(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

sorry didnt have time to post in cos am very busy over the weekend..

yes, Im fine with the cake for our birthday bash..no worries on mine part..Im fine with anything..btw, thanks so much to you n kath for all the tedious coordination and effort..appreciates it

Me went to book Noble House for my gal 1st year old birthday celebration le..booked their function room with KTV system..me love singing..lalala..

My gal birthday cake I order form aimummy..simply love their design, impressive..taste not so impt for me..appearance more impt..haha..


Yup, it's itchy, saw Faye scratching away, feeling uncomfortable, Maxx dun have it, so I was quite worried when I first saw it. But remember I read it on the thread that this is very common, so more fangxin, but still kan cheong, brought Faye to c doc, just in case.

BTW gals, me received an email from a lady after seeing we booked the cake for the Dec Bday Bash.

She said she orderee the cake before and the cake is not nice.. Cheap not = good.

But sorry, gals. I paid deposit already. I really hope the cake are edible la

Sorry if the cake is really not nice on Dec Bday bash. Cos i did not eat it myself before too.
sometimes, its a give and take thing..
want quality, pay more lor..

But at times, its hard to say too

especially like food.. its individual taste preference. ie: raw oyster is good and expensive but some ppl just hate raw oyster
Hello ladies,

I know all of u r planning for the little ones 1st birthday. I'm cracking my head too.. Anyone can give me ideas where to order the cake? I wanted a change from POLAR cakes.. from my eldest girl full month till her 3rd birthday.. been using POLAR cakes.. so sick of the taste.. So tempted to order a 2-tier cake for my younger girl 1st birthday but they r all so expensive$$.. unless it's less than $100 for a 2kg cake.
Thanks ladies in advance. Cheers!
Today Avent and Pigeon no 20%, should go yesterday. Since i have the voucher i took a some Pigeon biscuit and Avent things. Then went to shop for my things. In the end i bought 3 bra which is almost $200 liao so put back most of the BB stuff. Bad Mummy

Got stroller but think no discount
Ya lor.. so bad the BP if like that. the BP supplier should be responsible! for it not ask you to pay another 35 bucks for the supplier mistake leh!! so how now? very bad leh.. then u bad to her. post on her thread! lol hmm korean text you use yahoo translet and see? btw you can shoot back to her.. forward you a korean email for what? this is SINGAPORE leh.. not korea.. wha i see this kind of bo chup bp-er very angry de. post in her thread!

If you got no problems with ya in law then option 2.. if you got.. then option 1.. cus once they move in.. maybe alot of things cannot do.. or maybe you will kana nag by them here and there.. and is FOREVER stay with you all le ba.. but if you got no problems with ya in law.. or maybe set a rules.. then maybe option 2 will be the BEST. hehe

hahaha i feel so bad.. dun let the hungry pig to eat lol
jowin, thanks on the effort on organsing the cakes, dun worry lah, won't blame u if it's realli not nice...

Katharine, can try pine gardens in AMK...
fabbie...my ger oso like zy...eat and eat non stop...see us eating oso cannot tahan, keep saying mom mom & smack her lips... hahaha...if dun give her somethin to eat, she'll scream...so now we have to sit her facing away frm us, so that she can't see that we are eating and distract her with something to play...
fabbie,ah bur
my ger too can eat and drink alot. one jar of HT not enough must go along with banana. 3pm drank milk, 4+ give her baby yogurt she finish almost 3/4 cup. 6+ dinner give her only half bowl of cereal and 1/2 avocado finish everything and seems not enough.
dun overfeed zy ah! later they get used to eating alot then harder to stop them...babies dunno how to stop, they see we eat they want to eat too..but we gotta "control" them.

tina, ur gal doesnt take porridge?? cos seems like u only give HT jar = puree type & cereal?
ermm...seems a bit little leh..

mommylouis, how abt combination of opt 1 n 2?? meaning, get a maid, but bring to ur inlaws place in the daytime so they can supervise the maid. that way u get a maid yet dun need to get ur inlaws to move in...for me moving in with inlaws / getting inlaws to move in definately is out; i value privacy alot, also its always 相处容易同住难

jappooh, how come she like tt...hope u can resolve it w her eventually..by the way, hows ur granny? hope she's better..

jowin, no worries on the cake, its already lots of effort n hardwork by u n kath le.

reddates, my boy also got it after high fever last wk..itchy?? no leh not for him..anyway , elderly says its aftereffect of fever, doctor says its fever rash. think the medical term is Roseola: "It is typically marked by several days of high fever, followed by a distinctive rash just as the fever breaks."
option 2 if you're ok with your ILs moving in.
option 1 if you don't really want them to move in.

alternatively, what i'm doing now is ferrying my children and maid to my IL's place when i go to work. couple of advantages:
1. i don't have to stay with my IL so still have my own space.
2. IL don't spend more time with children than me (i'm a bit of a control freak.lol)
3. when children go over, they're always warmly received becos they've been missed when they're not there. if everyone stay together all the time, i'm sure the grandma will eventually get tired of her grandchildren n just wanna do her own thing.
wah... she just copy and paste everything sia.. faints.. infact hor. you can ask for refund de leh..is there a email or note that she confirm that theres a strap there? and she abit like snook you on saying U selling it away lor? i think she's more harsh on talking leh.. u are just only asking why must u pay the 35 bucks nia...

wana ask those who have order artscow photobook.. usually you ORDER liao. it took how long to reach to you gals?? as i want to know whether i can make it for my ger birthday anot..
pastillies she does take porridge. onli when out then give her HT jar. Is One HT jar for a meal too little? Any suggest feeding amount?
tina.. hayden eats 1 full bowl of porridge everynite and down's it with 100ml of apple juice or 2oz of apple/pear puree.. but hayden feeds well so dunno if u can compare the amt not.
Fabbie, do now still got time to reach by mid-nov. Mine took abt 4weeks to arrive. Remember to use good quality n higher resolution pix. The 2nd book i did using photos taken by Sean Lau turn out xcellent. Happi wif it. Will go do more
wah.. 4 weeks huh.. okai..

btw who is interested in going trial class on Oct 24th 1.45pm at Novena Org by Jowin, i MAY not be joining cus zy running nose getting bad.. but if friday she okai liao then i will bring her.. but i need someone to standby just in case i cant go. then someone can take over.. Let me know. thanks
i cant remember is there email on that, But the pic have. THat why i told her if the supplier say dun have pls change the pic cos it too misleading loh.

Now i dun care loh can get is good cant then is my bad luck. Sigh.
i wonder anymore promotional code to do? cos not willing to pay more. =P
partly i also lazy to sign up new member. I wanna do a book for her Genting Trip... Dun wan too much design type.

Hi Tina/ fabbie
Oh.. ur girl can finish 1 HT jar? Normally, i only feed her 1/2 to 3/4 and 4 tbspoon of cereal. Looks just nice for her...

Then porridge will be 1 "bathtub"of the pigeon green bowl.

Plain water, my gal daily can take at least 2 bottles of 4oz+ bottle, milk is about 4 bottles of 180ml. Fruit puree about 70ml, measured by Baby cube

Is tat alot?? i seldom give her snacks unless outside if she make noise during our dinner time.. LOL
fabbie/ Kath,
no need 4 wks so long la! on an average, mine all takes abt 2 wks (except for the 7*5 book which took 2.5 wks).

yes must use high resolution photos. Cant's wait for my 2 more 60pg books to arrive! *counting couting*..shd arrive today or tom le

ohh! cos fm ur post u nv mention porridge so i tot ur bb nv take porride..IC, only go out then u give the HT jar ah...mmm i nv tired HT jars, but to me the concept is same as puree rite...think if "eat for fun" outside, HT jar is ok. but is it filling enuff to be taken as a meal??

think same like phyl, my boy is big eater, he wil get his lunch & dinner (either porridge / pasta). If we go out, either i'll let him take him lunch / dinner earlier , then feed milk outside(i.e swap the sequence of milk feed). Otherwise I'll cook & bring his lunch / dinner out also lor..That way he'll still get his lunch & dinner , if not like shortchange him just bcos we go out.

Ermm....my boy's taking 2x solid a day, lunch & dinner...is it too much ahh?? ;p
i think boys eat more bah.

my boy is taking :
- breakfast ard 7am: milk (120ml) & 9 scoops of cereal (+ 90ml milk)
- lunch ard 11am: porridge (ard 300ml)
- fruits/yogurt ard 1.30pm
- 180ml milk ard 3pm
- dinner ard 5pm: porridge (ard 300ml)
- 180ml milk ard 7pm
- 210ml milk ard 11pm

is it alot?
oh no....take care of urself too. hope ur granny recovers soon...

i got "no choice" but to give Kayson snacks when we are outside eating cos he will be super unhappy why he is not eating when we are all eating;p his snacks will be baby puffs, etc.

now like no more promo for photobook; but theres free shipping for Orders > $30 ; can be found on the website. [ Expire 27/10/09, FREESHIPPING30 ]

i.e a 20pg 8*8 cost $9.99. say if u make 3 books, ur shipping is free lor. Means u only pay for the book. Tt's provided u want to make 3 books lor..

that first time u made the book, u use the free book code or New member code? if u use the free book code, means u still havent use the New member code, then u can still use it now.
OR if u dun mind a smaller one, there's new member code for 7*5 20pg $2.99. Code: PBKS299.
hmm.. then i think hayden eat too much liao

8am- 210ml EBM n breakfast.. either potato cubes, cheese bread or cereal
11am- lunch full bowl porridge (bigger than the pigeon bowl)
3-4pm- tea break.. either yogurt, biscuits or cereal
6pm- 210ml EBM
8pm- full bowl porridge+ fruit or juice
9.30-10pm- 210ml milk

the last 3feeds are close together coz i want to make sure hayden is full.. cant remember the name of this feeding arrangement. well.. i do latch him for comfort too.. but dun think he sucks alot.. he drinks ALOT of water.. abt 3-5bottles of magmag..
anyone tried CupcakeDivinity?

2 tier Mickey & Goofy theme cream cake @ S$150

Size & Estimated Serving portion per cake: (we only cater to 3 size and in round shape only)
- 7" size is about 1kg for estimated serving portion of 10-15 pax
- 10" size is about 1.5kg for estimated serving portion of 15-20 pax
- 2 tier (6" + 10") is about 3kg for estimated serving portion of 45-50 pax

I like 2 tiers a lot, as never has the chance to get a 2 tiers cake lei.. but cost a bomb $150! should i???
little victoria
i din try cupcake divinity b4 but i ordered wif them for my boi's bdae party. hehe. similiar design wif wat u posted + provide own figurines. their pricing is cheaper as compared to aimummy. =p

cheapest 2 tier alternative will be Pine Gardens.
iemik0, aimummy dun take order in Dec, tt's why looking for alternative. Find cupcake divinity design is prettier and lively then PG..

So u never tried it and dun know how it taste la? Oo.. the price incl. figurine le.

- 7" at $45
- 10" at $75

Oo.. small one good enuff, since pretty and cute as well...
littlevictoria, i will be celebrating my boy's birthday on 15th Nov. if u never book now will she accept ur order after i tell u how it taste?
Evan's schedule ..is he eating too little ? cos, i find that i give too little solid ?

Phyl, i noticed ur last meal on porridge at 8p.m, then milk at 9 plus .. will hayden still drink and finishes his milk ? cos i tried that and evan refused to drink his milk b4 gg to sleep..

630a.m – 220 ml
830a.m – cereal 3TB + fruits (60ml)
12.00a.m – porridge 80% of pigeon bowl
230 p.m - biscuits
4 00p.m - 220 ml FM
700 p.m - fruits (60ml)
900 p.m - 220 milk

btw, what are the other fruits / vege do you give ur bb ? I'm running out of idea ..

- avocado
- banana
- pear
- peach
- allergic to apply, papaya ..

- cabbage
- brocoli
- cauliflower
- spinach
- pumpkim
- butternut
- green beans

any other suggestions?
hayden is a monster.. he has a pitless tummy.. haha.. he loves his food.. so he can finish wateva i give him.. keke
Means.. Evan is efficient.... same like Sean

Sean max can take only 150ml in 1 go.
He cant take more.. but he is still big size..
Usually I not sure am i feeding her enough. So what i do is when she dont open her mouth after a few try, i will take it as she is full. But of cos also judge by how much she has eaten.
Her feed schedule:
0715 = 240ml FM
1130 = 3/4 porridge or 4 milkspoon cereal + fruit
1500 = 200ml FM
1800 = 3/4 porridge or 4 milkspoon cereal + fruit
2100 = 240ml FM

snack in between.
But my problem is she dont drink water. Any method to suggest?
Sucking Thumb
Any Mummies having this problem on your BB? My gal LOVES to do that. At first onli when she is abt to sleep, then become whenever she is free or nothing better to do. suck till her thumb got blister
little victoria
if u provide ur own figurines, 2 tier cream cake will cost $120 onli. i juz emailed them at enquire abt d jumbo mickey mouse figurine, cost abt $40. keen to get tt. hehe.

ur one is cream cake too rite? i cant decide btwn cream or fondant. lolx.
littlevictoria, yup i provide the mickey plastic figurines to cupcake divinity. have already bought the figurines from www.disney.com. will be passing to her in 1st week of nov.

iemik0, i will be having the cream cake. heard lots of fondant that ppl will remove the fondant before eating the cake cos it's super sweet. but fondant like looks nicer hor
hey iemik0! i oso like the jumbo mickey mouse figurine! i tot they sold out le?
ur bb birthday is coming or over liao? haha, or we share the figurine?

$120 without figurine then is still cheap hor, 3KG lei...

Pas, mabbe tat time is their peak so took longer to ship. Dunno leh.. Max 4weeks la. Haha

I ordered cake fr havenbakery.blogspot.com. $40/kg. Quite affordable.

Zach oso eats alot!!! But onie 8.8kg nia. Mabbe cos he moves ard too much
6am latch
9am porridge
12noon porridge
3pm milk 210ml
6pm porridge
9pm milk ebm 210ml

he dun snack at bbsitter place except weekend when he's wif me. I'll gv him lotsa finger food
