(2008/11) November 2008

Congrats on your bb full month as well as the ending to your confinment. I hate cfm too. Everything is a restricted no no.

160ml is a good ss. You should try to pump as often to maintain your ss. What I will do is sometime to latch bb on while pumping on the other side. Save time and also let-down will be fall and quick. i can usually pump 100ml within 15 mins.

Does your bb nap better after you fed her with ebm? If you intend to return to work after your ML, you will need to start introducing bottle when bb is 6 weeks old so that she can get used to it. Not all feed as latching is still the best. Just once in the day and once at night.
Dun be discouraged by what you are currently facing now ok.

I've read before that a bb should be latched on to the mummy's breast within the 1 hour after birth as sucking is a reflex. If it not done so, bb will lost this nature sucking skill and you will need to re-train at a later date.

I guess your bb is lazy at the breast, thus refused to suckle. Futhermore, you have introduce bottle early and bb prefer the bottle teat as she can get the milk direct.

Remember to suck on the breast would required aother technique so that she can get the milk. You can try to bottle feed her, let her takes about 10-20ml and try to latch her on (dun try to latch a hungry bb cos she is learning to suckle and would gets impatient easily trying to get the milk)

Do it slowly, latch her on once in a day and slowly increase the times and frequency. Once she learn the skill, she will love your breast rather than the bottle. Dun give up ok.
I have finished my confinement which was done at my in-laws house and will be moving back to my own home on coming tuesday. Really looking towards it and miss my home. But then was wondering if I could cope alone on my own with a bb and an active 16 months toddler.
<font color="aa00aa">Dmk</font>
Hi, I've emailed you already

<font color="aa00aa">Stroller Accessories</font>
Hi Mummies, any idea where i can get those hooks with velcro that is used to be attached to the stroller? TIA!

<font color="aa00aa">Breast-feeding</font>
I was lazy the last 2 days so gave EBM to baby only and didn't really pump. Yesterday i panicked cos i realised the EBM i had in the fridge were running out and today is baby's full mth. I tried to pump but unfortunately, my supply has reduced.
Any remedy? Would Fenugreek help?
My nipples are sore after much attempt to pump, and even 2mins let down is not sufficient to get the milk flowing
hi karen,

for my care i only let my gal latch on one side for around 15mins-20mins because my gal drink not much... so i will pump out another side for another 15mins i can get around 60ml... when during baby is not feeding. i will try to pump out for 15mins per side.. My baby every 2-3hr will ask for milk... so i will just let her latch for 15mins - 20mins lor..
Mine rashes started on the very first week, went to GP but the rashes continue to spread. First is tummy, followed by legs and arms. Tummy no more rashes but legs and arms is getting from bad to worse. I have a gynae appt on tuesday. Will check with him if there are no improvement.
<font color="119911">Snowy</font>
How to latch and pump at the same time? As in how do you position your baby for latching, and hold the pump at the same time.
Hi fifi,

those small bottles i keep around 100ml-120ml... for milk bags i will keep 220ml-240ml...

Hi Mummy (Zeal),

slowly lei... try to drink more fish soup will help too... Yes... CDA can use for jabs...

This is how i keep all my BM...


Congrats on your bb full month as well as the ending to your confinment. i will be end of my confinment next week... keekee... but i will miss my confinment..... haahaa~~~

wow... 160ml is really good! my gal only drink 60ml some time... i think she is super small CC car... haa haa... but today my confinment lady told me she gave my gal 80ml BM she can finish..

me too... after my confinement i also need to cope alone on my own with a bb and an active 2yrs old gal... next yr still need to bring her to school everyday....
hi mummies,
had a busy day at my baby's 1st month party! but it was fun and everyone enjoyed. she was really alert throughout so she was so tired that she didnt really feed when she came home, just slept. think she wil wake up for feed soon.=>

thanks for all the well wishes mummies! since e end confinement have been eating all e crazy food!! had a sip of diet coke just now too. hahaha..

Karen and Snowy,
i hope i can maintain or even increase e amount pumped. at the moment i am storing e milk in 90ml per cup (Avent cups) as i think she wil take around this amount when i will need to use e EBM. last nite fed her 80ml of EBM, she only finished 70ml. i think her appetite not very big also.
Hi mummies!

Congrats to all those end confinement liao..

Yesterday was baby's full month. Had to hold it earlier cos weekday is very hard to give out the cakes.But didn't had buffet. Just went ard givin out cakes. We went out ard 11am and onli managed to reach home at 11pm lor!! So tired.. But then, I really find that breastfeeding is so good lor!! No need pack FM out, just bring diapers and I can feed him anywhr!! With the help of the nursing cover of course...And I also manage to do my hair today..

And the most amazing thing was, ever since yesterday we went out, baby has been feeding mostly every 3hrs liao... No more hrly feeds!! So i managed to get more sleep..

I got 2 nursing covers. 1 is bought from Kiddy Palace, another one is Lovedbaby de. I find that Kiddy Palace one is not so hot for baby, but the design is quite ugly. Lovedbaby one the fabric is softer, but will b a bit warm for baby after a while..

think kiddy palace gt a lot stroller accessories...

Wa, tats a lot of milk....
morning mummies,

Im very depressed, my milk ss still very low
. Tat day I pump out 40ml already very happy but the next day it dropped to 30ml and today I only pump out 10ml....
so depressing, Y my breastmilk not increasing....
<font color="aa00aa">Mosh</font>
Good morning
I can understand how you feel. I'm also feeling the same way since yesterday. Esp when hubby commented that since low supply, can consider giving FM i even more upset.
But i kept reading &amp; researching, must persevere wor.. keep latching and pumping..
Let's encourage each other ba! Gambate!
Hi mommies,

New to this thread but have been reading and really enjoyed the tips from all you mommies. I have a question which i hope someone can help me with.

When we pump the milk out (e.g. 80ml), do you immediately put in the fridge or freeze it? Can i wait for 2-3hrs later when i pump again (into same bottle/otherwise) so that when i freeze i can freeze the total amt. Seems a waste to freeze 80ml each time into the storage bag

Can anyone advice me?
Hi aurorin,

for my case, i will keep in the fridge immediately after pump.. later i will top up another (e.g.80ml in the same bottle or milk bag) then i will stock up in the freeze... i will also write the date &amp; time for record..
Hi Mosh &amp; teenyweeny,

Good morning!! dun be sad.. try to drink those Fish tail and papaya soup or Black Beans Herbal Soup may help to increase milk supply..
Here are some confinement soup recipes believed to increase milk supply:

Black Beans Herbal Soup

What you need:

600 g black chicken
50 g black beans, pan fried
15g Wai San (Chinese yam)
15g Kei Chee (Chinese Wolf-berry)
15g Tong Sum (Dang shen)
15g Pak Kay (Astragalus Root )
10g Dried Longan flesh
6 red dates, pitted
600 ml hot water

What you do:

1) Rinse all the herbs, longans and dates and drain.
2) Cut and clean chicken thoroughly.
3) Put all the ingredients into a double-boiler pot.
4) Add hot water.
5) Cover and boil for 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
6) Add salt, if preferred, and serve.

Lotus root soup with red beans

What you need:

1/2 lotus root with 2 or 3 sections
100g red beans (or adzuki beans)
2 honey dates
1 litres chicken stock
salt and pepper to taste

What you do:

1) Wash and soak the red beans overnight. Drain before use
2) Clean lotus root and rinse well, slice and set aside (soak in water with a splash of vinegar to keep it from browning)
3) Bring chicken stock to a boil; add the red beans and cook at high heat for 15 minutes
4) Lower the heat and simmer for 1 hour
5) Add lotus root and honey dates. Continue to simmer for 2 hours
6) Add salt and pepper to taste before serving.

Fish tail and papaya soup

What you need:

1 kg fish meat
100g raw peanuts
1 half-ripe papaya (cut into wedges)
1 piece tangerine peel
2 slices old ginger
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1.5 liters boiling water

What you do:

1) Soak peanuts in water overnight. Drain before use.
2) Skin and halve papaya. Remove seeds, rinse and cut into wedges.
3) Heat oil and fry ginger slices. Then fry fish until brown.
4) Put all ingredients in a slow cooker and simmer for about 2 ½ hours.
5) Taste and add seasoning if preferred.
hi karen,

thanks!!! i didnt know could do tt. really silly of me. saw e photo of your stock of EBM. i'm so impressed! wish i can reach there soon too.

You can put the first 80ml in the freezer to freeze. Later when you express again, express into another container first (e.g. bottle), cool down in fridge to a similar temperature as the frozen one, then pour into the first bag.

The reason why you shld cool to similar temp is coz if temp diff is big, hot and cold mix tend to introduce more bacteria or something like that.

However, although we dun want to waste storage bags, do rem not to store too much in 1 bag. If not, you may end up wasting when it comes to feeding.
hi fifi,

Okie.. perhaps i will put those i pump out all into the fridge first then end of day then pour the amt required for feed into bag. i think i will need more bottles. :p

heh heh thanks!!
congrats and happy full month to your baby! feels good to have a hair cut yea? =D

oh, i have been adding milk to the same cup before putting in freezer. Guess I will now pump in separate cups and let it chill before combining in one cup to store in freezer. thanks for e tip!

Re:milk storage bags
by e way mummies, what milk storage bags are you using now? i think i will slowly store milk in storage bags as my Avent cups run out.
I am in the same boat as you, very sad
is yr bb also drinking FM too?

do u still latch bb even tho yr breasts dun feel full? my breasts dun seem to be 'replenished' by the time my baby is hungry again. end up hv to supplement. shd I supplement or just latch even tho there is nothing or not enuf BM?
Congrats to all the mommies who hv finished the 1-mth Confinement. Happy 1-mth to all the babies too!!

<font color="ff0066"> Hives</font>
aarrgghh.... At first my hives only berry mild. Then last week... after my massage 2nd session, my hives suddenly came on with a vengence. First it started on my tummy last week. then spread to my inner thighs. Now the back of my knees, my whole upper arm, my upper back &amp; shoulder all kena. Somemore the patches are those big big type and super duper itchy. Haiz... put powder, bathe wz salt, self-medicate wz those OTC medicine all dun work!! Tink later gotta go see my GP liaoz. *sob-sob* THen those patch which get better... leave behind an unsightly dark patch. So sad.
. Now go out gotta cover up with long sleeves and long pants/jeans.
Thanks Karen,
But I have been drinking papaya soup, doesnt really help
so sad...

teenyweeny, happywifey
Have been letting bb drink FM since birth cos I dont have enough ss, and bb refuse to latch on cos not much milk she will cry

i using Lansinoh milkbags...


U r welcome.. hope can help U.. dun give up just try ur best sure give


i also give my gal FM everyday.. becuase i scared she rejust FM next time.. so everyday i will give her one bottle of FM..

for my case.. i will let her latch on even my breasts dun feel full.. but if i just pump out then i will not give her latch on lei..
Hi mummies!
It's been a long time since i last log in to post. How's everyone doing? And congrats to those mummies who have popped recently!

I've been very busy since my CL left coz i'm looking after my boy mostly all by myself. MIL too busy to help me coz she got another grand-daughter to look after too. Now I'm back at my mum's place for 2 weeks, so with my mum's help, i'm able to take a break.hehe..

Wah, everyone is talking about breast milk now..me at first supply not too bad, but after confinement, milk supply reduced drastically. maybe due to lack of rest and have stress too.haiz..but still trying my very best to express out whatever i can..

Now i suspect my boy got the cradle cap thingy. face and scalp all red and have flaky and crusty stuff coming off..been having this since the 3rd week after birth..so heart pain to see this..Going to a consult a paediatrician later. Hope everything will be okay..
Hi mummies!

Iluvbli55, I am going back to work in mid Feb! So only keen to attend that particular workshop for now. They have replied me so I would be transferring the money to them to sign up.

Sabre: Thks for your recommendations! Me thinking of getting the Obuba nursing shawl from BP

Dymples, saw you getting too...you found it useful?

Karen, wow's that's so much supply you got there -Very neatly stored!
Hmm me also thinking giving 1 bottle of FM daily 1 mth before I go back to work otherwise bb might reject FM.
dun worry ok? e milk will slowly increase de..even now my pumped milk amt varies from very little to enuf for 2 feeds. i am pumpin once a day now aft her night feed coz hubby can help to put her to sleep while i pump. rest of e time i just let bb latch. keep it goin ok?

where do u get e milk bags? must i line e bag in a bottle or can i pump in bottle first then transfer to bag to freeze?

ya, i also get to take a break when mum comes my plc to help. its a huge help just w her helping with laundry.
<font color="ff0066"> glad gal</font>
Yup. Currently I hv the Red Obuba and find it really useful. Been using it lots to feed BB whilst out shopping or eating at restaurants.
So now getting the cream color one as well.

<font color="ff0066"> Mosh, Moo Mummy</font>,
Dun be disheartened babes. Keep taking the Fenugreek supplements and eat more of those confinement foods tat help wz milk ss like the papaya soup, red date tea and lots &amp; lots of fish. We will all jia-you together on BF-ing our BB's okies.

<font color="ff0066"> Happywifey</font>,
If my boobs dun feel full, I'll still latch BB on if she wanna feeds. If really not enough milk... then I'll supplement wz FM after the latching. By putting BB to the breasts, the suckling by BB will also make your breasts increase the milk production to meet BB's demands.

<font color="ff0066"> Moo Mummy</font>
Oh dear... but dun worry yah. Cradle crap quite common. Your PD will prescribe you wz some wash and a cream to apply. My nephew had it as a BB too. But now no more liaoz... and his skin is smooth and nice nice.

<font color="ff0066"> Hair Cut</font>
Yeah! I had my hair cut and perm yesterday. So happy. But hor... during my hair appt, my hub had to bring BB to me for feedings 2x. *faintz* Then the people at the salon seems pai-seh. But I was wearing those nursing tops... so they can't see anything mah. *LOL*
thanks! will continue to latch my baby on then..

does anyone know where to buy the medela personalfit breastshield in size S? Size S is out of stock everywhere
tried mumsfairy and they recommended the supershields plus - has anyone tried this?
Hi Mummies

Congrats to all mummies who have ended the confinement!!

I have brought bb for his Hep B 2nd jab last fri.. and he now weighs 4.8kg..


Hang on there, heard tat most bb will be better (less crying n fussing) after the full mth.. So ur princess will be the same..
hi mummies, i understand that some of u give yr babies Friso Comfort. i hv a small can of Friso comfort opened on Fri 12 dec. i intend to give it away coz its really thick and hard to feed. took only a couple of scoops. collection at my residence at punggol. any mummy who doesnt mind can hv it FOC. pls pm me if interested.
wow! you even managed to perm ur hair? i was tempted to perm too but reckon i wil not have much time to maintain e perm.haha..so end up colour and cut. but i love having highlights again!! same here, had to feed baby midway through. but stylist told me her ang moh clients also always do that one. BF is really convenient and dun need to lug around hot water,bottles, etc.

what is the breastshield? is it like breastpads? speaking of which, i really need to get somemore breastpads. my avent ones get soaked thru easily..

thanks! yea, my baby is less whiny today, just some crying here and there.managed to put her to nap pretty easily today and she didnt cry when i put her in cot. i also start to let her stay awake more durin e day esp when my parents come by. so that hopefully she can wind down in e night for good rest.
Really disappointed with the results...the results came out that cord blood was cntaminated (either by urine or faeces) during collection!!! Unbelieavble...and wasted $600+! Cannot get back!!
oh dear!! so sorry to hear about it..did they say how come its contaminated??

do you wipe your breast before BF? wondering what to use if BF outside?
Hi hi, sorry, should have intro myself first. So far been a largely silent reader of the thread. My dd was due end of Nov but ended up overdue so she was delivered on 2nd of dec.

Like you mommis, i am trying my best to BF her for the last 2 weeks and coping with the fluctuating BM ss. On some pump i get 80ml on one side but sometimes, only 30ml. I am still trying to get my routine in order because i have no confinement nanny (but have a maid to help with laundry and cooking). After reading all your posts, i feel not so alone in my 'struggles' and have been learning alot!

Right now i am still trying to figure out how to establish a good feeding routine and sleeping routine for my girl. The first week she slept alot but now, she is getting restless and wanting to be carried more often. Sometimes i get stressed because i don't know why she is crying. Sigh. Wonder how do the mommies here cope with that?

I usually use wet wipes to wipe my breast first before BF. Haven't been outside (still in confinement) but i think still can use ba?
Hello mummies!

How's everyone getting on?
Time flies ya, my boy almost coming a month old. Badly deprived &amp; seriously missed those days of undisturbed sleep as bb wakes up every 2hrs for feed. I have been latching bb on, ss not abundant but enough to get by.

<font color="0077aa">Taking care of your breasts</font>
Wasn't feeling particularly well yday nite. Left breast had those 'bruised' pain. Later into the nite, was shivering under my sheets &amp; pain spread to more areas. I still nursed as per normal &amp; sharp pain were felt when he latches on. I felt so much better when I woke up, relate it to my mom &amp; sis &amp; they told me I had blocked ducts internally whereby it can't be felt when massaged. Good thing I continued to nurse.

When I tried to recall, I remb my #1 placed his entire weight on my body, wah biang, almost 16kg &amp; I screamed in pain. My sis advised that breasts are 'fragile' at this time, even certain sleeping positions, bb slings, tight bras can cause blocked ducts. Hope this helps..
haru: i called the salesgirl she said likely to be contamination by urine or feaces of birth canal during collection...wasted all my time, money and efforts...so disappointed wil never do it for my 2nd child.
thanks! wil use that too when i am outside too then. dun worry, my baby just went thru that phase too.couldnt get her to stop crying no matter wat. i think its a phase they will go thru and i hope my baby is slowly over the phase now that she is a month old! i guess its also coz they are also tryin to adjust themselves so they can get pretty cranky. i would carry her and try to calm her down if she cried non stop for more than a minute or so. then try to put her down again aft she calms down. sometimes this can go on for hours..its tiring but just tell yourself it will get better. dun worry every baby is different so we will just have to slowly learn our baby's behaviour.

hey mummies,
just a sensitive question, do you know when we can start gettin "naughty" again aft givin birth? i read thats its normally 6 weeks post delivery. coz my next appt with gynae is only in early feb, which would be for pap smear. i already had my check up with gynae 2 weeks ago but no mention from him if its safe to do "it" already..=P
Thanks for your encouragement. I would definitely rem not to latch on a hungry bb. Mayb that's why she will cry so violently.

Congrats that your confinement is over!
Wow, bb and toddler at the same time is not easy.
Will you be getting anyone to help you?

Teenyweeny, Mosh, Happywifey,
Hey mummies, we are all having the same situation. So disappointing...
As long as the supply dun dry up, we have to keep pumping.
But mine is definitely not enough, BM makes bb more hungry, FM can last longer, so most of my feeds are FM.

Wow, that's a lot! And so neat. How long did you take to store all that?

Envy you, can go and get highlights plus colour and cut. How I persuade my hubby oso cannot, he scared affect BM. I dun tink so la.

Btw can ask where did you get the Beco carrier? And how much does it cost?
I'm thinking of getting one too.

Hope ur bb's cradle cap will go away soon after seeing the doc.
Haru, yup, my mum really helped me alot by taking care of my bb during the night time when i'm simply to tired to get up when he fusses. but i also can see that she's pretty tired herself.feel so bad but she kept asking me to rest more

Dymples, i'm really very disheartened to see my milk supply reduce by so much..but my hubby also gave me alot of encouragement. he even went out to buy some of my favourite food for me as comfort food so that i can feel relaxed and happy.hehe..I will continue to jia you!!

iluvbli55,how did your labour go?sorry,i wasn't able to read thru all the previous posts..u didn't have epidural too ah?Dr Han didn't encouraged it or you didn't want to have it? U go gal!

me went to consult PD this afternoon..my bb got eczema..sianz..he said my bb is allergic to the formula milk which i'm feeding him, so have to change formula milk liao...i'm bringing bb back for a review this fri, hope that everything would be fine by then..

Wipe Breasts:
Dun use wet wipes. Better to just use tissue or tissue with water. Else, you may wipe away the breasts natural cleansing agents.

Its already in the terms and conditions that the $600+ you cannot get back if cord blood is found not suitable for storage as this is the testing fees. Anyway, contamination is unlikely an cordlife's fault.

Beco can be bought from www.cozybabies.com.sg. Currently is retailing at $215 ($190 if you purchase 3 or more). Stock for popular colours running low. Next shipment price is likely to change.
