(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

haha oh then vry funny lor. if sm of u remb , i last time was asking abt baby sleep say baby dun sleep engh.. nw she seems normal.. but n wen drink milk lik sure fall asleep(prob teat small she tired).. then haha end up nw wen brg her out in shoppin centre she sleep vry long. vry often sleep n sleep even wen its feeding time. end up we kp see her wait for her. cos go outside we try to plan the timin she want drink milk then we lik go tak sm snack sit inside standby...but she DUN WANT WAKE UP! so funny lor. its lik sleep also cant, no sleep also cant keke

anyone sign up for vacinnation program in Polyclinic? I heard we can use BB bonus to pay for it.
I went pass a GP near my house, and i also saw the label for BB bonus. I think i can use BB bonus to pay for the vacinnation there.
i noe, but that's last resort to help my boy poo. When he dun poo, he gets really cranky.

My boy has been crying quite alot. And need to be constantly carried. Sometimes really dunno why.. very tired. Worried how my mum is going to handle alone when i go back work next month

I have been complaining alot abt my boy until i think I m not a good mother...
some kind of depression here from staying at home too long, i guess.
Hi Catmomo,

My boy on TBF last poo on Sat late afternoon. Today is the 4th day Haiz we had tried all means also no poo.

Today went to see Dr, bec he got slight running nose also asked Dr he say can try dilute prune juice.

I just tried see if it takes effect.
Poo: my gal poos 2-3 times a day, she's on total BM. Maybe it's the food we take too?

Catmomo, my bb is taking vaccines at polyclinic, yes can use baby bonus. U can refer to www.babybonus.gov.sg for the approved clinics under this program.
You can get Aveeno over there huh? Haven't seen it here in SG. I used to swear by it when living in the US. I use lactacyd for my bb too. Quite OK for him. I use aqueous cream for his face. But I have used a very mild steroid cream once or twice when I couldn't stand the rash anymore ;).

Aiyoh mummies, your bbs so big. Mine only 5.2 kg at 10 weeks old now.
I'm also thinking of be a stay at home mum after maternity leave ends ... but tot that it is not fair for our company who waited 4mths for us to go back only to resign. maybe I'll work for a couple of months then throw letter .. if my CFO (hubby) approves :p

haahhahaa ... dun scare me! BEER??!! we shld have Martell instead! HAHAAHAHHAA!!

me still at teat #1 leh. maybe I shld try teat #2 tmw and see how bb reacts.

just do ur best. no one can be a perfect mother. as long as we'd give our best, we shld be proud of our achievements.

my bb also small size leh. 4.7kg at slightly over 7 weeks. still thinking of ways to get her put on more weight. toooooooo THIN!
oily meaning our BM r full of nutrients & fats yah!!!! wahahahaha

desitin is for nappy rash leh.. scare too strong on face. normally i just leave it alone..

but i find baby Craig hv this very mature look... when my mum look at our group pic, she spot ur baby 1st & told me he is so "ang moh"! i said, yes, he is little Craig Thomas... haha

i m slowly changing to AVENT #3 for my gal... but its kinda difficult. i realised that for #1 & #2, the teats r soft silicone & easier to adapt. the only diff is 1 & 2 holes. but for #3, the silicone is hard & she is so uncomfit sucking it. poor Breana was crying so badly that i quickly switched back to #2 :p

ur Caleb is soooooooo cute!!! he got such high forehead, must be a very smart boy

Yeah - apparently his daddy's genes were more dominant than mine! And, yes, he has a mature face but body small lah...
catmomo, forgot to add, i wonder if these floats can be found at shops, ie robinsons, taka, baby kingdom etc?

LemonT, thanks! i cant stop admiring him every day too.. will certainly miss him sooo much when i go back to work next month. he coos a lot and is very active.. next time will be very talkative.

ya, we have Aveeno here..let me know if you want any Aveeno products..i can buy and bring back for you


agree with LemonT that Craig looks like a mature little adult

graciegal, your boy is handsome
hhmm not too sure abt that. But i think it's still cheaper to get from BP.
I only saw it at the baby spa - Plaza Sing and i think they have a branch at punggol plaza too.
Hi graciegal,

Aiyo caleb handsome wor...hehe cute cute also look like who?? :p Bryston look more like his Daddy which i have always hope hor haha since daddy more "pretty" mah...Oh ya as catmomo mention i saw the float which they are ad in the BP.With the tub i think is 80bucks.

Hi LemonT,

Ya i knw desitin for nappy rash but then seems like apply on his face like not much prob wor and it somehow does help on the rough patches..

On the Avent number 3 teat,did you get the one with variable flow?? at least would not waste money mah.If u get the normal no3 then maybe it will be too fast for Breana if she could nt adjust to it.

Hi Sandy,

I dunno if mine is due to milk anot becos sometime the milk flow to the side then aft wipin with hankerchief a little bit red. now i try to wipe with water using cotton wool hope it does help.I also try not to kiss him on his cheek cos i guess out mouth are dirty/oily which might have sort of contribute to his cheek like that... then i have the excuse to kiss his mouth mua haha....How much is the Aveeno selling there??

Hi Iceblue,

Ya is bm la hehe...althou now actually the enfaclac milk container did suggest that at his age he can drink 180ml of fm....now no i am still sticking on to 120ml of fm when required.

He today arh just drink at 7.30pm with ard 140ml of bm then just at ard 10pm he fussing for milk again so i latch him on so that he can sleep properly...i guess due to growth spurt that is why he drink more..but this only happen only at night.I dunno just now that latch on could last him how long..

Then yr girl is drinkin fm no 1 teat?? wa very very slow leh i mean she will take very long to finish the milk becos the flow is slow.Maybe when u use no 2 teat u shld adjust the angle u feed her?? al feeding method are trial and error method bah..
catmomo: u can go GP-healthway for vaccine, can use the CDA acct too.

lonerunner: hee ok i tot me the only one stil no.1. jus nw i try no.2 for her.. seems ok ..dunno leh..gna try agn n observe

lili: ya lor.cos of my gal's gan cheong char dun dare try. jus nw giv her..seems quite ok , got fall asleep awhle but got drink n tak a shorter time to finish drink. this aftn she ko .then whole proces abt 25 mins.. jus nw half asleep , but wif no.2 teat finish in 15mins
I feel tat we shld not be stressed by what other bb are doing. we can take the feedbacks as reference but keep in mind that every bb is different. we just have to tailor and adjust to their needs accordingly by observing and carrying out trial and error. as long as our bb are putting on weight and appears lively, we are on the rite track
ya lor. jus tt i see tt no. 2 is for baby 1 mth above then i c my baby recently kp sleepy fast n tak long to drink so jus wonderg is it mus progress to next step liao
gathering, i go for Hainanese Curry Chicken Cutlet.

for drink, i think can get those polar white chrysanthemum or green tea.. not so sweet.

anyone of u with baby teething at this time? when my boy yawned yesterday, i saw two small white colour thing at his gum.. really wondering is it his teeth... abit too early for teething isnt it?
anyway going to ask PD tml..

my son now poo once in every 2 to 3 days also.. those sticky type and massive as well. Once he gets his "motor" started for pooing, i will position him in such a way the poo wont fill up his whole diaper, but just the area below his renal.

sleeping through
really hope my son can sleep through too. But i guess abit tough.. now i am almost tbf cos he rejected bottle so badly til last feed also replaced by latching on.

if i buy the aveeno bath 350ml (12oz) from the mall, it costs $27 but if buy from BP seller, its $17. can last quite long...ive used it for 1 month on daily basis, only used 1/3 of it.
Another thing, i will request the chicken to be cut into 4pcs, easier to eat as it will be difficult to use folk & knife on takeaway... n not forgetting our babies in arms :p... how abt that mummies??

i would also like to add on, all food are always taste better serving hot on plate, for TA, it will be slightly on the minus side due to heat loss during delivery (sorry i dun have the pizzahut's hot mobile insulate bag for delivery :p) & also presentation wise :)


1) Chicken Chop with mushroom sauce
- Priviledged (WP/CS)
- I Ching (WP/CS)
- Grace Chua (WP/CS)
- Qingsiew (WP/CS)
- Lonerunner (WP/CS)
- Mudpie (WP/CS)
- x1a0q1an (MrsLim)x 2
- Whitegalz
- mama2209

2) Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce
- Spicegal (WP/CS)
- Sandy (WP/CS)
- SY (WP/CS)
- Yaer
- DK mama (WP/CS)
- Saro (WP/CS)
- Ag Gal
- bb_yang

3) Dory Fish in Breadcrumb (Fish and Chips)
- fatjo
- LeMonT (WP/CS)

4) Hainanese Curry Chicken Cutlet
- babyox
- Joannelim

Gathering (Attendance as of 14th Apr 2009)

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john (western chow)
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael (western chow)
3.Saro queenie - prince joel (Western Chow)
4.Snow_bb - prince josen (western chow)
5.whitegalz - princess kylene (western chow)
6.babyox - princess alicia (western chow)
7.lonerunner - princess Chi Mun (western chow)
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince (western chow)
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn (western chow)
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) -princess sarah (western chow)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel (western chow)
14. LeMonT - princess breana (western chow)
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel (western chow)
16. GraceChua - prince han (western chow)
17. Qingsiew (kris)-princess shyann (western chow)
18. JoanneLim - prince joel (western chow)
19. mudpie - princess chloe (western chow)
20. mama2209 - (western chow)
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig (western chow)
22. Yaer - princess hayden (western chow)
23. Ag_gal - Prince Jovan (Western Chow)
24. liting - Prince ChengJun
25. Piglet - Princess Kejanko
26. eeyore_poh - Princess Esther
27. DK mama - (western chow)


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching
joannelim, had u try to give your son different bottles.. as our last outin@JP i notice u using avent... why not try out NUK premium or tompee timpee one.. i latch my bb for his first month and when we tried to introduce him with bottles for his 2nd month he refused.. even by force he only drink abit and cry alot.. i trial and error buy different type of bottles and teats.. then finally found the one he like.. so far i think NUK premium with latex teat is gd.. by my bb seem to prefer tompee timpee one..

cutting the chicken into smaller piece is a idea.. easier to eat.. hee... lemonT, my concern is are u able to take all the food alone or u ask your someone help u carry? as u had to carry your gal gal too..

oh for drink.. do u think we should get ice? haha.. cos can drink not cold not nice leh.. or so u think we can buy the day b4 can put in jo fridge? by the way, jo stay at which part of sengkang.. maybe i can help out too.. as getting drink for >20 pax is very heavy leh...
hi everyone
so happy to see all the updates from all feb mummies. most of u are coping well.
eversince i started working, i am practically busy everyday till quite late. by the time i finish my day at work, i am busy with my kids when i got back.
my gal is also very chubby, she still drinking 120ml, she can sleep more than 6 hours in the night. tues night she slept straight 1030pm to 730am the next morning.
she dun fuss but only when she is hungry. the funny thing is, when my dad in law carries her she will cry but not when my mum or me carrying her.
Hi koli,
It's not easy working and looking after the kids hor? But you seem to be doing really well! How come you went back to work so soon?

My bb is not thin thin, but not chubby and fat either. But I'm not worried cos all my kids were like that, and they were healthy and hardly get sick
. My older son was always in the 75% percentile for weight, but never looked fat at all. Think he's tall. However, having said that, I think most people prefer chubby babies - look more like babies lah. My babies look like little people! Anyway, looking forward to meeting you all.

Need help carrying the stuff? I'll be driving with only 1 child in the car.... let me know K?
Oh yes, a milestone for my bb. Today I got him to poo into the toilet bowl. Hehehehe. I don't expect a repeat of this every time I try, but I'll be putting him on the toilet bowl whenever I can and when I think he's got something to poo.
Hello mummies!
Long time no post.

Re: teats
My baby is still using No. 1 teat lay. He is 12 weeks liao.
Actually when he is aroound 7/8 weeks, noticed that he flatten his no.1 teat when drinking cos suck too hard so i tot it is time to progress to No. 2. But when using No. 2 teat, his aggressive sucking choke himself and he fusses badly so what i did was i use needle to enlarge the hole of the No. 1 teat, making it bigger but smaller than no. 2 teat. i test it by running the teat under water...

Re: Feeding quantity
Baby only drinking about 100 FM/BM approximately 3 hrly. A bit little hor for a 12 weeker....But doc mentioned that he is too FAT, so i guess he inherited my gene of Low metablism rate..hah

Re: Sleeping through night?
Sleeping pattern is more or less fixed.
He sleeps for about 4/5hr from around 9/10 ish and wakes up around 2/3 am for milk. That is the longest duration liao.
After that he sure will wake up after 2 hrs later at 4/5am and 6/7am for subsequent feeds.
I sure hope that he can sleep though soon.

Re: Poopoo
Actually i suspect he is having diahorrea or some stomachahe.
Previously i alternate 2BM , 1 FM etc....he seems to be constipated. So i also give gripe water in morning and warm water after FM.
Then i alternate 1BM, 1FM etc...and guess what?? he poo poo like 4 times lay.
Now i am trying 1BM, 2 FM.
I know diahoerra is very dangerous, cos baby will be dehydrated. So now have to watch and observe.

Re: Breast Milk
I will be stopping soon. I guess i will offically stop when my fenugreek and fish oil are finished..cos don want to waste.

Re: teething
I also notice a whitish spot on his gum....but everyone says it is too early to teeth.

(esp LemonT etc and mummies who gave birth earlier)
Do u realised tht soon we will be preparing solids for the baby liao....woah quite fast right??!!
oh and all mummies, just a reminder to submit ur income tax....cos deadline fo online is 18 April.

I keep forgetting also cos now like so detached from the world...
u want to be a stay at home mum??
Was it u who mentioned that u are quite outdoorsy and cannot imagine not working??
woah a total change of mind set.

Re: Not working?
Actually i don like what i am doing now but i think it is impt for women to be financially independent so no choice have to work.
It is so difficult to find a job that u will love so cherish if u currently love ur job.
But anyway, my company is in the retrenchemnt mode, who knows what will happen to me when i return. if they can survive w/o me for 3.5 months that means i am redundant. hmm...

Actually i would like to have my own business cos more flexible but lack experience and guidance....any experienced mummies interested??
Any mummies have good idea and sheer will and determination kind then maybe we can joint venture...haha.
No worries, i am a responsive and hardworking person....(haha ...hardselling myself)

Re: Excited over baby?
Actually, i feel bad lay cos i am not as excited about my own baby as compared to my niece ( the first baby in my household).
like mummyo (if i rem correctly), i also prefer when they are older and more interactive and responsive.
But i think my baby is getting there liao....cos finally hear him coo and "talk" (actually more like complain) yesterday for the longest time.
actually he complains more and dun smile or laugh much.
i always wonder is it because i was not a very happy mummy when he is in my tummy?? cos i rem i did cry a fair bit back then. hmm
Hi Mummies

Long time no post cos NO TIME. Argh! Judgling 3 is no joke!

You my hero! So early toilet train. My oldest one is STILL on diapers at night and he's almost 4! Anyway, toilet training is the last thing on my list now... maybe the next half of the year when I can park the infant in a bouncer or bumbo then I can run everyone to the toilet when they want to poop etc.

I'm trying to cherish my baby's every day now tho I must say... his cuteness is wearing out... hehehe. More complaints these days and cannot hold his head up yet, wants to be carried ALL the time. Somehow the yaolan doesn't do it for him anymore.

I'm just so bloody exhausted. I've a migraine headache every night, not getting enough sleep...

Just waiting for the night I can sleep through the night
mummyo, olively,
Yup, big toilet. Hold him over, sit there for about 15 mins saying"ng ng" over and over again. No poop, too bad. Got poop, lots of praise and encouragement. Anyway, I missed a poop just cos I was too lazy to bring him. Hehehehe. Takes some commitment. All my kids were poo trained this way. My 2 YO boy is still in diapers for pee. He just doesn't want to tell me. Poo is OK though, he will loudly declare "I wanna pang-sai!!!" Even in church, causing everyone to break into laughter.
Poor you, migraine? How much sleep do you have?

My day is not going too well. Kids messing up the house, not following the schedule. Baby has CRADLE CAP!!!!! Just saw the flakes on his scalp. He has a LOT of hair. Hard to see. Any other babies here with cradle cap? What to do?
Re: Cradle cap
Apply olive oil on alternate days (cos think it is too "liang" for daily application on head)and comb it off with baby comb.
This is taught by the massage lady

Start a joint venture? I've a great business idea but no capital to invest... maybe we can talk...
It's got to do with kids and babies - so in S'pore, it'll definitely do well!

U have 3 kiddo right? u have help?
actually i think u are very good lay, cos even with 3 kiddo u are still quite active in the forum etc.....peifu peifu...
i'ching and olively
business venture. share it, if workable count me in... dun mind taking out some money to invest into business... previously, hubby asked me to start a tuition centre but its not feasible so dun want to try

got to work so soon cos i dun want to keep taking money from hubby. with my mum's help, i am able to work. my baby gal is very kwai so far, drink and zzz well. dun fuss unless hungry. she poos once every 2 days so quite happy with her.
my boy is quite independent, except being lazy to complete hw given in school, he is quite on his own at home, doodle on paper, watching h1 5 and napping by himself. he helps in running small errands like getting hanky for mei mei, look after mei mei when we go toilet, sing and dnace for mei mei... he kisses her so often that she is getting so used to him. she will blink so hard when kor kor kisses her cos saliva all over her face. ha ha
olively, i'ching, koli,

please share your ideas with me. it has always been my wish to do some online business venture, and even more so if it has to do with mummies/babies/accessories etc. i am quite clueless about being an entrepreneur, but i am reading up more nowadays and im hardworking and responsible too (haha..) and i dun mind putting some money in as well!

can email [email protected]
or MSN me: [email protected] (dun ask me why my MSN email is like that, it has been there since >10 years ago) keke.. | Nick: 葛蕊熹
(other mummies on MSN can add me too!)

then we can discuss! ;)
Your boy sounds SOOOO cute! My boy is brash and chor-lor with the di-di. I daren't let them come to close to each other.

Yup, I'm alone with 3 kids
. I have a weekly PT helper. Come in here for a break. Right now, naughty baby (fussy today) is asleep, children getting ready to watch Hi-5, my pasta sauce for lunch is done, and when kids watch Hi-5 I'll just go and boil the spaghetti for lunch.
Dinner veges are washed and cut already. My MIL gave us some stir-fried pork strips so I'll use them for dinner tonight. She knows I'm busy so she sometimes gives us food to take home when we go over there. (Prob afraid her darling son and precious grandchildren will starve. Hahaha!)

Re : Cradle Cap
Can I use extra virgin olive oil - the cooking kind - for the cradle cap? Was thinking of doing that. Must wash off right? Otherwise will clog pores. Will try that before bath tomorrow.
yeah yeah, joint venture i am interested too.

hb was mentioning to start some business, but with both of us only and we are not ready to give up our job yet, difficult.
Hey mummies,

i was chattin with gracie gal just now and she mention on the New Mom exhibition which starts form the 30th Apr to 3rd May.So i was wondering if u guys are interested to go together.

I would suggest that we could go on the 30th Apr noon time so that there are not much crowd i hope,then we could all gather together also ya..And guess what the Metro Expo sales start on the same day...haha..

So anyone up for it??
Hi iceblue,

gd to hear that teat 2 is doin well...ya lor the time taken to drink from teat 1 and teat 2 alot alot of diff lo....teat 1 flow is very slow.. haha.. i let Bryston use teat 2 aft he turn 1mth old and i was like wa liao drink so much faster lo else arh my hand tired leh...

Oh ya yester nite after the latch on at ard 10pm yester he demand feed at ard 11.30pm like that.so i latch him on again then he woke up next at 3am then sleep till 9.30am today.So i prepare bath for him then let him drink at 10am... umm he night time like super hungry haha
Hi Priviledged,

i dunno abt extra virgin oil for cookin those type can use anot.but u could get those Ginvera brand olive oil to apply,my fren use that.

I salute mummies with 2kids or more de cos really very tiring arh...especially when need to work somemore.. omg..So i think SAHM is lucky when they have two kids or more cos at least eh can sme how handle alitte ba...however subject to the kiddos la..hehe
Hi Sandy,

Wa 17bucks fm BP is definitely more cheaper wor...i will search ard if have any BP for it now anot..dun mind buyin one bottle to try la.. at the moment i am tryin out just to wipe with water and hope it will be better.

Hi LemonT,

Is breana rough patch gone off with continous wiping with water after feed??
whao shopping n doing biZ!

joannelim: hw u position ur boy? my gal alwys mass up wen massive poo, smtims leak out to the gathers of the diaper.cos she moves alot, n her pte parts evrythg also kena

koli: ur boy hw old liao?

lili: haha me too , hand suan so hp she drink faster. i hav tendon inflammation prob(Wrist) now on off i can fel the pain wen i bend my wrist to scoop my gal's head up. i try to carry her less.dun1 a relapse soon

but any jus nw e giv me pattern again 12 pm start drink, as usual a big mess, tissue wet, hanker wet, then she drink 40ml super slow(was sleepy wen she was cryin for milk earlier on , mrn first feed she only drink 70 then sleep), then sleep.. simply cant wake er so let her sleep within mins cry loudly liao..finally at 1 pm then finish the milk

Variable flow is for thicker liquids w/ slot cut. i used the #3 w/ 3 holes for BM. theres a difference in the hardness of teats at different stages, if u r using AVENT, u'll be able to feel it. however, i understand y the #3 teat hv to be harder than #1 & #2. reason, it will not be torn easily cos as babies move on towards 3months onwards, they tend to suck & bite harder. i had tried it myself & i can feel its really hard.

teething is still too early for baby at this stage. just recently. i've heard about this from someone. they called "False teeth" & mummy have to use finger to massage the gum to prevent the growth of such tooth/ teeth... well, i dunno how true.. let us know what ur PD has to say about this.

which BP u got for ur Aveeno?

mrslim, Priviledged
no worries... my colleauges at Western Chow will help me to load into the car. when i reach fatjo's place, then i will call for mummies' help

ur baby gal recognise grandma's smell... or grandpa may be hugging her too tight that she can feel the heat. takes time, most impt, talk to her more often before carrying her if she reject the anxious grandpa

wow!! really LTNS yah!!! glad to know u are coping well w ur boy

like what lonerunner mentioned.. all babies progress at their own pace. just remember to change the teats after 3months..

if your boy has accustom to his sleeping pattern irregardless how long he sleep but the routine is there already, do not worry, cos once he gets active, he will get tired easily too.

Its really difficult for working mummies to BF... but u have done well, at least 3months!

Yah! i think the next topic will be on puree for our 4months old baby!! me KS, already start to gather receipes & once i move into my own house, i will be on full force w all my equipment!.. & i wun forget to share! haha

U shld be excited abt ur own baby my dear! dun dwell on the past... whats impt is present & future.. try reading anything to ur baby & u'll be surprised how responseive he is! if he keep coo-ing, talking & no respond from u or anyone else, he will stop cos it wasnt interesting. BUT... if u interest him w a conversation, just like u & me... he'll be so happy & interested in talking.. haha.. & i can guarantee u wanting to talk to him all the time!

I'Ching, olively
babies & women's biz! GOT some ideas too .. haha

Oh.. just reached the bottom of the threads... i think all mummies already wanna be SAHM yah!

Hi LemonT,

Ya i knw that is for thicker liquid but becos i c can control the flow so i gt that but have not "kai cai" yet haha...
