(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


Yes, I think one of the ones with no nickname (in fact, I think I put your nickname on the transaction!) is from me.


Mommies going to May 1 gathering:

Quick question: With the rapid spread of swine flu, would such a big gathering of babies and moms be risky? Sorry for being a party-pooper but just concerned for our babies...
hi sheepish,

Just to let you knw that Gracie gal may nt be coming tml as her baby is unwell but she will confirm with me again.
IMPORTANT : Payment for food and drinks for gathering
As there will be many mommies and babies on 1st May, may i suggest that mommies that have confirmed their food order TT SGD7 to LemonT first before the gathering. LemonT will then pay whitezgal the $$ for drinks. This is to prevent confusion on the day. In addition, i hope that in case in any event for any mommies who cannot make it to the gathering last minute also pay for the food as it has been ordered. Thanks for co-operation. Hope the gathering will be a fun one for all mommies and babies !
LemonT POSBank Savings Account : 126-47714-7
PS> Pls SMS LeMonT @ 8322 0404 (kindly indicate ur name & nick as payee when transfer, else i don't know who had paid. thank u mommies!)

I would appreciate all money to be transfer by Wednesday & i will finalise all orders by then. As i will be out whole day on Thursday & unable to access to internet therefore any last min cancellation, pls SMS me by Thursday night. Thank you for all mommies's cooperation, likewise to babies too!

Chicken Chop w Mushroom Sauce + Drinks = $6.90 per pax
Chicken Chop w Black Pepper Sauce + Drinks = $6.90 per pax
Dory Fish in Breadcrumbs + Drinks = $7.00 per pax
Curry Chicken Cutlet + Drinks = $6.00 per pax

Bumper mats or mats for babies & mommies
1.) LeMonT - playmat 2100*1400
2.) BB yang - playmat
3.) saro - plastic sheet for bags & mommies to sit.
4.) spicegal - straw mat

Action - SY's hubby

Bartering/Sale of BB items
Anyone who wants to barter or sell their items can post here or bring to the gathering.

1.) saro
Animal PP pants and socks. My SIL got some from BP excess, i can bring to the gathering.

I got a bottle of Fenugreek too. I dun mind swop for milkbags.. heee

2.) LeMonT
1 tin of unopen NAN Pro 1 900g..

3.) lonerunner
1 tin of unopen FriscoMum FOC

4.) Elicia
balboa sling (geisha trim) used only once..

1st May Gathering (Final headcount as of 24th Apr 09)


1) Chicken Chop with mushroom sauce c/w Whipped potatoes & Coleslaw
- Priviledged
- I Ching (PAID 29/4)
- Grace Chua (PAID 27/4)
- Qingsiew (PAID 28/4)
- Qingsiew Hubby (PAID 28/4)
- Lonerunner (PAID 28/4)
- Mudpie (PAID 27/4)
- x1a0q1an (MrsLim) (PAID 29/4)
- Whitegalz
- mama2209
- kkf (REFUND)
- eeyore
- shirley
- snow_bb (PAID 28/4)
- SY's hubby(photographer) (PAID 28/4)
- Ah Zi

2) Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce c/w Whipped Potatoes & Coleslaw
- Spicegal
- Sandy (PAID 27/4)
- SY (PAID 28/4)
- Yaer
- DK mama
- Saro
- Ag Gal (PAID 29/4)
- bb_yang
- princessdella

3) Dory Fish in Breadcrumb (Fish and Chips) c/w Whipped Potatoes & Coleslaw
- fatjo
- LeMonT (PAID)
- DJ mama
- Blueb

4) Hainanese Curry Chicken Cutlet
- babyox (PAID 27/4)
- Joannelim

Gathering (Attendance as of 14th Apr 2009)

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john (western chow)
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael (western chow)
3.Saro queenie - prince joel (Western Chow)
4.Snow_bb - prince josen (western chow)
5.whitegalz - princess kylene (western chow)
6.babyox - princess alicia (western chow)
7.lonerunner - princess Chi Mun (western chow)
8. kkf - princess violet (western chow)
9. BBYang - prince (western chow)
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn (western chow)
11. princessdella - princess renee (western chow)
12. Popkorn2009(SY) -princess sarah (western chow)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel (western chow)
14. LeMonT - princess breana (western chow)
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel (western chow)
16. GraceChua - prince han (western chow)
17. Qingsiew (kris)-princess shyann (western chow)
18. JoanneLim - prince joel (western chow)
19. mudpie - princess chloe (western chow)
20. mama2209 - (western chow)
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig (western chow)
22. Yaer - princess hayden (western chow)
23. Ag_gal - Prince Jovan (Western Chow)
24. liting - Prince ChengJun
25. Piglet - Princess Kejanko (no food)
26. eeyore_poh - Princess Esther (western chow)
27. DK mama - (western chow)
28. DJ mama - princess Merrise (western chow)
29. shirley (western chow)
30. Blueb - Prince Raphael (Western chow)
31. piggymousey - Prince Eden (Western Chow)
32. Ah Zi -


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby! (exception for SY's.. on important task - PHOTO TAKING!)
- baby's attire - rompers


From Yishun - LeMonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
From Toa Payoh - DJ mama

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching
hey all, i bot drinks already.. shd be more than enuff..

lemonT, i nvr TT u the money, just offset from the amt for drinks..

See u gals on Friday!!! I am looking forward to it!!

Btw, must print attendance sheet and a checklist of who pay, who hasnt? Can send the spreadsheet to me @ [email protected], i print from office tmr.. haha
lemonT, spicegal paid already:

Hi LemonT, have made payment. Thanks.

28 Apr 2009 08:50 PM Singapore
To Account POSB Savings
126-47714-7 LemonT
Amount S$6.90
Transaction Reference 2231167176
ok, noted! thank u

Regarding swine flu, i think Singapore is taking all necessary measurement to prevent the outbreak here. We cant afford to have the swine flu bcos we are small. if the virus really outbreak here, it is going to be worst than SARS.

moreover, no mummies have been out of singapore to affected countries recently right? Everything is fated, we just have to leave everything to GOD.

Payment received. thank u

No prob... i think some mummies might not be able to turn up. therefore, the bal. i m willing to split the cost... (anyway, i can & really drink alot of water :p)

i will update the payment status on & off. the finalised list will be by Thursday night. U may reach me at 8322 0404 if u dun see me online.
tml outing..
joannelim, me also going to be auntie.. but trying to be a hip auntie haha.. intend to wear shorts and T-shirt to go.. lolz.. haha.. so it will be easier if i wan to try clothing.. will bring my usual big bag to contain all my loots from the expo.. haha..

by the way tml i need to leave by 4pm.. u thinks i will have enough time to shop.. haha...

1st may gathering..
anyone bringing videocam.. will be fun to video down the first gathering event.. hee.. as only video can record down all the laughter of mummies and cries of babies.. haha.. if nobody bringing.. maybe i borrow from my BIL..
IMPORTANT : Payment for food and drinks for gathering
As there will be many mommies and babies on 1st May, may i suggest that mommies that have confirmed their food order TT SGD7 to LemonT first before the gathering. LemonT will then pay whitezgal the $$ for drinks. This is to prevent confusion on the day. In addition, i hope that in case in any event for any mommies who cannot make it to the gathering last minute also pay for the food as it has been ordered. Thanks for co-operation. Hope the gathering will be a fun one for all mommies and babies !
LemonT POSBank Savings Account : 126-47714-7
PS> Pls SMS LeMonT @ 8322 0404 (kindly indicate ur name & nick as payee when transfer, else i don't know who had paid. thank u mommies!)

I would appreciate all money to be transfer by Wednesday & i will finalise all orders by then. As i will be out whole day on Thursday & unable to access to internet therefore any last min cancellation, pls SMS me by Thursday night. Thank you for all mommies's cooperation, likewise to babies too!

Chicken Chop w Mushroom Sauce + Drinks = $6.90 per pax
Chicken Chop w Black Pepper Sauce + Drinks = $6.90 per pax
Dory Fish in Breadcrumbs + Drinks = $7.00 per pax
Curry Chicken Cutlet + Drinks = $6.00 per pax

Bumper mats or mats for babies & mommies
1.) LeMonT - playmat 2100*1400
2.) BB yang - playmat
3.) saro - plastic sheet for bags & mommies to sit.
4.) spicegal - straw mat

Action - SY's hubby

Bartering/Sale of BB items
Anyone who wants to barter or sell their items can post here or bring to the gathering.

1.) saro
Animal PP pants and socks. My SIL got some from BP excess, i can bring to the gathering.

I got a bottle of Fenugreek too. I dun mind swop for milkbags.. heee

2.) LeMonT
1 tin of unopen NAN Pro 1 900g..

3.) lonerunner
1 tin of unopen FriscoMum FOC

4.) Elicia
balboa sling (geisha trim) used only once..

1st May Gathering (Final headcount as of 24th Apr 09)


1) Chicken Chop with mushroom sauce c/w Whipped potatoes & Coleslaw
- I Ching (PAID 29/4)
- Grace Chua (PAID 27/4)
- Qingsiew (PAID 28/4)
- Qingsiew Hubby (PAID 28/4)
- Lonerunner (PAID 28/4)
- Mudpie (PAID 27/4)
- x1a0q1an (MrsLim) (PAID 29/4)
- Whitegalz (PAID 29/4 - OFFSET FROM DRINKS)
- snow_bb (PAID 28/4)
- SY's hubby(photographer) (PAID 28/4)
- Priviledged
- mama2209
- eeyore
- shirley
- Ah Zi

2) Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce c/w Whipped Potatoes & Coleslaw
- Spicegal (PAID 28/4)
- Sandy (PAID 27/4)
- SY (PAID 28/4)
- Yaer (CITIBANK TBC TRF 28/4)
- DK mama (CITIBANK TBC TRF 27/4)
- Ag Gal (PAID 29/4)
- Saro
- bb_yang
- princessdella

3) Dory Fish in Breadcrumb (Fish and Chips) c/w Whipped Potatoes & Coleslaw
- fatjo (PAID 29/4)
- Blueb (PAID 29/4)

4) Hainanese Curry Chicken Cutlet
- babyox (PAID 27/4)
- Joannelim

Gathering (Attendance as of 14th Apr 2009)

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john (western chow)
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael (western chow)
3.Saro queenie - prince joel (Western Chow)
4.Snow_bb - prince josen (western chow)
5.whitegalz - princess kylene (western chow)
6.babyox - princess alicia (western chow)
7.lonerunner - princess Chi Mun (western chow)
8. kkf - princess violet (western chow)
9. BBYang - prince (western chow)
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn (western chow)
11. princessdella - princess renee (western chow)
12. Popkorn2009(SY) -princess sarah (western chow)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel (western chow)
14. LeMonT - princess breana (western chow)
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel (western chow)
16. GraceChua - prince han (western chow)
17. Qingsiew (kris)-princess shyann (western chow)
18. JoanneLim - prince joel (western chow)
19. mudpie - princess chloe (western chow)
20. mama2209 - (western chow)
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig (western chow)
22. Yaer - princess hayden (western chow)
23. Ag_gal - Prince Jovan (Western Chow)
24. liting - Prince ChengJun
25. Piglet - Princess Kejanko (no food)
26. eeyore_poh - Princess Esther (western chow)
27. DK mama - (western chow)
28. DJ mama - princess Merrise (western chow)
29. shirley (western chow)
30. Blueb - Prince Raphael (Western chow)
31. piggymousey - Prince Eden (Western Chow)
32. Ah Zi -


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby! (exception for SY's.. on important task - PHOTO TAKING!)
- baby's attire - rompers


From Yishun - LeMonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
From Toa Payoh - DJ mama

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching
thanks for the reminder.. else i get strangle by spicegal :p

okie.. maybe i get their contact from Rox's list & sms them.

ya ya.. u r always the hippy curvy mama!! wahahaha :p

u got time to take video meh??? no need to look after ur baby Noel?? ur maid coming along? :X

kkf, DJ Mama
if last min u gals can turn up w babies, just let us know... the more the merrier
hi all

like to seek your advice. I hav been on total BF since birth for my son. He is now 2 mths old already and I try to feed him with bottle once everyday to let him get used to it but he refuse to drink. He keep crying and using his hand to push the milk bottle away.. Only till he is tired of crying which last abt 20 to 30 mins than he will drink from bottle..

How?? Is there any other way?? As I need to go back to work and my baby refuse to drink from bottle I have no idea how am I going to let nanny take care now..
lemonT, haha.. yes i wan to be a hip mama but curvy that dun apply to me.. cos i still can't fit in my pre preggie clothing.. and i stop BF liao.. shrink lor.. haha.. during bfeeding more curvy lolz..

i will bring maid along.. cos need to carry the playmat along.. very heavy leh.. and i had walk to from my place to Jo place.. hee anyway with a maid ard can help out abit.. hee.. can help u carry your food out also..
I cant think of a way out. Let me know if u do. My bb also fighting with me every nite. She wanted the breast. I insisted on her to be bottlefed. So she continued to scream, cry etc. 1hr+ later she'll give up the fight and drink from the bottle before sleeping. After finishig the bottle, I'll give her my breast to reward her.

I also think it is safe for small group gathering like ours. If ganna, "suay" (unlucky) lor

I have no idea after the fight with my son to drink from bottle he would only drink a little less than 90ml from bottle is it too little? I always pump about 100ml to 110ml for each feed but he seldom finish it.

If not he drink about half already than vomit everything out..

Either that or he drink a bit and than sleeps..

I am so afraid that he is not drinking enough and if I feed direct from breast I have no idea how much he drink.

My husband ask me to buy FM to try feed him more.. Is this a good choice??

Everyday feeding from bottle is like war seeing my son cry and scream I wanted to give up and feed him direct but my husband stop me. He say if I continue my son will reject bottle more and this would be what happen if I put him to nanny..
hi amelia,

ive also been direct latching since birth and i tried to introduce her bottle last week and mission failed :p actually my hb was the one giving the bottle ..she refused ..then i tried, even worst..she tilt her body to the position she usually latches and was opening her mouth going to my breast...actually to introduce bottle, the mom should not be the first one to give baby bottle because they recognise our smell and when they go into our arms, ting ting, its latching time..so will naturally reject bottle...

it is also pointless to give FM because he is not rejecting the milk, he is rejecting the bottle and artifical teat...

one way you can do is ask someone else to bottle feed baby..prefably someone who knows how to bottle feed (like ur mom) i am going to ask my mom to introduce bottle to my bb since i should not be the one..hb doesnt know exactly how to feed babies so need my mom to introduce...

babies are not interested in accepting new things (i.e. bottle) when they are super hungry so try not to wait til he's very hungry to feed bottle

babies also suckle even if they are drowsy from sleep so can try giving him the bottle when he is half asleep just waking up...

hope this advice help.....
amelia, feeding FM may end up like me.. my hubby also afraid bb not enough milk.. feed him FM.. end up he reject my BM (especially one that was defrost).. maybe FM just taste better..
i agree with sandy.. maybe tried asking the nanny/MIL to feed your bb.. as bb only link mummy to breast so refuse the bottles.. i remember that Mrs Wong also said that b4 during one of her talk i attended.. if the above method fail maybe u can try my way.. hee changing the teats..

my boy at first also reject bottles no matter who feed him..
so bo pian i buy all kind of different teats from different brand that claim to be similar to breast feeding).. trial and error spend quite some $$$.. then manage to find one that he preferred..

my finding for my boy..
those normal type of teat which is round silicon one he dun like..
NUK premium one, he still okie... will fuss abit depend on his mood.. but he preferred latex one to silicon which i dun like cos after awhile become sticky..
finally found his love, which is the short and fat tomee tipee.. dunno why.. but he just like it..

forgot to mention...maybe he is not that hungry to start with? 90 ml is better than not drinking anything from the bottle..moreover, u have been latching so u dont know how much he drinks each feed..he might even be drinking 90ml each time from latching..so even if u pumped out 110 ml, it doesnt equate the amount he ffeeds on..if he stops at 90 and never fuss, he is satisfied..let him be..if he cries again for milk, then u latch him..at least he accomplished 1 bottle feed a day...we have to introduce gradually...slowly he will finish his milk..the cleverest thing babies can do is shout for milk when hungry..they wont starve themselves so u dont have to worry that he is not taking enough when he did not finish his milk
he will ask for more

vomiting out: when baby latches, they take in less air..when he drinks from the bottle, he takes in more air than usual...hence the extra air might compete for space in the tummy and eventually, forces out some milk...

remember dont force him if he struggles, he will associate unpleasant emotions with the bottle and will totally reject it...if he is angry or crying..take a break and resume later
Just saw ur posts cos havent logged in since. Yes, my transfer is from Citibank. Hence may take few working days. Shld be in by today? Pls let me know if not so... tks
hi mommies,

i can tongpang maybe 1 mummy from Queenstown cos i will be driving, as mine small car and got 1 infant car seat in rear passenger seat, i think it will be more comfy to tongpang 1 mummy cos infront cannot sit mummy with carrying baby, not safe...

PM or SMS me if any mommy from west side wanna ride. I live just next to Queenstown MRT, so can take MRT drop off n walk abt 5mins to either bus stop or car park to go together to Sengkang.


PS> Sky black black, mommies meeting to go expo, keep fingers crossed !!!
Morning Mummies...

Tomorrow will be the gathering. All of us must be too excited about our 1st FEB Mummies & Babies Gathering on Labor Day that we overlook the following

RE: Payment for Foods & Drinks for 1st May Gathering
1. Following Mummies, i have sent u a reminder sms. kindly make payment to POSB SAV 126-47714-7 by 8pm today. Any payment not receive, orders consider void.
- mama2209
- eeyore (wrong contact on list, reminder by email)
- shirley
- ah zi
- bb_yang

2. I would appreciate if mummies can indicate your nick when u transfer.

Mummies must indicate your nick under "My Initials (for display on payee's bank statement)".

3. PLEASE sms me @ 8322 0404 when mummies had transferred with YOUR NICK cos i do not have the time to login to the forum.

Amount Transferred with No Nick or Unknown Name
i received the following amount from Mummies with no nick indication or unknown name.

1. May i know who is the following?

RE: Refund of payment
Kindly sms me @ 8322 0404 your nick & account no. i will refund asap. but please note that we can't cancel any orders after Thursday night 8pm as i need to consolidate the orders, send to my central kitchen & outlet for the following day preparation & collection.

I understand with babies, we mummies may have some last min detour. Therefore i hope mummies can understand that i do not wish to have any dispute or misunderstanding when money is concern. Thank u for your understand & looking forward on to 1st May.
hi amelia,

all i can say is keep trying bah.. as sandy/mrslim say lo it is the bottle prob nt a mater of bm/fm.

for me i let my boy drink from bottle+latch when he gg to be a mth.So luckily he gt no prob on drinkin fm watever method and which ever nipple...

Jiayou ok..i think we gotta be more persistent then they will slowly accept it.
ya ya... u right! so when i reach there.. ur maid must standby liao ah! lol...

btw, no food for her?

Amelia Xu, lonerunner
babies will retaliate initially but eventually they will drink, its just a matter of time. mummies just hv to be patient.

my previous posting on my "fight" w/ my baby regarding bottle feed after total latch. it works. now i bottle feed her once a day & her "complaints" had shorten to 5mins only.

Amelia - u can judge whether ur son is drinking well from his weight & wet diaper. BF him as long as u can. ur husband is wrong about giving baby FM just bcos he reject the bottle. if he reject the bottle, irregardless what fluid u give him, he will still reject. BUT he is absolutely right when comes to discipline ur son on bottle feeding.

U hv to be firm & not soft hearted. ur baby is drinking, not totally rejecting the bottle. All babies learn fast. if u give in, u'll hv a hard time in disciplining him in future.

i m different with Sandy.. shes soft hearted & me hard hearted :p

trial & error... hopes this help too...
May 1 gathering: Bartering/Sale of BB items
Anyone who wants to barter or sell their items can post here or bring to the gathering.

1.) saro
Animal PP pants and socks. My SIL got some from BP excess, i can bring to the gathering.

I got a bottle of Fenugreek too. I dun mind swop for milkbags.. heee

2.) LeMonT
1 tin of unopen NAN Pro 1 900g..

3.) lonerunner
1 tin of unopen FriscoMum FOC

4.) Elicia
balboa sling (geisha trim) used only once..

5) I'Ching
a) 1/2 bottle of GNC's Stinging Nettle (like Fenugreek to increase BM)
b) A box of 50 Medela's Pump and Save Milk bags
c) Medela Contact Nipple Shields (good for mommies who have cracked nipples to use temporarily without having to stop BF)
Hi mummies
How does having blocked milk duct feel like? I have been lucky so far not to experience this. BUt yest, I felt some bruised pain when I press on my breast. Feels like those blue-black bruises. But there's no blue-black.
Milk supply from that breast did not reduce much.
Can anyone advise if I'm having blocked ducts? Tks.
hi breezie, i felt the pain before, i think for me it's cos i press the area too hard and probably injured the internal tissues... and it's super painful for me. I got it twice before.

Mummies, are ur bb starting to pull things? Now my gal likes to pull things and likes to pull her tee up! aiyo...
Yup, i returned to work liao. I took 3 months leave and keep the last 1 (precious) month for end of the year. INtend to go holiday with that.
Oh ya, how's your trip? U went on a holiday right?

I've been pumping at work. There's a nursing room, so i'm lucky to have a proper place to express. I pump twice.. quite pai seh to keep walking away to pump. I bot the pigeon's sterilising tablet to soak my pump stuff.
I have the medela microsteam bag but have yet to use it.

Actually i also have a lot of things to sell or trade leh! But i'm not going for the gathering.
Can i just post up here and then you girls can take your pick? I will go home to raid the stuff.

Did anyone go to the Robinsons' sale yesterday? I went and bot some NUK teats and a NUK bottle warmer. But i realise the warmer is not as good compared to Pigeon's. So i will go and exchange it. Its very plastic-ky and it doesnt have a holder for food like pigeon. Price is $3 more leh.. Didnt buy much things as I was rushing to fetch my hubby.

Wa.. returning to work is really difficult. Firstly, i was sleepy all the time.. cos still gotta wake up in the mid of night to pump. Then the weather recently makes u feel so sleepy cos it rains like nobody business. and i just want to rush home to play with Justin. Haha...
Luckily its a short week..

who else has started working huh?
Amelia / Lonerunner
When I wanted to intro bottle to Raphael when he was 5 weeks old, I was also quite scared that he will reject. So I went to read up on how to intro bottle and gathered that one way is to intro when he isnt that hungry, but still hungry. If he is already very hungry, and u still give him something new, he will be really angry. So for the first time, what I did was to latch him on first, and then after a while, unlatch and give him bottle. He was ok. Maybe you can try this way first? And slowly he will be more receptive to bottle?

Also, do your bb use pacifier? I also think if bb using pacifier, it will be easier for him/her to accept bottle.
Yup, as Sandy say, it is impt that you dont feed bb bottle initially cos he/she can smell you and will want to latch. So my hubby was the first to do it, now my mum also help to bottle feed him. Since he is now quite ok with bottle, I have fed him twice using bottle.

By the way, yesterday I brought Raphael to TMC Parentcraft Centre for the fretful baby training thingy, there was this bb who was there for bottle training. That boy is also born in Feb (but i think the mummy nv join our forum..hehe), and he refuses to drink from bottle, so the mummy brought him there for Mrs Wong to train. So if all else fails, you can call up to make appt and bring him there for training. For the boy yesterday, after one afternoon, he still refuse, so Mrs Wong say he must come back again.
hi everyone,
long time no login liao. busy cos my dad in law fly kite. last min abandon my gal. he said not helping me to take care anymore cos his son and DIL together with 3 months bb coming back to sin, he is going to take care of their baby instead. i am like headless chicken evryday, work come back take care of my kids...irresponsible grand pa.

anyone can tell me how long does it take for bb to recover from flu? my gal caught it from me on mon. i was busy thru out the weekend cos my buddy's hubby passed away suddenly last fri. he was only 36 n she has 2yo boy n 6 weeks old gal. so sad for her. hope she wil be strong...

my gal can sleep thru already. last feed at 10pm and next feed at 6am... not too bad.
Sorry, didnt see you post before going to TMC yest, so didnt ask Mrs Wong about how to let bb sleep when outside. For me, I usually let Raphael sleep in sling outside and he sleeps very well there..

Yest, Raphael was soo guai when he was at TMC. He slept almost the entire 4hrs he was there, woke up once to drink milk and when I arrived at 4pm, he was also drinking milk. So, he didnt show his temper and fretfulness at all!!
But, I did learn quite a lot...so here's sharing with you what I have learnt..

Calming baby
To calm baby down, Mrs Wong put baby face down on her lap and pat his buttocks.
Raphael hates this type of tummy time position but yest, once Mrs Wong puts him this way, he immediately quieten down already. BUT, last nite, when he cried again and I tried this, it didnt work! hmmmm....
He bullies mummy

Sleeping in cot
For Raphael's case, I brought him there cos he needs to be carried to sleep. But yest, when he was sleepy, Mrs Wong massaged his tummy (to help in getting rid of wind), swaddle him, give pacifier, then place him (slightly on the side) in the cot. One hand hold onto pacifier, on hand pat his buttocks, and she also used this beanbag-pillow-look-alike thingy to place on him around the chest area....And voila! He guai guai sleep already!
Last nite, I also try this method of swaddle, give pacifier, pat buttocks and it worked =) Last nite, he fell asleep in like less than 5min! Maybe he was super tired, but I hope he will continue to be able to sleep this way...

The bean-bag-lookalike thingy, can buy there, it is call The Zaky..very costly ah, about $79...
I bought one cos I hope it will help. Been using it, think it gives him more security.

Teat size
I have also learnt that the teat I using is far too small! I was using Avent no. 1 teat, but Mrs Wong yest changed to no. 3 teat when feeding him. When it is too small, he will tend to suck in a lot of air. I will be changing to using Pigeon bottles and just went to buy L size teat, will be trying on him later.

A better bedtime will be around 10+pm. Raphael's bedtime so far is around 8+ or 9+...think I will slowly adjust his bedtime to later.
breezie: I dont think its blocked ducts already la. I got blocked in the breasts before. Very lumpy one. Then gotta press really hard to disperse the lumps.
ginn: I always press my breasts VERY HARD when i pump. If injured, I already numb. hahaha...

koli: you poor thing.. how can he suddenly say dont take care one??

Thats why i really appreciate my mom (although i always nag and scold her) for taking care of Justin for me. Im not THAT worried leaving him in her care. So.. MOther's day must treat her a good meal.

ooh This is the 1st Mother's day for me and some of you right? I hinted to my hubby.. ask him if he's getting me anything. he said ask Justin. Wa lao! Hahaha
I have quite a few BRAND NEW Nuk silicone teats. Size Small and Medium for 0-6 months. They are not in the packaging as i opened them from the milk bottles. Anyone wants? Can trade for other things. 1 pair costs $7plus if buy from shop.
Justin likes latex ones, so i never use the silicone ones for him.
Woah thanks for all the info.
The zaky so cute. it is like a huge hand.
I am still using pigeon teat S lay. tried M before but baby fusses. hmm..

Nope. did not make it out of the country in the end. can't really decide where to go too.
So u supplementing the rest of his feed with FM?

Yar. made police report liao.
Now the ah long very daring one. they scribbled the O $ pay $ on the wall with their contact number. when call them, they challenge u to call the police. wah very cham.

re: bottlefeeding
can try feeding him at the intial stage when he fusses for milk but still half asleep. it seems to work.
But not sure whether this count as training him cos he might not even realise he is feeding from bottle.
I just pump enough daily for his next feed lor.. I dont have that much milk to store and freeze. Its all just nice for his meals. I did buy FM but yet to use it.. so hope he can just drink my expressed milk.
How come didnt go? My boss told me July need to travel for meeting. I told him dont want. ahhaha i say i want to stay with Justin. kanna scolded by him. Hahha.. he say bring justin along. Siao .. who look after hor?

Wow - Mrs Wong says bedtime should be at 10pm? That's too late! Most baby books I've read recommend between 7 to 8pm. My baby goes to bed at 8pm. No wonder I see a lot of Singaporean kids still up at 10 pm!
Hi Mommies

I really miss posting on this thread but seriously soooooo busy nowadays. My head is going to burst.

Anyway, just to rant.

My stupid husband was supposed to take leave today so I can have a day off cos this morning he had a fathers day event at #1's school. Don't ask me why got Fathers Day Celebration, no Mothers Day one when it's Mothers Day coming up soon!
Anyway, not like I care to go hang out at his school.

So I was planning to head out for some shopping in the afternoon when he gets back from this thingy but a couple days ago, last min he bombed on me that he's going back to office.

Ok, i KNOW he has to work but i was so LOOKING FORWARD to the afternoon off. So now I'm stuck at home again.

Pissed off.

I've got the following, pls PM me if interested:
-Ready stocks for lansinoh milk bags (50pcs) / lansinoh nipple cream / avent bottom balm and Desitin creamy 4oz expiry:12/2010 selling 9.60 per tube exc postage

-Baby bjorn original/air carrier/active/synergy from $105 onwards only

-Medela Pis/freestyle BP

-Capella strollers BP
