(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

monitoring my glucose level on my own...must prick myself...feel so dizzy...wroking still...really feel like start my ML earlier...like 4 weeks before my EDD..but i also wanna spend more time with bb after birth...any advice....really tired...

bubblepearl & phyl
tink i got 10-15% discount. juz now went pharmacy during my lunch break. don like d sales rep. keep asking mi to buy afta i give birth coz i wan M size 4 panel but currently oos. mayb ltr i go ask d pharmacy staff how much discount m i entitled. hehe.

u ladies intending to get 3 or 4 panel? =)
im gonna hav d same prob as u. my boi gg to be 16mths when i give birth. dono will he understand anot. laz resort is all room in tgt. now trying to get him to sleep in his new cot. hopefully he can get used to it.
Bubblepearl...yup free haircut...but your hair length now must be long...over shoulders..and you did not rebond or perm this year...natural wavy ok...anyone wants can PM me. It is done by my friend, PM me for more details!!
kRiStiNe- yeah don't overeat yourself. Just maybe 3 meals will do but small portions.

What sort of Tonics u eating, should be a problem lah but dont take too much tonics also, moderate.

I only take bottled birdnest and codyceps. Nothing else. So far so good.
daytime no problem coz he's at infantcare.. at least i can focus on caring for #2 during the weekday.. weekend will really have to "split" myself in two..
hopefully he'll be attached to his daddy more..

ya, might all stay in one room.. good and bad lah.. but hopefully #1 will not be disturbed by #2 so much during the nite..
pray hard that #2 will have good sleeping pattern and not confused with day and nite.. if not, headache..
phyl / iemik0,
Re: tummy binder
aiya, I ordered from the spree liao.. 4 panels better than 3 panels? btw, how much is the staff discount, applicable for 3 panel as well?
Bubblepearl, dun cut short otherwise cannot tie. If hair at nape area will be quite irritating rite? Just trim is my choice too hehehe.... if want to cut after confinement then go for short/new image I guess

Ivy can just request to trim? Cos me interested to trim ony.
Hei ladies

my ankle also hurt but not because of water retention but because i sprained my vein a few weeks back..finally went and see chinese doctor over the weekend and he also amaze how come i can withstand the pain and swell for 3 weeks..kekeke..

Btw, I alr chop my hair off into a short bob. Come Dec, it should be long enough to be tied up (I hope)...

I tot when we sign up for pre-natal massage, binder wil be provided? Or we need a different one? iemik0, if staff discount is cheaper, please count me in ya..

Lately I do not have much energy to shop as well. On Sat, hb drove me to Suntec with the intention to purchase some stuff but after lunch i alr felt like fainting.. quickly shop at Carrefour and went home to lie on the bed till 7pm!! Mabbe cos i ate too much for lunch (Kenny Roger's) and it really makes me sick..haha

Dunno how, hv not bought most of my stuff yet but bb's stuff all completed except the washing part..hehe
mei lik.. currently just taking chicken essense lo.. cause feeling very lethargic, weekly drinking chicken soup, daily supplements given by gynae..

now dare not take any durians anymore.. totally stopped!
Hi mummies,

Are any of you doing co-sleeping, with your child in the same bed? Can I start from when my bb is newborn? I bought a cot for her, but after putting it in the room, feel that my room is quite packed. I'm thinking of just having bb sleep in the bed with me and hb. Also, I hope to bf, and heard that co-sleeping will help with night-time feeds. Anyone has any thoughts on this?
emeraldbride.. tks! i tink i have to start booking by end of this mth! but i dono if i have to go for c-section or natural birth - due to my bb size.. can still book?

There is a new prog on Thu at 9.30pm. either Channel u or 8. They actual advice that right from the start, baby should be sleeping in their own bed & not co-sleep with parent. it will then be easier when you want to move them to their own room when they are bigger.
yes kristine..u can book and pay $200 deposit. Only after u give birth, u will need to call them up to make the appt.

The guy I spoke to told me that the massage is everyday. Upon payment of deposit, u will send him email to let him noe which masseuse u wish to engage and when is ur EDD. Then they will place a tentative date for u lor..

Echo, I agree with Winnie, not good to sleep together with baby..next time very difficult to let him/her sleep alone and they hv tendency to only wants to be near u and not other ppl..for me personally, i do not want to create such dependency..haha
I'm a new mum... and new to this forum... my details are as follows:
Name: mum13
EDD: 21 Dec 08
BB#: No1
Gynae: Dr Henry Cheng
Hosp: Mount A
Stay: Dakota Crescent
Gender: Girl

Just like to ask for opinion.... can we use our normal washing detergent for bb clothes??... or should buy those detergent that are meant for bb??.. can we add dettol??...
Hi im from nov thread
Just wondering did anyone engaged confinement lady Bi Hua from JB? Seems like she always cancel bookings last minute and recommend her friends. friend who recommend me also kana this. PM me if you encounter with her.
at least u have bought all the baby stuff. To date i havent buy anything yet for my baby as well as myself.

I havent get the hand down items from my relative and frens also..

My MS is back and i dunno when i going to buy the stuff.
how to know which size binder fits me at this stage? i don't know how big i will turn into?

sam/iemik0 - i don't have any father, brother or cousin to help. my husband doesn't want me to ask my FIL to help. if i were to ask a friend, i think i need to pay also, also now sure how much to pay.

i just got some tips for painting... i think my hb will teach me how to use a power drill. since the household don't really care abt a pregnant woman doing renovation, that means i have to do the job lor.

in fact, i have been on ladder these days coz i clear my cupboard to store baby stuff and need to put my own stuff up to top shelf at ceiling level.

jowinbaby - eh, how come kneecap also? i only heard of feet n hands.

reddates - winter melon drink counted or not? don't know where to get winter melon soup coz no slow cooker n no skill too.

girl80 - ur gynae operates on sun as well?
Winne: Yep...it's better to let bb sleep on their own. I even read this from the Gina Ford baby book & she strongly encourages it too. My friends who have given birth also advised me to do the same.

Eliz: I used Pigeon laundry detergent (orange bottle) & also poured in a little bit of dettol to disinfect the clothes since it was my 1st wash.

iemiko: How much %% do you get for the tummy binder? I feel like getting one too!
huh jappooh, still dun wanna buy? The longer u wait, the bigger u get the more difficult u walk leh.. I now onie 29weeks but my energy level like dip 50% compared to 2nd trimester.. jia lat leh.

Go buy soon okay jappooh..
hi all. so tired today.

btw ikeike told me that TMC can test which breast pump is suitable for me. anyone have try it or test it before? or intending to try it? hmm
to all mums: jia you.. keke... mi having terrible legs cramp nowdays, tired and breathless easily... another few months more....

loveangel: thanks for sharing...

Mimi, xiao hwa and hippomummy: our edd on the same date...

Phyl: thanks for sharing the infor on the watson's kodomo wipes... think later me go watson see have stock or not... keke....
is not that i dun wan to buy. But most of the time i have to rush hm to look after my boy. And my hubby have no time to buy the plastic drawer yet. I need that to keep the baby stuff. So all left undone loh. Now all my attention on my boy cc. Need to settle him 1st..

For this preg i feel so tired lei. I have yet to get the bb clothes from my sis end up cant buy baby clothes cos i dunno wat to buy until i see those that my sis going to pass to me.
why not just close 1 eye.
is not good to paint or drill now. Wait till after birth lah. Even if nobody care, you should still take care of yourself & your little one inside.
I bought 11 packets of kodomo wipes yesterday and also NTUC baby wipes
NTUC baby wipes are selling for $3.95 for 200 pieces.
Anybody have used NTUC baby wipes before?
Hi all mummies...

I went to check out the tummy binders at NUH and the lady selling it and some nurse who overheard me told me that it is better to wait till you give birth before buying.. cos u wouldn't know the size.. If u buy wrong size..might not give u the right support... My fren and I wanted to buy since we were there...

Well ladies... this is the last stretch of pregnancy... so bear with it.. Rest when u can... we being tired all the time is the body's way of telling us to slow down.. =)
free hair cut still available!!!for long hair length and not rebonded or permed within a year!! good for us moms...can get free hair cut, prepare for our confinement!!PM if interested!!!can ask anyone...your friends and colleagues....
i also went to buy the kodomo wipes during lunch. Now have to bring them back 1 packet by 1 packet. Too heavy to lug all back 1 shot.

Have you ladies decided where to hold bb first month party? Any place have function room which is cheap? My house too small to squeeze all the relatives and frens...
Does anyone know whether rustic nirvana post-natal confinement massages are good and worth the money... The package cost $838 for 5 sessions.. Home visit... and 5 sessions of compliementary baby massages... Is it too expensive??
Adel, we may hold it at Peony Jade. I've heard very good reviews abt their food.. anyway, we will be going thr to try out the ala carte buffet dinner next weekend! They have full moon package as well at $398++ per table. food is quite good

Yup, my gynae does see patients on the 2nd & 4th Sunday every month @ the AMK Clinic. The waiting time is definitely faster and also dun have to take leave.

I've finally found an outlet tat have kodomo wipes, I bought 22pkts today at Bukit Batok Watson. Still left over 10+ pkts I think, no more in the store already. Think I bought alot liao, NTUC bb wipes, J & J wipes, still have some pigeon wipes and now 22pkt kodomo, can last very long liao.


Well winter melon tea is those pkt type, not so gd. Better to cook the soup urself or drink from those stalls that sell double boiled soup, they should have oso.

Dale is pretty good, I used them for my first preg, it really support very well for my c-section wound, it's not very stiff.
wah..do we really need that many baby wipes?? The way i see u mummies buy is scary man..i bought onie 6 pack and i tink it can last till 3 mths leh..or correct me if i m wrong..how many roughly wil be use per day? Or 1 packet can last how long?
girl80...keeping the wipes in the fridge seems like a great idea! ^_^ Hee...I dun dare to buy baby wipes because I'm scared they'll dry up. And I heard different babies got different reactions to the wipes, so I'm going to try out the small packet of free pigeon wipe from the last Taka fair before buying in bulk.

Juzyounme, drilling is quite difficult...I tried before I was pregnant. Need a lot of strength and if you drill crooked, then that's it liao. One hole on the wall that you cannot use! Use super-bonding wall tapes can? Are the stuff you want to hang very heavy?

I'm also breathless a lot...got mild MS and very grouchy all the time too. My poor hubby kena a lot of funny outbursts from me.
I hardly use any wipes. When we're home and i need to clean my boy's bum, i use facial cotton soaked in warm water. Practical, efficient and cost-effective. Wipes reserved only for outings cos no choice. We switched to facial cotton (watson's is the best..tried&tested) cos my boy used to scream when he was being wiped so figured that the wet/coolness bothered him. True enough, using warm water was ok.. So no need to stock up so much la.. and pls dun use directly fm fridge okie.

My #1 will be 18mo when #2 is due. Big boy sleeps in his own room/bed since birth. Think you should try to move your boy out asap..give him time to adapt. Otherwise, when baby comes along, baby cry = big boy wake up = you bigger headache. My sis still having this headache, especially when one of the kids is sick (Her kids 2yrs apart). But lots of encouragement needed.
For my boy, we always tell him that its 'his room' and that's the only room he can enter without adults (childproofed to the max!). For the rest of the rooms..if he approaches the door, we'll remind him that he can't enter unless there's someone inside. So he more or less 'trained' with this mentality already and generally sticks to it. Kids are cleverer than we give them credit for..If you praise enough, your boy should be ok with it but got to start now.

I used 3 panel type binder but really hated it..Very very warm and stiff
hopefully i'll have the endurance to tahan this time around..tummy is so big.... Think waiting till deliver is a good idea cos really hard to tell what size to get now.

The haircut is by student is it?? Interested but 'safe' or not? Can just trim?
Since yesterday night, I'm experiencing some contractions.. wonder is it my baby wan to pop out early.. do u all think it is too early for baby to pop now?
Hi Juzyounme

I dun know why but i sore at my knee cap last nite n this morning.. by noon, its ok
All no more pain... even at ankle...

Hi iemiko
Phyl is helping me to get the binder.. she said u are helping her too.. so one is for me N one is for herself
Mine is S size, 4 panel.

Hi gals
i m real busy today... so did not get to respond to post.

Reddates. i see.. winter melon is ok eh.. i get mummy to cook for dinner then..

Hi emeraldbride
my friend said she used abt 3-4sheets per change for the pigeon wipes.. so estimate 1 day abt 8-12 changes of diaper for bb... so abt 24-32 pieces a day??? hee hee

I could not find the kodomo wipes at watson today.. only saw J&J one
Hi MTBs,

Hope you dun mind me joining in. I also due in Dec, and have been reading this thread from time to time, although I didn't really participate in the discussion.

iemik0, my masseur recommended me to get the Dale binder from KKH, code 810. Would you know which one it is? I paid for the 3-panel one for the spree already. Thanks.
winnie - i thot after birth will be worse. baby get frightened w loud drilling noise n smell paint?

girl80 - i see. sun clinic does sound gd too. mine at AMK clinic too, either mon evening or sat afternoon.

Spaghetti - haiz, i also think i will spoil the wall with crooked drilling. what's super-bonding wall tapes and where to get? i think the stuff are pretty heavy...

jowinbaby - i still have swollen ankle. i heard fr my classmate that her swelling didn't go until she gave birth to her kid. haiz, now, i can't walk properly.
btw, anyone knows which bath soup to wash baby's hair n body is non-rinse type? i have tried to look at different brands, they all need to rinse.
juz, if ur feet is swollen, try to lie down and prop up ur feet to reduce it..i saw it on TV. I do strongly advise to leave those minor reno stuff to ur hb..instead of u doing it urself. Sometimes u may not be pantang but it is better to be safe than sorry. Y take the risk of ur baby to drill n paint? be patiet..

Helo, sorry for intruding! I am from the July 08 thread!
I have for sale a Brand New in Box (security seal still on)Medela mini electrical for sale. I ended up with 2 sets, so this is the extra one that has never been opened before!

Its retailing in shops for $193.90, and I am selling it at $150 to clear, as this gift is not of any use to me as I already have mine =)

Its a massive savings of $43.90, so if any mummy-to-be here intends on getting one...do look for me 93223995 =) Item is 100% Brand new in box!
