(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

i only just receive 2 days ago & yeah! this year no need to pay taxes! in fact they will credit back to me what i've been paying for the last few mths;p;p

jes/ xuelyn,
i think they becoming more n more "nian" to us..

yes! me! my boy has been waking up these nite! i super buay tahan! tink we "spoilt" the habit of letting him drink at nite when he was sick last wk..so when i stop letting him drink at nite this wk, he really cry the whole hse down...
Talking abt NOA,
How come i still hv not received mine? I checked the portal and they said it's still being processed! How come!

U still a PR too? Do u plan to convert to become a s'porean?
ya hope it is juz a phase & can over very soon...
btw ask u, since emma grows so many teeth already wont she bite u while u latch her on?
Daniell really likes to bite my nipple & the more i scold him the more he will do it on purpose, i guess his gum really really itchy...

i dun like my kid too 'nian' me one bcoz i will feel breathless... haha, very weird hor, i rather they go & nian their dad...

u plan to convert to S'porean ar?
yes emma bites me! not when she's drinking milk, cos the milk won't flow if you bite, right (like a straw) but she will bite when she's unlatching, or if she's falling asleep and slips off. very pain! can wake me up from my sleep. when she bites me, i will remove her from my breast and scold her, so that she knows not to do it again.
bubble/rachel/pastilles.... my ger oso keeps waking up screaming... her rountine is:
drink milk at around 8-8.30, sleep b4 9pm, screaming around 10plus, give her paci, sleep till 12plus, must drink milk, dun want paci... then sleep again till 3plus, & starts waking up screaming every 30-45mins till 6plus...
anybody knows why? then my pantry lady recommend this: let her bath with 3 pcs of pomelo leaves & 3 stalks of pomegonate, must do on lunar 1,3,5 of the mos, then the baby will not wake up at nite? i just tried once last nite, gg for 2 time this sat and 3rd time next week...hahhaa
daniell wont bite me in the beginning part, but after he drinks enough from my breast then he will start to bite my nipple lor... when i scold him he will smile at me & bite harder somemore.. nowadays my nipples always feel so sore due to his constant bite... argh!
yah yah, emma also bites me at the end, as if to signal that she has had enough. I'm also very sore. but thankfully she's not biting hard enough to draw blood, so not so bad. just put nipple cream lor, to ease the soreness.
YPG good job! much better at 330, at least more mommies can make it. So you will liase with Ainun re change of time right? I will forward her mommy details.

I stopped by the place earlier today, please note that the name of the location has been changed to SOPRANO. It was formerly called Cicada but that restaurant has recently changed name/mgt. Its right next to Temasek club and Colbar ok? Please refer to map in above post. There is a change room (more like a hut) and mommies can use the restrooms in the restaurant.
jess, echo
Zach oso bite me and while he is biting my nipple, he will look at me with the corner of my eyes to see my reaction. Last nite i tink i was in pain until i squeeze his thigh..hahaha :p but after tat i will scold him n said "you are not supposed to bite me!" but after tat he will still do the same leh

I m comfy with being a PR leh.. so will continue becoming a PR. FUrthermore my family is back in Malaysia, so i will not consider converting.
okie leh, i like my boy boy "nian" me. but when i need "space" i will pass him to his daddy , my parents , my sisters, all also can handle him ;p haha

same, kayson also likes to bite me! pain & thankful no teeth yet...he bites n pull! n when i "scold" him , he will stil smile at me...*faint*..

but means are u getting IFC subsidies if u nv convert?

okie, u tell me if it works or not..i dun mind trying since its just buying pomelo leaves to bath..
i suspect thou bb is teething?? so maybe he uncomfotable so wake up at nite...also partly our fault that we let him drink milk when he woke up middle of nite for last wk..prior to tat he's okie to STTN (sleep thur the nite). may wake up awhile but i pat pat he will sleep again..
so now got to "bite the bullet" n hear his screaming n crying..hope to slowly get him back to his usual sleeping cycle n can STTN agian..
pas, hb is a singaporean, so still entitled for the $600 subsidy. Anyway, he will be going to nanny's place next mth onwards, so no more $600 subsidy. :p but if i get a maid, will get maid relief as well..haha
Kath.. its good to be PR.. if i have a choice.. me too =P kekeke... To me, not much of a difference to be PR or S'porean.. maybe u just cannot join the election ....tats all... N some benefits that your HB as a singaporean, can entitled to.

Sian.. yesterday work till 11pm plus.. Today i wonder again.
aiks, today u OT again? go home earlier lar.. spend some time with Ash. At this age, they are fun to play with. Heck care abt work lar.. i oso kinda relax mood lately.
Hi Mummies, I am from the Jan 09 thread. actually have a can of silmac stage 2 to exchange for enfrapro. anyone interested?
hi ypg,

if no one taking the 330 aquaduck trial, can i join? I intro myself quite a while back but the thread really moves too fast for me to constantly follow....
my baby is born dec too...
so adventurous ah? it's abit too exotic for my comfort thou i m nt v fussy abt e food given to bb.. keke.. but he's ok leh, can still smile after tasting it

Today my subordinate really make me boil, although I've resign already , but still got 1mth+ to go mah. No respect to me at all, really very fed up. Even though I resign, must do "sui sui" mah, hate ppl to screw things up. I'm in sales, of coz have to maintain my reputation. Guess really ppl r very realistic, but I hack care whether he likes it anot, just send an email to ask the operation to listen to my instructions and ask my subordinate to cc me all the emails regarding the order and I cc to all my bosses. Cannot vent in FB, coz he's in my FB :p

7 Portsdown Road
It is near Temakek Club. Nearest way to get there is to take AYE. Also accessible from North Buona Vista Road. Please see road map:


the name of the location has been changed to SOPRANO. It was formerly called Cicada but that restaurant has recently changed name/mgt. Its right next to Temasek club and Colbar ok? Please refer to map. There is a change room (more like a hut) and mommies can use the restrooms in the restaurant.

Aquaducks website:

18 JULY 3.30pm
1. joanne
2. ypg
3. jlow (pending for ur confirmation)
4. ikeike
5. xuelyn
6. cl_br

18 JULY 2:30pm
1. zachmommy
2. evanmummy
3. SnowGer
4. jowinbaby ( Confirm)
5. Tamms
6. echo

Please send details to tamms if u have not done so.


Ainun need u to re-send her the list. But I will confirm with her the timing once I manage to contact Jlow. Anyone got her contact?

Think should be 3.30pm session cause seems more ppl interested in the 3.30pm. Cause if onli 3 ppl in 11am, also cant go ahead right.
Yeah... I was at a durian party and emma kept looking at me eat and i let her try... She loves it... Kept wanting more...
i think it should be ok for them to get a taste of it... She even tried mangosteens...
mummies whose bb are on 2 solid meals a day, how much milk u give??

mil only feeding 3feeds of 170ml (ie 510ml + 2 full bowl of porridge). too little?? i tried 5 feeds (ie 850ml + 2 full bowl of porridge) n he can also finish all leh.. hw ah? if cont feed so much, scared he become Ah Bui nt..

can la .. not like you're feeding her a whole bowl ... little bit here and there it's ok.
I think it's cute to see their faces when they taste this and tat for the first time.
ya if got maid can deduct more. Shiok. I also claim Maid,grandparent levy , working mother relief n I forgot 1 more is what. Randall pop out just nice.. help me save alot of money from the thr govt so must treat him to more toys liao keke
Peifu those mummies still BF. 7 months I give up already coz I buay tong liao. Feel my bones not so good n also quite dizzy think not enough blood.. Also keep losing too much weight till I think not good. I also eat lesser so end up milk supply also drop alot. Now on formula..

I think mummies really very Wei da .. Coz I feel alot of things have to sacrifice ever since being a mum...
Summer oso tried durian. she saw me and hb eating then open her mouth and stare. gave her abit to taste and she's hooked ha ha.. keep wanting more, when we finished and packed away the shell. she actually cried. ha ha.. so funnie!
I'm the opposite from you, I still BF but I'm not losing weight. In fact my appetite is fabulous! I can eat more than my husband but I try not to...
I feel a bit cheated by the ultra pro breastfeeding camp when they claim that breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories a day and help mommy lose weight. They omit the fact that for most mommies, bf will increase their appetite and make up for the calorie loss!
tamms ... lol
ya la .. for me I went back to my pre pregnancy weight but that's about it .. weight not dropping anymore even though I'm still breastfeeding. Appetite increase as u say, to make up for the calorie lost breastfeeding.
snowger can't make it due to her flu. I'll take her 230pm slot.so 1 vacancy left for 330pm slot.

Aquaducks website:

18 JULY 3.30pm
1. joanne
2. ypg
3. jlow (pending for ur confirmation)
4. ikeike
6. cl_br

18 JULY 2:30pm
1. zachmommy
2. evanmummy
3. xuelyn
4. jowinbaby ( Confirm)
5. Tamms
6. echo

Apologies. I cannot go becos I am down with fever n cough...
xuelyn is taking my 2.30pm slot... so someone can take the 3.30pm one!

Thanks and sorry for the trouble...


7 Portsdown Road
It is near Temakek Club. Nearest way to get there is to take AYE. Also accessible from North Buona Vista Road. Please see road map:


the name of the location has been changed to SOPRANO. It was formerly called Cicada but that restaurant has recently changed name/mgt. Its right next to Temasek club and Colbar ok? Please refer to map. There is a change room (more like a hut) and mommies can use the restrooms in the restaurant.

Aquaducks website:

18 JULY 3.30pm
1. joanne
2. ypg
3. jlow (pending for ur confirmation)
4. ikeike
5. ????
6. cl_br

18 JULY 2:30pm
1. zachmommy
2. evanmummy
3. Xuelyn
4. jowinbaby
5. Tamms
6. echo
wah ! Very tempting me ler but I have promised hb both of us take half leave going to watch harry potter on 24th … so can't join ur

Nowadays, only can go for movie during weekday, weekend is reserve for my boy.
yeah.. i managed to do carrot and brocoli puree for alvon... overprepared in fact.. left quite a lot.. so i freeze them in ice cube. just wondering how long can I keep and use for these freezed ones?

and i think alvon not really used to the taste.. so he will give this face at times.. just makes me laugh only.. so i keep telling him... come eat some.. it is good for you
TGIFriday everyone!! Wah..if only everyday is Friday!!

If i go over ur place this sunday..what time would be convenient?
do u still have lobang for the simliac fm. I think i need to get more lei cos my boy drink alot. In 1.5mths he finish 3 900g and 5 400g. i dun have much left. if u have the lobang let me knw. Thanks.
my boy drinks 6oz every 3 hrs loh. He dun take much porridge lei.. that can least him 1 hrs nia.. So every day he still have abt 6x milk if he didnt wake up in the nite. if he wake up at nite then 7x milk loh. (Daily is 1080ml to 1260ml). Like that consider alot anot?

my boy dun like rice cereal. And in between his milk he have 1 time porridge abt 90 to 120ml. And sometime snack on the baby bites.
