(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi deedee,

I agree with ginn its separation anxiety. Its quite unlikely that ur girl has nightmare every night for 2 mths. Also quite prolong crying for a developmental milestone. Adding to that 2 mths ago is when shes 8 -9 mths old, the time when separation anxiety strikes.

Here's wishing all mummies a very happy new year 2010. This yr we had great achievements which is to have our babies and nuture them so well that they will be turning 1 yo soon! To lonerunner, grace and other mummies who are trying for #2, may your wish come true in the new yr, jia you

hope all of us have good health and happiness in the new yr!
Last few days of leave for me before I start work next Monday, I am gg to cherish every little moments with my baobei... But he is down with flu yet again! Big sigh!
thanks sandy. i always tot separation anxiety happens only in day time when we leave bb to other caregivers.

The_SimZ, me too! there was a nite she slept thru nite from 9pm till 730am but i din sleep well coz i was so used to waking up in the middle of nite.
Happy New Year everyone!!

aiya end of year liao but still must have a run in with my mil regarding food for bb again. mil wan to give bb porridge and cereals mostly. mil said bb need carbo from more solid food as now they are very active. no need to drink so much milk. I told her milk still form the base of nutrients for bb. And moreover if give porridge and cereals only, wat happens to the remaining BM since I'm a BF mother? dun tell me wan to force me to wean bb from BM meh? no wonder mil always give lotta BM only to throw away when bb cant finish cos bb still full from porridge mah

weaather's bad these days. hope bb recovers soon!

may u find the solution soon! Else very xin ku one!
lonerunner, thanks...

happy, hope ur bb gets well soon. my gal recently had cold. few tips might help to ease stuffy nose and get better sleep at nite.

1. Try putting pillows under his mattress to elevate it.

3. Karvol decongestant capsules. it's safe for bb abv 3 mths. tis one really helps! can get them from watsons or pharmacy. open 1 capsule and put onto a handkerchief and put under the pillow or tied down in the vicinity, but out of reach, of the child

2. use vicks vapo rub - put it on the chest and on the bottoms of her feet and cover them with socks.
Just to share, when bb has cold, i bought the humidifier, it helps to ease the block nose and cough too. I was in the room and i think it does helps cos i was down with flu that time too. Place it near bb when they sleep at night or during the day wherever they are.

Lonerunner, i think if ur gal is able to eat well for 3 meals or 2 meals now, shld be fine. Think for now as long they drink abt i think 600ml of milk each day is fine (cant remember exact ml)... and anyways they'll turn one soon.
If ur gal drinks lesser, u can reduce the no of pumps? i'm hoping to reduce but bu fang xin cos my gal still dislike water and still drinking 5-6times milk a day... haiz how to stop bf?!!
my bb is now taking in abt 540ml of milk per day lah. But ya, they are turning 1 soon. I share same dilemma as u lah. then if reduce number of pumps, I scare before 1yr is up, I'll dry up liao! hahahaa! aiya either way also headache leh.

aiyo. 6hrs more to 2010. 2009 really fly very fast leh!
ALAMAK!!! we forgot tonite got fireworks! But ok lah. can see part of the fireworks from the window in the direction of singapore river, mt faber and sentosa. the finale for the fireworks from singapore river quite nice leh! anyway we cant leave bb in the hse sleeping while we run up to the top flr to watch like last year. :p oh ya, Happy New Year!!!
Thanks Deedee and Ginn for the advice, will go try and hope it helps, he is sooooo cranky, gosh!

Lonerunner, ya lor weather bad these days la, i hope he will be well by next sun as it's his birthday party!
Hi Lonerunner, just out of curiosity, ur bb sleeps in between ur hb and u, ur bed so big ah? How to get preggy with bb in room and on bed some more? Sorry, if u dun feel comfortable with my qns, then dun need to answer. I asked bcoz my hb now sleeps in study room, as he snores, and bb will be disturbed as my bb is a light-sleeper, just a little sound is enough to wake him up. Then my maid sleeps with me and bb in my room, not very "healthy" arrangement but no choice as I need sleep to maintain my sanity. If my hb sleeps with me, then if he snores, my boy and me also cannot sleep...To all mummies, Happy New Year!
happy new year mummies n babies!!! may everyone have s prosperous 2010!!!

hb n i went for short escape at sentosa last night without bb...helper look after its the 1st time didnt c bb for 24hrs miz her like hell... bb woke up 3 times in middle of night? maybe she koe we r not around..could it be separation anxiety too???
yeh our bb all turing 1 n soon ready to walk hopefully by CNY n collect more red packet...

im so stress many cake shop n blogspot closed during my bb birthday think left with baker,s inn last option

lonerunner can try reduce pump me too can drag 7-8hrs..btw im still storing excess milk for later feeds.. those old stock i give bb milk bath..at least not go to waste..
OMG! my gal is getting vry naughty liao. so angry! really pushin my patience to the limit.cant get wat she wants nw nt so easily distracted liao mus realy get it . then tdy she vry naughty throw her toys at me twice so i hit her hand she still stare at me, but kept quiet. she alrdy vry superglue to daddy these days, walk away she cry, so tdy she so naughty kena me scold etc, make its worst jus wan to glue to daddy most of the times
Hi Sandy, are these good for Naomi? So far,her immune system is gd after taking it? How u give her? Does it come in liquid form?

Iceblue, dun get angry la, our little ones dun know y we r angry and mayb they also dun know we are angry. My boy also like that, will scream and make it seem like his throat is going hoarse, croaking to get what he wants. Sometimes really feel like slapping him, but cannot bear to do it, so slap the hand and he will shout back, like scolding mummy,"Who says u can beat me?" Angry siah, but quite funny if u think about it, since they cannot talk yet, so no choice, they have to do something to express themselves. Just like when we scold them, they will have to scream back or give some expression coz they cannot rebute!
happy new year mummies!
2009 has been a great year and i'm hoping to have more great years ahead.

blueb: haha... they really all sort of patterns during teething
and wow.... the babies are starting to stand without support or take their first few steps, congrats!
my han is still busying with crawling nia

happy: thanks so much for the wishes for #2!
i will b v glad if it really comes true
han is also down with fever, cough, running nose...

spent new year in KKH, just to be sure it is not due to infections as the fever keeps coming back after medicine 4 hrly

deedee: thanks for the tips, remind me again what to do :p

iceblue: when bb throws the toys, i tell myself that bb's trying their motor skills of throwing
haha... i was encouraging han to throw the toys far far and he can really throw the bowling balls that my MIL bought for him.
interesting Q! hahaha! I'd got 2 queensized mattress and 1 single mattress in the hse. So there's plenty of options for missions like this or when one of us fall sick and needs to be 'quarantined' :p Practically with a bb around now, everything needs to chop chop get done and over with. Not very romantic hor? hahahaa!
I think there are some methods to prevent snoring. I know TCM have ways lah. Western med I'm not too sure :p
wat my sis did is to wake her hb up the moment he snores cos once he shifted position, he wont snore already.

I'm scared of the smell from my own BM! So cant give bb milk bathe! wahahahaaa!

try confiscating her toys and tell her no more toys? I did this for my bb. At least after she throws, I wont need to pick the balls/toys up after her! hahahaa! but this is a lazy mum's method ah. I think gracechua's method is quite good!

read tat probiotics cereals helps to boost immurity system in babies. u might wan to try this out and c if it helps in additional to taking vitamins? in supermarkets there is tis brand by happybellies. abt $9.90 per tin.
He he he, lonerunner, ya quite embarrassed to ask but important la. My hb and I have been having "stress" since bb born and when I moved back to MIL's hse. Coz bb light sleeper mah. Wah, u also funny leh, "chop chop" ha ha ha. But my hb stressed over this as scared to wake bb up, so we have been quite "inactive". Some more now with him sleeping in studyroom due to snoring, even more "inactive". But unhealthy leh....P
ya can understand the stress. hb and I took sometime to figure out the out-of-norm way to go abt this situation!
alternatively, mummy can always pop by the study room or vice versa! :p actually I would prefer bb and maid to slp in the study, whereas mummy n daddy slp in master, if u dun mind hb's snoring from time to time. :p cos maid will also feel bu zhi sai that she slp with mummy in master whereas daddy is in another room. :p
hi liting,

I agree with lonerunner tht ur boy n maid can slp in one rm whilst u n hb in master rm, not for the mission per se but for a healthy marital relationship. My hb also ask me to wake him up whenever he snores becos snoring is bad for health.

Re the vites, they r liquid form and i give it to naomi using her feeding spoon after her meal. So far her immunity is relatively good considering that she goes out very often n till late. So far she had only uti at 7 wks which is not due to body resistance, n once roseola. Thats it, no coughs n colds n no diarreah. But then shes on breastmilk so cant attribute it entirely to the vites.
Hi Lonerunner and Sandy, thanks for your advice. I am also a light sleeper before I fall asleep, unless I am very tired, I sometimes cannot sleep the whole night when my hb snores, hence no choice, he has to sleep in study room. Let the maid sleep with bb in studyrm before, she ends up not waking up to feed him when he cries, but that was 8mths, that time, she not too used to getting up. But now, bb gets last feed at around 11plus or 12 plus, then next meal at around 6plus, perhaps can try but MIL says cannot trust maid. Will try anyway, thanks!

Sandy, I think bm more helpful, perhaps I should consider multivites, as my boy so far has fallen sick for around 5-6 times and partial feeding with bm also till now, though supply really low now - around 160ml every 24 hrs.
hi Mommies.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

just pop by again only now, use the comp for the first time ever since my maid went back. sigh.... i havent read much except for lonerunner's chop chop hahaha.... really funny!!!!!!!!

it reminds me to come here often to keep my sanity. Been down lately cos too much work, house looks like shit and my body ache here and there... ANYWAY....anybody is pregnant oredi??? I really wanna get pregnant, i prayed so often.... took a pregnancy test but negative
actually we dun really TTC cos seriously my aunty has not visited...

baby is getting so active and smart nowadays... really cannot keep up with her. my cousin's wife came over for a visit, i told baby she's "kimkim" and few days later went we met again... i asked baby "where's kimkim?" she's able to point to her... the same goes for 2 of her kids, and a bunch of other relatives... and bcos i prefer to use dialect to address people rather than d usual "aunty, uncle, koko etc", i am so amazed she remembers all of them while each of the word is unique...

so many dinners nowadays with relatives... lucky cos i sure can't cook with all d chores... i seriously need a break that includes going on a plane...

sorry for yadda yadda yadda-ing without making any point...
me not very sane.... any funny stories?
u are not alone. my bb now only comes to me if she wants "mum-mum" (food). other than that, she'll act as if I'm not around. But when she sees her grandma or godmother, she'll be very excited and wanted them to carry her immediately. bay tahan. hahahaa!

me not pregnant yet. still waiting ... but ya, hard lah especially if girlfriend hasnt visited cos cannot gauge the cycle. I also come into forum to destress. hehehe.
ei now Jan already. peak holiday session over. faster go somewhere!
Hi 5! I oso come in here to destress, especially after seeing the horrible face of my MIL! Ya, holiday session ending, time to work for 2010! Jia you to those mummies trying to conceive!

Overload, ur bb smart! My bb also dun noe how to point. I think Naomi, Sandy's girl can point too!
lonerunner: haha... i am worse. bb doesnt even look for me when he wants food
he will look for daddy
yap, super excited when he saw grandmother, aunts and uncles
doesnt even want me to carry him when i'm at my in laws

yest bb has new pattern
when my FIL let go gas with a 'pu'
he also use his mouth to make the 'pu' sound
so funny!

sandy: i was showing han naomi's video (the one which naomi able to do according to your instructions). to our surprise, he can do all the things too...
we keep asking him to do, he doesnt want, when he sees the video than he starts doing...
haha... found a new way for bb to learn from babies. :p
juz came hm from botanical garden. brought bb all the way there to see birds, fishes and the plants. And bb was asleep for most of our time there in the nice cooling breeze.

hahaha so we are both bb's 'chosen one'. ok then. lets wait and see bb's next person perference ;)
our bb really like to imitate hor? very cute leh!
my bb just finished 'chasing' my mum around the hse in her walker. my mum was sweeping the flr using the broom and bb insisted on trying her hands at sweeping too.

ya destress is very impt. so come in here chit chat also good lah
lonerunner: wah... i also want to go botanic garden, but han's down with flu. so gotta reschedule.

yah lor, super funny with their imitation.
huahahahha LOL so funny... how come some baby's teeth r like pop one here and pop one there??? SOOOO CUTE.... i cant stop laughing...

baby imitate:
ya, i read that at this stage baby likes to imitate people so we have to be careful of what we do :p huahahaha like that's possible...

my baby is easy to be entertained when we r out eating now cos she wanna imitate us, so i gave her a bowl and spoon, she'll pretend to eat with all of us on her high chair... if she's bored with that already i let her "read" her book. she know to say more than 10 words oredi (i think) like dog, star, fish, duck, cat, bag... mostly r one sylable the ones more than 1 r d easy ones like button, turtle, donald duck (she said dahl duck) and chroco for crocodile... there are few funny words that only i could understand too hahaha... cos she points to d thing and say d same thing like bahh or fyyy for butterfly... and thrahh for triangle hehehe very cute...

only today she is able to point to the right shapes... all 8!! sure made me very happy...

and another happy news!!!! My maid is back TOMORROW!!! YAHOOOOOOOOO
liting:ur baby so cute.
grace: hee i wil try to learn to be more patient.keke but smtimes really hard. then nw she sperglue to daddy aiyo can faint lor
Good Morning!!! Back to work again! Sianz! 8 more days of maternity leave to be utilized before bb turns 1 yo + 6 more days of child care leave to be utilized for 2010. hooray!

Good news! My gal has finally back to the normal sleep routine on the eve of new year after tackled her problem – separation anxiety. she has been sleeping thru nite for the past few days. Finally we both have good nite sleeps. Wat I did was spent more times with her in her bedroom before sleep time by reading her favorite story books, put her favorite soft toy and my ‘bau’ clothes in her cot. I didn’t co-sleep with her end up. Thanks mummies for sharing with me abt separation anxiety.
deedee, good for u!

lonerunner, maybe u can feed her a heavier dinner? so she wont get hungry so fast...

Btw mummies, can we feed bb butter?
it's my lunch time now!

lonerunner, hope chi mun will get back to the normal sleep routine soon.

grace, hope han gets well soon.

overload, ur gal can recognise shapes? clever gal! my gal can point but cant recognise shapes leh.
ginn, i give my gal bit of butter spread on bread and use butter pan fried the fish. i've started to add 'ingredients' into her food when she turned 10.5mths.
Hi Mummies,

Just wanna to share with you what I heard/learnt from many experienced mums.

There r many of my cols and frenzs dun believe in TCM but they ended up giving TCM once their bb turns 11 mths. Their bb always down with flu, cough and fever and always no improvements despite several course of antibiotics. I realized when my gal was sick she was v cranky and had cold sweat, was told by my col these are the side effects of having western medicines.

I will be giving my gal cordyceps double-boiled soup with lean meat starting next week once a mth or bi-weekly. Cordyceps is Chinese vitamin works like western vitamins. I dun take supplements/vitamins in my life but I drink soup at least once a week to strengthen my qi. Believe or not, I have not been sick for almost 3 or 4 years until recently I had cough and sore throat. I had several course of antibiotics and cough syrup from the doctors but din recover until I had TCM.

May I know anyone here is giving bb TCM or intends to give TCM?
gd morning mummies happynewyear!!!

sy mygal party 20feb
lonerunnersometimes mygalwake up maybe not enough feeding

over load yr baby so smart impressive

grace hope yr bb get well soon
Hi Mummies,

Not sure if anyone here is having the same problem as me.

My gal shouts when happy, angry and want something. My sil said baby starts to talk and they use shouting to express their feelings. Is that true? How to stop it? Is there a way to make her not to shout?

when she dun want anything, she'll use her hands to push it away or shake her head.
I believe in TCM. when bb broke out in rash previously, I took her to my usual TCM doc and she recovered from it after taking the med. But I dun self medicate bb with TCM herbs or etc. I prefer leaving the decision of which herb to take to the TCM doc cos I am not well versed enough in chinese med
I usually see western doc for urgent or emergency cases, then use TCM to follow up to tune health back.

my bb also scream shouts throw toys etc when unhappy. I will tell her dun do that sternly n explain why she must not do this (duno if she can understand me or not lah). usually after awhile she'll quiet down.

my bb is teething now... her milk intake drop again
