(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

pastilles, will keep u inform... my ger not teething leh... still bo ge...i am keeping my fingers cross cause last nite she oni wakes up twice, gave her paci & she continue to sleep...she nvr wake up btwn 12-1 for her milk, so i just feed her when i pump at 1.30am...

2nd baby,
ys my baby now drink alot of milk and solid he eat little loh. If he dun wake up for nite feed will be 1080ml if he wake up will be 1260ml. That why my fm finishing so fast.

When i give bm for the 1st 6mths still didnt notice that cos when he drink i pump. Now stop bm liao then knw so siong loh.
what is the normal drinking amount they should be drinking now??
coz alvon also drinking 180ml every 3 to 4 hrs.. including 2 cereal feeds of about 60ml to 90ml..
2nd baby, sam, I just weighed myself, 1.5kg to go! yeah! but tummy still sticking out though... so sad. my hb said if my tummy bigger than my boobs he will divorce me... arghhhh!!!
hi all wah.. i want to vent sia!
damn sian.. everyday is like quarreling with my mum. cus she keep nagging me here and there. this one put there.. that one must put there. wah.. me and my mum got different way to handle. so it always clashes together.. sighz. she keep nagging n nagging till theres once i stare at her when she nagging and she keep laffing. Damn what sia. like i say wheres baby clothes she say 2nd drawer. i open the damn 2nd drawer and a angry word from her AIYO NO LAR NOT THAT ONE LAR. WTH infact its the 3rd drawer. WHY? cus 1st drawer got nothing. how the hell i know sia. u know..

really leh. nag till i really bth.. is like sometimes too over liao. when my gal on bed. when she starts to crawl to me she will scream AIYO! wah.. i was like WHAT?! im here what.. to handle what!

my gal now Always 3-4am wake up. to DRINK MILK! tell me. i told my mum yday. dun feed her. just pat her to sleep.. then i pat pat pat.. zy keep crying.. then nvm leh. she keep nagging again. say POOR THING wan to drink milk also cannot. wah. hell leh! im so angry and i say Drink lar drink lar.. kao. is not that i dun wan to give my gal sleep! its at my MIL house.. she 3-4am wakeup and i always Make milk for her. and end up she sleeping again. so Whats the pt? and i dun wan to make a habit she keep waking up at the middle of the night to feed her. LAgi best.. my dad always came in the middle of the night to play with her. win already. now. want to sleep also cannot liao. then everything blame me cus. she "cry too much" so dun wan to sleep! faints.. really bth liao.. sometimes i think staying at my MIL house is better. WHY?! cus everything is i do for my gal. nobody come and restrict me say THIS one cannot that one cannot. and dun need to hear compliants about why she everything take and bite.. other babies dun do that. and other babies dun bu bu bu.. sighz.. but i realise after i give birth my mum's temper really shoot up. is like talk to her. cannot reply me properly is all shout one. damn irritating.

so tell me. whose baby wake up at the middle of the night? for milk. i told my mum.. dun make yourself so xin ku. that make ya temper blow up. she just want to do like that. haiz.. and i told her. sometimes u must control HER. and not she Control U! but it seems like my baby is controlling my mum always. and my mum always say where got. then later i say why this and that she blame on me. haiz.. really love my mum. but then it really sometimes get to my nerves sia.

my gal sleep at my mum room. and i hope to let her sleep in my room but my aircon spoil and i got no place to put clothes. so everything is in my mum room. haiz. damn sian and whatever thing happen she always complain to my aunt. then lagi best everyone started to say me this and that. damn sianz!

piew. okai. at least i let things out.. feel better abit. heheehe haiz. but sian.. going out now to woodlands cus my god damn hp duno why spoil. really bad sian sia!
October mommy will be joining us at 330pm tomorrow


7 Portsdown Road
It is near Temakek Club. Nearest way to get there is to take AYE. Also accessible from North Buona Vista Road. Please see road map:


the name of the location has been changed to SOPRANO. It was formerly called Cicada but that restaurant has recently changed name/mgt. Its right next to Temasek club and Colbar ok? Please refer to map. There is a change room (more like a hut) and mommies can use the restrooms in the restaurant.

Aquaducks website:

18 JULY 3.30pm
1. joanne
2. ypg
3. jlow (pending for ur confirmation)
4. ikeike
5. Petitcherie (Oct Mommy)
6. CL_BR (please confirm)

18 JULY 2:30pm
1. zachmommy
2. evanmummy
3. Xuelyn
4. jowinbaby
5. Tamms
6. echo
Fabbie cool it its lidat one lah. Old folks oways blame mommy wahahah.... like S like to kiaokah when sitted in the highchair then aunt blames me cos I like to kiaokah mah so now bb like me lor!! Actually bb is trying to stand lor pls and hvg fun at the resistant it gives when she kicks mah chey.... I normally hv to take a deep breath to cool myself otherwise I can really spit fire.
lol.. ikeike i think i will die of her whining sia. and ya. damn sian people keep on saying my fault my fault.. arghz.. so irritating.
hi tamms,

thanks for adding me

will pm u my details later.
wat do we need to bring har?

my MIL likes to ask me why Hayden cries at nite.. then my blood will boil n i will tell her to ask Hayden.. haha.. and she will continue to ask did i feed him, did i carry him, did i pat pat him, did i latch him.. blah blah blah... then by then my blood pressure rise to my head liao and i will raise my voice at hear and say.. YOU ASK HAYDEN LA.. I WANT HIM TO CRY ONE MEH??? wahaha.. then she will shut up and continue to stare at my living room ceiling...

FYI- this conversation happens almost everyday... wahahahaha.. so bad for my health! keke
Looks like u do not enjoy the life of being a SAHM? LOL.. can u talk nicely to ur mom? i think its much easier to talk to our own mom than to our MILs..for my case my mom also always nag when she sees how we handle jordan...she will complain and say that's not how she brought us up wad...sometimes i buay song lor but what to do, gotta calm myself down and slowly explain to her that this is our way and that's how doctors encourage too..then slowly she will just 'comment' and not complain liao..

Jiayou! I'm sure ur mom just sayang her grand daughter very much so sometimes grandparents do not want their grandchildren to be starved lor...they heartpain also ma..

Calm down ok!
Wah Phyl u so fierce one ar? Even to ur MIL? Ur hubby didn't say anything? Grandparents are like dat one wad...cant bear the grandkids to cry...sometimes when im over the phone with my mom/mil jordan cries they will also ask how come he cries? then i will say aiya u know ur grandson la, he wanna young old only ma..
fabbie.. u is mother.. mine is both.. BOTH my mum and my mil.. lagi worse for me right.. at least mum i still can say back.. mil i cannot say back.. these days i realise mil give pattern.. she said something, I don agree, she do it herself to my baby.. jialat right.. haiz
ha ha ha i also leh.. i got to settle both MIL and MUM... and my hubby is one who don't voice out one lo.. makes me more angry

and my MIL really do it herself and she tries to do it when I am not around de..

Me too! I kena black face from my mum everyday. B4 I give birth, I am the apple in her eyes. She dote on me. Now after giving birth, I am still the apple in her eyes, but poisoned apple lor. Haha...

Why is those who make things difficult for us are WOMEN n MOTHERS themselves? 女人何苦为难女人 leh.
rachel.. eh.. my MIL doesnt open her mouth when my hubby is at home.. then i get too angry liao i will call hubby and the conversation will go like that

me: daddy, ask u huh.. why boy boy cry last nite huh
hubby: *silence*
me: your mummy ask me again then i tell her ask boy boy herself..
hubby: *silence*
me: so irritating lor.. then she can lagi tell me because boy boy cry then she cannot slp... I got slp not???
hubby: *silence*
me: i go do work liao.. byebye..

rachel.. i think u dunno la.. keke.. my hubby is a block of wood.. and everytime i call him.. most times i just keep talking n he listen nia.. if i demand an answer.. he will just.. um.. ah.. ya..
Look like all having problem with their ILssss…
Same to me…normally I will just complaint to hubby and he will tell her mum (this is for the 1st kid).
After 2nd kid now…he will just tell me :” whatever u feel not good just straight away tell her, don’t tell me”.
Hmmm…then I better keep quiet…

Sometimes really buay tahan too…there is once after I bath my boy and wear cloth that I bought.
She commented the cloth so thick, later bb feel hot blah blah blah…
Haiz…in my heart I just say is my bb not urs…I will just keep quiet…
左耳进,右耳出。Just ignore them, tat it…then will feel better.
calm down. Ur mum mayb tired after taking care of ZY for so many mths so vent out on u. but she do so many thngs and comment all for ZY's gd so dun blame her la. In fact I feel tat ur mum v gd liao. still help u to take care of bb even though will quarrel or shout at u. My mum dun even help me lor... sianz
phyl, i used to stay with my mil...she is also 1 super hollywood actress, when hubby at home treat me superduber nice,,,heh heh when hubby not at home true colours all show out...unit one fine day i my temper blew up and i said enough is enough and i move out the next day...very drama. which i really did moved out!! i called my boss in the middle of the nite to take urgent leave to pack up!!! After we shifted out from her premise...things actually gets better coz u dun get to see her everyday so no conflicts lor!!!
女人何苦为难女人 --> I like this statement.

My MIL also same like yours, exactly copy leh..
My son cry keep on asking me why cry. At first I say I dont know.. than later i keep my mouth shut liao... boiling inside..
Than lagi best, if my boy cries, she will ask.. is it hungry (FYI just fed him), is he urine, maybe wet ( FYI pampers on)and already tell her, he is on pampers, not to change everytime.
Than repeat again, again and again..
Than I say, you ask boy boy lah!
Make me want to jump down from my block leh..
Talk a lot wanted to help me lah, blah blah blah.. than end up really ask her to help. She refuse, say she not comfy staying my home lah (ya lah me poor, stay HDB only, the rest of her sons stay private) sigh...

Dun worry, me also like that with my mom.. but we love each other. I am sure you love her... I also greatful she wanted to help me with my boy.

Haiyah.. complaint day for me.

Office lately got a lot of problem, boss also very very mooody.. (man more moodi-er than woman)
How I wish I can burn all the paper, and take it case closed...

haha .. ya mine too. no help from my mother at all. I'm damn bitter about it. She lives so near .. she's still young (she's only 21yrs older than me) and my girls r her only grandkids, yet she doesn't help me. Critisize can. Help .. no. Can try to chase my previous maid away some more. Damn solid parent.
kistalangel, my MIL lagi best she abuse my maid mentally and not allow to use mop only use hands to hand-mop the whole of 5-room flat (every single corner), only feed her bread. wat can i say change maid like change underwear like that, until mom got to send my hubby go class so can re-employ new maid(due to change of too many maids within a year)...every time show black face when i buy food for maid...lucky my maid never abuse my son..it was during yr 2003
LOL ur hubby so funny just keep quiet nia..but u also one tough cookie hor, dare to talk back to ur MIL, but true also la...the whole family just keep coming n stay with u all, even chase bb hayden out his room right? Too much liao.

My mom also doesnt help me becos she is in Msia. But nvr mind la, we all mommies liao so must be strong for our bb! Plus u have a helper also right? That will lessen ur burden in terms of the chores lor..me dun hv, so very cham...


I'm signing Evan up for Kindermusik and I've 3 other friends that are keen too .. (bb around 7-9 mths)

I'm thinking of forming a class that make up of 7-9 mths bb .. Anyone keen ? It will be on Sunday ..
cool down. My MIL also keep nagging one lar i just turn my 2 ears off. no choice stay with them have to tahan loh.

Yesterday my MIL say that guy after work should let them rest dun ask them to help look after kids. They are tired after a long day work. Then i just reply.. But nowadays woman also work lei. so it not like last time liao. Nowadays guys need to help.. Cos my MIL very scare i ask my hubby to help me one.. She scare i bully her son..haha

ya your mom is in M'Sia so it's ok
ours is here ... let me put it to you thiw way ... next time when your baby is married with kids, you'd like to help and at least be involved in your grandkids' lives rite?

I have a helper too .. but it'll be so much better if their grandmother was involved in their lives. *sigh* it's damn sad.

But yes, we have to keep moving forward lor for our kiddies' sake. I aldy told my hubby that when we have grandkids, I'd like to be involved with their lives that's why we must always have at least a teeny car to move around.

Wow.. ur MIL said tat ?

Come to think about it ..I'm really really lucky BUT i still complain everyday ..

My mom and MIL are both very nice .. (especially my mom) she never complain tired .. and still offer to help after I'm home - ask me go out for movie and etc during night time .. Sometimes, plan dating session for me and my hubby .. ask us to spend more time together ..

Somemore, help me to do household grocery .. and etc .. Wow, I need to be thankful ..
I can completely understand u too. same phlight! My mum's young too but keep complaining of poor health.. blar blar give excuses not to help. like tat nvm. when she see my my maid always arrow her ard to do hsework. during my bb full mth party, ask my maid to pass her my bb and go wash my rm toilet!! *faints!* Having party wash wat toilet?! she always complain tat my maid v lazy. she hardly see her and dunno her schedule of work and yet complain complain non-stop. luckily i dun rely on her for bb care, if not i also dunno change how many maids liao.

In the end its my MIL who is in her 60s whose helping me out, tats y need a maid to help her. My MIL damn solid, raised all her 5 kids full-time on her own and now taking care of Summer, her No. 8 grandchild! I realli salute her!!
Stella, this is the way all mums should be and we definitely ought to learn from them.

I am lucky too to have a mum in law who similarly never complain to me or hubby about how tired she is by helping us looking after our little one.

I guess all parents are more or less the same in the sense, they want the best interests for their beloved children and grandchildren.
Oh Comon.. we are all Mummies too right? Next time we will never know what kind of horrible MIL we will turn into as well.. haha..
Lets take everything with a pinch of salt and love our life as it is.. Its Friday. Have a great weekend everyone!

my MIL is like yours when we have our 1st kid. Now i have 2 kids so she cant handle both lar.
We use to have alot of couple time also cos my MIL can help me to take care of my elder one. Now with 2 kids if i wan couple time i take leave during weekdays cos my hubby working shift.

Weekday my MIL still will ask us to go patoh loh.
Just that she hope i can dun ask my hubby to help to take care loh.. Tell u my hubby and SIL is very ggo life one. Dun have to do anything one..

I cant complaint much lar cos my MIL help me alot in hsework also. and frocry as well except the fm and diaper..

Now my elder one sleep with her and my baby sleep with me.
Sorry long post again haha

wah.. u dare to talk to her like that. but also good like that she will be scare of u. hehe

i felt i enjoy it when im alone with her more. at least nobody beside me nagging here and there.. really bth leh. i always need try to talk to her nicely and she will go. HANNAR.. shout here and there. -___- then i say talk properly can anot. -___- i think she herself also know that she nag alot. cus a period of time she was nagging n nagging and i was staring at her. till she laff -___- i think our grandparents all dote our little one till my gal quite TI KI. then my gal seems like always controlling my mum! she wants to carry means she wants.. if not she will scream. cannot wait one leh! then my mum will blame me.. again saying.. must be u always let her cry n cry thats why she scream like that. faints.

Teddy Baby
ya ya ya.. mum at least can say back hor. but MIL cant. but what u mean she do ya baby? what did she do?

Sama sama sia! my mum used to dote me so so much! then now. wah.. chut pattern sia.. why old people like that ah?i wonder next time will we be like that. but then again. will be treated fairly ba. if im in mother's position. yes. and its all woman who gao gui. for guys they bo chup. like my FIL.. i always bring zy to pom pom. he can say no need to bath lar.. wipe can already. -___- lmao.

its normal right that all we gals always got some things with in laws de..my hub will say.. WHERE GOT SUCH things. -___- so noob one! my hub also like ya hub. he will say ask me to tell his mum straight. how to say?! faints. lol

ya.. thats why i REN lor.. till now. she quite wei da. she now working parttime job. then at night she say DUN MIND to take care for zy. cus she always 3-4am wake up. then i say dun wan. but she insist lol like that i tio liao haha.

Esther ya love her still. lol

LOL my MIL did told me like that.. saying my HUB driving must rest more.. see i can take care or ask my mum to take care. thats when im working. then im thinking ORH. hub working i no need to work lar! kaoz.

BABY wake up in the middle of the night
anyone baby wakes up in the middle of the night STILL?! my gal not routine liao leh. JIALET. 3-4am wake up! sometimes to drink milk. OR sometimes just eh eh. then i pat pat her then she sleep. i really need her to sleep thru out man! if not whats the difference with a NB baby leh. Hmmm
hahha .. well, its also good to have a channel to blast OUT!! so at least we dont blast out at home ..

Well, my MIL also said my maid lazy .. this and tat eat a lot .... .. and now my hubby also think the same way .. LOL ..

Ya mummies !! Its FRIDAY .. HOORAY .. Lets forget our problems ... and HAVE a great weekend and time bonding with BB ..

I'm looking forward to meet mummies and BB at aquaduck session !!!

Thanks Tammy for organising !!
my MIL just heartpain for her son loh. usually if my hubby working the next day i will let him rest cos his work is driving ship so can be danergous if not enough rest. My hubby is on shift work so if he not working i will expect him to help me. specially i ahve 2 kids.

Middle of night:
Ervin start to wake up for milk for the past 2 wks. then sleep thru again for last 2 nite and yesterday ask for milk again. I guess he is not full thats why..Sometime Ervin will eh eh also cos cant find his tutu. Ervin sleep fast lar.. 1 to 2 min he can fall asleep liao so i am ok.

wa .. your MIL is really damn solid. lol


yes, you are really very lucky
it's very nice to read heartwarming stories like that ... I hope to be that kind of mom with my girls later on when they have kids

Have a good weekend, everyone !!!
fabbie.. yes alvon also still wakes for his feed.. he normally sleep aroundn 9pm with 200ml feed then wakes for 1 or 2 feeds (120ml) like 1am and 4am.. and normally i work will feed him again at 6am..

only yesterday 1st time he slept from 9pm to 6am .. hee hee got wake but i shift shift him then he goes back to sleep
Hi gals,

check with u all. Your baby wake up for milk is from birth till now or sleep thru liao then now wake up already?

Ervin sleep thru when he is 2.5mths. But when he is 6.5mths he start to wake up for milk again. Is it he dun have ebough during the day?

Forgot to pay you for the tea! Anyway nice meeting up with you, too bad we had to go back to office, catch up again soon yah? Okie, going to surrender my laptop now since this is my last day...

Mummies have a great weekend!!
haha your reply so cute.. His entire life up to date is only 7mths + lei.. hee..

i also suspect that. I suspect cos his gum itchy also keep waking up look for tutu as well. 2 days ago just see his 5th teeth cut thru. Hope the get back to his usually sleep soon.

It would be nice if we have met earlier .. Nice meeting .. talk and talk and talk ..

No prob abt the tea .. next time on u .. drive over for lunch lah ..

catch up soon !
no prob! also thanks to ypg for persistence!

Aquaducks has CONFIRMED that there is a shower for moms and babes to rinse off

Evan didnt sleep thru the nite ever B4 .. always wake up for his milk milk ..

Wow, 5th teeth cutting thru .. how envy ..Evan still toothless leh .. he refused to move out of the toothless club .. Mummy waiting and waiting ..
Waking up at night.
My boy didn’t wake up for night feed now, and his last feed around 10-11pm, next feed around 8 -9am.
(sometimes very heng suay, whenever I say he good, later he turn out bad.
So this round if I say he never wake up at night, suay suay he wake up tonight, got to blame myself Big Mouth)

My boy only sleep through when he turn 6 months onwards.
Infant time he drive me crazy…wake up every 2 hrs…very on lo…never miss…
Slowly become better…hope he carry on…

So no need to bring own water ?? I'm serious abt bringing my own water liao ..cos Evan has ezcema ..I need to ensure i rinse him off ..


oic.. Now i am trying to see can get his sleep thru nite again. maybe need to feed him more during the day?

Dun have to envy lar cos every baby will come out one lar.. Just happen that my baby both like to have their 1st tooth in 5th mth.. Oldies say cos they dun get to eat when in my tunmmy..
