(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

nun and snow are correct. Everything also can take but in moderation. If not TTC life very cham leh. This cannot take and that cannot take.

Anybody experience aching at ur right or left waist(hip bone)? I had it on and off. Very uncomfortable.

eh... i want to join leh.. heee.. one moment ah, let me log in.. add me when i in !! thankies
Joy07 - yalor... if everything cannot take due to TTC we will become very stress.. SO the KEYWORD is MODERATION.

I do have the aching feeling sometimes
hi, snow, joy07
i do have the on and off pulling sensation at one side of the lower abd. for the last 2 days...wonder is it O cramp?
wow.. pinkie .. sounds like a yummie lunch u got... but now i hungry !!! i need a tea break.. but nothing to eat... sob sob...
ya, not bad, except that we ate at the one in raffles place, and when you come out of the place, your hair and your clothes all smell like the food.
haha... i like the one at holland... more laidback... then can do a spot of shopping after... sigh* i want to take leave n go makan n shopping ...
pinkie, i ate leh.. today i ta bao my MIL cooked porridge n fried beehoon leh.. yum yum... but now very hungry... usually i PMS i get very hungry fast... i hope its not signs of PMS !!!
just now chatting with my frens over lunch, four of us. Two got kids, two don't have kids. So of course those with kids trying to encourage those without kids to ttc. We talked about whether lifestyle will change much when kids come along. was quite interesting, my frens with kids say that not necessarily the case that your lifestyle will change a lot, really depends.

For me, when i strike, I will have to change a few things, but not too major.
which CD r u at today? Me at CD14 but yest did not manage to BD bcos DH too tired leh. like u, hope to catch up this wkend so as not to miss the boat..hee hee..
Hi ladies, just went for NT test & result is good! I will be bringing the result to Dr Woody on Mon again. The nurse told me I still have blood clots, haiz & she asked me why, I also don't know.. I really hope the blood clot will disperse soon & I am approaching my 12 weeks soon... When doing the ultrasound, bb was sitting (crouching) & sleeping, don't want to move at all, so I had to turn myself left & right & the nurse had to tap my tummy to move bb in order to measure the neck. And can see bb's nose & fingers, so cute!

Also went to AMK to buy some maternity pants because I cannot fit into my jeans already. The pants are not expensive anout $26-$29. But my tummy still not very obvious, I don't think look like 3 mths leh.. Kekeke
Hi mum-wannabe,

for me, my menus shd be due in 17 Feb but sometimes it is not unusual that it may delayed so i dun thik my hope is high as well.

To date, i have missed my period for 5 days, I do encountered occassionally menus cramp on & off thing. I have yet to test on the HPK, which i feel i not so lucky to strike ..

keeping my finger crossed now ..
ya teddy bear i has the same view as mum-wannabe.i even more ks start testing on DPO9,then DPO11,my lp phase is short,if strike think can test postive latest by 11,nt sure i m correct or not,cause i had experience for the last few cycles,if i test negative on Dpo 11,my af sure is on the way .btw my af just report today,cycle fail..zhun zhun will report exactly two week from the first postive opk .mum-wannabe
if u pass ur usual lp phase,i think your chance is still there,like me ,today i know my af will report i did not strike,if today af did not report mean i still have chance.
TTC gatherings will be On 9TH MARCH 2008 (SUNDAY), 2-5PM @ Pinkie Pirate's House(river valley road, near to GWC)

1. Carine
2. Spicegal
3. Pinkie Pirate
4. Thenun
5. Purin
6. Joy07
7. storeberry
8. Mrs Yap

Sorry, think I won't be able to make it on tat sun coz will b preparing for my oversea trip in the coming wk. U ladies enjoy :D Join u gals next time :D
hey gers...was busy the whole day...did i missed out anythg??

sheryl....dat is so heartbreaking to see ur boy's reaction....take care ya....
anyway sum updates after my 2nd review wif my gynae....blood clot is gone...yippie....=D

he advised to start TTC after 1st AF which hopefully will be due in 1-2 weeks time....then i am ready to join u all in the list le....pray hard for AF to report quick quick....=)

i'm mich, coming 28 this year. i'm new here in sgmotherhood (thou i have posted in threads like june 2008 mums cause i was preg in nov 07)...

Like u gals, i'm also TTC-ing for a 2008 baby

But I had a m/c in late Nov 2007, so regulated my body for a few months n now ready to TTC again. Menses shld be ending today or tm. So... ovulation period is jz ard the corner~ lol
Hi Cheekymonkey

Ladies, below info updated as of 23rd Feb ya

Would u like to add ur details
n Welcome to the big family
We are all looking forward to a Mickey/Minnie Mouse this year !

miffy CD10 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD10
Smallgirl CD11
Blitz CD12
Elina CD15 (Bukit Batok)
Snow CD16 (Woodlands, TTC #1)
Spicegal CD17 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD18
Mei Lik CD18
Novakido CD18 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mrs Choo CD20 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Saro CD22 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD23 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Bunnipet CD26 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
A&E CD26 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Andreanie CD27
BettyBoob CD33
Purin CD29 (LCB Member, Feb)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Butter DPO3 / CD23 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO3/CD24 (LCB Member)
Bubblepearl DPO7, CD23 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
Blur DPO10, CD25 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO10 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Ylang Ylang DPO13
mumwanabe DPO16
Justmum CD20
TeddyBear DPO21

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
piyo, ya i felt sad when he says this. he is aware that bb is gone n he has been hoping for a meimei. he has been sick for the past few days n juz now he came to me n hugged mi...kp telling mi he wans mei mei. haiz!

hi ladies, did my D & C abt 2 wks plus ago n have a week of post bleeding/spotting. I did a post review check and everything is ok. After that, i just had a bit of bleeding again since Thursday n slight cramps with bleeding today as well. I am getting worried, though my gynae assure me its fine. I really hope my 1st AF would report soon, so that I can start TTC. A few of my colleagues and also some remarks in the forum did indicate for women who went through MC, its best to start TTC at least 3 months later. But, I cant wait for so long.

I am ttc for my no.3 too so I was reading this thread sometimes. just want to let u know that I think physically our body can go through a new pregnancy after d/c as long as you are emotionally ready. We ttc with clomid immediately after the first miscarriage as like you, the feeling to have a baby became stronger after the miscarriage. We did conceive through so-iui and give birth to a healthy bb boy. So just eat balanced diet and take good care of yourself... I think ttc should not be a problem
mrschoo, yes I have a miniature schnauzer, just turned 4 yrs old last month. He is my shadow, follows me everywhere. love him to bits.

CheekyMonkey - welcome!

hi saro, hi pinkie pirate, and HELLLOOOOO butterkiss!!!!

Glad to see u hear butterkiss!
havent talked to u for a while eh, sorry ah, been busy lately. Even now, Sat 110pm also in office sending out emails n preparing docs. HAIZ.

I hope to make it in time for a mickey or minnie mouse, but gals, do bear with me ya. I know this thread moves like a hurricane, and ho ho ho if i MIA a few days, i'm still here ok. Jz not coming in that reg cause of work commitments.

