(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

suika: ya... i'll be paying that for him as long as he dun abandon me there alone...hehe!

gelato: yes, gynae said the facilities at Mt A is better than TMC so go Mt A better, initially i wanted to go TMC one... then he like that say, i so scared, i switched to Mt A..... u know la..first time moms afraid of everything & anything...
mercsboy (mercsboy) okok. anyway will ask, if cant then I will go for the tour next time.. heard DS will take quite long.. if scan until around 11am.. then will go ba.
Zill : really ah? my 1st experience there was very very good. Nursing staff very helpful & caring... but 2nd time not so good. Hospital so noisy (even i stayed 1 bedder 1, oso cannot the noise outside), nurses all so busy that some of them were quite impatient, when i needed help - call them to come, waited for half and hour still no response... that's why i considering switching to TMC tis time round... but maybe bcos' they were unstaffed at that time....
Pinkie, I got Braun ear thermometer. Glen gave diaper bag and you can rqt glass bottles from the nursery. If you sign up their maternity package, diaper is incl. I brought my own Karmy dress cos easier for me to bf bb in hosp. Their gown too expose lah. Hehehe... Also brought one set of bb's clothings for him to change when discharged. And of cos camera

Gelato, this yr also stressful abt pr sch for your gal rite? Managed to enrol her in your ideal pr sch?

Sus, I heard it from my cousin, she said that stat boards had alr made that announcement of 4mths ML. Hang on to your job first...

Samval, maybe get a maid to help your parents to take care of your kids?

PVL, you really want to try to keep up with your gynae??? Hahaha... You very brave...
fiona & cjteng....TMC goody bag for hosp tour nothing fantastic...more brochures than anythg else....

looks like there's fair shares of liking for both TMC & MAH....most likely I will be taking TMC le cos sign up for FBI so can get discount on gynae delivery charges + maternity pkgs...sumore my gynae very pro TMC although he does deliver at Mt A too....
Ya now they have that package.. think i will not sign up.. as my next visit i will sign up my gynae package $800.inculd scan.. and urine test...etc not includ medicine.
just my take on my own experience giving birth at TMC. the nurses are very nice and friendly, make you feel very comfortable. the suites were already quite nice before the renovation (i stayed in a one-bedder in Apr 2006); now they are doing major reno for the rooms, and they shd be even better after the reno.

i had nurses who will come by once or twice a day with my son to teach me how to help him latch properly. there is plenty of support for first-time BF mothers.
NL: how come u got the brochure leh? i tot we suppose to book the hosp bed when around 8 months like that? how come yours can book so early meh?
Piyo, I have emailed to both ur addresses. Maybe u check the junk or spam folder? If still haven't received, let me know, maybe problem is on my side.
when i went for Mt. A tour, was told that if we want the red dates tea, we gotta pay extra, its not included in the hosp stay.

i read somewhere in the forum that confinement food also not included and have to pay extra. issit true?
samval..i could be wrong but they served normal food thus the extras paid for confinement food could be the special dbl boiled soup they served....
zill...I should say these are pretty much additional options ba cos not all will drink red date tea though asians tend to do so....I am not too sure abt the confinement food issue but have read posters in hosps dat one could opt for confinement / special dbl boiled soup of cos at a fee....beta check wif the hosps directly to be sure....=)
gelato: i also dunno leh.... gynae never mentioned anything about their services, only mentioned about their equipment & facilities during delivery time... but like what suika said, TMC parking is a big big headache but what i like about TMC is, they have lots of nice food like mr bean & delifrance!!!
piyobaby: ya & i think the hospital fees do not include nurse charges which is $75 per day hor...my dad was hospitalised there & we were charged an extra $75/day for nursing charges...*faint*
aiyo....why female boss...out of 10 maybe 2 nice only...they should understand how tough it is to be pregnant isnt it, especially the last trimester.
ya lo... i think female bosses are hard to handle. male bosses more sympathetic with you.

mercsboy, ur is female or male???

but i will endure lar. 4 months pay leave leh, can buy lotsa toys and diapers for my dearest bb.. after dat den i leave! hmph
NI: mine is male boss, but i have a female manager which i work with more, but she is nice lady. will help me carry stuff all that.
Ya lor...endure la...we have 4 more months to go only!! Lets jiayou together!!
NG XIAN SHU FIONA (fiona87) : congratz on yr bb girl!
btw, not sure if i mention be4.
we are same age!
but this is yr 3rd child right?
hehe, mine is 2nd child only.
NI: ya...since we're already halfway thru, just tahan lor...u know what i do? i'll just take leave but thankfully, both my bosses are men so they super nice towards me cos both are fathers too...they'll go all the way out to bring me go eat whatever i wanna eat but luckily i no craving, so i eat what they eat!
Priviledged, i bought my pants from cloud9 at suntec and tops at martin bell at vivo... both happen to be on sale when i went... hehe... but i'm wearling XL size... and XXl if they have.. hehe...

really got 4 mths? but dunno when will come into effect... sekali is next year march...

so far my boss ok leh, female and trying to get preg too. but work is still work lor, not that trying to pick on me or what... last month i had to do double duty too cos collie on leave... boh bian but just to ren lor..
twws & zill : thanks for ur info on TMC. =)

all interested in Mt A: i dun rem paying extra for confinement food leh, i think it's included in the package...

Wow, i oso looking fwd to 4 mths ML...
gelato, giggler,
No lah! Hahaha! I'm 40 now. Have to stop after this one. Too risky. Even this one is a risk, but we're going by faith. My gynae says that 7 is 'too many' for him as well. (HAH!) But yesterday he had a busy day and 3 of his kids came by with food for him. So sweet. Have more kids, more kids to look after you too. That's one perspective.

Regarding TMC and Mt A, though I've never delivered in either of these hospitals, I've visited quite a few people at both. I always find Mt A more pleasant than TMC. Firstly the parking. Secondly, I feel that TMC is generally noisier than Mt A. Thirdly, TMC has lots of stairs to climb... when you're heavily pregnant.... But that's just my opinion lah
aiyo why lady bosses like that wan? those that you guys mention above are they married or single? don't worry i believe there is always retribution. i got one very close friend who worked in gov sec and when she was preg, she was discriminated by her male officer. then she resign. now heard that the officer's wife is preg (she works in private sector) and her boss (female) is giving her hard time. hahaha. wat goes around comes around.

me here direct supervisor is lady and married with two kids. then have a male higher ranking than her, and finally the manager, who is also lady. so i have 3 bosses, 2 ladies and one male. all are ok and supportive of preg.
i'm counting now... if we deliver in Jan, it means that we'll go back only in May if 4mths ML is really given! like that nearly half a year gone liao!
Giggler : yes, we got her in to the sch of our choice. No balloting required, so less stress...

Priviledged : Thanks for ur opinion on the 2 hospitals. =)

Juz curious, how old are your older kids? i suppose they can help to take care of this baby liao... BTW, i oso like to hv many kids - more lively at home... but sometimes they make my blood boil oso lah.... hehe...
Hi ladies...that time i went MtA tour n ask on confinement food she told mi juz inform them in advance oni ley....but it's oni the soup if not wrong....i saw their meal trays....food wise i think ok ba...juz the soup is in those traditional bowl....that kind normally use to boil birdnest that bowl....like that oni lor...the rest of the dishes all covered up cannot see what they serving la
suika : if u r referring to delivering at Mt A - i rem got baby bath tub, diaper bag, receiving blanket (not sure if this is the right name to call it - use to wrap baby 1 lor..) some magazines & lotsa barang barang in the bag...

if u r referring to the goody bag during the hospital tour, then i forgotten liao...
Samval, the national day rally is this SUn.

PVL, I also find MAH more pleasant. 7 kids??? Wonder how your gynae handle.
cjteng: duno leh. I supposed it shd be free bah. Don't think TMC will be so neow with a bib?

gelato: wah so many goodies? all will come in useful!
all the talk abt 4months ML...
btw, how come no bonus for preggies huh??? imagine so much money have to spend for the arrival of the new born. place deposits for confinement food,tonic,bb's things. govt expect us to use all hands-down meh???
mmm,how come no one ever tot of where to get the money before bb is born huh...
suika : yes, unless they change package... i received 1 for both my deliveries there. But baby may outgrow within a few mths time, cos' it's meant for new born... but depends on indiv, my MIL prefers a bigger tub when baby grow bigger, for me i dun really mind, still can use...
wow... seems like every hospitals are improving except my Glenn E hor.
parking is horrendous! and the last time i went to see my SIL in her 1-person ward,though comfy,but everything inside so old looking and wear off. sigh,is the hospital having too many patients at every moment that makes it impossible to renovate and upgrade...
btw, does anyone knows whether does Glen E has the epidural self-adjustment type same as the KK that is reported in the newspaper?
gelato: for newborn oni? it's ok so long i no hv to rush into getting 1 now can liao....heehee

2boys: confirm 4mths ML? how u all noe 1? news out liao meh? den FL got extra bo??

DaddyToBe (hitachi) you are rite.TMC will give the t-shirt and cum a towel to wrap the bb an bb bag & alot of goggies bag.
