(2008/11) November 2008

bibi: ya i ordered the exersaucer from little hugz..nice lady.

haru: Philips HR2870/60 bought from Harvey Norman at Yishun.

Pics as attached:


Blending baby puree


can blend wet and dry stuff )ie: dry like ikan bilis)



Model: HR2870/60

I think was $59.90.

Blessed11: Thanks for recommending, i'll definitely try Heinz on the plane keke.

Happy: Thanks for coordinating the foto collage.

Shop4stuffs: Happy is making a foto collage of our babies at birth and 3mths. u can send her these 2 fotos along with ur nick, baby's name and DOB.

Haru: Baby J likes to sit on the ikea High Chair. i just need to put a toy on her tray and she can sit and play by herself for abt 15-30mins. i tried her on a walker too.. the old fashioned type hee, but walker u hav to tie it to a table or something so she doesnt run wild. keke~~
Blessed 11,lilian,haru,Bear,
We can only do so much that is to get hb to be on the same wavelength on feeding and in turn educate their parents and keep a close lookout while at PILs' house. But at times when we are not around we really dun know what they will do. Haiz. Now bb still young, i dun want her to have any problems from wrong feeding. Bear, ur hb so cute lei, want to go "confront" his mother immediately. Haru, ur hb also very alert ya "pretended" to see if ur mil feeding water to bb.

My playmat is here this morning, already cleaned it and so excited to let baby use but she is still sleeping now. She slept at 10.30pm last night till now only waking up for feeds in between. Can really sleep, just like me hahaha.
YA,my bb also use walker over at my mil's place. She only can move backwards for now.

Is the blender easy to wash?
U have Bumbo seat?
U can refer to toy renting sites to see wat toys/chairs they have. Give u an idea wats available

If ur HB confront with ur MIL, will ur MIL get angry with u, since she'll know its u who tell ur HB abt t cereal/formula thingy?
hi mummies

on Mc yday... back to work today... Goggy & throat still v pain.. haiz..

GP give me medicine tat are safe for BF de... so i tink it's still ok to BF when sick right? haiz mil commented bb cough abit is becos he drink my BM?? will spread virus tis way meh.. ermmm... i aready try my best not to go near bb liao

Babyzel> wat time u be home today? maybe later at night will drop by ur place to collect my stuff from u.. wat izzit ah.. v goggy.. duno wat is with u... -_- cham
Hi blessed11,
regarding about the ikan bilis. after removing the head, do we wash the ikan bilis to remove salt..then after that do we sun them to make sure they are very dry before we blend them into powder?
Hi guys, can ask you all for advise?

I was thinking of bringing evan for swim when she turns 6 months. but i have some concerns. After swim, how to bathe her when it is the shower tap type and the water is cold!!! it doesn't come with hot water and so do we need to bring pails? hot water? really clueless leh....

sorry if I sounded stupid hahah
Hi guys, can ask you all for advise?

I was thinking of bringing evan for swim when she turns 6 months. but i have some concerns. After swim, how to bathe her when it is the shower tap type and the water is cold!!! it doesn't come with hot water and so do we need to bring pails? hot water? really clueless leh....

sorry if I sounded stupid hahah
BlessedMum, refer to the link i gave yest abt ikan bilis

Forgot is it Carol or Karen who brought bb to public swimming pool. She brought pails and bought hot water from canteen

No, not stupid at all!
Infant care/Mothers/Maids:
I had the same dilemma initially. my mum offered to take care b4 i got pregnant but when she took care of him at 3mths,I realized she couldnt cope.
Esp when my dad had to go biz trip so she's all alone. Was tempted to get a maid...just to help with housework but my mum being stubborn, refused. she said she will be busier cos she gotta make sure the maid is doing the right stuff.

I considered infant care that time and called up a few to ask. But its always 1 caregiver to 3 babies. Was thinking...my bb already need 2 adults to take care!! So wasnt sure if its a good idea to leave it to infant care. also its expensive for me cos i got no subsidies. $1200 a mth!!!

Decided to stick it out with my mum....a lot of probs initially but as bb become older...it gets easier. and she's starting to get his habits etc.

So think carefully and consider all angles before making a decision.

Blending Food:
I read somewhere that blending food may kill some nutrients and best to just mash with a fork after steaming. For certain type of food only...
I just bought a delphin vacumm...cost me a bomb but hoping that it will help provide a "healthier" environment for my bb.
It can be used to clean the mattress etc.
Any mummies here using it too??
OMG, think u must be very sick! Ur thermos is with me. I'm home whole day but thinking of going to CWP shop shop with my bb in the afternoon. Will be back home by 6pm ba. Sick still can BF bb one. Hope u get well soon.

I thinking of bringing bb swimming soon. Never tot of the bathing part until u posted. Let's wait for experienced mummies to guide.
or maybe i aready lost count of wat i have bot!! haa. BLur like sotong...

yaya.. how to bath bb after swimming session.. no hot water facilities.. the canteen got so good to spare some for us meh?? or maybe we have to bring our own hot thermal water instead.. so ma huan..
can ask how u clean e mat?my mat coming next wk..me also very excited.. hehe.. already cleared the living room for the mat.. =)

I brought my son 5mth old to public pool ard 4-6pm after the hot sun.the water is warm!!just nice for my boy but after 30mins he tired so took him out & wipe dry and wear clothes then go home for shower. =) i din bathe him coz water cold. hope it helps. =)
Babyzel, ya there is only so much we can do to stop the elders from feeding our bbs the wrong stuff. we can't be there 24/7 to watch over our bbs like hawks. I guess if my PILs didn't ask if they can feed solids to Z and went ahead to feed, I wouldn't be as mad as if they asked and I said no, but they still went ahead to feed. Get wat i mean? MIL sees that i m so allergenic so she is also scared that Z will suffer from allergies like me. in that way she dun dare to anyhow feed. Also she knows i dun mince my words if i m unhappy.. my face super black and i will tell her off, erm, nicely, if i can.. haha..

Lilian, oh it happened a few times liao.. i complain to hb, hb tell MIL off. there are times MIL will say, 'wah so small thing also tell u ah". what she deems as small was actually telling me to change to formula. then she followed on to say next time she won't tell me again but guess wat she does it time and time again.. hear liao super irritating.

Blessedmum, would advice u NOT to bring ur gal to a public pool until all her immunisation has been done. U can choose to go for SAFRA clubs' pools cos i think they have warm water. Otherwise dry Evan then bring home to bathe. Cos i feel we need to bring quite a lot of warm water to make sure the bathe water is warm. Oh ya, Fifi is organising a spree for thermal swimwear. U shd get it for ur gal. without thermal swimwear, according to Happy and Mildy, bbs will be cold abt 15mins. with thermal they can last abt 45mins.
in my opinion, thermal is necessary for the first yr only.. aft that UV swimwear is more critical.

Spin, forgot to reply to ur post. Ya only when the bb's head is stable then can feed solids. if bb's head is nodding right and left, front and back, means not ready yet. Nowadays my boy can sit on his own, without support, without chair or bumbo. Yesterday when i spoonfed him milk, he also has no more tongue thrust reflex, but again i m not feeding him solids till 6 mths.. he hasn't even reach 5 mths!
few weeks ago, my baby also play hard to latch on. every time I try to feed him, he would stretch his back, and cry, only wants to play. after few days, I realized, he just don't want to drink when I try to latch him on, the gap between feeding is longer. now he needs feed and nap about every 2hrs (day time). if go out, even longer.

my baby is still FBM. I just started to give him some steamed apple.
re. thermal swimwear.. trf how much to ur acct since my choices diff value? u mean trf $ to u 1st then u see which of my choices available?
thanks for sharing e pix and details. wow, you made so much puree? so you freezed some of it? think i will go check out the blenders this weekend.

its good that you have so much excess isnt it? =D i had to throw away some frozen EBM last nite coz its more than a month old already. think about it, its just 2 weeks to go to 6 months mark!how time flies..still remember we were all complaining of painful nipples in the beginning.hahah..

really? so cute! i think my bb is still not strong enough to put her in the ikea high chair. have one at home, not tried it yet. i am not planning to get a walker too. coz i think she will run wild!!

its good that she can sleep. my baby can only sleep lots at home. she doesnt seem to wanna nap or nap long at my mum's place. =P

hmm..i noticed that when we go out, her feeding interval can really stretch too. but sometimes its so irratic..so kinda feeding on demand at times now. if not it can get so frustrating coz she does that too, stretch her back and turn away. now she also now how to dig her nails in my boobies (ouch!)and pow me when she latched on. sometimes hubby have to help to let her hold his finger so that she doesnt keep "abusing" mummy.hahaha..

Bear is right, its best to bring baby after 3rd booster jab is done. before that you can just let baby get used to water through bath time. around 6 months is ideal to bring bb to pool also coz their neck is stronger and more stable. =>
hi mummies,
anyone ordering Happy Bellies brown rice cereals? i got a tin from mummyzeal but i realized i need another tin for my mum's place.hahah..
she has finished thr rota virus, 2 5 in one jab...going for the combined 6 in one jab this 6 months and left with one more pneumococal....then whisch is the booster jab?
Gal dolphin,
I cleaned it with water (dettol added) and just wipe several times with clean cloth. But the plastic smell still there. I just let my gal played a while, guess got to clean it repeatedly till smell gone then i let her play there longer.

Yeah, maybe u bought way too many stuffs liao.

Yup understood. Hope ur hb can talk to her and she will stop what she's doing lor.

sHE woke up like 50mins only(bath/feed/play) now she went back to sleep again. This nap will take only 30 min.
i dun mind to try healthy times too. but i dun wanna give baby 2 different brands at the same time..hmm..oh dear..
Babyzel, my bumper playmat really stink.....i clean so many times still have the rubbery smell.

Anybody can tell me how they clean their bumper palymat for the first time? and how do you dry the mat? Haru are you the one who cleaned many times and how do you hang it to dry?

those who missed the dex bibs...are you buying again..saw a BP on it but ex leh....only four designs and they have stage one.....i am starting solid soon so need the bibs....FIFI, are the stocks arriviing yet? so they have the stage one bibs?
Wats Evan's DOB huh? Wonder issit t same as my girl, cos i saw ur MSN msg.

Can give half tin of Healthy Bellies to your mum? I only ordered one tin from fifi, cos can't be sure my girl will like it. If she dun like, then wasted.
Fruche: u got yourself the vaccum, is it with the steam thing? am interested in getting one.. how much you got? is it good? easy to use?

Blessed Mum: I have tried the bellamy rice cereal.. i don think is a good product, cannot reali dissolve well.. very lumpy.. feedback to u. but i do heard that healthy times is good.
tried pigeon sippy cup.. cannot.. she plays and bite the teat til milk milk flow out.

gotten Friso step 2 from the vendor foc. will try it when she hits 6mth.. but then.. if she stil no wan it wat to do with the whole can?? v sayang lei..

but giv her water from same bottles she takes wor.. she's a waterbaby, no wan milk liao.
blessedmum: ya lilian link is fine abt making the ikan bilis powder. Remove head first then wash, dry in sun covered or in oven door slightly ajar to prevent flies.

Can buy those non salted ones from shops.

haru: the puree i made is for abt 3 feeds. so i put in fridge for dinner and next day lunch. My gal takes half a bowl each time..she is a foodie.
at first i used water with dettol. but later i tried using the pigeon bottle detergent and it works better. had to clean it 2-3times and i just sprayed it down after that in bathroom and hang it to dry on a bamboo. but its heavy so do get hubby to help!

it is the the 3rd jab which should be taken around 5-6 months. =>

good idea! what is the best way to store it since i am taking it out of the tin? Is it ok to use Lock and lock container?

ya, i remember kash also recommended healthy times before.
wow, good appetite! so you just use the chilled puree in normal bottle warmer (puree have to put in the avent cup)? sounds yummy actually..hhhahaah..drool..
Blessedmum - I bought bb for his swim at public pool. I brought along a small pail and bought hot water from the canteen. Mix the hot water with the tap water and give him a wipe-down, then dry him with big big towel and change him into clean and dry clothing. When I brought him home, immediately bath him. After I wipe him, gave him some warm water to drink so that will warm him up abit also. ^^
haha,seem like ur nini so popular and outstanding in this forum,can become a don't want milk milk superstar. my gal prefer plain rice cereal,when i add friso milk into her rice cereal,she fuss a lot while eating it.

glad gal,
i just ordered the yellow bear mat at $119 with smallsmallworld,and will be getting it tomorrow evening,paying by cash. so fast of their service,maybe they hv ready stock.
Only thermal swimsuit BP for now. Closing already. If you want, send in your order and make payment by today please.

Transfer for first choice.

I had a BP on Happy Bellies which is now pending shipment arrival. I have 1 spare tin. $9.40 nett per tin. But shipment has yet to arrive. I am already bugging them.

Re: Going overseas
I will be going overseas this Friday to next Tuesday. Those who have items with me (carters bibs, pp pants, iplay swimsuit, drugstore) and want me to post, give me your address by tonight and I will post tomorrow before I leave. Otherwise, you have to wait till I return.

Re: Sprees and BPs
The cloth books, thermal swimwear and happy bellies will tentatively be the last BPs I will do. My hubby has registered "De Baby Shoppe" as a baby products webshop & there is no logic for me to do BP on my own whilst he operate a webshop. De Baby Shoppe will organise BPs from time to time as well as carry ready stock for some items.

Currently, his webstore is still under construction so he will use blog www.debabyshoppe.blogspot.com temporarily. When the site is ready, I will let you all know. He will have stocks for the easy bibs with pockets shortly.

When his webshop is up, I will get him to set those who are keen to be his preferred customers so that you all can still get discounts whenever possible.
the bumper playmat really really stink huh? alamak,got to prepare for the smell,will be receiving it tommorrow. that lady told me that we got to air the playmat for 3-4weeks to let the smell go off by itself. about the crease,just rub with soapy water a few times and air dry it will do.
Hi Lilian,

OMG, we have same wedding date and our baby was born on the same day....wah..we can meet up as couple to celebrate hahahah
Baby 23: yah oily and stink...i only wipe and still stink.....when my baby just roll on it and i pick her up...her whole head and body stink of the rubbery smell
blessed mum so fast use your mat liao?
lilian n blessed mum so acurate ah the both of u same wedding same bb birthday.... hmm...

Oh thanks for those who has contributed to the email.. still waiting for more to come do it quick k. at least by this friday.
Hi mummies,

Today was a long day for me. In the morningher went into office with emma than brought her for PD check up. Weight - 6kg, height - 65cm and circumference of head 41cm. PD was very happy with her developement. She is not worried that emma is small as emma is hitting all the milestones. Also she has given me the green light to feed her juices, sweet potatos, brocholi etc. She says as long as the child enjoys it, no problem. She also told me that I can feed emma more cereal as long as her body can handle it i.e no constipation or rash break out. but she did say must drink lots of water.

After that had a quick lunch than headed to hougang poly for her jabs. she had 2 jabs today. Hepb 2nd jab and her 2nd 5-1. As usual, she did not cry at all for both jabs. I sang to her for both jabs when the nurse was administering the jab. When she took the 2nd jab, she was laughing after that cos' she was having fun with the song i sang. Now have to monitor and make sure she does not develop a fever over the next few days.

I am so tired now. will have to go to bed early today.

I haven't send yet. Will email tomolo. brain dead cannot think today oso no inspiration...
Hi Guys,

Minky told me a few of you have started on solids for your baby, i was wondering if Shane intake is normal.

He is taking 180ml 5-6hours and 2 solid feed per day. Giving him Nestle cereal. Mum keeps on nagging that i shouldnt drag the milk intake 5/6 hours is tooooo long, if this goes on he will not get hungry and soon after dislike drinking milk.

How much are you guys giving for those who have started on solids?

Shane is now 9kg...almost 6months in a week.

peanut: friso step 2 can only use when bb reaches 7mth.. 6mth still need to the friso step 1... if realli don want to drink, then i believe alot of mummies here bb are also using friso, can pass to them.. i think they don mind..

Angry: I am staying at ground floor, check with you mummies.. the 3rd floor got one crazy woman keeps throwing water down from her floor...damn irritaing.. we have items outside the area.. can i report to police? damn irritating loi.. not once alr.. like every week got 3 to 4 times.. she don care if got pp down there loi.. i hope i can captured her in my phone and put her in stomp.com.sg let pp see how horrible this person is..

Auggybear: My boy now is also going to 6mth old in a week times too.. weight i guess got near 10kg? didnt weigh cause the last time we see a PD at 4mth old, he is already 8.24kg.. He is taking 150ml every 2-3 hours and also 2 solids food per day (mixture of rice cereals, fruit or veg).. am giving Frisocrem. for Frisocrem I give one feed (abt 3 teaspoons), and the second feed will either be a fruit or veg with milk evening.. For milk cues, i happen to know he is hungry then i will give him milk.
