(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Ooops. Forgot!
Liting - for milk formula, never dilute it unless directed by a PD or other professional. You are depriving your baby of the necessary nutrients from each feed. Agree with Sandy and the other mothers. Heatiness can be caused by many other reasons.
Make barley water - unsweetened and feed about 2oz only. Too much is too 'cooling'. But expect a lot of poo as it loosens the baby's bowels easily.

Nana- Am still wearing socks for baby but only at night when we are in air-con. In the day-time, baby is barefoot but depends. If it's raining or we are in the aircon room the whole day, the socks don't come off.

I read somewhere that cold hands and feet are quite normal as they don't regulate heat that way yet. But as long as back of the neck is not too cold or too hot, the mittens and socks are not needed. Someone back me up on this?

thanks very much for sharing! appreciate e knowledge imparted...

yah, e older folks always feel my gal's legs & said they are cold... i oso dun care, juz acknowledge & went ng... i oso dun wear socks for her, she never fall sick... but my cousin's gal, she wear socks lah, long sleeved tops lah, long pants lah, always sick...
hi mommies,

im getting so busy since school started, just 1 day and there are so many posts to catch up...


i stopped wearing socks for my girl at home since 1 mth but when we go out, its either leggings (baby legs) or socks. bellebubba, ya, cold feet doesnt mean baby is cold..sheepish, i think ur cousin's gal kept too warm thats why sick? my PD always ask me to keep naomi cool because babies cannot regulate their own body temperatures well and tend to heat up because their sweat glands are not working 100% ..


my bb did not have any changes in poo poo after rota...btw, u took rotarix or rotateq? my last visit to PD, naomi also cried so hard when i stepped into the PD's office..waiting area she was fine..she also cried so hard when we go to my in law's place..previously she was fine in these 2 areas and could smile and play..starting 4mths she became like this.


hmm...some mommies here have babies waking up for feeds and they started introducing food..maybe isabelle is showing signs of weaning too? but check with your PD first..Naomi has been waking up at 3am for milk but i just latch her on and we continue sleeping together..i'd probably ask my PD at the next visit..
Sandy, yes same, she was ok at the waiting area at PD until the nurse carried her then she start crying... so difficult now. She took rotarix, her poo colour changed had nothing to do with rota according to PD... He deduced it's due to the stranger anxiety stress she had on Sunday, just need to give her 1-2 days to go back normal, and indeed her poo is normal today phews! So i guess old wives tale saying that when bb gets frightened, poo will be green seems true!
NTUC diapers ok for short duration. Once wet or after 3hrs, I will change it off. It cant hold urine or poo well.

my reply is same as other mummies

u are very patient towards ur mil already and is always giving in to her. If I'm in the same situation, I sure quarrel with her one and I wont apologise for it. She gave me the impression that her thinking was that she knew what she had done but as her son was there, she was sure that he had witnessed the 'bad doing' of his wife (blackface) personally. So he shld know tat his wife is bad and his mum is actually 'innocent'. Nvm that she is trying to create trouble in the 1st place. Pls lah, already a grandma liao but still trying to play this type of game. Think maybe u would like to consider looking for other caregivers like maybe ur mum. But of course lah, talk is easy but do difficult. Hope that there will be a way out of this soon!

Heard of Dentinox teething gel? My sister recommended me to buy this for my boy to apply, read from the box that this cream got anaesthetic, do dont dare to use it on him... waiting to see PD in July to confirm whether it is necessary to apply this gel, in the meantime, can anyone advise? Thanks!
Re Rotavirus,

My bb took rotarix, but no change in poo, looks normal leh...

Re Socks,

I would wear socks for my bb when we are in aircon room and at night, i just let him wear those long pants that cover feet one, because i on aircon, but i dont put on socks for him at night... my bb also has cold hand and feet...
Re How to tell if baby is cold...

I thought to tell if baby is cold is to touch the ear? I have been doing that actually, or is it supposed to feel the back of their neck to gauge if they are cold instead?
bb goes visit PD again today. infantcare called to say there are red spots found on his legs and hands. so we kan jiong and quickly go fetch him to PD. PD says most prob bitten by some bugs or what, cos only the exposed areas have the red spots. meanwhile apply cream and observe.

checked with the PD, and she also thinks after 6 months than cereal.

anyway, i'm still lazy to let bb try new things. :p
he keeps staring at us when we eat, but he still cant hold his head up v well yet, so gotto wait a little longer.

ntuc diaper: i was considering this, but after calcuations, pet pet seems cheaper when they are on promotion... so hb not keen to try. he complains i keep trying this and that, and then stick back to pet pet. :p
Hi y'all,

actually is to feel the temp at the front part of the neck..overheated also can feel there then you know if you are over-wearing for your kiddo..

i felt socks are not a necessary thing unless going out to shopping mall (as a decor only) actually for me i think my boy dun like being clothed up in full amour he can slp in aircon with sleevless romper with no pants on...
hi hi,

Kwoli24 - I use Mamy Poko at night and on weekends but was given the NTUC Fairprice diapers as a gift 4 packs of 60! My goodness. Anyway, they cannot take longer than 4 hrs of pee. Basically, it will reach its saturation point and just leak. I have some work pants that have suffered from this leak!
So basically, must change every 3-4 hrs MAX. We use it on baby in the day at my mother's. No diaper rash (yet) but must change regularly.

Sandy - thanks for the advice. at the 3rd mth jab, the PD said she's not ready for weaning yet so we are not introducing anything but we'll have to see next week when I bring her for the next round of vaccines at 4th mth. Hopefully, she can give me a solution!!

I increased Isabelle's 11pm feed from 5oz to 6oz but she can only be full and settled for a while before she wakes up and starts to 'eh eh eh'. Sometimes I feel like I'm at the post-confinement week.. where confinement nanny has gone and I'm left to my own devices with baby! *WAIL*
my bb will wear sock at home only go out i wear pants cos veri mafang... at time too big or too small cos her feet grow fast.

mummies i have a few question
i have have been using pet pet & ntuc for quite sometime only encounter one leak

1) I will change my bb diaper every 4 days
2) I will change my bb diaper b4 sleeping ( 10pm-6am)

1) Am i wasting $$ for diaper or am i doing the rite thing cos bb suppose to have 6 diaper minimum aday est 4 hr to make sure bb has enough BM or FM + water
2)Why ppl buy more expensive diaper for bb as diaper only to wrap bottom? due to different size of buttock or to save diaper for more absorpent.

I change my baby's diapers every 3 hourly and before bedtime too. For me, I imagine if I wear sanitary pad for long time and wait till full then change, how would I feel? I think its the same logic in my opinion, I will constantly change to make bb more comfy and also to prevent UTI...
I think more expensive diapers in my opinion is more absorbent and material softer? So far I only use Pampers Active before and I really like the material, very soft to touch and absorbent too, at least never leak before for my baby, but absorbent may not be so crucial in my case because I change it every 3 hourly even though it is not full...
That's just my thoughts only, no scientific proof one keke
hi grace, ntuc having promo now on diapers.. aft calculation if your bb using L size diaper, NTUC brand its cheaper.. which is 0.17 per pc.. pet pet 0.20 per pc..
if u buying M size, then will be same price for both ntuc & pet pet...
anyway, i jus thking if wan to try on ntuc not.. heheee.. currently using pureen for day time and huggies for nite time..
nanny complain said pureen no good.. knss..
kwoli: oh yah, different price for different size. i was using M to compute that time, so not much diff, stick to pet pet.

am using pet pet for both day and night.
bb no nappy rash, so going to continue to use pet pet (though previously at infantcare, a bit rash, but later gets better) until bb progress to L then consider again.

some more when he is at my MIL's place, MIL just let him wear pants and get him to pee approx every hrly. so far, bb's happy, MIL is glad, and i am more than happy that MIL is willing to spend the effort to do all these. save $ and i think more comfy for bb.
grace, wah ur MIL superb.. potty train ur bb so fast.. kekekeeee... but really salute ur MIL & lucky of you to have her.. its not easy to get bb pee every hr !
accordingly to MIL, she let bb wears pant without diaper first to observe his pattern. she observed that baby will sort of have some expressions when he wants to pee.
hehe.. only she can catch the expression, i still cant tell. then she will quickly bring bb to potty or toilet.
it is not 100% catch it, but most of the time ok.

you are doing the right thing by changing every 3-4 hours ..more expensive diaper have better cutting and softer material..less expensive diaper doesnt mean it will leak, just that the design of the diaper might not be as "intelligent" as the more expensive ones because less $$ are spent on R&D in designing the cutting and material of the diaper (hence cheaper)..so cutting will be typical and hence, might leak in some babies..if pet pet and ntuc diapers suit your baby, no leak and no complaints of discomfort, u can stick to it

woah...ur MIL is very patient and loving to your baby...

its VERY difficult to make baby pee..i have to make Naomi pee every month into a pee bag because need to send for urine analysis..wah..i usually rub rub her belly button and her bladder area..sometimes she pee, sometimes she wont..if rubbing those 2 places no respond, i quickly feed her and she will pee liao..but still need patience to stay there and wait..so grace, ur MIL is very nice and patient
maybe u gals can try Fitti Basic, it's actually same Co as petpet too. The Basic is only $0.16/pc, quality pretty similar to petpet.
Hi mummies,

May i know whgat skincare products do u use to clean ur BB face? I only use cool boiled water all this while , realised her skin esp face getting very dry and patchy. Wonder any moisturizer to recommend? pls advise thks!
sandy: yah my MIL v patient and loves my bb v much. first grandchild mah. she can get to carry him non-stop! even the mummy, i.e me, cant. :p
and there is this bonding bet bb and her for the pee / poo time.

she is happy doing it, cos she thinks this will reduce bb's chance of having nappy rash. for me, i'm too lazy, i will just apply desitin. :p
i also using petpet, in fact it is the best for me becos the cutting is bigger in size and it didnt leak! NTUC now got offer leh, 3 packs for 31 or 32.. hee..
hello mummies..

Re: Pet pet
i use pet pet too. but pet pet tend to have very strong urine smell compare to the rest i have used. other than that it is fine.
Thanks ginn, maybe can try fitti basic then

Re:SI SEN powder
Was wondering why must intro si sen into bb's meal huh?
is it only for bb for poor apetitte?
oe generally good for bb?
olively, it is to open bb's appetite one.. even adults took si sen.. i took it during my pregnancy.. also strengthen bb's body.. the brown rice cereal my bb taking got si sen.. so far, she is taking it well..

thanks. so it is generally good for bb not just to open apettite hor.
COs generally bb's apetitte is alright plus he is on the high weight gain side so was wondering whether still need to give si sen powder or not...

great that u've found this babycubes BP. But im wondering whether is it ok to store baby's pureed food overnight...will affect the nutrition level???

BB has been drinking very little milk these 2 weeks...seems not too chubby now! PD encouraged on rice cereal and fruits puree. This weekend, Will be trying out the "steam the apple recipe" u posted. Hope bb will like it
I asked PD this qn before, he said can only use cool boiled water, cannot apply anything on the face, if really want, can use Vaseline snow.... thats what PD says but so far I havent tried... You may want to check with your PD or other mummies can verify??
Lili.....today your turn to be at home ah....hahaha.... I wish today I was home too lor.... but ytd stay home hor, end up more tired than at work.... sigh...

Any of ur bb flip while sleeping? Worrying part abt my bb is her face will be flat down if she flips when sleeping.. haiz

Corrine, how abt applying Johnson's baby lotion?

Aidan: my bb started to drink lesser since 2 days ago also... hmm

Btw, shld we start bb with cereal or fruit puree first? Any difference? i'm planning to start at 6mths...

Also, which type of food thermos jar is good for bb's food next time? I saw BP, one is zojirushi brand: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2604410.html?1245675388
Another one is foogo:
Any comments?

she's taking monthly urine test as a survelliance..the standard practice (according to AAP) for babies who had UTI in their first few weeks of life. if there are no recurrences for the first year, i guess she can stop her monthly urine test.
Hmm...happy.... my girl had milk rashes when she was about 1 month old...and my PD prescribed a cream for her called Dr. Atopeace. It's really good, and on the label it reads as an intensive moisturiser... so far, her skin is always nice and supple ever since we used it, and now even myself, my mum and my sis use it as a moisturiser after our toner! Hahaha...and I am glad to report my skin is actually very much smoother!

Usually I just apply on her face after her bath and that's all the protection her face needs for the whole day until her evening bath, which I apply again to last her the night. And its nice and sweet smelling....everytime I apply it, my girl will try to lick it....ahaha... I feel like eating her up to when I smell her cheeks!
Hi all, long time never post...

Ginn, mine flips while sleeping too, think not to worry too much as they know how to turn/tilt their head 1 side to breathe. Just be careful dun put too many pillows/bolsters nearby.

I am planning to start my girl on frisocrem this week.
hi ginn,

i bought Tiger lunch jar..it looks like the zojirushi mini bento in the BP u posted. i think the zojirushi prices are quite attractive..if the zojirushi lunch jars they sell here are very big and bulky thats why i went for tiger (also jap made)..the tiger cost me 62sgd..singapore shld be slightly more expensive..i think shld start with cereal first since rice cereal is the safest (in terms of allergies and digestability). then can move on to fruits
DJ, my girl had some rashes on her cheeks due to the heat, hmm...maybe i should get her the cream to see if it helps...currently using the baby california calendula cream and aloe vera cream at night when she sleeps..it heals for a while and then come back again...
hi ginn,

my ah boy slp on his tummy but he can turn into alot of position but i nvr worry for him becos when he slp on his tummy he know how to turn his head from side to side... now normally at night he slp in between us then this morning his head is facing towards our leg so he have actually turn 360degress haha.... then when he ee ee ek ek this morning i wanna go pat his leg then end up eh why am i touching his face... :p

on the food i think cereal better bah since they have cereal for 4mth onwards.. for fruits i only let him lick only hehe...so far have not give him fruit to eat...

Guess what now 45mins aft his milk i ask my mil to feed him frisocreme cereal (with only 1tbsp) then he love it...when he see the spoon he will open his mouth to eat and he can finish it...omg...he is not those light baby lor...faint
i also using petpet. day and nite. find that it's cheap and good. i use mamypoko for outings, and sometimes weather too warm, then i will use it for nite time. NTUC having promo now! $20.45 per pack!!
agree with Olively that petpet tend to have the pee pee smell..

my mum has been feeding my boi the nestle rice cereal. increase 1 teaspoon per day and he's taking it well. yday took 4 teaspoons lo. i think i m gonna buy 1 tin for him le. So far, thank God, no constipation. He still follow his 2/3/4 days poo pattern and poo is soft. My mum told me he will "talked" happily after a full meal, very happy. i hear liao, also v happy.

Caleb finally flip yday! but i din get to witness it, cos at work. But at nite, his daddy made him "perform" for us again. Haha... so funny. but one of his hand is still stucked below his body. Very funny... Me and hubby quite worried he still not flipping...

hi catmomo,

nestle cereal how much was prepared for him? becos i buy frisocreme,they recommend 3tbsp (with 100ml water) 1 time a day.But at the moment i only use 1tbsp with 40ml of water prob next week then i increase it to 2tbsp..

On flipping,dun worry too much as it depends on individual.
