(2008/11) November 2008

actually yest was the 1st time aft soooo long that i syringe her cos i dun wan to forcefeed her.. But was so desparate cos she not drinking at all.. anyway she was crying like hell so i stopped aft a few rounds.

Bed bugs..
normally ur maid sleep downstair and u guys upstair rite? u mean the bedbugs actually can hop hop upstairs?? wow..

Thanks mummies for sharing your experience for solid food feeding

For heinz/gerber purees, are we suppose to feed direct after open or need to heat up?

hi mummies,

i'm on mc today so just pop in to do a quick read thru...

I would also like to know how u mummies start your solids? straight from a spoon once a day?

Also, when I'm sick, is my BM ok for bb??

thanks! I been to one burmese temple at balestier b4. Maybe is t one u went to

OMG! Throw away your maid's mattress!
Haiz.. Poor thing u
WAH PIANZ i super duper angry with my maid now.. she wears glasses but dunno why over here she dun wanna wear them. just now i told her to bring her luggage to sun becos of the bedbugs and to check her luggage before she took it out of the infested room. she said she checked and there was none.. but when i checked i saw them running around!! heng i brought it out into the corridor liao... so pissed with her. kena scolding from me.. i think now she super duper scared of me.. cos i nv raised my voice before.

Peanut, the bedbugs either came from Philippines with her or it came with the new Ikea mattress we bought. it is in her bedroom upstairs.. we got no room downstairs. cos before that we didn't have that infestation. the thing i m angry abt is why wait a whole mth to tell me? not like she dunno we have a bb at home.

Zach just finished his 2nd bottle of milk.. when i spoonfeed, he swallowed some but some trickled out of his mouth and onto the bib... not struggling.. he seems to enjoy it.. i really dun wanna syringe him cos he hated it when i fed him meds.. dun want him to be even more fearful of the syringe..

Minky, he plays with his teether but spits out the pacifier and smile at me. so no point.. we hold his hands also no use.. he just use his tongue, push the teat from side to side.
And that's not all.. MIL now hovers around me when i feed Z becos she keeps forcing him to drinking.. i take over from her then she hovers around me and make remarks like, "ta bu yao he lah." now ask me to change to milk powder AGAIN!!!!!!!! and also ask me to go and buy cereals NOW to feed him. KAOZZZZZZZZ.. i told her patiently 4x that PD said Z cannot start solids till 6 mths but she keeps asking and asking and asking!!!!!!!! repeat 4x liao still dun get it ah.. when i spoonfeeding him, she was there saying cannot spoonfeed milk.. kept saying that abt 5-6x then interject one "feed cereal lah" sentence in it.. hear liao lagi pu huay!

I m super duper mad....

Yes, bedbugs can be seen if u know where to look. they leave a telltale black spots all over the place they infest.. that's their poo.
Lilian, i think that should be the one.
Bear, then i dont knw liao. i think if i were u i would have storm off and go into my room wit baby and shut the door instead of letting her hover around. :p
Nw i knw hw to see bed bugs liao i think i go back and check my bed seem to itch nw a days wahaaa...
I've been coughing for the past week and I'm still breastfeeding my baby. should be ok. if u worry, perhaps u cld ask PD or doctor
hi mummies,
just came home and mum told me bb only drank 80ml this morn but she managed to drink almost 140ml. she has not been drinking lots lately too. parents and i wondering if she's teething? but no signs of her gums hardening, though she's chewing everything in sight!

Re: semi solids
ya, do we start with once a day or straight to 2-3 times a day? i suppose its easiest to use EBM and use part of the EBM to mix with cereal and then feed the remaining of the milk thereafter?

dun get too angry ok? if it really is getting a lil out of control perhaps you can consider getting a pest control to do a survey check just to be sure?
i am interested in e durabibs and babycubes! will u be ordering thru e spree, blessedmum? but there are only 4 designs to choose from?
hi mummies,
just a silly question, how do u actually prefer purees? do you actually need to steam (for veg) and then blend it? coz the less processes the food goes thru e more nutrition can be retained so wondering whats e best way to prepare purees..and i dun hv a blender yet. hahah..
My place kena bed bugs before. It was brought in by my MIL's fren. We kena 3 times. After clearing it each time, it came back. Finally we suspected it was her fren and ban her fren from coming than the bugs stop. It's very troublesome to get rid of it.

If the infestation is from your maid's room, pls throw away all the infected linens or wash them with hot water and dettol. It's easy to get rid of the bugs but the eggs are the ones you have to worry abt.

For my MIL's room, the 1st time we threw away her queen size bed and mattress and the affected linens, called the pest control for misting. We had to vacate the house for more than 4 hrs. All windows of the hse had to be closed. cost $150 per misting

2nd time it happened again, we had to throw away the single mattress and bed. Misting again.

3rd time - one monthe after the 2nd misting we got damn fed up. We called the pest control and they did it FOC but they advise me that the misting only kill the bed bugs not the eggs. Have to kill the eggs to eradicate the whole problem. The guy was nice and advise us to use Kerosene to brush all the corners in the room, brush all the wooden cupboards, bedframes etc. Basically brush the whole room with kerosene cos' koresene kills the eggs. Me and hubby emptyed my MIL's room and did what he advised us. At the same time threw away alot of MIL's junk. It was tiring but it actully stopped the infestation.

Bed bugs can also hide in human's clothes or body and than jump off into other rooms. So best is u check every room. Oso each time the bugs lay eggs, they lay by the hundreds so the infestation mutiply very fast.

Check ur maid cleaniness. Get her to wash all her clothes in hot water.Throw away all the things that have the black spots as there might be eggs.

Bed bugs are very troublesome. I know what u are going through. Damn pissed off one and fustrated. Best is to nip it in the bud now before the problems recurr again.

If u need more info, let me know.

Good luck
Bear - I had a bed bug problem when I was pregnant and I am suspecting that my hubby brought it home from some ulu country due to his business travel. It was really a nightmare. You might want to get the pest control. The one I called is really nice and he told me the pesticide is relatively safe. If you want the no. I will check when I am home and let you know. Of course being super KS, I also threw away the sofa that have been affected. Thank God till now no more bedbugs!!
Thanks a lot for all your bedbugs advice!! i m so very tempted to call in the pest control.. the only thing is i have no car so i can't bring Z out of the house.. some more hb not in so it just me handling the stupid milk strike and the damn bedbugs.

Chillipadi, i m very very very tempted to call in the pest control guys.. but so far the infestation is only in one room. I checked all the rooms myself and there were no black spots other than in 2 locations in the maid's room. we sprayed insecticide in that two locations, as well as the whole room's skirting and cupboards. essentially everything lah.. all beddings were washed with boiling water and i threw away her new mattress. no mattress for her until we are sure the infestation is gone. We also cleaned all the rooms with bleach, inclding the walls and ceilings. Yes u saw it right, ceilings also clean.

Have to monitor for awhile and see. but my maid understands that so she is fine slping on the wooden floor.

Can u provide me with more info in the fogging? do u have to fog all rooms? then ur beddings how? all got insecticides? ur gals' stuff leh like soft toys and all? all must wash?
Hi Mommies...

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
OMG!! Bed bugs! Tats the worse case siah. Berry hard to get rid of. Yes... I also heard about using kerosene before. But the whole place will stink and definately not good for Z to be exposed to all these chemical smells. Anyway to put Z in your mom's or MIL's place for the time being?

<font color="ff0066"> Play yard</font>
I managed to get a 2nd hand 6-panel Haenim play yard for $150. It comes wz 2 activity centre tats why more ex. hehehhe... now going to clean it thoroughly wz dettol then set up.

<font color="ff0066"> Jumperoo</font>
Haiz... Janessa can only sit in it max 10-mins then start crying and fussing liaoz. Tink it's gonna become white elephant soon.

<font color="ff0066"> feeding solids</font>
I juz feed Janessa the pureed baby food direct from the Jar. I've intro her to Gerber Sweet potato, Heinz Pumpkin and sweetcorn, pear and banana + the organic vegetables. She likes them alot. Each feeding she can finish 1/2 a jar. After 1/2 hour she will want to direct latch for milk feeds.

<font color="ff0066"> Milk feeds</font>
Recently Janessa's milk feeds all also haywired. She will wanna feed several times a day but each feeding she only latch awhile then dun want liaoz. Tink she's starting to teeth? Haiz...
hi everyone... finally... damn irritatin yesterday the threads got problems, cannot post keep say error, in maintenance mode..

peanut: i read abt yesterday posts. i don think bb need a dietian, dietian is for pp with heart problem issue like obesity or diabetes etc..and since your PD say is okie with bb weight i think should be ok since they are professional.. but i don think is wrong to seek for second opinion if you are reali concerned. for myself, i see alot of PDs b4 i settle for this guy, he very good with children loi.. i also use the detinox teething gel which PD prescribe for bb.. it states 3 times a day..
I also agreed w Jo using a sipping cup, cause my bb also fuss alot during feeding.. i think the teats hurt the gums. he can drink more with the sipping cup, maybe something new.. can try

Happy: I have emailed you alr on sat, cannot log in to tell you as the posts are problem.. thanks again!

Recently alot of mosquitoes, my friends some kena dengue.. be careful.. I bought the baygon electricity thingy to put in the room at night for bb and the mosquitoes patch to put on his clothing..

haru: I usually will steamed the veg and fruits. cause steaming is the best way to retain its nutrition. whilst boiling it, the nutrition drain into the water.. best is to steam.. blender, i think is a neccessity! cause need to make sure bb food not lumpy, not difficult to eat.. quick go get it!
its not the teat, cos i giv her water, she drinks happily away.. As long as its water, watever brand of teats she also can. But come to milk she no wan..
peanut: Hmmm.. is the milk she don like? i know u have try Friso.. but is it before she takes Frisocrem or after? i mean if before maybe can try again.. don need to buy the whole tin, can ask from sample from ur PD? and try again? my boy now he don like pp carry him to feed milk, he wan to lie down on the bed and drink, and the fan must on, cause he will be very hot after drink.. hope she can drink soon..sorry not much of a help.

krystel: i totally understand where u are standing.. i think yes u should continue working, give some times for yourself alone.. everyday face bb will go crazy loi.. but at least ur MIL offer to help.. mine is totally NO. At first i also want to bring bb to infant care, but don want cause expensive and prone to illness.. nanny i not fang xin, cause cannot see what they are doing to bb.. in the end i hire a maid.. I highly recommend a filipino maid or any maid which an age.. previously i hire an indonesia maid, she is 23 years old.. ex singapore.. i send her back cause she will vent anger on bb if i say her.. she shake bb very hard in the yao lan and will not soothe bb when he cry. then i feel she needs to go. then i hire this filipino maid, no off day but pay her 20 dollars extra. she is 32 years old, with 2 childrens. I highly recommend NEW then ex sing cause they are not so clever n unfamilarize with singapore.. She is excellent, cause my bb sees her, he likes her.. i mean if bb cry when maid carry.. something must be very wrong with the maid. at least ur MIL is at home monitoring her, she cant do anything. plus she can clean the house, and do household chores. i think is more worthwhile if comes to money thing. at least u are not tired to do housework. come back u can care for bb..

Baby Food; I ever come across an articles saying that orange color food like pumpkion, carrots and sweet potatoes cannot give too much.. maybe 2 times a week. cause will cause bb yellow cause these food contains high in beta carotenes.

basically, we kept all the kid's stuff in the cupboards in our room. so the even when they mist, will not affect. but of course after the misting, we had to clean the hse. the misting kills all bugs n insects. quite effective but importantly is to get rid of the eggs. let me know if u need further info.
bb food:
Can we freeze fruits puree in bb food cubes?

When can we start giving teething biscuits for them? The instructions on the box states 6mths &amp; above .. can we start once bb reach 6mths or have to wait till their upper n lower front teeth are out?
<font color="ff0066"> Peanut</font>
How about trying S26 Gold? Cos tat milk is the sweetest amongst all the other brands. Or could it be due to teething? Cos teething can make it painful for bb's to suckle her milk cos the jaws are sore. If this is the case, maybe you can give her milk via those bottle wz spouts?

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
After the fumigation, you will need to wipe down everything wz warm water &amp; dettol. Then for the curtains and carpets, you will need to send for cleaning too.

<font color="ff0066"> Jo</font>
For the teething rusks, you can start once bb reached 6-mths. No need to wait for the teeth to come out. The teething rusks is there to soothe the "itchiness" bb feels.
haru: The baby puree, i use the following:

- potatoes with carrots
- pumpkin with carrots
- sweet potatoes with carrots
- sweet potatoes with pumpkin

Or any combinations with other foods.

i boil the carrots and pumpkin slices in water for about 10 mins once soft let it cool for 5 mins and then put into blender and blend, can add a little water if too dry to make to paste like.

I bought the mini blender from philips last week which was gd small in size and can blend bb food.

It's really lots of fun bcos evreday few days i go mkt and buy fresh ingredients and let her try..
hi Happy,

I sent photos to you on 16th of April, but my name is not on the list. let me send the email again.

email subject: "Nov thread baby photo"

pls look out for it. thanks.
gladgal: i once also thot of renting the exersaucer but HB said ppl used b4 so quite dirty and oso ex..like $70 to rent? I ended up getting one from a forum mummy brand new stock only $309..outside sell $400+ paragon and Kaki bukit $350..she plays in it everyday.

I find renting a little too pricey.
Hello mummies, thanks for the advice on childcare issue. I am very tempted to get a maid, and MIL helps look after. However, think hubby is not very used to the idea of having a stranger in the hse. Will check out infant care, and discuss with MIL again then decide.

Haru, think it is better for me to get a permanent job. Cos now very scared of taking contract or temp job. Got a bad experience.. : (
Lilian: Brown pear is not chinese pear. The shape is like those green ones, but it is brown and some almost black, can buy from cold storage. Dun think bb can take chinese 'lai', very liang.

Haru> Did u buy the First Food book, inside got instructions to make puree. Can store in ice cube tray and defrost when needed. I juz steam and blend the veg and give him a portion (abt 2 tbsp) in addition to the rice cereal for lunch. But i give separately so that he can register the taste of the veg eaten on its own. Inside the book there is a meal planner so u noe how to start.

Blessed11: Agree wif u, quite fun preparing the puree. Initially, i gave the heinz puree but after trying those freshly prepared, i think it is definitely worth the effort

Happy: Will send the photos later, thks for compiling

JJZou: Long time no see, how are u and bb?
Bear: Gosh hope u eradicate the bugs issue quickly!!

MInkybear: Just replied your email.

Haru: I started feeding solids once a day. Think will increase to 2 times starting on Sun, when he officially hits 6 mths!

Baby23: I think the mat is standard price. Mine is the yellowbear, not the playpark, which is more exp. Got from Smallsmallworld, so I think prices fixed :p

Blessed11: Hee its gd investment if your bb plays on it everyday! $70 rental is really exp!! So far I found ard $45 which I think still reasonable lah..
yes, another 2.5yrs to go! My #1 has 8mths to go while #2 still hv 2.5 yrs.. So overall still 2.5yrs..

Quite hard for u these two wks when hubby is not around, pat pat.. But u are a strong mummy!

ya, u can refer to the blog that lilian post abt making ikan bilis powder. Normally i self made cause i can make sure that it is clean and i soak and wash many times to get rid of the salt.. Then use u-like blender to blend, it can blend till very smooth like powder form.
Alternatively u can purchase outside too.

actually steaming is the best method to retain the nutrients than boiling. So for food like sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, apple, pear, i will steam first and then blend/mashed. Once they are older, fruits like apple n pear i will just scrap and feed them.

yes, u can freeze fruits puree. But if u can, try to give fresh one.. Fresh one is always the best.
My gal weighs 7.05kg at 5 mths and 7.82 kg at 6 mths. Think her weight gain is normal. She's been rejecting milk recently, if not for the introduction of cereal think she will lose weight lor. And she's still taking 125ml every 3 hrs. Most times she will still have around 30ml of BM unfinished.
Semi-solids :

I started on the day PD said, "Aiyo, why havent start leh... by 6mths, baby J should be able to get used to 2-3 kinds of fruit/veg." haha sounds like Brocoli's PD hor? keke~~

So its been 2weeks since baby J started on the brown rice cereal(i bought Happy Bellies), now she's eating 2 teaspoon, 1 feed per day. Sounds abt right according to PD.. coming week i wann to start J on carrots, pears, and maybe sweet potato. **fingers crossed**

After 2 teaspoon of cereal, she will immediately want to suckle.. i also dunno why.. her milk intake seems regular, but the time she suckle is short. Either she's fast or she's a small drinker bah.

1 food at 1 time.. i heard its better to start this way so u can monitor for rashes/allegies. Else, its difficult to determine which food is causing the problem.

Jar food, can feed straight from jar/bottle. But i havent tried any yet.. which brand is good?
hi Happy,

I sent photos to you on 17th of April, but my name is not on the list. i resend again..

email subject: "Nov thread baby photo"

pls look out for it. thanks!!
I'm receiving the playmat tmr! I think i'm more excited than my gal.

Gal dolphin,
I am getting parklon (Pooh flower Hill ) from small small world. $138. : )

It's me who asked abt the ikan bilis powder. Thanks for the link!

Thanks. Me will check out lilian's link.

I can fully understand ur feelings when facing ur MIL with the semi solids thingy. My mil also kept asking me to intro cereal when my bb was around 4 mths plus. Kept telling me who and who bb already started on this and that. I just tell her straight that doc say can only start at 6 mths and not any earlier.

Semi solids + Pils
Currently i dun have much issues with my in laws but i foreseen disagreements will arise when feeding bb semi solids/solids. Last sunday was my mil's birthday and we had the birthday cake. My fil wanted to feed cake to my bb and i immediately opposed and said cannot give. He commented to my bb that her mummy very "niao" (stingy). I told my PILs that cannot feed adult food to bb before she turns 1 yr. Better be careful rather than letting her anyhow eat and end up with allergy or stomach problems. I told them bb's digestive system not fully develop yet.
I even tell my hb that i'm in full control of wat to give and when to intro what type of food. And he has to endorse what i said should his parents do otherwise. Haiz..but still my mil is taking care of my bb even she do behind my back i also dun know. I think i will continue to educate her and back up with " Doc said one."
brocoli: yes yes me too keep buying heinz now whole cupboard all heinz will try up use them occassionally for baby wont be getting it liao bcos now puree making is quite ez once u have tried it.

My baby also everytime see her bowl eyes big big looks forward to new flavours and textures all the time...love seeing her face.

babybazel: YES! hv to be careful hiyah why ur FIL anyhow feed..cake has eggs which can cause allergies..

If you want it healthier remove the head (head has more cholestoral) and just blend the rest of it. Although chesterol (how do i spell it arggh), baby wont get. But better to start healthy from young.

mummy: heinz ones not bad..my baby loves it..i bought those parnip, sweetcorn and pumpkin ones and also some fruity ones.


gladgal: not only a gd investment but berry gd investment next time can also use for her future didi and meimei...and still can sell away if gd condition, u see this forum wanted section everyone like looking to buy 2nd hand exersaucer.
mornin mummies!
thanks for all e advice with the preparation of the baby food. now just waiting for my First Foods book to arrive so that i can read up more.=P looks like i should get a blender soon!

Re:baby's milk intake
recently i have been having quite a challenge feeding baby, even latchin on. she doesnt cry or scream just that she is super distracted and loves to arch her back and love everywhere and refuse to latch and just keeps talking. its quite funny but i really want her to have sufficient milk intake. can be quite frustrating when i need to latch her before heading to work. and she would stuff her fingers in her mouth instead of latching on or pull off suddenly and suck on her fingers. dunno if its just a sign of her teething soon..?

its good that you let hubby know your stand. the other day, my baby had hiccups for quite a while and my MIL carried her into e kitchen and i saw my hubby followed her in and "pretend" to chat with her about something. later he told me coz he was afraid she would give her water to drink without our knowing. really thankful my hubby and i are on the same page on our baby care.

can i ask whats e model of ur philips blender?

RE: baby sitting up
is there any other "chairs" or sort that we can get other than the jumperoo and exersaucer? just something baby can sit in and play in?
Haru... u the same case as mine. My gal can be naughty when she refused to latch on..her little finger will pull my the other nipple ! *ouch*

Starting Solid -
I tot bb must be able to sit up with neck up... then we can feed them solid ? correct mi if im wrong
Re: Collage photos
Pls drop a post here and let me know if you have sent the photo.
So i am not possible to scan thru one by one.

Photo collage for Nov thread babies( At birth and 3mths)

Send to this email:
happy_22feb AT yahoo.com.sg

Pls State Nick, baby's name and DOB!

Closing date: 24th April

Photo received:
Olwen (you gt mail)
Gd morning...

Chillipadi, Dymples, thanks for ur bug killing advice! i am doing daily spraying for a whole wk and then monitoring the situation. My hb managed to book out last night so he came back and took a look at the situation. decided to wait till he comes back then we get an exterminator in to do the fogging. so far so gd.. no more bugs aft the 5th spray this morning.. i actually got the maid to use the steam iron's steaming part to steam all the crevices!!

Babyzel, yups i totally understand how u feel.. if Z is hiccuping, my FIL will also tell me to give water. dunno many times i need to tell them water doesn't help hiccups.. now i just ignore. I also agree with Haru that it is very very impt that u and ur hb are on the same wavelength. Last night i told my hb abt the cereal and formula milk thingy, he all of a sudden raised his hands to indicate to me to stop talking. I tot i made him mad by complaining abt his mum but he said he felt like going over to his mum's place at 10pm to scold her abt the formula remarks. he said he has been repeated reminding her that Z is on total EBM and not to even mention formula but she keeps doing so. He even told me that he is afraid that his mum will feed Z with cereals when he is over at her place!! He said this wkend when he comes back, he will talk to her again.. which means it will degenerate into a shouting match. sigh...

Gd news is Zach is drinking again.. i think it could be the chinese meds the sinseh gave me to 'pu' myself. could have made my BM taste funky! Anyway i got so much EBM that i m giving them away to another mummy in the forum.

Hi mummies

wow...its been awhile since i last came in here and was out of town for week + too...think i have missed out quite a lot of spree and also did not go through thoroughly all the posts coz its damn many man...

what are the ongoing spree right now that i can join in?

Whats about the collage photo huh?

What happen? What about putting bb bed near window?
