(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

sandy... Jus read the Billings Method book. It says tat 9mnth is a hurdle whch can cause return of fertility. Need to increase suckg n a few days rest devoted to bb so as to maintain milk ss n prolong infertility. I tink I mus hv failed this hurdle so gdfren returned!

Lonerunner.... If u planng for #2, mus first determine if ur body has returned to fertility state aldy or not. If believe its possible to be fertile even without gdfren comg? Sandy, any idea?

Hi Hi,
Hope everyone had a wonderful xmas. MIA for a while coz me and bb were down with cold and cough then became mild bronchitis due to prolonged cough and phlegms. we were passing the virus to each other! luckily we've fully recovered on the xmas eve.

sorry to say there r some v inconsiderate parents when their babies are sick still bring them to the class and gym. i learnt a lesson. if i know the bb is sick, either i'll ask them to leave the class if they dun then i'll leave and ask for refund.

this is the 1st time my gal fell sick since born.
yeap yeap! So I'm taking the "shui yuen" approach for now lor. Cos we wont be able to know if we are fertile already or not without period to confirm, which will lead to next issue - if got MS like symtoms ah, duno isit due to illness or pregnancy! hahaha! :p
ah? isit? it got say wat's the statistics like for ppl who applied this method ah?? interesting! :p

woah tat bad ah? isit they dun do the photos to all makeover effects until u have selected tats why the photos not outstanding? or maybe they have too many customers liao?

ya, some parents are like tat one. duno why. not very nice of them leh, I feel lah. glad tat u n bb both recovered already!
Hi Mummies,
talking abt bb sleeping. my gal used to sleep thru nite fr 830pm to 730am since 6 mths. but 2 mths ago, dun know wat's wrong with her. she cried and screamed every 3 or 4 hours while her eyes shut. she can really make noise for 1 to 2 hours and refused to sleep. tik it has became a 'habit'. i really need to be 'heng xing' let her cry for a while before i attend to her. any remedies??
My gal very 'tam jia'. her favorite is pasta with beef cook with olive oil, shallots and basil leaves. cut the beef into small pieces, no more minced or pureed beef.

she oso loves steam corn. din remove the hull.

i started to give her bit bit of home cook food but rinse with water. of cos will avoid those forbidden food until 1 yr old.
deedee....Oh dear, mild bronchitis! Tat explains why I didnt see u in class for sometimne! By the way, I have changed Raphael's class to Sun 2pm for next term. Will u be continuing? U starting her with Schichida next term already rite?

SY....Ur hubby can take v v v nice photos!! Actually u no need to go seanlau leh...
Photos not nice perhaps cos u r used to seeing very nice ones taken by hubby? =p Or maybe his style is diff from ur hubby, so thats why u not that satisfied...

Lonerunner... The Bililngs Method is used by most Catholics I believe, as alternative to contraceptives.
Anyway, I just read the book that when ovulation occurs, there will be slippery mucus and if the cycle is fertile, mensus will occur 11-16 days after ovulation. I think its very true for me. I observed the mucus and a few weeks later gdfren came already.

Talking about statistics, this book was saying that a study on 80 bf mothers has shown that those who did total breastfeeding for 6 months, and partially breastfeed after that, and who also use breast as a pacifier, are not likely to ovulate for 12 months after birth.
Sad to say, mine occured 10 months after birth...

I guess this study may not be that accurate cos sample size is quite small - 80 only. But I believe that the slipper mucus = ovulation is a scientific fact?
Sandy, rite?

Anyway, my conclusion is that if I had diligently pumped everyday to keep up the milk ss, indicating to body that bb still drinking alot of milk, my gdfren wouldnt have come back so early... Anyway, too bad I was too lazy to go and read this book. Will just need to try to boost milk ss now so that I can bf for a longer time.
My boy jus walked a distance of 1m towards me without any support!! And this is the second time today! Yay!
) I hope he can walk around by his 1st bday party!

yup..thats right..slippery mucous = ovulation is scientific..slippery so champion swimmers can swim easily to point of destination :p

my gynae told me to use contraceptive even before gdfren return so i presume we still can get pregnant even without gdfren around...lonerunner, jia you!
yes, can still get preggy even without gdfrenz...u using the billing method too? I used it before getting preggy. now use other contraceptive..haizz..( i got preggy cos u took a risk. Unplanned preggy. haha)

Sandy> u catholic right? Can use other contraceptive?

Ur bb is lihai!!!!!
maybe i have high expectation of his photos la.Realli love his photos before going over. I am a fan leh. Perhaps, baby wasnt interactive enuff that day.
thanks for your compliment. I will tell him. Ur hubby take great photos too! keke

I developed the few shots ur hubby took for Sarah. keke
SY... Yup I also using Billings mtd. This preg unplanned too cos after awhile, I got so confident of my cycle tt I don't chart anymore! Haha... U catholic too?
We also bringg raph for photoshoot, but not with seanlau cos too ex! Going to studioloft nxt week. Hope he is gd mood n interactive durg the photoshoot!
Hi Sandy n Blueb
my hubby is catholic. I used billing mtd and took risk when i was spotting. haha. Since i gave birth i have been using rubber too. Ooop.

Wow dun chart animore!! haha. I think I have forgotten how to chart leh. Studio loft cheaper? hmmm, i like studio loft too. Do u develop the photos ur hubby develop? I can recommend u to the photo developin shop at amk eng wah cinema. 0.15 c for 100 pcs and more. keke.

just realised u asked the question re yeast infection. yup, will be itchy and there will be alot of discharge that is white or like cottage cheese but no smell. will also have burning sensation and painful urination . if its green and smelly discharge, its bacterial infection and needs antibiotics.
Hi SY... That's the result of overconfidence! haha... So now that gdfren returned, I am starting to chart again. Cannot risk anymore =)
So far, we seldom develop photos leh... If develop, we go Hougang Mall Harvey Normam inside there is this place to dev photos. Quality very good. I will try the AMK Eng Wah one which u recommend! Thanks! =)
hi hi,

busy busy busy. everyone's clearing leave in dec and i'm super busy.

sandy, snow: han can point!
and he keep pointing here and there asking us to bring him to where he points .
his daddy will do it, but i too lazy, in the end he prefers his daddy to carry him.

catmomo: heat rash i tried the traditional way of using 'shu fen'
corn flour or something like that, introduced by my MIL and friend
can subside quite easily and it can be eaten, so i thot better.

ginn: i gave han some rice the other day, the normal rice that we eat for fun.
just a little to get him started and he enjoys it.

i started to give han our food, whatever i think not salty and he wont choke.
then i regreted, cos he wants to eat whenever we eat!
wah ... u mummies really heng leh! can get pregnant so easily! envy envy! pity my 'system' isnt built this way!

oh btw, I'm happy to announce ... the tooth fairy has finally decided to grow my bb's teeth! And it's 4 at one go!! 2 each at the top n bottom. the sharp edges are emerging now. can feel them when I place my finger onto bb's gums. so she's busy biting everyone/everything she can sink her gums on tonite :p

oic! thx for the explaination! now I know what is the billings method! hahaa! :p btw how this is charted ah?
hmm ... but you latched bb on rite? I dun think need to pump exclusively to keep up the milk SS lah. Also it will be quite hard for you to express at work.
hehee ... think raph will be able to walk by himself even before his 1st bd leh! :p I think my bb shld be able to do that too. she has been standing uprite without holding onto anything since beginning of this week. waiting for her to take her 1st unsupported step

ya the nurses at NUH also mentioned before in the parentcraft program that do not be complacent to think tat while BF, we sure wont get pregnant! becos we'll never know when the egg is in the making for the next production!

yalor! agree with blueb! ur hb takes nice photos leh! nvm ask him to photoshoot bb to replace seanlau's photos!

hahahaa! I did the same thing as u did! And now chi mun is very insistant in sampling everything tat is on mummy's plate! I really duno isit a good move or not.
Question - can we feed bb with the japanese rice from bits of sushi or don or bento set? can baby eat sushi that doesnt contain anything raw?? thinking of going to a japanese restaurant for dinner tmw nite to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Bb sure want to try food one. :p
but hor, i read somewhere tat e sperm will stay alive in e vagina for 36 hrs... so theoretically, u can prevent conception after ovulation... since ovulation is marked by slippery mucous... but u can't be sure of e before rite? say, u ovulate on day 14 from 1st day of menses... but u have sex on day 12, there's still a chance of conception? so wat if ur ovulation is not regular i.e. on day 14? how abt day 12? then u tot day 10 is safe but it's actually not?
think jap rice in jap restaurants contain vinegar... if u ok to give her vinegar, then ok to give her e rice bah...
as for teeth, my gal has only 2 bottom teeth now... is it possible to grow another 2 bottom teeth w/o e top 1s coming out? cos i can see a white spot beside her lower rite tooth, but nothing on top...
wah .. dun make me happy leh. I hope I can announce tat one day soon too! HEHEHEEE!
teeth - my girl has whitish bud for a very very long time. until tonite then got sharp edges. so far I only saw one bb with 4 bottom teeth but none at the top. usually is top and/or bottom lah.
oh, can bb eat vinegar ah?
lonerunner: hi5!
i thot it was not so good for us as han will scream if we dont let him sample.
i just give him small bits to keep him occupied.
he is a super 'tam-jia gui'.

i thot japanese rice sounds ok so long as it does not have anything raw. but i dont know.
sheepish / lonerunner: i also thot lonerunner happy to announce she is pregnant! all ready to say congrats!
looks like feb mummies are slower, mar mummies a few are pregnant liao.
still no good news for me too.

i think teeth pattern can be anything one.
han's pattern is two bottom in the center, two top which are the ones next to the center, then the two top center ones came out
haha... represented by below... see if u can understand.
we also think super funny.
food - orr .. tat time my main concern is to get bb eat and try various food before the 10mth benchmark. heard bb will more likely reject solid food past 10mths old. so one day I just let her try adult food lor. then ... she got hooked. now we must let her eat whenever we eat. even after she has drank her milk, she still got stomach to eat adult food one! ok lah. not bad for a fussy eater.
#2- wah! march mummies got pregnant liao? tats nice! we both must jiayou ok? one day we must proudly announce tat #2 is in progress!

teeth pattern - ei han's teeth growth is really special! the top sides actually came out first!

Orrr... i got read that theory before. But I think best duration for the swimmers to stay alive is like 12hr ah? at least tats what my gynae told me lah.
orr ... if we tot is on day 14 but this mth special, is on day 12 instead. So bingo! Factory production kickstart liao! :p
waha grace, han has funny teething pattern.

Sheepish.. Yup, the swimmers can stay inside for 36 hrs so usually i dun bd once im day 9 or 5 days before the day of ovulation. But if u wanna conceive then bd from the 10th to 16th day. If bd on 10th day, theres a higher chance for bb girl but if u bd on day of ovulation, high chance for boy.
deedee, could it be separation anxiety that makes ur bb cry? my bb did cry with eyes closed and took her a while to cool off. i suspect that's nightmare?...

sheepish, my gal have 2 bottom teeth now and seem to have whitish beside it and nothing on top yet too leh...hmm...

While most of u scared bb tam jia, i wish my gal is tam jia lor... give her table food, she not that interested leh... sianz, think she'll be one that depends a lot on milk still... haiz

haha lonerunner, i also tot u were going to say u preggy leh haha. Cant imagine myself having 2nd one yet, i think i'll go mad if 2nd one as fussy as my gal..... keke

Grace, han's teeth growth so cute... keke

Anyways, wishing all a Blessed & Happy 2010!
lonerunner: yap, we must jiayou!

yah lor, han's teething funny.
but ultimately still 6 teeth and he is happily chewing his food now. :p
Hi Mummies, Good Morning! countdown to 2010... May a prosperous and blessed year come upon us all!!

blueb, yalor.. she was sick for almost 1 mth. schichida started tis sat. glad tat u managed to change Raph's class schedule. there is a parent course on 20 jan fr 7pm to 1030pm. do u wan to attend and listen to their teaching method? as we've paid for the parents course but only either hb or me will attend. they told me over 500 parents will be attending the course. let me know if u wan.

Wow, great job Raph!

My gal oso walks abt 5 steps without support. hehe... she oso mastered the skill of getting up and down the bed/sofa abt 2 staircase steps high and climb up staircase.

SY, haha.. indeed i can cook pretty well. i love to cook. maybe we can have a small gathering at someone's house and i can prepare some home cook baby food??

someone said yeast/bacteria infection/UTI? i prone to have all these few yrs back before i got preg and it really bothered me, esp after long haul flight as i travel to UK/US few times a year. i dun like & dun wan to take antibiotics. my sil told me to take plenty of cranberries juice. u know wat, it really works!! since then i dun have all these problems. cranberry is rich with antioxidants. can give it a try.
hi mummies,
wanna ask... is ur bb still sleeping in the baby cot? i suspect the reason for my gal's unrested nites are due to the small baby cot as she doesnt hav much spaces to turn to the sleeping position she wans.
Good morning mummies!
Body in office but soul not here anymore. I m waiting for time to pass and go off for co lunch later! Happy New 2010!

Wow, deedee, i seldom touch the pots and pans since married cos my grandma in law cook well. Our stomach needs is all taken care of. Wowow.. must learn from u man. I m not v creative with food but when i hear u cook beef pasta for ur gal, make me salivate too..

yesyes, cranberry juice v good for those gals infections. take more take more. during my preggy days i also take quite alot of the florida cranberry apple juice.
i really dun tik is separation anxiety. yah, older ppl said nightmare! she will cool down within seconds if i attend to her immediately. if i dun or my hb attend to her, then she'll scream and scream just like last nite, again!!!
yalor.. where got mood to work.. everyone is alrdy on holiday mood! later we have dept lunch celebration too. how nice to have grandma in law to prepare home cook food everyday!

hehe.. me 'thick face' sia. i used to cook dinner almost everyday b4 got bb. but since after having bb, cook once in a while only. most of times either eat out or dapao.
woah ... I din realised ...! hahhaaa ..! sorry ah cos I'd been waiting to see when bb will grow teeth!! :p

my bb slp in between us. dun think she'll get more space than sleeping in a cot. u c if her cot area is stuffy? either tat or it could be due to teething again. or in the day time try not to over simulate bb? sometimes need to trial and error one change at a time to which one works.
My boy's teethg pattern is like Han's too! haha...
Now he has like 3 upper tooth all coming out together!
Last time when it was only 1 upper lateral incisor, we like to call him vampire/dracula! haha.... Very cute with just one tooth on top.

Parents course for schchida or neurotree? I am still letting him go for neurotree, never sign up schchida. Altethea progress very fast! I rem she crawled later than Raph but now she can walk =)

The charting ah...I PM u la.
Raph was able to stand up on his own w/o support in Oct. And it was 2 months before he took his first step! So I really hoping he can really walk walk around by his bday!
I very KS one. I wont give sushi rice in case there is some "contamination" from the raw fish. Besides, they add vinegar too. But I think it is ok to give rice from bento set that contains food that is all cooked.
Hello mummies!

So bz these few days and the next topic I see is pregnancy? Haha.. you mummies are going back to the topic that was discussed almost 2 years ago?

I think i will not have one any time soon. I love my bb so much that I don't want to share my time with another baby. Hee.. selfish me!

you cook every day??? How you manage? My hubby don't like the idea of me cooking cos he said the clean up takes up more time.
deedee, maybe it's insecurity/nighttime terror or bb achieving developmental milestone. Does ur bb wake up every night all teh time? i'm also figuring out the reason cos my gal is also like dat sometimes. For mine, i suspect maybe due to developmental milestone. cos prior to crawling and standing she was like dat, not sleeping well.
heeee .. thx ah ... I very kpo. But no time to read up in internet yet :p
can lah .. u'll be surprised wat Raph can come up with! :p

was tat 2yrs already? time flies hor!?
blueb, parents course for schichida.

lonerunner, no over stimulate leh. she was kept in the house for almost 2 weeks, except places like nanny, mil and dad house. the only time i can tik of was during xmas gathering at my dad place. she was busy playing w the jie jie and go go.

ginn, is ur gal still having the same problem as my gal? yup, cried and screamed every nites for 2 mths liao. initially i tot she was sick due to congested nose few weeks ago, but then she has fully recovered.

agree w lonerunner trials and errors. methods i've tried so far - no sleeping bag, adjust aircon temperature, not to put bolsters beside her, not to sleep pillow, i even did a stupid thing hang my shorts on her bed! haha! tmr im going to discharge her from baby cot and let her sleep on the single bed. development milestones?? what's tat? must go google and find out more.
The_SimZ, no lah no more cook every day since after got bb. last time yes almost everyday. probably cooking is my hobby bah. i did everything from cutting, cooking and cleaning. my hb just opened his mouth eat and clean his mouth after eat. btw, i cannot bake! tried many times but failed. i love muffins but always end up with 'killing muffins' hard like stone. hahaha!
deedee, mine is not every nite, only some nights. And the loud crying is usually when she falls into deep sleep (ard 1hr after she goes to bed at night). Otherwise in the middle of the night, sometimes she'll just cry. Dunno why too.
Prior to all these major milestones, she was also sleeping well.
Oh yes i read abt putting ur soiled clothes near to bb to let her smell ur smell so that she'll have the security.

deedee, read the last para on developmental milestone/separation anxiety:

I was also hoping my bb can sleep through the night. Last night he didn't wake up until 7am but I was so used of getting up in the middle of night that I didn't manage to sleep through.. haiz..

Yes, time really flies! Parenting is all about perserverance. Lots of fun but very tiring. Can't imagine life with 2 kids. 1 bb is enough to tire me out!
