(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

jolene: pump 3 times per day majiam used alot of working time leh...i pump twice already feel so paiseh especially sometimes colleagues need to use the room and i got to beg them to let me use for 10mins 1st...anyway, i pump once at 6am when i woke up..
i am using the pumpin pal, but i realize that it is not suitable to use with PIS, works very well with mini electric lor. when use PIS, leaks...maybe becos the funnel for PIS is soft fit??

My baby just flips from her back to her front at 4 months 1 day old.
Sorry to interupt. I'm from Feb09 mummies. I would like to make an order for this bb carrier. Selling at a much lower price of only $16. Need to pre order and item will only arrive in 5-7 days. I ve a MOQ of abt 10pcs to closed this spree. Anyone keen, can PM me. Item not including postage. Got 4 colours to choose.Tks

pinkie, u can collect from me during working hr. I can meet u outside my workplace or after work muz b at 5.30pm cus need to rush home to pick Damien from childcare. SMS me the day b4 u wa to collect so that I can bring to work.
am so glad that today it rains!

this morning my gal woke me up just to ask me to bring her to her potty. she poo-ed once she sit on the potty. that was the time when i hope she will just poo-ed into the diaper arrgghh...

i think i have caught her poo symptom. she will look into my eyes and "talk" to me in her baby language.
sperzz: i'll be gg to toa payoh tmr leh.. mayhbe i can drop by novena to pick up from u? else, we meet at robinsons on wed lah. btw, which robsinson u gg? ctrpoint or rc?

sigh.. so fast we are all gg back to work one by one liao. i still have one more week to go. gonna be bored with u all at work. guess gatherings have to be adjourned till weekends or ph lor

pat / ni: i dread the feeling of gg back to work. don't know why i feel jittery whenever i think of work leh. maybe cos don't know wat to expect lor. so many changes there.. and i have been on leave since early dec last year. so 5 months no work leh.. really dreadz...
think lesser posts here during weekends.

janjan16:me also dread going back work,one more week of leave left.dun worry la..at least we are all going through together.. anything can still come here and share and rant.. =)

Pinkie:u also at shenton way?can meet up for lunch when we are more settled.think got quite a few mummies in the area.
Hi Jolene & Gwen can't beat my girl, she didn't poo poo for 9 days. The 1st time she didn't poo for 5 days. I brought her to the PD and she was given the bullet thingy and luckily her poo poo is soft so not constipation. According to my PD, for breastfed babies if they sleeps and drinks well and not constipated, it is ok that they don't poo poo for even 2 weeks. It's because BM is easily digestable and absorb by the body.

sus, I thought the storage for BM in the freezer can keep for 6 months? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I am a Jan Mum, and always follow the post but have not posted much as the thread runs too fast.
Just want to chekc with fellow mummies who pump at work, how much are your pumping a day now/ per pump?

And how do we know when to increase the milk intake? My baby takes 150ml for 6 times a day, but i always wonder whether he wants more, since he will suck at his fngers half and hour before feed but he generally does not cry for feeds, so i also dunno..

How to guage leh?

sperzz....sorry din manage to reply ur sms cos was super busy running errands in the evening....will text u a day in advance to collect....so im collecting for sus & gwen too...

sus...sorry for not replying too...noted...will collect for u....

gwen...noted...will collect for u too...
morning ladies, going back to work in few hours time. ML has ended back to reality.... Left bb to sleep in maid room (in his playpen), hb asked if i will cry, cos all these months he been sleeping with me. and yes true enuff i did... think i will also sob after dropping him at mil place later....
mgteo: 9 says! but since ur doc said its ok den shld be fine but seems like diff doc has diff views on bb pooing mayb my doc is more conservative who advise to use the bullet after 5 days. haha...

piyo: thanks! let me know when you got them.

ni: dun b sad k at least kyan will be in good hands(MIL). think every mommy here has a turn to tear on the 1st few days, so just let it out and everythings gona be fine. no worries. : ) hope you have a good start at work.
piyo: thanks!

Now that my no pay leave is rejected, really hope to get resignation sorted out so I dont have to return to work in 2 weeks.. sigh! Understand how u gers feel.. take care ni/daymoon/janjan!
morning ladies,

long time no post cos going thru a crisis at home lately. see all of u ladies gone back to work one by one. me going back on the 15th May. think i'm the last to go back to work? gonna feel bored with no more gatherings...
samval: wat happened? no wonder so long never see u...
very long no see precious bb and gelato too...

ni: dont be sad...u will be fine after a few days...then u will look forward to after work, faster rush home to see baby...
erm...another start of no life...routine
morning mummies....
guessed today there's a few more going back ofc...time really flies....juz mths ago we're juz waiting for each of us to pop n now it's going back work....this marks the end of our ML....

finally i've brought my pump to ofc today....heehee think for the seek of my boy, i'll try to pump in the toilet....

sus: ur leave rejected? then how? going back work?

ni: dun feel sad, u'll b so happy when u're back home today to see him smiling at u.....
when u free i meet u for lunch 'ai mai' then collect the DVD from u oso...how many disks har? i give u back....

mercs: u still pumping in ofc? how many times u pump?
suika: finally bought the pump to office ah??
me pump twice in the office lor...one at 11.30am another at 4.30pm...
6am i pump at home...then go home around 10pm i pump last round of the day
hi ni: dun be sad, patpat.. tho i myself also dread going back.. My ML officially ended liao.. super sian!

bbtw, can u pass the dvd to suika? thks!

suika: can u collect the copy of dvd from ni for me? will get from u someday thks!
mercs: how come u so late then rch home? i'm planning what time to pump....mi 6.30am pump once n when rch home abt 7pm will pump another time...i thinking to pump abt 10.30am - 11am then another round maybe ard 3pm ba....hopefully can get 100ml each pump then everyday can bring back 200ml...that's the ideal for me

ni: u've got enuff disk? if not u copy for me then i duplicate for blessedmum
samval: wat happen? hope u r ok!

suika: now I also dunno how.. waiting for my boss to reply to what happens.. yeah time flies!
suika: no la...i reached home around 7.10pm...i pump 4 times a day nia...coz me now oversupply liao ma, so dont have to rush home and pump...
sus: when u going over US? remember to keep in touch!

blessedmum: dun mention...

mercs: ic ic....my supply oni enuff for his daily feeds....hopefully my hardwork in the ofc can store some
suika: i no time to burn... maybe we meet next week, after i burn the disc ok???

Blessedmum: i will burn for u and pass to suika k?

haiz, my maid just sms me, saying bb only drank 30ml of milk during the morning feed, and dun wan to sleep in MIL place...dun noe whether is it he recognised the environment, not used to MIL place....
ni, Delia initally also like this in my MIL hse. No slp much but now ok liao. But got her a sarong there too and now she addicted to it liao. Did u put a sarong there?
pinkie:i am at aia tower so quite near to yours. =)

ni:dun be so sad kae,i think its just a matter of getting used too,cos we spent all our time during the first 4 months with bb so definitely with a change of routine,it will take time to get used to.Cheer up kae, it will be my turn soon! haiz!
morning ladies..

am back at work le.. now pumping in the nursing area.. but no door de... luckily i brought my nursing shawl along..
veil: i only increase the milk intake if bb cries for more milk.. my girl only drinks ard 150 ml for 5times a day... mine might nt be a gd gauge cos i latch on too.. guess u hv to take the cue from ur bb, he'll giv u signals when he needs more milk...

samval: long time no see u online le..
Tomorrow bring jovan for 5in1 2dots..hope he is fine.my mum this morning just let him drink abit of Pao seng..to prevent him for fever.
chere: u went back so early?? u took all of the ML?? i'm still trying to get back the momentum.. no mood to work..

mercs: tat time we were talking abt the bb einstein dvds, u still want to borrow??
suika: no leh, he got go MIL place one.. but never stay there for long la. but good thing is... he just finished his 100ml of milk... at least got drink lar.. now can an xin to concentrate on work le...

sperzz: i nv put sarong there leh... put a fisherprice chair only...

chere/sel: i also just pumped at 12. hope to maintain 2 pumps per day at work. 12noon and 530pm. But supply seems to drop. 200ml in 6hrs. so low. normally can get at least 240ml leh.. maybe is due to stress at work.. i pump in the pantry (lock the door!) haha
sel, i was in fact away from work for more than 16 weeks. I gave birth early, in late nov. Very tiring to juggle work and baby...
Almost all mummies working... Who is sahm??

Ur maid can SMS u to update u kyan.. So u no need to worry so much.. Afterall still have ur inlaw.. Dun worry..

Hope u r okie. Take care..

U pumping at 12 ? Not having lunch?
yipee! got my milk bag. Still can't believe that I've spent so much on the expensive Pigeon milk bags!

Fluffy, thanks for the lobang! how's the facial working?

Cosy, thanks a million for collecting and walking all the way to my place!
Enjoy the last week of your ML!

Me going back to work on 12th may.
fluffy, i go after i pumped. I lunched at 1pm. If i go at 12, then i pumped after lunch.

ni, babies can adapt very well. Just need to give him a few more days. New routine and new environment, especially now they are more aware of the surroundings and faces. My mil also complains that my boy fusses alot on Mondays.
yi chin: pigeon bags got its good points also..coz the other part of the milk bags got a part to tear and pour out the milk, then mess free...blue eggs one, sometimes will pour out...but then it is cheap la
blessedmum, thot you on leave till june?

ni, dun be sad, you'll get over it... now i just call home during lunch pumping session... i think jia he can recognise my voice! cos my mum put me on speaker phone and he was cooing away when he heard my voice. hehe... i think calling helps increase the milk pumped! hehe...

oh yes! me just got my playmat. jia he was excited when he first sat on the mat! kicking his legs excitedly! keke...
