mouth then she laugh ther..faint
e amosco eclairs come frozen, so u can keep them in e freezer till u wanna eat them...very fast wan, so can juz order if wan... then maybe u can order something else for dessert...
Conceive Baby Boy

Just to share… The best and proven method is the Shettles Method. Check it out.



In Summary, Shettles Method to conceive a boy:
- Mother Diet: Alkaline food (mostly fruits and veggies)
- Father: Drink coffee before sex, avoid hot bath and tight clothing
- intercourse 1 day b4 ovulation
- Position: Doggy
- Mother: orgasm

Ovulation calendar – it tells you best days to have sex in order to
increase chances of having a baby of a certain sex

Good Luck to All Mummies including me
who are trying to have #2 of boy/girl!
wow, seems like many of you went for the photoshooting. how nice!! my hb said NO cos he said wait till ger ger big and a 'complete' family.

we'r going for photo shooting tis sat. photographer is daddy! hahaha.. he said must fully utilised his SLR camera.
thanks for the very informative post on conceiving! hope i can do the veggie and fruits diet!

went to a photoshoot for bb when we were in the phils...have yet to receive the photos. will post once i have them :D
woahh!!! tips for making #2 are all coming out! wahahahahaaa!!!
good luck everyone who are trying for #2!!!
must tell us when successful ah!!

I hope to have a bb girl again! Then I no need to buy bb boy clothes and stuff!! hHAAHAHAHAA! *lazy mum*

try let bb wear helmat before drinking milk? hehehehe ... just joking, just joking :p
heee .. my bb will keep scratching her head or pulling her hair while drinking milk. I had a tough time 'amending' this habit and make her hold bottle instead. Otherwise ah, her hair really get lesser and lesser cos she kept pulling them out! If she holds her bottle, it will free me up to do other stuff while she is drinking her milk :p

hee ... not sure leh. if like healthytimes exceed an amt, then ok lah. maybe let me check this out :p
ei I also wan to watch the video if u upload it!! HAHAHAAHAA!! omg, he really hugs the canister to sleep! so cutee!!

orrr .. so last time is really cheaper ah? I really cant remember the price! bad memory now :p hahahaa! okok thx everyone! I think I'll give it a miss too! :p
Is this sold in supermarkets or ntuc ah? never see this before leh. How do we get this puff at the cheaper price ah? if we can, lets gather gather and do a BP
dee dee, mine would be c section because my pelvis is too small for the baby to descend..second baby will still have the same problem if i go for natural

snow, is he bored or does his head itch?? naomi also likes to scratch her scalp when she drinks..i will remove her hand and rub the scalp for her instead ..maybe u can distract ur boy with something else?
gynae advised c-sec for #2. cant dilate to 10cm (forgot the medical term!). And even if can, previous pelvis facture might prevent normal delivery too.
But I might be siao enough to try normal again. maybe I get lucky this time round and can dilate? :p cos c-sec wound really slow to heal and recover! Not to mention getting back into shape! I can still vividly remember the extreme pain that shot out when the knife cut thru my tummy and the 2 clips at each side during c-sec. Since normal and c-sec are both painful for my case, I tot I might just try normal again? hahaha! I must be mad. I must be MAD!!
haa...yah hor...why didn't i think of that!! but then hor... he hates wearing anything on his head xp

i opt for normal for my first cos recovery is faster...i have heard c-sect wound burst while carrying bb....scary....

don't know he bored or wat...yah i do use other stuffs to distract him...so this is normal for bbies ah??
sandy,lonerunner, thks for ur reply. wat if it's not pelvis or our own problem, will you opt for normal or c-section?

i had c-section bcos my gal's cord was too short. i waited almost 10hrs ended up c-section. i got phobia to go thru the pain again. oso c-section took longer to heal as compared to normal birth. my gynae said i can go for normal birth for #2 if i wish.
will definately opt for normal!! my c-sec wound burst twice, no thx to my CL
And after tat have to go and remove stitches. not fun :p

haahaa! Think slim chance of organise BP unless we have US lobangs leh. They only ship within US region
sandy thanks a lot for the reply. yes, she used to sleep on my shoulder but at the time she didnt pull my hair. but a few times my husband and family members wanted carry her to sleep, and she refused to sleep with them. then she started to secure herself by holding onto my hair (maybe to make sure i dont pass her to anybody else..) my worry is she will become obsessed with this. she has already associated my hair with sleeping. if my hair accidently touches her, her thumb automatically goes inside her mouth.. a bit funny actually

deedee, as far as i know, the doctors usually advise to go for c-sect for baby #2 if ur #1 was a c-sect, UNLESS the reason which caused u to have the fırst c-sect can be eliminated and ur doctor is so sure that ur c-sect wound wont be strained during a vaginal delivery when ur pushing too hard.
deedee, in this case maybe u can go for VBAC although there is always a risk of uterine rupture for VBAC. U gotta discuss this with ur gynae.

Lonerunner, its arrest in dilatation ah. I think its unlikely to dilate if u didnt for the first. My hb's aunt had 4 kids all via c section. She did not dilate for all births.
hahaha ya make a vid!! my daughter also cant feed herself puffs yet, actually puffs r banned til few more mths by my inlaws la
so i only trained her with fruits, she only know how to pretend eating like putting it near her mouth n then make the eating sound while smiling widely but never really put food in her mouth n eat... hahaha

kids r good entertainment ya??? actually i have always love kid's action jokes long long before my own arrived... (like kiddism) there was once i saw a boy in one of d grocery department n carrying a crate of coke n yelling "Daddy, Look!! i am SOOOO STRONG!!!!" huahahahhahaha..... This must have happenned like 10yrs ago n i still remember how happy his face look like... hahahahah

i let her use mini cup before but she spills most of d content... actually everytime we let her drink this way most of d water content goes to her bib, i cant be sure whether or not she consume them, u c???
can u share what cup u use n how to tell they r drinking?
hi mummies

Juz came back from short 3days getaway wifout bb. Wah harder than i expected. Kept calling home and sms to check on bb. Phonebill will ripped me off next mth. See bb fotos and cried. Boohoo. I am not looking forward to go bk flying. But too late for regrets.

Re: bb's milestone comparison

My bb is the slowest in motor skills here i tink. Leopard crawl at 8.5mths and only last mth he can sit stablely wifout toppling. But i come to terms every bb develops at own pace and will catch up sooner or later. Why stress ourselves unnecessarily?

Monday blue, why should u be disgruntled? As a mummy we all love to gush about our bb. And i am sure these mummies dun haf intention to compare or gloat. Just proud of our darlings accomplishment. I am so proud of my bb of whatever he can achieve no matter how miniscule it can be.


I tried prima deli cupcakes. Not nice. Your bb bday party barney theme too?? Mine also. He just learnt to dance while sitting when hear the theme song. I just got mini figurines of barney to use as cake topper.
dun remind me of that
I've got myself a CL from hell. I needed to protect my bb from harm. tats why.

Anyway I will learn from my previous confinement experience and see wat I can do to prevent a reoccurance. Before I hire, I will do some basic interviews with her to test her on her knowledge on confinment cooking for c-sec delivery(this I will ask my TCM doc to help me with e interview) and bb handling (dun shake my bb like making teh-talek!). I will not place my trust on recommandations solely as before.

But in the event that after all these precaution, she is still from hell, then I will terminate her immediately and hire either a daycare helper, or ask around to see if any CL is available. I dun wan to subject myself to verbal and mental torture again.

actually looking back, I really duno how I survived my last confinement and still BF till today. I must have been a super headstrong figure then. hahaa!
lonerunner, hope ur #2 will be smooth sailing with no devil CL.

Overload, actually i didnt use straw but went straight to open rim cup feed using doidy. I started her at 6mths. Initial phase its messy n yes u wudnt know if she drank any thats y i didnt rely solely on it for her water in take. I spoon feed water at the same time. But after 1 mth of training, theres little spillage so i stopped spoon feeding n give direct from cup. Maybe u can try the doidy if u want open rim, if nt u can try sippy. In any case, all requires a fair bit of patience n training.
overload, i'm using doidy cup, it's slanted so it's easier to see the water content coming out. i'll usually tilt the cup such that water is near the tip and then let her drink, can see that she swallows and then if she wants more, she'll open her mouth too, but if i tilt too high or if water comes out too fast or too much for her, yes it does spill. At this stage, she's still drinking a mouthful, swallow, then mouthful again, not continuously yet. I'm still in the process of training. Actually my purpose is not really to train her to drink from cup, rather it's to train her to drink water first! But of cos, i'll be glad if she can drink from cup well! keke
sandy, VBAC? so chim! ok will ask my gynae when i see her next week.

lonerunner, what did ur ur confinement lady do? why ur c-sect wound burst 2x? got pain one meh for ur c-section? were u on epidural? me no feeling after 10hrs of pain and epidural.

mummies, thks for ur reply re c-section/normal birth
OMG! sorry mummies, need to see anyone interested to go to the hollywood dinos?
alamak the tickets my fren got for me is to the dino!not the birdpark which was wat i wanted..

is there anyone keen? i have 4tickets to let go at $9 each
i think u must have one of d worst birth experience i know... i remember during c-sect u woke up fr anaesthetic failure? that was u, right? PLUS burst not once but twice!!! *salute*
u have to be proud of urself despite everything u also BF... i am speechless!!!

i also retired my CL after a week but long story... really din have much confinement also but comparing to urs, mine was great haha :p... as for me, next time no more CL, MIL, hb n I all agree we will rather suffer than to place baby on hands we dun trust...
thanks for d info... ok ok guess i have to try n try n b persistent. I have actually using mini glass for more than 1mth i think :s seeing no improvement yet. Will check out doidy cup... i saw a bad review on amazon, that's y hesitated to buy before. so many baby stuffs end up being bang here n there as her toy. hahaha...
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), currently participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technical University.

For my doctorate program I am conducting a research study in which I am requesting your assistance. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood. Since this website is designed for parents, I thought you and/or someone you knew may be interested in helping me with this project. I am hoping to compare my data from USA parents to Sinagpore parents.

This may or may not apply to you. If you doesn't, please forward this to people you know so it can reach other first-time parents who may want to participate. Thanks for your help!

Do you meet the following criteria? Do you know someone who does?

* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to two years?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?
* Do you want to share information that could help other couples transition into parenthood?

If you answered YES to these questions, and are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to participate in this parenting research study. This survey is being conducted through an online questionnaire and is estimated to only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.

If you have questions about this study, e-mail [email protected] or contact Dr. Kurt Gehlert at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Professional Psychology at (651) 962-4656 or the University of St. Thomas Institutional Review Board at (651) 962-5341.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. All information will be kept confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
blueb, wah you even go for makeover. have fun and let me know how it goes. I am still thinking as my sister wedding was last weekend and the photographer took quite a lot of his photos cos my boy kept smiling at him. so hb said wait to see how it turns out to be.

gamze, my boy recently kept putting his finger into his mouth after seeing my friend's gal who kept doing it, within the next hour after seeing that, he started doing it. Daddy will tell him that he dont like and he will cry. but mummy tell him not to do it, he totally ignore me. but when I say daddy dont like it, he understands and will take his finger out. its funny how he understands and after about 2 weeks, he stopped doing it. but once a while, he likes to test market by doing it for his daddy to see.

may I know where can I buy happybellies puff? that bp collection place not convenient for me.

sandy, i also wanna ask you something. somehow my boy cant seem to digest food that well. he cant eat too much/full or he will vomit. or if he takes more lumpy food like bread, pasta, etc, he will vomit his food out. recently he takes lesser milk too, so I thought I should increase his solid intake, but then he will vomit out his food.any mummies got any suggestions on what I can do.
lucky u leh. juz put it as I'm one of the super 'suay' mothers whose body system either cannot take drugs well, or is already so immured to the counterpain drugs (I was on it some years back for a long time) that they have no effect on me. by rite c-sec isnt supposed to be painful at all.
I had epi and was numb from neck down. but the drugs had numbed only my rite tummy and not my left. so u can imagine the pain that came the moment the knife went in :p luckily my gynae was very fast so within 5min bb was out liao while the horrified doc who did the anaesthetic frantically increase the dosage repeatly until 6x! hahaha!

My CL? orrr she refused to wake up at nite n bring bb to me for latch on or change diaper when she cried every 1hr+. gave me blackface or tell me do it myself - all becos I chose to BF bb instead of give FM as CL demanded I shld. So I have to sit up, walk over to the cot, carry bb up, walk back to bed, latch her on, carry bb back to cot then back to my own bed. Then me 1st time mum duno how to sit up properly after c-sec. Hb is away on overseas trip until 2 weeks later so I got no help. These are good enough to tear stitches lor. she actually blamed me instead for not giving FM tats why bb every 1hr needed milk cos she's starving. And best, my mil actually believed her! alamak! not all newborn's milk interval is 4hr wat! cannot wake up for nite feeds say so lah! the way she handled newborns ah, it was a miracle that my bb din suffer from head concussions or sprain necks.
PS: CL was mil's younger sister's 20yr+ friend.

actually having a CL is good cos help to take care of bb. If if the CL is more of hinderance than help ah, then no point already. I shld have done wat u did but CL was a friend of mil's and I got no other helper other than CL. I was in a 'system hang' mode - the only tots on my mind are to take care of bb myself and protect her from harm until hb got home. think I got a bit of depression too. kept crying cos I felt no one understood my plight. mil only pop by alterate days cos she taking care of my niece. my mum is working. no choice. take it as a learning experience lor. wat to do.

how abt give bb more frequent but smaller meals? and avoid too lumpy food for now until tummy is ready n can digest this type of food?
hi amy, when did u notice that he vomit after food? Is it when u started more solids n less pureed texture? Did his drop in milk intake coincides with the onset of his vomitting? And how soon after he ate that he vomit? Vomit can be caused by indigestion, overeating, gastro reflux or stomach flu. Hv to rule out stomach flu first.
Hihi all,

Wa sei tips on no 2 liao...omg i am so out of touched with our forum man.... haven been checkin it out diligently.... just speed read...

Eh so is lonerunner preg with no 2?? hehe

i dun think i am gg to try it soon or maybe let nature takes its own course....hb abit sian abt #2 becos of wat he nid to go thru on the 1st mth especially lol he is those type who nid slp... but anyway i tell him there must be a #2... lol..

fianancial is reason 2 la but i tell him lo there are so many ppl out there with 2 or more also like that live on with their lives... i believe is wat u are willing to sacrifice bah...

opps! bb is awake! need to pump fast and get her milk ready!

oh no no! Me not preg with #2 yet! or this is wat I think lah :p haha! Ya with a newborn, we can basically throw sleep out of the window! How's life so far over there?
