(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

jas: already on size 2 for few weeks liao.

infantcare: bb want infantcare today. day 1. so stupid, bb din cry, i cry.

then when he is back, he is like sound quite hoarse. think he cry until no voice. heart ache.

hi lonerunner,

yeah it seems that he is beta nw le cos he drink milk more comfortably le else arh will struggle and need to rest for awhile then can drink the milk.Aiya breastmilk hopefully can be liang yao mah mua haha..

Hi jas,

my boy start to use teat size 2 when he is abt 1mth plus becos he drink more teat size 1 very slow.so aft trying out teat size 2 it seems that he is ok with it then start to use on it le lo...

just try and see if yr bb drinks ok fm it anot.they will fuss at the teat if the flow is too fast for them..

Hi Grace,

wat happen how cme he cry till hoarse?smetime my boy cry till like that too becos he wan to drink milk haha.i very bad still find he cry til sound like that very cute... :p crazy liao la
hi bliss tan,

i bought the Cadi thermometer..but i think it is cheaper than that price u saw online arh...i nt sure leh forgot le cos bought it 3 mths ago...overall i felt it is nt bad...u got check how much kiddy palace is selling?
Hello mummies,

finally fix my PC and downloaded all baby's foto...but i dun know how to resize the foto to post it here.....booboo...me damn lousy!
hi mummies, i could not login for long time. i hope u all r doing fine. hey, i just read that you had a gathering. that's so nice! i hope i can also join the next one, particularly if it is in the east side.
to update abt my bb: baby erna is now 2 months 10 days old (weight at birth:3.3kg,currently:5.3kg & height at birth:47cm, currently:60cm). her eating and sleeping pattern is quite good. she is on TB. so far she didnt give me much trouble. she likes to talk and smile a lot. her hobbies are doing morning exercise, going out, and watching tv (seriously watching, even news programs, haha =) here r some pictures of her:

if u have microsoft office picture manager; right click the picture and open with microsoft office picture manager. from the given menu, u can easily resize the picture. u can either enter the dimension, or u can choose from the pre-defined height and width options. hope this helps.
Hi gazme,

omg she is so adorable and cute i like the last pic where she laugh and tilt her shoulder keke...

oh maybe she may wanna be a tele broadcaster next time so nw seriously watchin..

thanks....i posted the foto liao.
Ur baby gain good length lay.
My baby also 47cm now only 59cm and he 3 months liao.
she's really so cute! envy u, baby erna sleeping and eating pattern is good..

Dear mummies:
does ur bb cry halfway while drinking milk? i think it's becos of wind. cos he need to be burp after halfway. even after burping, sometimes he also cry... and sometimes he can cry until i cannot settle him down... very tiring...

next mon i m starting work. quite worried how my mum is going to handle alone at home...
beta not if baby's neck not steady yet.
I tried cos he wanna sit up most of the time...but feel that his neck still not steady..so will let him try again during month 4.

re: teat
that time i also tot teat too small cos baby suck until teat flatten, so i change to M size but he still cry lay...cos not use to the bigger size. Then we trial and error for a FEW weeks, now only he gradually accept M size. u just change teat?
Re: Bumbo seat
oh ya.. better wait till more steady.
my boy also dun like to lie down position. when we carry him got to be upright.

i enlarge the teat using the Farlin teat enlarger...
Hi bliss,

Just to let you know that i think price is ard 80+ then my hubby bought it at guardian and manage to reduce the price becos his uob credit cards have dollars to cut it off..But just to let u knw that maybe due to the swine flu recently all thermometers are out of stock at the guardian i went to just now that Jurong point.And i did nt see the cadi thermometer being sold at kiddy palace.

Hi catmomo,

maybe your boy just need wanna fuss but also wanna drink at the same time.At this kind of moment normally i will keep on putting the teat in his mouth and say neh neh till he settle down..and ultimately he will drink the milk.

so i think need to take sme time and trial and error to see what actually he wants bah..
hi mummies,
sorry had to leave early that day. thanks to all mummies who made this event successful. nice putting faces to each nickname now

My baby Jovan turned 3mths yesterday, now at 7.2kg. He has been cranky these few days too, maybe I have been bringing him out too much and disrupted his bedtime.

I read that some of you are changing teats for ur baby. May I know how often we need to change the teats? At this stage, what teat should we be using? I am still using Avent teat 1 now.
blisstan, ear thermometer is more accurate.

AG, wow ur jovan sooo goood weight! my gal only 6.4kg at 3 and a half mths.

my gal is also down with a bit of cough leh mummyo, gotten fr her brother too.

LemonT, got ur transfer, thanks.
sorry for the trouble.

So sianz, bad weather, spend a lot and a lot on medical fees for my elder liao. he keeps falling sick, gets infections from his school. sianz.

Now really scare he will spread germs around to his mei mei, who is still so little.

ANyway, today brought both to see padetrician in pasir ris. Wow lots of kids sick too. Anyway, lucky now they gave priority to babies and children with high fever, so I could jump queue with my 3 months old gal.
LemonT /kkf...Thanks for the contact and info on LG mat! Will contact the lady. =)

Lonerunner....Happy Belated Bday!! Welcome to the 30s...It isnt so bad la...haha...
Yup, also realised that I wore blue that day and my nick was blueb. Coincidence =)

Jas...My boy also started size 2 teat. He seems ok with it.

Olively.. Ur boy is so cute! haha...he looks soo confident and steady in the bumbo seat =) Still waiting for my boy's neck to be steady...he dun like tummy time =(

Gamze...Ur gal looks so adorable and active! U must be spending a lot of time talking to her and playing with her =)
Re : Avent Teat
I started teat# 2 on my girl 2 weeks ago too..so far so good..

Grace Chua, hugs...i will also cry if i were you...still remembered i tried on the 1st few days when i send my eldest girl to cc...

Gamze, your girl is so cute!! She is such a happy baby..

Olively, so fast your boy can sit in the bumbo already...cute!
i am thinking of starting my gal on avent teat #3 at 3 and a half months now. is it too early?
I am now experimenting with teat#2. My gal seemed to take it well. If she is still ok with it tmw, I'll stick to #2 liao

no harm trying #3 out. Then you'll get your answer


Hey welcome back! Where have you been? Your bb so cute!
hi cailing
my baby is a valentine boy. yours too?

wow SY
i was planning to stock up mask , and there u found one for me hehe.

sorry i hardly post here anymore.. haha always when free its to pop by bulk purchase to see baby's clothes.
Lili: My hb called infantcare and they explained that bb was cranky before going to sleep, which is his usual pattern. Plus due to the new environment, think he is not used to and cried for few minutes at the top of his voice, which is also his pattern when he is not comfortable.

jas: we tried changing cos bb's feed getting longer and he is like impatient with the teats, i.e. unable to suck v well with the teats. so we tried no.2 and he is better with the feed. initially he also leaks a bit, but after a few feeds, he is able to control better.

spice: yah lor, really sob sob. then we thinking if want to send bb to infantcare tmr or not. send = heartache, dont send => eventually still have to send unless we try nanny arrangement, which may have the same result.
Thnx! All babies are adorable!! I am afraid i will already start to plan for the next bb, haha =))

Can I have a small bite from his nose? I like the way he put his arms on the armrest. He looks like a pasha :D
Ur bb’s height should also be fine. U know all babies grow up in their own pace. On my side, I am a bit concerned abt her weight even though she looks healthy. Btw, do u know any resources where we can check the ideal weight and height fr the bb? Bt I am nt looking for sth like the graphics in the health booklet.

If ur bb cries when drinking milk even after burping half way, u may want to check ur milk flow. Erna also used to do the same thing once in a while. Just gently press on ur breast around the areola to assist her. Bcoz sometimes they may get tired due to suckling, bt still want to continue to drink.

I remember once I got scolded by a doctor for bringing her to hospital. I thought she had fever, and took her to kk emergency. In the end the doctor scolded me whether I don’t see how active she still is, and asked me to go home and just be happy. From that day onwards, I always think twice b4 I bring her to doctor.
Early mornings are the best time to talk to her. If u ask me she has more stories to tell me. she talks, I listen and agree. LoL.

Thanks! I told the happy bb what u commented on her picture. She responded with a big smile : )

Happy birthday!
You wondering what this WAHM is doing all day, rite? I am also wondering..
a day with a baby at home passes so quickly. Working, taking care of her n hubby, housework and cooking.. My mother went back to Turkey once I finished my confinement, so it was a bit difficult to get the hang of it at first, but now I am doing okay. All I need to do is to plan my time. I hope I will be able to visit the thread more often. Miss chatting with u gals.
hi mommies,
any mommy using NUK teats ,so far im still using the smallest feeding teat when i btl feed BM, haven tried the next teat size yet, has any mommy changed teats for NUK yet ?

whitegalz>> u using NUK right ? What size teat is Kylene using ?

AG Gal>> Will u be home this week ? Wed Thu or Fri ? I planning to go my mom place, maybe can drop by your place.. hee

Going back to work
im seriously dreading to go back work... haiz.. the feeling is like reporting to new company after "resigning" for few mths... haha
Hi all,

Wow looks like you girls had fun during the gathering! I shall wait for the next one then..

This is my 2nd week at work. So sian.. still trying to get the hang back after MIA for so long. I miss Justin, so i called back everytime i pump. Hee... My mom will then update me on what he's doing etc.

Olively: You let your bb sit on the bumbo already? I let Justin sit up, padded with many cushions around him and then my colleagues start telling me its not good to let him sit up when he's still so small. Say spine not strong and will hinder development.

Some of your babies can turn already ah? Justin cant turn yet. He can lift his head up higher and longer now but still gets tired fast.

I brought him to the swimming pool on Sunday. His first swim! Erm.. but the trunks abit tight liao. and the float seems to be a little tight around his neck. He cried initially when he went into the water, But after a while he was enjoying himself already. I made my husband go into the pool with him. haha dont want to bare my watermelon marks. Haha..

Saro_queenie: I'm using NUK. changed to Medium teat for 1 month liao. I use M for breast milk and S for water. Justin takes a long time when using S. So we decided to change to M teat.

haha i understand the feeling like going back to a new company right? Sigh. quite sian lor.

Lonerunner: Happy Belated Birthday!

Look at Justin swimming!
hello cailing
mine oso a valentine baby

Wow, yr Justin how many months already? Can tell he's enjoying the water. My boy still likes to wail during shower time...doubt he can be a water baby

We went to M'sia over the long weekend thus couldn't join the gathering...can add me to facebook too
would love to see all the bb photos. my email is [email protected]

Din know there's such thing call teat enlarger..sua ku.. I suppose it enlarge the teats?
He's 3 months and 2 weeks. He's aquarius baby, so i hope he will like water. haha.. he was wailing initially too but after aawhile, he kinda got used to the water so he started to enjoy himself. But few mins later, he cried again. Cos tired la.. haha..

teat enlarger for what?? the silicone teats? or your nipple?? I've used the nipple enlarger when i was staying in TMC. But after that i use the avent nipple shield cos it will force your nipple and flesh to fill up the shield so your baby can suck well.
my baby stil using avent teat no.1.. no.2 she stil cant tak it.

my gal nvr sleep during day time nw in mil place.think she stil nd time to get use to it.! lookin forwr to fri brg her home!
I'm now very depressed. Over lunch my colleague (her baby is 6 months old) managed to pump out 350ml of milk EACH TIME! wa lao.. and I'm like 130ml and feel so proud of myself. Of cos the difference is, Justin doesnt suck direct while her baby does la.
And.. for those mummies that pump out alot.. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY MY MSG.. Or i'll 'kill' myself. hahahhaa...dont make me even more depressed la. Furthermore, after lunch i went to pump my milk and i only got 100ml. Worse..

dun be depressed la and jiayou ba...her bb 6mths old mah so she have been building it up mah...

Oh ya Justin is so cute when he is swimming ehehe...Bryston now nose stuck so i not letting him swim first..will wait till he is better..

hi gazme,

gd that u are plannning for another one..isn't motherhood a wonderful thing to experience..kaka...
Lili: Thanks.. has Bryston swam before? Its Justin's first time and I'm glad he enjoyed it. I swam quite a bit when I was pregnant, so maybe he knows the motion already. haha..

Ai yo.. really depressing to know that the difference is so much. And she said at 3 months, she is already pumping 350ml each time leh.. Wa lao.. and her friend can pump 1 litre each time. really cows...
peachmomo, ur friend's friend steady leh, i litre each time, like that pump once a day enuf for 1 baby liao, she can feed 4 babies if she pump 4 times a day... keke can open infant care liaoz
hahaha.. ya man.. i cannot believe it when she said 1 litre each time!
Sigh.. hear already i lagi more depressed.
saro: are you still giving breast milk?

Dun be depress, 1L each time means spend lot of time pumping, $$$ and carrying many bottles. imagine carrying 2L of milk in my bag after work!!!??? faintz...
Aiyo...seems like i make u more depress... :p
Try taking supplement?
how many times u pump in the office?
today is my 2nd day back to work...trying to pump 2 times in the office.
I think the pump that we use also affect the amount that we pump leh...
I can pump more and faster using the Avent manual pump.

omg..1ltrs at a time..wa liao super moo moo lor...u nvr ask her how she did it arh??prob gt tatics leh??

nvm la dun compare la...will qi shi ren de..as long as our baby have enuf to drink can le..

and as saro queen mention..she really can open infant care and sell off her milk ahha
Oh ya peachmomo,

ya i bought swimming tub with the neck float for his to swim in.. he likes it too but aft swimming he will be quite tired and will sleep more...

Hi Win,

where u pump in the office? i think next time when i go back may only can pump in the handicapped toilet leh... then have to bring barang barang here and there wa liao sian..

I also pump in the handicapped toilet. I put pump and bottles in a small bag.
After my first pump, wash with bottles detergent. Before 2nd pumping use hot water to rinse pump again.
Din buy a compact steriliser to put in office leh.

Can other mummies share how they clean their pump outside if want to pump 2 times?
peachmomo... DUN stress!! My colleague alwiz tell me tat the more u stress, the lesser u pump!! So relax then can pump more!! Jia you!! I hvnt go bk to work, so also afraid wat will my milk ss be like then.. But tell myself dun worry, the more I worry n stress, the worse.
hi win,

i think as long as use hot water no prob de mah...no need steriliser very ma fan... last time old ppl also use water to boil only...

And smemore u pump 2ltrs-_- omg then u have to bring alot of btl go to work lo??u pump 1 ltrs each pump arh?
hi all,

Saro, i'm using NUK teats too, upgraded to the 2nd size when my gal was 1 mth.. till now still using that size. I changed it cos she was sucking too slow then.

Peachmomo, 350ml or 1l each time is really too power, dont worry, think they're just small percentage of mummies who can express so much milk each time... dont stress abt it.. I wonder how long does she take to pump 1l?! hmm

Btw how long are u all intending to bf?

Peachmomo, yup im still on TBF, bottle feeding about once a day, rest of time latching...

ginn> i hope to BF for at least 6mths or until no supply.. max i will BF for 12 mths maybe.
