(2008/11) November 2008

misaryeo, thanks for ur advice. My bb is about 3 weeks old. Bb will suckle abt one hr and then always not full even after latching. When i supplement with EBM then she will be contented and fall asleep... does it mean tt i will hv to let her suckle for even longer? But sometimes she so tired tt she fell asleep. And when i put her in cot she cry again cos she doesn't hv enuf. *headache*

Mummies, your got any advice??

Dymples, i found myself letting bb latching lesser and lesser le. Cos like got phobia. Always think she does not hv enuf if i latch her on. And in instances when i already latch her on for one hr and she still want to suckle, and MIL saw it and comment "still drinking ah?", then i will resort to supplement with EBM ...

Now i also try to pump every 3 hrs. Think milk getting lesser, can only get abt 90 ML for both side, with abt 40 mins of pumping... How long do your pump each time? I am really worried my supply cannot keep up with bb's demand. I already drink a lot of papaya soup lei. Looks like it is during the mesagge period my milk supply tends to be better ...
haru: I oredi gave in to pacificer weeks agoand yao lan yesterday haha...my baby fusses a lot dun wanna sleep so thot getting yaolan will make her sleep better. MIL says when she fall asleep on yao lan transfer her onto bed better.

Doc said that farting is a form of letting the air out of the tummy. You lie the baby flat and bring his knees to the chest a few times.You can hear the fart as soon as the knees reach the chest sometimes!

I also read somewhere that when the baby is in pain because of the air and having colic, they will be moving their arms and legs rapidly and crying very loud. Especially you will notice the baby bringing the knees to the chest which they are trying to relieve themself from the pain.

My baby had this for weeks around the 3rd to 4th week, and I was so so worried that he cried for almost the whole day. When I realized burping him and letting the air out is very very important, he became a much more easy and a happy baby
Sometimes I use the drop for colics if I hear a lot of sound in his breathing and he has not burped though I rubbed his back for a long time.

Now I know the difference when the baby is crying in pain or just wanting to be fed or looking for attention
I'm so relief that I dont hear the IN PAIN cry anymore
Nope. i didn't went for blood test.When i went to the gynae, there are many red patches over my legs and arms.

If your patches is not itchy then should be ok. It's really difficult to control and not to scratch. And the more i scratch, the more rash i have.

Now still on confinement but i going out almost everyday. Super tired. I'm going to bring my boy for janadice check again.
Wow your ss so standard ar.. Everytime i pump, the ss is always different. So it's very difficult to pack it by ml. I also pack them by the date n time.
wah... u're an expert now.. i stil can't differentiat my bb is crying for wat.. i hope i hav half ur ability.. My bb has been v difficult to deal with lei.. i jus smack her leg real hard yest cos she no wan to sleep and keep crying thou oredi carrying her.. I dun tink its colic thou cos its irregular hrs which is unlike colic case. Even feeding her is a real chore now cos she also throw tantrums while drinking, moving around her limbs like dunoe wat and crying, i wonder wats wrong with her.. Any mommies whose bbs also cry and kick a fuss while feeding??

My baby is 7 weeks now and only recently things has become better!
My baby used to scream and cry all the time even durng feed like your baby...

I didn't have a CL and since I am Japanese, I dont have my parents around so I have been taking care of the baby all by myself.
Till recently I was just doing the things I FEEL its right. But seems like I was making some mistakes...But when my husband spoken to some experienced CL and we followed what they say like MUST burp after every feed, things got better

Also I told myself to be calm all the time when I face the baby. I used to get stressed when he is crying and worry too much and at times angry with myself thinking i am not a good mother. But when I learned how to be calm and study the baby's patern, facial expressions etc, I realized things get better and I can differentiate the cry between pain and other needs

I am still learning but I always tell myself this is not going to last forever and give myself motivation!!
i oso cannot differentiate baby cries..hiyah bcos all the time is nanny take care next week nanny leave i tink i will have a ad time..hope the yaolan will come in handy..?
Hi Peanut

My bb these few days oso tends to throw tantum during feeding.. Normally i will rock him slightly to soothe him n at the same time feed him.. Mine oso start to fuss more these few days, think he is cranky cos cannot get to sleep.. Hope this phrase will pass soon...

Hi mummies,

Wat are the brands to recommend for colic drops? Tot of getting to try on my bb..
ya. u so PRO sia.. i oso cant differeniate bb is crying for wat.. i do realise my son like to move his hand & legs & look xin ku...especially some time put him down or carry him ...he keep flinging his hands & legs.. wanna wail esp at night.. take v long to coax him to slp too.. need to carry & stand or walk.. fainted.. once put him down he tends to struggle & puked liao.. haiz

And i heard ridwind or infacol is gd to remove wind.. but i been trying to find it from pharmancy but no luck. either out of stock or bo sell..
hi mummies,

Are ur BBs still wearing mittens? Wondering if i should take out my gals mittems le coz she's turning 2mths this sunday.. heard that usually ard 6 wks can take out liao.. coz of their motor development, they need to feel n touch things..

I got this medicine from the hospital " ridwind"baby drops (ICM pharma). It is quite good. Manufactured in Singapore so maybe able to get it from pharmacy as well?

I use it once or twice a day when i think my baby is getting colic.
hi mummies, so long never come in to chat.

updates on my 4 week old boy. he was born 3.25kg and now he is 4.5kg. heightwise, he grew from 51cm to 55cm.

Can ask u girls a question? How do u girls drag a baby's feed from 3 hourly to 4 hourly? Right now, my son takes in about 120ml to 150ml a feed in 15mins or half hour max and then he only lasts him 3 hours or 3.5hours max. Meaning from the start of the feed to the next feeding time, he last 3 hours or 3.5hrs only. Can advise me? he is taking formula now.

My son has stopped wearing mittens and booties since he left hospital. And i removed his swaddle when he is 2 weeks old. After that, he just sleeps in his rompers and his sleeping bag in air con room. But i put his temperature in the room at 26degrees lah...so it's cool but not too cold.
oh ya, i need to ask also. My son now feeds at 7am (120ml), 1030am (150ml), 2pm (120ml), 5pm(60ml), 615pm (120ml), 10pm (150ml), 2am (150ml) and 6am (60ml). Is this ok? Can I remove the 6am feed or do i continue with it till he doesn't cry for the feed anymore?
wow your boy drink alot, is he very big now? how heavy? my boy is chubby i would say and he feeds 5 hrs on 150ml, hes 1.5mth. and if 4hrs or less 120ml
shop4stuffs, my boy is 4.5kg last week. he's big i think. he's currently wearing 3 mths old rompers and it fits him ok.

wah...ur boy is so good...he can last 5hrs on 150ml!!!!! When did he start to last 5 hours a feed???
my baby from day 1 already kept moving his hands and legs but not crying...seems like he is exercising himself....and he burp at every feed, very loud
....and he always fart too...

so is he colicky?
hullo mummies.. how is everyone??

shop4stuffs, some say after 1st month can remove mittens liao... coz we can trim their nails by then. they can stretch their fingers... and have sense of touch... they might even suck their thumbs or finger to soothe themselves... for me day time i dun put mittens for my gal..sometimes night time I'll put mittens for her... esp when weather is cold... like these few days...

milkie, wah u so fast remove swaddle liao.. how is ur boy sleep then? able to sleep long? i noticed if i dun swaddle, my gal will be woken up by her own startle very easily... and very difficult for her to fall back to sleep... if I swaddle her... she can go to sleep by herself most of the time and can sleep longer...

peanut, haha even i second time mummy oso cannot tell why my gal is crying...

cc, my #1 is a cry bb... every small little thing oso cry... she can cry until her whole face black black we oso dunno why she's crying.. only yaolan can stop her crying.. so we let her sleep in yaolan... just a word of caution... bb may get addicted to yaolan... so when u go out etc... bb may find it diff to sleep when they are not in yaolan... this is what happen to my #1...
shop4sstuffs....if he burps and farts, then he not colicky mah....hee hee only if he cries excessively and nothing can sooth him at all then it is colic ba....
Now i know why your bb colicky, coz you didnt burp. Try to burp him during feed too. Dont wait till he finish his milk. Burp him halfway, but dont stop too often as some babies will not want any more milk if stop for too many times. Burp him so that air will come out and so he can get more milk in easily. Then burp again after he finish.

Was your baby having big tummy before?
amore, he sleeps ok leh...he only wakes up and cries when he is hungry....but other than that, he doesn't really wake up. The most i hear him 'eh' a bit, then he goes back to sleep. But i want to know how to drag his feeding for a longer duration......I need my sleep leh....

I think my son is used to being unswaddled cos he sleeps with his hands stretched out at his sides and looks very comfy. I also never put him to his cot awake...so he is aware that he is going to bed.
think he started his 5hour when hes is 4wk+

he sleep 4 5hr, i didnt wake him, so tin it depends on individual. my mum say let him cry longer n when its louder then feed him, this will lengthen his feed time
milkie, regarding stretching the time btw each feeding.. my fren once told me u have to do it slowly... like drag 15 mins then 30 mins... does ur boy take pacifier? if yes u can maybe let him suck pacifier 1st then when it's time then feed him milk...

but for me i dun think I'll stretch their feeding time now... since they are still so young... i think it's just a matter of time they will sleep thru' the nite themselves... my #1 slept thru' the nite when she's ard 2 mths+ 3... last feed at 11+ and can sleep till 6 or 7... she was on TEBM then... now my #2 @ 7 weeks... nite time can last abt 5 to 6 hrs... like last nite slept @ 11.. then woke up @ 5 this morning to drink.. she's direct latching... i prefer to follow bb's cue...

Yes he was having big tummy before.
Now I am careful and checking on his tummy often so that it is not big and hard

Can you hear the big burp every feed without fail?
Sometimes how long I try I cant hear it.
mayb u didnt give enuf milk tats y. try increase his feed again.if he can finish means his intake increase already. then if he not hungry, he wont wake up 1
angelR, did u put those "ru Yi" oil on ur bb tummy everyday? it helps the bb to release the air inside... sometimes u can oso burp bb b4 bb is fed or in btw feeds when he's awake.. dun have to wait till until bb finish his feed.. coz sometimes.. bb will oso swallow air when crying, sucking dummy etc...
ya my boy burp loud loud without fail, even during his intermetent stop.

Not sure how you burp him. THis is what i do. Will put him near to the edge of my lap, sit him upright, push him forward abit so that he is leaning to the front. Then pad upwards.

When I feed him, I will not lie him straight flat, will be quite upright but not 90degree, maybe 70degree.

Oh ya, he hiccup alot too. Heard that hiccups means his disgestive system is good. But now a bit drop. Did your bb has hiccups?

My nanny put binder for him on his tummy for Pd advise against it coz some bind it till the chest and hard for bb to breathe, some bind too hard, some binder will move upwards by itself slowly. So my boy tummy is not big.
i just removed his mitten and booties and got his nails cut...and will free him from now. thanks mummies..

hi mummies, i got questions hope you can help.

you clean bb nose shit right? Did you clean the ear too? If yes, how often and you use cotton bud stick?

So anyone knows if cda can be used for the injection?

Ya i find him cute and very fun too. He play with bb too and felt at ease with him. Just aint sure if 60 consultation is cheap, avg or expensive
shop4stuffs, i tried to up his milk intake but whenever he rejects i will stop feeding. So i think his stomach cannot stomach too much also right? This morning he woke up from his nap at 10am and cried wanting a feed but i managed to delay his feed to 1030am. Then i fed him and he cleared 150ml. Then he was wide awake till 1145am then i put him back in for his noon nap. Right now, he is still sleeping.....

Amore, i dont give the dummy to my son. I just want him to get thru without a dummy if possible.

ur babies very good to u leh....
I'm not so lucky lor. My first one also was a horrible sleeper so i had to sleep train her when she was 2 mths old. Only when she reached 5 mths then she could sleep from 11pm to 7am. And only when she was on 3 solid meals ie. 7mths old then she managed to do 7am to 7pm stretch.
shopforstuff: Yes, CDA can be used for injection, how much is 6-in-1 jabs? I hear they are a few hundred $$..

I dun clean baby ears...tink is natural wax that can trap dirt outside ears and preventing from going inside so i dun clean.
Thanks angelR.

Even though my bb has finally pooed, he was still colicky last nite. He will scream and kick his legs halfway through his feed. Now i burp him halfway but i can feel the tummy getting harder, sigh. Dunno why my bb fart also will cry. And he is drinking lesser these days.

Haru> I intend to bring my bb for one or two more sessions then will bring him for tcm bb massage for maintenance. The osteopathic quite expensive wor, first time $135.
brocoli, maybe he drinking less cos a lot of gas inside the tummy? so not much space for milk ? that's what i read some where lah...
milkie, for my #2 now i oso try not to give dummy... coz i dun want her to be like my #1.. last time we gave #1 dummy and she got addicted to it... once the dummy dropped out of her mouth while she's sleeping she cry.. wah i have to wake up and "plug" it in again... had a hard time to wean her off the dummy oso...

brocoli, for me when i know my gal wanna poo I help by massaging both her knee caps... sometimes it help her to poo... got once she was crying very hard like trying to poo.. my mum put newspaper on the floor and hold my bb in such a way like squating in between her knees... and within seconds she poo-ed... once she poo-ed she stopped crying... dunno u wanna try on u bb...
Erm not sure of any other method to set a night routine without letting her cry. I was told by my friend that just let bb cry, though it very heart wreaking but after 2-3 days, they will stop waking up for milk and sleep through the night. For my bb she did not cry, merely moan and I just simply ignore her cos too tired to wake up.
I'm currently doing tendem feeding for my 4 weeks old and my 16 months old gals. The ebm is extra. The more you latch them on, the more ss the breast will produce.
You can use those clips to secure. However you may need to purchase a lot in the long run, so I'm currently using rubber band to tie it. Also I guess you may need to stand the pack upright till the milk frozen cos I'm not sure how secure would the clip be.

I dun line the liner inside the bottle. I would simply pump direct into bottle before transering them into the liner.
My ss is not standard. I would usually get 100-150ml depending on the frequency of pump. I just pour the amount I want for my bb's feed and freeze the milk immediately. The rest keep in bottle and leave it in cooler. When 2 bottle is enough to make up a feed, I will warm it, pour into 1 bottle and feed my bb direct.

You are welcome. I would usually remove 1 oldest stock for my bb's feed whenever I put in 2 new packs. In this way, I'm clearing up the old stock. Dun have to worry about the milk being exired.
