(2008/11) November 2008

Wah 100ml. Die lah... I sure cannot express enuff when I go back to work de. Now latch on she still seems ok but latch every 2 hrs.

during e day, can wake baby up for feed. but if your baby sleeps thru e nite then dun need to wake them up for feed.=> i also hardly nap during e day. somehow always hv something to keep me occupied, but i try to at least sit or lie down as much as poss.

ya, really blessed that my hubby is very hands on and involved. =>

haha, me showered at hospital already before coming home. =P very naughty..

Re: feeding
my baby was crying for feed again not long after feeding so i think its a sign that she needs more milk now. will increase e duration of her feed now, and also try to express to have some standby..think i need to keep pumping in order for the supply to increase. if i only do direct feeding, think e supply might not increase as quickly.
I just came back from shopping! hahahaha.. hopefully all the walking will encourage bb to come out!

Bibi, then have u chosen ur date for induction yet? my doc said latest 28th Nov lor but he decided to do it on Mon since for my case everything is ready to go. Baby engaged, cervix ready.. just no contractions!

Mildy, yes yes, i promise to sms u if i pop ya?

Fifi, yes i heard the same thing. FM can only last a mth aft its opened becos its super nutrient rich hence there is a possibility of micro-organisms growing in it. U might wanna read the tin of milk to see. quite wasteful but no choice.

Dymples, u are back! hahaha i also dun think i can tahan not bathing or washing my hair... going to wash ASAP. may be sneak a wash in the hospital if i can!

Happy, heard that is normal to have some blues.. its our hormones playing havoc.. may be it signals that more milk is coming in! cheer up!
Happy..*sayang sayang*... just aim that very fast the phase will be over ya..., btw u have another helper or intend to put clara in CC or N1 bo? It will be tough to handle 2 kids full time alone leh.

While yr stress over feeding, i very tired over my baby not sleeping much n demand us to carry her alot..haiz.

I also start to shower at day 4. Even in hospital I am very sweaty. Confinment food I also never follow strictly, every morning either Mcdonald BF or Roti prata...oops.

Pacificer..I start giving last week, hmmm wk 3.

dymples..I forgot to congrat u, congrat congrat..heehee ..: )

tku u ..after full month also another set of stress for me..cause I am moving back home, my mum super happy lo, say she finish her job being my confinment lady..hee.

"Jia U Jia U, very fast will be ur turn"

Jo..wah yr baby drink 125ml : ) my gal coming 1mth only drink 80ml, took us 30min to pat n burp... 1.5hr to feed so long? then at night must be very tired lor.

FM..if cont feeding for 1.5hr is ok, cannot keep unfinish FM for more then 1hr...it will create baterial n wind. Best to discard if cannot finish.
Babyzel pacifier will work, but must teach her to suck, use yr finger to block the pacificer from droping out till she suck on..

hmmm can put on those netting rocker ..?, worst come to worst sarong sure work.

But hor norm the carrying n pacificer to sleep,then put bed cry again will get better after they 6 to 8wk..., I intend to train my gal to sleep on bed & pat her to sleep after full month. Currently my situation also like u lo.
Alibaba - itchy breast could be due to the breast milk residue on the breast. I experienced that too, so now I will clean my breast with a cloth each time after I express.

Brocoli - of course need to supplement with FM, our bb very big lar...keke...I am feeding him FM in his last feed before he goes to bed at night as FM can last longer. So now he wakes up at 2+am and drink 120ml FM and will sleep till 6+am.

cutiemum - no, Dr A did not give me anything, maybe cause he see my uterus shrink le??...hmm...if really not comfortable, then call him and ask him if its neccesary to eat. I am not good at handling bb!!! When he cry I also dont know what he wants....its my mum who is very good lor...I am learning from her. But I try to be hands on as much as possible, esp. when feeding, cause I dont latch on, thus I dont want to miss the bonding session with bb. Mum is strict....but I bo chup...keep using tap water to wash my hands :p...washed my hair on the 6th day cause bringing bb to PD, but till now never wash hair le...very itchy!!! Mum say can wash hair on the 12th day...so tomorrow I can bathe and wash hair le!!
jo - same as my boy, never finish his milk in one shot de, will dilly dally, then fall sleep...haiz...very time consuming to feed him. If I dont finish the feed, will put in hot water to keep it warm. But will discard after 1hr. Very frustrating lor!
Really not easy for you, I think you are a very brave mummy and thankfully your hubby is very supportive.
I don't think I can be like you. I am staying at my mum's place for confinement and have plenty of support yet many times, for no reason, I will feel like crying. Not over breastmilk, not over anything ... just emotional. Think is the hormones.. I hope this period will pass soon.
Vincy: Wow..your poster so nice! My full mth celebration 1 day after yours
Looking forward to it. At 1st just having a high tea, but today on impulse decided to order some cupcakes fr Cupcake Divinity, so that it would look more like a 'celebration' haa..after all only 1 time that he has full mth!

Milderina: Really ah. Hopefully my bb will grow out of this phase by 6-7 wks then! *cross fingers* Even if only 1 feed per nite will greatly help, at least more manageable!

Happy, must be tough on you handling 2 children!! That's why told hb need to consider carefully b4 having 2nd child coz 1st child already so draining. Jia you OK!

Bear: I miss shopping :x hope can do some xmas shopping haa..
tat time happy tell mi that everytime her sms beeps she is thinking whether is it mi telling her tat i popped, now everytime my sms beeped i am wondering if its u telling mi tat u popped. kekek...

i think u need a helper at least till your confinement is over ba. i also cannot cope without my hubby ard. somemore our todds at this age is super active one, cannot never sit still.

n i think u are too exhausted and stress tats y your supply also didnt come in properly. take a break sometimes ya?
Hey, I delivered at 6.30am on Sunday morning, and I was at Our Lady’s Ward, Room 333… heheehhe.

Wow, ur ss is very good. May I know if you are latching on, or you are pumping out exclusively? I find that after latching on, my pumped out ss is very low, usually abt 80ml from both breasts only.

Maybe you are right, my threshold of pain is pretty high, so in actual fact, my labour started at 1+am.. hehehe.. As my baby is small at birth (2.55kg), he came out just like that!! No tear, no cut needed.
Glad_gal, I finished my Christmas shopping liao! wahahaha... i know bb will be out soon so better take the chance to go shopping. U guys will be finishing ur confinement while i will be just starting mine. got all the presents i need.
the rest can order online.

Mildy, heehee, dun worry lah.. everyday u check whether I m on MSN. will def be online one.. not online u know what happened liao.. dun need to kan cheong ya? just concentrate on being a cow for now.
With CL, everything under control. Dun need to lift a finger. Sleep, eat, feed pump.I was enjoying life during confinement. Dun need to fuss over baby also cos CL feed her during night time. Now suddenly got to do all the sterilization,bathing,feeding,etc. Guess now transition period a bit tough but hoping i can adapt real soon. At least u still got a maid to do household chores, u jus need to concentrate on taking care of bb. Sleep as much as u can now b4 cl leaves.

My ss also drop during this period think i also stressed out and not enough sleep. Trying to work out a routine by monitoring bb activity then maybe can plan some time for myself to do my own stuff. It's really not easy for u to handle 2 kids, get some help perhaps? A maid.

My daughter full mth liao. Now coming 6 wks. I jus tried pacifier and she can suckle on well. She dun really like sarong and prefers the rocker. Bed is also fine for her. Hope she will get better by wk 8.

Envy you. i want to go christmas shopping too!!
babybazel: Yes, am trying to catch up sleep for the next 3-4 days till she leaves on Mon..i now also a bit like pre-depression....sians.

My maid too bad doesnt fit int my family and my requirement - am sending her back end of the month and replacement coming, i LAGI siong have to re-teach new maid ut hopefuly she is better with Babies...

Really scared to lose sleep...i will really miss my sleep!

I even thinking of the unthinkables like pacifiers...if BB keep crying..LOL of cos i hope to do without.
Thanks ladies!
I feel much better after shouting out here.Think is hormones tat cos my blues bah.Before baby arrived,i already have mentally and physically prepared that it is going to be tough to handle 2 kids.For the past 2 wks,i am Ok with everything even low ss and did nt cry at all.Cos i know FM works well for my baby grown too.So i din realli bother abt it if it fails.But dun knw why suddenly burst out when i saw my low ss ysday.*sob sob*
Praying hard my boy cooperative during the night and give mummy more time to rest :p

I am sending my gal to sch tis dec.Now dun knw if i made the right choice cos worry abt the germs she will bring back from sch.
Haa.. i oso been eatin non confinement food...roti prata... hmm gd idea for my tomoro BF!

I am nt tat brave like wat u have mention lar.Everyone of us here can do when situation forced.Is jus a matter if we want to face and accept it.
If you are feeling emotional,talk it out here too.Dun cry alone.Just share out and we shld cry out together!

I have ordered the cupcakes from divinity too

Actually babies are cute lar.Dun stop at 1!

I oso tink might be stress and nt enff sleep tat cause low ss.I dun intend to get any maid at the moment cos i dun realli trust them after some incidents.Actually with my hb around,we can handle it well.Think tis is a transition period for us nw.
hi mummies,
oh dear,my baby sleeps very light now since coming back from hospital. can only get her to sleep carrying her in our arms. even then she wakes up easily and sometims cry..so sad, hubby and i wonder if she cried herself to sleep while in hospital. *heart pain* hope she wil be able to sleep better tonight.

hope my milk supply is really sufficient, she seems to want a feed really often now. but she also tends to fall asleep when BF..me going to pump soon to see if i can still express some BM..
HI cutiemum and Jo,

You got to let baby latch on to stimulate the milk supply. Expressing is not that effective to stimulate. From day 1, even though milk does not come in, do latch on and let baby suckle. Good latch promotes better milk supply. Drink papaya n fish soup every meal also helps. I try my best to latch baby to stimulate. Then do pumping to further stimulate and express extra to store up.

Jus sharing experience. Hope it helps.
Wow, U still can go shopping at stage. My tummy so big, walk awhile very tired liao... So u going for induce on monday? That's very fast. Ur EDD is later then mine...

My gynae didn't tell me to chose a date for induce leh..

These few days, right side of the tummy is very painful. Don't know y?? Gonna check with him tml.

Don't know when my boy boy want come out. Haven't deliver already got panda eye liao... Still busy at work and can't sleep well at night.

A lot of mummies start to celebrate their bb first mth liao... N i'm still waiting so sian...

What abt you? Did your gynae say anything?
Hi haru,
I go by 3hrly routine BF in the day and at night based on demand. My baby also fall asleep when BF. Have to keep irritate to wake her up. End up the feed can drag to more than 1 hr!
the poster is very nice. How much did you spend?

Need some advise from you.. did anyone buy FM before delivery? Issit a must to keep at least one tin at hm? How do you chose which brand to buy???
Hi Mummies, did anyone go for the MtA post natal class? Is it gd? I havent gone for it.. thinking of gg next wk. Want to get some advice, to see worth the time or not. Thanks! =)
Hi Bibi, nope i didnt prepare FM before delivery. In fact now 3 weeks since my gal was born, we still havent bought any FM. If ur hubby will be around to help out, u can buy when its needed? i think Similac is quite gd choice =)
Hi fifi.. I follow 3 hr. Sometimes she wake up on time, but most of time I have to 'force' her to wake up. 3 hr from start of feed to the start of next. 3hr - feeding time of at least 1 hr, can go up to 1.5 hr, leave me only 1.5 hr to do other things before next feed. I am still trying to find ways to reduce feeding time. She drinks very slowly and keep dozing off.

Do drink papaya and fish soup for every milk. It does help milk to come in more. Good latching is also impt. I posted the lactation consultation's contact earlier in the thread. She helped me a great deal in latching and advise on BF.
v upset wit cl today don knw why actually broke down n cry while holdin baby. keep tellin me bm bb wil nt be full. n she insist on fm v angry. then bb cry she ask me to get pacifier so tat he will nt make so much noise. v irritating. think i am getting the blues too... sigh..
hi ladies, just finished pumping and feeding my son fm and decided to drop in to sat hi.

First, i like to thank some of you for the comforting words for my earlier posts. Now im bonding better with my son and he will latches on. however, i now very scare to latch him on cos once he suck, my nipple is very painful. He can latches on for an hr per breast and i had to bear with the pain. Remove him, he will cry. Faintz. Really feel like giving him a pacifier instead of letting him use me as one. sometime i feel like smacking him too. Nearly shouted at him once when i dont know why he keep crying. Pass him my tit and he stops. Now when hubby dont know how to deal with him will pass him to me to pacify him. Dont know whether to laugh or cry.

Dont know why even if i latches him on, he still demands for more milk after the latching session. Its stressing me out cos no matter how i pump, my output is only 40ml both breast combined. I need to supplement with FM otherwise he will cry the house down. I took fenugreek and papaya fish soup but ss still low. Anyway, i had decided not to stress myself too much over bf. Since my ss is not enough, i will supplement with fm. Will continue to pump and give whatever i can. Got to learn to relax and not so tense up.

Im also getting the blues. very emo and tears easily. Just had a misunderstanding with my mom who is doing my confinement and she had since moved back home tuesday. Although i had more peace now but i still feel bad. My parents in law are in town but i keep hiding myself in my room. Now they had taken over my kitchen. I cant be bothered. Im just not up to any socialising with them. Quite angry with my mil comment too, say i eat until so fat yet ss so little. So demoralised.

Yesterday, hubby took me out for a breath of fresh air but strangely i can tear all the way to j8 and inside ntuc and when buying soya bean milk. Hubby tried to comfort me but just couldnt control myself. Haha people may think hubby bully me. Last night, call my friend and break down and confine in her. After the call, feel much better as she can understand what i'm going through during the confinement. So i guess when you having blues, please do speak out and dont bottom it up. You will feel much better.

I also thank god for a wonderful and understanding and supportive hb. If not for him, i do not know how i can survive. Poor him, got to work, look after bb and taking care of his emotional wife. Not easy.

Sorry gals, cant help myself but to rant again here. :p Do put up with me for the moment.
i BF baby last nite at 330am but she woke up at 530am and i gave her EBM instead. i think she really needs more milk now but my supply like never increase despite letting her latch at each feed. i tried to express last nite too, really pathetic only 10ml first time round and 30 ml just now about 6am. i really hope my supply wil increase soon to meet baby's demand. keep telling baby that mummy is sorry that my milk is not enough whenever she cries..

i think ur CL shld be encouraging you instead..dun be affected by her ok? i am also very discouraged with my milk supply now but hubby keeps encouraging.try to tell myself that BM is created by God to feed our baby so sure will have enough supply one.

i have e same thing too.first few days, my baby can sleep very easily after feeding. but now she doesnt fall asleep as easily. seems different since we brot her home from hospital yesterday. poor hubby up since 4am trying to pacify her to sleep..now baby finally asleep in my hubby's arms. he also fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. poor thing..

i guess thats why we keep coming back to this thread. to release our frustrations and to encourage each other. lets just tell ourselves a few months down e road, we will be joking about how challenging it was for all of us in the beginning!=P
is there an approx amount that my baby should be taking in for each feed? she just turned a week yesterday. coz if really not enough, i may have to supp with FM for night feeds so that she doesn't get hungry all night..
hi haru, ya, been trying to tell myself to relax and not worry so much about ss to keep my sanity in check. Hopefully god will listens to my prayers and increase my ss. even if latching is not so successful i sure hope that i can do exclusively pumping. Thank god we had supportive husbands, dont we. Let's jiayou together. I also not sure about the amt bb should drink. My gynae told me when he is one week old to feed him about 90ml per feed for him to sleep longer. now he is taking more than 90ml le. so if i had 40ml ebm, i will feed him additional 60ml-80ml of fm after the ebm until he stops fussing or just give him 100ml of fm if no ebm. i will try latching him but dont know why he still need 80ml-100ml of fm leh. He is one big eater.

I bought a handsfree device from mumsfairy and am using it now to do dual pumping. Quite good. Now i can surf web using 2 hands while pumping 2 breasts, can massage breast too. cool! also i bought bigger size funnels to save my poor nipples. Hopefully my nipples will be saved from further trauma. also bought a new ameda pump, hopefully with this, it can yield better bm output.

Today, hubby had to go to work, feel very insecure to be left with bb alone without helper. Hopefully i can survive. I think i will wait for hubby to be back then bath bb. Im not comfortable bathing him alone.
Hi Mummies,
Sorry to interrupt.
I got in extras clothes (too much) from my previous shipping and now baby too big to wear some of them.

Plse PM me if interested. They are all brand new and still in their original packaging. Plse add 50cents for postage. self collection at raffles place.

1) 3-6M BabyGap Terry Pocket Polo SGD9.00

2) 3-6M BabyGap Beach Ringer Graphic Tee SGD8.00
Good morning mummies!!

Sunshinekid - I am expressing 100% which is why I can get 120-140ml each time. If you are latching on and expressing 80ml each time, I think ur ss is very good also!! By the way, drink more fluid, I realised that this few days my supply very low, maybe cause I am only drinking the red date tea and not a very soup person, so maybe my fluid intake is not very sufficent. Hope my ss will not reduce...target to breast feed at least for 4 months during my ml...haiz..

bear - so fast buy christmas present le ah??....I am waiting for my confinement to be over to go shopping...keke...cant wait man!! It will be the first time I will be bringing my bb out shopping together...dont know what the experience will be like.

dreamyjo - I had the same experience when in hospital, bb latches on, but still crying and my nipple hurts like hell....and thats because of wrong latching on method and also cause bb is used to bottle feed. Notice that the rubber teat is smaller then our nipple + aerola. Which is why in the end, I decide to 100% express my breastmilk.

amazing - my boy is the same, take very long to finish his milk, got to put him in the sarong and slowly coax him to drink. Sometimes carry him drink and he will still cry, dont know what he is complaining abt...sigh..I will also wake him up every 3-4hr to feed him, dont want him to oversleep in the day and wake up at night. So far so good. Now he only wake up once at night abt 2-3am and after feed, will wake up abt 6-7am.

Pacifier - finally my boy is willing to suck on the pacifier le!! So happy!! I dont care if its going to become a bad habit to break, but at least it buys me some time when he is crying...keke...
Hang in there. Breastfed babies tend to make a lot of urgh urgh noises when they sleep. No need to stop them de. But the fire engine crying hor... that one I dunno why lah.

I think your latchng not correct that's why pain and your baby gets hardly any milk. Go get help from a lactation consultant ba.

Don't worry about being unhappy with in laws. In my 2nd week, I actually banned all visitors to my house. Both side parents not allowed to come at all. If you feel really upset and disturbed, then ask them not to come over lor.

Oh mine is 2 hrs since end of last feed. And she will auto wake up for feed de.
now my hubby also e one bathing baby. will have to practice doin it myself soon if not i will panick when he returns to work..

sigh, i just tried to express aft latchin baby on..and only a few pathetic drops came out. really upset...=( now i wish my engorgement came back coz at least that means i have more milk.
Good Morning Ladies!!!

yeah with hubby ard now i also think its pretty ok, now thinking after hubby gone back to work how is it going to be like le.....

jaundice bb ussually dun feed well n sleepy. after coming back from the phototherapy they will drink more le as their jaundice is gone, which is y ur bb is drinking more now. i remember the first day my girl went to the hospital she is like drinking only 40 to 60 ml. now 1 time she can drink 80 to 90ml le.

u should wake bb up to drink according to the nurse if they did not wake up after 3 hours. if u are swaddling them just remove it n "tickle" on the chest to wake bb up.

according to the nurse when i asked the other day how much should bb b taking on day 5 is 70 to 90ml.

just tell her that u are on total breastfeeding n ask her to piss off. luckily my CL is quite ok with breastfeeding mother n she made fish soup all that for mi telling mi that it will booast supply. n she also tell mi she cut down on ginger n sesame oil cos bb got jaundice.

take it ez, confinement will b over soon. take care ya!

pacifier is so much easier then thumbsucking. kekeke... my elder girl suck thumb, sometimes wonder when she will kick the habit. well her mummy only kicked it when she is in primary 3 though. ssssssssshhhhhhhhh......

actaully hor i agree with you, sometimes ppl tell mi they wanna come hor i very sianz one, cos 1 side i already very tired then still have to entertain them another is they like to make a lot of unneccessary comments.
Happy - I can understd ur feeling. I was veri depressed too esp the 1st few days when im bk frm hosp. I missed my elder gal & keep crying
She is staying with my mum for the time being. The this little minnie, was crying so hard in nite & both hubby n mi have to take turn n wake up to comfort her. I was so confused by my little one , cos i duno y she keeps crying after we tried all means.I guessed this is part & parcel of parenthood bah. Hee. Hopefully , our little ones can outgrown these & be guai guai .
Hi Haru,

Understand. I also said sorry to my baby when I don't latch her well / milk not enough. But learn to take it easy, if needed just feed FM. Milk production does not only depend on food we eat, it also depends on other factors whether we have enough rest, stress can reduce milk supply etc. I wanted to express in earlier am. But was really tired so dont want to force myself cos result will not be good so went to have a good sleep. I try to look on the bright side, my baby no jaundice, prob bec breast milk (85%) supplement with some FM (15%). As long as baby know how to latch, once our milk comes in more, then go full BM. Your baby's stool is yellow? If so, good sign that she is taking in BM.

Hi fifi, then your method should be same as mine. cos I count from beginning of last feed.

After my breakfast now, I am more fresh, going to try expressing. Catch you all.

Congrats!! Today is the last day of ur confinement liao!! U must b looking forward..


Oh, is it, i tot he will prescribe to all his patient.. Anyway, i have taken 2 day liao, n hv stopped the last day medic cos every time i took liao, oso suffered from diarroea..
Y cannot use tap water to wash hand, for this time, i m using more tap water than my #1..

This confinement, i m oso quite relax with those rules especially eating... quite minimal liquor, n ginger.. plus my CL cooking sucks... hehe.. not so nice.. so me just eat for the sake of eating..

Hi all 1st time mummies,

think it very normal to feel emotional during confinement.. During my #1, i oso felt very blue, abit of thing, i will tear.. n tear very easily oso.. missed my mum, normally after talking to my mum on the phone, i will cry.. think it very normal cos u are still adapting to the changes..
As for my #2 this time, no crying for me, but then been counting down the time for the confinment to ends.. Dun like the feeling of being confinment to so many things...

Ya, intially i tried latching on and only aft a few hr, i will pump out, but the SS still so little.. think i m really those with very little supply.. hehe. my mum commenting that since i dun eat so much, definitely dun hv much supply... Thks for ur advise anyway..


u doing confinement urself? must be very tough for u.. Hang on there..


so now u on ur own too? Relax more and the phrase will be over soon..
i also using more tap water then the first one n hor sometimes i feel tat my hands like a bit crampy, dunno is it i think too much. kekeke....

n ya, i agree with u, for my first 1 i also very blue was thinking i going into depression, like everything also not right n cry also. so i think its pretty normal as suddenly u have a new responsibility n everything changed. its not just u anymore, u got a little one to take care of.

Thinkk mayb bcos we having a elder 1, so will tends to be more praticular loh, so will wash hand more often.. Jus like i hv decided that for my massage, will ask her to use massage cream n no binding cos worried that my elder son will reject me..

ya, that rite during my #1, i m more kan chiong, but this #2, tends to relax more... it only the confinement that driving me crazy.. hahaha.

Hi mummies

D u consume a lot liquor for ur confinement till now? Think my CL oso quite stubborn loh, cos i told her to cook different thing for my hb n son, and then for mine, cannot cook with those liquor n ginger, but ends up, she seldom add liquor for my dinner.. and when i told my mum, my mum commented tat how can dun add liquor...
Morning mummies!

Let's try to tahan for a while more for all the breastfeeding/baby issue..

i can express ard 4-5oz per 3-4hourly.. My baby dun latch on well, so sometimes have to pump to clear the milk in order to avoid engorgement.
So your bb can discharge today liao? U sending express bm to her everyday while she stay in the hospital?

How to rest while we are doing bf... i wish i can rest too, but every 3 hour hv to pump n pump.. and the pumping time is almost an hour!! my CL also told me so xinku to see me keep pumping..

RE: BABY Blues
Think on n off we may feel a bit down when bb cry or when we are really super tired. It is good to cry it out cause we feel better! Same with mildy, my #1 i also cry a few times during confinement, but #2 still ok to cope.

you must eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of juice/soup/red date tea.. Cause bm contains 75% of water.. U try to drink a hot drink b4 u pump/bf.. it helps.

hey, i have the same problem with u! After bf my baby for almost an hour for both breast, he will still demand milk after that! **FAINT** Then CL will give him EBM and he can still finish.. But i am sure i have enough milk for her lei, but dunno why after she suckle from my breast and still want some more after that.. **PUZZLE**
So u now give your bb EBM or latch on?
