(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hahaha.. girls.. talking abt spaces??
Guess i m the one that live with NO extra.. me staying with parents n brother... Then Ashlynne have to zzz with us cos no extra room to spare... Then we thought we want #2... then #2 sleep where???? LOL

Snowger, my hb also dun mind to zzz with kid...have to wait for her to zzzz then settle for a quicky lor.. hahahaha.... Just at times, suddenly she will wake up n look at us n say " mummy / papa !!"... all fire die off lor... LOL


My BIL is PIL's most favourite son, + he got alot of things in our hse n his room.... Think will hv family war if i tell him sleep in living room law....
If the hse is PIL de n we live w them, then no choice la. But now, althou its ours, but we r like the one living w other cos we only hv the masterbed room n put most of our things inside

Kitchen/ storeroom, living room, all put PIL's n BIL things le. Only now we hv baby, then got put her pampers, wipes tt we stored up in it. Super sian de la

me too lar cos i only own the master bedroom. Haha.. But i am better than u cos i have a studyrm after i shifted hse loh.

your case diff lar cos u staying your parent hse now. When u have your own hse will be different liao.

Envy lei......think i will pray v v hard for the day i have the hse just for ourselves
dun have to envy me cos i am like u mah. Just that end up i have to shift hse to get more rms loh. Ppl are just getting more and more loh

At least u got extra study room..n able to shift hse la.....
If we move to EA, think it will only add on to our burden cos BIL dun contribute much to hse exp de...only give $100/mth n if he on o/seas wk assignment, he wont bother to give at all....Where to find $100 per room + storeroom in Spore ...hahaha

me the same as u lar. My sil give us $200 0nly and she eat all that we pay loh.. We pay for all ppl meals also. sigh. ya after shift hse then have the extra rm if not dunno how...

My PIL rented out the hse and keep the rental on top of that we still give allowance and $$ to help us take care of kids though my kids go cc. wat to do sometime 1 family cant say much too..
Hey nice idea... 2nd b'day bash will be fun with them more mobile than the 1st yr..

must think of the venue soon too since it is during sch holidays..
2nd b'day bash will be so fun! Now I'm still clueless on his bday theme. Will see how after the sesame street show, maybe he will suddenly like some characters etc...hahaha.. headache!
Ade, u going for which show? We are oso going leh.. Sept 11 3pm cos ocbc have 25% discount for staff but too bad the VIP ticket all sold out. Now praying hard they allow the next category ticket folks to go meet n greet..hehe

mabbe i shuld go iphone theme..cos my son keep saying Phone Phone Phone
Kath, we're going for the 12Sep show 'cos it is a special show for all cherie hearts centres and we get priviledge rates

Hahah if I follow Bryan's craze now, i'll hve to order a whole room full of FANS! Somehow he has gone bananas over fans ....dun ask me why, *sigh*
That's what my parents n PIL all said when I told them my ger is sleeping alone in her own room. They just gave me the "GASP! how could you do that!" expression... *roll eyes*

U both damn funni... Like I said, you shld really try matchmaking ur brother + sister in law together! Ya lor, $100-$200 for a room is damn cheap! I think u can get a "bed" for $100-$200 a mth if u share rm with a rm mate.
GUG Trial class for 18mths & above 1.5hrs at new branch Mountbatten 50% off, orignal $50, now $25.

Call 6242 6992 Rose for registration.

Only left 8 places

Apologies for posting in your thread.. but am..

1. Urgently in search of many tins of Enfapro A+..

If you've any to sell, pls pm me.. Budget's ard $10+- for the 400g tins..

2. Haenim Play Yard 6 panels (usu'd have 2 activity panels, 1 door, 3 plains with connectors) and ok with 4 panels too..

Budget's ard $100+- for the 6 panels

3. Steriliser
Looking for Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser

Budget's ard $20 to $30.. hopefully no rust..

4. Safety Gate needed to fit doorway of at least 118 cm..

Budget's $30++

5. Twin Stroller, just need one tt works, so on v tight budget constraint..

Pls pm me if you've any of the above tt ya letting go..

Thanks v much in advance! =)
Hi mummies,
Wanted to share some news here (cannot post this on FB). I got diagnosed with PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome. I have been TTC for a few months and have not been successful, and my cycles were getting more irregular. I consulted my endocrinologist (who I am seeing because I have a thyroid problem) and he said that my thyroid is functioning fine and that I should consult a gynae for my cycle irregularity. Yesterday I went to the gynae, got an ultrasound, and he diagnosed me with PCOS, which is probably why I haven't been ovulating and cannot conceive yet. But he said it's still too early to talk about treatment to help me ovulate, since we've only been trying for a few months. Just have to keep trying and go back to him if we are still unsuccessful.

Want to find, anyone here has PCOS? Can share your experience with me?
Hi Echo,
Not sure if it's the same but my friend oso dun ovulate every month due to her homones... i.e. she has an excess of a certain hormone so she dun ovulate every month...

But for her case, she hasn't even had a child- just got married and trying for a kiddo. Is this PCOS a recent development since u had a child before?
Thanks for the link... Luckily I dun have any of the toys listed... but it just means no more of those pasar malam toys for my ger liao... ;p
Tina, I saw a scar oil made by Palmer's ( same brand as belly cream), you might like to try. I'm not sure how effective it is though. It's made from shark cartilage, so if you can't take the fishy smell, try another brand. Can also try mederma if you're looking at creams. But honestly, at this age, scars heal very quickly so you might want to just leave it alone.
The doctor didn't tell me whether I developed this suddenly or if I had it all along but it got worse recently. He said PCOS has no known cause and no known cure. I'm thinking of trying TCM to see if it will help.
I came across this sales advertisment just now regarding this Bella-Kini sale (they are the offical sponsorer for Miss Singapore Universe) .

sale url - http://tualobang.blogspot.com/2010/08/swim...ni-by-appt.html
Bella - Kini Swimwear url - http://www.bella-kini.com/

Bikini set/tankini - SGD 8.00/set
swimwear for kids - SGD 5.00
Bikini tops - SGD 9.90
Bikini bottoms - 3 for SGD 10.00
Dress - SGD 12.00
Accessories - SGD 2.00

But as advertise, there is a need for appointment and min purchase of 20 items.any one who are interested in getting some stuff. Planning to go on this sun

i was diagnosed with PCOS. I do not have regular mense since i am a teen. my mense that time is quite bad. can come only once 3 or 6mths.
Teachers day around the corner... Need some tips leh... how many pressies are we suppose to buy? And what do you normally get for the teachers? ;p
when did you get diagnosed with PCOS? did you get treated for it? was it hard for you to conceive your two children?

yah, it just occurred to me that i need to buy something for the teachers! i will probably just get chocolate for her 2 playgroup teachers and 2 swimming coaches.
jappooh,i was previously diagnosed with PCOS too,but i did not get any medication and ttc and successfully conceive my first...after my delivery i ask my gynae and she said she see nothing during my scan.
Is Emma in PG full day? I have been hearing lots of "dun bring/put ur ger at the childcare" from my MIL... Damn sian... Dunno why my hb nvr prep my inlaws properly about this... nowadays I dun feel like bringing my ger there...

U know last time, my ger got rashes on her back, my MIL nvr say anything... nowadays, when my ger go over, she will scrutinise every spot on her to see if got rashes blah blah... -___-'''
it's good to know that PCOS is not a permanent condition. got hope for me..

no we decided not to put her in daycare in the end. MIL was too resistant. We send her to a 2h playgroup (one of those in the void deck) and will be sending her to Pre-N in a church kindergarten next year.

aiyah, getting sick is part of life. i also sometimes feel regretful when emma is sick. She has been sick more times and taken more medication in the 1.5 months since she started school, than in her entire life before that. but this is part of life, cannot keep her at home forever, right? good thing is that my MIL is supportive of the playgroup, so got no funny comments from her when emma is sick.
i when pte and kkh both gynae give me the same answer and cos mine is clearly seen on the scan. i was given pills to take and i successfully conceive 3x (1x end with miscarriage) with the pills. But after i give birth to my 2nd one the gyane say now my scan look normal. So i think is not perm ba.
My hb told me that my PILs are resistant about childcare too... Hb got a message from FIL that his friend say my ger is too young for childcare and no one puts such a young kiddo @ CC unless last resort. To some extend its true, but I need to remove her from my PILs cos they are spoiling her rotten and doing nothing at home... Aiyah, the worse part is the last weekend I put her up at my PIL's place, dunno wat my PIL did but when she see me, like so scared of me, run in the opposite direction... *KAOZ!*

Yes. I put her in childcare liao...
wat your pil say might not be true. i am sending my boy to cc mid next mth though i have a caregiver at hm. i wanted him to use to school and go school can learn things better than watch tv at hm daily. wat i worry is his crying and dunno will get sick often anot.
sorry mummies....
last min I can go....

selling at $150 for a pair.
Row 53, seat 22 n 23 at Bay Grandstand

pls sms 92375402 if u r keen. thanks!
I really feeling damn sian about this. I can't FB about this cos my BIL is in FB...

Tat day my MIL said to my ger in chinese "En, you want to go school?". My ger shake her head. Then she said "En, you dun go home. you wan to stay at Nai nai's place?". In my heart, I was rolling my eyes. Hey! That's my dotter ok. And my dotter's parents are not divorced and are putting up at your place!!! Haiz, I know she loves my dotter, but why can't she see the other side of it. *sigh* And I wonder if she has been physcho-ing my dotter... Otherwise why she so scared of me leh?

I thought that my hb would have spoken and gotten some sort of agreement from my PILs. Apparently, i just got to know when hb said "What is there to say, there are so resistant about it". So my hb din tell them... -___-

There are 3 main reasons for sending her there - independence, learning and socialising. the 1st and 3rd are most important lor.

i understand your feeling cos my MIl also always tell my 2 boys this and that. We decide to send the young one to cc mid next mth then she keep asking my young one "u wan to go school" and tell us he is too young to go school.

At the 1st place is my MIL keep complainting that she is tired to take care of my kids. 2nd reason is cos if my younger one go school now he will share the same class rm with my elder boy so hope he can settle in cc easier.

When my MIL heard from my elder boy cc that is a good to send now then next yr cos my elder one still can take care of the little bro then recently my MIL seeing more at the good side.

I tell straight to my MIL (in casual way) that if not my MIL offer to help to look after my elder one last time i would have quit my job and look after my kids on my own. So i tell her if 1 day she decide to go and work again let us knw i can still quit and look after my kids. So now she dun say that anymore. So i guess she just like to nag lar.. I just close 2 ears loh since we stay together cant take to heart if not i will burst very soon.
Maureen, I understand your frustration, MIL try to act as if she is v knowledgeable and want to win everything..as she eat more salt then you. My MIL will comment that the shoes I bought for my boi no good lah, too light and will fall down. Dun need to let him nap 2x and let him go play as much as he want….dun give him drink milk even before nap cos he eat a lot of stuff, dun let him eat cold stuff, dun ….and the list goes out. Sometimes, grandparents thinking and parent thinking are different when you are at different stage of the life.

You need to talk to your mil and not your hb, cos at least if it is you, she will resepect what you are saying after all we are not their child and they will not scold us. At the most, not happy abit lor..but they will have think why you did all these? For us, we did told my PIL day 1, dun spoil my boi, especially he is only and 1st grandson at home. If my PIL spoil him, I will come and bring him away to a corner to scold or beat his hand.

My MIL also say that when my hb is posted overseas(which is next mth), she will bring him back her place to stay over weekend..hello, she did not see my boi still got his mum ard ah...sometimes they dun meant it when they say, but the words may be translate differently by another.

my situation is totally different from u. For me i is good to get my hubby to talk to my MIL cos my MIL will scold me but not my hubby.

we so far still ok lar.. Cos we stay together sometime have to close 1 eye loh. We might have different thinking but all of us is wan to kid to be good. No grandparent wan to harm the grandchildren also. Just that some of them cant understand why kids need to attend school so early cos last time her kid (my hubby) only start attending school at K1. So we need to spend sometime to explain to them.
I understand wat u r going thru cos I went thru the same phase. Have to b firm n insist tat it's time for them to go sch n learn to b independent n learn morn stuff. My in laws also spoilt my gal rotten until I cannot take it. After she went to sch they saw her improvement. She can eat on her own n communicate better n even sing songs n do funny gestures. Sure I get blamed when she fall sick or Kenna knocks here n there. But I still think s h is doing her more gd than harm. Staying under in laws care in the long run will jus spoilt them rotten give us a v hard time.

My 2 cents worth..

Wat sch u sending her?

I also sent my gal to Full day PG this mth, but told my PIL long ago i will send her to CC cos she Dec, else next yr go nursery n she like everything dun know.......
But the real reason we insist to send to CC is cos my MIL simply allow my gal to sleep till 12 NOON everyday, result in her every nite after 1am then sleep....Now she got normal sleep pattern n sleep ard 10pm, n we v happi liao

Some x MIL will also comment on kid will get sick/ learn bad things from CC, but i just smile n say its a process of growing... cannot say will be sick n in future dun let them go Pri school ba
hehe..agree wif u gals on sending to CC part!
for me so far i hv not answered to any question my MIL post to me..when i m wif his family, i act dumb n deaf. if his mom ask question directed at me, i pretend not to hear and hopefully my hb will answer. if he dun answer then too bad, she dun get an answer..lol. I know i m bad but this is me towards ppl that i dun like - i ignore!
anyway, who is she to comment rite abt whether my son goes to school or not. if she is the one footing the bill, then she can comment if she is not, then stand aside n be spectator! lol

Agreed w u lor... some ppl just like to talk n talk n talk for nothing. When come to foot bill, they all pretend.
My mil can even commented tt living on flat which lift go to every floor is not tt good, cos now her leg not so good cos she dun get to CLIMB up stair (unlike her previous hse which is those 4 storey w/o, so forced to climb)..... I was so shock when heard tt... How can u blame other when u yourself refuse to exercise when there is even a old ppl exercise facilities just downstair our flat...

she just like to make comment to justify tt its cos of the lift tt y she become weaker......hahaha
So u can image all kind of funny excuses she has for the other things law (eg. her leg pain cos she start exercise/ eyes pain cos her body become bad le? (when its actually she watch too much tv show ba, alway watch till 1 am+, weekend some x over night)/ hand pains cos do too much hse wk etc)
Just like when she said she do confinement for me, but can only cook for me... Hubby n I lk after bb day+nite ourselves cos she say she no time. Then wkend she go out while its my confinement month...

