(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

precious, cater the BBQ items will b easier for u. Troublesome to prepare and the price also quite reasonable. I always like thier chicken wings.

Damien's birthday will b on 20/03. Actually his EDD is very gd, 4/4/04 but too bad cant wait till edd. I booken Aloha Loyang chalet

yooozzz ladies,long time no come in.jus finished settln the venue for my gal's bd party,now finding catering and ordering balloons.

jan > feel like going but a bit far,no transport a bit difficult.me on half day on 24th,wanna go together?heee

mercs > wat does the ruler symbolised?

me enrol my gal into little neuro tree,starting class in Jan 2010.anyone wanna be classmates?heee
dink/chere: which slots u all choosing? lets all be classmates! heee. But try to avoid sun morning, cos the stupid hb always have soccer on sun morning.

precious: wan be mygym classmates????
precious: eee.. so bad.. all the temptations are coming back.. i'm determined to stay home leh.. haha... ur half day is afternoon half of i supose? i abit lazy cos kallang like so far now that i have moved to west :D everytime i see sale in the east i heave a sigh of relieve. haha
janjan, I think you got the wrong person, me not planning to take leave for sales! Hee

Bbstarlet, have you trial for the class at LNT? How is their class timing like?

Ni, attended mygym trial and didn't sign up, cus hubby prefer jumpergym, we're most probably gonna sign up jumpergym
for another term. They are opening a new
branch at kembangan. let's be classmate when we sign up for GUG next time? It'll be so fun to meet every week! Ha..
Precious: GUG at kembangan? or u mean jumpergym at kembangan? hahaha. no yuan to be classmates. ashley (cherryale's) is attending GUG. can be classmates with her
i am so blur, not sure whether I have paid for the balloon decor and cant find the telephone number for kidzpartystore. Anyone has the number? Actually i forgot about it until hb asked me this morning.

I only know all the other items are COD and toy rental i have already paid 50%. I think i am getting old.

Sperzz, I like chalet!! It will be so fun for Damien. After Damien's birthday, u got to think of new project already...hehe, maybe #3..haha
Chere: am ok with the sun 4.15 slot. U? Ni?

Precious: kebangan GUG? Dun mind signing up after my gym. As long as in the east.

Mercs: ruler means teacher? Cos last time teacher always use ruler to hit my hand!
I got Trish number already. Luckily she called.

Sperzz, what do u use to hang the banner from jojo? And hang onto what? Cos I think my function room dun have anything for me to hang.

janjan, dun go sure won't buy, then can save money
But of cos the usual saying is "buy more, save more" haha
dink: ok for sun 4.15pm. I have called and reserved a slot for the class. The rest of the slots will need to be placed on waiting lists. zZzz
opps, Did i cause some confusion? Jumpergym will have new branch at kembangan next year. They have promo, if sign up by end of the year, have 5% discount. Heez.

Ni, have chance to be classmate next time! Too bad my
hubby didn't really like mygym, else I don't mind signing up too

15 mins to knock off!!
dink: great! hope the boys will have fun there.

precious: jumpergym at kembangan? cool, very near my place. Can check it out later.
Precious bb > nope,they dun have trial leh.but i heard their classes quite ok,so i try 1 term of 3 months 1st.they have quite a
number of timing,got morning and afternoon,off hand i remember their afternoon classes are 2-3,3.30-4.30,5-6,6.30-7.30pm.
hey everyone...tis has been a rough week for Z & me....he started having fever when im still overseas..got mi so worried...PD confirm it's viral infection oso known as false measles...so he has a few episodes of fever followed by dry cough and massive breakout of rashes...

dazed...hw's JH...
Your cake looks so nice. Me too will order from PG but have yet to come up with design.

Can i have the contact for the BBQ caterers, have also book aloha loyang.
Piyo: is viral infection = false measles? Aedan also got viral infection though fever subsided. No spots so far. Tough week for me too! Sleepless nights, attending to the grouchy bb. Plus we are traveling on Xmas eve... Keeping my fingers crossed.

Jolene: do a google on 'city satay'.
piyo: hows Z now? hope he will recover soon.

my bb also having flu and cough these few days. couldnt sleep well at nite due to nose blocked, so heart pain. appetite also not so good. hope will get well before xmas.

dazed: hows JH? speedy recovery for him too! were u looking for dim sum buffet? can try jade restaurant at fulleton or noble house at UIC building.
dink...apparently the PD said so but I could recall the virus name. luckily for Z, not very high fever...was worried like mad when my mum called mi...feel so helpless then. and yes he's super cranky amid sleep...realli burnt out cos im caring for him in the night for mum to rest and I'm still tired out from my trip....
gwen...thanks..he's much beta now though still experiencing the rash outbreak but milder now even though was expecting massive breakout...Z oso not feeding well...milk feed oreadi bad coupled wif tis episode...even worst!
piyo: oh dear, lets hope our little ones will get soon for the upcoming festive celebrations. hang on there!

dazed: we r holding bb's bday party on 17 jan. hows ur prep? tink im left with the catering. hopefully did not miss out anything.
piyo, zethan also huh, same lor false measles... his rash subside liao. was told by my sil that usually is about 5 days to a week from fever to rash subside. jh also reduced his milk intake from 200 to 150, but still quite ok. oh, he went off solids too, only until after rash better then he wanted PLAIN soft porridge... rejected all the fish and stuff, make the puke face...

dink, not all viral = false measles... i think is certain strain of virus only bah... but quite common.

gwen, triston also sick ah... hmm sooo many babies sick.

hope all the bb get well soon! birthdays coming!

gwen, i'm done with booking of room and banner only. cake selected but yet to order cos yesterday my hb say his friend rec a baker... food not yet decided. but invitations sent to my relatives to book them liao. should be quite ok cos small celebration so nothing fancy.
Good Morning, ladies.

seems like it's very common to hv false measles b4 1 yo. My gal 1st fell sick @ 7mo & she had false measles soon aft her fever subsided. i rem my fren's kid too... so far I've not heard of anyone getting it aft 1yo. anyway, mummies & babies, do take care!
i m going for a Christmas gathering tonight... so fast another year gone liao... dunno why, this year dun hv Christmas mood...
Hi ladies good morning.

Dink, thanks for the info, will try that.

Gelato, yup it's very common to have false measles. This happens to both my gals and it's around the same time around 8 months old.

Hope all babies will recover before their birthday. I am also hoping my Ashlyn will not catch any virus from her cousins loh. She has been sick when i was away for vacation, has since recover.
hi sperzz, thanks for sharing ur cakes info ;)

hi dazed, ur cakes looks nice... loves all the beautiful cakes, too confused liao, cant decide
gelato, yah, I was looking forward to christmas this year since finally I am not pregnant during year end..but dun know why can't seem to feel the christmas mood. Sian, today no one in office, everyone is on leave.
Aedan confirm kena false measles. He now look at a red spotted leopard. At least no more fever & he slept well last night. Think he caught it frm his cousins.

Happy birthday Kyler!
Thanks jolene, swan & ni...
dunno why today i feel so emotional...my little baby is 1 yr old liao..
last year at this time, i am in the hospital waiting...
Happy Birthday to Kyler.

gelato & Joelene : mine 2 boys oso had false measles around 7-8 mths, seem common.

Hope all bbs get well soon, birthday & holiday on the way!!!
if i rem correctly, Kyler, Delia, Jewel, Jon borned ard this time last year? Happy Birthday to all! time flies!

mercsboy : & i still rem u were suppose to go Isetan with ni! haha...

i rem when my gal was 1yo, it was the SARS period.. that time she couldn't talk yet... so she wld bring her shoes out to ask us to wear for her.. indicating that she wants to go out... hehe....

dink : i think once the rashes come out, means recovering already. =)

cherryale : ya.. dunno why hor? no one in office can eat 'snake'? hehe..
Good Morning!!

mercs: Happy Birthday, Kyler!!

cherryale: same, I was looking forward this year christmas, last year I was on confinement food, not celebration at all...keke
thanks laugh, willting, chere for the wishes...

gelato: ya...i was just telling ni the other day...supppose to go isetan with her end up i went TMC instead
