(2008/11) November 2008

thats demoralizing.. wahaha...

oh yah.. there's stil his sis.. We may b stuck with her forever and i've to bear with her deafening and splattering ah choos for the rest of my life..
Morning mummies,

I think you should tell his sister that now with a baby coming, you intend to start a nuclear family with onli you, hubby and baby. I agree what is the point of getting a new house if ALL are gg to move over. You might as well save the
$$ in CPF for interest.

If the house you are balloting is under private developer, you can rent out the flat once TOP. It does not come under the prevailing rule of HDB.
I have craving for KFC again..:p Going to get the zinger burger then may be going to John Little expo sales. Anybody going?
peanut, Pray u get t AMK flat. U tok to guanyin niang niang abt it liao?

mosh, if ur hb insist on staying with his parents, then bo bian one. Filial is his virtue lor.
My mum was saying... if ur ILs stay with u in a flat under your name and one day they super buay song with u... they will b t ones moving out and not U coz tat's ur property. Wahaha... My mum more powerful.
tsk tsk.. thanks mummies for listening to my complains and encouraging me. Gues i better stop nagging further or else it'll be a gloomy Fri kekeke...

Lunch time!! wat to eat lei... me having headache
no wor!! cos we got the maternity benefit liao so i havent gone to guanyin miao wahhaa.. bad hor me.. yah man.. mayb i shd go tomolo
Hey u gals got superb memories!! can stil remm i mentioned abt guanyin niang niang.. I would hav long forgotten who mentioned it
Lilian, yalor, cannot stop him for being filial..

haahaa, your mum funny. tats wat my mum says as well.. sigh! wait till my bb come out then see how lor...
peanut, u will still have gd chances de.. I BTO for my Punggol flat for 1st time and got queue number 505 out of abt 2000 applicants.. still got a nice unit.. esp this time the AMK one, alot of ppl will just apply but might not take it coz not cheap lor.. *pray* hard for ya =D
Depend on the reason why you want to have your own home. Don't think send in an application to ballot is very time consuming

The reason why my hubby and i are getting our own home is not to stay there. Most likely will rent out too. Just like the idea we have our own place.

And like what Lilian had said, in case of any conflict, still have your own place to stay
I agree abt staying with in-laws and renting out own hse earn rental as what alibaba said.
I also agree with Lilian .. but clever in-law gonna stay with us and rent out their own hse and earn their own rental fee, one day they nt happy then they move out loh ... the best is dun even wanna move together with us ... lol .. no privacy and SO NOISY. Especially in-laws got full of kitchen and storeroom stuffs, if they cant bear to throw it away then they beta dun move in with us, I wont allow my new hse look like old hse.

peanut, if u n hb gg to move into the bigger hse wif ur in-laws, better still get ur own hse and keep it vacent or rent it out. In any case, if one day cannot tahan staying with them, u can jus move back to ur own hse.

can u try for other flats after submitting ur name for the AMK Ballot? At least if AMK doesn't get it will still have chance for others?
Looks like there are so many similar dads-to-be... Same species!!

I opened my hubby credit card bill and realised he went to Party World KTV last month... I asked him how come i didnt know about that...He said its one of those nights, he can't remember if its a birthday celebration or get-together... Arghhh!

Ever since im pregnant, he never bother to inform me of his whereabouts! Last night, he told me his colleagues is filing for a divorce cos his "buddy" fell in love with another colleague in finance... Married not more than 3years... sigh. I asked then why get married in the first place, he said out of convenience now his friend has no feeling for his wife and went along with this newbie... I saw her yesterday also not pretty... so aunty!!

This friend of his i also cannot tahan... Very arrogant and daO! Think he is drop dead handsome... but he really cannot make it...really... errrks!
wah good.. my hope risen again!!

hahaa.. yah lor tts wat happun to my fren.. MIL moved in with lots of old stuffs.. she pissed like dunoe wat..

as i mentioned, gonna wait for another launch which is near to TPY cos mil looking aft e kid.. and so far nottin else coming up yet lor. By e time there is, they might already be in process of looking at bigger house liao. If they wan to look for 1 i can't possibly stop them and say wait for us to try ballot for another house 1st wat.. And i can tell MIL prefers to stay altogether so once AMK fails most likely she'll look for 1 v soon.

wher got chance to go pray that time.. morning i said wan to go then night time the petition succeed liao wahahha...
hahaa... wat is that voting for?? anyway i've also voted liao.

dun worry abt ur hubby, he already got 1 pretty wife at home go find another one for wat..
Precisely that fren cannot make it tts y can only hook up someone who looks like aunty wat.. tsk tsk.. U shd tell ur hubby straight in the face that his buddy v immature
Auggybear> my hb too.. he tot we are some stupid gong gong. cannot see whereabout they are. i saw bills come & atm transaction will know where he go liao. when i ask him, tat go duno for wat event. EXCUSEs nia la. it seems like v hard to maintain a marriage.. pple tend to go to separation without trying to recounsel.

peanut> still have chances la. tat time i try ballot bto geylang serai. oso kanna.. lolz. but end up we give up. cos after consideration the location not ideal. too far from family... v exp HDB too.. 4rm HDB flat aready 360+370+k.. fainted..
another convesation with hubby last nite:

Me: dear, do u really stil love me or jus sticking wif me due to responsibility?
Hub: Of cos love lah! If due to responsibility also mayb 20-30yrs later
Me: Huh? u mean 20 yrs later u won't hav love for me anymore??
Hub: That wil depend on how nice u treat me lor
Me: Phui...
don't worry too much. Now the property price still quite high,your MIL will take some time to find one big enough for everyone and meets everyone liking.

My IL also looking for a bigger place too (been looking even before i'm pregnant)...still waiting for the right one that meets everyone requirement.
wahhaa... sometime i also check his credit card bills.. but so far stil ok.. if some restaurant place then he'll say lunch with colleagues/customers.. i also cant say anything.

My imagination can run wild sometimes.. when he say OT i'll wonder if he's actually dating or having rendezvous with other woman outside..

Actual call centre conversations !!!!!

Customer: 'I've been ringing 0700 2300 for two days and can't get
through to enquiries, can you help?'.
Operator: 'Where did you get that number from, sir?'.
Customer: 'It was on the door to the Travel Centre'.
Operator: 'Sir, they are our opening hours'

How's everyone? Done with my eldest daughter (Shannon) CA2 exams. Results out. Next week holiday.

Maid : Sorry can I check which maid agency will all of you recommend? How much do we need to pay? Thks>
Hi Ladies,
It's been a while I've been here. Can anyone advise what brand of nipple cream is good? It seem like most mummies in the forum getting Lasinoh Lanolin. Any comments?
greengrape, peanut, I already told MIL liao ... unless those rather new kitchen woks ... the rest all dun wan! They still have a storeroom and balcony full of stuffs. Faintz. Told my hb before I wont wanna my new hse look like old hse .. jus like my fren's. He say he wont allow it too ... hopefully he really meant it when the time comes and not listen to his parents tat they wanna bring this and that.
My MIL even got three big cupboards full of stuffs in the kitchen, other than the normal built-in kitchen cabinets. Faintz.

Jenn, I have voted for u!

Auggy_bear, my hb even best. Sometimes he tear off his credit card statement after reading it.

peanut, u and ur hb's another interesting conversation. Hehe. Now, all hb sure say love lah. Say also no need money mah.
I think it's very natural that we, wives hearing so many stories ... our imagination can run wild.

olwen, not ard today? Hmm ...
peanut> i check his bill is becos i am using his sup card. haa. & oso i am the a/c payable. (PT clerk) so must issue chq for all outstanding bills.. kaka..

i have been getting headaches recently almost ev day!! v cham.. i wonder izzit MS is returning.. Burping non stop again..
Thank you for your help. Yar, maybe you can give her my email or hp. My email is [email protected] and my hp is in Bear's contact list.

Your hb still asked you why you are angry. My hb will just ignore me.

Super sian. Forgot my keys today. Haiz, so blur.
oh no.. ur appetite stil not good?? nex fri dinner liao lei.. mus tune back ur stomach to enjoy it..
now my chq book is redundant.. i always use axs machine one.

yah hor true.. he can't possibly tell me straight in the face Yes i only feel responsible towards u now... no more love.. wahhaaa.. K i'll ask him the same ? again tonight and force him to swear e truth wahhaa...

were u e customer?? tsk tsk tsk...
toking bout nipple cream.. sure wil crack one when doing breast feeding? If we pump milk wil it crack as well? i saw the one at mothercare having half price now.. $5 ony per tube.
i think just have a heart to heart talk with hubby and tell him ur longing to have your a place of your own esp since you both will have ur own family too. as long as he stands on same grounds with you when his family brings it up, there is a common understanding between the both you on your future plans.

i dun even get to see my hubby's credit card bills coz he has them online. but i am hoping that he will be willing to let me take over our family finances once the baby arrives.but i think partly also coz hubby sometimes will buy stuff for me and dun want do know e price,etc.. at the moment, he is still reluctant on letting go of control of his own expenses, etc.

just had a smoked salmon sandwich and a scone for lunch. yummy!! going to watch Wall-E tonite..hee..

I also check hubby credit card bill, although i'm also using his sup. card (usually i'll inform him when i signed, else i use my personal) and i'm like his secretary. Cause the accountant will ask me which item is company expenses, which are private expenses. So i'm kinda force to check it and identified the expenses to the accountant.
<font color="ff6000">peanut,
we'll also get sore nipples when BF. Maybe can chk out Mothercare.

If there's a demand on Lasinoh Lanolin, will u be starting a spree?</font>
At least your hubby control his expenses. My hubby doesn't even control his...just buy whatever he likes. Sometimes, so angry he spend without consideration, especially with the baby coming
So good.. i dun even hav sup card from my hub!!! He always say i richer than him so i shd sup card to him instead.. ganasai man..

most likely i'll only breast feed for 1st few days after than then pump pump liao. jus a few days wil hav crack nipple as well?
I also no supp card from hb lay. Tink i should go ask for one!

Bibi, i've emailed the spree organiser Mei76 liao. She replied tat she hasn't start a new spree, but will definitely keep u in t loop when she does. Cheers!
peanut, dun ask too much till forced him to a corner ah. haha.

alibaba, nt headache cos of ur hb bah? relax...

greengrape, my hb also dunnoe how to control his expenditure de .. sometimes I have to nag abit and remind him.

greengrape, lilian, I also got no supp. card de.
<font color="ff6000">peanut,
I'm also nt sure, me also 1st time mummy maybe the mummies here can give us advice? Heard Medela's one is about $9+. Nw my gf says can use breast milk to apply, naturally good and no chemical, wonder any mummies tried?</font>
Afternoon ladies,

from my experience, likely u will get sore nipple even for the first few days, unless u hv experience of bf.. For me after my 1st baby has borned, i bf him, but get sore/crack nipple on the 2nd or 3rd day cause of improper latching. But it can heal faster if u apply nipple cream, (i used Avent one), or apply some of your own breastmilk and air it.. It helps!

ur conversation with ur hubby yest was funny.. he is straightforward kind hor
jo> no la.. hb make me angry nia. haha.. my headache is real headache.. sometimes totally cannot work cos of it.. Jus pop one paracetomol.. hope it's ok soon...
greengrape, Jo,
my hubby same as your hubby, no control wan. Moreover what he spend is those exp wan lor.. like rims, tyre etc.. at least is hundred to thousand wan! Sometimes i hv to nag at him to sell away so can hv more space at home!
haha, actually my hubby IS a shopper. and he loves to splurge. normally i rather not spend the money but he will happily spend the money. that's why i am hoping he will let me manage both our finances when baby arrives.
Joyce, Haru
that's also part of the reason why hubby need to supp his card to me...cos careless hubby always left his wallet at home, in the office or in the car. A couple of time, we even went oversea with his wallet left at home ..*pianz
So if he goes out without his wallet, i have to pay for him and he knows i will not let him spend as he like. So he supp. the card to me and said he's the one paying, he's spending his own money... so in the end, I have to sign for him
why all men love to spluge on cars..my HB also splurged on my car number plate go and bid over $2k hiyoh i told him number is number lor..default number can do liao no need change still must troublesome go LTA change details.

He doesn buy clothes and all but his way of shopping also new rims, tyres, bodykit...*sigh* somemore v. ex one time normally few k.

Auggy bear: Hiyoh that men so unfaithful...3 yr divorce no feeling then why bother marry divorce must spend so much money. Also waste his own time. Nowadays divorce rates are high, dunno what ppl r thinking...
wow, ur hubby can really be forgetful. He is also smart, sup card to u and he pay so that u have no say if he wanna spend..

But think men are all the same, like bladers hubby, also like to splurge on car accessories.
