(2008/11) November 2008

hi vincy and bladers,
thanks for the info..i also that i am likely to choose cordlife.

if i confirm taking up cordlife, i will let you then i can put you as referer at e same time take e voucher from you ok?

really? my cot is $359. but its the slight bigger one..is it the same one? ur hubby working on a sunday too? should relax!!

Hrmm i better double check the receipt.. U bought the white one so that's more ex.. Me and Minkybear didn't get the white one.. think the white one is $50 more... but i can confirm that the total amt of money i paid aft the mattress upgrade and the bedding set (upgraded to Classic Pooh) was abt $378.

Yes, he just left to go back to his office at 10pm. sigh.. oh well.. that's wat happens when u marry a workaholic.
Hmmm... I'm not sure. Anyway, I find that each company will say their's better and the other not so good. The pro all become con and the con all become pro. Dunno who to believe.

My gynae dun want to comment which is better. She say its similar. But she did say most of her patients use stemcord although she has patients using cordlife too. But she's very non-committal about it.
Good morning mummies
Have a nice Monday ahead.

So U not getting those non-rinse stuff right? I don't think is necessary actually. California bb items, I don't need them, thanks.

Glad gal
Happy that your checkup went well. Good wt gain for bb
I'm going 4 mine tomorrow morning. Now I'm 29weeks.

I didn't sign up with Stemcord or Cordlife, my placenta is low this time so I don't think I will sign up.
GOOD MORNING LADIES.. feeling the blues!!!

haru,Fifi-my first preg was also low placenta but my gynae din advise me against taking up Cordlife when I told him abt it and it went thru ler..?? I din know low placenta maybe cannot save..
Haru..sure : ) I have 2 voucher with me.

Fifi..according the the agent & written in the contract, if in the cord blood could not be collected due to complication. No charge will be impose. I also low placenta..hope it will go up by next visit.
Good morning ladies.
slacking at home today. kekkeke...going gynae appt tomorrow, dunno she will give mi MC for today as well or not. :p
gd morning ladies

fifi> u mentioning about the non raise shampoo & body wash right? i wanna get too wor... i tink i saw kanpei brand in magazine.

Vincy> i rem i ask them if cord blood is contaminated , they said they will only refund partial amount..due to need to send for testing & processing fee etc. but i duno about if could nt be collected le..

Enne> really ah? i still duno if i am still carrying low placenta. mus check with my gynae liao hopefully it goes up. cos i tot of signing up the cord blood banking de.
Milderina-sooo gooodddd.. I think u can 'tao' de rite..

alibaba-Yupe.. maybe like what vincy say.. its written in the contract, in circumstances whereby cannot save will refund us de lo.. won't be penalized, not our fault also..
morning mummies,
hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend.

hubby and i might go around elsewhere and check out the mattress price before deciding if we want to upgrade. yup, we chose the white cot. the one that can convert to a toddlers bed.

thanks vincy!
good morning mummies.

haru: thing abt husbands like mine is they will wriggle out of all this expenditure if wife earning as much or more than them. this is particularly relevant for peanut & kash (the big earners
. if he has less disposable income, he will stop being so unnecessarily generous to ppl & having big ideas that he can afford a terrace house. in fact yesterday, after thinking it over-nite, he asked me whether we can squeeze the kids in our present flat for anor year or so till the ppty mkt goes down. i said sure. i'm not in a hurry to move but if i do, it has to be at timing suitable for the monster, either june or dec. i dowan to disrupt his studies again especially after what's been happening in his life this year, & likely transition from only child to having so many siblings.

dowan to sound morbid early in the morning but i have a cousin, army major, who got divorced after 15 years of marriage cos she was so sick of paying for everything while her husband spent his salary on his car & getting drunk. got to plan in advance so as not to go down the same road as her.

tt's my 2 cents worth. & the monster is pestering for his turn on the PC now. really look forward to the time when i can look after him properly myself & bond w him again. for now, he just makes me so tired.
Milderin..u on MC for 2 days? what happened? I drop u a email..u n frez order around $168 ok bo? will need transfer when supplier confirm discount. I saw yr order in BP only afew books..suddenly order so many got a shock..wahahaha

Alibaba.. I am signing up by CDA, so payment will be transmitted within 2mth. If cord blood is process & check contaminated they charge $600 for processing. But if gynae unable to collect the cord blood then there will be no charge. I am afraid also..so got double check with her.
yeah on MC if tomorrow my gynae give mi MC for today, if not will b leave today n mc tomorrow. cos going for my glucose test but today i my pelvis bone aching. anyone like tat too?

can send the email to [email protected] instead? should b correct. ya, website i only order $8 lor. then suddenly i order 10 times the amt........i wan to faint le...............
bear, minkybear
hey i tink my cot from bb kingdom is the same as urs, cos after topping up for hole mattress and bedding set also ard $370. I choose the natural light wood colour one.

i not big earner lah.. if really big i wld hav gone for condo liao!! tsk tsk..
morning mummies...


me too not big earner leh... i wish i am one off course


all the best for your glucose test results
Gd morning! yet another wk.. so sian...

Haru, sorry! last night hb came back only at 12.30am so didn't manage to get the receipt from him. but like wat Peanut said, we def didn't top up $100 for the mattress! think that guy trying to cheat u! there is only one guy there.. i find him rather pushy.. rather deal with the ladies there.

Mildy, naughty naughty!! hahaha.... are u looking at sprees for us?
Ya i didnt top 100 bucks i only top 20 plus for the hole mattress i think the same as Bear n Peanut. My cot is the natural wood small one. 290 before adding bedding set. Total only abt 395 bucks.u check again unless u took the coconut husk mattress.
yest threw a bit of tantrum again.. had planned some activities with hubby all gena spoilt because his grandparents last min asked for help in their house moving.. sian lor.. face black black.. but can see hubby quite apologetic so in the end also heart soften.
What i cannot stand is they so many grandchildren but everytime anything hav to look for my hubby.. cos he seldom reject.. take him for granted one..
minkybear/bear> i tink i got the same cot as well.. after upgrade to hole mattress, still 300+ leh. heehee.. got the natural wood color too.
peanut> my hb also lidat one.. haa.. i find ppl are taking him for granted.. ppl need help call my hb, he nv say no one.. but den later we need help , oso nv see pple offer. Felt abit petty myself though . lolz..
There there Peanut.. at least ur hb was sheepish abt it. See it this way.. at least he is faithful and helpful.. can see that he is the type that who has filial peity... :p

Minkybear, Peanut and Alibaba, we all got the same cot! mine is the dark wood one though.
Alibaba, i think most of us bought that. haa..
Peanut, your hubby nice man mah tat is y u marry him also right

Anyone getting the no rinse shampoo and bodywash?
Me interested leh. Can't find the powder shampoo at gurdian.
yah lor.. so tonight i'm going to tell him firmly this sat he cannot fly me kite again, mus go pator.. Book him upfront 1st. Once i did that, even if grandparents ask for help again think he'll reject le.. wahhaaa... I'm so evil..

actually i prefer the dark wood or white color one.. but i hav e habit of asking hubby for opinion (hoping that he'll prefer the same as mine) but he said get the light one lor. Better listen to him or else he always say i ask him for fun ony..
Morning ladies

Minkybear, think u can get the non-rinse shampoo from Guardian. I get mine there and the brand was Klorane.. Just spray on it and comb it throught everyday..
wonder how the no rinse shampoo and bodywash work?? cant imagine.. they're powdered or gel form??

What i may be getting is wat other confinement ladies does. they bought the herbs from TCM and boiled with water so its ok for us to use that for bathing and hair wash. But if the norinse tingy is better i may consider as well.. Jus that no water seems a bit strange.

Non-rinse shampoo
I'm curious about how the the no rinse shampoo work too. Does it really clean our scalp, especially for oily scalp? Or it just clean the hair?
Steamboat (chong qin at suntec):
Date: 5th Sept
Time: 7pm
Interested parties:
1) Gentle peanut
2) minkybear
3) Bear
4) Joyce
5) dmk
6) Jenn
7) Bluebear (to email her when confirmed)
8) Alibaba
9) Jo
10) Kash (?)
11) Fifi (?)

can u help change e reservation to 7pm?

any more changes to above?

Fifi and kash, so u able to make it?

Alibaba and Jenn, hope ur MS is improving>?
peanut> i will still got for herbal boiling water. but alot said the herbal water so hot. bathe liao still v hot.. so i tot of getting the non raise one... double the effect. lolz.. feel clean so wont feel so pek chek..
minkybear, peanut,

i tried to use that no rinse shampoo during my confinement last year. cannot make it leh...made my scalp lagi more itchy
honestly, washing your hair is most effective...

actually most impt thing is that after u wash your hair, use a hairdryer to dry it totally after wash. That will be ok.
so hot?? then wait for the water to cool down b4 bathing lor.

whahaa.. imagine spending the moeny and making urself more pek chek...

k confirm get the herbs can liao

it happened to me loh... warrao super pek chek made me even more itchy. but maybe it was just me ..... actually, for me, after i use the herbal thingy to bathe, i will still use the normal shower water to rinse. I initially have a pure white towel leh... after my confinement, the towel became the herbal colour

dunno how long it can be kept. but all those chinese medicine halls got sell so very easy to get. hence, even if you really forget, during the hospital stay, can ask ur family members or hb go buy....
peanut> mus bathe while it's hot leh.. dun tink can wait til it cool down leh..

kash> itchy scalp. unbearable leh... now i got dandruff.. cmi.. aready quite pek chek.. duno how to tahan during confinement..
Peanut, i see.. for us its pretty clear to get the dark wood one.. cos our whole house is in dark wood! heh.. MIL hates dark colours but we still got that for her place too cos we just can't be bothered to keep her happy.

Re: non-rinse shampoo
Heard its very disgusting leh.. like leave a residue on ur hair like that.. like ur natural hair oil + some more things... i rather bathe with the herbs than use it..

Yen, u not the only one.. i usually find it tough to slp if i wake up at abt 11am. but last couple of days i fall aslp easily even though i had multiple naps in the day! i feel damn lazy leh...

Steamboat (chong qin at suntec):
Date: 5th Sept
Time: 7pm
Interested parties:
1) Gentle peanut
2) minkybear
3) Bear
4) dmk
5) Jenn
6) Bluebear (to email her when confirmed)
7) Alibaba
8) Jo
9) Kash (?)
10) Fifi

Think Joyce can't make it as its her Bday! Fifi has confirmed and now we are waiting for Kash and Auggybear's confirmations! 7pm is fine, i will be there earlier to buy bras!

I'm trying to get everything ready before i give birth, especially my personal stuff. I live with my IL, although i'll have a CL, but i kinda feel uncomfortable if have to trouble them.
kash> the herbal for bathing purpose hor, mus boil with water for how long ah? i was wondering where we get so big pot to boil it. cos i tink one pot like not enough to bath leh. haa..

Is the herbal all over the place? as in inside the water? not in a bag right? wondering can pack it in a cloth bag to boil in the water, imagine each time we pour the water on ourself the particles stick on our body.. kaoz.
Re: Cord Blood
Better read carefully. The lady told me refund of enrolment fee excluding some dunno wad fees. So its not full refund.

I think its not that low placenta = cannot store. It depends on circumstance and whether it is advisable or not. My gynae probably thinks that my safety is more important than the cord blood lah. Best is check with your gynae as each mother's situation differs. For me, my gynae say she will advise me closer to delivery coz she say if want to sign up, 1 mth before delivery oso not too late.

For mine, I make my hubby put a certain amount into joint account each month. I put in the same amount too and use the joint account to pay for all household/children related expenses. I manage the money of coz. Then the rest of his money, I dun really chap how he spend (coz I already make sure its not a lot). The contribution can be auto-set to be transfered on a certain date each month for convenience (they cannot say forget).

Re: Mattress from BK
I paid $39 for my mattress. Its the one with the ventilation holes. I did not get a cot from them. Just buy mattress only.

Re: No Rinse
I dunno 16oz issit too big anot. Its the size that www.hackley.com carries. Whoever free can go see if drugstore have anot. Anyway, I oso want to know how it works.

Yes for steamboat.

Check out Mothercare. 20% off for safra cardholders for the bras.
I can wake up @ 10am on weekends. Just feel super tired. Could be due to frequent peeing the the early morning. At least 1x and could be quite disturbing even though I can fall asleep easily.

I think the boiling water is cooked and normal shower head is just normally warm water without boiling? I'm also not very sure.
i dun care ah.. how to bath in hot water.. i'll wait for it to cool down.. at least when it stil feels a bit warm.. Wat i understand from my fren is her CL wil cook the herbal water then top it with boiled water to make up enuf for bathing..

agree nonrinsed shampoo a bit disgusting.. majiam like stil got ting on ur hair like that. dun tink i'll go for that.
During confinement, the water that we used must be boiled and cool down before we shower, cannot use water directly from the showerhead.

I have a very big bathtub, those round type, red in colour. So I will get my helper to boil the herbs and water, then pour inside the big tub. And after that, keep boiling hot water using my flask to add into the tub, and let it cool to a suitable temp for bath.

hello ladies, had lunch? tired today, dont know why, getting more tired...

peanut, you made me craved for cookies now..haa..
