(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi mums

thanks for all the advice. I will try out the different methods slowly with my son and post the result tonight..

btw anyone know of any nanny near Bedok area that is willing to look after 4mths old baby?
very sian hor...i know how u feel man.
People might see this as small issue and dun understand the disapointment...but is the looking forward for so long then the eventual let down. Haiz.

Mummies who went expo, how's the sales?? worth going?
cant wait to see u all moro leh. keke. Remember to wear rompers k!

BTW, Anyone has lobang for preloved cot, pls inform me k...Budget less than $150

hey koli,

yr buddy hubby who pass away isit fm the SAF one? It is a very sad case and hope yr buddy will be strong..

hi olively,

wa seh steady lor i think arh prob it might be due to ah long also gt watch tv la...they knw how to counteract the police action..now they also hack care liao lor cme chiong head to head with police liao man

Regards to the new mom exhibition how nt really alot of shops to shop fm but there are sme clothes sell quite cheap at 3pcs for 10 dollars..then gt sell nursing bra also..Metro sales baby stuff nt alot as usual la so depend on what you are looking for bah.. have to ask the rest of the ladies opinion keke..
olively : We went to mum exhibiton and metro sale,

New mum
Pigeon 20% off

Metro sale
Mommies interested in Crocs can go to the sale.
$20-$30 for past season.
As of today, many sizes n designs avail.
Kids also have quite a lot.

I will be a little late cos car-pooling and 1 mummy can leave only at 11am, hope we can reach by 1130am !! cos excited leh !!

Hope all babies co^operative n guai guai !!

Got booths selling

Finally!!! the long awaiting Feb'09 MUMMIES & BABIES gathering is just 11hrs 45mins away!!!!

Kindly reconfirm your orders & payment, just in case i missed out anyone. if there's any changes, pls sms me immediately.

1st May Gathering (Final headcount as of 24th Apr 09)


1) Chicken Chop with mushroom sauce c/w Whipped potatoes & Coleslaw
- I Ching (PAID 29/4)
- Grace Chua (PAID 27/4)
- Qingsiew (PAID 28/4)
- Qingsiew Hubby (PAID 28/4)
- Lonerunner (PAID 28/4)
- Mudpie (PAID 27/4)
- x1a0q1an (MrsLim) (PAID 29/4)
- Whitegalz (PAID 29/4 - OFFSET FROM DRINKS)
- snow_bb (PAID 28/4)
- SY's hubby(photographer) (PAID 28/4)
- Priviledged (PAID 29/4)
- mama2209 (PAID 30/4)
- eeyore (PAID 30/4 BY LMT)

2) Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce c/w Whipped Potatoes & Coleslaw
- Spicegal (PAID 28/4)
- Sandy (PAID 27/4)
- SY (PAID 28/4)
- Yaer (PAID 28/4)
- DK mama (PAID 29/4)
- Ag Gal (PAID 29/4)
- Saro (PAID 30/4)
- bb_yang (PAID 30/4)
- princessdella (PAID 30/4)

3) Dory Fish in Breadcrumb (Fish and Chips) c/w Whipped Potatoes & Coleslaw
- fatjo (PAID 29/4)
- Blueb (PAID 29/4)

4) Hainanese Curry Chicken Cutlet
- babyox (PAID 27/4)
- Joannelim (PAID 30/4)

Bumper mats or mats for babies & mommies
1.) LeMonT - playmat 2100*1400
2.) BB yang - playmat
3.) saro - plastic sheet for bags & mommies to sit.
4.) spicegal - straw mat

Action - SY's hubby

Bartering/Sale of BB items
Anyone who wants to barter or sell their items can post here or bring to the gathering.

1.) saro
Animal PP pants and socks. My SIL got some from BP excess, i can bring to the gathering.

I got a bottle of Fenugreek too. I dun mind swop for milkbags.. heee

2.) LeMonT
1 tin of unopen NAN Pro 1 900g..

3.) lonerunner
1 tin of unopen FriscoMum FOC

4.) Elicia
balboa sling (geisha trim) used only once..

5) I'Ching
a) 1/2 bottle of GNC's Stinging Nettle (like Fenugreek to increase BM)
b) A box of 50 Medela's Pump and Save Milk bags
c) Medela Contact Nipple Shields (good for mommies who have cracked nipples to use temporarily without having to stop BF)

Gathering (Attendance as of 14th Apr 2009)

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john (western chow)
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael (western chow)
3.Saro queenie - prince joel (Western Chow)
4.Snow_bb - prince josen (western chow)
5.whitegalz - princess kylene (western chow)
6.babyox - princess alicia (western chow)
7.lonerunner - princess Chi Mun (western chow)
8. BBYang - prince (western chow)
9. spicegal - princess jerilyn (western chow)
10. princessdella - princess renee (western chow)
11. Popkorn2009(SY) -princess sarah (western chow)
12. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel (western chow)
13. LeMonT - princess breana (western chow)
14. Priviledged - prince gabriel (western chow)
15. GraceChua - prince han (western chow)
16. Qingsiew (kris)-princess shyann (western chow)
17. JoanneLim - prince joel (western chow)
18. mudpie - princess chloe (western chow)
19. mama2209 - (western chow)
20. I'Ching - Prince Craig (western chow)
21. Yaer - princess hayden (western chow)
22. Ag_gal - Prince Jovan (Western Chow)
23.Piglet - Princess Kejanko (no food)
24. eeyore_poh - Princess Esther (western chow)
25. DK mama - (western chow)
26. Blueb - Prince Raphael (Western chow)


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby! (exception for SY's.. on important task - PHOTO TAKING!)
- baby's attire - rompers


From Yishun - LeMonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
From Toa Payoh - DJ mama

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching
wow.. big event, dear mummies, enjoy the gathering tmlo and do share the pics on our multiply website.
enjoy your gathering. my head spinning everyday. elder boy still sick. cough worsened and vomited. sigh...everytime he coughs will vomit out everything and we have to clear the mess.

with two children, one vomiting, fever, and blocked nose, and another baby crying asking for attention and milk is really not easy! going crazy...

do enjoy the gathering. think i really cannot join liao, cause my elder is really not well...headache.
saro queenie:
Can lobang me BACK from fatjo's hse if u are going home after the event?? I'm living next to redhill mrt

My gal also vomit sometimes after crying like mad. Think too much wind got inside. No choice lor. wat to do? Agree with Sandy. FM might not solve the problem. B Try change teat too.
My gal drank only 20ml at her worst, so 90ml is quite good liao. Dun waste the EBM. give bb 90ml at first. if bb wan more, then give incrementally or as sandy said, latch him on. else waste BM.
But hor, for me, my thinking is "if u dun accept bottle, u get nothing to drink"

So see how u wan to go abt it.

time to wear romper more

I did that before, to latch, unlatch then give bottle. I think the next block must have heard my bb's protests. haiz.

I got the same pain on off. It came after I'd pressed particularly hard on the area. I suspected injured tissue too. After a day or so, it will go away.

oh dear, u poor thing. take care. have more water, rest and an airy room!
blueb, ur baby haven 3 mth old rite? so tt mrs wong say teat 1 is too small, n use no.3 for ur baby?did ur baby took it wel?

my gal stil has prob wif no.2 haiz she's been rejecting milk often, n nw worst giv 100 only drink 70ml nw seldm drink finish. wonderg tt mrs wong gt ment abt such case? if hav do advise me thks.. or any other mummies?

I've a pre-loved cot at my MIL. Will ask if she wants to let go. You PM me your details can? We liase thru email.

Enjoy your gathering mommies! My baby is down with a cough
But it's already quite a miracle he lasted 2 months cos my 2 older ones have been coughing on and off for a few months now.

My boys also like that. Esp #2, he gets upset then cry then cough then puke! So poor thing. just make sure your boys is eating and drinking lots of water. Take care ok.
hi mommies,

i bringing the labels for writing name and plastic sheet but i can only reach 1130am thereabouts, pls wait for me ah !
Aiyoh, you poor thing. My girl had high fever at 5.30 this morning. Sore throat too. My #2 has a runny nose. But I'm leaving my hb to care for them. Heh heh. They are still behaving like normal, so should be OK lah. I home my Gabriel doesn't come down with anything AGAIN!

My older 2 were sick 3 weeks ago (Easter weekend), then my baby got it too. So mafan, cos he would drink and then cough and vomit his phlegm. Difficult to manage.
hi ladies,


just an update:
my boy turns 3 mths liao.
hv been sleeping everynite from 9pm or 10pm till morning 5.30am - 6.30am.. (me heng!)

i just switched him from similac to friso gold 1 cos he only poo poo every 3-4 days on similac. (and he strain & cry)
so now on full friso, he poo every day about 3-4 times. (no strain, no cry)poo is not too watery and not hard.. SO IS THIS NORMAL??

thx for the advice!
Back from our Sengkang gathering. Gabriel was so tired that he just fell asleep as soon as I put him in bed.

Thanks for getting the food. Quite good, considering it was made much earlier.

Thanks for hostingr us. Thanks to your hb for being the 'dustbin' and the drinks server.

Nice meeting you all. Sorry I didn't get to chat with everyone. We were quite pre-occupied with minding our bbs. I had to run off cos my hb couldn't find the kids panadol for my girl who had a fever.
hi mommies, me back hm too...

Great seeing all the mommies, putting nicks to names and faces

20over babies on the playmat is just too cute !
Thanks for the mommies who took trouble to bring the heavy playmat.

LemonT, the food was great too !

Fatjo, thanks for hosting the event ! We shall meet again next yr !

Praised my boy for this rather good behaviour today ... (he's not owas this good if u ask me) ;)

Enjoy the rest of long weekend
hi mummies,
It has been nice meeting up with everyone! A big thank you to the organisers! LeMonT the food's very good! Next time I will go to the outlet to eat!
harlo all, me just wake up from my nap.. today was fun playing with so many little one... and all the cries make me feel i'm not the only one who face it everyday.. haha.. really thx mummies for organizing this event.. hope we can make it yearly.. haha..

Tricia, the food is nice... i will patronize your shop also.. haha.. your gal is such an angel.. u really blessed.. just now feel like stealing your bb home when u go get your car.. lolz

today i know 一山还有一山高。 i alway thought my boy is heavy weight but mama2009 and joannelim baby is much heavier.. haha.. but i think my boy lost some weight last week due to bad diarrhea.. when i get back home i measure him.. he dropped by 300g.. now only 7.2kg.. i also tried putting my boy on his tummy but seem like he can't really lift up his head.. keep slamming his face down..

all mummies who take photo pls put them in either facebook or in our multiply account k..

last but not least, Yaer u sleeing baby carrier.. those cross back one.. i wan to get one from u...

for mummies who didn't go or go off earlier.. there is our group photo...

Hiyee Everyone!

I was so tired after reaching home. Guess is the hot sun. haha.

LemonT> The food was great and I am sure it will be nicer if eaten hot.

Fion> Thanks for teaching me how to use the sling. U made it look so easy. I will try.

Fatjo> Thanks for hosting us. It is a good place for such event.

Qingsiew> Still can go shopping. I was so tired. haha.

My hubby will take a few days to edit and add some effects to the photos...so have to wait abit k..hee..I was thinking of setting up feb09 bb grp at facebook to upload the photos. Okie? or other better alternatives?
Hi all, today's gathering was really fun!! Jerilyn and I was totally shagged out and had a nap after we reached home.

Fatjo, thanks for offering your place for this gathering. To your hubby, thanks for helping to serve the drinks and cleaning up.

To mummies who brought the playmat, thanks for the effort.

LemonT, thanks for coordinating on the food, it was great. Would visit your stall for more...think next time i wanna try the hainanese curry chicken cutlet..

Whitegalz, thanks for helping to buy the drinks.

SY's hubby, thanks for being the photographer. Do post pictures soon.

Princessdella, your girl is the 1st to flip on this thread. ;p

Qingsiew, you can still go shopping...peifu...
hi all mummies, can i join in?
i delivered my 2nd prince on 11 feb.

wow... u guys must have enjoyed a lot today.

i could like to know, are all of u bfing? my milk supply dropped a lot after i got HFMD. any advice on how to increase? and may i know how much ur baby drinking now? is it normal to drink 5oz at 2months 3weeks?
Welcome Joyce,
Poor you, got HFMD. I use More Milk Plus to help my BM supply. If you want to increase supply, just take 3-4x a day. I currently just use it once a day, to maintain supply.
Thanks Priviledged. Both my boy also got it. how long u take to see the result. and how much more u got? 3-4x a day, mean 6hrly?
Hi mummies,

Thanks all for the fun gathering, food and drinks, etc.
Aiyah, missed the group photo cos got another appointment.

Hope to see you all soon again.

BabyOx: I blur blur forgot to collect the milkbag.
Pai seh.
haha mummies..jus to share a silly story..
u knw the swine flu thg nw..keke my dad tdy called n say papers sa if red alert then evry1 mus stay hm, ask me go buy few tins of FM to stock up.althg i was telg my dad wun lah.. haha bt end up i stil go buy lor. buy 5tins tdy! left 4 at MIL hse
Hi Joyce, Welcome to our thread

I think some mommies are taking Fenugreek too to increase BM supply. Maybe they can advise you more

SY, i didnt see the pacifier cover, oh no, lost ah ? Any mommies saw ?

Spice > i also very kut lat, go hm rest a while i went Centrepoint liao... haha...
Hello Mummies,
I just joined this forum. My baby was born on 19th Feb.

Hi BlueB,
I'm the mummy of Ge Bin whom you met at parentcraft centre.

I managed to bottle feed baby yesterday by myself, started at 40 ml first, afraid that baby will waste my breast milk again. It went quite smooth till the nite and i fed about 120ml on bottle at one go. But this morning, after my hb said that baby is no longer rejecting bottle, my baby starts to fight the bottle again. Think my baby is very "pan tang". All my effort are wasted.

So comforting to see that so many mummies here are also facing the same problem.
mummies, i need advise here!

jetstar is having air tix promotion..
i'm thinking of bringing my son to penang at the beginning of next year.. do u think i should get a seat for him.. or just carry him.. the price different is ~S$100..
if i get a seat for him, do he need car seat or can do without one..

Actually,i preferred to carry him.. but my SIL say its stupid, just to save ~S$100.. why not give the bb a seat.. so no need to carry him throughout the flight.. and he will be more comfortable? however my concern is if need a car seat, i will need to get on that is plane approved one(may need to spend more $)if no need maybe still can consider to get a seat for my boy..

but actually i feel that the flight is only 1hr + and to save $100, i can buy more toys for him.. and when landing or flying off, we can cuddle him in case he feel uncomfortable as this is his first flight..
Its really fun today to see so many babies..

LemonT, Thanks for the food and the coordinating..

Jo, Thanks for the hosting us but i really gt a hard time waiting for a cab outside..

Roxanne, The headbands are really nice.. Will get one from your sis when my gal's hair grows out..

Spice, Soon more babies in this thread will learn how to flip and crawl le..
Both Renee and I also shagged out.. Although she slp quite long in the afternoon but came home we both slept from 6 to 10 pm.. Haha.. And she is really well-behaved today..

Samantha, Hope you also had a great day although your baby is cranky throughout the event..

Now already looking forward to the next gathering.. Its just so sweet to see so many babies together..
Hi mummies,

yesterday was great meeting all the babies and mummies.

Fatjo, thanks for hosting us and thanks ur hubby oso...

LemonT, thnaks for buying us the food... the food is nice...

Roxanne, thnaks for buying the drinks and will look into ebay for the handbands...

i got the baby carrier from my supervisior... maybe i can help u check where she got it from... i will let u know again next week...
hello all,

Wah looks like a fun gathering that i've missed! Glad u all enjoy urself... hope to join the next time. Looking fwd to seeing the photos too!

Lonerunner, ur bday today? Happy Birthday! Was looking at our Feb09 mum multiply and saw that ur bday is today hehe
Hi all..

Yesterday i was shacked out but not my bb!! She was overly stimulated at the gathering,i think she cant sleep well with noises. End up started crying towards the end of gathering, went home also cry.. just want me to carry her n walk around.. nite time, we had a dinner with relatives, she also dun want to sleep... But heng, we home sweet home, she zzz well until now also havent wake up... poor me, got to use yokoyoko to apply on my tiring arms... first time i see her so cranky outside..

i like naomi, she is really such an angel.. she will look at other babies in such loving eyes and smile at them.. so interactive already..
no prob on the drinks, simple chore only..
hi mommies,

it was a great gathering..so cute to see all babies lying together, "boxing" and "pulling" each other...keke

mrs lim,

1hr plus flight..in my opinion, its better just carrying ur baby..because when the seatbelt sign is on, the baby has to leave his seat, be carrried and strapped to the mom. in my case, i booked a bassinet for naomi but during the entire flight (3hrs), there was strong turbulence and the seatbelt sign was perpectually on, hence i had to strap her on to me until the seatbelt sign went off..she only stayed in her bassinet for 1/4 of the flight
hi all,

Baby Alicia and I had a great time at the gathering.

Fatjo, thank you for hosting us.

LemonT, thank you for your food. It taste great.

Roxanne, thank you for getting the drinks.

SY, thank you for bringing your hubby for the photos taking.. Where will u upload the photos?

Grace Chua, I think the BM bags is left on the table. haha..

yday after the gathering, i went back to my parent in law place, and i put Alicia in yao lan, and who knows my in laws did not tied the string tight, and Alicia fell straight down from it when she was sleeping. So heartpain to see her fell down.. Lucky she is ok now. From now on, i will be putting a small mattress below the yao lan to prevent this.
hi mommies,

look like the whole event have been a great success..congratz...it must have been fun...Oh ya yearly event nt bad arh hehe...

Hi SY,

My Facebook have the group set up for Feb 09 mum le...did u add me in yr FB?? [email protected]

Mummies who have not added me in Facebook rem to add orh..hehe

Mrs Lim:

I flew to KL last month on Jetstar and I carried Craig as lapbaby as it's such a short flight. It worked out great.
