(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Want to check my BB is on TBF and he only poo poo 3 to 4 days once. On the 3rd and 4th day he will be fussy farts alot and his fart will make him cry. Had tried massage his tummy with ru yi oil, betal leaves, drinks water and grip water also no use.

Beside the fussed and abit crying he is drinking normal ard 110ml every 3hrs.

Any solution?

SY how come yr BB can poo everyday?

I'm fine with mashed potatoes & coleslaw

SY & iceblue
i feel that must at least wait till bb is able to sit w/o support then toilet train.

thanks...i keep cleaning his eyes when i see water and yellow stuff..and keep massaging the nasal passage near his eye as suggested by my PD. your hubby is a PD? he is a doctor right

No ah..there was twice when she poo poo after 4 days leh...was so worried..I heard bb can dun poo poo for 5-7 days leh...but nowadays poo poo one MASSIVE per day...

he's a doc but not PD
my baby poo on alt days mostly, she wil kp cry as in on off.can b 1s cry next s ok smile.. so it makes us knw she;s in pain for stomach discomfort. wen she is lik tt, we wil massage her stomach, put oil n make tt shitting sound for her kp make. then within the day he wil shit liao, smtims hold her leg up

yes, my girl also poos few times a day.

my girl also drinking less. there's always leftover. now she likes to raise up & look at her arm.
super sian..2+ wks n back to wrk!
mummies who wen back wrk recently..do u find vry lost? haha wil fel vry dwn anot.. miss baby badly also?
I'll go with the majority on the sides n drinks. Easier to buy n coordinate, although I would prefer mineral water than packet drink. Healthier lah :p

my bb poo almost daily. She's on BM in the day, n FM at nite. Feeding timings same as SY's bb. if bb not poo-ing, maybe can try massage tummy to poo easier?

think I dare not take off her mittens! She is now using them as handerchief if my tissue paper is not fast enough to wipe milk away from her mouth. haahhahaaa ...
Gathering: Fine with the sides and drinks. Thanks for the consolidation and getting the drinks.

Poo: bb poo daily, in fact 2-3 times a day. On BM and occassionally FM when he is with my in-laws.

Sleep thru: still try and error for his sleeping pattern. can usually z 5 hrs at night. so we trying to see if we can feed him at around 1am so that next feed is around 6am to adjust to the schedule when i am back to work. just started trying today, dont know how it will turn out.

Mitten: bb enjoying without the mitten sucking his fist / thumb, but recently still havent find time to cut his nails again, so put on mitten for him.

Milk regurgitation: recently bb regurgitate, it does not look milky, instead more transparent. is this normal?

Back to work: Think of this already v sian, thinking of extending the leave by using my own leave.
Iceblue, abit sian to start work and still feeling quite blur as trying to catch up on outstanding issues. I dun really miss baby that much yet...haha...maybe becos she is my 2nd baby. However, I remembered that I missed my 1st baby a lot when I ended my maternity leave. After work, I will rush home every day to see my baby...
Hi all

ok with sides and drinks, agree its easier to coord..

talk abt going back to work, i am also starting to dread this thot... think its gonna be tough to be away from baby after spending so much time with him. to my own surprise, i'm also tempted to consider the option to stay at home w baby. Shocked at my own reaction, cos before this, i am quite a workaholic...enjoy challenges at work etc. But having seen so many of "baby's first", i am kinda reluctant to miss out on it! somehow feel "shortchanging" for both myself and baby to leave him with another caregiver. sigh.. what a dilemna.
Hi all and LemonT

Yup, i guess its easier to standardise the sides
im fine too .

Blocked tear ducts

My baby at birth also has a lot of "eye shit" (thick type like heaty ) on the right eye then PD gave an eye drop and the problem was solved.

Then now the other eye keep tearing so when i brought baby for 6in1 jab at GP, he said baby eye ducts are not fully developed yet so not to worry and suggested i massage baby between eye and nose area 2 times a day, soft circular motion.

Will be starting to try on that. Will update if it helps on baby.
Baby poo
My baby poos every day though there will be a timing where he poos a lot, usually in the morning before his bath. Baby is on TBF
Hey mummies,

I need to ask abt Heating up of EBM. Does heating up the milk too long changes the BM quality?

My MIL keep saying need to heat up the milk hot hot bec milk from freezed later Baby stomach got wind if milk is not hot enough.

I want to check how you mummies heat up yr EBM? Is it from frigde warm up to room temp or warm till hot and let it cool b4 giving to BB?

I am confused will the heat effect the milk quality?

ya, heating too long will destroy the proteins and other nutrients in the BM. my gynae (mother of 2) told me she thawed her frozen milk by running the bottle/packet of milk under the tap water. she says its already ready to drink after thawing. but if u waant a little warm, just put the milk in a pot of hot water to warm up a bit..if not will kill all the nutrients. come to think of it, the milk straight from our breasts is also around 36 deg plus (body temp) so the heated frozen milk dont need to be too warm.
my bb is on formula... last wk he has cant poo for 4 days and become very cranky. On the 4th day he finally poo.. after that, he poo like every 3-4days...
i tried givin him the baby Heinz apple & prune juice (diluted), also din poo...

My fren suggest i can give v diluted normal prune juice.... still contemplating.
Please refer to this link for the menu: http://www.westernchow.com/html/main/westernchowmenu.html

My choice.. of cos WESTERN CHOW! :p

**Sides for maincourse**



1) Chicken Chop with mushroom sauce
- Priviledge
- I Ching
- Grace Chua
- Qingsiew
- Lonerunner
- Mudpie
- x1a0q1an (MrsLim)x 2
- Whitegalz
- Snow_bb

2) Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce
- Spicegal
- Sandy
- SY
- Yaer
- DK mama
- Saro
- Ag Gal
- bb_yang

3) Dory Fish in Breadcrumb (Fish and Chips)
- fatjo
- LeMonT

4) Hainanese Curry Chicken Cutlet
- babyox

Gathering (Attendance as of 14th Apr 2009)

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john (western chow)
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael (western chow)
3.Saro queenie - prince joel (Western Chow)
4.Snow_bb - prince josen (western chow)
5.whitegalz - princess kylene (western chow)
6.babyox - princess alicia (western chow)
7.lonerunner - princess Chi Mun (western chow)
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince (western chow)
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn (western chow)
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) -princess sarah (western chow)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel (western chow)
14. LeMonT - princess breana (western chow)
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel (western chow)
16. GraceChua - prince han (western chow)
17. Qingsiew (kris)-princess shyann (western chow)
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe (western chow)
20. mama2209
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig (western chow)
22. Yaer - princess hayden (western chow)
23. Ag_gal - Prince Jovan (Western Chow)
24. liting - Prince ChengJun
25. Piglet - Princess Kejanko
26. eeyore_poh - Princess Esther
27. DK mama - (western chow)


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching
WOW! Seems like our thread's mummies are ALL not fussies yah!!! whahahaha :p

Ok, so we set at Whipped Potatoes topped w/ brown sauces & Coleslaw.

Another thing, i will request the chicken to be cut into 4pcs, easier to eat as it will be difficult to use folk & knife on takeaway... n not forgetting our babies in arms :p... how abt that mummies??

i would also like to add on, all food are always taste better serving hot on plate, for TA, it will be slightly on the minus side due to heat loss during delivery (sorry i dun have the pizzahut's hot mobile insulate bag for delivery :p) & also presentation wise


1) Chicken Chop with mushroom sauce
- Priviledged (WP/CS)
- I Ching (WP/CS)
- Grace Chua (WP/CS)
- Qingsiew (WP/CS)
- Lonerunner (WP/CS)
- Mudpie (WP/CS)
- x1a0q1an (MrsLim)x 2
- Whitegalz

2) Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce
- Spicegal (WP/CS)
- Sandy (WP/CS)
- SY (WP/CS)
- Yaer
- DK mama (WP/CS)
- Saro (WP/CS)
- Ag Gal
- bb_yang

3) Dory Fish in Breadcrumb (Fish and Chips)
- fatjo
- LeMonT (WP/CS)

4) Hainanese Curry Chicken Cutlet
- babyox

lonerunner... dun worry abt mineral water, fatjo sure hv boiled water :p. anyway its ok to induge for once... just once to make yourself happy

ok, gals! we shall hv COKE & BEER for the gathering to get HIGH & HAPPY!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA... no lah, just joking!! i m just daydreaming... hehe..
Hi iceblue,

ya at 6wks old of age,the mittens can be taken off and also the fingernails have to be trimmed so that they would nt scratch their face.

Hi catmomo,

yup agreed with sandy on the mittens thingy that prob u might wanna use yr hand to hold yr baby if he get startled.no choice la they have to get slowly used to it without the mittens.
Hi all,

Oh ya on the poo stuff,my boy mostly poo at 2days interval with massive poo output man..even the best mamy poko also cannot contain..in fact i guess none of the diapers could contain this kind of super shit since they are gluey type and really really alot..omg..

have several experience whereby the poo kena the leg plus his clothing since he is sitting on it.Buey tahan man..

Then these two day his feeding abit crazy.Say for eg his last feed is 11pm which i prob gave ard 180ml of bm then he doze off but then get cranky ard 1plus close to 2am demanding for milk... i mean wa liao wait stomach pain lo drink sooooooooo much...abit worried..but still no choice then i latch him on,once he gets satisfied already then he will doze off to lala land.
He will then wakes up prob 10plus in the morning.That is abt 8hrs diff...wa he store so much to tahan so long man....omg
Prob this might be growth spurt...faintz**
i did read somewhere e supply will adjust accordingly i.e. more during day and less during nite if baby sleeps thru - baby will still have enuff... but can't help but be a little worried tat it'll affect supply...

my gal oso had blocked tear duct @ birth... juz wipe her eye regularly wif cotton wool dipped in cooled or slightly warm boiled water...

my gal poos everyday... sometimes a lot once in e morn, sometimes a little each time a few times thruout e day... but pd says it's normal for some babies to poo once every few days...
Updates on Baby Breana at 3months old (12weeks)!!

Weight & Length
Breana is 6.2kg at 62cm now... chubby but not overly. She has double chin & some folds on her thighs.. for gals, ok lah..

Latching On
recently i get tired easily, probably due to housework & also reno... so i latch Breana on more often nowadays, cos no need to wash & sterilise bottles & i also i can sleep w her... wat a lazy mum yah :p.. but actually i was inspired by Saro queenie... during our last JP gathering for westie mummies, i really admire her for she can just latch little Joel anywhere w a nursing cover over. & me, w a big diaper bag & a fridge-to-go, look so clumpsy.. haha.. BF supposed to be handsfree but i look like a mummy running away w baby :p

Sleeping Pattern
Since last week, i realised a change of pattern or was it growth spurt.. normally, Breana sleep right after her milk during day but now she will drink, play 1hr & sleep.. it has become so routine. & i HAVE to wake her up for milk, if not, she can sleep for >8hrs especially at night!!! maybe i sleep too much w her till i become lazy.. haha

BM Consumption
Breana is drinking lesser at times nowadays too...used to drink 150ml every 3hrly but now she's drinking 110-130ml every 3hr &amp; if 4hr interval, it will be 150ml. so now, if she didnt cry for milk &amp; continue sleeping, i will just give her the bottle by 4hr. but if she cry milk <4hr, 1hr later, i'll just latch her till she reject.

Poo Poo
Breana is also on TBF.. BUT she poo once every 2 days!!! &amp; she really give me alot of SHIT to clear.. whahaha...

think my baby uses the least disposable diapers here.... 5 diapers a day.. change at every 4hrs. if i m not lazy, i will use Bumwear for her.. more cooling.. but poos on Bumwear, gives me more work :p

Baby talk, Limbs &amp; Hands movements
Breana talks alot since 8weeks &amp; even more now especially when we are talking, she just love to add on. i realised that when babies start making sound, the best way to encourage them is to talk w them, respond to whatever they are coo-ing. Babies just simply love "talking" w us &amp; looking at our faces. next time when ur baby coo at u, u just respond back like having a conversation w them. in no time, u'll be surprised how talkative they can be &amp; they can get louder when excited

Breana likes to raise up her head when i carry her upright &amp; raise both her legs &amp; kick in the air non-stop when lying down. she's also curious abt her hands &amp; fingers, always lifting her right fist up &amp; stare at it. staring at anything that is visible to her especially light, we've watched the "Baby can Read" 4times already &amp; she getting more attentive now, mayb due to the flashing light &amp; sound.

here's a pic of cheeky Breana at 12 weeks...
regarding heating of BM, i agreed w Sandy. the easiest way is to put the milk bottle in a container (555 metal cup w handle), pour hot water. milk will be lukewarm &amp; ready to feed in 5 mins time. gurantee warm &amp; so far, baby has no reaction from the way BM was heated. unlike the AVENT warmer, u still have to take out the milk to test if is cold or too hot, waste water &amp; electricity.. now its been cast one side.

Heinz apple &amp; prune juice can only be introduced to baby when they are 4months..

u must take out the mittens when baby is 6weeks cos thats when they can manipulate their fingers. if u are afraid of her scratching her face, put it on when she sleeps.

to add on... the poo not only gluey... but oily too! haha...
Hi LemonT,

Congrats on Brena 3mths old le hehe i guess we will all be looking forward to our baby grows month by month.. Wa now Brena 3mths at 6.2 kg ,Bryston already weigh 6.4 kg at 2mths old...omg... wonder how heavy will he be by 3mths old.. but he is only 60cm..

Umm on the poo whether is it oily i dunno wor but sometime i can c the fats from the milk in the poo haha... u knw fm the ebm when u mix the fat which is ard the container... i was like eek..haha

Bryston so cute! boys sure drink more &amp; weigh heavier than girls.. wahhh.. really hor.. all babies so cute leh...

i know its oily cos everytime she poo, i bring her to wash... &amp; she enjoys the cool tap water on her butt! haha :p

same here...poooo is oily because when i wash Naomi's butt with cold tap water, can feel the oily-ness...keke..she also likes the coldness on her butt :p
Hi LemonT and Sandy,
Haha i nvr go and take note if it is oil i jus use tap water and soap to wash off his dirty butt haha too gross liao.. :p

By the way i bought Johnson baby milk bath to let him use it seems tat it is not suitable for him becos his body will have red spots.So i bought Simple baby all in one wash,i did not realise they have such products till i came across it at CK.So it is working well so far.As for the Johnson now i use it to wash his hair only haha..at least one part of the body have smell.. :p

But his cheek are a little rough with some dry spots prob due to milk but no choice i would use cotton wool to wipe his cheek after feed..sometime apply desitin also.

do y'all have tis prob?

previously i was using lactacyd baby bath but i find it too dry for the skin. my girl also had mild dermatitis at the eyebrow so my PD ask me to buy AVEENO baby bath with natural oatmeal..smells good and its for head to toe..very good indeed and her dermatitis is gone..she has a little rough patch on her cheeks. i also clean her face with the aveeno bath (diluted) and wash off during bath time. now no more rough patch.
hmm my gal stil having tt fuss. of nd few min to settle her dwn wen drink milk..she til making a mess, shaking off n letting cm out frm her mouth..
any advise frm mummies..wat this prob could be?its been abt 2 wks alrdy

Beer is not a bad idea coz apparently it helps mommies to make more milk!

I think my boy is the smallest boy (in fact, smallest baby coz he's smaller than even some of the girls here!)! When we went out, people have asked me on a few occasions if he's a month old yet when he's already 9 weeks old!!! Sigh...

My boy has that problem, too, especially his feed before bedtime in the evening. For him, I think it's because he's so tired at the end of the day and sleepy - babies fuss and cry when exhausted.
Hi Sandy,

Umm i nvr use any soap on his face so i only clean his face with water and apply desitin.So those rough patch are call dematitis??Will it go off by itself if left alone?? What i tot is it is caused by milk when it drip on his face and etc.
hee mudpie..abit of miss baby only u mean?

spicegal: who tak care ur 2 kids?haha me nw cant imagine having 2nd baby

lili: u giv ur gal 180 ml?
iching: me until nw stil cant guess y she lik tt. i try to giv milk early 15min.cos tot she fuss bcos too hungry.but giv early also lik tt
Hi iceblue,

Mine is boy wor..ya i give him 180ml for his last nite feed,whether anot he can finish it is ok.Daytime he drink abt 160ml.Like alot right but that's is his demand rate wor but then if i give him formula on some night he just need 120ml (which is 4scoop of powder for Enfalac A+)
HI Ramy,

Blocked tear duct
- my boy also had it >1 week ago. PD also said the same thing: just use normal saline drops to flush out the dirt, then massage the space between eye and nose bridge to clear the blockage. his eye is fine now. but he has boogle in his nose almost every other day (think his nostrils are very big.. haha)

Poo vs Milk supply
- i only latch my boy on once a day cos of low supply and he has nipple confusion, but try to pump more times. PD says milk supply is more at night, and i found that to be true. the milk is also thicker so mummies who are worried abt milk supply, do keep latching on baby or pumping esply at night. with the expressed milk, he takes one feed of BM a day. all other feeds are FM. and he poos 1-2 times a day, at specific time, ie. he always wakes up at 6.30am or 7am to poo, and if there is a second poo that day, it will be in the late afternoon.

Yaer, catmomo
- where can i buy those floats? how much does it cost? my boy loves to kick so i think he will make a great swimmer!

- your baby's face could be a little more sensitive, like my son's. he had a bout of mild eczema on the face sometime back so the PD encouraged us to keep applying Physiogel. it really helps - his face is soft now but when he is hot or cries very long, it becomes red and flushed again. or when we dont wipe the milk off his chin, the rashes will appear again. so we keep applying physiogel (available at guardian pharmacy) everyday. i heard this sensitivity of skin should stabilise after a few months or a couple of years.

Here is my boy, Caleb.. ;)
iceblue, u mean ur bb fuss during drinking milk? U may wanna burp her in between, she may be feeling terrible cos gulp in too much air.
I've already changed the teat size since bb was one month old cos she was drinking too slow.

My gal tears a lot too, is that block tear duct?
ginn: ya the vry start (b4 she drink) she start fuss alred. my gal is the impatient, cheong type so i tt time try giv no.2 avent teat few dys then stop agn

hmm tearing quite chim huh.. crying shld be normal/ hw u al knw whether its block tear duct?
