(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


When my fren gave me sophie, i took out from box and waved at my son. Wifout even washing it, my son grabbed and put in his mouth. I found out its bpa free so not worried about rubber smell. The distinct rubber smell actually stimulate bb sense so he can distinguish sophie fr other toys. I don't wash it everyday but after 3-4days smell gone.


I did circumcision for my boy earlier cos recovery very fast. He took 5days to completely recover. He didnt even wince when peeing. Best before 3mths that is before he can flip. After that u have to wait till alot bigger. My hb did his when he was 10yr old but his june hols gone waiting to recover. And he had to watch his diet. For bb, only drink milk so dun have to worry about allergy. And their foreskin tiny. Was difficult to watch the ordeal. I did at clinic. Doc put 3 jabs anaesthetic at his willie. To me he doesnt really know what is pain. He screamed at doc for holding his legs. Procedure 15mins and after that he was smiling! Next time he can enjoy his hols without suffering and eat whatever he wants.

Hi Mummies, thanks for your posts!
I had a pretty rough night with Isabelle - she was fussing from 8pm till 1am. My husband was so irritated at 1245am that he smacked her fat thigh lightly. She cried even louder! And I was pretty upset with him but decided not to make a big deal in front of baby. In case she knows how to manipulate either of us next time!!!

Sheepish! I was in NCC choir too! From 2001 to 2005. Had to serve 2 services on Sun (if doing morning services, I have to get there at 8am, much earlier than working!) and sing till 2pm. Or if afternoon svcs, then be there from 1-7pm! LONG! Then, when there was Bible Study, also hv to serve one of the sessions -either Thurs or Fri. Plus choir practice on Weds.. I was writing then and really didn't have enough life outside of church.

Finally, I decided that I needed to focus on the 'me' ministry which comprised of work+family first. Quit in May 05 and never looked back. As much as I miss the friends, I think I'm actually paying attention now to sermons rather than falling off to sleep in the pews! Haha. Also, I'm spending more time with family - which I didn't before. So it's still a blessing. Choir- hiyah, it was my calling then but my calling now is to be a mummy.

Sandy - so your girl's roughness, did it go away?
Sheepish - so which type of calendula cream if I have to buy? Now she's constantly sucking her hand so if kena the cream and she sucks, it's OK right?
happy_mummy - Currently, still manageable. But the minute redness increases, I'm dragging baby and all to PD!

happy_mummy/ iceblue
Pampers is having a promo at Cold Storage this week I think. Its $18.55 each for 2 packs of Pampers. Not sure the type but got different sizes and they were the medium-sized packs.
I saw at United Sq but didn't drive so didn't buy. When I was at Great World City y'day, it was all the Ls and XXLs left. ARGH! Maybe you can try other Cold Storage near your place?

Iceblue - My girl goes through a Mamy Poko every 3-4 hrs in the day. But honestly, if she's very sleepy, which is often (last night is exception) she can go up to 5 or 6 hrs. At night, her last feed is at 11pm and usually we change her diaper then. And she will go all the way till 5 or 6am before a diaper change.
At my mum's, she has a 3 hr change schedule. So whether wet or not, my mother changes. That's my policy too actually. Just that when she's sleeping, it's a bit difficult to wake her just to change.

- There's a kids hairdresser at United Sq, at the taxi stand but I can't remember the name?
- Mother's smell. OK, about this... I have been wearing perfume every day since I found out that girls can sweat too.
I also switch my perfume about - different days can be different scent. From pre-preg to the 9 mths and now. My girl has no preference. She will always know when it is mummy. Basically, I think babies can smell thru all that chemical stuff and sieve out the mum's natural scent.

- Baby & Child IS a fish market, esp at Gleneagles. I said it! As much as I think Dr YY Yip is great... the clinic has just too many kids.

SY - am with you there on the low MS. It's bordering on newborn 1st mth levels now... So the decision to wean off has to come pretty soon I think. Sob. Have to diet seriously already... Otherwise the enlarged appetite during nursing will work against me

Yaer- I'm happy your baby is doing better! Don't worry. Babies, if well taken care of, can recover very fast.
Hi Isabelle,
I think its common rash from her milk, saliva & sweat. Cos my girl also haf the same rash, and to top it off, she got dbl chin so it is always in contact with her neck + lower cheeks. And its been on and off healing, then back again. So brought her to PD yday and was given some cream. Advice by PD is to moisture that area cos it will sort of form a protective layer to prevent the rash from occuring.. Can give it a try. And important, to maintain that area dry and clean. And she mention tt normal BB lotion is not moisturising enuf so you can buy something off the shelve? She gave me another type of moisturising cream and I gonna try it out. No worries as it does not raise a concern yet... I guess cos its BB gal so we are more concern, esp since it is at her face area..
hi mummies, have a new packet of GOO.N diapers (small) to sell @$16. It is for weight 4-8kg. It has 52 pieces.

Interested buyers pls PM me and pick up either at Raffles Plc or Tanjong Pagar.

Thanks Curiousgal - what type of cream did your PD give? Can I actually find it at the pharmacy? Am slightly worried because it's really rough.

Agree with you.
Babies and little girls must have smooth skin right!
Thanks for the info, I cannot stop kissing him hehe, though I usually kiss his chin
These days he is so cute, I think the rainforest baby gym is a worthwhile investment, because now he is trained to grab and hold things... He actually holds my face when I go really near him, then he will use his lips to touch mine, so sweet... next time I will avoid it

Thanks, at least I know Hua Xia is an option, most impt is must be gentle with him, I scared his scalp injured then hubby sure upset haha, because he is really agst the idea of shaving, but I see patches here and there, so ugly, plus my boy has really little hair, scared shave already then wont grow hiaz

Glad to hear bb is better! I think you can try to talk to baby more, coo & smile at baby, stimulate them to talk back, maybe it will work? For me I always smile at baby, sometimes I tickle him and he really laughs lor, try that? :p I think these days I am so happy haha, whenever I see baby when I go home from work, immediately he will smile broadly at me as if he is sooooooo happy to see me home! But the strange thing is mil says he is an extremely good boy in the mng/aft, but the moment I reach home, he starts to fuss and cry and wants ppl to carry him to walk ard the house, faintz... dunno why he has split behaviour haha

Thanks for the info on Pampers Active, will check that out! hee I want to stock up more on L size pampers!

Btw, any mummies tried Fisherprice Laugh and Learn Learning table and Leapfrog Learn and Groove Activity Station before? Any comments?
Re Sophie the giraffe,

Pls count me in can? Thanks! Am convinced by Nana and Yaer haha, thanks for the info on Sophie! Yaer's baby look so contented with the giraffe hee
Re perfume

I think babies recognise our natural scent not the perfume, because I do wear perfume when I go out or go to work, regardless of me wearing perfume or not, baby can calm down when I carry him whenever he has stranger anxiety... Last time I wont be able to calm him down, but these days he follows me again hehe, so happy!
Hi Isabelle, I have to go back and see the cream then let u know tomorrow.. I remember it's Erzema somthing but not very sure.. It is stated mositurising lotion on the tube... (in tube form) cos she mention normal BB Johnson cream nt good enuf.. And also gave another 'medicated' cream for her rash but must be careful when applying cos cannot let her eat it.. Let me check..

And of cos, its important cos I dun want her to blame mummy for her 'flawed' complexion...
Re cleaning of baby little birdie,

I think must always clean with water, now the redness subside, thank goodness! Was thinking to bring him to PD if yesterday still not subside yet...

Re changing diapers

Yes I also will drag longer if he happens to be asleep then, but if not I try to stick to 3 hourly... but when I am at work, sigh, who knows what my maid and mil will do? hiaz... really want to clone another me to take care of my son... sian sian sian, I want to strike toto also to be SAHM with maid hahahhahahaha
I usually change his diapers before he sleeps around 11+pm, and the next change is 8-9am in the mng when he wakes up
Btw, any mummies using Sebamed can help?
I saw there is this children shampoo, but instead of Baby (like the Baby Bath), it says children shampoo, so wonder baby can use or not? I see the brochure say children shampoo is safe for babies and children, just wanted to make sure as they never say its Baby shampoo haha...
btw, the Sebamed baby bath need to rinse off after bath?

Naomi's rough patch went away without me noticing it..i didnt apply anything in particular..only use aveeno baby wash as recommended by my PD
Hi Joanne,

Dun worry july i can be yr lunch kaki again mua haahha...counting down man...

On diapers,

Bryston still can fit into M size of Drypers...but i also got standby 2 big pack of L size whenever i buy diapers on promo period...

Oh ya eh the 6packs at 10dollars each isit for fitti 360 anot arh?? that time i got try the sample i find not bad leh...easy to wear too... Anyone try huggies comfort or huggies dry arh?? Which one is gd? At the moment i using Drypers only but it is very good and cheap eh roughly 21cents on promo and even best promo period is 18cents per pc...

On jabs,

I think ya better to inject recommended injection is the best lo you nvr know how those disease could be spread lo...


Oops thanks for your reminder but i COULDN'T resist kissing bryston lips aaahhahaahah..... hmm i should restrain myself..i always wash my mouth first la cos scare oily.... keke....


Yesterday brought Bryston for his second dose of 6in1 plus rotarix jab..phew no fever today as i am stayin home to watch over but hubby also on leave la.. So his growth are as follow;

Weight: 8.3 kg
Height: 66cm
Head circumference: 39cm

Overall ok right hehe....

Eh isabella,

Umm kid's allergy nothing to do with whether bb being bf or fm..it is born with it and only time to let us slowly discover it de... hehe...

Fm last wk onwards Bryston sleeping pattern have changed prob due to they have grown up so need lesser slp during the day...

But how at night arh wow he have abit of difficulty slping thru the night man... i have been waking up at night and trying to put him to slp ..somehow he cannot slp by himself in his cot at night.... in the end i wil carry him on my chest to slp.... else arh smetime is i latch him to let him drink abit thou i knw that he actually not hungry just wanna latch... sigh...

i was wondering isit i have change his sleeping pattern because eversince i start work i wake him in the morning to latch on so i dun have to pump else arh normally is he wake up by himself aft 10-12hrs fm his last feed to drink de... sigh so now i am changing back to morning i pump then let him slp till later....wa buey tahan man...till i morning arh i think i stone lo...have to work smemore....

sometime at night i more cranky than him i think his fat thigh suffer cos will kena smack by me haha... sigh what to do smetime arh when i very cranky at night wa he is like driving me to the wall man..... ren....

so at the moment i try to go his way he wanna carry to slp i carry.... hmm is he missing his mummy's bond haha...
thanks for sharing on e hair care products!

i noe wat u mean! i served in children's church for quite a while after i stopped serving in choir... same, either morn from 7.30am to 2pm or afternoon 12.30pm to maybe 7.30pm if early... after i got married, i realised it's very hard to see my parents on suns... cos i'm not ard every sun and e suns i'm around, i'll be serving... hence, i stopped serving after 1 yr of juggling married life wif church, work and family... then i can meet my parents every sun before service, easier...

oh, i'm applying california bb calendula cream... i will apply and rub till e cream is not visible to e naked eye, think shd be ok bah... cos e last time i had to apply a mild steroid cream on her face, doc said okie to apply as long as it's properly spread onto her skin and none can be picked up by her hands and hence transferred to her mouth... so tat's wat i do for e calendula cream too...

i bought e leapfrog activity station for my gal! find it quite gd, juz tat my gal still seems a bit small in it... i decided against getting a jumperoo and got tis instead, cos i dunno when her legs will be strong enough to jump... tis actually helps her to walk too, cos she can turn to e various toys to play... i prefer tis oso becos it's stationary, feels safer to me than a walker... anyway, i bought it from cheong choon @ $185... other stores selling @ $199 wif no further discount, as it's so-called "promo" price oreidi... and not every store has, cos it's big...

oh, i oso bought e sebamed children's shampoo leh... cos e box said can use for bb mah and there's no separate bb shampoo... but i've not used it yet, cos was using mustela nb shampoo initially... now i dun even use shampoo! i'm oso using e baby bubble bath... oh no, juz read tat it can only be used twice a week... i've been using it everyday leh, gotta stop liao?

i only use perfume when i go out leh... cos tot i read somewhere tat bb may not recognise mummy too... but seems ok when i do use lor...

sophie e giraffe
i oso can't wait to lay my hands on it! wah, now my gal is starting to put things into her mouth - towel, rattle, watever she can find... so need to give her sophie soon!

yah, cold storage having pampers promo... it's pampers baby dry tat's going @ 2 for $18.55... i find baby dry quite gd, similar to active baby but no indicator only... based on tat price, it's slightly cheaper than huggies dry comfort... can buy loh!

Can only use twice a week??? Oh dear! I bgt liao but havent started using yet... currently using Johnson's top to toe wash... eeeeks how ah? hahaha, maybe shd have bgt baby wash instead?

Thanks for the info on leapfrog, will go have a look keke, btw, our babies can use the leapfrog thingy now? because their neck not that strong yet right? How long can your bb stay inside at the most without fussing? I wanted to buy the jumperoo for him also initially but I had the same worries as u! keke, somemore that one can only use up to 11kg, my boy already 8kg, felt not worth it haha

mummies, pls remember to include me for sophie, thanks!
Hi Lili,

I think it is due to you going back to work, that's why. I remembered when I just went back to work, my gal also wake up unexpectedly at nite to feed. Cos she have been sleeping thru since she is about 2months+. And when i went back to work, she just missed your scent as you were not around during the day, thus waking up at nite to feed cos they want to bond with u...

what is did was to try to spend as much time as possible with her when I am back frm work. One advantage is I finish work at 430 everyday and I seldom have to stay for OT. Thus i usually reach home by 6. I will play with her, cuddle her, bath her, feed her and put her to her bed for bedtime.. so far, she is back to norm already..

You can refer to this site - http://www.babycenter.com/0_baby-sleep-training-night-weaning_1505721.bc?showAll=true

i hope it helps. Sorry for interrupting the thread like that. All the while been silent reading and ah-doc giving some advice if I happen to be experiencing the same kind of situation or scenario. At the same time, absorbing the experiences other mummies have to share. I hope nobody mind me KPO-ing so much today..
Wah, this tread is really moving so fast! I usu read while pumping, but everytime I want to post msg, then my baby will either wake up or fuss, by the time I come back again, so many other posts already! Mummies, u all are so active!
Hi Mummies,

Anyone cloth diapering your babies at night to sleep? Are they able to sleep through the night? I'm currently using bumwear and the longest my son has slept is 6 hours but by then his bumwear feels like it is leaking and I have to change him...wondering if he is able to sleep longer then do I let him stay in the same diaper until he wakes up or wake him up to change? Or is his wet diaper preventing him from sleeping longer? Any idea?

curiousgal, thanks for the link on the night weaning, I find it very useful.
Hi oreodinary,
Glad that someone find the link useful. Actually you can sign up for member and every month, or rather week, they will send you a mail with link to read up on your BB development. And also recommend some games for your BBs too.. I find it very useful personally...

So far, I usually let my gal sleep at 8plus at nite, or latest by 9pm. And the pampers will only be changed when she wakes up for her feed. That is usually about 7am+ - 8am.. And so far, never leak before too... I am using Huggies Comfort Dry for her... Btw what is bumwear? I never used cloth diaper on her before.. Plan to but lazy for the washing, drying part so just contd buying pampers after we used up the freebies sample from hospital..
i oso din noe, only juz read it from e website tat sandy provided... me worse, i bought a 1l bottle tat comes bundled wif a 250ml bottle! now still using e small bottle, wondering when i will finish man... initially, i bought tis cos my fren using it... so i tot shd be okie too mah... how?

erm, i have to put a small pillow inside cos my gal cannot fit e seat properly... then hor, i haven't tried leaving her inside alone cos she still doesn't noe how to play mah... a little far for her to reach, so we play wif her and teach her lor...

no lor, u not kaypohing lah! u are helping us oso mah, by providing yet another source of info!

i not sure leh, i using disposable diaper... pampers new/active bb! 1 can last thru e whole nite for my gal, close to 12 hrs!
huggies dry comfort can last so long mah? i used before, cannot for my gal leh... abt 6 hrs max only... 8.15pm is her quick bath time, then we will give her a fresh diaper... i oso put my gal to e cot after her last feed @ 8.30pm... so she'll sleep till 5-6am, wake up feed then go back sleep again... i try not to change diaper for her @ tis feed, unless she poos... cos she usually goes rite back to sleep and mummy needs her beauty sleep too! haha...

no, pampers active baby shd not have indicator... those wif indicator are supposedly on trial only...
i called fitti liao, e promo is for fitti premium 360... but hor, i calculated... based on unit price for m sized diapers, pampers baby dry is cheaper leh... unless fitti is better than pampers lah... any feedback from other mummies on e quality of e 2?
curiousgal, can take a look at http://www.bumwear.com/ . They have cute washable cloth diapers. In the day I let my son wear just the bumwear and a singlet cos the diaper looks nice on its on.

sheepish, wow 12 hours is very good! I used up the disposables the hospital gave then switched to cloth....cos I think it is better for environment and save $$ but more troublesome to wash though
Hi mummies,
I snuck out for a post-natal yoga class during lunch and came back. Quickly pump in the office. My boss' PA checking up on me

curiousgal- OK, love to hear your suggestion on the cream to buy.

Sheepish - thanks for your recommendation. If her skin doesn't improve, I will take yours and curiousgal's suggestion!

Happy_mummy, I bought the Sebamed cream for sensitive skins - for baby's diaper area. I ended up using it on her legs to soften the skin. Ha ha. Cos also had Desitin Creamy
which is much creamier and easy to apply.
Sebamed is OK so far. Haven't had a chance to try the bath etc tho.

Sandy - where can I get Aveeno? I've seen it in the US whilst on holiday but may have missed it here. Guardian or Watsons I can get right?

LiLi - Think you misunderstood. I meant that some BFed babies still have allergies and 'infections' altho bfeeding is meant to help reduce the attack of allergies. Honestly, most babies are born with a predisposition to something. I think bfeeding can help but then again... like I said, some kids have super bad allergies even tho TBF!

Sheepish - Yeah.. sometimes we need to see the light. There is no difference in my love for God, whether or not I'm serving. Just that I serve God through my acts with my family, rather than being in the ministry. I really felt a relief when I quit. That means, serving got no more joy already, which was sad. But honestly, I'm much happier and closer to my family. That is also a blessing.

Re: Pampers Baby Dry & Active
Whats the difference?
hi sheepish,

if she wakes up during the nite(which is rare) or when she wakes up at 7am, i will definitely chng her diaper. so far, it can last tt long.. or maybe my gal pee lesser?! hee.. nt too sure though.. perhaps wat u can do is that if ur BB wakes up arnd 5-6am, jus chng her diaper after feeding.. i think will be better. cos seriously during the day when i am at hm, i usually chng her after each feed, unless it is really considered dry.. cos i dun wan her to feel discomfort..

oh, the bumwear looks nice. but i nt the hardworkin type to wash the cloth diaper.. hehee.. maybe end up i will wear the bumwear over the diaper.. hahahaha...
Nana, I am in the same situation as you! My MIL would come and ask me u have milk or not everyday when I was in hosp. Then she will laugh and comment, ha ha, bb sucking air, so he is angry whenever she saw my baby crying in the hosp! So irritating right?
Then my hb will listen to her and say things like ur bm not even enough for my son to rinse mouth, give formula la.
Coz my boy was born big, I had a lot fo difficulties latching him on since in hosp as my arms will be shivering after 5 mins of carrying him to latch and there was no one to help, coz my hb will only come in afternoon after 3plus, then leave after 2-3 hrs, leaving me to carry bb myself when nurse brought him to me. I had very bad backache carrying him since in the hosp, till now, still have backache, so I try not to carry him so often.
Worse still, my boy had throat infection during confinement and my MIL and hb lagi got more reasons to say my bm not gd and I was discouraged from latching. So my milk supply was not managed properly at first. But I refused to give up, kept pumping, then when I have the chance and energy, I latch as often as possible. But my boy will be crying as my nipples are short, he din like the Medela nipple shields, so every latch on session was like a war, even till 4mths. THen I always had to pump for 1 hr to get miserable 30 -40 ml every 3-4 hrs.
I also called hotlines, drank papaya with fishbone soup for 40 days of my confinement, drank herbs, took fenugreek, but my supply still the same.
Finally god maybe see me pathetic, let me come across this Ameda pump and I just bought it 2 weeks ago, my supply which has started to dip so much suddenly picked up again after I started pumping on a marathon basis - every 2 - 3 hrs, but this time, I only need to pump 10 -15 mins. Now my supply increased slightly from 280ml plus to around 450ml average every 24 hrs . I learnt from experts in bf that we need to pump often if latch is not possible.
I can understand y u got depression, I would have gotten it as well if not for the support from my mum, sisters when I stayed at my mum's hse for the 1st 3 months after bb is born.
Now I am back at my MIL's hse, I was initially so scared she would give me a pill to stop milk production that I did not dare to return to her hse, then I was so scared she would throw away my precious bm and claimed my bb drank, so I insisted I want to feed him bm myself, every if it means sacrificing nite sleep to give as he will get hungry fast on bm, so have to wake up more times. No choice la, with this type of MIL, everything I say or do, she disagrees.

Both pampers baby dry and Fitti 360 are not bad. Fitti is higher waisted and thicker, something like mamy poko, cutting also to the bigger side. This is wat i remembered from using the sample sometime ago, think it's not bad actually. I'm thinking of buying one pack to try first again. If it's good, maybe can substitute for mamy poko since promo cheap!

For pamper baby dry, is thinner cos it's using gel and cutting is smaller at the thigh area. But seems like cant wear for too long, my gal's butt will be red.
Hi Sheepish, I suddenly recalled y I initially thought u were adeline, Princessdella, coz u were helping to collect the money at Changing Appetite that day, so I thought u were her, sorry ah. SO where was she or maybe I might have talked to her. Long time never see her post here liao leh. Sorry, me blur blur.
Nana, sorry for being so long-winded, I used to think like u, thinking I not a gd mother coz cannot even provide the basic needs - bm for my boy, somemore my hb said this b4 my c-section: Mothers are great coz they went through labour pains, if u c-section, then not a great mother! Wah liew, he was the one who supported me to a c-section and he said that! I din care coz I was really scared to try as my scan already shows 3.8 - 4kg, and doc was saying could even be bigger, how to try? So,in the end, I decided c-section. bb was 4.36kg, for those who din know.
and my boy is 9kg 2 weeks ago at 4mths, so how not to have backache? : )
Ha ha Nana, I kept pressing enter too fast ,haven't say finish, so, the thing I want to share with u is, ignore what others say, I still get sarcastic remarks everyday on my bm, but I know it is going to be gd for my boy, so I persevere. I tell myself, my MIL belongs to those old generation, sua ku type, so ignore is the best policy. Tell urself, by bringing ur child into this world, carrying her 9-10 months, caring for her, u are a gd mother already, and u can tell her all these in future. I am deinitely going to tell my boy all these in future, of course when he is big la, not to let him hate his grandmother, but to let him "pity" his mum - me and love me more! Ha ha, clever right? I learnt from my friends that when children hear how their mothers have suffered for them, they will love their mothers more when they grow up. At least for my case, I love my mum so much more now!
Hi Nana & Liting,

Though I dun really knw abt the cause of worry & unhappiness here. I just want to say that no matter wat others says, they are not in any position to judge if we are great mothers or not. We are great mothers even if we dun BF, or go thru natural birth or c-sect.. To go thru the whole pregnancy of 10months, carrying a heavy load on us, gaining all the unneccessary weight, occasional breakouts on our face all for the little ones, tis is considered a feat aldy. and having to lose all the weight and regaining the beautiful us after birth is even harder chore.. so let's work harder and know that we are great without anyone saying that to you..

All Mummies are GREAT!!
Those mummies who wished me luck in finding a gd maid, thank you so much. I think my this maid who initially got pneumonia is much better than all my 3 previous ones at least. NOw, I can let go a little and at least not so worry when at work. Those who are still finding help in taking care of babies, jia you! All the best!
CuriousGal, Hi 5!
Maybe we can hold a talk for MILs and HB someday to tell them how we feel and stop them from criticising yet not doing anything to help! Just can't understand MILs, they are also mothers and women, y so hard on other women - us?

I tell myself I must not be like my MIL in future, must understand and treat my daughter-in-law well in future.
glt1 - I really admire your patience!
With such a big baby, I may not even continue with bfeeding!

Anyway you need to tell the husband to tone down the attitude. After all, you carried his baby for 9 mths, it doesn't matter how u delivered. C-section or natural, your baby came out safe.

Great mothers are not measured by the way of birth, nor the way of feeding. That is, you're not less of a mother just because you don't latch or feed FM! I'm sure many mummies here will attest to that.

We all agree that bmilk is best but some of us really cannot or the whole experience is not enjoyable.

Like one of my best friends, she gave up after 3 weeks cos both son and her not enjoying latching at all. Both are screaming during feed times- one of hunger, the other from pain. She decided to FM feed and within a month, he went up to almost 7kgs at 2 mths from 2.6kgs at birth! She's a happier mother too.

My other friend who gave birth 3 weeks ago had to have an emergency C-sec as baby was too big to be born the natural way - altho already engaged. Her 1st was natural and of course, you'd expect her to do it natural again. But circumstances change and sometimes, we have to make decisions and choices that are the best for us.

Give yourself a pat on the back and tell the husband to chill out. His boy is 9kgs at 4 months! Most ppl will tell you it's pretty amazing - esp with your trouble with expressing milk.
Ya, i think we need to, for those with BADDIES hubby & MILs.. Lucky for me, I dont have a MIL cos passed away but I doubt she is that kind of person too, as she used to treat me rather well. As for hubby, though sometimes a bit over-protective of our gal, he still treat me quite ok and respect my decision to BF or not. I struggle with BF-ing for a while and I stopped after 1month++.. Til now, my gal is gaining weight correctly and is at 6.9kg as of Jun 15. (4 months & 2 wks old now) So, it doesnt necc means that BF-ing = healthy BB.. now FM also haf a lot of nutrients that BB need... so jus ignore those ignorant ppl and do wat u deem fit and is best for BBs... 'Bi Jing' you carry ur BB for 10 months, not them...
ginn- I just saw your post!
So if baby is wearing Mamy Poko S - thigh is damn tight but waist is loose still... should she be wearing the Pampers Baby Dry in S or M?

This diaper thing is really driving me nuts.
I got some Fairprice Size M diapers as a gift 60 in a pack! But because they tend to leak after 4 -5hrs, I give them to my mum to use in the day since she changes every 3 hrs anyway.

But at home, we're usually around only at night and on weekends, the usage of more 'ex' diapers is less. I can afford to still continue with the Mamy Poko or try Pampers.

Altho, I think once baby starts crawling... I better get good diapers to hold everything in! I have a wriggly worm on my hands!
Joanne. just out of curiousity, r u a SAHM? U seemed to know quite a lot abt taking care of children as well. Btw, yesterday, I had no choice but to give my boy chrysanthem tea again coz his voice like going hoarse again, not sure if it is bcoz I ate durians, then my bm heaty. He refused to drink water and milk only a little, end up I have to drink total of 120ml bm yesterday! So wasted! After I gave chrysanthem tea, he seemed much better, could drink more normally. He always like that leh, pd says no need to dirnk water until 6mths, if
I dun remember wrongly, but how can? formula so heaty leh, I am diluting the formula as my boy dun want water...not sure if ok, but he big size, drink less formula, more water, shld be ok ba? If fall sick due to heatiness, more worse right?
bellebubba, think better to buy M for pampers baby dry. Think better to buy big than small, at least u can still keep if it's big...
Hope your chrysanthemum tea is not sweetened!
Otherwise you're creating a whole bunch of problems with his sweet tooth. But how come chrysanthemum? Isn't it a bit too early?

Most books say no water before 6 mths. But that's general advice if baby is TBF. Actually, you can start giving 1oz of water from 6-8 weeks onward. The PD I go to says it's OK but no more than 1-2 oz a day, even if FM fed.

Once older and starting on solids, can introduce juices LAST but must dilute and dilute. What seems not sweet to us, may contain a lot of natural sugars for baby.

For Isabelle, I mix it with gripe water and feed after bath. Usually in the evening, my mum spoonfeeds another 1 oz because we start formula feeds from 6pm onward so we keep her a bit hydrated, in case she gets heaty or becomes constipated.

*fingers crossed* So far, so good.
I was speed reading your posts.

I'm also pumping exclusivly.. My nipples also too short for my baby's liking. initially he still latch on to suckle but after a month or so, he really got fed up. haha most of the time i will use the avent nipple shield. he likes it. Then for a week i didnt let him suckle cos i hurt my wrist, after that he stop alrady. So i have been pumping full time since he was 2 months old. I will pump every 4 hours. But i noticed my breasts doesnt engorge like when he suckle. They just feel full thats all.
I wish he will suckle lor...

I was sick for the past 2 weeks. Flu, cough, sorethroat and now a phelgmy cough. Went to see doc 3 times.. including today. and guess what, now my son is sick. Brought him to see Dr Vasanthi (Kinder Clinic) at parkway. Cos DR ONg at Thomson really too far liao. Wa se.. the bill came up to $300!!!!
Alot of medication. He had a tube inserted into his nose to draw out the mucus. Poor fellow cry until no tears. I see liao so heartpain. My mom also heartpain.. looked away while the nurse did it. Then gotta bring home a machine to generate some vapour (medicated) for him to inhale every 4 hours. This is to prevent asthma...
Poor baby.
anyway, my own doc says that i didnt pass the virus to Justin. He probably got it from outside or someone else. Cos he is drinking my breast milk.. so he has the anitbodies against my virus.

So breastfeeding mommies, if anyone tell u that you spread germs to your kid. PLease tell them that. Dont be ignorant. hahahahahha

The antibody is only when you latch exclusively. Altho the babies do build some immunity to your germs from getting expressed bmilk, they will do it best from latching.

That said, my little girl hasn't gotten anything yet altho I've been sniffing and about to get a cough. I pump bmilk only and she latches for fun every few weeks or so, so the antibody theory is all out the window anyway!
