(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Ya hor, i shall try n let her start playing with it..see n hope she likes it..

Yes, I agreed. If ever cant find anyone to look after your boy, maybe good to quit and look after urself..cos nothing is more impt than our bbs ya..watever sacrifice is worth it de..I oso sometime tempted to quit to look after my gal full-time..but am tinking maybe wait till she start schooling than decide ba..nw she still young, she may not even appreciate me being around to care for her..

True la..ok, I will try to improve my injection method..hee

Thks for the Fox Sale info ya..me shall drop by for a quick grab after work later..yeah!!
the suction thing dun work one.. haha.. unless superglue to the table top.. haha.. if we can take it out.. they can take it out..
hehe. mi so tired these daes until din come into forum. basically comp is on but im aslp or buzi wif d bois. lolx.

suction bowls
don reali work despite how good they say it is. jayzon got a few n all he manage to pull out. kinda waste money. =p

jowin & xiaopooh
can bring bb to c Dr Sim at Elias Mall level 2. his price is cheaper dan kidslink n meds works beta for my bois. i can spend hundreds at kidslink n they still coughing like mad but go Dr Sim, a couple of doses n they much beta liao. beta for my pocket too. lolx.
feed her cereal + Baby Jar lor.. Plus i m still pumping milk for her... i dun expect to bring my slow cooker along lor.. too much liao
I also gave emma jar food when we went on holiday. much more convenient. except that she didn't really like the jar food, though. ended up giving her a lot of snacks and table food, and latched her a lot. good idea to bring cereal along; i should have done that.
Ur maths koyak! 2*4=8 jars. Actually if we go to Msia or even autralia, can dun need to bring. I would guess they have jars there too... :p
Actually hor, i just recalled that if go australia cannot bring in food leh... So you'll have to buy from there...
Ashlynne only take half a Baby jar each time.. so only 1 Baby jar per day. Not so much.

I am going Genting, dun think Genting selling Baby food, so must bring myself. Alternatively, i can order from the chinese restaurant those plain porridge and throw the baby jar in.. not so boring with daily cereal lor..

Actually i m tempted to bring the TIGER FOOD JAR also.. cos can cook porridge.. but not as soft as slow cooker.. But sian la... let her eat Baby Jar + cereal will do...

infact Australia easy.. their supermarket have Baby food and easy to get.
wow..so envy u all all go holiday..
Im still waiting for mine..

Elias mall far leh..I would prefer around my home sengkang area one..
Go Genting btr bring urs. Unless u going KL, then can mayb get some from KL supermarkets... For porridge do some restaurants actually put msg inside? so I usually QC first before offering some to my ger... :p

I think kritalangel's baby is the most prepared for travelling cos she is ok with jar food. My ger siao siao one... sometimes she like sometimes she dun like... So i v confused...
i went to penang last month with hb & bb, 3D2N.

i didn't bring that many jars cos we were planning for her to only eat 1 jar a day. the rest of the meals can just eat table food. in the end, we had extra cos the airline gave jar food too. on our flight there, they gave us 2 or 3 jars - ate one on the flight and kept the rest. on our flight back, they also gave us jar food.
stay put bowl & cutlery set
so the suction pad not very strong one ar? hmm.. think i'll juz drop the idea of buying bah...

Baby jar food
ya can buy from supermarket laa if go to M'sia, think some got more range ler for Heinz such as Mum's own recipe which Spore does not import lor...

xiah pooh,
wat's the consultation fee for kidslink? ex?

wat's the name of the clinic at elias mall? got websie?

tat was bcoz u took SQ rite? nowadays i took budget airlines to penang so NO MORE free baby jar & toy liao... sob sob!
yup i took SQ/SilkAir on my trip. SQ gave a soft toy, but SilkAir gave a card game (Happy Family or something like that). So silly for them to give me the cards. How do they think Emma is supposed to play with the cards?!
The consultation itself is $50..medicine is around $6 - $8 each..our last nite visit cost ard $84..Its around the same price as The Kids Clinic..I guess all PD charges are around there ba..to me, its a $$ we have to spend till they are old enough to go GP..Most impt is the chemistry with the PD that matters to me..hee

Overall I still prefer The Kids Clinic leh..cos I find the PD more gentle and better in explanation..Plus Kids Clinic located at shopping mall..so can shop, while Kidslink is at the HDB flats void deck..I love the Daiso at Rivervale Mall
But kidslink oso okay la..still got to see if the medicine work on Jermaine or not..
Xiaopooh , me dun care as long as Ashlynne recover manz.. hahaha..

wah echo, so nice eh.. me taking budget airline this time.. so no food jar for ashlynne.

not sure, so far i never let ashlynne taken any outside food at all..i very particular.. i mean those white porridge that not mixed with anything.. Ya.. have to QC 1st lor...
During my trip to Cruise, I just bring some bb jar, bread and milk for Faye. And gave her plain porriage as well. Can bring cereal oso.

Seems like alot of ppl caught the flu bug, fever, cough virus flying around. Gals have to eat more fruits to build up our immune system.

Ervin is a very good boy when he is in the coach. Didnt fuss in the coach. and he sleep quite long also. When coming back he slightly grounchy cos not feeling well.

Though i bring thick clothes, jacket still he gena fever.
Now i feel so abck lei. Just now his fever go up to 39.7 degree. Brought him to PD and taken med liao. Hope hr gets well soon.
i heard the baby jars sold at Australia taste very nice.. hahaha so defn not need to bring anything. But if go Malaysia better bring abit cos i went to a few supermarket onie can find a wide range of baby jar from cold storage. Those sold in giant or jusco, i dun dare to buy cos their shelf life ending very soon type.
gals going for the Positive Babies Trial

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">TIME CHANGE TO 1:45PM</font></font>

Venue: Baby Breeze - Novena Square 2
Date: 24 Oct 2009
Time: 1:45pm

hahah!! .. eh, but if jar food, if your baby can't finish the whole jar in one go, good to get a room with those bar fridges and microwave ovens so u can store the remainder in the fridge and then reheat later. If can finish the whole jar then no prob.
its called Pasir Ris Baby &amp; Child Clinic. no webby.

u went on mondae ah? mi too. was there around 8++ &amp; kayson was oreadi no 5 on d list. so wait abt 30mins or so. his pricing is cheaper dan most pd rite? =p
got thomas concert in dec lei. u buying tix? now i tink got discount. i bought laz wk. hehe. wanted to get d vip one but all sold out sia. damn fast. =p
Haha... Ya! Ok la, my girl usually will only left a not here not there portion from the Heinz bottles (the big ones). The short ones she usually can finish all.

She is wierd... I tried pumpkin cous cous on her 2-3 times. First time she finished all in like under 10 mins. 2nd time she eat a few mouths then she start making whiny noises. 3rd time, she like ok again... But at least she eat lar. :p

Raffety Garden can be found in Australia... Heard that it's v nice. I bot a few packs from Fabbie's cousin but haven collect yet... *keke* Anyidea if can send such things out of Australia in packages or die die must hand carry???
iemik0, ya, we went to monday, ard 9, and gerard was no 13 on the list, wait till nearly 10.30 then get to see Dr Sim. ?Ya, his pricing is cheaper and his medicine is better also..according to my friend whose son always sick and mostly medicine dun work for him
Hi iemiko, can check with you, u buy eclairs/Profiterole from Rebeccarios. Are the nice. Thought of buying some for parties. Thks
mayb when i left den u came. coz by d time i leaving, d list was like 11 liao. keke. ya. hsi meds work beta for my bois too. he more daring to give higher doses actually.

her eclairs n cream puffs r veri nice! i bought a few times le. hehe. tis time round mayb ordering 2 cartons of eclairs for kayson's bdae party. =p
paulyn, i ordered the eclairs and profiterole from Rebeccarios for my boy's full mth celebration. it's yummy but i prefer the eclairs ehan profiterole.
For regular spreeists, how do you find the quality of GAP vs Old Navy vs Gymboree vs Pumpkin Patch?

Recently been spreeing quite a bit, can't seem to stop buying!!
Hi yogi
to me all are good.. cos i m regular for these 4 brands... LOL...

Pumpkin Patch and Gap in SG are expensive..

gymboree, did not get it see it sold in SG.Personally like gymboree quality cos its is good..
I only started spreeing recently but hooked liao haha. Previously bought from BPs but now I prefer to spree!

I find that ON is cheaper than GAP generally but the material is slightly thinner. Which is fine too lah coz here so hot! Agree with you Gymboree quality is good, I bought quite a bit of stuff recently as well, cannot resist with the sale! My hubby is like "enough lah, she got so much clothes oredi!" then i will point out to him this one that one so cheap, buy in Sin stores will cost you an arm and leg haha
Hi gals,
Can I ask u all other than Master Tan (Wayonet) do you have any good fengshui/shuan ming shi to recommend? Cos Master Tan is too expensive lar...

Want to shuan ming and evaluate the change of name lar... Not for myself thou...

The other 2 fengshui master I heard of are Lilian Too and Lynn Yap. Should be able to google quite easily but I doubt they come cheap too.
Yes.. gymboree are really much better in quality and when sales came.. u can really get ALOT plus redemption of gymbucks. I like gymboree alot and often will spree myself. no need to join BP if you can just get a few friends to consolidate. The shipping is standard.

Ya.. ON is cheaper than GAP alot... but to me, design wise.. gymboree seem to have more..

** truly a gymboree fan**

My HB and mum complaining... saying TOO MUCH....

There is one incident.. i ordered 2 of the same thing for Ashlynne... at different batch.. HB stared at me.. " i thought she has this pants already??"

i say oops.. nevermind la... wear lor...if not, i wrap and give away as gift, since unopened..

jowin, you are so cute, order 2 of the same thing! But baby gals are so fun to dress up! Even my maid gets all excited whenever i show her what i have bought!

Sam, how can I forget Ralph Lauren haha. Have not bought anything from Guess kids though. GAP and RL are so much cheaper online, can't believe how much they are charging at the stores!
buying fr singapore, means u pay to cover cost for the advertisment- branding efforts, rental space, customer service gal's salary, etc...

Lilian Too is located in Msia. If not wrong Lynn is her student? If not wrong oso located in Msia...
i can forget wat i ordered before.. see nice and ordered again.. i almost order a same dress for her bday.. then i realise, hmm its so familiar.. went to dig out the bags of new clothings.. AH HA!! Its inside... LOL...

Kris, oh yes, i forget.. my side no one redeem gymbucks leh... if u have.. i only have 2 small items , 1 clips and a pair of socks tats all.
hey ladies,
I very bu shuang now!! need to vent my frustration...

I couldn't decide to hold a big bday celebration for Jonas or not.. until last week, I decided that we will hold a simple celebration at home, invite both grandmas, uncles, aunties, cousins.. i will deco my place, so that he can take pic with them for memory...
MY BIL n his gf booked a restaurant on the same day that my MIL is off duty, to go to some atas hotel to eat lunch.. say tt need 2 months prior booking.. so I'm told to go there to celebrate my son's bday..
I said, i already planned for celebration at home.. can we do tt at home? MIL say, just go restaurant la.. i say, i want my mum to be ard too.. she say watever, i think the restaurant/hotel can le..
Do you honestly think they will care tt its my son's bday?! they will just go about how nice the food is... how nice of it of my BIL n his new atas gf has treat us to that atas place...
Argh! Now i feel like holding a separate celebration for Jonas, n not inviting them! If they find out, dun blame me for not inviting... cause she ask for it..

Haiz, I tried letting Jermaine play with the syringe, sing songs to her, coax her all no use..she simply hated taking medicine..hw come all my frds babies all no problem de, they said their bbs love the sweetness of the medicine..ended up I really no choice but to put the medicine into her milk n let her drank just now le..no choice but to do this way, else she can really cried till very jialut n I will be damn pek chek..
