(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

ya i did told my GP that im BF.. but duno leh.. i dun wish to BF her when im sick tis round .. my fever makes my whole body no energy & tired..
i oso heart pain nia when throw the milk away..some more can pump one full bottle bout 100ml leh.. im very farnie, know that wan to throw away the milk but still put inside fridge.. hahaa...end up, yest take out 3 bottles and throw to basin..b4 tat, i did try some leh.. hahaaa... nice woh..like fresh milk nia..some more cold cold.. kekekeeee...
no wonder my elder boy like to drink mummy's BM..

great leh.. my jumperoo hasnt reached me. i bought tat day since i got quite a number of "free" voucher. i think mine can only use for 2 months or so.. then i will resell it.. cos the weight limitation is 11.3kg. my son is already 9 kg ++

i saw the website saying ALL GST are absorbed.. so i assume its 7% off?
try give ur son some pao shen water 2-3 days before the vacination. it will help to prevent fever after jabs.
i remember ur baby and mine vomit milk easily during the may outing. does ur son still vomit milk? my gal till now still like that. even after burping, she will still vomit some out.

i bought Munchkin BPA free infant soft tip spoons and BPA free safety spoons.

re: bfing while sick

actually its good to bf while sick because we are building antibodies and transferring them to the baby.
AC Gal
No leh, she been taking friso gold about 1-2 feeds per day. But still like that.hmmm…

Smart ger. Keep the box and sell at ebay. Keke.
catmomo, olively, i also have a fibroid... sad.. my gynae said if it's 5cm then have to remove otherwise, she says to plan for another bb first before it grows to 5cm. I havent got my menses yet, hope my cramps wont be bad next time. For me no complications during preggie, it's only after delivery then i got excessive blood loss. Almost had to go for e-surgery after delivery if the bleeding didnt subside...
Btw, i was wondering is it possible to give birth via C-sect next and remove fibroid at same time ah? Then can less one surgery... !!!

Yes robinson is absorbing GST for 4 days from today, on top of it still have discounts.

Just brought my gal for 2nd jab at polyclinic. She's now 7.8kg and 68cm at 4mths. Btw, they have weaning course there, i've signed up for it.
Hi mummies,

I am meeting some friends on Sat afternoon for lunch...anyone got any suggestions that I can give ah? They want someplace MRT accessible and I need it to be breastfeeding and bb friendly... Hb and I usually go to Novena Square so we are kinda sick of it...haha...and Marina Square and SUntec are to be avoided this coming weekend due to the IT show....so really dunno where is good...
i have MANY fibriods lor. When preggy go for scans, the screen is alwaz blurred by my fibriods.
Haiz... sian..
I think they are afraid of excessive blood loss if they do the surgery and deliver u at the same time... no joke. That's also 1 reason why my original gynae refer me to KKH at the last mths of my pregnancy. In case anything happened during delivery, KK is still the best hospital, be it costs/ equipment. Thank God, all went well.
oh, so sian means have to go for surgery at some point sigh. How long will the cut be? 5cm or 10cm long kind? My fibroid is already ard 3.5cm.. grew abt 2cm during preggie... haiz..
haiz, my mum removed her womb last time cos got fibroids too. Gynae said it's hereditary. Mine now still ok i guess.. not causing problems yet, hope my menses can delay as long then fibroid wont grow so fast...
hair loss:
my hairdresser told me dun tie my hair if possible. else hair loss will increase even more. if really need to tie, just tie loosely.

Throwing away of BM when mummy is down with Cold/Fever etc:
me also threw away my BM when I was down with fever and cold 3 days before I was due back in office. the good thing that came out of it was that my BM supply suddenly increased tremendously as a result of the fever. hahaha!
doc advised that it is better to throw cos if our bb's immure system is not strong, they might get our virus from BM and BM quality is not as good now that mummy is sick.
On the other hand, some articles said during this time is good to breastfeed since the antibodies actually increased as mummy is sick. so I also duno which is which. hahahaa!

Robinson sale:
this time no GST only. robinson is absorbing GST for 4 days from today. The previous 20% + 20% is better deal I feel. :p

go organic! Then your bb's eczema will reduce. my hb also got eczema, thats why we are pro-organic juz in case his genes pass to bb.
There was an article my hb read regarding the findings that more bb these days are having eczema as our food are peppered with tons of chemicals to e.g. prevent pests from eating the plant or to make food like rice to havest faster than originally. all these chemicals are eaten by the mummy and in turn, created genes that are not as good as before during the kampong days.

yalor. NUH quite far for you. Go all the way there will be tiring for bb! my neighbours also recomanded the iKids at Paragon. maybe u wan to try there.
my bb 59cm at 3mths 1 week.
urm ya I treat my EBM like gold :p no choice mah. my yield was quite pathetic until abt 3 weeks ago. so got the "ying yin" (shadow of fear) :p

isit? ya he always look at the bb when we bring her in. I feel that he is quite "dao" at first but my hb likes him. now I'm more comfortable with him liao.

u must try to relax! when u feel down or tense, take a deep breathe in and slowly breathe out. And you must tell yourself "I feel good!" and think how great today is going to be and will be! Like this u can slowly come out of depression period. Mind over body. Must try ok? being depressed is no good and sucks all your energy. Surround yourself with cheerleaders (ppl who are cherry and happy) instead of complainers or grummy ppl. you'll feel good automatically!
do u wan to try chinese archipunture for your fibriod first before deciding to go under the knife? it helped me for my heavy period n cramps last time.

not advisable to continue stage 1 for too long after the recommanded period. bb required diff nutrients by then.

those weaning spoons can get from robinson/ntuc. I saw some from NUK and Avent too.

enjoy today while it lasts! :p
bellebubba, joannelim, jas, kwoli: that time when i was sick, told doc that i'm bf. he asks can stop bf for 3 days, give stronger antibiotics and can recover faster. so i take lor, better than drag the illness and cannot stay near bb or play with bb without worries.

jumperoo: what's the milestone before bb can play jumperoo? sit properly, lift head without support?
i intend to rent one at a later stage.

babyox: the vomitting gets better at one stage, nearly never vomit, but recently came back again. we observe that it came back after he starts to ask for more milk. but yesterday we reduce his intake, still vomit like nobody's biz.

fibroid: i also have a lot.
which is the reason why i took so long (5 yrs) to conceive. the biggest that was removed was 7cm! disgusting lor, bigger than a tennis ball.
ginn: din get to measure the cut.

yday just went for check up and do pap smear... take cervical cancer vanccination oso...

any mummies taken cervical cancer vancination before?
babyox, my boy still the same. Maybe not as much but still can vomit out some after burp. how much pao shen to give?

Haiz, he hasn't been finishing his milk these few weeks and didn't gain weight..he used to gain weight quite fast. heartpain

my menses has not kick in yet. hopefully it wont come so soon. anyone knows when it should/will come?

my hair also dropping, these days the floor is full of my hair. I just apply hair loss tonic on the roots.
hi Ag,

my menses came back when my boy turn 3mths old haha...although i am on TBF...anyway hor sme will come between 3-6mths after birth.MS will drop abit when menses cme...
LiLi/ AG:
hey juz to check: how many times u pump per day ah? my menses also not yet kick in too. I'm not looking forward to it. very troublesome one :p
wonder if it is related to the number of times we BF/EBM?

Gripe water also can prevent fever after jab
pao shen water I not sure how it worked so din try for my bb :p
yaer, i took the cervical cancer jab, going for the last jab in aug..

my menses came back last friday, but it is v v v v little, like a few drops for 2 days only.. i pump 5-6 times a day... on the day before my menses came, my supply dropped badly..

yup... total 3 jab over 6 months...

so u took straight after u give birth ah? u take which one? got 2 brand rite?
lonerunner, I pump only twice a day now. Before coming to work in the morning and before bedtime. So each day I have only about 3 feeds of BM for my boy.
normal blender and hand held blender... which one will u all choose for baby food? me tinking for a few days liao... still dun noe wan to buy which one wor...

any mummies which can i buy baby cubes to freeze baby foods?
my gal born @ 2.75kg, 49cm... then 4.65kg, 60cm @ 4 mths 2 wks... now u noe why my pd so concerned?

oh, think u can increase e quantity liao... oso can add veg or fruits 1 type @ a time to e rice cereal, to rule out allergies... only when u've successfully replaced 1 milk feed wif 1 solid feed, then proceed to slowly replace another milk feed wif e solid feed... i.e. e process of starting 1 teaspoonful of rice cereal for another meal begins...

maybe ur hubby's fren can do u a favour and counsel u outside of working hrs?

for my gal, we only go pd for checks during her jabs... so it's shun bian and not te di go for checks wan...

u reading babywise 2 now ah? is it gd too?

i got my weaning spoon from combi, comes wif a container to hold it...

i heard of e paragon clinic too, tat dr kenny ee is gd... but afraid it'll be crowded, so never go there in e end...

hmm, am thinking of introducing fm after 6 mths... any feedback? something tat doesn't cause constipation, gives nice golden poo... haha!
ur gal really skinny... did she drink alot?
my gal at birth 2.65kg 48cm, now she is 7.1kg 61.5cm @ 4 months 3 weeks...

u can try NAN HA... quite gd... heard tat it is the nearest to breastmilk...

i didnt get it..i briefly looked through the box of the pigeon food maker..they have manual juice squeezer, strainer, grinder, grater..all these i have already so the food maker is just a smaller version put into one.
i used to give nan ha 1 when i had to supplement initially... but i dun like e poo colour leh, greenish wan... now my gal tbf, poo is like curry... i love tat colour!

eh, i dunno how much she drinks leh... cos i latch on... but when i tandem pump, i get abt 50-60ml... so i suspect she drinks abt 120ml? not a lot... and she feeds at most 6 times a day... yup, e weight is a bit low... worrying at times... however, she is very healthy... great motor skills and poo is normal... so dun think she's undernourished... it's juz e weight... but hor, i wonder if i was oso like tat last time... cos when i was in pri school, e nurse told me to drink milk and eat an egg everyday cos i was underweight...

maybe your girl is born to be petite like you..same constitution as you. i also love curry color poo haha..my girl is also not the big size kind..now at 4mths 2 weeks, only 6.1 or 6.2kg, at 62cm but as long as she is pooing daily and reaching her milestones, im not too concern..by the way, how many times does your girl poo each day???
yah loh... cos i dun have all mah.. haha... dun noe it is too tiring to do baby food manually anot...
haiz... so vexing...

my gynae said it is ok leh... the leaflet said age 9 to 26 wor... but my gynae said tat is the study grp age leh... so should be still effective... the nurse said got age 30 plus one oso take... anyway im still in the age grp range so take loh...

my gal sometime poo greenish sometime like curry oso... hmm... maybe she is like u loh... i tink my gal like me... fat fat one... haha... anyway it will be fine as long as she is growing up healthily...
Sorry to interrupt. Anyone keen to purchase Avent IQ Bottle and baby food warmer ? I've a brand new one unused . Willing to sell 30% cheaper off the usual selling price in the market. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks.
Don't worry too much. My girl was born heaviest of my 3 kids, but at 4 months, she was about the same size as yours - 5 - 10 %ile only. Now, at 5 YO, she's VERY strong and healthy. Skinny, but not overly so. She's even going to start more intensive gymnastics training - 4 hrs a week
. I also used to worry all the time about her weight. Shed a few tears too. But she's turned out well. I'm sure yours will too.
not good for baby to remain at stage 1 infant milk for long, cos he will lack the required nutrient.

baby can drink pao shen? did u check with doctor? i scare the pao shen too strong for their liver or whichever organ connected.

your PD shouldnt have advice that. cos anti biotic will kill the bacteria leh.. and i think will also transmit to the breastmilk.

anyway, the theory of still bf while u are sick is the anti bodies your milk is going to have to keep your baby from your virus. last week i was down with flu n cough, quite bad one.. i kept breastfeeding n baby never got it from me. instead my older son caught the cough from me though i spend little time with him.

robinson sales
according to the radio station broadcast, there is discount up to 70% for certain product.. so the gst absorption one is part of it.. robinson members extra 5% with the rebate.

baby cubes according to spicegal , daiso has it.. i yet to check it out.. alternatively u can get it from the BP here.
AC gal
Then u dun feel engorged during the day?

How do u sterlise the medela Harmony pump ah?

Cervical Cancer Jab
I also took it!

Gripe water
To mix with water per instruction
SY, i put the parts in boiling water.

Seems like many of u took the cervical jab, i didnt leh... How much is it now? Heard it's cheaper already...?
isabelle,my baby has been putting her fist into her mouth for sm time alrdy, also make e sound. n wen she see us eat thgs sm x she wil swallow her saliva n choke herslf.
yaer, i gt the chopg board too,heng oghas 25% discount
Hi Sandy,

Thanks alot for helping to look for the bottle. If you can get it for me, it will be great. At least I have another hope. Do let me know so I can transfer the money to you. Email me just in case I miss the posting here. [email protected]

Thanks thanks!!

Hi Ladies, My fren shared this webby with me. Tot its pretty interesting with recipes too.

Our Doc fren commented that we should not start baby on food too early, as their digestive system is not so strong yet, and this webby mentioned similar thing too. But they also mention that every baby is different. So lets kan ze ban ba.
i think one of the mummies here found breastflow bottle in robinson. perhaps u can go n look for it.

cervical jab
did all your gynae ask u all to take? mine didnt say anything leh.

on leave tmr(12th)..happy..

but next wk stres liao.a war to fight at wrk..n finally the real one in jul..haiz..wen wil i hav the tai tai life?

sudly fel so sian
