(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

my first 2 pregnancies i also feel nausea when brushing teeth. and i can only use a certain toothpaste. if use another toothpaste (which i normally use before perg) i will vomit. my gum also bleeding and swollen. think its quite common to feel nausea when brushing teeth.

ya hope can see the heartbeat today.
don't worry, it will be ok.

bluberi: when mine was close to 7th week, already can hear the heartbeat...so most prob u can hear yours too...And come'n relax ok, dont pantang too much, it will make yrself more stressed.
samval: maybe u can paste those salonpas plaster? cooling cooling can relieve abit of pain. dont take medication la...
bluberi, i also feel nausea when i brush teeth... vomit like juz water out. sucky feeling.. =(

today is my end of 6th week. i went for appt last week, can see flicking, which doc say is heartbeat, so i believe u can see the heartbeat too=)
hi NI, wow you can see baby heartbeaet last week, meaning only 5 weeks? That's very good. last week i went down but cannot see. Just can see a small tiny dot and doc said its the sac. Hopefully this Sat can see. I will be 6 weeks by then.
sometimes i also will want to vomit especially when i trying to force something into my mouth. think bb dont like it...

giddy and headaches also leh....but i try to tolerate...now my mood swings badly also...sian
can see BB heartbeat meh? i tot can hear only...coz gynae was pointing out the sac, cannot see other things yet...but the heartbeat is very fast lo...miracle...so small only...
hi ladies.. thanks for all the info! really hope to see bb's heartbeat tis evening.

mi nw using darlie toothpaste... haven even finish brushing already abit nausea, halfway rinsing mouth bcom super nausea. wan to vomit but nothing come out, ended up whole face red n teary eyes.

last fri i took my weight, still the same despite all the snacking. tink later also ask dr. adrain to take my weight. i'm sure shd haf increase in weight lor.
Hi ppl,
I am hopefully joining you gals to become a first time MTB in Jan 2009. Went to see a GP who is apparently a gynae as well for supposedly stomach upset problems as i was vomiting all the time. Was shocked when he said i was preg. Only married in July last year! Haha. Well, That was a week or so ago. Just made an appt to see Dr KT Tan at KKH on the coming Mon. Hopefully i will know more. EDD is 10-Jan-09.
hi metta, congrats...u married in july...ok wat, coming to one year already. me married in november last year only...even faster right? bo bian, age catching up already...
hi metta koj, welcome & congrats!

bluberi, you cute lah. you remind me of my previous preg. cannot use colgate, can only use darlie. sounds so stupid hor?

don worri too much abt the weight. doc said that its normal to lose 3kgs + in the first 3 months. wun affect baby and weight will pile up again during 4th month.

mersboy: i think the baby heartbeat looks like some kind of flickering thing. can hear heartbeat even better, cos sometimes too small to see. how did the doc hear? use what? my doc never do it leh. how come ah? is it too early?
samval: i can see a sac then gt one white thing flickering like tat. doctor said nw what we saw is the sac. then he on the machine speaker, then i can hear the heartbeat...very loud and fast...i think the gynae think still early to hear so nvr on for you.

relax ok, depends on individual body, maybe yours hiding, shy ma....later part sure can see /hear
Samval, thanks & take care.
I ever experience 1 time diabetes reading when having my 1st boy. But just one time throughout the whole pregnancy & reading wasn't very high. This time so high a bit apprehensive. Hope it's temporary only.
mtb having diabetes will be quite difficult isnt it? is that the reason tats why must do urine test every time u see gynae
samval, bluberi, got back pains? i heard if sleep with a pillow betw your legs might be more comfortable, maybe can try
ya mercsboy you're right, must monitor blood sugar during preg. But i suspect maybe my health getting better leh, according to a chinese medicine book, & i don't hv symptoms of typical diabetic (like losing weight & muscle). anyhow can only wait & see til next visit
mersboy: ok thanks. maybe next time will ask the gynae to on the machine . this gynae, everything must tell her one. better i be my own gynae. haha (faint).

kelly: did doc gave you any insulins to control the diabetes? don't worry so much ok.
samval: maybe she thinks its too early to hear the heartbeat. my gynae he himself said can hear the heartbeat, so he let me listen lo...actually the short scan hor...nvr sign package is $40 already leh...and imagine before 16th week, every mth/bi-monthly must scan one time...expensive...
kellie: no wonder when i saw the program, almost every check have to do urine test...then must make sure every time half full bladder when doctor appt lo...or else how to test...i hate testing urine at public toilet...
haha, bluberi, samval, ni, mercsboy, me too nauseous when brush teeth sometimes. i heard nausea is a normal reaction of our body to protect ourselves, coz during preg immune system weak, so body make sure we don't feed it undesirable stuff.

But i don't understand leh. i'm definitely not going to eat my toothpaste or toothbrush, why this reaction? usually quite mild only, one time quite serious but only spit out saliva, so i told my baby, hey i'm not going to eat this toothbrush so no need to react so violently lah.
congrats metta!

samval, nw i wondering if i shd change the toothpaste to other brand. else dunno will feel nausea until when. hope u r feeling better nw.

kellie, yup.. tink coz of the sleeping position. i saw at kiddy palace they haf a type of pillow for preggie use. is use for laying on the side, the pillow is at tummy area. aiyo, hard to describe.
kellie...haha...i dont have the nausea problem "YET"....anything i feel like eating all turns out fine...and absorbed. but my friend was telling me, now what i am eating will go to my own body, not baby one...tats why i am growing fatter!

only when i am forcing myself to finish things i dont think its nice...then i will feel like vomitting...tats why sometimes i will ask my hubby stupid question like "if i vomit here (hawker centre table) what will happen?"....
bluberi: is it just one day sleep odd position. next time when tummy bigger, cannot imagine how difficult for u....one and only position nia...
samval, my doc very relax one. she say some mother who had miscarriage will want to take hormone. but i don't want also can.

blood sugar high can control diet, alternatively don't control also can, then see at next visit. Some people will drink sugar water to test but if i nauseous no need to test also can.

very funny hor? and i already eating folic acid bought from outside pharmacy. so the 1st visit i collected no medicine at all. but total bill still came up to 139+.
mercsboy, i nt sure leh, but i saw fm the pic the preggie women tummy seems like in 2nd trimester one. maybe later i check it out again at kiddy palace when i go to see dr. adrian.
It's a common symmptom to feel nauseous when brushing...me too had it till past 1st trimester...I'll try my best nt to have the paste in contact wif the tongue n I'll feel better...it's all cos of our tastebuds I think...
hee hee sorry mercsboy, must hv put your name in wrongly for the nausea part, so many posts i see stars liao.

aiyo don't finish if you don't want lah, now is not time to save food. i use to be very guai, always must finish my food, but now preg will ask hubby or son to finish up what i don't want haha. one way to avoid nausea is not to eat things your body doesn't want. if you don't listen to your body it will send you a stronger message liao
ya elch, my tongue & teeth at the back of the mouth most sensitive. if i brush too hard will trigger, even without toothpaste.

ok ladies, i go to pack luggage liao, leaving early tomorrow morning.

hope all of us have a smooth pregnancy, best wishes to all of u!
hello mtbs... having nausea off and on... feeling sick. hungry but dare not eat... how to get over this yucky feeling?
mersboy: agree if don sign package, the scan is costly. mine cost $58 wor.

kellie: take care during your trip. i also buy folic acid from outside pharmacy and bill came out to $236++ for first visit.

elchwong, ok will try not to let the paste contact the tongue

bluberi: you can try other brand that suits you. cos that's what i did. change and change then found when i use darlie i don't feel nauseous.

trima: i think the nausea, yucky feeling we can't do much at this stage. can try eating some dried biscuits first and take a piece of ginger and smash it, put in a cup of boiling water and drink. when i did that in the office, my colleagues thought i was mad, smashing the ginger at work!
samval: why dont u buy from yr gynae, those buy outside is is bottle one rite, not those doctor peel off one by one type rite? tot will be fresher if buy from gynae...
my scan is $40+GST....yours $58 ah...my 1st bill was $120+...2nd one no medication is $85...i think his price is ok for me...not like the previous that i see, female gynae not as understanding...

like my gynae, he told me to take blood test in the morning, and dont worry will give me MC...i haven even ask for it...
trima, different ppl have different symthoms...maybe u can drink some warm water? or milo? can fill yr hunger also...
Update Jan2009 MTBs!!!
# Nick EDD BB Gender Child # Hospital Gynae
1 Kellie 1-Jan-09 TBC 2
2 Gek 2-Jan-09 TBC 2 TBC TBC
3 daymoon 6-Jan-09 TBC 1 MtA Dr Wong Mun Tat
4 Chere 6-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Joycelyn Wong
5 Sperzz 6-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
6 Precious_bb 6-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Judy Wong
7 mercsboy 9-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Lawrence Ang
8 selenal 9-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Lawrence Ang
9 blessedmum 9-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
10 Metta Koh 10-Jan-09 TBC 1 KKH Dr KT Tan
11 mimylassy 11-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
12 novakido 12-Jan-09 TBC 1 usa Dr James Johnson
13 peppertutu 13-Jan-09 TBC 2 MtA Dr Gordan Tan
14 nicole 13-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Judy Wong
15 xpink_xuanx 14-Jan-09 TBC 2 MtA Dr. Daniel KK Lee
16 Tanwawas 14-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Eunice Chua
17 Cherryale 15-Jan-09 TBC 2 GlenE Dr KK Chow
18 Stephanie 15-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Eunice Chua
19 swan 17-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Michele Lee
20 redrain 18-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Caroline Khi
21 yiwen 18-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Caroline Khi
22 Ni 20-Jan-09 TBC 1 MtA Dr. Ho Hon Kwok
23 De_luxe 20 Jan 09 TBC 1 TBC TBC
24 bLuBeRi 21-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
25 snow 26-Jan-09 TBC 1 KKH Dr Yap Min Li
26 Samval 30-Jan-09 TBC 3 TMC Dr Caroline Khi
27 janjan16 31-Jan-09 TBC 1 TBC TBC
28 Rachel TBC TBC 2 KKH Dr Jeanette Chen
29 puppylove TBC TBC 1 TMC Dr Beh
30 Pinkie Pirate TBC TBC 1 GlenE Dr Chan Kong Hon
31 Jo TBC TBC 1 TMC Dr Sim LN

*MTBs, do add on to the list, Rachel will do the data entry*
Update Jan2009 MTBs!!!
# Nick EDD BB Gender Child # Hospital Gynae
1 Kellie 1-Jan-09 TBC 2 KKH Dr KT Tan
2 Gek 2-Jan-09 TBC 2 TBC TBC
3 daymoon 6-Jan-09 TBC 1 MtA Dr Wong Mun Tat
4 Chere 6-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Joycelyn Wong
5 Sperzz 6-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
6 Precious_bb 6-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Judy Wong
7 mercsboy 9-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Lawrence Ang
8 selenal 9-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Lawrence Ang
9 blessedmum 9-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
10 Metta Koh 10-Jan-09 TBC 1 KKH Dr KT Tan
11 mimylassy 11-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
12 novakido 12-Jan-09 TBC 1 usa Dr James Johnson
13 peppertutu 13-Jan-09 TBC 2 MtA Dr Gordan Tan
14 nicole 13-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Judy Wong
15 xpink_xuanx 14-Jan-09 TBC 2 MtA Dr. Daniel KK Lee
16 Tanwawas 14-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Eunice Chua
17 Cherryale 15-Jan-09 TBC 2 GlenE Dr KK Chow
18 Stephanie 15-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Eunice Chua
19 swan 17-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Michele Lee
20 redrain 18-Jan-09 TBC 2 TMC Dr Caroline Khi
21 yiwen 18-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Caroline Khi
22 Ni 20-Jan-09 TBC 1 MtA Dr. Ho Hon Kwok
23 De_luxe 20 Jan 09 TBC 1 TBC TBC
24 bLuBeRi 21-Jan-09 TBC 1 TMC Dr Adrian Woodworth
25 snow 26-Jan-09 TBC 1 KKH Dr Yap Min Li
26 Samval 30-Jan-09 TBC 3 TMC Dr Caroline Khi
27 janjan16 31-Jan-09 TBC 1 TBC TBC
28 Rachel TBC TBC 2 KKH Dr Jeanette Chen
29 puppylove TBC TBC 1 TMC Dr Beh
30 Pinkie Pirate TBC TBC 1 GlenE Dr Chan Kong Hon
31 Jo TBC TBC 1 TMC Dr Sim LN

*MTBs, do add on to the list, Rachel will do the data entry*
mercsboy: the one buy from outside is the peel off type, the small yellow pill that comes in strips. NTUC pharmacy selling $2 plus for 100tabs. I think doc will give the bottle type and it is more ex leh.

wah your gynae so automatic ah? can share who is your previous gynae and why you say she not understanding? i tot female will be more gentle/understanding? My previous gynae really good (male) but too bad he migrate to Aust liao.

The other reason why I'm contemplating changing gynae is so that I don't have to travel all the way down to TMC just for check ups. I stay sengkang, so only got 2 gynae, one is Dr. Adrian Woodworth and the other is Dr. Watt. Dr. Watt is at raffles clinic and she is my previous gynae classmate. Sigh...maybe I shld give her a try?

My hubby said i siao, cos he find Dr. Caroline Khi nice lady & very approachable. She's ok, but just dont give much info & don't order many scan/test unless the patient ask for it.
samval, mercsboy, wow.. your scan less than $100 so cheap? my scan cost me abt $110. scanned at 6 weeks and paid about $500 plus, inclusive of some medications... faint...

to curb nausea, i am taking my meals in smaller portions....
samval: my folic acid is those peel off type...and i remembered paying $2+ for 4 tabs..maybe 2 mths supply?
ya, my gynae is male one now. previously i went for female gynae at punggol, she is not so nice. i had biopsy and colposcopy with her...and had a bad experience, not flexible and not understanding when i have questions...and everything charged money...i ever ask her rate, she said she is specialist, if want cheaper find normal ones...
this current gynae although is male, but i am comfortable with him. any questions u ask, he will answer. although every time appt got to wait half an hour, but we are fine with it.

trima, ya lo...my short scan (apply those gel on the stomach then roll kind) is $40. this scan is also the one tat detected the heartbeat...how come your scan so ex? $110? u which gynae? 1st check up $500+?? consultation how muchie?
basically, i find that gynae must be yourself most comfortable with. some may comment this one no good that one no good. most important is they are understanding to us 1st time mums especially.

i know some gynaes rates are more ex...but base on the convenience and transport, maybe turn out to be the same? eg if punggol clinic charges cheaper, but i stay sembawang, base on transport charge which i need to pay turn out to be the same? coz i might need to take cab there...right?

most important is comfortable with the service, if no good....change the gynae!!
mercsboy: your gynae in pggl is Dr. Chen or Chan something rite? Heard of her before and also not very good comments on her. But some say she is good. totally agree with you that it depends on individual if comfy or not. maybe i wanna try Dr. Watt and see if comfy with her. if ok then will stick to her + also nearer for me in terms of transport wise.

trima: why your scan so ex? your gynae is who? 500+ for consultation??? wow thats very ex.
samval: ya, my previous gynae is dr chen at punggol. she not flexible at all, everything money money. no wonder her clinic so empty one, appt dont have to wait too long.

ya, since before 16th weeks cannot sign package, you still have time to select your gynae ah. most important is comfort lo i think. like even though private is easier to take mc, i will also try to arrange night appt or what...
good afternoon ladies...
the thread has moved so fast..

just talked to someone frm cordlife... had requested for info booklet to be sent to me.. heard that they are having a promo during the motherhood fair, 300 off any package..

and for TMC FBI member, will get 400 off when u signed up with them...
sel: wat is TMC FBI member?

u intend to sign up now ma? actually what is the use of cord blood storage huh? last time ppl also dont do that wat, isnt it?
mercsoy, samval, my gynae is Dr Lee i Wuen at Raffles Hospital. consultation is also $100 plus, scan is $110, plus medications, bill was $500 plus for my 6th week visit. but all ok when i saw my little bean and its heartbeat... ke ke...
wow. raffles hospital is so ex??

my first visit is $200, at Mt A. $100 for consultation, $60 for scan.. the rest i forgot... haha

no i had my vaginal scan at 6 weeks 2 days. so can see the flickering which doc say its the bb's heartbeat. so amazing!!!
vaginal scan? why need that huh? normal ultrasound already can hear & see the bb heartbeat leh...
last 2 weeks, i went for healthcheck, was doing ultrasound for kidney, then the nurse already saying to me, the bb heartbeat so loud,....

mercsboy: vaginal scan if preg is still early, i.e. 4-6 weeks than they will use the V Scan cos it is clearer. if use the one on the stomach is only applicable aft 7 weeks onwards. ya you can go to TMC website to check out the FBI. I wanted to sign up for the SBI but like not worth it leh..

trima, my 2nd child was born at raffles. agree very ex. but first time visit not so ex leh...maybe diff gynae diff charges. that's why ah, if i gonna change to gynae near my place, she deliver in raffles and her rates are all raffles rates. very ex...comparable to Mt. E or Gleneagles.

NL: your gynae is who? base in Mt. A issit? Male or female?
