(2008/11) November 2008

hi all the mummies,

long time haven't log in. with 24/7 mummy work, very hard to find a time for internet. whenever got time, would be the time to catch some sleepy ;p

how's everyone? can not read back all the messages above.

my baby boy is 40 days already. average feeding time is every 1.5 - 2 hours. if I'm lucky, then 2.5 - 3 hours. some night, just can not get him inside the baby cot. so I let him sleep on top of me. otherwise, he would keep crying.

I already lost 14.5kgs. still got another 6kgs to get rid off.

now, i really miss the time that can have a full night sleep. of course, this do not means regret. baby is soooo cute, all the hard work worth it!!!

Now, I'm looking forward to 6 months. because, they say, 6 months old baby only wake up once per night. haha..... only this 1 point, give me hope already. anyway... at least this is something to look forward to >.<

Good luck to all the mummies!!!

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
Yup... me went for cut, perm and treatment. Spend total of 4-hours at the hair salon. *faintz* I also wanted to do colour at the same time... but dun want hub to wait for me another 2-hrs. So most prob will colour my hair only b4 CNY bah.

I dun usually wipe my breasts b4 BF-ing if I'm outside. Anyway, the nipple is clean by itself. Dun worry abt bacteria, etc. But if at home, I'll juz use a wet face towel and wipe.

<font color="ff0066"> iluvbli</font>
Dun worry... the perm or colour chemicals won't get into the BM. This is cos the chemical absorption is extremely minimal. For all my gals, once the 1-mth is up, I'll starightaway go for colouring, perming or re-bonding. All no probs.

<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>
Oh dear... how did the contamination come about? Was it the hospital staff that din do the collection properly? $600 is alot of $$$ wor.

<font color="ff0066"> aurorin</font>
When my gal keeps crying, I usually will pat her first and try to soothe her without picking her up. But if really no choice... and nothing can soothe her except me carrying her... then I'll juz put her in the BB sling and carry her all over the house lor. If not... sometimes can't get anything done leh. *LOL*
Hi mummies,

Me also long time didnt log in cause busy with bb after CL left..

Seems like the topic is breastmilk..
moomummy, me same wif u, b4 CL left, i had good supply of bm, but after she left, my ss seems to drop a bit.. Currently i can still give 1 feed to my elder boy beside giving to my bb.

To all mummies: How many oz of milk ur bb drink now? My bb currently drink 3oz every 2-3hours. is it consider to appropriate amt?

I am so happy that my bb can sleep longer in the night now.. She can stretch up to 4,5 hours after last feed ard 10pm+.. But i stil need to wakeup to pump milk

haha.. regarding ur naughty talk, ya, u can start ard 6 wks after birth. U still hv energy now arh? Me when hv time, must go sleep liao..
i see, coz i normally wipe my breast before feeding. glad to know that its not really necessary.

CNY wil be a good time to go do your hair again!!

actually we have been wanting to do it recently but dunno whether we are allowed or not. definitely tired, but still feel like it leh..=P
Its good to wipe your breasts before feeding, esp if you are at home. But use water or tissue can already. Don't use soap, etc coz it cleanse away the natural cleansing agents that your breasts produce. You just want to clean regularly to make sure you are clean only. As in no dust, etc.
fifi: I am surprised by the results too, i thot the chances are damn low for contamination, feeling the piss and the pinch! Never going to sign up ever again with them, waste of time, money n effort.

Dymples: They said was probably during birth canal not sterilised properly?? During collection?? Anyway I also dun understand their crap. All I know is my money is gone and I feel contamination is RARE. So why my case.

Haru: Long long as in when it happened? Just got the results after 6 weks of birth, feeling cheesed with all their hardsell and now am odd one out that BB cordblood cant be used...
Good morning ladies!

Feeling so stressed up!! Jadon just kept fussing and crying at night. Always starts at 11pm all the way till 2-3am!! Mum and I are both so tired looking after him. No matter wat we do, he just wont stop crying! Carry, pat, talk, sing, put him in the sarong, he also dont feel good! Sigh...he is already 1month plus le, dont know when he is going to stop all this fussing!
hi mummies, anybody interested

Pumpkin Patch End Season Sale at United Square

anybody interested in similac mum vouchers? i got so many. can post to whoever wants.
hi mummies,
any recommendation on bottles to store milk?
seems to run out of storage bottle everytime leh... so ex to keep buying from kiddy palace..
now i have 3 medela bottles, 3 pigeon bottles, 2 ameda bottles, one nuk bottle...

yup.. those storage bottle very exp... so i took those glass bottle fr hospital then i just bought those cover caps... or may u use those milkbags to keep ur EBM... more cheap...
Liv: I use Medela ones to store...i have 3 of them then the rest is glass bottle with plastic caps. Why dun u get glass bottles and buy th caps from the hospital pharmacy?
How do you mummies coax baby when the baby keeps crying non-stop? I try to carry her in different ways but she still doesn't like...and sometimes scream..
cc, just a guess..maybe your bb has colic? my bb has colic too and no matter what i did to coax him, he just won't settle down.. eventually, hubby bought a bottle of Dentinox infant colic drops from the pharmacy, and we add it to his milk and feed it to him. after a few feeds, he stops crying so violently liao.
If you can't get the colic drops, you may try Woodwards Gripe Water(old folks called it 'pui kia jui'). can get at those chinese medicine hall.
Dilute 5ml of the gripe water with 5ml of water and feed it to her once a day. You have to dilute it with water becoz it's quite sweet.best to feed it after her morning shower.

Hope this helps.
I also use glass bottles and buy the plastic cap at $7.60 for 10 pcs at Mt A pharmacy. The glass bottles, I asked for 30 before my discharged then.

You can also use bottle liner to store your ebm. I'm currently using playtex pre-sterlised bottle liner. They cost S$25 for a roll of 140 pcs. Very worth for value. I try to upload the pic for you to see so that you can consider getting them.
I usually latch on and pump at the same time. Not after latching bb. I will usually set up my Avent Uno pump, latch on bb, using cruddle hold position. Once she is comfy sucking the nipple, set the pump on the other breast and let it do the work. Once bb had enough, put the bb down and pump for another 5 mins on the breast that bb had latched on. Uusally on 1 side, I can get about 100ml. the other latched on side, another 15-20ml.
Can I check how much are your bb drinking at this moment?

I usually latch my bb on, she will suck for 15-20 mins and sleep for 3hrs till she wakes up for her next feed. (I will change her diaper at the same time as after latching, she will sleep throughout for 3 hrs) She will repeat the cycle from morning 9am till 9pm. When 9pm, I will give her a bottle feed of 70ml. When she finished, she will want to latch on and after 30 ins, fall asleep. Her next feed would be 5am in the morning. When I tried giving her 80ml for last feed, she could not finish at all.

So I presumed she is drinking at 70ml for a 30 days old bb. Is it too little?
for babies who keep crying and hard to coax.. have u mummies try to use a pacifier? Sometimes they just wanna suckle to soothe themselves, and usually it works (formy case) If it doesn't (for my case too), it means she's hungry or sleepy.
wa, ur baby is so good!! I don think 70ml is too little la, as long as baby is gaining weight, feeding well and have a lot of wet diapers then should be fine. My boy still no schedule yet lor, sometimes 2hrs feed once, sometimes 1 hr, sometimes 3 hr.. Envy you sia..

I tried to use, but he totally don want it lor. But I find the Avent pacifier a bit long, going to buy another one and try cause i really want to stretch his feeding time.

I'm having such a hard time feeding him lately! baby will latched on, den after 10 mins start crying, latching, crying and latching. And he'll onli stop when i stop latchin him and hold him upright. I know can't be i don have milk, but i can't think of any other reasons.. Its like a battle everytime I feed him now..
moomummy: I think you might be right...she might have colic bcos no matter how we carry her and no matter how tired she is she wll cry non-stop, will feed her with gripe watr lucky I got a bottle.

Issit ok to feed her that everyday?
Afternoon mommies..

thanks haru &amp; dymples for e advice. will try.

Like sabre, my 2-wk old gal also no feeding routine yet. Sometimes 1hr, sometimes 2-3hrs. So at times i wanna rest, she will be hungry. i usually try to drag to 2hrs interval each feed but she can be crying till i let her suckle. Lately i also notice she may suckle a bit, wide awake, then stop. Perhaps for attention?
Help! My baby seems to be rejecting the bottle!!

Anyone had any similar experiences?? He has been all right to drinking 1 bottle at night. Suspect is coz he is usually more sleepy then so can't differentiate.
So we wanted to increase the bottle feeding to 2-3 times a day. But when these few days, in the morning when me or mum feed him with bottle he would scream and refuse. So worried when I go back to work...
Hi Glad_gal,

I had this problem when my baby was 6 weeks old. i was feeding him direct for 2 weeks, then he rejected bottle feed, started to wail very loudly when we feed him bottle and only calm down when i latch him on.

I have since stop latching him and only giving EBM coz i worried that when he gets older, it's more difficult to change his habit of drinking from the breast. it would be difficult when i go back to work to.

The initial few days when i didnt latch him on, he would cry and cry. i have to be hard hearted and not let him latch on again. then he started drinking little by little again when he's hungry and tired. Lucky he changed after about 3 days.
hi snnowy, can show me the pic for playtex pre-sterlised bottle liner??? hee.. bottle liner is same as milk bag ah?? abit confused..

i did ask for glass bottle but after a few wash, the label peel off from the bottle.. i see le very xin ku so i throw them away.. ;p
Hi guys... u guys are talking abt the very topic i wanna ask: schedule for baby.

Today we tried the Gina Ford method. it was very heartless to me cos she recommends to let the bb to cry it out. we left the bb in the crib and he cried for 10 mins before falling aslp. we sat outside the room listening to him cry. I sat there and cried myself too.. like so cruel like that. actually my boy wakes up every 2.5-3hrs to drink and in the evenings, he will be alert from abt 6-9pm. but my hb wants him to slp longer than the 3 hrs... are we being too ambitious to want the bb to slp for longer periods?

Also realised that he has been taking 1 hr 20mins to finish a bottle of milk. we tried stretching his feeding time, and those times we stretched past 2.5 hrs or 3 hrs, he will finished it within 30mins. wat can i do to stretch his feeds?

Joyce, Karen, my 3 wks old boy drinking 110ml per 2.5-3 hrs.. my ss only finally caught up today.

Ladies, how u tahan ur bb crying? once mine starts i need to do something else i will start crying myself...
Hi Amooks,

Thks - think I have to be hard hearted too
but dunno if I can bear his crying when he can't latch on...but I guess I would not stop latching totally, mabbe will just have to slowly increase the no of bottle feeds each day sigh.

Bear, I wanted to follow the GF advice, but realise my bb can't seem to follow the schedule/routine. My feed is every 2 hrs in the daytime, and will be 3-4 hrs after evening. I can't bear him crying for too long actually...I usu let him cry abt 2-3 min - If he doesnt stop still, I will carry him. But its worse still if the elders are ard, coz they will sure carry him immediately coz they scared he got wind
Its cos he needs to burp. He will only stop crying once he burps... may be a few mins later. You try. Help him until he burp once or twice then latch again.

No cannot front facing. Always face parent.

Let your mum feed. You leave the hse. Coz he can smell you sure dowan bottle. Also, must try a few times. When give bottle, my girl will reject for a few mins then take de.

I gave up making my girl follow routine cos I cannot bear to hear her cry until so jialat.
Wah, the GF method is very tough. Won't bb be very tired if we let bb cry it out?
But this method also necessary, cuz we cannot keep running to bb when they cry, like this they will know that when they cry, daddy mummy will run to them and carry/pacify them wor...

Have you bought the Beco carrier?
I also saw the earlier posting that there's a Bjorn carrier, looks quite nice too.
Are you considering any?

retail at U$80, bought it during a sales at U$29.99
after adding tax and conversion to SGD is S$52

1 set of long sleeves polo and pants for 6months
mummies.. my personal opinion.. our babies r very young now.. esp those few weeks old, better not to do the cry it out method... they need us to help them feel secure...there r some articles on this in babycenter.com, u might wanna ho check them out.

as for scheduling ur babies feeding time.. for young babies (less then 1 mth), n f u r latching them on, let them decide when they wanna feed. young babies tend to feed more often for shorter interval. n usually when they get older, they'll hav a schedule on their own, usually requiring 2-3hrs interval per feeding. sometimes when they wanna feed more often is becos they r growing thru a growth spurt, n they need the extra feed to grow. if u really want a schedule, then u might wanna bottle feed instead as the interval is usually abt 3-4hrs.

just sharing some pointers here, hope they help.
bear, u r crying when bb cry is probably due to the hormones in our body. just cry la.. u'll feel better abt it. maybe i very numb liao, cos this is my 2nd child, but i'll usually go pick her up, n then i realise all she want is a cuddle n put her down after awhile.
After I heard of your labour with Dr Han, I oso dun dare to cry. Hee.
I reach there quite late, mayb no time for pain relief, so I just used the gas.
Seems like the gas also quite strong, just that alone is a lot of help.

How abt u? He dun encourage epi?

Abt getting naughty, my lochia has not finished. So cannot leh. Also scared the wound below.
I also heard that after 6 weeks is ok, that's my next gynae appt as well for pap smear.
morning mummies,
me was out all day at the mall yesterday walking around with my family.=P carried baby in a carrier sling, she slept all e time except for feeds.

i also dun realy believe in lettin bb cryin it out at this young age. i wil usually try to pat her first, if she doesnt stop i will pick her up aft a few mins.

my baby is not bothered by soiled diapers and we can pretty much tell her cry for milk and for sleep. other than that she is not crying as much anymore since she turned a month old. and she can stay awake on her own in her rocker (very handy when i need to my stuff) or cot for longer and she doesnt cry.

i just bot Fenugreek from GNC yesterday. lady told me to start with 1 capsule, 3 times a day after meals. is that e amount you are taking too. my EBM amount is still very low, so hopefully my supply will increase soon!
I don't recommend to let bb cries out at this young age too! Why makes it so "xin ku" for mummies and babies... at this stage, mummies are very emotional and babies too young.
hi mummies,
anyone tried mothercare breastpads? went to Mothercare to look for Medela breastpads but out of stock..

when do you plan to start to use e Beco carrier?
do any of u breastfeeding mummies go out without bb?

i need to go out abt 6 hrs without bb.. so was thinking how to tahan not clearing out e milk?
cc,for me, i feed my baby with gripe water every morning after his shower. my mum told me it's okay to feed him everyday, but i think i'll stop feeding him with it when he don't cry that much after a few days. coz to me, gripe water is pretty sweet even if you dilute it with water, i'm afraid that he'll end up having phlegm if he drinks too much of it.so, it's up to you, maybe you want to feed your bb for a few days then stop and monitor?

iluvbli55, yah, now come to think of it, the laughing gas is quite okay for me too. just that maybe that time i too gan cheong liao.haha..Dr Han did asked me whether i want epidural administered, and i said yes. but eventually, becoz i'm already 7cm dilated, already too late liao.. :p

haru, i've bought the Fenugreek from GNC too. but i'm taking only 2 capsules per day as per what the dosage printed on the bottle label. can take up to 3 per day ah? been taking it for about 2 weeks now..so far, my milk supply didn't go up yet,still waiting...
fifi: mine is a electric pump, all nursing room gt socket?

misaryeo: ya i will sure pump b4 i go out.. haha.. now every time i go out, i will pump immediately when i reach home...

how does the bottle liner works? its def much more economical.

the lady says can even take up to 8 capsules a day if necessary. but do start with e lowest dosage first to see how it works. i will try to pump tonite and see if any difference.
