(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Echo, kath
hmm ok sounds delicious from the wAy u all describe. Shall try.
Amici catered for one of the company event. The food is delicious leh. It's Italian food. Quite tasty

I think the milk intake will reduce slowly. The instruction write 600ml per day only for 10 mth. Down 100 ml from 9 mths
haha I can't bear to see him slim down from all the workout so I fed him with lots of avocado fats lol
helo, just to share....the kidzparty price also quite cheap. Only the design is limited, not as much as the oversea site.
Initially, i think of order 3kgs but my colleague comments that 3kg not enough to serve for 50 pax coz for her case, 1kg birthday cake all finished by her 5 family members at one go so make me have a though to order 5kgs. Thanks for ur review and now can decided to order 3kgs.
2nd baby
u onli wan d minnie firgurine ah? when u celebrating bb bdae? coz i got same set at iris. hehe. can lend u d minnie mouse. its quite small i find. =p
IT's FRIDAY!!!! Which spells the end of my morning duties... *YEAH!*

My girl's intake cannot afford to drop lar... It's already below 600ml per day... :p So I am still trying to hit 600ml lor... And still FAIL!
Give up liao, as long as she's happy n drinking some...

Little Rabbit,
I think it depends on ur crowd... For my family, 6 of us, even a 500grms cake is WAY to big... Becos no one wants to take a big slice! -__-" So if u inviting waistline concious friends, then no need to buy such a HUGE cake!
hi ladies
At Tampines One, there is also a disney shop. I wonder if they sell figurines. If have, then no need to order from disney direct... gals around there,can pop in to see lor..

I am finding pooh figurines.
I think pooh still easier to find. Those speciality toy figurine shops may carry. I bot piglet from them before, shld have bot eyore, pooh, etc as well... That was quite a few years back liao.
I think i'll have to switched from Pooh theme to Mickey Mouse since Bryan goes into a hand waving frenzy whenever he sees Mickey on Disney Playhouse :S
Morning gals

I found out I am pregnant again.. Haiz sian how? Seems like if give birth have to go by c-sect again. Sad! Any gynae to recommend? Feel like visiting Paul tseng

somemore during my Europe trip I drank alot of wine! Alamak now dunno ok or not
Morning, its TGIF..happi happi happi!!

Wow Merydith,
Congrats leh..so happi for you..jiayou k..the last time I heard u telling about your birth story was at Kath's house, and nw you are preggie again le..hee..

I have tentatively booked a private room at Tung Loik Classic for Jermaine's 1st birthday celebration..Anyone tried the food before? Is it good? I chose there cos I thought supposedly Tung Lok is quite famous for Chinese cuisine..

Anyone got other nice chinese food to recommend? I need one with private function room de..thanks ya
merydith, congrats! I thought your Europe trip was some time ago? Don't think the wine you drank then would affect you la..
Congrats Congrats!!! I oso think that shld be ok since the fertilised egg is not getting any nutrients from u yet!
But u can quit drinking now lor...

Here is a pc of research I got for u:

U pm-ed me? din get anything yet leh... :p thanks!

It is enuf bcos my parents will share one slice, my sis will eat 1-2 mouths so share with bf... And I eat 1 small slice. my hb will eat one slice or more (i.e. finish up the cake).

Xiao Pooh,
My parents like Tung Lok Signature @ Central... We celebrated quite a few birthdays there but like got no private room. The food is pretty good. Not too sure about Tung Lok Classic thou.

My colleague recommends Lei Garden or Majestic Restaurant (http://www.restaurantmajestic.com/about.html). I think Lei Garden is ok niah. Haven't tried Majestic Restaurant thou...
Xiao Pooh, I oso tot of booking VIP room for the SG celebration. My colleague recommended New Majestic Hotel. Their food is nice wor but minimum spending is $500. I checked Halia at Botanic Garden, minimum spending is $3.5k which is too much n exp.
wah! happy for you!! congrats! hehe You wan me to intro you my Mr Normal? hehe i didnt do C sect with him before. so i cant comment much wor.. he seems bo chup but everything is great! hehe

Wah.. gals im so super tired sia.. everyday learn driving.. 1 day learn 2 times and on hand got freelance project got to cheong.. super damn busy.. is like 2pm+ got to learn drive till 4pm then resting time i cheong my project again till 6pm then drive again till 8pm then go home stil need to cheong to 3am. faints.. BTH ahhh hahaha About my 1yr birthday i havent even cater anything or book a cake! jialet. haha
Thanks for the info ya..I shall go n check it out..Im looking at 3 tables (incl my relatives + PIL side)..budget of $500 per table..
I was with Dr Tseng... He is pro-natural lar, u intend to c-sec for 2nd? Or VBAC? If intend to VBAC, then need to ask him (cos I heard must be exceeding 1 yr? or more for the wound to heal).

U might wanna ask ard for pple who had c-sec under him. But he quite chop chop for c-sec one...
hehe... cos there was once I had to wait for him cos he had to do e-csec for a patient.

Go see him lar, he's so charismatic! :p But hor, he dun talk much unless u ask him hor...
U are so busy ya lately, good good..got assignment means got $$..happi for you..must persevere k ur driving..its worth it de..

No update ur bloggie huh..Im ur no.1 fan hor..I see see why so long no update..me oso starting up my blog, i regret leh cos I deleted my old blog..now got to recap all my previous post n rewrite in my new blog again..Im so siao tat time..
thanks thanks but now mixed feelings coz too fast lor. I scared of the c-sect pain leh.

Yah lor now abit scared to go back the hospital to give birth. U know what?my friend was telling me that all op including critically I'll patients go to the same lvl 4 op theatre there leh. Coz she wait for her MIL op she saw gynae coming out to congratulate the bb father

hmm tung lok should be got standard 1. Think should b nice

I hope so. Thanks for the link. I still remember I run like crazy to escape the rain, ate laksa with cockles n had tummyachr few days ago.

Echo, I went in sept. I think shld b conceive there without knowing

lol ur mr normal normal. I think I find dr Paul tseng first see got chance to go natural or not. If not then I go ur normal norm
WAH... Made in Europe siah... Must be damn romantic there!!! :p

Btw, how come the last time u got c-sec?
AhPooh ah.. Ya man.. i always want to blog.. but then no time.. =( getting lazy n lazier Now is either working my freelance or playing the topid FB cafe hahaha wanted to blog but forgot. will blog soon hahaa YA.. u next time remember dun delete off. just leave it there can liao.. now you want to trace last time you post jermaine photos this and that all gone le wor.. hehe nvm lar. new blog new fresh look! peiseh. no time to help u on ya blog also..

okok np hehehe date boy or gal ah.. i guess is GAL!!! hehehee
Ya mann..its quite ex..I tink I shall stick to Tung Lok Classic ba..maybe next time when I win $$ then I will go the majestic one..haha

Ya..but if u not comfortable with the Operating theatre, maybe you wana change hosp or perhaps gynae? Most impt is ur comfortness..

Okay de..no worries..I do simple one can le..let u noe when its ready hor..now still in construction
Gals.. me just got from my suppliers alot of stickers.. Got disney characters etc...Will take pics next week n show all of u when me back from holiday.

If you ladies are interested, i can set up BP..

Can pack into bday goodie bags..


wa! congrats on your pregnancy!!! Doesn't seem so long ago that we gave birth .. now you're preggars again .. !! Take care ya! ..Get lots of rest.


3.5k for that rest at Botanic Gdns ?!! *faints*

Actually, organizing a birthday party not cheap. For my 2nd dotter's 3rd birthday party, catering plus bouncy castle plus magician and birthday cake cost me 1.4k ..

wa so hot today. sian.
I alr felt the 8x8 is small.. My ROM one is double tat size n it's so nice. But again diff pricing so can't compare.

Sam, im actually looking for bouncy things to rent for zach's party in kl.
