(2008/11) November 2008

To increase breast milk, you could try Fenugreek or Domperidom.
(Fenugreek is traditional herb, recommend by LC. Domperidom is actually a medicine for gastric but somehow when lactating mums consume, u get increase in milk supply).
But do find out from your gynae if it is ok for your consumption. It does seem to help for me.

my bb also had jaundice and when she had to stay in the hospital for extra day, i cried when i see her under the photolight. And i was discharged without my bb. It felt so empty. It's like you go into the hospital, and come out without baby. And milk ss din come in then, so we agree to give FM, as under light can be very dehydrating. After tat, she had follow-up at the Polyclinic, where the doctor advised us to do partial breastfeeding with FM. This do decrease the jaundice.
(However, there are 2 schools of thoughts: as some docs say there is no need to do partial bm and fm, so prefer to do partial).
Anyhow, i m back to giving her bm now.. and hope that the jaundice level do not rise up anymore.

Hey ladies!

Sunshinekid, so u really popped! congrats! we were sure u would have popped this is ur third one and u are so experienced liao. ur birth story damn drama leh.. noticed our thread got quite a few drama-mama birth stories... from waterbag burst in the car to scratching hbs to rushing the hospital for emergency c-sec!!

Haru, cheer up.. just keep pumping while bb is in the hospital!

Ollie, ya i heard of breastmilk jaundice. was doing some reading for Mildy when i stumbled upon it. although not common, a lot of PD will tell us not to feed BM just to eliminate the possibility of breastmilk jaundice. Its really up to u if u wanna continue feeding BM.. may be u can start off with a bit of BM and see the reaction first?
I totally feel you. When I have to leave my bb in the hospital n left without him...I felt so empty n cried. Lucky hb was with me n gave me alot of support. He brought me for buffet n movie while waiting for him to discharge. Eventhough we were outside but my heart was with my little boy...
Ya I will resume slowly to give him bm to see the reaction. Really do not want his jaundice to recur...
Surprisingly breastmilk jaundice is pretty common after I brought it out at other forum...at least now I knw it's not some kind of weird sickness...
My pd advised me to resume just 1-2feeds after a week then subsiquently can be total breastfeed again after 3weeks if it doesn't recur. So worry by then my ss will drop!
Is there mummy Angela here? How is ur bb?
I met one mummy admitting our bbs together to Mt.E on Monday which bb also about 3weeks old...
Dear Mummies

Similar to Irene from mar 08, I am also deciding whether to consider 1 or 2 bedded.

Would appreciate if mummies can share their bills for C sect a Mt A, 1 or 2 bedded.

Thank you.

hi irene,
Not very sure about this cos 'baby room' is 'warmer' and got nurses watch after him so we let our newborn spent his 2 nights there.

Daytime usually we'll request them to bring him into our room. We opted for total breastfeed so they will bring baby to you every 3 hour.

Anyway I think you could just check with them see whether it's possible or not (for 1-bedded you can adjust room temperature as u like ;) )

But hor, I'll advise you to let them take care of your baby @ night as most probably you'll be very tired & worn out after your delivery. I believe both u & your hubby need a good night rest.

Hope it helps again ;)
hi mummies,

Congrats who have popped!

glad_gal> i started my massage today..u used her right? Mona v happening hor? but she is doing 5 days for me nia. so far i find her quite good.. not too hard or soft & not oily... i didnt know mus book her in advance if i need more session... 5 session where got enough?? u find her massage effective bor? my tummy flabby too... Sob sob..
Hi Spin/Milderina

I oso dunno y he prescribe me that leh.. I called him today to check, he told me it good to take loh.. so tat it will helps to expel all the blood clots out leh.. And he prescribed me 3 day which i need to take once a day... so now i m still contemplating whether to continue to take!!

I think i will be down with depression soon, with all these dos n don't of confinement..

Hi Alibaba

I oso start my massage today.. but she didnt really massage my tummy, more on body leh. Wat about ur? i like the massage, but dun like the binding part.. hehe.. think i can only tahan a few hrs then i will wipe off and remove the binding liao.. hehe..
cutiemum> who is ur massage lady? oso mona?
i tink the bind ok leh.. guess i can even tahan til tmr lor. she told me i can take it out after 6hrs. hope to see results later!
Expressing BM:
- Btw, any mummies follow any routine to express BM? eg. Right breast 5min, then follow by Left breast for 5 min then back to Right breast again...etc?

I just pump until no more in 1 breast and then go to the next. Not sure if it is correct.
cutiemum - if you dont feel comfortable taking the pills then dont take. Think its not neccessary. Good to take, but if so painful, them better dont take. Keep your chin up! Confinement is tough, but soon it will be over....dont feel depressed!! Anything unhappy, can come to forum to rave it out. We are here to encourage one another! Its tough being a mummy...I am also learning alot of new things day by day. Sometimes see the bb cry and dont know what he wants really frustrating...but we will learn along the way. Take care.

Cant wait for my massage on 1-Dec...cant do it now cause I am c-section...massage lady say got to wait for 3 weeks. See my flabby tummy I very gek sim!!
Congrats to mummies who have just popped!

yoyosan, I did the same way as you ... pump 1 side till no more then the other side ... and repeat this till really no more liao then I stop.
yoyosan - I dont have a routine de...basically, my target is 120ml each time I express, so I will rotate betw 2 breasts. Cant empty them both, cause take will take a long time. I just squeeze until both the breast not engorged le, then I will stop. Will express 120ml to 140ml every 3-4hrs.
starringsg - I paid $1200+ after deducting medisave for 2 bedded in Mt A (epi c-section). Not sure how much is deducted from my medisave though. Was asked to pay a deposit of $1400 when I checked into the hospital, thus they will do a refund to me on a later date.
Hi Carol

Thank you for your response. The price seems reasonable. Does the amount includes baby portion?

Any Mummies staying at Mt A, Single bedded, C sect ?

Thank you.
Sunshinekid, your labour is soo fast!!

Cutiemum: Cheer up ok!! I was also very blue initially during confinement, but now counting down to it ending tho my CL will be leaving sobz! Good to talk to fellow mummies and to get some breather occasionally.

Alibaba: Mine also 5 day leh, at 1st wanted 7 day but MOna's schedule too packed
Yeah she happening haa..so small size but yet got very gd strength. Found her quite effective..she got measure for you rite after each session. But my tummy though reduced, it's still flabby and full of stretchmarks blah!

Yoyosan, Same... pump 1 side till no more then the other side
Mildy how Claudia check up?

Haru..dont feel sad k, 2 day pass very fast. That time Vera also under UV therapy for 2 days.

For Jaundice..I shower Vera with the Ang Gi & sun her at 10am. It help alot. Stop BM will also help.

Glad I am looking forward to my massage next week..heehee..to relieve my aching.

Congrat Sunshine : )
just back from the hospital. so sad... her jaundice quite high n has to b under the lights for at least 48 hrs.... so she is admitted to Mount A for 2 days, earliest to discharge is Friday. I miss my baby........sob... sob.....its so heartbreaking to c your few day old bb naked under the lights ......*heartbroken*
Milderina..*sayang sayang* can understand..cause that time Vera also the same, few so empty..take these 2days to rest well at night.

Spin..do u mind to intro tutu? My gal also need suction to sleep, so I give her pacifier. It wont become habit, no worries.
My heart is with you too. Cry if u need, that's what i need. And do talk it out.. with your hubby, with us.. and let go of the feelings. Dun bottle it in you.

If ur hubby is on leave, he can always bring ur EBM to bb. That's what I did previously, even though it is onli 10-20ml. But we still feel that at least bb has the colostrum.

Not sure if Mt A allows, but for KKH, the doc allows mummy to bf their bb who are under the photolight... bb can leave the light for a max of 1hr per feeding. So you can still bond wif bb during the feeding hours.
Re: skin peeling
Does any of your bb exp 'skin peeling'?

My boy has peeling on his hands and legs.Is it Ok one?
It looks kind of disgusting ley.. like snake changing like tat.
yoyosan: thanks, will consult my doc and see if i shld consume the pills.

nikki: thanks, will pay kiddy palace a visit soon to buy new tub, support...really dun tink i can bath bb properly without a new tub..hospital provided bath tub more for experienced parents...
Can anyone give me the tel no. of Mona? How much are her charges? I had booked one initially, but find her too exp, about $680 for 10 session. Since everyone is raving abt Mona here, I hope to try her out too.

Thanks in advance..!!
Glad_gal> yah lor.. 5days not enough. i am tinking to find another alternative to come leh.. my tummy too flabby.. sigh.. although tummy has reduced alot to compare from delivery liao..

mildy> take tis time to rest well when bb come back u will have full of energy for ur bb liao..

happy> my boi skin is peeling too.. like snake... it's normal as per the PD. u can use bb oil to massage the skin off.. Do not peel the skin off hor! although i know it's v disgusting.

Nope, i actually booked for Mdm Sadiah for massage from the review in the forum, but who knows, she actually asked her daughter to massage for me.. i find her massage ok only, but dun like the way she massage for the tummy, only spent abt less than 10 min at the tummy area.. rest of the time are on the thights n body... then as for the binding, i told her not too tight, end up it really not tight at all, like without binding.. so now oso dunno whether to continue with her?


ya, i might take another day loh, if still same, might just stop the medic..
i m very contradicting lah, on 1 hand wish the confinement to be over asap, the other hand scared of handling the bb myself..
so now i will need to come to the forum more often so as to 'release' myself...
Hv u go back for ur postnatal check with Dr A?
Yesterday went to c Dr A, he told my hb, confinement very difficult rite, cannot bath cannot do alot of things etc.. my hb was surprised that he will talk so much to him.. haha

Hi Happy

Think it normal for the skin to peel.. my boy skin oso peeling .. dun worry, after that their skin will be very smooth liao..


ya, ur confinement is ending soon.. happy for u..
Hi Alibaba

I just realised that our delivery date are so close.. only a day difference..
my tummy oso still very flabby n with lot of stretch marks!!
But it very much better than the 1st few days liao.. i still got abt 7kg to pre-preg weight.. hope to shed off the extra fast..
ya hor, one day difference nia. i jus remove the bind.. really lor. the tummy look so much flatter.. HAPPY. hee.. but my wt seems like nv go down.. haiz.. how's ur result after removing the bind?

Glad gal> wah ur close to FREEDOM liao oh! gong xi gong xi.. i still have long way to go..
Vincy- i tried pacifier on her.. but she refused.

Happy - yes, is normal when ur bb's skin peels. my gal's skin is peelin too. no worry.

yoyosan- for mi i take didnt empty one breast before espressin the other, i switch lor. cos if i were to empty one , then my nipple veri sore.

Alibaba- i juz came bk frm post natal chk up. Basically, Dr Ang chk on our wound n scan to see any "left-over" in our tummy. n of course he will dig ler. i duno y he dig. but this dig is much more gentle lor.wahaha
You are still here! Where is baby Bear?

Hey, we are in the same hospital. I'm also in Delivery suite 5 at 6.30pm on Sunday. But ended up in emergency c-sect. I'm also discharged this afternoon. I was staying in St Elizabeth 373D. What about you?
hi mummies,
thanks for all ur supportive words!! *touched* am feeling much better today. been quite tired as i pump at home and go down to hospital like 3 times a day just to ensure that baby has EBM or can latch on as much as poss so that she doesnt hv to take too much FM.

i have an area on my left lower back which is hurting quite a lot, especially when i walk or put pressure on my left leg..hope it will go away soon!! its really uncomfortable and slowing me down alot (maybe body is really trying to slow me down as i have been moving around quite alot)..>.<

mummies who also have babies admitted for jaundice..dun get discouraged ok? i think the initial separation anxiety is inevitable, all part of being a loving mummy!! but it will get better when you know its for baby's good. => my MIL called to tell me not to go out so much, but for baby's sake i really have to ignore her well intended advice..=P

ur supply is very good! have only managed to pump about 40ml each time today. If i intend to still let baby latch on when she comes home, how often should i pump then? coz she is feeding like every 3-4 hours now. so should i do it in between her feeds? not sure if that will lower the supply or stimulate the milk glands to produce more then..?

ur baby really cldn't wait to see you and his daddy!!!hahah..super quick!
My CL used the Medela cream for dry skin and craked nipples on my BB leg and hands works wonders, all peeling skin came off within 2 applications. For those mummies who have the cream can try applying.
Vincy: Yah enjoy the massage!

Alibaba: SO you want to find another ML?? I think I would just leave it sigh..tho also very sian at the flabby tummy and stretchmarks!
Ha..thks..I also hope that can cope after confinement man! Looking forward to the full mth celebration this Sun!

Cutiemom: She asked her daughter instead?? How many sessions you having?

Happy: My bb also has peeling skin mainly on his legs and hands. My CL said it is normal..will drop off on its own.

Haru: Glad you are feeling better today! Hope your bb's jaundice has dropped and can go home soon!
yup, she will be doing a blood test tom morning to make sure she is ok to come home. =D

thanks for ur recommendation!
spin> DIG again!! omg~ phobia.. wanna postpone my appt liao.. kaka...

Glad> i tink i see how tmr's result den decide whether to engage another ML... i wan back my Pre-preggie size badly. haa.. am getting impatient!
haru> ur gal will be ok soon.. dont worry! time being rest well so u have energy to take care of her when she is back.
mornin mummies!
i didn't pump any BM since midnite and tis morn when i woke up can feel engorged again already. milk leak too..=P going to hospital to feed and pick up my princess now, yipee!!!

any mummies popping today? how bout you, Bear?? kekek..
Cutiemum - I went to see Dr A yesterday to remove my stitches. He also asked me abt my bb and tell me its tough...keke..I gave him a pict of my baby Jadon and a thank you card. ^^ Dont worry so much, if not comfortable, can ask your hubby to take a few days off to rest and help out?? I am thankful that my mum is with me, if not I sure garang gabok de. When mum went to mkt and bb cry, I also feel very helpless. Seems like my mum is the only one who is able to handle the bb....but all these comes with experience. So lets just trial and error. ^^

Haru - I am 100% expressed breastfeeding, maybe thats why the supply is good??...Am expressing every 3-4hrs...last few days have been lazy and only expressed 4-5hrs, in the end, realised the ss reduced le...so starting from today, have to be more hardworking and express more times, if not wait the ss reduce le. I think its better to express right after your baby finish feeding to empty both the breasts. Dont think it will reduce the ss. The more you latch on and express, the more milk ss there will be. I am not comfy with latching on as will never know how much the bb is taking.

Peeling skin - I just leave it alone, does not bother me so will not apply anything to it. But mum did add abit of baby bath oil into his bath water to help moisturize his skin. Hope it helps.

Massage - Cant wait for it!! My back is breaking from the feeding and expressing of breast milk. Mum is complaining I am not resting enough....but how to rest when I need to express every 3 hrs and bb need to be fed and carried as well. Mum is asking me to let the maid take care of the bb....but I want to hands on as much as possible lay...sigh...tired!!

Spin - same, my boy simply reject pacifier...dont know good or bad...sigh.
GOod MOrning Mummies!
the PD called mi this morning n Claudia's jaundice has went down to 13.7. she advise tat we leave her there for another day in case it rebound back, but now instead of triple light has changed to only double light. am so happy to hear abt it. PD also says that she is now feeding 70ml per feed which is a lot, previous few days i also notice she didnt drink a lot, which i think y her jaundice got pretty bad.

Mummies who is expressing,
how much can u express now ?

yeah, though its not the first time le as have previous experience with my elder daughter still i ache to c her under the light. now been pumping n hubby will bring down the milk for her. will also go visit her n latch her on if possible later in the afternoon. cant wait to bring her home n hold her in my arms everytime i wan to... miss her deeply.

my girl skin very dry, not really peeling but very dry.

still waiting for my massage lady.. she will only come next monday. cant wait.. my hubby say this time my back side seems to have gotten bigger le... cham... kekek....
<font color="ff6000">cc</font>
If you have an existing tub, you can just buy the bath support. Just make sure that the bath support can fit in the tub. Some tubs are shaped with the support itself.

<font color="ff6000">snnowy</font>
Can check why you have to opt for emergency c-sect? Did you end up paying more? I'm actually dued on 18/11 but still no signs of labour, BB still not engaged. Going to see Gynae on Friday and if still not enagaed will have to opt for C-sect. But if I insist trying natural and it doesn't work, will have to go for emergency c-sect and cost much more.. Any mummies have the same experience?
Mildy - Good to know bb is getting better. I am expressing 120-140ml each time for every 3-4hrs. But at night I will not express, so in the morning, normally will have more like 140-150ml.
