(2008/11) November 2008

splurge on car stuff usually are exp. lolz... wait til my hb got his class 3 license, i'll be the next one complaining about tis. wahaha..

wah greengrape> ur hb so careless ah.. go out can nv bring wallet out.. izzit he used to u paying $$ for him. haa.. sometimes i am the one who dun bring wallet out de.. cos i expect him to pay.. hahha

joyce> 100+ quite gasy.. i aready burp like no body biz liao.. maybe will try tis some days.. normally i prefer H2O

Alibaba-Ur hubby very very similar to mine...

My hubby sometimes so worried i might see his bills first, he quickly open the letter box, check for his bills and throw!

Now my MIL helped me, she took his keys, open the letter box and passed to me all his letters. Actually i had to do this but no choice. In order to make myself feel better since these guys cant assure me, i have to assure myself.

Greengrape: My hubby also anyhow spend his money, totally no control and these credit card companies are blood suckers!

Peanut: He knows i dont like that friend, he asked if i have something against him... I said no, but since he is so unfriendly why should i bother? I said hi and bye to all his friend except this cannot make it guy! Oueh...
Auggybear> i am actually involve to most of his fren outing/gathering.. Except for his colleague's drinking session... they always ask/drag my hb along.. tis one i dun like becos, they like to go geylang/joo chiat pubs... some of them are singles.. those gathering i wont involve cos all guys.. but when it come to annual dinner or some events, my hb will bring me along de.. So it's always gd to get more involve with his activities. den u will know wat he is doing outside
Mei emailed me jus nw and said she is going to organise another mattress spree.You might wan to PM her your order.

Haa.. my hb also likes to spend on CAR!He dun buy exp clothes,and others.. but on car and sound system onli,those exp stuff.I also dun understand why! And he will tell me.. you spent on LV bags and etc too.... Haiz....
btw, jo, vote for u le. kkekekek... nice pics.
nikki, regarding ur qn, i bought the medela cream too during my first preg. but in the end nv use, only use my own milk for the cracked nipple and it really work
btw its 5am here, and i'm still AWAKE!!! help!!! cannot sleep at all! trying to have some milo and hopefully can sleep better later. But also cannot sleep too much lor, cos my boy will wake up at abt 9am
Hello! finally got chance to post.

Re: house & PILs
I wonder if they themselves like staying with their own inlaws. i find it odd. like my MIL hated staying with her inlaws and made my FIL move out aft 6 yrs. but she wanted to stay with us when we got married! when my hb pointed out to her that i had the same fears as she had when she was staying with her own MIL, she actually said that she isn't as evil as her! of cos lah, everybody would think they are nice wat!

Peanut, Jo and Alibaba, ya i agree.. better to have ur own house. touch wood anything happens at least u still got assets.. i hate to say this lah, but it could be used as a bargaining tool. i m so cynical hor.. heh...

Wah u guys check ur hb's credit card statement? i don't leh.. he doesn't check mine either.. dunno stupid or not but i guess we both trust each other a lot lor. i think i will flip if i find him going through my personal stuff.

so slpy....
Hope you get your flat. Living with in laws sure got a lot of problems de. And add those SIL, BIL... worst still.

Re: Nipple Cream
I bought the Medela one.

I wont be buying so prob not. But you can check if drugstore sells coz I am intending to buy Avent BPA free bottles in early Oct and maybe from there if there are no better offers.

Peanut, Lilian:
I oso no sub card from my hubby... But my hubby dun use credit card de. Haha.
hi ladies,

sorry to disturb. I have a bag to let go, condition is v gd as its brand new, nv use b4. However, it nt a cooling bag. Interested pls PM me. Price can be nego. Thanks.

happy: My HB can't say that to me bcos I don't /hardly go for brands...

Hmmm..looks like not easy to stay with PILs...my PILs only come stay with me once in a while so the effects not so bad..but they r v. nice lot of people so I am apreciative even if they stay longer...i tink v much give n take...

One thing I can be sure is they care for me like my parents do..they call me once in a while to check my condition/whether Baby ok..nice.
Mummies, thanks for answering my queries on storage of breast milk.

RE: Staying with In-Laws,
I am currently staying with my in-laws. Have applied and gotten a BTO flat estimated to be ready 2 yrs from now. The problem is my mother-in-law can't get along with my father-in-law. And my hubby is the only son. I am being caught in the situation that my hubby wants his mum to stay with us. I dun wish to be so heartless as to abandon her. But I really think our living habits are very diff. And, my mother-in-law really got alot of stuff lor... Can u imagine that she still keeps some baby stuff from my hubby time? Faint right? Now I really duno wat to do. Still thinking abt it.

Re: Nipple Cream
I also bought Medela, PureLan. My antenatal class instructor did mentioned that using ur own breast milk will help to heal cracked nipples...
Fifi! ur hubby is extinct creature! hahaa... he doesn't wan credit card cos wan to control his spending issit?

wow.. ur hubby's bb stuff she stil keep? then can pass down to ur bb!! tsk tsk.. sure super nice smell. but mayb she wan to keep as memory tts y.. i'll be amazed and happy if my mum suddenly show me my bb clothings.. i'll smell at them non stop wahahaa..

yah tts y if i reeeeally got a 2nd child in future and turn out to be a boy, i wont expext him to stay wif me in future.. as long as he stays not too far, filial and visit us often i'll be happy enuf
My hb does that also. All his toys is still in the cupboard. Even his milk bottles is still around.

Can you give me her Mei email add? I can't make any posting in that thread. Thank you.

Credit Cards
My hb just joined the work force 1 mth ago. So he is a bit stingy in his spending, other than games. Currently he is using my supp card so i have no problems keeping track of his expense. I hope he will continued to do that in future.
My hb super lazy, he never open his mails. And he expect me to keep track of everything. That includes all the household and credit cards bills.
Thank you for your help. i just saw Mei email liao... is in my junk mail.

I have email her liao. Thank you.

I have PM you her email add liao. Pls check.

Oh, you are staying in tampines. Me too.
All the desitin and first teeth packages have been posted (for those who opted for mail).

Sunshinekid: Pls pay $8.35 asap. Thanks.
hi mummies. i'm in for a little while but i think i will be more absent this coming month. heavy stomach is starting to drag me down.

mildy: i find tt i'm v constipated after stopping work maybe cos not enough exercise. eating lots of fruit helps but got to go loo even more often then.

peanut: mother mary loves u no matter which faith (if any) u belong to

Jo: funnee! peanut has passed the joke poster baton on to u. thanks for your concern.

mosh: funny pix!

jenn: thanks for your concern too, i voted for u!

alibaba: i second the 100 plus suggestion. quite good. but don't put ice or just 1 cube at the most.

young mummies: i read from anor thread tt a lot of mothers make their husband hand over between $800 to 1500 every month for children expenses. then they don't interfere w how the husband spends the rest of his money. i think tt's a good idea. me told my husband last nite. he wasn't v happy cos all along i've been paying everything for the monster. but i told him new babies = new start. anyway i think $1000 for 4 kids is quite reasonable. otherwise everytime i tell him to take out money for this & that, it's always "why must we buy it? do we need to buy it now? do we really need it etc etc?" if it was his mother asking $1000 to go on holiday, he wld hand it over w/o blinking an eye. well, tt's an idea. thought i shd share it since most of those here r new mummies, good to make a clean start.

ok, c everybody next week. cookie was telling me i shd lie down more. i'll have to practise tt this coming month.
Hi Fifi,

Sorry almost forgot about paying you. Here it is:

To Account POSB Savings
116-19620-4 fifi
Amount S$8.35
Transaction Reference 1864101159

Will PM you my address again.

Re: No Rinse Shampoo / Body Wash
Do we need to get these? Is Kanpei the only brand? I saw this in the Motherhood magazine and noted that Hackley is selling... half the price of SG again coz its double the size.
Good morning, have a restful Sunday, mummies

Finally recovered from my flu and cough.


Are thsse the ones?


No Rinse Shampoo 2oz S$5.05
No Rinse Shampoo 8oz S$12.60
No Rinse Body Wash 2oz S$5.05
No Rinse Body Wash 8oz S$12.60

I didn't use any for my 1st confinement, just used the packet herbs for bathing, bought from traditional Chinese medical shop. For my hair, I used a hair spray from pharmacy forgotten the brand already.
Yah these are the ones. I saw it in the mag. Then noted that US sells double the size (16oz) at similar/less than the price for 8oz here. But was thinking like not really necessary hor...
i think that is quite a good idea. altho i wonder if hubby will end up saving any money at all even he is willing to pass me some money for baby's expenses. then again, when we go out hubby pays for most of shopping and makan already so i am doing most of the saving. will have to discuss with him and see wat kind of arrangement he prefers.
hi Bear,
i just called baby kingdom and the sales guy told me i hvae to top up $100 for the 100% latex mattress. is that that the amount you topped up to change the mattress too?
Hi mummies!

Didnt manage to come in on Fri and Sat coz was at work boohoo...
So many posts on ILs and hubby.

Anyone had check up recently? Just had my check up yesterday. 30 weeks - woohoo counting down! Put on 8.2kg, and baby weigh 1.5kg now! No wonder it's pressing down so hard when I lie on my back. I asked gynae if I am taking the glucose test and he said I dont have to take it phew...
thats great news!! =D

hey mummies,
can i just do a survey if you signed up with cordlife or stemcord? read that you can use the Baby Bonus CDA for the enrolment and annual fees? trying to decide which one ot sign up with.
Glad!! : so happy to know that you and baby doing well.
my baby is now swimming alot in my tummy..these few days, I can relaly feel rippling of my tum tum. hahah

Haru, oh really, we can use CDA to pay for cordlife? any articles or link for that? I Will choose cordlife..most ppl chose that leh

My gynae ask me not to sign up first coz of my low placenta. She said that if the placenta still too low, better not to collect coz the time taken to collect the blood will make me bleed more. Low placenta, they want to deliver the placenta asap to prevent excessive loss of blood. But if I sign up, I will take stemcord coz they store in 4 packets in 2 locations. Cordlife is only 1 packet, 1 location.
Blessed Mum & Haru

Ye can use CDA. I sign up with cordlife cause they have 1 successful transplant case, I check regarding the 4 bags of blood in 2 location, the lady told us if *touchwood* need to use, they will need to open all 4 bags, n if store too many bag condemination is higher, then i ask about what if fire? she say even if the whole building is burnt out, the bank is fire proof. but i dont noe how true lah.

If u signing up I can pass u the $150 discount voucher..n can put me as refferal? Then each of us can have $50 discount. heehee
fifi: gd that ur doc ask u to KIV on cordblood..my gynae never say anything only say call salesgil if keen...hiyoh very difficult to communicate with him i find like golden mouth.

haru: my gynae say cordlife better..

Haru, no leh... the cot was $298 right? we changed to the mattress with holes and anti dustmites for another $20-35 only... then changed the bedding set for another $50.. so total was $378. I think better for u to go down and ask.. Minkybear bought the same thing as me too. I will check with her again tmr.. Sorry i dun have the receipt with me now.. Hb just went to work (again!) and its in his wallet.
