(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

adding on to santorini's post .. Last of the fever n wat u get is a super duper active child. Tat's wat happened to Zach!! He became so friendly tat he actually call out to ppl esp girls n start smiling at them


the rashes will normally go away after about 3 days, so kayson will be spot free by the time his party rolls around. Olivia had roseola about 2 months back, good thing echo described emma's symptoms here so I didn't get too worried. you'll find that his appetite will get better soon too.
thanks all mummies... ya the rashes really seems "full blown" now..most evident on his face...fever not totally subside,hovering btw 37 to 38..still relying on medication..hopefully in these 2-3 days both fever n rash will recover in full.

kath...erm Kayson seems super super "sticky" not more friendly leh...

Jowin, Jewelbox is very ex! how abt any frens / relative condo function room if the date is still ava? ya, xmas period is hard to book...but dun tired / frustrate urself over it..think ashlynne's needs u most now.. worse case...ur own home like wat jappooh suggested? thou its 80+++ pax, but the main thing is a party for ashlynne.

still can do it wan. I have my elder boy 1st mth celebration at hm with 80pax of ppl in a 5rm flat. just will be crowded lar but still mamage to squeeze everyone in.

so if really no venue can consider that.. No choice loh... Dun get too upset.. Now most important is ashlynne get well soon.
fabbie! thanx for recommending michell from lil etoile to mi. *muackz*

i received some preview pics & its reali nice. hehe.

don wori abt venue. main ting is ashlynne recovers well. any place is a great place for party when u hav frenz & relatives celebrating for her. =)
jo, seriously i think why dun u go ahead with the NSRCC plan.. coz ashlynne doesnt sound very serious frm the number of blisters she have. i think its quite mild and milder than hayden. Dr foo also told me that this recent strand is quite mild too..

today is only wednesday. she will sure recover by friday. then u bring ashlynne to the PD to certify that she is infection free liao lor.. her party mainly adults n relatives rite.. then should be ok.

i see u have to replan everything is very mafan n frustrating.. even though u dun work but planning party again with so many restrictions also very sianz..

last sat hayden got the OK from dr foo.. and on sunday we went to Nini's birthday party.. all u gotta do is inform all ur guest and most ppl wont mind.. unless they got very small children but seriously, by then ashlynne not contagious liao..

if replan, damn complicated.. and expensive. my thoughts la.. =)
Esther, I brush Zach's teeth using plain water n oso spiffies wipe. Usually before brushing I'll sing him a song. Then i'll show him how I brush my teeth. He'll always open his mouth to try. To him is play. Then I'll show him
how I clean my tongue too. He'll follow. Haha..
Too bad he dunno how to gargle.

for me, Calista always sees me brushing my teeth, cos I bathe her when I'm bathing too .. easier to watch her when we're in the bathroom together. So she sees me brushing my teeth from the shower area. SO when I started brushing her 2 teeth, she was very curious .. I use Orajel baby toothpaste .. then I brush and rinse her teeth. She's fine with it.
Hi Phyl

Ya, i think its quite mild.

i already postpone the party, inform everyone already. NSRCC already cancel and its taken very fast once the slot released...

My party have 19 babies/kids, i guessed parents who bring their kids to my party also feel unsafe although its certify she is infectious free.. cos its

Yes, its so troublesome to settle everything again and searching for venue.

But i thought for everyone to come with a mind in peace that Ashlynne is not contagious anymore, i should postpone..And at this point i cannot confirm she fully recover by Sat. Still wondering if she can attend her JG holiday camp on monday anot..

Hi Jappooh
Ya la.. my house is the last option .. I need to vacate the whole house 1st, as we are handling my house to the new owner by year end.. This can be the last party there lor..
the pics are very nice... Now that i postponed Ashlynne's birthday, my photographer cannot help me on the new date too.. Haiz
thanx ladies.. =)

now ur rain refusing to slp. keep playing wif his car n making noise. lolx.

mayb can consider changing ur package wif lil etoile to bdae one? ask them come earlier n take more pics of ashlynne 1st. =)
Thanks a lot for sharing... trying very hard to teach him brush teeth. Once the mouth touch the brush, he will clamp harder haha.. sigh... I will try again, showing him I brush teeth, see he follow not.. notti boy lah him...
anyone got moms in mind sling to sell? i want to get another one. preferably a more 'manly' colour, cos sometimes my hb will also use the sling to carry emma. can PM me if you have please? thanks!
Thursday is the last day to submit ur orders!!! (still got another $140 to hit $500! - not tat I got xtra disc lar... but if u think it's too late, it's not... :p) I have recieved payment from quite a few gals already (thanks for the efficiency!).

Gals who just placed orders please rem to TT me by 5 Dec else I will drop ur orders orh...
<font color="ff0000">hihi mummies

how abt d Xmas Part for our DEC babies?


Date: 26th Dec 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Fidgets @ Turf City

There will be a present exchange so pls remember to bring along a small present worth about $10.

Ps. mummies can say that our babies are Jan babies so we do not need to pay for entry k. =p

from iemik0 &amp; phyl</font>

1. phyl + Hayden
2. iemik0 + Kayson + Jayzon + hb
i want to go but have to check on my family commitment for that day. not sure if my in-laws are coming over then.

Date: 26th Dec 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Fidgets @ Turf City

There will be a present exchange so pls remember to bring along a small present worth about $10.

Ps. mummies can say that our babies are Jan babies so we do not need to pay for entry k. =p

from iemik0 &amp; phyl

1. phyl + Hayden
2. iemik0 + Kayson + Jayzon + hb
3. echo + emma (tbc)
Can't go cos I m having my wedding dinner on tat day.
Ikeike, robinsons always hv their annual Christmas day se which is very worth the wait. 70% off most stuff.. I go thr yearly to q. Haha.. Shopping queen me.
i found that robinsons staff are not so helpful if you want to buy big items like car seat, stroller, etc. the prices may be good (during a sale, esp if you have a card) but the service is not so good. they cannot really tell you how to use the seat, what the benefits of one model over another, etc. I find that mothercare staff are more helpful. or even those from taka baby fair are also more helpful than robinsons. but if you already know what you want, then i guess it's ok to go to robinsons and buy.
Hi kath.. wah wah.. do let me know abt the annual sales?? inform me ah... i sure have things to get..

Hi gals..
Can't attend the Xmas party.. Have a birthday party at that day, around the same time
Date: 26th Dec 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Fidgets @ Turf City

There will be a present exchange so pls remember to bring along a small present worth about $10.

Ps. mummies can say that our babies are Jan babies so we do not need to pay for entry k. =p

from iemik0 &amp; phyl

1. phyl + Hayden
2. iemik0 + Kayson + Jayzon + hb
3. echo + emma (tbc)
4. bubblepearl+Gerard + hb
thanks echo.. actually i oso dun know which car seat to get, i guess all will end up the same.. as my boy dun want to sit and always climb out. My current britax marathon is bulky...
oops, looks like i cannot attend the christmas party. i have family christmas celebrations during that time.

Date: 26th Dec 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Fidgets @ Turf City

There will be a present exchange so pls remember to bring along a small present worth about $10.

Ps. mummies can say that our babies are Jan babies so we do not need to pay for entry k. =p

from iemik0 &amp; phyl

1. phyl + Hayden
2. iemik0 + Kayson + Jayzon + hb
3. bubblepearl+Gerard + hb

i think most car seats are bulky, otherwise it won't offer the additional protection for your child. how does your boy climb out of the seat? he can undo the seat belt on his own? if he is securely strapped in and the straps are tight enough, he should not be able to climb out, right?

the 5 point restraint on your car seat should fit snugly on your boy ... so he is securely strapped down to the seat. If he can wriggle out, it means it's too loose.

but ya, most babies take a while to get used to being strapped down in the car seat. sure yell and cry .. lol !
Hey can any mommy enlighten me what is 'un-stretched' canvas? Does it mean that the canvas does not stretch out across the edges of the frame?
im back from genting! wah there super cold.. cold till im sick. =(

Np iemik0 those pics are very nice!!! cant wait to see more! hehe
its ok la.. i hope my cousin can continue to take for me... pray hard that he can book out of camp on 20 Dec.. cos he just recruit in to police force on 07 Dec...

Sean lau and other photographers are too expensive. Unless, they can have lil etoile cost.. which more affordable for me lor..

Hi Rachel
Yes.. bo hua.. personally, i do not like their canvas cos again.. the colour printed are too dark..

fabbie, take care wor..

think everybody is out Christmas shopping .. lol ! btw, our Drugstore stuff just arrived at my place today. I will do the weighing etc and email everyone about the vpost shipping costs

So Sian,
Was sick for the last 4 days and now hb is also sick. Crossing my fingers that Bryan will remain healthy and not affected by us :S
