(2008/11) November 2008

Cheer up.. Dun be too stress cause it will affect your milk supply de! Me too, have a toddler but luckily maid is doing most of the stuff for him. Try to get someone to help u.. ur mum or anyone tat can help out, like bring ur elder gal out so that u can have some rest with the bb at home.

Mayb u can stop temporarily teaching ur elder gal cause u need more rest now.. Just stop temporarily, i think is ok de..

Happy, full time CC?I feel is better , cause is not easy to handle 2.especially both will demand attention.

Bibi,,poster self do, then use internet software to enlarge to poster size. Me cheapo wan.heehee

Carol, pacifer easlier to break then thumb

Latching On.after latching on for 1hr still cry, is because supply not enough n the flow out is slow to fill baby tummy. They are sucking for comfort, but when u break free..they still hungry..so cry again.

dreamjo ,Minkybear, spin n mummies..*sayang sayang* pat pat..
we all will go thr. the same phase..hang on going to be over..count down k.

Yesterday my gal dont sleep, in the end..we bring her for a car ride n she doze off so soundly, this morning wake up at 4am n I carry till 7am then she doze of..

When I have my elder, I also very blue n breakdown, but this round I am more prepared so take thing easy. BM I dont really stress over cause I dont mind giving FM if I have not enough supply. My elder gal grow up very healthy drinking FM since full mth.

I am not good at words, but overall is relax n take things easy...everyday is a diff experience.

tat wat my sister told me too.. must drink plenty of water. red dates water n soup..
haha.. u know i jus told me CL that i m getting abit sick of the red dates drink liao..
cutie: I cried when i felt i couldn't carry bb wellto bath her..one of my big worries..but today I tried again not the best but did better than the first time, so have to overcome the fear..

My biggest fear is transition next we when CL leaves..i tink jialut coping alne.
Hey gals!

Sounds like a few of you are feeling the blues. Don't give up ya? no matter wat, u are all doing your best. don't blame urselves. You are definitely gd mummies who are trying their best to adapt to a new addition. Whether it's ur first or 2nd kid, the experience is still new. Hang in there gals! that is wat makes us the GREATEST person in the world!

Dreamyjo and Haru, if u really wanna bf, i suggest u call a lactation consultant. Don't be shy. it could save u lotsa heartache and guilt.

Minkybear, i smack ur CL for u!!

Vincy, ur confinement end liao! Lucky u!!!

Bibi, my gynae chose 24th simply becos our usual appt is on Mons. anyway i m all ready to be induced cos bb engaged and also cervix is soft and dilated. just need to burst the water bag. he wanted to burst it last Mon but we weren't in a hurry to see the bb lor.

Carol, ya.. when u finished ur confinement, i will only be starting. think i will end very very near Christmas so no time to shop.. buy them now lor..
mildy and vinchy - ya I know thumb very difficult, my niece who is in Pri 1 now still sucking her thumb and carry her chou chou...so I guess its more difficult to break the habit.

cutiemum - the elderly says must avoid contact with cold water mah, and tap water is cold water also, thus cannot use...but I heck care lar, need to express breast milk, how not to wash hands...I keep washing my hands man...keke..

mildy and minkybear - I tot its only me, I also got crampy hands lay...sometimes morning wake up, my whole hand like numb le..

joyce - ya boy, if expressing, really need alot of time. Each time I express already spent 1/2hr. Will only be able to rest if I leave the bb to maid and mum...but being the hands-on person, I rather sacrifice sleep and try to take care myself...even if not feeding him, I also want to be by his side to observe the maid and make sure everything is fine....then hor, need to organise the bb's first month party lay...all need time de. I am eating my meals and surfing net at the same time. My mum keep nagging at me for doing that...keke..

Menses - anyone having it?? I know its not call menses...dont know what is the correct term...but I am still bleeding lor. Dont know if its the blood discharge or its really my menses...but breastfeeding shouldnt have menses one right??
Congrats to all the mummies who have popped!!!


u doing 28-day confinement or 40-day confinement?

happy, milderina

u still taking care of your number 1 yourself? i send my gal to my mum's place and only bring her back after her dinner... now with CL, i can focus 100% on my gal when she is home. But once CL leaves, I headache how to "split" myself into 2 as my gal will "mummy mummy" all the time..

Re : handling bb alone after CL leaves

Think both cc and carol were the ones expressing their concerns if i remember correctly (coz too many posts)....

juz to share personal experience wif you that dun have to worry. Last year, after my CL leave, I was all alone with bb... I have NO maid too... my hb goes to work in the morning and only reached home about 7.30pm or 8pm. I ordered tingkat dinner and only need to cook white rice. As for baby, once you get a hang of the routine, u will be able to handle... will be very busy...but if i can do it alone, i am sure both of you can sure do it too
plus u have maids to help with housework etc...


aiyoh, i read ur post also felt that you very poor thing... try to cheer up ok? if u dun find latching effective, juz give EBM... try to use method that suits you the best...

Re : Post natal blues

I think i may be the strange one as I did not cry at all during my confinement.... maybe coz i kept myself very occupied by watching my TVB serials which I enjoy. And I shower, wash hair, eat well, I go out shopping etc... I leave bb almost 100% care to my CL. I only express BM and ensure I label and arrange them correctly in the fridge so CL knows which to feed next. My bb on total EBM now... and I am also having extra to give my daughter 1 bottle of EBM every night. But i stop giving her last nite and started freezing the excess EBM instead coz in case in the future, not enuff ssupply for baby, I can still use the frozen stock. This morning i slept till 5.30am... after 6 hrs, I got 250ml. If i express about 3-4hrs, I only get abt 120ml to 160ml only... but still enuff for bb now.

Re : maid

We picked up my maid last night... now with maid i feel very strange and stress...scared she homesick etc... but she seems ok and very hardworking (but maybe for a start only). But me and hb can't help but feel an invasion to our privacy... must lock my jewelleries etc... so troublesome.

Can I once CL leaves, what shd we give maid to eat for lunch? I have a lot of maid questions... feel so stress up with a maid.

Re : Pacifier

I intend to intro soon...juz havent got a chance to buy yet...
cutimum, yah pretty much alone now. my pil dont help in caring for the bb. but i do ask them to carry when bb refuse to sleep and i need to pump milk. Manage to bath bb with the help of sil just now. bb got cry but at least accomplish something. i had a maid who help in doing household chores, so that's ok. i stopped my confinement cos i need to be hands on to care for bb and i dont trust my maid in caring for my bb.

joyce, yah lor me too. after he suckle, i can still feel my breast still full. maybe like vincy say the let down is slow so bb suckle for comfort only. Now i stopped latching le, really wanted to let my nipples rest. I try expressing bm every 3 hourly. now feeding ebm with fm as my bm supply super low. only about 40ml combined per feed. hopefully expressing can help to increase my ss.

Bear, you still here! Yah, i will try to arrange a lactation consultant to come next week. hopefully my nipples recover by then, will hang on by expressing out in the meantime.
Kash..end today 28days..but hor, me confinment machiam no confinement so no different. 50% eat norm food, go shopping n shower also..heehee

Me also enjoying my TVB drama..wat show u watching now? Me starting the four, next show aiming zhu kwang bo chi..hee
I hav crampy and numb hands too.I was oso wondering if i have wash my hands too often liao.

Dun get stress by your CL. Ignore her and tell her you wan EBM for your boy onli.Just ask her to cook more nice soup for you to boost ss.

Ya sending my elder gal full time CC.Cos i dun tink i can handle well with 2 kids around.She realli demand alot of attention from me these days.

Thanks! I am better.Actually my parents did help me alot by takin care of my gal and bring her to playground.But at times,she will jus 'mummy mummy' for everything.Feel frustrated at times but see her like tat... heart melts too!

My hb actually take over the job of teaching her but she rejected it.So i jus got to continue with it else she might feel neglected.

Re: Blues
When i have my elder,i breaskdown easily too.Can tear over everything and nothing.Watch tv half way oso cry,bath oso cry.Just like a crying baby.My hb was so worried and took leave for a month previously cos he worried i will jump and throw my gal out of the window.haa

So tis time round,i take things easily.But after struggling for 2 wks,dun knw why still breakdown suddenly...

My boy jus like yours. I latch him on for an hr.. but he still demand more by crying.He realli a big drinker.So every nw n then,i gt to supp with FM to make him sleep longer.
Vincy - so good! Confinement still can go shopping!! I am trapped at home and cannot eat outside food...but good also lar, can lose weight at the same time, cause I dont really enjoy the home cooked food....keke...

kash - for maid, we will tabao lunch for her and dinner, as my mum is cooking she will eat with us lor. If its first time maid, you need to bring her around to know where to buy food, so next time she can tabao for herself. Sometimes mum will ask my maid to cook instant noodles to eat, cannot everytime tabao for her, so good life. Its actually quite a hassle to have a maid around also. If not because i need someone to do the housework and help out taking care of my bb and 2 dogs, I would rather not have one. How come I like no time to watch TV huh??...keep wanting to sit down and watch, but always need to tend to bb or express milk...mum already complaining why I am not taking nap in the afternoon...where got time to do so many things!!
Wow.. envy ley.My 'yu ti tong xin' still waiting for me to start ley.I cant find time to start too.Either busy with pumping,or handling my gal.Think i can onli start when my gal goes to CC.
hi lovedogs,
my charges for Dr Chan was $2779. wow, when i read that you can express so much milk, i wish i could at least do half!! really dun understand why my supply so low..even tho i try to drink lotsa fluids..sigh..

its good that your breasts still feels full. mine just feels...=(

thanks for ur advice and encouragement. i think my latchin is ok, is e milk supply that bothers me.
hi mummies,

it's friday! but make no differences for me.. on ML aka no off day!

how long can we keep in room temperature? 4 hrs?
i jus threw again 100ml of my JING HUA tis morn... i forgot to put it into the fridge. Sigh..

mostly i will engage another masseur to cont'd after mona's session. to get better result & get gd massage to relax.. v tiring to jagar bb.. only time to rest & relax is Massage liao..

guess u are right! mus wipe breast after pumping. i felt better liao.. not so itchy.

happy & other mummies> gambate together! we need some time to adjust to it. ultimately we'll attempt to it! Hang in there!
aiyo, my boy refuse to sleep since morning and making a fuss even after feeding. No choice, got to pause my pumping and bring him into the room and whipped out my left boob for him to suckle. he suckle for a few mins then finally doze off into dreamland. *ouch*

kash, thanks. maybe im just not as strong and tough as some of you. i'm pretty vulnerable, crybaby and there is a chinese saying 'chi bu qi ku'. Hopefully this phase pass soon. But for my hubby sake, i have to pull myself up. Dont want to stress him too much. Now at work, he will call and check on me to see how things goes, guess he is worried about me. Yah, now trying my best to pump out my milk for bb instead but really hope that my ss will increase.
vincy, 1.5hrs include feeding, burping, hiccups (wait for him to finish his hiccups then continue feeding him)... that is a few times only ... guess also bcos he is not v v hungry. I try to wait till he is desperate for milk then feed him. V often, I take one hr to feed and burp him.
Carol, eh i think u are getting confused btw lochia and menses. Lochia is the bloody discharge aft u give birth, that's what u are having. can last abt 4 wks i heard. Menses happens when ur body goes back to ur old cycle of ovulating and then having the lining in ur womb breakdown. If u bf, then u might not have a menses for the next couple of mths!
hope i make sense to u.

Dreamyjo, yups i m still here! wahahaha.. i got ur excruciating pelvic pain now. i can't even lift my legs to wear my panties while standing up. can't walk properly now without feeling the pain. but at night i still go for long walks with Cody cos i know moving abt helps me in labour lor. oh well...

Haru, LC doesn't just check if u latch properly. she can also check if ur routine is fine, or if the way u expressing is correct. she can give u tips to bf the bb in different position so that u can rest too. Ask Fifi, how she can even latch her bb while lying down! I think its rather worth it cos u nv know if u are making just that tiny mistake that is impeding successful bf-ing.
one more ting.
anyone taking DOM? cannot BF if take DOM ah?

anyone can advise?

i got so many btl of DOM at home.. chicken essence oso stacking up in storeroom. faint...
Dun worry too much, like wat Kash said, it just a matter of time that u get use to the bb.. give urself more time.. u can do it..


Ya, i heard abt this, last time during my #1, my previous CL still take 1 pail of heater water for me everyday to wash hand. but this CL this time, like dun believe in this saying, even though i hint to her b4 tat my previous CL filled up 1 pail for me.. But anyway, i didnt really insist her to take for me too..

N how to really avoid tap water, after toilet oso hv to wash hand wat.. hehe.. Me too being trapped at home, with all the confinement food..

Everyday i will wake up and complained to my CL, y is time so long.. hahaha.. think she is oso sick of me liao..


Wat u mean by u stop ur confinement? Any chance of getting ur mum back to help u out?


Me same as u, leave the bb to CL 99%.. hehehe.. mayb cos we know that we have to take over once CL leave.. Only thing is that i didnt get to shower, wash hair n go shopping..

So when u go shopping, u leave ur bb with ur CL?
carol, every feed ... when my bb stop drinking .. I have to shake my legs and tap bottom of the milk bottle repeatedly till he finish his milk!

amazing, thanks for the advise.

dreamyjo, I was also so frustrated yesterday not knowing what bb wants ... also feel like beat him. You need to find someone to confide and you will feel better. Dun think too much.

minkybear, juz one ear in another ear out ... ignore what she says ... dun let it affect u.
cry: I also cry for no reason for a few times.

numb hands, I feel my arms and foot abit numb too .. dunnoe bcos of contact with water or carry bb for feeding till arms tired
Happy: Hee I also dont want bb to be only child, but guess have to wait a couple of years before deciding if want to hv 2nd. You also order cupcakes fr Cupcake Div?? Was it good?

Joyce: YOur bb feeds so much?? My baby so far (coming to 4 wks soon) only feeds on 1 side only. He always fall asleep after abt 20-25 min on 1 side, and do not want to feed on 2nd. Anyway he is pooing a lot also.
For mummies on bf, do your babies always empty both breasts??

Vincy: Congrats! My confinement ending next week. Happy yet worried abt being alone with baby. But think that somehow or other, we sure have to cope rite...kash, gd to hear that you can handle...hmm wondering if feasible to order tingkat, otherwise me thinking how to settle lunch if hb is not ard haa..

Alibaba: Yah massage is the only shiok thing...
Oh, my CL used abit of DOM leh in her cooking, she said a little is fine. Think my mum told her to use it coz got few bottles sitting around haa...

Baby wailing..time to feed!

u watching the 4 constables show? tell me nice or not coz i havent watch :p me watched Zhu Guang Bao Qi till episode 23 liao....v v v v v nice ah! heehee...

happy, carol

watch tv while pumping or latching. that's what i do so dun waste the time. me using single pump so sometimes i take up to 40 or 50 mins!!! precious time! so i will on tvb serial and watch while pumping or the occasional latching. I will get my remote controls ready b4 getting bb ready! heehee... let him cry for that extra few seconds no problem.


i leave CL alone wif bb then i go out. i lock my room door thou.


ya i believe its juz a phase... will go away v soon. juz try to be happy n tell urself it is ok to let other people handle bb for awhile if u really need time out. actually, can teach maid simple stuff like carrying bb, change diapers then u can have some own time too.


my place v ulu no coffee shop nearby
must take bus also 3 bus stops so hard to ta bao. ask u ah, what does ur maid do when she is taking a rest. I told maid to take a break whenver she is tired. But i see her sit down staring also like very poor thing... shd we let them read papers? magazines etc?


wow, cheaper than mine leh... his charges for me $3055. Guess perhaps got 1 day in the hospital he came to see me once in the morning,and once in the evening! For BM ss i am different coz my bb already coming 4 weeks old! so ss shd definitely be more liao by this time... juz try ur best and dun stress up. If not enuff, give FM. As I mentioned, i bought 1 tin of FM the day I got discharge coz I am very ready to give FM to supplement. Just that i am lucky now still no need to open that tin... however, if one day ss drop, i will give FM too..


yes can drink DOM. Best to drink after ur last express BM session, before you zzz... coz u will sleep at least 5 hrs or more before feeding again... But i dun drink. Coz I tried drinking that day and I ended up I can't sleep
Congrats to mummies who have popped

my mom always put some DOM when she cooks chicken with ginger,think shouldn't affect bf ba. i also take a bottle of chicken essence everyday too.

Vincy and mummies who went for c-section,
Are you gals still wearing binder? actually when can we remove it totally?

Anyone's baby didn't pass motion for more than 3days? my gal has not been passmotion for 4days,so worried that she might hv constipation
cutimum, i mean i now take normal food, take bath, go out and behave as per normal. I feel that the restrictions of the confinement is driving me nuts. Also its hard for me to ask my mom to come back and help me cos she always thinks she is right and never consider my feelings and some issues me and hubby cannot see eye to eye with her. we tell her nicely but she take it personally and say we dont like her. She is behaving very dramatic and i cant handle this stress. if i dont see it, i'm ok but when i see it, its hard for me not to comment. also, when she is around, i worry that she will get herself over-exhausted that i cannot sleep or rest well.
Now i feel more at ease carig for the bb myself without the restrictions and also all the worries about her gone with the wind. but with this lesson learnt, should i ever consider having a second one, i'm going to get a CL, easier this way.
baby23, i think i talk to you before in tmc during your discharge. Actually its my mom who started a conversation with your mom. My mom is carrying my boy and your mom is carrying your girl. I am the one that end up c-section too. Remember?
I take DOM before sleep and rice wine for cooking.

I dun take DOM in day time tho my mu urge me to drink least 3 times a day cant stand the taste...

Anyone needs rice wine?
yes, i still take liqour in my food but i dun drink it, cos the after cooking the alcohol already evaporated le.

wow your supply really good leh, how many days after delivery le? yeah my hubby is the milkman this 2 days, he sent down the milk every morning then afternoon i will go latch n send down more milk then evening he will send down the milk 1 more time.

minky/ carol/ happy,
dunno is it "hong sip" liaos hor? kekek....

no leh, i send my girl to nanny every day, n at nite i got my hubby to help out, dunno how is it going to b like after hubby went back to work.

from wat i c in the hospital video, if u wan to take liqour as in drink it, take at nite and only BF 2 hrs later.
Hi FIfi,

Then its ok mah. 2 hr after last feed. 1 hr of feeding. = 3 hr routine. You are doing it the right way. At night, normally will sleep longer provided you give your baby full feed at each meal.

Hi Carol, my gal has certain periods which eat especially a lot. ard 12 noon and 12 midnight. Dont know why... the rest she is more or less satisfied with BM, drink and sleep through next feed until I intentionally wake her up. Just these timings she demands more and I have to supplement with FM. Ya.. my gal also only wake up at ard 12midnight and 5am..
Alibaba ..EBM Room Temp is 4hr..then after that have to put fridge.

Glad..ya we will survive some how to rather..heehee, now only looking forward to tomm which is another phase of excitment..hahaha

baby 23..I remove after 1 week when wound not pain leh.

Btw mummies going for C-section, do yr feel numbness around the wound? n also itchy around the sitich area?

Kash n other mummies..I notice yr take 45min to pump milk. But hor I only use around 10 to 15min pump till no more drop from both I stop. Y need 45min to 1hr? yr got wait awhile for supply to come again?

ya 4 constances, I just finish the demigod..quite nice.

next 2 weeks my hb reservist.. i also headache...CL leaving this sunday morning.. so i will also leave my gal with my mother from morning till evening... i feel very bad leh...coz even weekends also bring her there.. like abandoned her liao

bb claudia still in hospital?


wow! so fast? u using dual or single? if u use single and take only 10 to 15 mins, i super envy u leh... I using single.. if i use dual, i think i can finish in 20 mins. No leh, i nvr wait for another let down. I basically juz pump until no milk on 1 breast. then will move to the other one... sometimes i also pek chek how come so long.. hence, I always pump infront of TV or computer so i will be occupied and wont be bored. now with maid i very sianz coz at nite she zzzz in the study room. Normally when i wake up at 5am to pump, i will use the studyroom, turn on the aircon and watch tvb serial on the computer as well... so not so boring... now hor, living room no aircon.. and nothing to watch
my hb fixing the notebook...once done, i can surf in the living room using the notebook while pumping.
bb claudia is back home le, when my dear goes to work in dec whereby my confinement haven end i will also leave charlene with my aunt when he is working. no choice leh, during confinement i also cannot carry her.
Kash..ya loh, I use avent manual single. I will alternate pump from both side, very fast will pump finish wan..maybe my supply low ..cause only 60 to 90ml nia.

Happy..u putting yr gal in CC, must be prepare

oic.. think it bcos of all the dos n don;t of confinement that makes u so frustrated.. At least now u should feel better.. n more relax liao..


oic.. cos my son's school will b having the yr end concert in Dec, which is 2 day before my confinement ends, so i m wondering how to leave the bb alone with the CL.. haha... worried she might just run away with my bb.. my hb said I siow lioa!!! hahha..


my CL oso added liquor, but not much loh.. cos i ask her not to add to my son dinner.. scared he too heaty.. hehe.. I dun like to take DOM though.. hehe.
my gal feeds onli on 1 side each time, for onli 10-15mins. After that she would push out the nipple and refused to latch again.

Mummies who managed to latch bb for more than 30mins, how do you do that? When bb falls asleep at the breast, dun they push out the nipple?

Binder- I removed my binder after i discharged from hospital. It's basically to support the wound, and give us confidence to walk around. bUT I find that initially when i bind, i tend to walk hunch-back. maybe i was scared of pain or stretching the stitches..hee.

constipation- is ur bb on bm or fm? cos if bm, would usually poo everyday. fm then depend if that fm is "compatible" wif bb. some fm bb drinks will get constipated. u might wan to check wif PD regarding ur bb's poo poo.
Mummies, my gal latch on with every 2hr interval.
With about 1/2hr gone during latching, and another 3/4hr for pumping, then onli left like less than 1hr for the breast to be filled up to be ready for her next latch-on? Can the breast be ready in such short time?

Does anyone have any experience? Cos i do not want to pump out, then find that for the next latch on, she won't have any milk and start fussing.
So for now, i have not been expressing out during the day. At night, i expressed out since i feed her EBM.
i oso low ss abt 60-80ml nia. But i take almost an hr too.I tried your method,clear the block ducts but still the same ley.Every nipple abt 6 holes with milk but still need an hr to pump ley.
happy mine also around 6 to 10 hole. I pump very fast n cont. non stop leh. If keep pumping for 1hr..hand very suan leh.. but rem when i use electr. pump also take around 1hr.

btw..ask u har, y only let clara go CC in dec? y never decide put her before didi born? cause hor i feel she might have a tentency to feel neglected. u must be prepared.
hi mummies,
just had my first massage session tis aftn, slept like a log during the session. Zzzz..aiming to keep the binder on til at least tom morn. i feel like i am in some period show wearing corset.hahah..

massage lady said i had lots of blocked ducts and massaged for me, painful! but i happily tahan coz at least now i know i have milk just that its blocked. thinkin of pumping later for the night feed to see if the supply improves aft massage.

my hubby makes e chicken essence daily for me. i took DOM for couple of nights before sleeping but it really makes me hot! i might skip it the next few nights since i have e binder on, if not too hot for me!=Z
I dun feel numbness around my wound but sometime feel itchy esp with the waterproof plaster on.
After removing the plaster and putting on the 'silicon gel pad'.. feel much bettter these days.

I wanted to put my gal when i back from twn but there is no vacancy for her till dec.
Think she is ready to go to sch too,when we asked her,she ans:I want to go to sch!She even take out her bag and carry.Then tell us that she wants to go sch.

Dun feel bad.Is just 2 weekend that she will be away from you.Compensate her when your hb is back from reservist.
happy..my gal also say she wan go school..her intention of school is with accompany parent. N she had been attending enrichment class since 6mth till now.

CC u must be hardheart leh, for her to cry n refuse to go to sch for the 1st mth, nightmare at night oso.. Is better to opt for half day for a start..at least not so trama to her.

I put my gal in CC for 1wk then draw her out n engage a maid, heart very pain to see her cry n cry so i give up the idea of CC.

She will be going for 2hr N1 appletree 2 Jan 09.
Bear - thanks!! I dont know what is the term for the bleeding, so its lochia...I am not sure if mine is lochia or menses...but I noticed that each time after I expressed bm, there will be a gush of blood coming from my inside, quite scary.

jo - same lor, will have to shake leg, tap him or the bottle...now we even put him in the sarong to feed him. Faster that way. Cause when we carry him, he will cry if we force the bottle into his mouth if he does not want to drink.

kash - I take abt 20-30mins to express and cause I am using hands, thus I need to focus and aim properly, if not will mis-Q, so cannot watch tv at the same time. Most of the time, the tv is on if my hubby is in the room with me and I only listen to tv, not watch...keke...

vincy - yes, I feel numbness around the wound and when the bandage is there, it itches also. But now that the bandage is taken off, the itch no more le, but still feel numb. I am surprised to see that the stitches not removed completely yet. Tried to pull the stitches yesterday and it started bleeding...got a shock!

amazing - my boy will drink pretty fast in the middle of the night, usually will finish within 1/2hr while during the day he will take up to an hr or so!

mildy - I already got this pain and numbness when I am pregnant. Read that its due to water retention and will recover few weeks after birth. I hope the pain will get better soon. ^^
No lah. I dun feed for 1 hr. My girl very efficient de. 10-20 mins more than enuff. So effectively, my cycle is about 2 hrs 15 mins on average. Even if she feed longer (i.e. once in a while she juz like to suck for a long time), oso 2 hrs break only. Sometimes even less. But today I seem to see a bit of 3 hr interval.

Room temp is 4 hrs. If you put in fridge is 48 hrs. If you freeze is 3-6 mths. If from freezer defrost in fridge is 24 hrs.
it's lochia. will take abt 1 month for flow to complete. Expressing bm is like baby latching, will contract the uterus, thus "pushing" out the remaining blood.

And dun pull the stitches. nowadays all the stitches will self-dissolved, there is no need to remove stitches anymore. Even for C-sect.
Must the breasts feel full all the time? I used to feel very full, but in recent days, I only feel partially full. I now wonder if my ss is too little for bb. But bb is still shitting, on average more than 3 times a day so I thought as long as output is still so much, it means baby is feeding well?

I also still have the discharge. Very irritating as sometimes it's really brownish and not entirely bloody but it's making my private area itchy. I can't wait for lochia to end entirely.

Carol, the discharge as been ongoing since u gave birth right? if yes, that's lochia like what Yoyosan said. Its only ur period when there is a stop in bleeding for 4 wks (like previously) then the usual thing happens again.

Eh, dun pull ur stitches lah!! wah kaoz! not pain?

Oh yes, for those who want a homeopathic way of increasing their milk supply can try this webby. http://www.ahomeonearth.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3 This is recommended by my fren who bf-ed her bb for a whole year.

Just got news from Lilian, she popped via c-sec on Wed 19th Dec, to Kayla! Kayla is 3.1kg and 50cm long! Congrats babe!!
