(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Understand your predicament. I had issue with my maid and made the decision to place my bb in IFC since last Mon. My in-laws actually called to express their displeasure but since no help afforded, i just bite the bullet and do it.

BB still crying as of this morning but heard from teachers and a colleague, who watched over my daughter when she was on leave last week, that my bb adapting fast and well.Basically went playing with others and on her own after i left within 5-10 mins.

Altho I have some issues about the teachers, overall they have been attentive and take good care of my daughter. at least i know that there are a few pairs of eyes watching over bb and teachers themselves. M sure no one will bully or mis-treat the child since at a centre.

My recommendation would be to go to the reputable ones and ask. You may be surprised that some may have vacancies as some bb move on to the toddler class. Also, i prefer to have a smaller centre - fewer babies, more attention and reduce spreading of germs.

Personally felt that curriculum not so important as they are still very young until they are one yrs old and when they can walk. Whilst the teachers do read to them, most of the time, it's about cleaning, feeding, playing and sleeping for infants.

Hope this helps.

I totally agree with Phyl. if the caretaker is anybody other than u or ur hb, u will have to close BOTH eyes and ears. How big is the issue with her?

My ger is being taken care by my MIL and recently I found she was neglected. Went to her place during dinner time, MIL was preparing her food in the kitchen. FIL was tasked to care for her but he went to room to do stuff. When I came out from kitchen,my ger was staring straight into the TV. Yes, she was less than 10cm fr eyes to TV. If the TV was closer to the edge, she would be kissing Mr Bean on TV. If my ger needs to wear classes when she is in Pri 1, I know who to BLAME!

I kicked up a big fuss lar. BUT what to do right? Nagged at my hb for 2 days lor... But my MIL adores my ger to bits. I will be sending her off to Childcare when she is 18mths. Cos my MIL is not "educating" her enuf lar. CC shld be able to do a btr job.
ypg and rachel
Your HT still at my house... when wanna collect?? If not i cheong gong already...=P

Collect by Wed if possible..Thurs i m out, friday not free.. Sat not at home.. Sunday to another week, i m out of SG.. Thanks
<font color="aa00aa">HI gals i have just receive the bowls but i only receive 6 of it and will base on 1st come 1st serve from the list that i have, to send it out to the mummies. Why is it so little as their country cannot send too big items to SG. So will be waiting for more to come.. Those who im sending out will pM you gals to let you know. The shipping is quite slow im not sure why but im contacting quite close to the supplier. So dun worry. thanks =) </font>

Ok sure, I will collect tmr night. Tat time u say u not free meh or else I would have collected last Tue. So u cant 充公 ok. Haha... Wat time u at home tmr?
actually i;m lucky laa coz previously daniell also totally dun wan water until i get him doidy cup then he starts to drink a bit, but also not much... think one day less than half oz, but i continue to 'force' him to drink everyday lor until sucessfully get him to drink fr straw, so now he's drinking more n more le...
that's what i am wondering too.. heh and i was enjoying reading up on the thread and what everyone is up to these days... sigh.
pas, in office cannot go online.. at home, need to settle my boy first. Juz now so funny, i got up to drink water, zach got scared that i m leaving him, he went round n round the activity station, wanna chase aft me..hahaha. he was crying and i m laughing at him.. poor boy. He really stuck to me leh.
Last nite, he actually cried when he knew my hb was sleeping beside him.hahaha

jess,i oso trying to force zach to drink water.. via spoon, via mag mag, via doidy, via my bottle, all sorts of trick i've tried but no avail..

sam, unfortunately he dun want heinz juice. but when i steam apple n let him hv the juice, he will finish all of it.
TPY got quite a no of CC centres.

1)Mindchamps presch.. not sure got infant care anot but damn ex.. $1k or sumthing

2)NTUC - My first skool, located at the smaller NTUC blk

3) HDB Childcare.. if realli no plc.. u can try the HDB club CC. Its located above the TPY interchange. Used to take onli staff's bb, but they can take public's kids as well now. If I'm not wrg, they charge $800/mth

wanted to PM u.. but dun accept PM wor..
sigh.. battle with AShlynne over her med. again. She just finished 1 course of antibiotics and no use on her.. This time may not going to let her take antibiotics liao... continue on her nose drop and runny nose med.. Her mucus very thick... SIGH...
Hope Ashlynne feels better soon...poor girl. Last week during children's day I noticed that one boyed had crusted muscus on his nose and i alerted the teachers that his "crust" was yellowish which means he is infectious! Guess what, now Bryan is having slight runny nose liao.

Fabbie, so eh....is my bowl here yet?
I can understand hw is it like to feed Ashlynne medicine, cos I oso been thru it these few days..Last nite me brought my gal to see Kidslink PD, got a new series of medicine + nose-drop for her..lucky is her lungs are cleared..no need anti-biotic..

She was crying so badly when I feed her medicine..how I envy those bbs who dun have problem taking medicine, just like my frd's kids..they love the sweetness n wont rejest..

Hopefully she recover soon, n ashlynne too ya..

sorry didnt reply your sms cos i am in genting.

Hi gals,
Ervin is down with fever. Dunno is it genting too cold for him.
Dearest mommy..
Thank you so much for your kind advise and also support..
I agree that must close 1 eyes, which I have done so =(.

Last night talk to auntie, she agree to help till my boy 1 year old, so at least I can continue working until end of the year.
Meanwhile go and search another alternative of IFC.
This Sat going to view the NTUC one.

Problem start maybe long time, maybe she is not satisfied with me, or angry when I queries about my boy rashes.
Than lately I query about the phone bill, whether she make IDD call, than she feel offended, I also asked in front of my mom. End up case settled coz its my mom using the phone. But she kept2 in her heart. Than she query about my hb ph bill. Hb angry but never say. Ok than when I went to wedding dinner. She complaint to my hb about this and that.. never expect that my hb gets angry and say if you dont want to work again, just say so. Dont give me all this nonsense..
Haiyah.. till both my parents angry with me. Coz I start the problem.. sigh..

For us lesson learnt, never let relatives work for us. Difficult to say, and involve all the family.

Sorry for long post ok ladies..

Have a nice day ahead.. once again.. thanks a lot..

Thanks for calling me.. thank you..
No prob lar. I know how it's like. My MIL's sis was my CL lor. I oso cannot voice my unhappiness or tell her what I wanted cos she was considered an "elder". So I had to bear with it for a month. I totally agree that it's difficult! There are some unspoken unhappiness b/w my MIL, hb n me since then. BUT! Wat to do rite?

If u put ur boi in NTUC, then will be friend friend with my boss's boi boi liao... haha...
Cheer up k..dun be sad..we must be positive k..glad that ur aunt is able to help look after ur boy for the time being..

Agreed that never to reply on our relatives to look after our bbs..cos if nothing goes wrong then fine, but if something happen, u want to tell them off oso difficult..but if dun say we feel lousy..its a dilema ya..if outsider look after then if they do wronf, we can tell them off easily..wont spoil the relationship..but again, if relatives look after, its also more fan xing ba..haiz..so ma fan to tink about it..

My bb currently looking after by my babysitter which I got from online free advert de..tink its fate that we get to know her..and I can say so far she didnt give me any major problem..sometime may have small issues ocurring, but i still thank god for it le..like phyl said, I will at times buy nice food,things for her or her boys, gotta zhou ren abit lor..no choice de..
u went to kidslink too? I went yesterday , the Bedok Branch. Also given a new set of medicine. Haiz.. its really a battle lor.. cry so much when i fed her.. make me heartache.. but really no choice. No med, cannot recover..

Hi jappooh
oh dear. So ervin still fever? Me going this weekend too...
Hi Esthers
No prob.. jus my 2 cents worth..

Agree tat its diff when relatives are involved. MIL taking care of my gal.. haf told her a thousand times that my gal has slight allegy to fish. but she still give her fish almost everyday.. My gal will haf slight ezema rash on her cheek n scratch her head alot.. wat to do? gotta close 1 eye lor..

Go see all the childcare the decide ya. dun stress
yes he still having fever. I guess is the hot and cold weather there. His fever start yesterday when loh. Hope he gets well soon.

So u taking coach there? by which agent? Bring jacket for ashlynne
Esther, I have the same prob and aunt oways declare she is no professional ala consultant. If I want professional care I have to look elsewhere. As unhappy as you are, I soon realised that all we are asking for is "can you practise more care/love/attention/diligence" etc for our bubs. So I just suck it in and lower my voice and soften my tone and talk to her about the possible problems should it deteriorate &amp; possible solutions instead of question her why rash/fall/bruise etc occur.

I think, at times even when I look after my bb myself, my bb will also fall/bruise/develop rash or other forms of accidents *haiz*. However when all the above happens in the care of others than ourselves, we tend to get very upset and cross. I think its only natural that we expect others to give undivided care and due diligence at all times when our bbs are in their care cos they are doing it FT. However in actual fact, the caregivers too have to go toilet/cook etc and attention is away from bb.

Well well, these are the pains of a working mother or rather my pains. hehehehe......
Xue, next time bring yr MIL to yr PD. Then make PD repeat no fish for time being. I have to tell my team "Dr say no fish" then they get the drift. I'm ready to bring my aunt to my PD if she still insists on gvg fish then *lucky my PD can speak in mandarin &amp; dialect*
So u oso visit Kidslink huh? Hw u find their service? I went to the Sengkang branch..1st visit there last nite..cos all the while Jermaine seeing PD at The Kids Clinic-Rivervale Mall..but so happen this whole week no nite clinic, that's why I brought her to try Kidslink..

I hope can end the feeding medicine day..so sian n sad to see my gal sick..last nite i fed her medicine, she cried so loud n was struggling..till i feel frustrated n sad at the same time..haiz..
ikeike, I share the same pains as u. My hb shares ur aunt's sentiments abt professional care. Mine is all the more painful since it directly impacts our r/s. Sometimes, I wonder if I am really so wrong to be asking?

i had gotten advice to change caretaker but hb is not agreeable. Then what can I do? Just let it make more dents in our r/s lor...
xiao pooh,
U can try to sing a song/nursery rhyme to ur ger to calm her down first. I tried my MIL's method which is to hold her in my arms then give her the medication. She doesn't cry but will struggle lar...

Nowadays she hates it when we cradle her (in a certain manner) in our arms cos she associates that to "eat medicine"... so good n bad...
esther.. hmm.. when u go visit the schools hor.. u definitely can spot something u dun like one.. like just now i went to spot check my son and his teachers.. sigh.. also like that... haha.. bo bian one.. lucky my son is on their ok list.. not the super sayang list.. at least the were feeding him when i came in and not being neglected n screaming.. haha.. 1 boy not so lucky liao.. the teacher was rough with him coz he poo-ed.. wahaha.. wat to do? haha.. oh ya.. and when i was there.. another mum came to spot check too.. but brought 2 boxes of chocz muffins for the teachers.. wahaha.. without a doubt.. that girl is the most precious in the class..

my ifc quite accomodating to my nonsense liao.. so there is only so much i can ask n demand.. haha.. my ifc dun serve chicken at all coz i told them hayden is a fish boy.. haha.. so all the kids get their dha boost thanks to hayden.. they also quite good when i tell them to put hayden's 101 diff creams to help his eczema.. i do not like their non existent curriculum.. but i think think liao i feel forget it la.. as long hayden happy there can liao la..
Thats wat I did leh..I held my gal in my arm and squeezed the medicine bit by bit via the syringe into her mouth..But i guessed she knew leh..cos whenever I get the medicine ready, she saw the filled syringe tat Im gonna feed her, then she start crying le..and the torture begin..

Anyway, look at the brighter side and soon she will recover, so no more such torture le..

Btw, dun noe why, I feel lately my appedite like super good n Im eating alot..so I actually gained weight again
(..I need to lose weight..but hw to stop my crave?? Any good slimming tea to recommend mummies?
Np.. will inform you once ya batch come.. ^^

Its okai jappooh haha infact i already forget about waiting for ya reply le. lol..
hey.. have u ladies tried letting your babies hold the syringe? u know initally hayden also screamed his head off then i feed him meds.. but now.. all i gotta do is show him the syringe, he will hold it and put it into his mouth (just like everything else) then i will slowly squeeze the meds in.. maybe u all try la.. now his favie toys includes a syringe.. keke.. on top of remote controls, handphones, his tube of sunscreen and DVDs.. hahaha..
Is it? Hayden so gd boy..I dont tink Jermaine will ever like the syringe, cos She has been traumatised by it le..hee hee..
Thanks.. its not only your pains, it my pains also.
She take care ok, I can accept. In fact,I make my boy fall more time than her.

Hahaha.. I see... box of muffins works ah...
I will bear in mind.
Ikeike, Phyl,Xiao Pooh
Thanks a lot...

I also share the same pains.

Worst come to worst, I stop working for 1 year, than I come back working again...
It's a nice idea! My colleague's dotter will even feed herself w the medication from the syringe lor. Cos she has been on medication so often since young. So to her it's just some colourful wierd tasting liq.

Xiao Pooh,
Usually I dun do bit by bit... If its 2ml I split into 2 squirts. And I squirt it at the side(next to the back of the tongue) to prevent med fr leaking out. If I squirt bit by bit hor, the "torture" time is longer.
U buying? It looks interesting... I recently used the OCBC CDA voucher to buy the pigeon set... Now I see this like quite nice oso... Hmmm...
Xiao pooh
ok la. I only went there twice when my girl regular PD close. Went yesterday to kidslink again cos she din recover from her regular PD.
Service wise, ok la.. but expensive

I hide the syringe.. last time, i bluff her by putting the med into her milk bottle and she sip it all. Now she know the trick and dun take it. So have to use syringe again.. I hide the syringe in wrapped up tissue , then lie her down.. when she smile and talk, i squeeze in.. Now, the trick dun work again... Now, i force feed. hold her hands down as she will fling here n there..

I dun do it bit by bit.. cos its like lengthening their torture time.. =P

Like snowger said, back of the tongue, side of the mouth.. 1 full push on the syringe n tats it!!

this morning, i threw the syringe to her to play.. add in water and spray into her mouth.. she ok... then she go and explore the syringe and dismantle it.. LOL.. later is her med time again... wanna see her reaction with the syrinye lor. SIGH...

we taking flight. i cannot imagine sitting coach there with my girl.. I already prepared clothings like jacket, long sleeves, tights, pants for her.. LOL... little fashion show..
Esthers, if u can go on 1yr sabbatical why not? If financial permits, it would be good. I would be envious definately hehehe........

Jess, I bot DD the suction bowls from Munchkin. It comes in 3diff sizes - S/M &amp; L. BB can even yank out the big bowl despite it having the biggest suction base. ZZZzzz..........
pigeon got similar bowl set too? this sure looks interesting coz it 'prevents' our baby to throw cutlery &amp; the bowl on the bowl lor... but dunno the suction pad good enough or not..

u got cheaper source?? kekeke!
will help you check out. see got anot ba. this one including postage is 21bucks huh?

Ya you took photos hor. i didnt take much.. i also want to see! hehe
ya i saw the munchkin one too last weekend but they only hav the bowl not the cutlery set... har, ur gal can yank out the big bowl??? wow, ur gal power sia... hahaha!
btw, fox having clearance sales at compass pt atrium area... i juz bought 2 pairs of shoes $9 each, a pair of jean &amp; sock for daniell, wanna to look for more but daniell start to eh eh eh in his stroller... sianz
I have my doubts about stuff with suction... Cos even those suction cup type of hooks that's suppose to be super good can fall off so easily lor...

My pigeon cutlery set are normal plates. No suction one I think...

Recently, my girl has the habbit of flagging her hands. And she will aim the spoon... So the food goes on the floor, her hands, her clothes. So angry!!!
