(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

i oso think each and every 1 of us has different dynamics wif our parents, so we may communicate and deal wif them differently... hence, i think it's okie for peachmomo to feel e way she does... there's no rite or wrong, as long as e issue is eventually settled...

stroller/car seat
i'm using combi urban walker... like sy, i like e 1 hand operation... as for car seat, am using britax royale... agree wif bbpower, it's really comfy for e bb...

sean lau bp
i oso keen! but how, din noe today is deadline...

warming of bm
cannot use hot water, will kill e nutrients...

am thinking can only use it for a short period of time, like not really worth it... although my gal quite small size, can probably use longer... but when she can sit up on her own, wanna use booster seat or high chair instead... since bumbo can only use on floor, so can only use when watching tv or reading to her?

SY & Sheepish,
For your combi urban walker's 1 hand operation, r u able to open/close it while carrying baby on the other hand huh?

thou bumbo has a short life span since bb grows v fast. But I tink it is still rather to me. Coz now my boy doesn't like to lie down on his back since he know how to flip. But if he flip shortly after his feed, he will puke. So I will let him sit on the bumbo for a while. Only take him out when he "voice" out that he is bored ;p
bumbo seat:
Yeah not that worthwhile getting cos cant use for long.

Sheepish, how do u warm EBM? I usually use hot water to warm EBM up a little, as long as EBM not cold leh.

Block duct:
So frustrating, i'm always prone to block ducts even tho i'm already pumping 3hrly and using compression mthd... fingers so pain already. With block duct i need to use more strength... Really frustrating...
eh, so debbie bp has extra photo right? Who is ROX. ya, just email Debbie to confirm signing up and transfer payment by end today.

I cant PM u leh. Can email me at [email protected]. I will email you the details. Deadline is today wor.
urs is boy or gal? i'm hoping my gal will be at least 5kg next week when we bring her to pd... her birth weight is 2.745kg and she's now 4 mths 1 wk... anyway, some sources say babies shd double their birth weight @ 4 mths and some say 6 mths... so depends on which u choose to follow... if based on e former, my gal is not doing so well... like u, i'm quite worried too... but if based on e latter, she is still on track! anyway, my gal is very healthy, active and achieving her developmental milestones on time if not earlier... so am telling myself no need to worry... after all, last time there's oso no such thing as underweight or overweight babies rite?
hi mummies
Paiseh. Me seldom post. Only post when I need help. Yes!! I need helppp!!!
My bb refused to b bottlefeed n only want to latch. I have changed teats size, bottles n get hb n mum to do it still not successful. He only take 20 ml n then starts playing with it. Really can't go anywhere far n got to rush bk within 3 hrs. Thought of starving him but heartpain
Also those mummies who latch on, has your bb slp through? I can't wait for him to b six mth. Then I will feed him cereal n that hopefully can last him till 7 am.
Actually cant leh, hahaha, or maybe I neber practise.

I have PM u the details for Sean Lau photo thingy. How much is the car seat?

Ur baby is much bigger than mine. Must be ur good BM. I think you are one of the most hardworking mummy leh.
Bumbo seat
My experience with first child is it has only got cute factor but not much use. Bb's back r too weak to sit too long in it. By the time they r strong, the thighs will b stuck in the chair. N when abit more mobile, their butt will get stuck when they try to turn or move in the seat. But I must say it's cute to take picture with bb in it. All the pui ba spill out n being compress is jus so adorable.
Yesterday ate curry, alot! Today stomache n bb wriggle n struggle during milk time. My bb quite fussy. Dun like curry, durian, onions n tom yum soup!!
hey if u hv history of duct blockage, try massage ur breast in circular motions first before u pump. and while massaging, try to feel for hard hard lumps and presssssss on them until they go away. after that u can pump as per normal. the LCs from NUH taught me this during my stay there as I had multiple small blocked ducts on my breasts

I let bb starve a little longer if bb doesnt wan bottle. usually after that she'll give in a little lah then I reward her with breast. bb takes quite awhile to get used to bottle.

But in the course of it, I tend to use freshly EBM to tempt bb to drink from bottle. Nicer BM bb will like :p

And when she does, u might wan to keep your 1st EBM of the day for bb's last feed. according to websites, this batch of BM contained most fats component and will keep bb fuller than any other batch of EBM so easier to slp thru.
jiayou! your bb will be ok soon.
Last qn, does your bb drop ear wax out when sleeping?
Mine does n it's the size of a grape seed. Very smelly n oily. I'm like striking lottery when I saw it. Cant wait to share with my hb. Scared my toddler thought it is a raisin n eat it. So I sun dry it at the window.
Guess wat? An hr later, I saw a string of ants carrying the ear wax to their hiding place. Very hilarious sight! It must b damn delicious to them. Haha!!
ginn, usually after running tap water, i fill the aluminium pot with tap water n gradually add hot boiling water till acceptable temp so there wont be sudden change in temp
is Whitegalz (whiteloverz) = rox? cos i check the contact list that we had consolidated, rox is whitegalz for both nick and name so i confused. haha. I emailed her the BP(debbie) ytd too. Now I am confused. haha.
wah this thread is fast!

yah...old folks like to heat up milk till hot hot...sigh.... so my boy has been drinking "empty" milk
Sandy, oh i've always heat up with hot water right away... hmmm... hope i'm not giving "empty" milk like wat snow said...

SY, me is bopian cos so prone to block ducts, if dont pump frequently i'll have to use more strength to pump the next round.. haiz...

Lonerunner, massaging like dont really work for me leh, i just have to compress while pumping each time. Not sure why my breasts so prone to block ducts, i'm guessing maybe it's cos my breasts are lumpy from the start. Now i'm looking fwd to next pump so can use all my energy to pressssss!!! hahaha
hi mummies! thanks for yr concerns n great tips!
my bb boy is taking formula milk(FM)as my breast milk(BM)is low. i only mng to give him twice of BM daily..sob!

will tke yr adv n hopefully next feed can see improvement. wait for my news!

ya, i m using pigeon teats also..currently using small size prob tats y he's drinking abit slow.lucky alreadi standby the medium size so will use later.

yr mil must be a very patient lady hee..dunno y bb behaves like tat, smtimes he can drink finish his 120ml intake, smtimes will take beri long time then finish only 90ml. so i'm feeding him 120ml, next feed 90ml, then 120ml n so on..dunwan waste my milk powder la
btw, feb mummies..

anyone bk to pre-preggie weight? tik those TBM mummies will lose weight faster..i m still 6kg away from my pre-preggie weight. been jogging n eating less carbo to try acheive my goal..any tips to share? any mummies using clarins body treatment oil n shaping cream? heard its gd..was using slimmimg cream till was told not gd for BM so dun dare to use for nw..so sad see my tummy still like 4mth preggie n cant fit in my bottoms, sianz..any mummies still hv their belly button protruding out? mine still is so been pushing it in whenever i remember haha..was told better do it otherwise will stay like tat for life, isit true?..aiyoh jialat :p
I think S is too slow for him now. But be careful when u switch fr S to M hor...coz M quite fast and for the 1st few times my boy cannot take it and keep choking. So I got worried and went to buy Y which is the leak proof for him so that he can suck at his own pace but each suck has more milk.
u poor thing. then no choice just have to compress more and hope that it will lessen blcokage. jiayou!

yalor. agree!
I also still got 6kg more to lose. sianz. bottom still cant fit into my pre-pregnancy pants. nvm lah I wearing back my maternity bottom. more comfy too. I din go for malay massage maybe tats why lah. But I heard need 6mth at least to go back to original shape. still keeping fingers cross. I'm on mostly BM, with 1 FM feed per day max. But these few days I'm TBF becos my gal drinking much lesser.
i can do it only if it's not reclined... then 1 hand bb, 1 hand can open and close stroller... needs a little practice too... oh, i have a pupsik nursing pillow tat i can prop my gal up after feeding so she wun puke... so guess i dun need bumbo?

i use warm water, have to change once or twice... cos e water gets cold quite fast and i din wanna use hot water...

wat's debbie's contact?
sorry, din see ur message before i post... will contact debbie on my own, thanks... think e car seat usual price is $499... i bought @ isetan pte sale, 15% discount... not sure abt other places though... if u dun mind display set, check tis out... http://www.babytown.com.sg/index.php?sessid=449738&bg=dark&regid=0&regitmid=0&pagenumber=2&page=product-list&viewregistry=no&ecatid=1558&itmid=13051&regprodid= if i'm not wrong, safe n sound is another name for britax...
still waiting for my hubby to get back to me... now not working, so cannot anyhow spend money... will have to see wat he says, haha...
warming up EBM
noticed that when i use the bottle and food warmer to warm up my elder son's unfinshed FM, the milk will be super hot!
so if we use it to warm our EBM, it'll kill all the nutrients rite?
*faints* and bottle warmers are still selling like hot cakes at dept stores....
Cin my baby is doing the same thing. Refusing bottle and only wants to latch on. Latches on more frequently than normal as well. She is also super duper grumpy. Someone mentioned it may be growth spurt?

Any mums who have babies born in early Feb know what's going on?
My baby is having his first cold - so heart sick! So sad to see him breathing so laboriously and coughing with phlegm. I guess this is part and parcel of being a mother! Last night he also slept badly - this means his mommy and daddy also hardly slept! Thankfully he's feeding well.

I stopped BM when I went back to work almost 3 weeks ago but now that I'm back to working from home (and starting to be SAHM in July), I'm thinking of relactating - anyone with experience in relactation? Worth the effort?

For those of you whose baby has unfortunately had their first cold, how long does it typically take for a baby to get over his cold symptoms?
iching, I relactated

by 6 weeks, my ss dropped to 20ml due to various reasons. she is now 3 months 1 week and had only 1 bottle yest. the rest was latching on. takes a lot of perseverence but it is possible
SY: i blur blur, thought the pigeon warmer is like a range. always set to something less than the 40 mark and thinking that it will warm till less than 40 degree...

so only 2 temperature ah...
Hi Mummies!

Sorry MIA so long but really like mad woman. Now baby needs more attention and the 2 older ones are home for the school hols so it's really crazy here.

Thread move so fast I'm lost...

Anyway, i put my boy int he bumbo for the first time today. So cute lar. Leftover from his brother the other time. For me is good cos he refuses the yao lan now that he can flip and sometimes he doesn't want to be ont he bed so bumbo is good cos he likes to sit up.

Pregnancy weight...
I'm TBM but hello, haven't lost any weight. If anything, i'm gaining cos Bf makes me sooooo hungry ALL the time so I'm snacking ALL the time. LOL. But it's ok. I don't mind being fat as long as baby gets his BM

Ok. Will disappear again...

Til nx time.
how many pcs in nepia m and l? m is for how many kgs? apparently, now nepia got promo... $14 per pack, free delivery wif 4 packs... call 6226 2650... worth it? or ntuc got better promo?
Grace Chua>
Ooops, I went and see the user manual. Can control from 20 degree to 80 degree! Means we can choose around 36 degree leh! Haha. I have learnt something. But they wrote there “for warming of bm, we strongly recommend the usage of 40 degree to avoid any deterioration of nutrients”. So 40 degree is okie too.

If I am not wrong, M size 54 pcs, L size 42 pcs. Tink call to confirm. Also, collect 10 seals can exchange $10 ntuc voucher. I only ordered NB and S. I need 2 more seals wor. Wanna sell? Haha.

I am not sure leh but I wont be getting it. My budget is $150 max.
After ur bb learnt how to flip, do they keep on flipping and flipping? Before Sarah can flip, i was anticipating for the flip. Now that she knows how to flip, she keep on flipping, then drool all over (abit rashes on face liao), then shout (cos dunno how to flip back). Like so poor thingy. Is this normal? haiz.

Also, do your bb spend alot time on bumper mat? How do u all clean the bumper mat? what solution? I think need to clean the mat very clean wor.
SY...my bb is like that too...keep flipping and fussing cos cannot flip back...sigh...

that nite he wakes up want to have milk... so i went to kitchen to prepare...when i went back to the room, he's already on his tummy... just within minutes only!
Woah anther SAHM.
And ME ME!!! i also kinda regret giving up BF cos this seems like the only thing i could do for him while i cannot be with him.
So i have been trying to re-establised BM, but so far no use.
Tried fenugreek last week but no improvement. and baby does not want to latch anymore. he behaves like i want to poison him. haiz.
Plus my hubby is the most "unsupportive" or rather easily satisfied kind. kept telling me enough already. in the morning when i pump, he will hurry me saying that i am delaying him lay.
i was pumping twice, each time only miserable 30-40ml. i tried thrice last week, each time only 20mk....haiz..
but i think if u become SAHM, success rate should be higher.

thank you for all the recommendations.
i went to check out cappella online today and yes they have the reversible handle which i like!
my sister swore by maclaren XT...mummies any review on this?

Now i will surf the net for BBpower's stroller...thanks everyone.

re: cold
so far from my experience and from what i read in other threads, when baby caught the cold virus, it is quite difficult to recover very fast one.
usually might take a few weeks.
To help ur baby breathe better, try this physiotherpy method on him. i learned this from the therpist at glenE.
Cupped ur hand and pat baby's ribcage area, both side for about 5-10 mins (do not do it right after a feed.) can do this several time a day.
This helps to "soften" phelgm as phelgm might be too sticky for baby to cough out naturally.

other mummies paiseh to keep repeating this. keke.
Hi Olively,

Jiayou arh...if hubby not supportive no choice u gotta stand firm on yr ground keep on pumping and try on latchin till baby get used to it???

Hi I'ching,

Welcome to SAHM club haha... my heart goes to u man poor craig.. tat time my boy have slight nose block but recover prob within 4-5days?? then doc say no air con,try nt to let him slp on tummy argh.... then no choice lo we perspire with him lo but luckily he is ok with the slpin on back cos mostly he likes tummy and also will get abit cranky when drinking milk cos nose stuffy so gotta adjust own posture to suit him at least he can drink comfortably....

Hi Sy ,

mine keep on flipping but after that on tummy le he happy then talk ,scream then lie flat and suck thumb else now even steady butt up high high push himself forward....so now cannot put him on my bed without supervision....but if he cannot flip back he will nt cry la hehe the most he tired liao slp...:p

Wa heng i read the blog lo i was thinkin of buying preloved bumbo but keep hesitating...scare the drumstick leg cannot fir it wasted...alright bumbo strike off my list hehe
