(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cjteng : BTW, i dunno how to play mj...hehe...

suika : chinatown oso hv huh? okie, shall go look see look see... is there any particular shop that u patronise?

De_luxe....I have stopped working 2 months before I got pregnant. I have always been quite weak, so, my hubby thought it is better for me to rest at home and take care of pregnancy. I won't have any baby benefit or maternity leave... Too bad. That's the price to pay for not working.
Fiona : i think maybe bcos it's our 3rd pregnancy liao, so tummy show faster... the skin & womb stretched b4 liao mah... if u can, try to breastfeed as long as possible, it helped me to get back to shape previously, hopefully this time too. =)
gelato (gelato)you should send... wow lau.. no education leh them.. I also meet a aunty like that leh.. when i about to go and sit.. then she just come in from other station wor.... and saw the sit..and slowly walk to the sit leh.. then like giving a type of face show.. I m elderly.. when she sit.. like she deserve it want.. but sad is.. cos my tummy still very small lor..
so let her sit.. but i was very angry at that time..
suika:maybe mine is 2nd pregnancy so can feel baby movement now... also dont know lei...my gynae did mention that can start to feel baby movement starting from 4-5 months onwards....

cjteng: ya.. we meeting during DS
based on my LMP, EDD should be 22 Jan, but after 2-3 visit to gynae, he said EDD should be 18 Jan.... then last week visit him & the scan showed 23 Jan...so now also blur which weeks I am...
gelato: haha.. if pump out also can ar? cuz i scare baby dun wan to latch on or anything.. pump out also can slim down rite? cuz i am thinking of letting my baby to drink breast milk until 1 yrs plus.. can feed until 2 yrs is better la.. can save alot of money on milk powder..
fiona: no worries...coz u mummy of 2 liao so tummy already stretched liao so will b bigger now as compared to mine coz mine is 1st child...u've slimmed dwn twice so this time oso no problem 1....runs in the genes 1....that's y i very scared coz my mum's BUTTS very big type...n my hip-bone like her very big that's y now i see my legs so big i more worry

gelato: chinatown station there oni....got a few stores selling those type at oni $5....mi no particular shop coz some designs i no like den juz walk on till i see something i like
cjteng: ya... i'm 18weeks now & my EDD is 21 jan 09...so u 17weeks, should be 1 weeks earlier EDD which is about there lor...
mercsboy (mercsboy) haha, me also leh.. wei why not arrnage MJ SESSION la.. then u all can pass shampoo.. hahaha

suika (suika) nvm.. if see her again.. then sit la.. actually of cos will feel pai say.. but u got to know la.. Only now we can enjoy this
pirorty.. next time no more wor... heheh

gelato (gelato) ohh. if not can joi you. hahacos been very sian and hand itchy liao.. hehe
cjteng : i didn't take the photo, so cannot send... =( Ya lor, some pple like that 1, if elderly pple, i still give way to them, but some young pple oso like that... sigh...
gelato: market shops have one... but ugly la...but who cares...at night sleep, no one see ma..

mercsboy: dun worry, i 18weeks also feel nothing..only once in a purple moon can feel little butterflies flying around nia...
suika: think better to cut your salt intake as it is also cause of having migraine....

sperzz: the wholesale shop selling baby clothes is located at 2nd storey along the coffee shop... once u cross the bridge, u will see a coffee shop on yr right.... walk toward it & along the stretch, u will see medical hall shop..walk toward the end & u will see a stair case leading u to the 2nd storey...
suika : thanks, can go there recce when i free..

Fiona : pump oso can, but i feel latch on produce more milk leh... my #1 i only let baby latch on for 1 mth, after that pump & feed thru milk bottle... that time hv to supplement with formula.

For #2, i let baby latch on whenever possible, & i cld produce milk enough for both kids, & build up stock in the freezer.
ZiLL : ya lor, i'll go market & recce liao... anw, hubby has been seeing yellow faced woman for years already... so ugly oso nvm... =)
Jesline (jesline81) is like that la..date move here and there.. make us so blur..we already so forgetful leh.. still want to make us blur..haha

ZiLL (zill) No, i now in my 19wk!

gelato (gelato) ya.. shame of them lor..
Jesline: butter is high in salt? i oni take alot of butter coz at nite cannot slp den toast bread with butter

fiona: yeah...slim dwn together

gelato & Ashley: so confirm? u two oni getting shampoo? wana get for bath oso? we must hv min $150 in order to get free delivery
cjteng: u too far away leh...me stayed sembawang ma...so must find nearby kakis leh...wait play till too late leh.

Jesline81, miaiko, sel, fiona can i have your email address? will email u once orders confirmed and advice on payment...
suika : yes, i confirm. I dun mind getting both the shampoo & body wash... I'll go website look see look see, if hv more things, i let u know again.. =)
gelato: ok.. i will try to latch her on.. cuz my breast very painful when latching on.. only awhile later den ok.. hope that this baby i can sucess with the breastfeeding..
mercsboy.. okok.. haha.. maybe next time ba.. after labour.. hb can send me ma.. hehe

Hi MTBS.. I m waiting for the bb and mother magz to out leh.. until now still have not issue yet.. been looking around this few day..anyonw know when it will be out?
Pinkie Pirate : Good morning!

Fiona : Jia You! try to get as much help as possible fm the lactation consultant, b4 u leave the hospital. After that, if u hv prob, can raise here...i think there's a few mums who hv breastfed b4. We can help & encourage 1 another. =)
mercsboy: my email add [email protected]

cjteng: even thou this is my 2nd pregnancy, me still very kan cheong abt it lor especially baby's growth... when i am having my gal last time, the EDD on the scan r quite consistent throughout.... was so upset when the scan last week incidated the EDD to be much further away from what the gynae mentioned b4... & even compare the length based on the ave fetal lenth website ....am i thinking too much???
suika (suika) no. cos I have some bad exper using incorrect shampoo so now I have recover..so dare not try other now..
thanx for the offer.

ZiLL (zill) is ok..

anyway time fly fast leh.. so fast some of us gg to be 5 month of out bb and 4 more month to go.. All MTBS Jia you!!
Jesline: I also 2x mummy but I still get worried on every little thing and still feel like 1x preg. I think its very olright to have worries for our previous BB
Big feet
If just the feet are bigger and not the leg swollen then it could be because the ligaments are loosening, which is normal at this stage of pregnancy.

Tummy bulge
Oh boy, my tummy is almost the same size as my boobs now. Once the tummy overtake the boobs, which should be very soon, then I think I cannot hide liao. So far I wear my usual clothes but usually put on a jacket so can still hide the tummy and also I think ppl are distracted by the boobs so don't really notice the tummy... Hahaha!
Anyway I have been putting on weight a bit too quickly the past two weeks and I realised its due to the drinks that I take sometimes... coke or chrysanthemum or soya bean or whatever...especially canned drinks... Lots of sugar! So will try to cut down and drink more plain water instead.
Jesline (jesline81) ya. anyway u already have exp before.. now this is your 2nd bb.. u should not think too much either ma.. haha as for me.. this is my first time mtb.. but i just dun want too make myself gam cheong .. cos I m those gam cheong type pp.. scare bb next time like me.. not so good leh..relax ok..
your e-mail izzit link to your msn? I just add you..
sperzz: ya lor.....think it's very important to monitor our baby's movement... to see gynae if notice a drop in movements....
hi gals, yah i also find that difference between last week and this week very big... haha... still hardly seen last week, this week bump is quite big liao... maybe baby heard me... haha...

i was so glad that i managed to get 2 blouses at my neighbourhood shop on mon. $10 each! gonna get more tonight if i can leave on time... hehe...

annoucement today at 1 pm hor? looking forward...
dazed: what announcement? wong kan seng's issit?

pinkie: haha i laugh while reading your post! tummy overtake the boobs...haha!
Last night got up to pee and then when I got back to bed I had hard time falling asleep - tossing and turning. At one point I was sleeping on my tummy, which was actually quite comfortable - and then I felt a few light knocks from inside... Wonder if my bb is telling me, "hello? I'm getting squashed here, mummy!" Haha, I quickly turned on my side.
My bb so far quite "nua" haha, so I guess it must have been quite an experience, bb strongly object!
today the thread very active hor.. haha. i only away from the thread for one hour, so many postings liao.. cool. hahha.

but sianz, kena aim by boss. me is in sales line. keep pressuring me abt my sales figures. haiz. i am enduring for the sake of the 16weeks ML. if nt i sure throw in resignation ah!!!

the announcement is at 1pm? how do we know first hand news?? or muz wait till tonite news ah???

mercsboy, i also haven feel any movements.. how how?? 19th week already. have been coaxing baby to kick mummy, but i think my tum tum is too comfy for him, alwaes sleeping keke
my VP till yest still think that I had put on weight and ask me to go jogging, I juz laught and later he talk abt the 4ML then said we ladies go ahead n preg then I told him I am already preg then he realised, he also also told me he is ready for the 4th BB.....but today I told him I might not entitled to the 4ML, he console no worries sure can get it....
ur VP is so gd, sperzz.

my boss attitude change upon hearing me is preggy. now hearing the 4 mths ML, i think my posisiton is very much shaken liao
OMG, my colleague juz told me her son got HFM. I had attended his birthday last week with my son....Hope dun get the virus.....
sperzz: your VP is very nice of him. maybe cos he also planning for #4. i think usually bosses who are fathers/mothers themselves understand better. happy for u
Ashley & gelato: i think i'll get both too so now we wait for piyo n babystarlet's reply

cjteng: wrong shampoo? hmm...no pro... i'm ok with all shampoos i guessed coz i always change once it finished so my hair can adapt to most of thte shampoos

sperzz: i think i'm already experiencing the change now....can notice tummy abit even if i'm wear loose loose babydoll tops.....my face is showing signs too....it's written "pregnant lady here" hahaha.....my colleagues today all says i've got the look liao...can no longer hide tummy now

sperzz: my tummy already very obvious....i wearing maternity clothes liao...

dazed: today the wat wong kan seng will say when start huh??
