(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hmm... I m not sure where you can buy Dr. Atopeace in Singapore. I haven't seen it in the local pharmacies... I will bring Merisse's cream out on Monday, then u can let Jerilyn try?

Tks for the Baby Cubes BP. There was 1 not longer ago at $13.50 but missed ordering. I had just ordered 2 fr this BP.

I think frozen can never be compared to fresh.
I will be preparing 1 wk's supply during weekend and freeze them into baby cubes and bring to infant care. Coz as a working mum with no domestic help, it is v difficult to prepare fresh food everyday. Unless if u are able to knock off from work on time like 5-6pm everyday. I will prefer to play with my baby when I am at home after work than spend time to prepare his puree. Coz there are only these few hrs I can play n bond with him b4 his bed time.
erm.. i duno leh. my mum prepare one. i din ask also. hahaha... but she started with 1 tbsp on day 1. then increase 1 tbsp each day. :p

So cute that your son can turn so much on your bed! Are u and hubby of smaller build so that he had so much space on bed for him to turn??? For us, we are bigger size, so baby cannot turn much even on our king size bed. I always have phobia of crushing him when I let him zzzz between us ;p
Sandy, thanks! i'll prob check out Taka or robinsons first and compare since there's still sales going on...

Lili, same, currently i'm letting my gal lick apple and she likes it! But will wait till 6mths before starting to feed her with cereal.

Flip while sleeping: Haiz my gal dont seem to know how to tilt her head to the side. She'll just lie with face down when she dont have anymore strength to lift her head up.
I ordered Foogos BP coz my fren is ordering so I tagged on her purchase for free delivery.
I chose Foogos coz this range is uses child friendly materials. I also ordered a thermal pot so that I can prepare bb's porridge next time without having to watch over stove fire!
Hi BBpower,

eh me small size my husband medium built cos he is tall i short haha... eh i think prob he got kick us or wat bah just that we slept like a log so no feeling how he turn 360 haha... he have somehow learn how to "crawl" la like a worm hahaha so he can move one end to another end of his bed very fast no chance of moving too much but on our bed wa he roll like nobody biz... :p

hehe if i worry too much i think i cannot slp well man...cos we let him have ALOT of space in between us so we slept at a miserable space haha...somemore qs bed nia hor faint...

Hi catmomo,

1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon haha cos 1 tbsp is tablespoon :p
BBpower, yeah i was looking at foogo cos it's BPA free. But will go departmental store check out first...
Btw, what if we're outside for more than 5-6hrs, how to warm the food or will the food turn bad after that?
I'm ordering the babycubes too

Speaking of food. Is it necessary to serve baby hot food? I read some books that state we adults like to serve baby food and milk and high temperatures but in fact they are fine with food served at room temp.
In France, all the baby nurseries give babies milk at room temp.
Even in SG hospitals, they also give room temp milk to our babies... those milk samples (prepacked bottles) are "served" to them using room temp.. because i remember asking the nursery before why u all give him room temp milk... asked PD before, he say fine to give room temp milk... but i think give warm will be better because shd taste better bah...
Icic... must be siong for u to try to make her pee into the urine bag every month... can imagine.. hope all will be well

You made the Dr Atopeace cream sound so good that I feel like rushing down to the PD to ask for one now hahahahahaha, will check with PD when I see him next month

Above feeding container i bought..it says that it is insulated hehe but dunnow how long it can keep warm la till i cook porridge and bring it out...the package does not say so hehe...

i bought it at Robinson de.. so i nvr buy anything from the Bp as i was intending to
Lili, how much did u buy the feeding container, looks pretty! hehe..

Now i'm thinking if i shld buy baby cubes to standby for those days if i've no time to do puree...
It comes with 2 container and 1 spoon but the spoon is for 6mths + de so i bought munchkin spoon which is for 4mths plus de...
Happy,DJ :

Ya I have been using cool boiled water, but hor her face like got rough patches .DJ , ur cream seems to work like wonders. Next round ask if my PD have it. But she pro natural sure say not necessary ..sigh

I also use BB california not effective for my gal .

ahahaha.... ok la... I am a marketer...so I got tendency to make everything sound wonderful... LOL...

But it works for my girl la...and I enjoy it too... so you girls can check with your PD. Else, I can ask my PD if he can sell extra to me then I can get on your behalf. Its selling at $22 before GST at my PD.
yah, i think my cousin overwrapped her bb... but thanks for backing it wif ur pd's comments... cos juz yesterday, my mil was asking me to wear long pants for my gal... said dunno wat we adults oso feel cold in e nite although never on aircon lah, so bb will oso feel cold in e nite... but i noe tat's not e case, cos she's wet wif a little perspiration sometimes when she wakes up... anyway, now e weather so hot... we only on aircon for her an hr then switch off liao, how can wear long pants? i wear sleeveless & shorts oso hot lor...

wah, u gonna start another purchase huh? haha... but it really sounds gd! my gal's face oso on-off got spots, feel so tempted to buy too... but better finish up e cb calendula cream 1st... why u never share earlier? i bought it from e forum for $18 leh, $22 is okie if it really works lor...

wahahaha.... no one ask me so i never share lor...hahaha.... I dun make money de leh... lol... i think i must go ask my PD to give me a cut for his profits... LOL
hi mummies,
i super busy bumble bee la... again speed read the threads.

With joannelim's recommendation, i also ordered 2 babycube trays. Dunno if i will get to use it anot though. hahahaha..
I havent start my baby on solids yet. With him being sick and havent consult my PD, i dont want to start him so soon.

Sigh.. my milk yield drop big time now. Used to pump almost 140ml every 4hours. Suddenly now its only 120ml max. I wanna die liao la!!!!
Anyone has remedy for increase of BM??
I"m taking papaya soup everyday, fenugreek and domperidone. Any other things that i can do?? I wanna dieliao la!
Haha Marketer no wonder, i m so convinced by u le..
Thanks for offering to get from your PD, if my PD never carry this brand den i will trouble u to buy la :p buay tahan her rough patches liao..


Kiddy palace selling for $66.90 w/o tray..
I collected my babycube trays

Also got the Eu Yan Sang brown rice powder to standby. Hope to put off feeding solids til 6 months though!

Joannlim, if you want the Doidycup, better PM missycandy soon! We collated enough orders for the discount already
Iceblue...Mine is 4th mth old...exact 16 weeks. How about yrs?

BB POWER, Mine also in infant care...2nd week already...but im still heartache whenever i leave him there and off to work. How old is your bb? Can share with me what kind of food will u prepare for bb??? My infant care do not try hard enough to make him drink milk...thus i think i will be super busy with feeding him pureed food when im home by 7pm.
Hello mummies..

today bb's 5th month....hooray
I think it is also lonerunner's zi man's 4th month...congrats too....

Re: baby cubes
Can sterilize?
Lunch At Raffles City:
DJ Mama (With Merisse)
Adeline (with Renee)
Sheepish (with BB)
Spicegal (with Jerilyn)
Joannelim (with Joel)
Shyann-mummy kris (BB shyann)
Rei (with bb)
snow_bb (tentative)

who to confirm with?
my supply also dropping.. I think its due to stress and not enough rest.

i think u post here means confirm liao ba..
Anyway u gt my number right? I'll be there so you can confirm with me also.. =P

Ur PD like carry all sorts of gd stuff leh..
I also interested.. Maybe see if we can do BP again? Hehe..
aidan: my baby turned 4 mths old on 19th, which was last wk.
nowadays seems alot of PD recm baby can try cereal wen they 4th mth hor?
iceblue, PD says if bb's not too fat, shows signs of weaning or refused milk...then gota start on cereal which is very safe (no allergy) and can provide bb with right amount of iron & vits for better growth. Mine is 6.2kg at 4 mths...and dun drink much nowadays, so advised to start. Have been giving him 1 tbspn cereal every evening and he enjoyed it.

Hello all Mummies,

Anyone knows where to get affordable organic fruits???
If possible, would like to feed bb with organic stuff till 2yrs old.

Drooling to join mummies for the lunch outing..but can't cos gota work and then rush to infantcare to fetch bb every day.
keke then mine stil sm way to go. cos she's alrdy 7.1kg tt day.slightly abv avg, but bcos she born big so overall is jus nice.so u also got organic cereal for baby?

u mix hw much water?
u can try the organic shop at Great World City basement. Alternatively some NTUC outlets also sells organic fruits quite cheaply.
Otherwise if u live near lim chu kang, u might wan to travel to the organic farms there.
There are some organic farms in singapore who sells their stuff online too. U might want to consider these alternatives
Who uses s26? I have a small tin bought from Dubai airport one week ago, used 6 scoops but my girl doesn't like it. Collection at my place please.
Ade: Haha... ok la... got lobang so I share... maybe I am just very pleased with my PD bah...haha...

Sandy: What is power pumping? Teach me!

Peach: Lack of rest and stress like what Ade says will lead to MS dropping. I noticed that when I do not sleep enough or get too emotional my MS dips. Then I will make an effort to go to bed early and sleep more. Usually wake up to very full breasts... an accomplishment for me, since my MS has always been low.

Otherwise, try to squeeze in another pump session, another thing which I do when I noticed that my MS is going low.
Hi Mummies, this is so interesting, me going to get them!

And check this out: How to Shut Up a Crying Baby (by the Japanese)
I think you can go to the BP thread....check those who are selling swimming tubs...they will be selling the floats too... :p
i bought the tub and neckfloat. my son totally enjoy it. but so far we only use it once. cos it's quite alot of work for him to enjoy tat 5-10min. filling up the tub with water is the most tedious part...hahaha..and need to cook hot water several times, cos my heater pipe not long enough...
STRESS!!! There are tons of datelines at work and I cant manage!! Daily I worked from 9.20am to 7.30pm. Then by the time I reach home from mil's place is like 9pm already. And I cant bring much work back too as I can only start work after 11.30pm after finish expressing milk and washup after bb sleeps at 10.30pm! Then gotta wake up at 2am and 5am for feeds before waking up at 7am to get ready for work! HOWWWWW!!!!!! wahhhhh!!!!
